
Attached: ds.png (605x699, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


why not just go to the store and buy some rope?

Do you have something in your throat?


Attached: 767.png (380x467, 18K)

Is kojima telling me to hang myself?


Attached: f0d.jpg (573x430, 34K)

finally, day of the rope now

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Approximately how much of a shitshow is this game going to turn out to be?

Day of rope when?

literally a movie

its going to be the best game ever made

That's kind of rude man.

No, he will teach you how to make the rope so when the day comes you will be ready.

A Hideo Kojima Ludo

You Have to Burn the Rope prequel confirmed!

>E3 2019
>Due to the partnership between Sony and Microsoft for hosting/maintaining Sony's cloud data, Phil Spencer comes on stage and announces Death Stranding
Would anyone even care? I would guess the only people bragging would be trolls posing as non-existent Xbros.

Attached: phil-spencer.jpg (620x357, 35K)

is he going to mind control his drones into mass suicide?
that's a good thing

playable movie*

It will sell 5 million in a week, break 20 million in a month

The best ever made?

Fucked up with his cheeks, if you erased one side and left the other it would look more like the big ass pimple that he had picked at and made red

This will definitely PS5 launch title.

create the rope

to hang yourself with when this game turns out to be shit

Sonychad games are so powerful, they don't even need E3 to get people hype.

>Those comments
Why do people suck that Hackjima's dick so much?

stopped caring about his game a long time ago.
At best I'll watch some gameplay on youtube when the games comes out and not give a fuck about it.


>it’s nothing
Kojima is a hack. Sony will soon fire him for the money he’s wasted and there’s nothing you can do about it. This “game” will never, EVER come out. Just accept it you delusional Koji-drones.

why do you want it to be shit, user?
the dev team on the game has literally started from zero on a completely new engine and have been developing DS for not even 4 years.
Personally, I've enjoyed most MGS games up to this point despite some of their flaws. Gameplay wise though, KojiPro games have always been satisfying and have continued to deliver. The controls in each project has only continued to improve imo. I'm expect the team on Death Stranding will do some interesting things mechanically, but even more so, I know it'll be enjoyable to play.

Trailer is coming this week, propably tomorrow


It's happening!!

Yea Forums will be a shitshow for months when it comes out only on PS4/PS5 and sells millions and gets 10/10.

Sales are not an indication of quality but you're 100% right. At this point it doesn't matter how trash the actual game is, it's going to make mad bank.

Yeah, your mom's cock


Yea Forums is about to get BTFO once again

Sony confirmed its still coming to PS4 earlier this month. But theres like a 90% chance it will be cross-gen or "remastered" for the PS5 along with TLOU2.

it's going to do something original with the social cooperation aspect, other than that it's being hyped on mystery

>t-trailer soon g-guys!
kys Kojidrone. nothing will happen despite your quick leap on my honest and factual post.
Kojima is a hack. This game is never coming out. He’ll post one more meaningless ~hype~ teaser before Sony fires him by investor demand.

Just like all of Kojima's games in the past 10+ years.

i bet even when the game releases the best thing about it would still be the song used in the reveal trailer

First Travis, now this.

Well yeah you're correct. All Kojima games sell exceptionally well. I wasn't saying they're bad

rope = semen
stick = penis

Outside of my own opinion on the games I play and like, all that really matters at the end is sales numbers for those games I don't interact with and don't care about.

>mfw people don't realize he's telling you to hang yourself

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Why the fuck are you so mad and bitter? wtf kek
It's not even that serious, my guy.


>trailer coming out in a week
>dead game that's never coming out
sometimes i wonder why i even come to this fucking board. some of you are so fucking retarded

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>people still haven't realised it's literally going to be mgsV gameplay with sneaking shooting and vehicles but with darksouls style invasions where players can work together but also hinder each other

innovation my ass kojima, you cannot trick me.

Kojima said a few weeks ago at that film festival that he was working on a trailer to release next month(June).

They fucking got a trailer from Guerilla. Anima is not a new engine.

If you don't care or interact with those games then why are sales numbers important to you?

If there's no gameplay within the first week of development the game is vaporware.
Only applies to Kojima btw.

Probably fake but whatever.

Attached: sure.png (1006x148, 28K)

>I-I d-don't care I swear
>that's why I join every death stranding thread and call kojima a hack, because I don't care
>I'll just watch it on youtube, that's it, cause I don't care

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this dude is such a hack holy shit

rope = flaccid penis
stick = erect penis

finally bros

Attached: nika-minashvili-death-stranding-nika-minashvili.jpg (1761x2170, 650K)

What's tomorrow? Why tomorrow?

>ctrl + f caramel
>0 results

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KojiPro have never worked on GG's engine prior to Death Stranding, ya dingus. Their previous proprietary engine was Fox Engine, which is owned by Konami.

Why are you so dedicated tranny? Its a video game.

Is the joke here that the guy was watching a trailer for a new western movie, but you use him to negatively portait japan?

>believing anything Hackjima says
Typical kojidrones.

lol no way, they'll wait until ps5 for dual releae with ps4. A sony exec already alluded to it.

Are Kojima threads just Yea Forums's way for virtue signaling how contrarians they are, like how SJWs use niggers to show how progressive they are?

>ps4 exclusive
>breaking 20m



Attached: angry.gif (246x205, 565K)

Why do you think this?

What's up with Yea Forums suddenly caring about the gameplay of Kojima games when you ate up MGS, even though not a single MGS game has good gameplay?
It's a bit too late to pretend you care videogames and that you don't just want shitty movies.

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>Rope creation

The next gen has finally arrived
Where my 6x49 Seale Warrington Seale boys at?

I fail to see the analogy, you may just have autism imho famalam

I'd say you're mostly projecting some of that onto them. Some people just enjoy the games. What the fuck is wrong with some of you? It's not that'd deep kek

You don't HAVE to agree, user...

YouTube port confirmed holy shit

Release dumbed down version on PS4, then full version on PS5 for that double-dip money.

Can't way for more "Kojima GOAT" spam despite how we're entering Year 3 of no gameplay and the fact that his last 4.5 titles were shite.

