Is this truly the greatest Metroidvania of all time?

Is this truly the greatest Metroidvania of all time?

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that would be terraria

Nope, like many indie developers the Hollow Knight devs forgot that games have to be fun and not just difficult.

Choose one

I don't know OP

However, It's by far the most popular and successful. History will view Hollow Knight as the standard for Metroidvania.

Nothing is even difficult until the post game though.

Super Metroid will always be the standard. I'd also argue that Dark Souls is a more successful metroidvania


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How come Nintendo never made anything else people consider as good as Super?

This. As long as you don't do something stupid and attempt to fight something far earlier than the game intended, the game is fairly easy until the dlc material. It just sounds like your shit at videogames user.

Because they're generally bad at making video games.

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I've come to make an announcement
That is all

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26 hours in so far.
>fun combat
>decent rpg mechanics that complement the action gameplay well
>fluid movement
>tons of hours of content

>repetitive simplistic character designs (le white blob with black eyes)
>story is way too criptic and symbolic, needs more straightforward stuff
>protagonist is even blanker than a self-insert, literally being emotionless, making him extremely uninteresting
>forgettable music
>enemies are too easy
>story has no existential, moral or a life theme or anything that makes you think and reflect upon beyond the boundaries of the game
>boring exploration, repetitive obstacles

It's a 6/10 for me.

Is circle of the moon really that good ? i've heard it's pretty meh castlevania game

this sums up my opinion on it, now that some months have passed

It isn’t. It’s one of those “hard just to be instagramable “ kind of games. The devs just wanted it to be called hard. Hard != fun

>story is way too criptic and symbolic, needs more straightforward stuff
>story has no existential, moral or a life theme or anything that makes you think and reflect upon beyond the boundaries of the game
The ironing.

Literally nothing approaching 'hard' until the optional endgame DLC. Sounds like someone is just bad at video games

I mean I guess

how the fuck is cave story not a metrovania?

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Ok. It’s always the same rebuttal when someone critics hollow knight, same as dark souls
>get good
>someone sucks at vidya
When you have an actual response, let me know. The game is empty, with the small gimmick of taking large damage from few hits to carry it through the entire game. The levels are forgettable, the characters as interesting as drying paint, ost can be better off muted, and there was more story inma tool music video than in any of the cryptic writings of this shit game.

>story is too cryptic
nigger, it's pretty easy to understand

You're an escaped victim of an experiment at keeping a hostile flaming moth inside the Dream World.

Moth Bitch is a tyrant leader of the kingdom, everyone hates her, including her moth followers. Giant Worm God slithers along and is like "Hey, this moth giving you trouble?". Everyone says "YES" very loudly. Giant Worm sheds his shell to become a smaller King so he's not all big and gigantic taking up space. King asks the moth followers to seal this Bitch Moth in the Dream World. Obviously they agree. Moth is now in Dream World, King tells EVERYONE to forget this Moth ever happened and she won't come back. Everyone forgets her. But in Dreams you sometimes remember things. People eventually accidentally start remembering this Bitch and she starts mind controlling people.

King panics and is like "UHHH OK WHAT IF WEEE uhhh... Create something that can't dream and shove her inside this thing?". It's genius. He buys $3,600 worth of buzzsaws afterward, starts fucking his wife CONSTANTLY, and prays for a child that can't dream. It works. No, it doesnt. Broken Vessel happens. King: "OK, what if I use VOID powers. That'll probably help". It does. After 3 million attempts he finally gets the legendary 0.01% drop rate NO EMOTION NO DREAMS DEAD INSIDE NEVER TALK EVER child. He starts treating it like a son, because he's so perfect. Locks him in a giant egg. Before he shuts the door, King says "Good luck, son." and the child says back "Thanks, dad.". And comedy ensues.

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SOTN > La-Mulana > Super Metroid to be exact.

They don't exclude each other you double nigger. Kotor 2 was fairly straightforward and had plenty of things to discuss upon that weren't just lore, but also philosophical concepts. Hollow Knight only has lore with no depth or interesting themes going for it.


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Reminder that Silksong is going to be even more autistic in terms of late-game challenges because of the systems they put in place.

