Pcfags STILL haven’t played RDR2
Other urls found in this thread:
should I care?
>does it matter that i haven't played the game of the generation
How do you know I haven't played it?
>big empty box is the game of the generation
The absolute state of consolefags
t. actually played it
Neither have console kiddies. You can't play movies.
I bought an XBONE just to play Red Dead II
Thanks Sis, it was worth it, such a good game. And I got to replay Destroy all Humans again.
Yeah I did, all I had to do was spend cash on an Xbox.
You'll never play and enjoy games at 144fps because you're poor
go play fortnite faggots
A new Destroy all Humans is getting revealed soon btw, it is more or less confirmed by now.
imagine not having a ps4
I already beat BotW.
>Buying an Xbone
>tfw there are people on this board who can’t afford both a console and a PC
>console wars
fuck off
besides, if you don't already own a pc and a ps4/xbone/switch, then you're the real poorfag here
>game isn't on PC
>"lmao you guys will never play it"
>gets announced
>enjoy playing it years after all of us did btw *insert spoiler*
>years later
>literally no one gives a flying fuck anymore
It happened with GTAV, it'll happen again
>inb4 Red Dead isn't a PC franchise
RDR1's development was almost as much of a mess as Revolver's, they quite literally could have not been able to release the game on PC even if they wanted to, the code was pure spaghetti. It'd be different if Sony or Microsoft owned the IP, but they don't. And after GTA Online and the millions of dollars they're making off of it even as we speak, it'd be outright retarded for the game to stay on current and next generation consoles.
I dont have a computer whatsoever
>le spaghetti code meme
Provide me with 1 piece of evidence. You cant, because its not true
Honestly it was that or Fallout 76 pre-order...this was AFTER I saw that awful Gamestop 50 minute gameplay video.
Better use of the money once the refund came in. Plus again my sister helped paid for half. She's a good sister, I love her.
the very idea of "must play" games is incredibly stupid. RDR2 could be the best game ever made but whether or not i play it is still completely meaningless to the quality of my life. there is no shortage of games to play on any system, more than enough to keep me entertained, and there is no way i'm spending hundreds of extra dollars to play a handful of exclusives.
>He doesn't want all those BC games
>He doesn't want the most powerful console for console exclusives
>He doesn't want split screen halo to play with his buddies
>Instead he wants an underpowered piece of crap to play good of war and uncharted 4
wew lad
Not him but I can imagine this games code got fucked hardtime after this game originally suffered from large development issues.
The cope is real holy shit
Imagine being so poor you don't own a gaming pc and a console.
I hope it'll be good.
And that Grant Albrect is still Crypto.
Nope. It's literally just a meme.
How can you be sure?
>paying for inferior hardware when you already have a PC
So literally nothing about the coding. Got it.
imagine seething this hard
>...there is just one title absent from our PC release plans – that game of course being Red Dead Redemption, and of course we’re well aware that some fans have been asking for it. All we can say is that whenever it is viable (technically, developmentally and business-wise) for us to release a game for PC (or any other particular platform) – we will and we usually do; unfortunately, that is just not the case 100% of the time for all platforms.
depends on wheather or not you are white
Based as FUCK
>yo the development is fuckity fucked
>but the bunch of word that make the game run has nothing to do with it
Imagine thinking this
yeah I sad
pls no make fun of
Every video game has development problems.
lmao what a retard
Show me evidence
Don't act like you faggots didn't only play it for a few hours and then dropped in the same week it released because you got filtered out by survival mechanics.
This is the quickest a rockstar game has ever been forgotten.
Some more than others. Houser pretty much pleaded to Leslie Benzies to come in and fix the game late in the dev process because it was supposedly a nightmare.
The pacing in this game is awful and there are a lot of moments where I was bored out of my mind. The game is beautiful, the story itself is interesting, and the gameplay is descent when you're finally in the thick of it, but there is way to much following NPCs as they talk to you and a lot of it is about the same thing; "What about the money?", "Have some GOD damn faith!", "Doc says I'm dying". There is no reason the vast majority of the missions couldn't have started in the actual starting place of the mission instead of starting in camp and then following the Character for ten minutes.