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I like how the metrics keep moving up. First 10M, now 20M.

We have to wait till e3 for it don't we

Because its more of an accurate representation of how many people care about the games I don't interact with.

I can go on a forum and ask how people feel about a game or a genre and all I will get is the opinion of a sect with bias. No way to confirm who actually played the game, who understood the media they consumed, who's being honest etc. So best to rid of all that unknown variable and look at how many people who were interested enough in something to spend money on it

So i'm right.
Then again, all people who shit on Kojima nowadays are ex-Kojimadrones, and we all know the MGS fanbase was composed mostly of SJWs.


>I don't like the gameplay therefore it is bad
Learn the difference between opinion and fact.
I personally think every MGS other than V has god awful controls and kinda boring gameplay that detract from everything else that's great.
That just means I don't like it. Not that it is actually, objectively bad.

more like rope reaction when you see the "game"

>gold face

Wrong. Try again.

>create the rope

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>Can't way for more "Kojima GOAT" spam despite how we're entering Year 3 of no gameplay
Why do you act as if this is meaningful?
How many games show gameplay only 3 years into development?
RDR2, for example, took 6 years into development to show gameplay.
Hell, 3 years is what yearly rehashes like AC and COD take to develop.

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are you actually implying the guy who posted the picture was the creator of the original image?

>So i'm right
whatever makes you sleep at night, schizo

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>I personally think every MGS other than V has god awful controls and kinda boring gameplay that detract from everything else that's great.
You don't care about videogames, you just want a movie.
So why do you suddenly act like this?

I don't think I saw a single thread ever made around MGS gameplay or controls, it's all about the garbage story.
And yet DS threads are suddenly full of people who care about gameplay?
Who do you think you are fooling? You don't give a shit about that.


Attached: smuggetto.gif (500x282, 677K)

That's a terrible way of going about things. You're getting the opposite effect of what you're seeking. You do realize that majority of people into video games don't actually consume every bit of media regarding them or even look into controversies / reviews too heavily right? Yea Forums does not represent the populous and neither does pretty much any forum post you'll find. The vocal minority always outweighs the actual majority. People buy whatever makes the best first impression, what looks cool or what their friends/internet friends are talking about.

Learning to differentiate collective bias be it positive or negative is important and you should be taking information from here and other places to make your own conclusion. Fantastic games have gone under the radar of the mainstream and massive games that sold millions have been downright trash.


I know this is off topic, but I have zero doubt in my mind I could kick the fucking shit out of Kojima. The man looks like a fucking pansy.

Like he wouldn't even put up a fight, he'd just be sat in his office one day ching chonging away contentedly to himself and i'd just boot the fucking door right off the hinges. He'd give out a little startled shriek like a frightened bird and try to run for it but I'm too quick and I grab him by his scrawny little neck and just start punching him as hard as I can in the kidneys while tears stream down his face.

It stands to reason that there would be security, but because it's Japan, it would just be a bunch of child sized gnomes in comically oversized security uniforms, blowing their whistles at me trying to grab hold of my legs while I grab Kojima by the ankles and turn him upside down to shake his Milk money out of his pockets.

Then I'd give his pathetic security a noogie and a wedgie apiece then turn back to that skinny little runt Kojima the final humiliating blow...a double wet Willy.

Kojima if you're reading this I'm fucking coming for you.

Sony will not attend E3. It seems not anymore.

>muh umbilical cord parallels!
Kojima, stop posting on Twitter and just release the damn game already.

I like how the narrative constantly changes from

No one would even give a shit if you could or did anyway. It's like bragging about beating up a 12 year old with autism. Only joke coming out of it is you for thinking it's an achievement.

this, who are they trying to fool

>Death Stranding releases on late 2019 to critical acclaim and financial success. The game is praised by its story, innovative design and exceptional creative direction. Sales are expected to reach 10 million copies by the end of the year, making it one of Sony's most successful original IPs for the PlayStation 4.

>Critics have praised the innovative motifs and the story's narrative, along with the creative direction by game creator Hideo Kojima. It has been called "a work of genius" and has been rated as "one of the best games of all time" by several critics and fans alike. Besides its massive success among professional critics, it has also found widespread acclaim among hardcore fans of Kojima's earlier works, and has been praised even by those who have criticized the shortcomings of his previous game, MGS V. It is "a work of art, unlike anything I have ever played before", an anonymous user commented on the notoriously critical "Yea Forums" board from Yea Forums. As of today, Death Stranding holds a 98 Metacritic Score, indicating "Universal Acclaim", the user-voted score is 96. Sony has confirmed a sequel to the game, and arranged funds for the creation of Kojima's new game, expected to be released in 2022

Did you even look at the post he replied to?

What are you even talking about? I enjoy the setting, dumb B-movie plot and visual retardation of MGS games. I deal with the gameplay that I personally find boring. I thought MGSVs gameplay was a fluid and faster paced direction which I enjoyed more. I hope DS continues in that direction or at least feels nice to play. I mainly play fighting games and turn-based strategy.
What the fuck are you even talking about when I was telling that guy to learn the difference between THIS IS BAD and I PERSONALLY THINK THIS IS BAD

If TLoU is anything to go by that'll net them 14 at best.


The great thing about Yea Forums isn't hating the games, it's showing everyone else online that I do.

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I saw Hideo Kojima at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

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Are you implying Kojima can develop a game in three years

Very few can, specially if its a new IP.
Even the yearly Call of Duty entry takes 3 years to develop, and even then it can end up being a clusterfuck of mismanagement like Black Ops 4 which had to scrap the campaign and rushed to make the battle royale mode to have something in its tead.

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Atlus vs Kojima who will release their game last!


This book talks about the first inventions of the human race; the Sneed and the Chuck.

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june 6th confirmed

this but unironically

More walking?

so.....a videogame?

Platinum sure as hell could.

Infact between 2009 and 2010, THEY MADE FOUR GAMES.

HOLY BASED Kojimbo telling snoys to kill themselves

Based Sony

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is it legal to hang niggers yet?

No shit, Platinum's games last 3 hours and tend to have recycled content.

