Remember when these used to be defended for "no loading screens"?

And we all forked out $80 for something that had each game to be compressed to hell and back (thus turning each platforming game into an open-world game), smeared textures, muddy visuals, godawful 2D sprite rendering, heavy fog, and only 3 or so games had complete voice acting (and highly compressed as well)?

I miss that. Switch cartridges are not the same. N64 cartridges had soul.

Attached: N64Cartridges.jpg (980x980, 214K)

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PS1 BTFO N64 big time, N64 had shit for RPGS

Why are the carts in the OP covered in spit or soap?

You mean all that extra space for shit graphics (and everyone was delusional that they were any good, since the 3D bandwagon started ONE GENERATION TOO SOON), long loading times, crappy looking CGI, and really fragile?

Other than the cost of storage space in the 90s, cartridges are objectively superior to disks.

Where the hell were you shopping?

Because those are soap and not actual games.

>Where the hell were you shopping?

RPGs are a literal brainlet genre. In particular, JRPGs are the lowest form of video game if you don't count VNs. Playstation had a bigger library yes but if RPGs are the position you're arguing from you're basically a subhuman roach who hates video games.

The N64 was known for its platforming, racing, and FPS games.

Nothing else existed on it.

Jrpgs by that time (outside of FFIX) were total shit. N64 was a better platform by far.

>Three genres infinitely more valuable than RPGs

the N64 had the greatest game ever made, so it's the best console
simple as

Attached: ogrebattle.png (1012x1132, 1016K)

This, turn based RPGs are for retards.

N64 was a big flop in Japan and Europe, it was only successful in North America. Naturally the games available for the console reflect that.

>remember when people payed for good gameplay instead of GRAFICS

N64 games were most definitely expensive as fuck back then, there is no use trying to fool boomers

>>remember when people payed for good gameplay instead of GRAFICS

I missed the heavily muddy and foggy visuals where every texture is smeared all over the place.

I feel bad when somebody had both an N64 and a PS1, and bought the N64 version (except for Resident Evil 2).

Textures were more of an issue with the N64's hardware, it's texture cache was abysmal, games like Conker's Bad Fur Day only look as good as they did in terms of texture work because devs used a buttload of tricks to make things work, things like textures being loaded to ram just as they are being rendered. Nintendo fucked up pretty hard with their customization of the hardware. Carts weren't actually an issue, games like Vagrant Story could have fit on an N64 cart without significant alterations.

Inflation, user. Adjusted for today dollars, vidya has literally never been cheaper than the past. Super Mario World would have been like the $90, and even ps3/xbox 360 games in today dollars would be around $70-75 today

Stop ghostposting, Yamauchi

Most of the rpgs on ps1 sucked anyway. Platformers were the jrpg of video games back then.

Yamauchi did nothing wrong

>playing RPG's

Attached: image.jpg (900x900, 86K)

He okayed the N64's and Gamecubes hardware, so he did do some things wrong.

JRPGs are for people who aren't actually skilled in playing games.
Name one (1) JRPG that takes genuine skill.

Etrian Odyssey
Pokemon multiplayer

yeah i remember the games being $70 at launch

I wonder what N64 games would have looked like if they went with disks. They probably would have looked a lot nicer.

Super Mario 64 would have been a completely linear game with no open level design.

Gaming would take a drastically different approach, and would not even resemble what we have today.

That is how important Super Mario 64 was, and it was ONLY due to cartridge limitations did they decide to go open-world.

>I like when food is poop

Attached: 518228E2-FB37-4498-B186-9E677BBE0225.jpg (858x1024, 108K)

Are 'muh soul' posters more cancerous than e-celeb posters, or less?

I don't like the look of PS1 games

Just more cinematics and more environments with different textures, texture issues were to do with low texture memory more than storage. As far as the hardware goes the N64 was far beyond the PSX, it had a mode that allowed jumpy polygons like PSX, enabling that would have allowed games to run at 60fps with 3x the poly counts, and the N64 didn't have weird perspective issue that PSX textures had when drawn on 3d surfaces, so it wouldn't have waste a mountain of tris just to offset that.

I don't understand why you faggots defend this console so much. The N64 is an antiquated outdated piece of shit console, every game on N64 has a much superior version of it on Gamecube. The majority of the library is unplayable today on the original hardware, you're better off either emulating or playing a port. I just don't get it.

Remember that one movie from the late 90's (I forgot the name of it), which had a small scene of a kid was excited to play Pokemon Snap on the PS1 and Ape Escape on the N64?

N64 emulation is poop.

That's oddly specific and no, I don't rember that film, mostly it's just films with generic game noises and made up names.

Tons of people hack their Wii to play N64 games, the emulation works fine

It was about a murderer or something who had kids in his home. The girl shot him to death when he was going to run them over in his car at the end if I remember correctly (if that IS the same movie).

I just remember being amused by that scene.

Dont forget how godly microsoft did banjo and perfect dark ports. I wish nintendo gave all their n64 games to microsoft so their teams could make more amazing ports

>no rumble support
>no memory card support
>inaccurate video emulation
>only works with certain games
It works just fine in the same way as every other N64 emulator, it plays Mario 64 and OoT.

I got a huge amount of those games to work on my PSP, they can't be that bad on the Wii

Alright, thanks for the explanation. I was under the impression that an N64 game with the ability to have the storage capacity of a CD would be a more detailed game, with more assets and maybe nicer looking textures.

64MB is actually a fair bit of things, especially at that level of fidelity, a lot of PSX games are like less than 100MB of game and 600MB of FMV and CD quality audio.

>And we all forked out $80
No you fucking Ausfag, WE didn't. Your retarded country did.

Playing OoT and ds mario64 makes me with there was better nu3ds n64 emulation capability. it'd be perfect

N-64 graphics were state of the art fool.

Still shitty looking, even by standards back then.

Everyone was easily impressed, all because it was "3D", and that "3D was the next step". 2D games should have been the absolute norm until the next generation.

This is not too different from saying that films shouldn't have been made before they had sound or color. If 3D games only started being made in the 6th gen they would have looked a lot worse than they did due to inexperience.

He nearly Fell in snoy trap

Based Ogre Battle 64 was the toppest of tiers, Magnus Gallant is a Chad.