Also killing off Arthur and having us play as John, while a descent call back to the first game, was executed terribly, because it didn't leave anything behind for us. I had 3 Arabians, 2 thousand dollars, Maxed out every consumable, tonnes of clothing options, and all that is stripped away for finishing the game? What kind of retardation is that?
So absolutely no proof of "spaghetti" code. Ok.
The others already did fucknut
They didn't though
I have a PS4 pro and a gayman PC and still haven’t played it because I don’t want to slog through the game at 30 FPS.
poorfag detected
I'm not that guy you inbred.
But you were arguing his point
i've seen enough webms, it's a sleep simulator
You keep telling yourself that
Console wars are for children.
No, you said all games have dev problems and I said RDR had more problems than normal, that's literally it.
in the first game i skipped every carriage conversation and i don't think i missed anything. apparently everyone in the old west just said the same thing over and over.
it will be the most modded game of all time and benchmark for what PC games can push for a while faggot
Arthur dying was a mistake. The game should have ended after the Saint Denis Bank Robbery or Guarma for largely the same reasons the gang goes to shit after the final train heist and the Rains Falls quests should have taken place while the gang was in Valentine or Rhodes.
Every game is a nightmare for them they ended up cutting 6 hours of RDR2 and it's still long as fuck. They always overstretch themselves with a million ideas so it takes 8 years.
Who do you think posts in this threads?
>Arthur dying was a mistake
Why. Reason your points nibba
You don't lose much if you play your cards right, I kept 9 gold bars as Arthur and John got them all I went straight to the fence and then bought a $1000 horse at the start of the epilogue.
You posted in this thread, so you care at least enough to respond.
>This is the quickest a rockstar game has ever been forgotten.
It's literally outsold every game they've ever made besides GTAV. Fuck off. It's not even on PC yet or next gen consoles. Hardcore gamer's attempting to deny this product is cringe and ridiculous.
Arthur could have died, I just think the change to John Marston was carried out somewhat poorly from a videogame perspective. After spending almost 100 hours with Arthur, John and his family feel like a lackluster characters compared to Arthur's and his interactions with the gang or helping strangers. It makes a lot more sense for Arthur to be wandering the entire world after the gang is gone than it does for John to do so, as his whole thing is finally settling down. Also the game heavily punishes you for completing it, with all of your fancy clothing and prize horses stripped away from you in the Epilogue with no way to get them back. While the income from the Epilogue's ending is more than enough to get them back.
I personally would have preferred the Epilogue ending with John or Jack reading through Arthurs Journal full of his stories and wisdom and thinking back on the his life, transitioning into playing Arthur again.
A PC release and Undead Nightmare 2 will be shown off at E3
You're implying posting in Yea Forums takes a huge effort and a simple ost like that can't make countless anons mad
ahahahahahahaha seethe more please.
The hell, you keep all of Arthur's clothes.
Nope I played it through all the way and then did an evil run. They're tweaked some things since launch, it no longer requires a massive amount of food to stay above underweight like it used to now you can make a fat bullet sponge Arthur quite easily
>I don't care
>wastes even a moment to post that at all instead of ignoring the entire thread
You failed, user. If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't post at all.
Do people actually still care about this shit? Or is it purely because others don't have it?
Well that's good. I honestly just finished the whole thing off an hour ago. I was in the house looking for the wardrobe and was a bit peeved not finding it in the bedroom thinking the game expected me to go back into town and buy it all back, but looking it up apparently it's in the bathroom.
Even if you can buy the horses, I would have liked maintaining the trust and built up stats they had with me as Arthur.
>still haven't even bothered to buy RDR2
It looks like something I won't enjoy.
Not really. I care about the game so I'm in a thread about the game. Two, actually. What I don't care about if whether the game comes out on PC or not, as I've already played it. Seeing all these anons answering with "SEETHE" is great though.
>You can't play movies
it's a huge game that sold more than anything this gen other than GTAV, PUBG and Minecraft. I'd say it's pretty fucking relevant. New updates have only made the SP better, online is finally growing and getting better.