I suppose you are right but I guess i differentiate between what would be good for me hypothetically and what is good for most people. Looking at one game's own sales I suppose doesn't tell the whole story, but for something like Kojima games and MGS which I don't really play or get hyped about I can look at how many people go out to buy them. I'm more inclined to beleive that MGSV is in fact a good game based on this despite how much it gets shitposted here and some other places. Feel like MGS4 and 5 could not have been bad because people are still insanely excited about Kojima

(also avaible on PC)

*For the next trailer that says 2019 again

>And yet DS threads are suddenly full of people who care about gameplay?
I care. I constantly call out Death Stranding for being a "movie" in threads. I even made a blurry "leak."

Attached: look at all that gameplay.png (519x92, 24K)

(on the Epic store)

i hope so, really don't want to buy a ps4 just for DS

Sick, so it's free?

I think I'll probably buy it as long as it's not a buggy mess. If the shitposting really does escalate as much as it seems to be building up to, I want to be involved.

>barely 600 hrs
dude I wasted 1700 hrs, get on my level


Attached: wojak_water.png (640x626, 97K)

You know, it's not the fact that its taking forever or that it might be nothing but cutscenes in a desert that bothers me.
Its the filesize.

you are detached from reality, is what you are.

Yeah I get you user. You gotta remember other factors though. MGS1 is considered a classic in the same way many other games are by the industry as a whole regardless of what some peoples opinions are. Any new entry or even a different project by the same creator will immediately generate hype, hope, disappointment and most importantly sales. Look at From Software games. I can guarantee you a lot of people knew fuck all about Sekiro before going into it other than "it's a from soft game so I'll enjoy it"
Also a lot of things that people call MGS4 out on are born from love of the series and disappointment at how the plot itself was handled in it. Same with MGSV in the sense it was unfinished or at least ended at a weird place.
If you haven't got the nostalgia or commitment to the games and you play them now for the first time through then you'll probably understand a bit better but still not really give a fuck and by the time you do you're as involved as the other fans y'know? Baseline they're fun games

I thought they were supposed to already hung?

Can't wait, Based cardio workout.

Sounds like a Metal Gear game. MGS4 can be beaten within an hour and a half.

MGSV would be a short game if it wasn't padded out with grinding and MUH OPEN WORLD.

>taking forever
What fucking standards does Yea Forums have for videogame development?
The game has been 3 years into development and there's like 4 trailers already.
The vast majority of these games aren't even announced until like 4 or 5 years into development.
The only exceptions are three, Death Stranding, TLOU2 and Cyberpunk 2077.

rent free

1. The first trailer was done before they even had a goddamn engine to work on. Kojima just wanted to show off Norman Reedus.

2. No. Games do not usually take more than five years.

>The vast majority of these games aren't even announced until like 4 or 5 years into development
Which would mean that DS has been in development for at least seven years.

>Which would mean that DS has been in development for at least seven years.
You do know you are saying that Death Stranding has been in development since the announcement, not even of MGSV, but back when it was just called MGS Ground Zeroes and before MGR came out, right?

looks like KINO is back on the menu boys!

Attached: DlnsW1uW4AIdTjF.jpg (530x669, 78K)

But we know that actually can't be true considering Kojimas circumstances with Konami and the whole MGSV thing.

Hey I'm not the one here who said games are in development for five years before an announcement.

Best scene in the series.

How do you think Kojima feels about Roses by OutKast?

>1. The first trailer was done before they even had a goddamn engine to work on
That's way more than anyone else,right?

>2. No. Games do not usually take more than five years.
The ones that don't are typical drivel like Ubisoft open world games, Battlefield games and COD.
Games like DS, or RDR2, or TLOU2 have game developments of 5 to 7 years.

No, I already said it's an exception, like TLOU2 or Cyberpunk 2077.

MGSV was in development under wraps for about two years before we got anything remotely close to a trailer.

Death Stranding got a trailer before they even had set down a engine for the game to be made on. Fox Engine for MGSV was in development since 2008.

Yea Forums is not a hive mind. The radical differences in opinion and all of the shitposting would tell you that.

He didn't say that either.
Read the last line of his post.

>Yea Forums is not a hivemind

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>fucking pancakefags


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Oh hey, TLOU2 was announced AFTER it started development. Same with RDR2.

are you an actual moron?

Anyone else really excited about DS not for the game itself but to see how it generally turns out considering the circumstances?
Even though it's taking awhile for the consumer end to actually get any information about it you just know that behind the scenes it's an absolute shitshow of crunch and deadlines. Kojima basically got fucked off from Konami, immediately started a new studio and immediately started work on another game. As if to say "everyone is looking at me and I have to have my redemption song as quickly as possible".
It just sounds too ambitious (or overblown) for the timeframe. I'd love to see the inner workings and the studios opinion to the different stages of public reception

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And even then it's going to be even more of a movie than Death Stranding.
Not to mention they have shown the same amount of real gameplay.

Are you?

>you just know that behind the scenes it's an absolute shitshow of crunch and deadlines
Based on what?
Sony said the development was going faster than expected.

kojima is a hack because he creates games that I don't understand therefore they're bad

you literally just disagreed with me. We literally just displayed a difference in thought...on Yea Forums, you fucking brilliant person..

Based on the fact that he didn't like MGSV.
That's pretty much the reason why Yea Forums is so full of people automatically hating Death Stranding, MGSV.
And since Yea Forums is underage, MGSV is the only Kojima game they've played.

I agree user, couldnt say it better myself

seethe more

I just get that feeling considering the timeline from announcement to supposed release. Especially with the PS5 on the way and if it's not a dual platform release they're running out of time.
If the development is going that smoothly then I'd love to see the inner workings. Either godly management or just real dedication from everyone (other than kojima who's hanging with the boys drinking fortys)

But I really enjoyed MGSV and I never said anything negative of the sort. I just posed a question you massive retard

Will Travis Touchdown make an appearance?

They've never seen people make games at a slower pace than most games?
Who are SIE even hiring?

And then Kojima recently said they were behind schedule. While he was in America....filming a fucking trailer for some show for Prime video.

