Do you have any predictions for Death Stranding?
For me, when I first saw the game I was on the Kojima basedboys train
but now years later I'm honestly thinking that it might turn out to be downright bad. A shit game if you can put it that way.
I hope I'm wrong, but everything about this game so far just screams
>what does gameplay mean? I've never heard that word before, It's all about PRESENTATION AND STARPOWER BABY
Do you have any predictions for Death Stranding?
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Major points I have picked up on:
>Inversions, things that are upside-down or backwards. Inversions upon inversions; inverted rainbows with inverted colours. Upside-down fish in ocean-limbo. Handprints appear as if from somebody reaching up from below. Black strands stretch up or down depending on perspective but they connect two opposite worlds.
>Chirals do not sense sound, but motion, or feeling, or something more like cell activity, hence breath-holding. Breath control leads to calming.
>HUGE: gameplay decisions must not be made from fear. We see Sam die as soon as he tries to run. Bridges employee dies after unloading his weapon in fear. Sam knows better by this point, stays very still and the chiral gets distracted by a scream from the trapped employee.
>Reedus has stated his character has a phobia of touch that goes away over the game. Kojima will reinforce this hugely with controller vibration etc., think Seydoux's arm-grab intro. Obvious connection to handprints, FEAR OF BEING TOUCHED
>Chirals, handprints, floating silhouettes, these are not all necessarily the same beings.
>Mikkelson is a truer embodiment of the dark side of this coin. Inhabits an alternate reality to Sam but tries to draw him there as we see with the doll. Cords connect to him. Oil within his body.
>Baker is as human as Sam. Needs to hide his face unlike the Soldier. His gold is his power but there are practical limits. Any time we see gold he is nearby, he can't just manifest it. Likely it is taken directly from his gold, so we only see thin layers of gold dust on the corpse and the lion. Practical limitations to his power.
>Some think Joosten's character has no arms. She is being transported in a straitjacket so as to prevent her from acting out of fear.
>There is only a small class of people such as Sam who can keep their cool enough to travel between the cities, mostly those with DOOMS but not necessarily. See how non-DOOMS employees travel in a jeep with hugely raised wheels. Separation equals less fear.
>Baker works for one company, Seydoux for another, Sam for another. Think MGS, Kojumbo loves complicated factions.
>Seydoux wants to recruit Sam but so does Baker. Seydoux merely asks but Baker tests him to make him stronger. Sam gets by because he has no real powers
inb4 it is really Silent Hill
It will be kino
>>what does gameplay mean?
>Seydoux can teleport similarly to Baker, hinted at in cutscenes. Teleportation generates electromagnetic field which stimulates her ferrofluid epaulettes, not chirals. See blurring around Baker. See Baker's flapjack stop focusing on the lion for a second before he teleports; this is quantum entanglement, existing in two places at the same time.
>We might be able to augment Sam's abilities, lot of people think we can turn him into Ludens. Maybe he can teleport, etc. but at what cost?
>Not everybody has a baby, Sam's is special and he doesn't isn't carry it around at all times. Baker's is an inversion of Sam's, black, unmoving
>design babies in artificial wombs are checkpoints.
Sam has at least two modes of operation
>Delivery mode
The control and his sensors of angle allows the character to move.
>Survival mode
Allows to run as hell.
>The man in the golden mask is the avatar for the multiplayer, it works as invasions in Dark Souls, you can help the host player or fuck his shit up
>Every time you died you destroy the environment. So, you can invade players and destroy the environment as a fucking troll.
>Milkelssen world is critique of massive multiplayer shooter games: Is a limbo of eternal warfare between spooky skeletons.
>Milkelssens (agressive players) can help or boitcot Sam players just like Golden Masks players.
>Perhaps Baker isn't all powerful, perhaps his company is copying Bridges tech rather than his actually being more advanced?
>Sam's flapjack contains more moving parts, moves more mechanically, Baker's is more organic. A reflection of their modus operandi
>Obvious Egyptian connection with Baker's character. Company called "Pharoah" or something similar. Baker is Osiris, black and green. Mikkelsen is Set, red.
>Inversion: Ancient Egyptian mythology says gold is the flesh of the gods. Baker's gold is bone. The gold on the lion's face acts as almost an exoskeleton, binding the black substance. Gold used as a conductor. See electricity in Baker's mask
>This is Kojima, all gameplay elements grounded in consistent realistic detail. Limitations to all power. Power corrupts.