I want to date smex karen, can I?
And yet it was still boring as fuck to play. Open world games need to fuck off already.
nice immature bias. Where did rockstar touch you user?
My wallet.
RDR2 is mediocre at best and the fact people jerk off to it is fucking stupid. Same goes for GTAV.
it would be great if this came to PC
I'd love to see what the game looks like running at 60fps+
To you it's boring but to others it's a relaxing game when you're cruising the roads and all the animals and birds nearby are making sounds and you can go kill, eat, skin and sell them if you want. It's the closest thing to a "living breathing world there is. The level of detail is ridiculous even small interactions can change the world slightly like this youtube.com
have a ps4 slim 1tb right now but i just got a raise at my job. should i pick up a ps4 pro and ssd to max out performance for the game? also have the witcher 3 on my backlog, feel like im going to spend hundreds of spare hours just on those games alone.
also im sick of fucking chapter 3 already, where i cant use guns in town. had a dynamic event where a guy was getting rough a woman, he pulled a gun on me and i had to run him down with my horse. this is fucking bullshit.
The irony of Rockstar drones saying this to anyone else is that only underage/zoomers are the ones who think (modern) Rockstar is anywhere close to perfect.
>Snoyfags still haven't played RDR2 in the highest fidelity available
When the alternative is a PS4 I think he made the right choice.
If you want a living breathing world there's one outside.
The level of detail is inconsistent as it tries to be both realism and video game and is neither.
>consolefaggots pretending RDR2 was good
this is real comedy. it was mediocre as fuck, as all rockstar games have been, and this is coming from an idort.
Tell us what games aren't mediocre so we can laugh
My favourite game.
>e-celeb shit
Develop your own opinions you inbred retard
>it was mediocre as fuck, as all rockstar games have been
>the 6 hours that was cut is the low honor ending where you play as Dutch creating his gang of indians
Source? I found a reddit post but the rest of it sounded like complete bullshit
>literally the best selling rockstar game aside from 5 without a PC or next gen ports
I think it had a Sadie romance plot that was cut too
It's been forgotten. Normies moved on already.
that game is massively overrated by people who only know nintendo. it doesnt do anything that oblivion and fallout 3/nv didnt already do better
Why would I want to when both the first RDR and revolver were ass
sour grapes
>with all of your fancy clothing and prize horses stripped away from you
>can't get Buell until chapter 6
>he dies if you're riding him for the final mission and you lose all your horses when you switch to John anyway
>nurockstar shill
>link to movie game line
i have a ps4
Nooooooo! It's literally impossible you can only own one thing!
John can do 90% of the the stranger missions with his own unique dialog including getting Buell
cope harder please.
>an open world movie
He doesn't know
I don't get it. People hate Sony's 'movie games' but after beating RDR2 I have to say that this is more a movie game then god damn Uncharted 4
Own a PS4 and I'm not really interested in Open World Rockstar Game with Ludonarrative Dissonance #67, thanks though.
I've done a bunch of them as John and it doesn't seem like he gets any unique dialogue, he's just reading all Arthur's lines
It does weapon durability better than oblivion and the 3d fallouts. They don't have anything comparable to the climbing system either, unless you count running sideways up a sheer cliff.
>Regular RDR2 thread
>"I have been forgotten."
>"movie game"
>"Shit fucking controls"
>No RDR2 for PC thread
>"Game of the generation"
>"PCfags BTFO"
You BasedNiggers need to make your mind.
you forgot this: *exhales*
just looking out for ya, OP
Max Payne 3
I regret playing RDR2. By the time I got to the epilogue I just wanted the damn thing to end and here I am milking fucking cows and shoveling shit. Taking out bank loans even though I have thousands of dollars worth of gold in my bag.
It's weird. Rockstar want to make this open world you can explore and do whatever but every mission is completely linear and had to be done exactly how they tell you.
I wish the online wasn't total fucking ass.
t. adhd ridden zoomer
Have sex
Have you played a R* game before?