>Especially with the PS5 on the way and if it's not a dual platform release they're running out of time.
They have 2 years left.

Is that the supposed release/announcement of PS5? If so then nevermind that they have plenty of time

>While he was in America....filming a fucking trailer for some show for Prime video.
But hey, didn't you say that the ones who make the games are Kojima's team and that he doesn't do anything at all and has nothing to do with the quality of MGS games?

I'm honestly not even excited for it anymore because it's been fucking years and we still haven't seen any real gameplay besides walking around and theres barely been any new information since last years E3 trailer. This years e3 presentation better be good.

Attached: deathstranding.jpg (830x535, 172K)

>Are you?
I'll just take that as a yes

Attached: you.jpg (200x313, 13K)

They didn't say any specific dates, but they did say that the PS5 will not be coming out in 2020.

>This years e3 presentation better be good.
There won't be any, Sony is not going to E3.

The only shitshow will be Yea Forums when it turns out to be an ok game and not another TORtanic like you retards so desperately want.

Why do I get always the feeling that this game will come to PC? Can't wrap my head around it, I know for a fact it's a PlayStation exclusive but I just have this hunch or feeling that it will come to PC.
I'm kinda inclined to believe my hunches, since I was right most of the time like for example Yakuza coming to PC or even Travis Strikes Back because of all the indie games references.
>inb4 people reply I'm just a pcfag who wants port and just say never ever

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There's more than one person in this thread.

yeah but that show looks badass


Wait, so you actually think the game director can do any meaningful work on a videogame in 2019?
These games are coded by hundreds of code monkeys.
One person can't change anything, and a game director is simply an ideas guy, the moment he transmits the idea to the coders, he doesn't have much to do.

>wojak poster
Well, you answered that.


Dude you're all over the place. I'm the guy you think you were replying to and I never even said anything along the lines of >he doesn't do anything at all and has nothing to do with the quality of MGS games
I made a joke about Kojima hanging with his new found friends. Stop being such a hateful little cunt and arguing with yourself

Well, for starters KojiPro doesn't own Death Stranding.

>the moment he transmits the idea to the coders,
Do you honestly believe that's how it works.

>Stop being such a hateful
You expect me to treat Yea Forums with respect?
The only reason to come here is to laugh at and shit on you.

Same fucking feeling, it's been so long now that every new piece of info or footage has been a meh for me. The hype is totally gone now but I do acknowledge the game from time to time.

kek too late, borgfag

I think that's the strategy behind it all. It's killing the hype, because, first of all, any video game will never be the perfect video game, it will never satisfy everyone. So you need an attitude like yours not only with DS but with anything in general.

Can I pre-order my tickets yet? Can't wait to see this 8 hour movie in theaters

Didn't you complain about MGSV showing too much in the trailers?
You got what you wanted.
Although it's obvious that you will not be satisfied unless Kojima goes back to making yearly trailers with shitty 80s songs playing in the background and his games are 10 hour long linear games of which 7 hours are cutscenes.

We all know the Kojima audience hates videogames and that they only eat up movies, despite of what you've been trying to say lately.

Funny because you're just making a spectacle out of yourself that I can't help but laugh at.
I, Yea Forums, am laughing at how much of a retard you are. How does that make you feel?

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As if Sony owning it means anything.

I would tell you to defend your point, but we all know that nobody in these threads knows about videogame development at all.
You are just desperate to shit on DS because MGSV was a videogame instead of a movie.

Because Sony officially calls it "console exclusive"?
Now that Detroit is on PC it's quite possible that it'll come to PC at some point after the PS4/5 release.

Oh fuck you're right. Well in that case unless they're announcing that it's a multiplat it won't be there. When the fuck are we getting more info then? Nothing until game awards? Random trailer drop straight to YouTube? State of Play?

>but we all know that nobody in these threads knows about videogame development at all.
And yet you were the one who felt the need to announce that ignorance to the world.

Its this weekend, he will propably drop it out of nowhere

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There's a difference between showing too much, which MGSV did. Since it LITERALLY showed everything in trailers.

And then showning nothing, which Death Stranding did. But hey, buy those Death Stranding socks, KojiPro needs more money.

If Sony owns it, it means they want to make money off console and software sales, because PlayStation makes 1/3 the amount of profit from Sony as a whole. Maybe in five years, you'll be able to stream it from PSNow.

I'm really looking forward to death stranding. I won't buy it, I won't play it, and I won't give a shit about it as a game. I will however, watch all the drama it effortlessly creates and bask in the turmoil.

That's the thing, showing nothing is the correct way, in fact, he shouldn't even have made a single trailer.

>everytime you die, you leave a crater that persists
I wonder how this plays into the story, because dying on a base and the game just has a crater there seems like it would be hard to design a narrative around

user, Sony owns the Detroit Become Human.
That went to PC in less than a year of release.

But how else would Kojima show everyone that he has B-list celebrity budies

>not an argument
Look we all have our moments user, okay? You misunderstood them, it's cool, no biggie. You have an ego problem it seems

Except when it's Nintendo.

Just announce the actors and that's it.
Not having trailer while announcing actors would make Yea Forumseddit even angrier.

They don't own the IP, just the trademark.

There's always a balance of showing to much or showing to little
Mgsv always had the problem of showing too much but death stranding is having the problem of showing too little.
It's fine if death stranding doesn't want to show any of the narrative side of things but we haven't even seen a single relevant game play for it. I mean are the mechanic for the game? How is the UI/Hud?will there even be a Hud? Are there crafting in the game? Are there vehicles? Is it actually open world are just large environment to traverse through? Will there be side quest if it is open world? Will there be npcs to talk to in the game world? What kind of weapons will there be? What kind of enemies will there be? How does one go and fight them?
And just many more info that we could need but kojima never shows us. And you know as well as I do that that's just bullshit.

it's a sony exclusive, so Yea Forums will shitpost relentlessly for months, declare it a flop, and then it will go on to set sales records and win goty awards.

