Manlets have shorter nerves meaning less lag basically meaning they are superior gamers, your thoughts?

manlets have shorter nerves meaning less lag basically meaning they are superior gamers, your thoughts?

Attached: manletsrevenge.jpg (602x578, 85K)

My thoughts are that manlets are cute and I want to hug them.

I think Coolsville sucks

>tfw averagey not-manlet-not-lanket masterrace

I don't come to this board to be reminded of my short fucking height

>manlet cope

Only people that bring up manlet threads are insecure manlets and mental manlets, both are fucking pathetic.

>the 6 ft tall but a 5'4 manlet friend has a cute girlfriend and I have none

You fucks lied, you said girls go for taller men

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Is 180cm king of manlets? I dunno what that is in burger units

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which might you be

How many times are you gonna make this thread

but girls only go for who has the most money and biggest dick, height and muscles only attract whores

I guess they gotta make up for being inferior in every other way somehow so sure. You tykes are so cute with your pouty insecurity.

Are you fat and poor?

I left and came back what's your excuse user

Imagine being a man and unironically shorter then 5’9. Just imagine.

They are also short

Attached: roll.jpg (3154x2493, 796K)


Not fat and I have a bit of money saved up but not ruch by any means

It sounds cool, being 6'3" fucking sucks, nothing ever feels like it fits or was made for me. The world was fucking built for 5'9" people.

and what would you call girls who only want money and big dick?

I think that's above average in burgerland

Whose Brad?

Gimme spellsword

aahh, yes, another american thread
god bless burgers, fries, cheese blocks and america

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Best class coming through


Rollin - Limp Bizkit

les go


hehehe this is awesomeeeeeeeee i hope i get a cool one
Yea Forums!!!

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Literally anything other than bard, the cancer of all good roleplay.

I think the manlet is losing it

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loremaster coming through

>Arcane Archer - 44
It's literally Mage + Rogue, why the fuck is it in the middle.

You realize it takes more effort to go to archive then it is for him to make a thread about this

Manlet OP
>post image that takes 1 second
>write short sentence

>reverse search image on archive
>go to paint to crop image
>save image
>post image


A pure thief is just picking pockets and sneaking around and shit

All it takes is to drag and drop the op's image into the archive. You are a fucking dumb ass.

Wait, I might actually suck cocks.
Archer is Rogue+Fighter? Is that supposed to make sense somehow? Maybe I just don't know shit, but to me it doesn't.


u love the OP and want to marry them

I see. Apologies, I do seem to know nothing.

rogue is more ranged weapons fighter is more get in there and fuck shit up

>open up archive
>drag and drop image
>open paint to crop image
>open Yea Forums again
>post image
>write short sentence

Hoping for chad

ronin that's pretty badass

Attached: roll.png (305x500, 90K)


I can't imagine it being different enough to be relevant.

When will they learn

>jannies delete one offtopic thread
>they leave this thread alive
jannies confirmed for manlets


Cope for what?

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You lose your ability to be good at fast reaction based games when you near 30, so lotta good that'll do you unless you plan to kill yourself in your 20s.

>be Latino
>Latino midget race all around me
>usually among the tallest in the room
>people shorter than me STILL slay pussy constantly
>come to realize they are all thots and probably got lupus by now and are unsatisfied with themselves in other areas anyway
Don’t even get upset anons, no good relationships/marriage relied on a mans height. If anything stick to small chicks, it’s like having a loli but for real and not illegal

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If you look at SSBM players (which requires insane reaction times) you can see that most players are kinda short.

Get the fuck off me you lankfag.

Finally a good fucking roll

Attached: stupid.jpg (416x512, 54K)

Le epic roll

lets go

>Too small for the rollercoaster? Awww sorry sweetie, you'll have to wait for Chad and us at the carrousel.

Attached: rollercoaster.jpg (600x342, 31K)

Rollin on the river.

Attached: 988.jpg (500x371, 179K)

Let’s go bois

les goooo

>image full of women
always knew he was a tranny.


Gimme a good class

I'm a lover not a fighter.


He's behind with Stacy.