>Hugely detailed inventory system, maybe no HUD at all. Interesting to see how this can be done without being tedious. We must choose every single item that Sam brings, we can use every single item.
>"The Man who Delivers" this is Kojima after MGSV kek
Not exactly a unique prediction, and I definitely didn't call it years in advance, but
>It's a PS5 launch title
>Sam's health deteriorates realistically. Extra boots necessary for journeys. Toenail ripping is a real gameplay mechanic. Showering mechanics. Infection mechanics. Where can this end? Amputation mechanics?
>Gameplay doesn't take place entirely in the wasteland. We get to pick up the packages and deliver them as well as porting them. Seydoux: "coming into town?" Extremely detailed townships, cities, huge variation between them; think Fallout 3. Multiplayer elements affecting cities, not just the wasteland
>Huge emphasis on choosing correct route, think how open MGSV was, Kojima's "any angle" approach, then increase by the same order of magnitude. Critical thinking needed, straight lines will definitely be a bad idea.
>Sam likely put the ladder across the chasm himself but not the rope on the cliff. Either he put it there himself previously, or his company did, or another player did. Therefore we will establish regular safe routes to take again and again much as you do in a MGSV mission only in a much larger world.
>Rain = timefall, which rapidly ages things, but not this simple. "The past just won't let go." Timefall expended once raindrop makes impact with ground. See very safe reinforced hoods, automatic hood/lifejacket when Sam falls in water, latter only to stop water from going down his neck
>Sam's past. Photograph seen in trailer. Game will likely start before the Death Stranding, but not in a comprehensible way. Think the character creation at the beginning of MGSV, and how it actually ties into the themes of the story.
>Sam is definitely a reluctant hero. "I only make deliveries." Serial number on his coat seems like a prisoner's. Possibly indebted to Bridges, but imagine some inversion of this kind of character. He wants to be indebted because of something. Some reason for his refusal to join Seydoux
>Walker is an AI who controls a simulation/some portion of the parallel universes. The AI Google is currently building
>Amputation mechanics
Everything related to Metal Gear since 3 has been garbage, with the exception of Rising. Kojimas lost his mojo years ago
>NEW TRAILER OUT TOMORROW 27th MAY. Hinted by Baker pointing at number 27 in a livestream.
>There is much much more gameplay in the trailers than at first sight. Even non-gameplay scenes represent Kojima's idea for what gameplay will be like. New trailer will be 100% taken from the game.
>Unprecedentedly small ludonarrative dissonance. The gameplay and the narrative will be nearly indistinguishable. Kojima is aiming to break huge barriers here, one is the uncontrollable nature of cutscenes. Maybe you can never put down your controller.
Kojima gave Konami a game because that what he was contracted to do. The missing "third act" of MGSV is actually the true narrative that he wanted, themes of death and peace and connection. Instead he took this away from Konami and used the time to polish gameplay to an unbelievably smooth level. He let his ideas brew inside him for years more. Traces of his ideas for DS can be seen in MGSurvive, Konami's poor recreation of what he was envisioning. DS is MGS5 (kind of, and NOT MGSV) and SH rolled into one and made cohesive. I say kind of because I think MGSV is part of the ruse and he may still make MGS5 one day
Oh, so that explains why he was fired.
>wasted 5 years and over $80mil as some meta joke
Kojima won't deliver 70% of the things he promisedbut it'll still be a good game
MGSV is gameplay and almost nothing else, he used Konami's time to increase his dev skills (esp. open world) while giving them nothing lasting. MGSV was his testing ground for a lot of putative ideas that will be fully realized in DS. He saw his time with Konami coming to an end, knew it would be ugly, why would he give them his true brilliance when he could withold it from them? MGSV is hated because it has none of Koji's real charm. DS will have all of this and more
Kojima knows his own reputation better than you think. He purposefully downplays his proficiency in English to be underestimated, he talks through an interpreter to emphasise his aura of untouchability. There are many very complicated English spoonerisms woven into MGS, Kojima hides them with his accent.