I didn't follow MGSV before launch but people complain because the trailers showed/spoiled too much of the story, right?
I don't really care to see more story details, we've already had enough 10 minute trailers of that, I just want to see what I'm actually going to be doing in the game so I can see if it's worth my money and time. They at least need to show of some of the core mechanics.

He makes flicks at best

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>get ready to lynch every dirty, stinking, smelly, disgusting, no-good rotten nigger on the day of the rope to secure a future for white children and the white race #deathstranding
How did Kojima get away with this?!

And it all comes back to the fact that you don't really care about gameplay.
If you did, you wouldn't care about Kojima because not a single one of the games he has ever made has good gameplay, or any meaningful amount of it.

OKAY, hater.

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I kind of wish his name was kideo hojima. seems a little funnier.

They own the IP in its entirety, copyright, trademark, everything.

Are you retarded?

E32013 was a good trailer on the basis it showed gameplay, showed some story, but nothing to big.

Not that anyone ever uses sakes for Nintendo.

>not on shitch


E3 was supposed to be our time, Xbros...

Its Just going to be a painted texture, don't overthink it

I remembered specifically that there was a video on youtube from playstation channel itself that showed sony best exclusive games that were released recently like spiderman and God of war to games that were not released yet such as ghost of tsushima and the last of us 2. He'll even days gone was in there. But weirdly enough there wasn't even a single reference to death stranding in the video at all. So who knows it might be possible.

david cage's "games" only ended up on pc because some chinese company bought quantic dream. death stranding is more of a bloodborne/spider-man situation, i.e. NEVER EVER.


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>david cage's "games" only ended up on pc because some chinese company bought quantic dream
Just like Microsoft acquired Donkey Kong Country, right?

>bad gameplay
Ah I see, you're just a shit poster and probably just a unreasonable kojima hater. You may hate his story and narrative stuff and I can understand that but saying his games gameplay is shit is just dumb. So time to stop replying to you then.

there was a leaker years ago they were a go between person, this was years ago. They said stepheny was remis wife and the main bad guy is his wife. The guy also said there will be weapons from all times even hand to hand weapons

Based post!

no, more like how a korean company bought devil's third and ported it off the wii u.

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>let me tell you what you do or don't like
Okay faggot

You could've just said yes. Quantic Dream is a private company owned by Cage and another frog. Kojima Productions is also a private company owned by you know who.

Nah, donkey kong is closer because Quantic doesn't own Detroit, Sony does.

Devil's Third was always planned to be multiplat. The contract just stated that Nintendo had exclusivity to the single player.

Should I tell him?

I need to be alone

Memeing aside are there any real xbros left? Aren't they PCfags by definition now?

Kojipro is not owned by anyone, they are independent like Platinum.

Do you also think Astral Chain will become a multiplat because Plato is self publishing?

Don't know why I put that first sentence in there.

I didn't understand the appeal of the MGS games, and since I have a high IQ, Kojima must be a hack, and his fans must be brainlets who pretend to like his games!

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Nice. Can't wait for the shadow drop at E3 and the Xcuck cope when it BTFOs Halo 5.8

It's owned by Kojima, user. Clue's in the name.

I mean it's not owned by any publisher or any other company.

>Quantic Dream is a private company owned by Cage and another frog.
not anymore. netease bought them earlier this year. have fun begging for death stranding on change.org! :)

>you know who
Temujin aka the great khan?

user, netease owning them is irrelevant to the conversation.

It's mostly Xfag shitters who don't like Xbox loosing all of its exclusives, and desperately don't want PlayStation to have exclusives either. Xbox folks HATE the fact Xbox has no exclusives and they think that Sony shouldn't have them either.

Here's the video in question...
Sounds fishy to me...

Attached: woah.jpg (551x549, 46K)

>David Cage: We’re very excited to report that NetEase has taken a minority share in the capital of Quantic Dream.
Do you know what minority means?


*Dabs in everybody on the thread*

Pss nothin personnel

>quantic dream gets bought by a chinese company
>all of their games immediately get ported to chinese tencent store
>somehow, we're supposed to believe these are unrelated events


so? tencent has a "minority share" in epic, but we know who's really calling the shots there.

Lol you really think the chinese arent in charge at epic?

>so? tencent has a "minority share" in epic, but we know who's really calling the shots there.

epic is calling the shots

>quantic dream gets bought by a chinese company
Except they didn't, they only have a minority of it. As in not a controlling amount.
>>all of their games immediately get ported to chinese tencent store
Including the ones owned entirely by Sony that wouldn't have left Sony systems even if they were bought in their entirety.
>>somehow, we're supposed to believe these are unrelated events
After taking the facts into account? Yes, yes we are.

So you're incorrect.

Look at these bitter Nintenogs angry at Sonychads for getting cucked out of another exclusive.

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You know, the more you use Nintendo as a scapegoat the less it works.

>nobody is replying to the post that has undeniable proof that death stranding might not be an exclusive.

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no point getting hopes up

i've actually owned part of a game studio that worked with (and later got acquired) by tencent. if tencent doesn't have a majority share, they aren't calling any of the shots, ESPECIALLY in the western markets.

you guys are just delusional

Does anyone really care beyond shitposting at this point? I mean, we don't know a thing about the game.

I know it still hurts bros, but we have to get over it.


You say that you want people to be mad and resentful at the mere thought. Sp more people get to play these potentially great, or at the very east, good games. So what?

Everything you just said in your post is wrong, and you even have grammatical errors.


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Anyone with a brain realized it wasn't exclusive a long time ago.

Why are you sad that you're getting games for once?

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I'm shitty typer, sue me.

Also, nope, all I said is true and variable. You don't have to agree with me in having confidence it'll turn out to be a good game. That's okay, I'm a big boy.

I honestly don't care if the game comes out on Xbox and Switch let alone PC. But it's virtually impossible unless Sony suddenly decides to release their own IPs on PC.

Sony owns the IP, patent/copyright documents have shown this. The game is made using Decima, an Sony owned engine. The motion capture was done at SIE using Sony's own motion capture gear.

People keep citing quantic dream games but those games are actually made using tech owned bu quantic dream, unlike DS which was made by tech owned by Sony.