>ultra realism
>physics on character movement
>real needs like sleep or hunger
>game constantly on rails to make sure the player gets "the cinematic experience"
>walk into gun store
>"hey that gun looks nice, Ill have that"
>"no im sorry you havent played chapter X yet"
for fuck sake
More like I took my time and burnt myself out on the game by completely every side quest and doing every hunt while ignoring the main plot.
Yeah and they have the same problem in all of them since maybe SA.
I too play my games by removing any source of lighting
I'm going to sell my pos4 soon so I'll be a full pcfag. I've played it and it was awful.
Damn, imagine being a PCfag, ouch.
>and they have the same problem
Maybe it wasn't a problem 17 years ago and it's not a problem now because contrary to what the Internet seems to think RDR2 isn't an RPG ala New Vegas where you get to choose how to do missions.
>open world game
>everything has to be completely on rails for muh cinematic experience
Nah fuck that
It's not on rails you have 5 mission markers at any given a time and a shitload of side activities
>Nah fuck that
Nah fuck you. R* does linear missions, there's literally nothing wrong with that. I repeat, the game never tries to be an RPG where you can complete missions in different ways and playstyles. You can only complete missions one way in GTA, you can only complete missions one way in RDR1 and shocker, you can only complete missions one way in RDR2. The literal retards that go out of their way to ignore what the game tells them to do while doing the main quest and then complain as if they were fucking DSP because the mission failed are the real retards. You want freedom? Go do literally anything BUT the main quest.
>Implying this onions-filled sjw-cucked generation is a bar for anything
So having to do a mission exactly how you are told to isn't on rails because you can pick flowers when not in a mission?
Were you born this stupid or did you have to work for it?
wtf bros it was our turn to oggle at flopping horse testicles
That doesn't mean each of those missions doesn't have to be done in a very specific way. This video is long but at least watch for a few minutes at 2:40 to see how missions used to work in Rockstar games and how they work now.
So a game all about open world exploration and doing what you want shouldn't include this idea when doing missions?
listen mongoloid mongrel
i dont have the time so i need based youtube fags to tell me wheather or not i should even try.
(not like im going to give any videogame that comes out of california my money anyway lul)
No, why should it? There's literally NOTHING wrong with it.
Ah, there it is. I was wondering how long it would take you to post this video.
Pretty sure the main quest isn't "everything" you double nigger
>consolefags still care this much about gta in the desert
Played RDR1, overrated game. Don't care about the second.
>You want freedom? Go do literally anything BUT the main quest.
it's a damn shame, because i actually like the cast and most of the dialogue so i do the story basically to hang around javier and charles and bill williamson, my favorite guys, and get money. but beyond that, i have neither the time nor energy to invest in the story.
they could've just had a game where you're gathering a random group of voiced NPCs into the camp to do all the activities on the map and the story is how long your group survives.
There literally is something wrong with it. It's terrible design.
It's a story focused game so I'm not sure what you were expecting. This isn't Dishonored or some choose your way game. It's Rockstar's story and while they give the player some degree of freedom you are still specifically playing through their story.
The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>I never had a problem/it's on you
>your opinion doesn't matter
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>the controls are better than RDR1
>the horses are better than RDR1
>nobody complains about x
>it's a single player game
>it's not a twitch shooter
>it's only the beta (past catchphrase)
>reddit spacing
>angry PC gamer
>claims Never Without One is a crutch, but doesn't want ability cards removed
>input delay is a good thing
>lol cope
>online review scores
>Regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite:
>you never played the game.
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.
Only a fucking zoomer would think BOTW or RDR2 were good games.
So it's not an open world sandbox then?
It's not. Skyrim is an RPG. New Vegas is an RPG. The Witcher is an RPG. Red Dead Redemption isn't. You may be able to pick up flowers or spare NPCs here and there but you're asking for a game the developers have never intended to make in their 25+ career. Again, there's nothing wrong with a linear crafted storyline.
How do you fix the online Yea Forums?
RDR2 won
They don't cancel each other out.