>Hornet moves faster meaning bosses will also move faster and require even more precision
>Hornet can heal instantly as long as she has full silk meaning bosses will be even more hyper aggressive and NEVER STAGGER
>Hornet has lots of mid-air maneuverability meaning there will be bosses that might not even have platforms in the arenas
>the strongest move in the game, pogoing on enemies, has been replaced by an even harder diagonal pogo move
>more demanding platforming challenges as well that require even faster reactions because of how quick Hornet moves
>tools replace charms meaning they've fucking removed the facetank/quickslash cheese, they removed the minion build cheese, and the absolutely broken spell build is gone forever

Basically Silksong is going to pander even more to the git gud autists.

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Because Metroid doesn't sell well enough for Nintendo to develop one in house anymore. Anything that isn't Mario or Zelda is outsourced to lesser developers now.

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I feel like Hollow Knight's difficulty is pretty fair most of the time, and I fucking suck at video games.

>taking large damage from few hits
What do you mean? 99% of stuff that damages you only deals one unit of damage

fucking good

Super Metroid will always and forever be the standard.

I have not a clue what you could even be talking about other than the final DLC. There's only a couple enemies in the main game that even deal more than one damage.

I have no problem with this.

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I'm not seeing any negatives here.


No, Aria/Dawn of Sorrow & La Mulana are.

Man, Silksong is gonna be awesome, I can't fuckin wait. I hope they show something about it at Nintendo's or PC's E3

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Excellent overall design, but floaty movement combined with large, boring rooms with little platforming challenge makes the map tedious to traverse

We, the proles of [board], understand that your impeccable taste and keen intellect prevented you from enjoying something so plebian as [popular thing], and that this is a reflection of your innate superiority and your unsurpassed knowledge of [entertainment medium].

Life hack: Fill this out and pin it up above your monitor every time you feel like shitting up a thread about something people enjoy, then hide the thread.You get the acknowledgement you desire AND avoid having to lower yourself to educating the naive masses. Think of the time you'll save!

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Your meme arrows are pointing the wrong way, brother.

I'm looking forward to the greater focus on platforming. The white palace was fun.

>Basically Silksong is going to pander even more to the git gud autists.
I certainly hope so. As long as they save any really crazy stuff for the optional content then why would anyone care?
Not everything has to be for everyone, my dude.

Yikes. So this is the autism that it takes to enjoy HK.

The game is very linear and story driven, most areas are accessed through a level select instead of being part of a big connected map, and there's only minimal backtracking.

Hollow Knight only has one flaw in my eyes. NG+ being locked behind the difficult DLC.

>The game is empty
Did you even play the game?
>Levels are forgettable
>Uninteresting characters
Sure, because it mostly focuses on worldbuilding
>Ost better off muted
Talk about shit taste
If you still can't piece together the lore after beating the game then you're a brainlet.

What NG+? Godseeker mode isn't NG+.

There is no NG+, mah fren.

It doesn't have a big interconnecting map. Quote also doesn't really get upgrades, save for the jetpack and optional guns.

>La Mulana
This meme needs to die before people start taking it seriously.

NG+? Godseeker mode isn't really that at all.

Have I been bamboozled? I was told you get to do NG+ but only if you beat the content in the Gods DLC.


What threw me off for a long time is that I thought the Vessel was a clone or incarnation of the Hollow Knight rather than a sibling, and that the Hollow Knight sent the Vessel to kill him after he failed in his task and got infected by the Radiance, so that the Vessel could take his place and succeed where he failed.

just started playing myself, what's the dlc material? as fart as I can see the only two dlcs on steam are 2 soundtracks

All the "DLC" was just integrated with the base game. You can't play HK without it unless you have an old DRM free copy or something.

I'm afraid someone has bamboozled you, user. But you should do Godmaster anyway because it's great, and as difficult as some of it can be it's universally fair. Except for Radiant Markoth

The DLC is free and rolled in as part of the main game.

kek hollow knigh isnt even hard except for some of the dlc bosses and the final boss

I see. I'm kind of enjoying some stress-free casual gaming right now. Metroid 2 remake on my 3DS, Paper Mario 64, etc. I've already done the other DLC and thoroughly enjoyed it. I've beaten most of the content and several of the endings. I just don't find the Pantheon stuff. I think I was just burnt out.