Hey I'll be enjoying all of the kino, user. No worries. Cheers!

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>but those games are actually made using tech owned bu quantic dream
Which is irrelevant because the IP belongs to Sony in its entirety.

Im pretty sure Sony or more accurately guerilla games just gave him the engine because he's kojima. Sony at the time would have agreed to a pc release as long as he didn't put it on other consoles

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Why would Sony give him funds for the game AND give him a ready made engine AND let him use their motion capture studio and agree to let him release it on another platform? Lmao.

>Sony or more accurately guerilla games

Sony own GG, GG do what Sony tell them. GG can't just up and decided to give him an engine but Sony sure as hell can force GG to give him the engine.

holy fuck OP and all weebs absolutely btfo

Death Stranding will cause Bloodborne levels of ass pain. Can't wait to dab on Yea Forums for years while they desperately grasp for straws.

>Death Stranding will cause Bloodborne levels of ass pain.
So not a lot?

Day of the Rope is being headed by Kojima himself.
Screencap this.

>Kojima had announced that he had partnered with Guerrilla Games, using the engine for development, and had been given the source code with no contractual obligation

Sony courted him. Kojima's never gone over budget on ANY game he made and every game he made also made a profit. This game will be no different in that regard. You are probably one of those fuck tards that think Konami fired him for wasting money, where in reality not only did he not lose money he made every bit of The Phantom Pain budget back in the first week of sales, and he was NEVER fired. He'd still be at Konami if they were still making 'AAA' titles. He left over the pachislot nightmare. It almost cost him everything. He let it slip out to the public that he was about to do something that might ruin his career forever, and most people thought that he was talking about some super taboo in Phantom Pain, where in reality he was talking about leaving Konami. This has been a long time coming and Kojima's departure from the company has zero to do with anything on his end. He didn't want to be in charge of pachislots. The head of Konami had been campaigning for Japan's gambling laws to change for over a decade and Abe's diet finally changed the law. Now Osaka is set to be "The Las Vegas of the East" as early as 2022. Konami makes almost all of the slot machines on our earth. Kojima was scared that he and the few people he poached were going to get absolutely fucked, by being denied health care benefits from ITS Kenpo. In Japan it is against the law to operate a company that doesn't give health insurance to employees and as it turns out the chairman of ITS Kenpo is also a director at Konami. He was scared that he would end up with no means to ever make a video game again, and thanks to the western market throwing an absolute fit, that possibility became impossible. So say what you want but get your fucking facts straight. I fucking swear I've had to make this post a thousand times at this point.

Because that's still preferable to the alternative which is just is letting him go make a game for a competitor.



he's just being cheeky, user

it'll be a 2deep4u walking simulator

I'm about to create some rope in a few minutes, if you know what I mean

this will be the breath of the wild of playstation

A crummy rope? Why didn't he create pokemon creatures?

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>trying to argue with Yea Forumseddit

I did not know this. Thanks user. Appreciate it.

what did he mean by "create the rope" ?

and why is he shilling his amazon walking delivery sim when he won't be at E3 anyways lately ?

>source: dude trust me

Based, pilled

>makes an absurd claim
>attempts to makes his opinion into some sot of objective point of reference
just say you don't like it, or it's not your thing. Jesus christ...

but what if it's good?


Yeah he announced that as he sat next to Mark Cerny. The Lead System Architect at Sony. After Cenry spent months traveling around with Kojima to the various 1st party studios to get and engine for the game. GG didn't just wake up one day and decide to partner with Kojima, Sony told them.

Kojima Productions isn't a 1st party studio. They can make games for a competitor anytime they want. Sony are not going to give a 3rd party studio a massive budget and access to all their tech just so they can make 1 game that also releases on another platform.

Exactly. These anons seem to not realize how ridiculous they sound. On top of that, they're so needlessly arrogant about it kek

>no one refuted the video yet.
Oh wow... so i guess this does mean the game will come to PC.


Let's see... Dreams wasn't in the trailer, neither was MediEvil, or Concrete Genie. Guess those are also coming to PC.

>taking forever
>What fucking standards does Yea Forums have for videogame development?
The game has been 3 years into development and there's like 4 trailers already.
Not to mention they were shut down by the SAG strike and maintain that it is still on track to come out on the intended date. Supposed to be this year.

You ought to he 11 years old if you really believe that Just because they said it.

The day of the rope is finally here, lads.

Koijimagod dabs on you cucks

Reminder that this "game" will be to deep to understand for 99% of Yea Forums.
Kojima games need IQ requirement of at least 100+ to get this deep twitter reference alone.

alright fags, tell us your best speculations about the game, what do you think it will be? gameplay, story, ecc. ecc

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gameplay or new trailer dropping soon.

"create the rope" seems to be in reference to his comment about rope vs stick analogy about most games in a general sense. It's implied that it'll be tied to the multiplayer element of Death Stranding


Five years later Xbox users are still trying to justify their brick.

>literally either indies or remakes
AAA games user. It be stupid for sony to not include it in the video.

I had never heard this interpretation of the series of events, i want to believe but ir just sounds too idealistic.

They could make games for competitors in the future, but the important thing was to capitalize on all the pissed off MGS fans by getting Kojima's first post-Konami game. His name prints money and if he asked for the right to release the game on PC at some point after the console version Sony wouldn't dare say no and let him go make a game with MS instead.

shut the fuck up komi-fag, your taste is trash and your waifu is a whore

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Kojima won't ever work with Microcock again.

highly doubt it, game is in development hell and will be delayed knowing Kojima now that he is free from oppression of Konami overlords

it makes very little sense when you think about it, and it's sort of intellectually lazy desu. like, make your own variation of the meme, at the very least.


Has he ever?

All the NTR of Komi-san just shows how seethingly bitter all cucks are.


MGS Rising 2 when btw

>game is in development hell
how are you even coming to this conclusion? based off of what evidence? they've been actively developed this game for the past 3+years, that's more or less normal for most developers tho. You're being irrational here.

Konami was right. Can't let a hack go wild.

