Which one should i get for 3ds VC? i was thinking yellow but if it doesn't let me play in black and white that one is a hard pass for me due to the awful yellow tint.
Which one should i get for 3ds VC...
Yellow is the only good gen 1 game.
>buying GB Pokémon
>Yellow tint
Pokémon Yellow on GBC doesn't have a yellow tint. Battles are in full colour, and the overworld changes colour depending on location.
Are you sure? i played it a long time ago and it had that.
Yeah there are many different colors in the game depending on where you are
Yellow because you can get all the starters. The only mons you cant get are the rocket mons and I think one of the nidoran lines.
So wait, are the battles all yellow?
I was planning on getting one of them on VC, it's the yellow tint i remember that makes me have to ask, as aside from colors yellow is better
how about the remake?
Why not emulate it on your phone?
None of them. Get megaman v on the gameboy instead.
You should probably get a GSC game, then head back to .
is it that hard to use Google, user? The cities change color, the battles use a limited color palette.
This one
>Battles are in full colour
>So wait, are the battles all yellow?
just emulate Leaf Green/Fire Red actually, the best versions of Kanto
Yellow is a gameboy color game, meaning that it plays in color. I have no idea where you got the idea that the game plays in yellow.
Are you fucking retarded?
just going off my memory man, if they are indeed full color and not a monotone tint then i'll get yellow, is there a black and white option though?