It technically isn't. Killing somebody in the middle of nowhere will instantly get you a wanted level. NPCs will randomly start spawning around you after you kill someone, and they're all able to "report" you within 10 seconds. The cops know exactly where you are too. It's a good thing Rockstar added an honor system so the person playing the game can be a good boy and not get into any trouble.
It is. Why have an open world game if the only way to continue is on a rail roaded mission?
If you start them as Arthur and finish it as John he usually gets lines explaining who he is and Arthur passed away since they last saw him, then goes back to the way it normally goes.
what's the best point in the story progression to stop and just do all the side activities
You must be one of the last 50 players that are still online. Keep buying those gold bars. Swallow that load
Beginning of chapter 5
>no im sorry you havent played chapter X yet
I hate how anti fun rockstar is these days, like patching out the glitch that allowed you to enter New Austin in chapter 4 or not adding any of the new weapons they add in online to single player.
Because you can open world the other 90% of the game. Rockstar tells the story they want as they've always done, non-retards don't have a problem with that and everyone that matters is happy.
And consolebros dropped it after a week. GTAV has more people playing now.
>So a game all about open world exploration and doing what you want shouldn't include this idea when doing missions?
I don't think there's much connection between the two things that you're talking about. I mean, if you're asking for that from the missions, then you're asking it to become an RPG with branching storylines.
Reminds me of Erron Black desu
>tfw pcfag that went psfag for death stranding/red dead
Honestly, they're not missing out on much.
tbf GTA Online has 6 years worth of content
But retards are the ones who love everything handed to them directly and completely spelled out so they don't need to think.
Hey man, dutchposting was good since it didn't overstay it's welcome anywhere near as much as shit like Chrisposting at start the dumb meme of nuClaire actually being attractive.
Missions don't need to be RPG branching but they should let you do them however you want. MGSV wasn't an RPG but you could do them however you felt like.
and a community that has festered in it's own shit-filled kiddie pool for 6 years
More like retards are the ones that can't get into their thick skulls the fact that Rockstar doesn't make RPGs and have always had the same main quest structure for all their games. Yet no one complained until now even if older games were also open world because it wasn't until now that their favourite youtuber told them what to think.
>Doing side shit as sick Arthur
No. Chapter 4 after you get Jack.
Which most of it is garbage. Will say though if they ever made the racing into a standalone game, I would buy the shit out of it.
Also true. Hopefully Red Dead Online's time period will stop that from happening here too.
I never mentioned RPG in my posts so I wouldn't be calling others retards if I was you. It's entirely possible to do open world missions instead of telling me exactly what to do at all given times and failing me automatically for even slightly deviating from it.
Mission tell you to go to a place, go there however you feel like.
Mission tells you to kill someone, use whichever weapon you feel like.
There, welcome to Rockstar's games. Either don't mind it or bugger off.
Yeah, it's a crime to own a ps4 and pc. 25 ta life for that shit.
At least you acknowledged rockstar mission design is trash.
>I wouldn't be calling others retards if I was you
But I want to call you a retard, user. I feel like you are.
>It's entirely possible to do open world missions instead of telling me exactly what to do at all given times.
Sure, it is possible. But R* doesn't make that kind of game, never has, never has implied they wanted to, and expecting that then complaining you're not getting it is retarded.
>"for even slightly deviating..."
lmao. What's the problem user, missions so complicated you keep failing them?
But it isn't, there's LITERALLY nothing wrong with that mission structure.
not really. i got the game yesterday. it's alright but definitely not worth all the hype. i can see why it was forgotten after 2 months
Yeah there is.
But it isn't you niglet
>step off the exact designated path
>mission failed
Nah you're right there's literally nothing wrong with the design. Everything should be 200% linear and cinematic.
For them trying so hard to make you care about the gang members they really underutilised a lot of them in favour of shoving you into missions with Dutch or Charles, and in chapter 5 onwards Sadie, Lenny to a lesser extent as well. Outside of random shit that happens at the camp they don't really get much. I imagine some people had no fucking clue who Molly was when she shows up screaming in camp if they didn't spend much time their outside of missions, since she does fuck all except try and talk to Dutch in a few cutscenes only to get brushed off. Javier, the most underdeveloped of the original gang members does absolutely fucking nothing save get caught in Gurama and act like a cunt after and side with Micah. They really needed to let you take gang members with you out into the open world, make a system similar to hanging out with your biker bros in Lost and the Damned.