While I suuuffffeeerrr

>source: engine

Kojima himself told the story of the head of GG giving him a box during his tour of studios with Cerny. Kojima said he opened the box and was moved to tears, because inside the box was the entire code for Decima. The head of GG gave it to him, because he loved Kojima's work and wanted to pay it forward. He also loaned out some of his team mates to go to Kojipro studios to teach them how the engine work and they immediately started tweaking it and sharing it all with GG.

>imagine unironically supporting the practices of a company that treats their lifelong employees like shit, acting antagonistically towards them. Making their jobs significantly more difficult and burdensome.

that's like peak shilling, whether you realize it or not.

>b-but Nintendo!
Every time. Nintendo fags don't give a fuck about sales numbers anyway. That's literally always Sonyfags gloating

>Actualy believing Kojimas absurd sob stories

kojicunt cope

people suck at making memes now, what a shocker, did the tidal wave of wojacks and pepe's on every page give it away for you?

If it's multiplayer we might get a whole years worth before it fizzles out

>based off of what evidence?
Ok, let's see here.

>10th trailer in a row, no gameplay.
>Devs don't know what the fuck he is talking about. Actors he hired don't know what the fuck he wants or is happening.
>His tweets are all over he place and he tweets shit like "I was sad today so I ate bento in the park to feel better" or "I wish could suck off this d-list celeb"
>Delays upon delays, not a single target met when it comes to actually showing off the game
>Still no release date announced (or planned)

>10th trailer
Wrong, stopped reading right there.


wtf is your deal? I didn't say I was unaware, I was merely agreeing.

Some of you motherfuckers are always switched onto confrontational mode, like relax with the passive aggression, my guy.

keep reading sweety

th trailer in a row, no gameplay.
You can't even be objective for one measly second? Jesus christ.

Nice. I'm completely right though. I've been following this shit forever. I first became interested when I found out that Konami makes almost all the slot machines in Vegas. I found it really ironic that a Japanese company was supplying gambling machines to almost every casino in existence, but unable to use them on their home soil. That seemed really weird to me. Then I found out that Konami as a company does way more than make video games. And this was all shit that I found through the internet almost a decade ago. The information is still out there. Vegas and Konami have been working out a deal worth billions of dollars and now they have the go ahead. Okinawa is about to get fucking wrecked. I learned all of this before MGSV was announced.

I really hope we finally get good boss fights again.

That's a half-accurate way to put it, if it wasn't for the fact that it will be a shitty movie. I mean, I get Kojima. He'd like to be a good filmmaker but all he's good for is shitty vidya narratives, which have a ridiculously low standard compared to actual film.

>dude what if we made a game but it's like david lynch made it haha
This game is gonna suck

let's all be thankful you're not running a game company then.

So.. what's up where is your game or gameplay Kojima drone?

He said himself that Death Stranding was coming out in the same year that Akira takes place. 2019. Sony and Kojima have said that despite the SAG strike that they are still working full steam ahead.
>Delays upon delays, not a single target met when it comes to actually showing off the game
What the fuck are you talking about? They showed us trailers exactly when they said they were going to show us trailers. And we have seen gameplay in the latest trailer. You may not have enjoyed said gameplay, but ignoring that it was even shown is kind of a dick move.

It was in the last trailer piece of shit. Pay attention.

>This game is gonna suck
You just want it to suck so bad, like I don't get why tho? This game is going to suck based off of what?

If you hate Kojima games this much, why the fuck do you even bother checking up on news about it? Are you some sort of masochist? Or are you just really fucking bored or what?

E3 2018 trailer, you little smart ass

I'm talking about delays upon delays and development hell you stupid fuck.
If your game is ready what else are you hiding?
Sony is most likely censoring the living shit out of his game anyways and if you think that a bit walking around is gameplay I just can feel bad for you drones.

cringe pol meme

>walking sim

desperate at this point

>I'm talking about delays upon delays and development hell you stupid fuck.
i didn't know you work for kojima, that's why you know all of this.
go back to resetera, little nigger

I don't want it to suck bad, but Kojima is yet to produce any real substance as to what the game even is about.
It's like he just put every david lynch thing ever watched into a blender and said "There! That's a story-driven game!"

The only gameplay we know about is a gigantic fetch quest.

Five more days until Ape Escape.

with MGSV he spoiled almost all the game with the trailers, with this he is keeping everything secret


so guys... does the game has a possibility of being on another platform or is it never ever?

Yikes, he doesn't know how to respond anymore. Typical Kojima drone.

i think it will be ps4 and pc, maybe

You won.

Shut the fuck UP nigger you lost

delet this


basically this

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Oh boy, we get to see another cutscene and maybe 30 seconds of gameplay at E3!

>does it once
>makes the only good mgs game ever
He should do it more.

Yeah but we didnt know that at the time

Who releases a game with 2 chapters? call them part 1 and part 2

>goal post status: In orbit.
>only gameplay I like counts!
You are basing this on what? Development hell? The game has barely been in development for three years at this point. Development hell is The Last Guardian or Duke Nukem. You don't have a leg to stand on you knuckle dragger.

>then create the stool

I dont care anymore, what is the game. Im not even going to preorder or buy on launch because I STILL dont know what it is, so at this point Im just going to watch it on Youtube if anything. Dont hype a game for that long and expect people to still be as interested as when it first came up.

You'll never have a tortanic.

These grapes are sour.

i don't think the game is in development for three years, they started with a new engine they didn't know about so they lost months of works there

They announce it'll be shifted to PS5

>>only gameplay I like counts!
yes only gameplay I like counts. And walking sims aren't it sorry sweety. Since I don't have shit taste like you do, it matters big time.
>>The game has barely been in development for three years at this point.
Highly fucking doubt it since game engine is not even his to begin with and where the so called "results" Kojima drone ?

God, you're such boring bait.

It's an ecchi-mmo where you can fug hot singles in your area, cap this I came 10 times in the first hour of the game.

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They should have realized that people are fucking impatient. I was shocked at the speed that Kojipro knocked out that initial trailer, with almost no time with the Decima engine. Three years really isn't that long. I'd prefer it if we went back to barely knowing a game was in development until a month before it hit shelves, but the world just doesn't work like that anymore. No one can keep secrets. Plus Sony wanted to show off that they got to Kojima first. That make since as Sony and Kojima have been friendly for years.

