How do we fix Red Dead Online?
How do we fix Red Dead Online?
You don't let it crash and burn so they realize Singleplayer DLC is the way to go.
still playing a dead game, good shill
Fix the garbage servers so I can play more than five minutes
I'm playing it right now. It's slowly getting better. Poker was a nice addition.
I don't know -- I uninstalled after the first week and never went back.
So, I just started the game, how long does it take to get to level 50? Only gonna play Online to get the achievements.
Still have a bad taste in my mouth from GTA:O
Fix the character creation so everyone isn't ass fucking ugly
They finally did though didn’t they? They increased the amount of gold and cash you get from everything in the game by I think it was 25% each, and they finally added ponchos, the LeMat revolver from the first game that everyone’s been begging for, more story missions for each morality side and even fucking poker. Fucking stupid there’s no way to sell stolen horses or carriages yet though, literally retarded.
Black lipstick is my fetish
>still no free aim lobbies
I'm doing my part killing every female character on sight.
fucking this.
By adding sex animations like Wicked Whims
just take your time, it's pretty easy to do a good male too
>Bring back the repeatable, reliable and easy to trigger Gang hideouts
>bring back liar's dice
>add free aim servers
>mexican standoffs
>add simple 1vs1 big team modes, none of this multi team bullshit
These are such simple things they can implement and I don't know why they won't. I do not want to play FFA choose your weapon or multiteam shit.
Add a way for me to redo my fucking character. Or another character visual slot. Anything, please.
this but darkies, I prefer to lasso the ladies
>private mode
>romanceable waifus
fixed it for you
I don’t remember how they work in 1 but in 2’s online there are gang hideouts all over, you just have to get close enough before they’ll spawn for you so you can’t just mark it from the other side of the map.
that looks like dog shit.
you can delete your character in the character screen after the pause menu and you can change everything but your face and name if you don’t want to restart
2019. . .
I am buried
by time and dust. . .
damn that’s a good girl
real talk when the ranching update comes out we better be able to get our waifus pregnant and start a traditional american family
In GTA Online you can redo your character by paying 100000, they'll probably add it in an update later down the line months from now because they're a buncha lazy cunts
Apparently that's coming next update
Still no word on having a second character slot though. Be shame if there isn't after they add the supposed "rpg" elements.
>tfw poker is blocked in my country
Exctly. having to level up two characters will be shit but at least that way I'll be able to do both Low and High Honor exclusive missions without having to grind like a mad man every single time.
Fix the unstable servers for a start
It's Rockstars meme. Everyone must be ugly
This is after nerfing a lot of Activites ,like hunting and fishing, by 50%
LeMat is ok, doesn't really add anything amazing (plus no SP addition so fuck them)
Poncho looks garbage. It fucking hovers over your shoulder. Looks as stiff as a month old cumrag
How do you do fellow pole
They have been heavily nerfed since release. First weekend I found about 6-8. Last five sessions I have found 1. Not to mention of those 6-8 I got about 4 maps.
They'll never add kids
>You don't let it crash and burn so they realize Singleplayer DLC is the way to go.
you mean let it?
Commas are important.
I believe he missed a comma, user.
In 1, they were permanently marked and available at all times in the map and you could repeat them over and over.
They'll just abandon it and go back to GTA:O
I had to pick a girl character because the males were so fucking ugly.
Wouldn't the face be the main thing you want to change?
I'm good with my girl (same reason I picked her, the men were horrible at launch), but I wouldn't mind being able to tweak her face with the new tools to make an even better one.
Make her get HORSED