What is the LEAST comfy game?

What is the LEAST comfy game?

Attached: eye scream.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

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Desert Bus

Anxious and unpleasant to play at any point.

Pellet maze shooters

Attached: terrafirm.png (1920x1080, 3.1M)

How do you dodge that?

He didn't

Five Nights at Freddy's?

Getting Over It

Attached: GAR4.png (794x553, 343K)

Dark souls:
controls are awful
input delay is awful
enemies are cheaply placed to troll you
some areas kill your framerate.

What's this?

DiRT Rally is the most mentally exhausting game I've ever played. At least in circuit racing sims, you have long straights to relax, you can memorize the layout. It's utter chaos driving 200kph along a dirt road the width of your car while trying to process pace notes and not crash.
>slow paced
>no time limits
>can disengage whenever
>full of atmosphere
Dark Souls is maximum comfy

Attached: 382303-dirt-rally-vr-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 104K)

Overcooked with 4 human players.

You will rage. Guaranteed.

A weirdo Japanese adventure game called Garage: Bad Dream Adventure about some guy that wakes up one day trapped in the body of some bizarre mechanical fetus-thing, and has to find his way out of an industrial, ramshackle underground city.

Made entirely by one guy, and was presumed to be lost to time until someone from here managed to buy a copy and finally get it on the internet a few years ago

Attached: GAR1.png (796x545, 443K)

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Still the best VR experience yet though

resi7 vr



The tension and gore of a horror movie, combined with the jankiness of a low-budget game, convoluted by a mass of skill trees and loadout unlocks, all perfectly exacerbated by the anxiety of playing an asymmetrical multiplayer game with an impenetrable meta. It's not a bad game but it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

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Just drive slower cars. Or drive modern 4WD ones. You can always just brake in them and it will save you 90% of the time.

Silent Hill 3

you vibrate so the needle slips in between your atoms without damaging them

>tfw can't put contact lenses
Actually managed once but had to go back and ask them to help me remove it. My eyelid reflexes wouldn't let me try to remove it, not even trying to hold them.

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It takes a while to get used to. Do you have trouble putting em in or just taking em out?

There a plot summary out there somewhere? I don't have the patience to watch 5 hours worth of gameplay.

Both. Managed to put once but only after hundreds of tries and my eyes starting to get red because of my stupidity.

This. You can't even just enjoy the ride because you have to keep adjusting your driving due to that stupid drift to the right.


Mount your friends

Holy fuck, I need to check this madness out.

Unironically Silent Hill
Instead of saying "every horror game" i'm going with SH because it has a fucking anxiety inducing scary atmosphere, the least comfy locations in vidya and everything is always out to kill you, and the radio just makes sure you are never, ever comfy

The Pikmin games are comfy and uncomfy at the same time.

any survival horror game

If a game can be described as "comfy" you fucked up and you're watching a movie


Dead by daylight
Stressful for everyone involved

>DiRT Rally is the most mentally exhausting game I've ever played.
there is a moment where you start to do everything automatically, without even thinking.

Is Animal Crossing a movie?

thought it was fucking stupid that people wanted this game so badly but when they finally got it nobody played it because it was in japanese

This or Hong Kong 97


Yes. It's soulless just like Wild World.

really, because I often describe Bloodborne as comfy

LSD which is weird because it's literally a game about sleeping. Yet it manages to be maximum non comfy

Attached: lsd-39-e1499793756140[1].png (289x176, 18K)

any competitive FPS

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lmao eyelet

just remember you'll always be a virgin if you stick to glasses

That aum shinrikyo cult video game relating the the real life sarin attacks, that shit creeped me out and stuck with me. uncomfy as fuck, i wish i could find a video of it on youtube but all the good stuff is in moonrunes and i'll never learn japanese.

Besides of horror games, nothing else is quite as anti-comfy as playing something like Starcraft 2 competitively.

I actually like playing RTS games competitively as long as they focus on commanding units (CoH, Wargame etc.) or at least allow for quality of life stuff like queueing lots of stuff without it being harmful to the success (SupCom), but dealing with stuff like constant worker creation and management drives me fucking insane. It’s like playing 2 games at the same time, you need to constantly think about your units on the field while also managing your base, and there aren’t many ways to reduce the busywork involving the latter in SC2. I’d argue that something like SupCom is more complex in regards of base bulding, but because you can automate and queue stuff to reduce manual busywork, it doesn’t feel as bad.

you're a braindead memer nothing you say matters

It’s also that there’s barely any time to relax in SC2. If you play other competitive MP games like CS, Dota, Siege or whatever, at least you can catch a breather when you die and wait for the next round, but in SC2 the entire match is one frantic race to the finish where your economy never can stop from booming if you want to win.

>mfw reading about this for the first time

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>playing on hardcore
>realised I forgot to save before and last save was 6 chapters ago

Christ almighty I was so tense and shaking so much during this part, mainly because I knew the chase was next

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