Fuck that platinum trophy, PoH is fucking impossible for me

Oh so you want an easy mode too?

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Pantheon stuff fun* Fucking phone. I'm in bed on a rainy day. It's super comfy.

>Is this truly the greatest Metroidvania of all time?

and it was made by Australians, in Adelaide, instead of melbourne faggets.

So, what Yea Forums think of this new metroidvania game?
I have been awaiting for a sale for a couple of months now, it looks pretty juicy.

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thanks mates

I'm almost done with the base game, all I have left is white palace/delicate flower and then Radiance. What am I in for lads

>white palace/delicate flower and then Radiance
>What am I in for
A bothered booty.

hollow knight is a souls game not a metroidvania

Amazing pixel art and animations, great soundtrack, fun combat mechanics, but very easy and very short. You'll beat it in 3 hours without ever dying.

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I've heard. As someone who's not really a hard games type of person this game has been an experience in gitting gud. I don't even wanna attempt Godhome

I used a map online for this game. Honestly dunno if I would have finished it otherwise. It was really good and I enjoyed it a lot but god damn without the map I wouldn't have been able to find half the stuff

pretty good and nice melodies, they have planned to release an expansion so I'd recommend it.

Delicate flower is easy too cheese. Look up the optimal route on the wiki, kill everything along it, do NOT sit on any bench (as it respawns enemies), then just take the flower and walk with it through the already empty rooms. The last room requires you to do a tricky jump over some spikes, however, be careful. Still, I managed to do this on my first try following this strategy and I'm a hopeless shitter.

It's just a bonus level. Probably as short as all the other levels in the game.

>Silk Song is gonna piss off the casuals


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I disagree with a bunch of this. definitely needs something between good and meh otherwise just put guacamelee and shadow planet in meh. la mulana shouldn't be so high same as super metroid. it's also missing about a dozen games.

how? it's completely linear

Have you tried using your brain, user?

I love metroidvanias but I got bored of this game and dropped it somewhere after the first or second boss.

That's a good game

what are some good coop metroidvania games? I want something new to play with a friend.

>Basically Silksong is going to pander even more to the git gud autists


Casual tears were the absolute best thing about Godmaster, fuck the naysayers.

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Guacamelee is the only thing that comes to mind.

that game is mediocre though. I just got done playing through salt and sanctuary and it was surprisingly good for being as janky as it is

Imagine if Godmaster was a paid DLC. The reviews and sales numbers would be so bad lmao.

Does it make sense to dreamgate by the grey mourner?

Had a lot of fun with it, the combat is very enjoyable.

You go the destination, start killing shit from there making your way back to the mourner, then you accept the quest/take the flower once you're done and backtrack back to the grave. Remember that taking the tram does NOT destroy the flower, so the route is not that long.

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I see thanks user

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>after beating the main game I got burned out

It's so damn long. I was wondering if the dlc is even worth it or if I just accidentally skipped it all and can't access it.

The Metroid games aren't that fun really. They're pretty repetitive.

>beat all the metroid vanias except la mulana

I found spelunky to be better at exploration desu. La mulana got stuck on the beginning and then stopped playing.
Name a more kino song/scenario in any video game

>procedurally generated game
>better at exploration

Right now I'm waiting till I beat trial of the fool to fight HK again, can anybody give me a rundown on how to get to the DLC areas?

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fuck no

Thank goodness you don't review games for a living because if anyone took your opinion seriously this industry would become drastically shittier than it already is.

The start of Grimm Troupe is in Howling Cliffs. Godmaster is in Royal Waterways.

>Struggling with HK
He's not going to make it.

I'm ready.

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Literally just started today, beat Hornet for (I assume) the first time. Pretty good so far, movement is slow and I think dash not being available from the get go is just padding the beginning of the game out a bit, it's even shown on the controller mapping right when you start. My main issues are 1) the ridiculous particle effects when you get hit make it hard to know where your character is at the time and the same for enemies, I think there is knockback but I can never tell due to visual effects 2) knockback on your character when you hit ANYTHING with your weapon is retarded and straight up bad game design, I suppose the idea is "you're a bug! you're hollow!" but ultimately it's just bad design for a game that focuses on semi-tight platforming mixed with some aerial combat.

Does nobody notice that The Radiance is the madness that Moths are attracted to?