Provide actual examples and not baseless accusations, maybe then I'll start taking you seriously.
But it is.
>Attempt to flank enemy by circling around
>MISSION FAILED: You abandoned Dutch
Nah, fuck off shill.
Oh no, not another one of you retards shitting up the thread. There's nothing wrong with the way Rockstar make their main quests. It wasn't a problem with GTA III, it wasn't a problem with RDR1 and it definitely isn't a problem in RDR2 no matter what your favourite YouTuber says.
it's not like they're missing much. sure it's beautiful but god damn is it ever boring. PCbros, if you're really that interested in rdr2 i genuinely hate to say this, just watch it on youtube. it's not worth the time.
Different user but there's plenty of missions where I did that kind of thing and it worked flawlessy. What mission are you talking about?
Fairly sure it isn't. Is this their first game you play? Why are you so ass blasted about such a non-issue?
>game of the generation
nah, they shit the bed on this one. arthur was cool but i didn't give a shit about him.
I got one during the mission where you help the deputy arrest moonshiners, tried to flank the guys who start shooting at you and Bill by going around the trees and got a game over over it.
How can you shit up a thread that was shit to begin with?
Mostly cause I'm bored and people in threads like this are easy (you)s
My only complaint about this game is that you can't get the repeating shotgun until the end.
>get sweet as fuck looking coyote scout jacket from trapper
>head back to camp
>Uncle asks what the fuck am I wearing
>Tell the faggot to fuck off
>Proceeds to shit on my sweet jacket some more
>ignore the faggot, hes just mad
>every single fucking person in camp starts shitting on my jacket
0/10 shit game, why would I want to play a game where you're in a gang full of no taste shitters?
Mhm, not doubting you but I'm fairly sure those moments are the exceptions instead of the rule. As other anons have said you have the same amount of freedom as in other R* games, ie the game tells you to go somehwere or kill someone but the way you do it is up to you. Guess the missions with the gang AI are less forgiving.
Fair enough.
Nah. Don't know about online but single player gets boring fast. I liked RDR1 better.
>actually being this mad
That nakeyjakey faggot is a redditor but he makes some good points in that video of his about this game.
RDR1 was the better game overall in terms of being enjoyable to play and to do fun shit in but Arthur was more of a human bean then John and had a better story. 1 also had liars dice since rockstar are faggots and had John reference the game during poker but not let you actually play.
What does Yea Forums think of Mary-Beth Gaskill?
You fucking lie
Made me mad you couldn't fuck any hookers in the game because I really wanted to fuck the freckles right off her face.
>imagine being an adult this bootyblasted about a video game
i played it a while ago
legit one of the worst games i have ever played if u think red dead 2 is good ur a normalfag 80 iq
Not him but looked it up and found this. I know its not a pastebin but I'm a lazy fuck.
Wonder if it will be set in the 70s.
bing bing
They're gonna ruin it aren't they?
The story in this game is way to fucking long and by the end everything had felt repetitive for the past 10 hours of gameplay. I was really hoping Guarma would provide some decisive character insight that'd tear the group apart and end the story, but nope, we abandon the Southern Plantation Home to go live in the rape cave of some Kentucky hicks. Which not only punched my sense of progression right in the dick but also ruined my desire to build up anything again since I felt the game would just come steal it from me anyway. A fear that was totally validated by the ending.
God damn it Rockstar, give me my Horses back.
It's because you're wearing a hot winter jacket in the summer and look like a retard
>they changed character creation with the recent update
>female faces trannified even harder then before
>50 new nigger templates added
holy fucking shit it's like they're hell bent on making your 18 year old character look like a boomer crack whore
what the actual fuck is wrong with R*
this is pretty accurate, and i have the game.