Kojima never fully delivers on what he has promised, he knows this. But Sony has kept him quiet about DS (and if the money men know they're sitting on black gold...) which is probably for the best. What has he actually promised? What is Sam? THE MAN WHO DELIVERS
i just hope the structure of the game is more like his recent games then mgs 4. Most of the charm is his games is in the codecs and not the cut-scenes and i care way more about mechanical density then story
you forgot your trip Caramel
Mechanical density will certainly exist in inventory management, probably also tech upgrades. Sam can talk to his Bridges commander in only one scene so far. Not always in contact like MGS. Things like cassettes (Sam's photo), Kojima wants us to form genuine emotional connections to objects. These will be more subtle than cassettes and not so entertaining. Being alone in the wasteland is boring to a certain extent but there will be PLENTY of items for us to interact with
nuh uh
>all these people giving credit to Kojima storytelling
It's not even his forte.
He used to be great at game design, his stories always laid out some intricate master plan only for Hideo to run out of time and wrap everything up in some act 3 1 hour long exposition dialogues.
It happens in Snatcher, it happens in MGS, it happens in MGS 2 and 4 and in MGS3 is only mitigated by the game being a prequel.
In MGS V he didn't even bother with dialogues and just left fucking exposition cassettes.
Bump for interest
Possibly all gameplay elements will be mechanically dense. Look at Sam's backpack on the irl sculpture. Imagine you need to pack
>flathead screwdriver
>Phillips head screwdriver
>needlenose pliers
>wire cutters
>soldering iron
Or you can't fix your flapjack
Then imagine this is 3/35 pockets
Plasters to prevent blisters from forming, all types of medicaments, drugs to alter Sam's performance in various ways. Extra shoelaces. Little Ludens totems for your babyjar. Different kinds of dreamcatchers. Replacement VOID IF BROKEN tape so you can steal from packages. Noticable lack of fire in trailers so far but cookong will almost certainly be a mechanic. Tools for shelter. Tools for cutting, for digging, a marlinspike for rope, lots of tools. There's nobody to rein him in this time, there are no realistic limits any more. The level of detail in this game is going to be off the charts. You will have to make decisions about every single piece of kit. Go light and fast and adaptable or heavy and slow and overprepared? There will be many many different gameplay styles but all equally mechanically described
>what does gameplay mean? I've never heard that word before, It's all about PRESENTATION
You just described the Metal Gear series.
Hell, the only reason you are mad at MGSV is because it's an actual game and not yet another shitty movie.
Guys just listen but what if....alright calm down and listen.... what if.... death stranding.... is not an exclusive?
That would be like the craziest thing right?
>Only on Playstation
>Death Stranding not in it
I was the complete opposite. I saw the 1st 2 trailers and thought this game might turn out to be complete shit. Then that golden mask trailer showed up and now im a little more hype for the game.
MGSV's gameplay was genuinely unprecedented: for stealth, for third person, for animation, for enemy AI, for diversity of tools, for emergent gameplay, for realistic mechanics... I could go on. It's his best GAME by far
Kojima is a terrible NARRATIVE DIALOGUE writer. It's because he's Japanese and they have no idea of subtlety in storytelling but again he's aware of all this. Look at the non-narrative dialogue in MGSV. Conversations between Soviet guards and S. African mercs is so different yet so realistic in both cases. DS will have proper serious narrative dialogue. Even if Kojima didn't want this (I think he does) Sony have been doing their own QA on DS.
The Golden Mask trailer gives me hope for cool boss fights, and actual fights in general.
Can't wait to see how Kojima handles HUD/menus/UI in this game because it's something he does really well yet he's obviously trying to minimize it for a more immersive experience. There's no way to choose between all those pockets without scrolling through a list or it would be like fucking Surgeon Simulator
Definitely gonna be cool boss fights in the game but Sam's power level in this trailer is nowhere near high enough to fight the thing. This is what TMITGM says "We can always tweak the rules a little" aka spike the difficulty level without warning. All you can do is not get eaten. If you play this game the wrong way it will fuck you in the ass.
How could you think Kojima could do no wrong even as soon as this was revealed? MGSV had already come out at that time
Except the story was the least of its problems. V was garbage because the gameplay itself was awful. So it seems like you like shitty games
The gameplay wasnt bad imo, but V's problem was that it had two huge maps with little to do besides reused side ops and story missions. And some bases are far more better designed than others.
I kind of think DS will get a metacritic in the 70s-early 80s, better than Days Gone at least. I just think dudebros who followed kojima only for MGS wont know what to make of it.
Metal Gear