All the insects are drawn by that light. It's maddening, they get lost in it and worship it. Radiance is a bug God. That's why there has to be the darkest blackest of abyss trapping it.

Nigga that's the entire point of the game, most people noticed that to my knowledge

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>boss with no platforms/nothing to walk on
>no more facetanking

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Thing is that all these threads seem to miss the most obvious of the revelations when finding Radiance for the first time and makes me bang my head

That game is a fucking meme. It's shit.

Pretty much. There's nothing else out there with that quality.

the duality of man

When did I say I'm struggling with him? He's piss easy compared to Watcher Knights/Traitor Lord. I killed him on my second try, I'm just going for different endings now.
Trial of the Fool is molesting me though, I just can't cope with the aspid spam so I go into the soul master phases with 2-3 hp

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>play Hollow Knight
>my 1st metroidvania
>really enjoy it
>people say SOTN and Metroid are even better, I have to play them
>play them
>they're so fucking boring and clunky in comparison
>Hollow Knight does literally everything better
Retro game puritans deserve the rope

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>forgettable music
shit taste

>He's still on the Soul Master phases.
Hahaha you'll be begging for the Soul Masters once you get to the part with the cage

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Did you play Metroid or Super Metroid? The original is pretty clunky, yeah, but if you dislike Super Metroid you just have shit taste

>one weapon
Fuck no, it is all style and bland fucking style at that

>if you dislike Super Metroid you just dislike games that have shit controls

>Dark Souls is a Metroidvania
it's more like a Classicvania set in a bigger world than just a castle
It doesn't progress at all like Metroidvanias

I take it seriously, it's a great game, just not my top one

Hollow Knight is very good, but that's in the context of it being a Jack of All Trades for the genre.
I can't think of anything Hollow Knight really does better than any other Metroidvania except making me want to fug a bug.

when will this "Super Metroid has bad controls" meme end? the movement feels tight and precise with a strong feeling of weight, unlike Hollow Knight's floaty, low gravity feel

Which Metroidvania has the best traversal?

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The only actual hard part is godmaster's artificial difficulty.

>Not having a floaty jump
The platforming is floaty enough to be virtually unplayable without using ledgegrabbing.

I'm not the same user, but I find that if you're playing it on an actual SNES--with the standard controller--that it's pretty shit. I performed better on Zero Mission (and Fusion) when I played on an emulator with a PS4 controller. Having grips really helps these games. My only complaint universally about Super Metroid is the camera. It's too close and it makes optional grapple points a pain in the ass.

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>artificial difficulty
Bad at video games.

To be fair I think part of the "low gravity" feel in Hollow Knight is because they're bugs. It's not like bugs have much mass for gravity to act upon.

Could be worse. I've hated the Bloody Palace in Devil May Cry since 4. They added a timer so now you're forced to play the entire time under stress. The timer is bullshit for two reasons. They squished Bloody Palace down to 101 stages. Previous entries it was over 9,000. You could choose to go up in increments of 1, 10 or 100. That's not viable since they introduced the timer in 4. No fun allowed, no sir. The other problem? There's an enemy that is notorious for consuming time to fight: Blitz. It teleports around between attacks and is covered with armor that deals damage if you use melee attacks on it. You need to shoot it to make it lose its armor so you can deal damage. The enemy is pleasing outside of Bloody Palace but in it? Complete crap. They're also really liberal with its application. It got worse with the Special Edition since one character is shit at ranged attacks aside from ONE move that requires a resource to use.

>best metroidvania
but exploration is boring, and 90% of charms are shit

No. Movement is way too loose and attacks have no impact so it feels like shit to play.

NG+ sounds dumb to me unless you could do Steel soul with full upgrades and even that sounds kinda pointless
After like 30 tries on absolute radiance I resorted to watching how to beat it on Youtube. After that I managed to beat it somewhat consistently. Turns out I was being a moron at the last 2 phases.

yeah but it's not and youre still bad

Awful, like a flash game.

This isn't the Rain World thread.

Ori and the Blind Forest is a good game :)

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>repetitive simplistic character designs (le white blob with black eyes)
this is a positive
>forgettable music
>enemies are too easy
>boring exploration, repetitive obstacles
objectively wrong

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