>what the actual fuck is wrong with R*
I've been wondering this myself, pretty much every update seems to make the game worse or break something, last I played I couldn't grow my beard past level 7 in single player despite downing 3 tonics every day.
beard growth drastically slows down after level 6, and 3 tonics a day doesn't help. only one a day will effect beard growth.
Level 8-10 beard takes longer than 1-7 to grow, over a month in game with the hair tonics
i did play BOTW
fortnite is the definition of a empty game
is 100 people running around in a a empty world that keeps getting smaller
I recall someone posting a page from the guide which mentioned how drinking more tonics then needed would speed up the growth process. I don't even know why I want it, I prefer Arthur with a level 4 moustache and everything else level 3.
>game of the generation
Normalfag pls go
If you think they wouldn't do a PC version, you're deluded. Look at how many players GTAIV gets just because of its online. Shit's a fuckin' cash cow for Rockstar.
RDR2 will be no exception, because PC is the king of microtransaction whales.
Meant GTAV. Not awake yet.
This it'd make sense for them to put it on pc since rdr2 online has already been tanking for consoles
there is more stuff to do in the starting area of BOTW than both RDR games conbined.
>MISSION: Infiltrate the refinery!
>Go through a different door than the one the game demands
It's spoiled by Rockstar's retarded mission structure.
Everyone says E3
More stuff doesn't mean better game user. It's why both rdr2 and botw suck.
Imagine the roleplay servers.
Doubtful Botw just has all these copypasted shrines
I'd like to play the game, but if it doesn't come out on PC I just never will. I refuse to fuel anti-consumer practices with my money and I will not buy inferior hardware just to play a couple of good games. Fuck consoles, fuck exclusives, and fuck corporate dicksuckers. I will keep playing on my PC at 60 FPS and free multi-player, thank you very much.
>Supporting 2K, and TakeTwo Interactive
I still think that BotW sense of progression with items was a bit weak, and a lot of it's aesthetic choices weren't the strongest. Item deterioration doesn't feel very heroic or adventurous and is something I never would have wanted for a Zelda game. It definitely has an extremely strong grasp of the fundamentals of an open world game though. A similar entry to the series with either more or large Temples that are more thematically distinct from each other would be great.
>imagine wasting 2 tonics a day because you don't understand how they work
Cheats in RDR2 are also fucking shit because most of them are locked behind story progressed newspapers and can't let you FUCKING SAVE
Chapter 4 before going after Bronte or right before the Saint Denis bank robbery
>It does weapon durability better than oblivion and the 3d fallouts
no it fucking doesnt lmao but keep telling yourself that nintendtard
assblasted redditor
>buy RDR2
>PS4 breaks
Jokes on you, the last AAA game I even paid money for was MGSV. Are you actually bragging about sucking down the slop that is laid before you? You got your graphics fucking downgraded for GTA:O HORSIE EDITION which turned out to be even worse than GTA:O when it launched. Good lord, the cheek.
>weapon durability in BotW
Next you'll post a webm to showcase the potential of BotW's combat that took an hour to set up for less payoff than simply attacking
I've never owned a nintendo console, BotW was my first Zelda game and I could not be bothered to even make it half way though that shit. Like it or not, you have to admit the durability system in Zelda at least impacted gameplay instead of just being tedious menu diving that slows everything down. Durability was one of the worst parts of those bethesda and obsidian games.
But I have. It's good.
>Kkk bad ps buy these gold bars
No if you did you'd have played it or at least taken steps to play it by now, I have a ps4 but I haven't played it because it just doesn't interest me.
What about going through the door the game is actively telling you to go through, then? Can't you follow basic instructions?
Weapon Breaking is universally an awful mechanic. Weapon upkeep is much better but can be tedious, a sharpness system via Monster Hunter is the only rendition of it I can really tolerate. God tier weapons have a god tier edge which you'll need for the strongest of enemies, but when you're fighting scrubs you can pretty much ignore it a still slice through any defense they may put up.
Finally, a game that not only let you kill racist white trash, but rewards you for doing so.
the modern "open" world game, everybody.