Someone at Nintendo posted a "teaser" for the next game in the Paper Mario series and deleted it shortly afterward.
Looks like someone at Nintendo is getting fired
Fake, Tanabe would never allow it
sure they did
Omg paper Mario confirmed for smash
>unironically making a fake leak thread
>twitter for android
at least you tried
Oh boy. I can't wait for Sticker Star 3!
>calling it Paper Mario 6 when the last four games have been bad
Bold move.
Why is paper mario unwanted in smash? To me I think its ridiculous, regardless of how shit most the games are.
Just let it die peacefully already, stop raping its corpse
>still using paper
they should've upgraded to cardboard. fucking pathetic.
Probably bullshit, probably shit if not.
you tried OP
If someone told me in 2004 that I wouldn’t be excited about new Paper Mario games some day, I wouldn’t have believed it. Now? I literally don’t give a shit anymore, it’s a dead series.
Even if that were true user who gives a fuck about Paper Mario anymore.
Oh boy, I can't wait to see how bad this one is.
Muh mario clone is the argument most people come up with when in reality if Paper Mario actually got in he’s got the potential for a much more interesting kit than Mario. Not like it’ll happen anyways, Nintendo doesn’t give a single fuck about Paper Mario, they’ve made that very clear.
Fuck you all, i enjoyed all 5 of them. Get over yourselves.
This, they've forgotten the meaning of the game
well fuck you, i only enjoyed 3 of them
OP had a leak in her pants.
Nobody can help the fact that you have zero taste, user. SS and CS are style over substance garbage. Visuals can’t save gameplay.
You know this is fake just from the fact that it's missing the second white outline
>xer dilator