>only gameplay i like counts.

Well your taste is shit.

are you pic related by any chance? since you can't stop sucking dick left and right

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Oh boy I wonder what movies and books he'll steal from this time.

(On YouTube)

I dunno maybe the FOUR fucking trailers that are available to watch right this fucking second? Christ you are dense as fuck. Shitposting retard that is just going to pull the:
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
People like you are fucking exhausting. No matter what is said you just repeat yourself. Take a long walk off a short pier buddy.

Discord trannies are raiding again.

At least they didn't fuck up the doll thread we had earlier

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>I like walking sims, my taste is great!
kill yourself
you having those type of pictures saved makes me wonder what abomination is sitting behind the screen
yikes, Kojima drone actually insane
I don't give a fuck what is exhausting to you perma virgin. You can't even keep up with something simple as actual gameplay and release dates. Neck yourself.


>trying to bait but he works himself into an actual seethe

Best Yea Forums thread in a long ass time

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this entire thead makes me really think Konami are the good guys

I sincerely doubt that.

sad Kojima drone, actually pathetic

>repeating himself like a broken record
the absolute state of shitposters

Unironically based

This fucking guy. You're starting to sound like a closet homosexual politician.
>all faggots should die
>I really hate gays
>abominations meant to be purged
>I only suck dicks seven to eight times a week! That doesn't count as gay! That makes me super manly and heroic!

*also on PC

>b--b-roken record
shut the fuck you perma virgin, reply again when you recovered
>le politcs
stay on topic autist

Have one last (you) from me, hopefully it will be enough attention for you to not hang yourself after this thread ends. I want to see you get BTFO again some day.

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What topic? The topic of you being a petty pedantic faggot? I think we've all pretty much stayed on that topic user.

I love it when PlayStation exclusives break Yea Forums


>he just leaves with a gaping asshole
clockwork, next time you post pictures of mentally broken people look it mirror first and take selfy
whats wrong sweety you lost the topic? It's Kojima and his new movie walkin sim Death Stranding

Dont worry, when it comes to PC, it will be even better

Truly best time to creat a rope for all Kojima drones

It's going to be a sub-par walking sim that the Internet will claim is the best thing ever because Kojima made it

Deliberately coming to threads to REEEEEE won't make Death Stranding go away.

It's exclusive to youtube playlist

there's two ways this will work
1. Game releases to high acclaim, may have some clunkiness, story might be ass and/incomprehensible garbage but you can just Kojima to make a good GAME otherwise
2. Game releases and it's massively unfinished due to not enough budget or time


Ah yes changing the subject because you had your ass blown out by five people. Sounds no different than your usual Sunday night actually. Have fun.

james is as far from a weeb as you'd ever find in the vidya community....

>+3 years and we still don't even know what genre will be this game
>"LOL MULTIPLAYER WILL BE REVOLUTIONARY, LOL HOLLYWOOD ACTORS AND ACTRESSES LMAO, *uploads picture of american burger to twitter* I'M SO DEPRESSED *listens to old movies OST* DID YOU RIKE IT?"
fuck this hack

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stop this

Kojima said the game has its own genre that wasnt done before, but that it would please fans of The Diviosion and The Uncharted

It's okay Xbros, Halo 6 is right around the corner.


what is all this sticks and ropes shit? I understand what he's getting at but 'ropes' seems like more of a dialogue thing instead of a combat thing
the rope and the stick the rope and the stick the rope and the stick the rope and the stick


>you had your ass blown out by five people
where? weren't you about to leave autismo?


user I ll give you hint, go watch the trailers and take as if everything you see is gameplay. The craters, timefall rain, delivering, different dimensions. Dont think about it like cinematic cutscenes. Death Stranding will make gameplay more seamless, but I dont mean it like a movie game. There are guns, health, enemies and environmental hazards you have to avoid, you can climb, use bikes, have random encounters. All this I got from the trailes.

Travis should be in Death Stranding

hopefully in the ground. you're a faggot for even trying to summon that bitch boi

enjoy your 6 minutes cinematic trailer in E3 that won't show nothing important but Norman's face
really enjoy it because he won't show nothing until next year E3 more than twitters pics of his meal
fuck this stupid hack

How many Oscars will it win?

Thanks for bumping the thread, Asher.

No way in hell this game releases unfinished. We have seen walking gameplay, but we also know that we can shoot things like in Uncharted, but Kojima has been coy on the subject, because the gameplay on it's base level is doing something that he wants people to experience first hand. Eveyone that has played it so far has said that at first it seemed really strange and then it all clicked and they were engrossed with it. Time will tell. I'm looking forward to it, if only for the lore. There are some pretty high end concepts in the trailer we've seen. Fucking teleportation chiral shit time traveling and death is not the end. It seems to me that Sam is a ferryman getting people that are infected across to 'the other side'. So that they can have an actual permanent death. It should be a good time. Kojima has a record of turning in games that are pretty good most of the time. He's certainly far from perfect. He made Boktai after all. A game that needs you to play it outside in the sunlight. Neat idea on paper, but no one on the team did much playtesting in the sun. You can't see shit when playing the gameboy advance outside.

The Archillect and Game Awards shitshow from last year broke him.

not him, but you didn't see hide or hair of rdr2 until right before release. the moral is, don't show your shit off before you have anything more than proof of concept movie scenes.


>no sony on E3
>cant show the game in e3
>turns out game will come to pc
>theres pc game show
>show new stuff their instead.
It sounds dumb but I can believe something like this happening.

>I can't keep track of how many people ravage me on a daily basis
I'm not the user that left. But you've had your ass wrecked on all levels and then only come up with shitty ad hominem attacks because you know that you no longer have a point. Unlike the other user, I really don't mind if you hang yourself tonight.

>>Approximately how much of a shitshow is this game going to turn out to be?

Not as much as MGSV

>But MGSV was goo-

no one thinks this

I agree with this hard, but Kojima had something to prove. I'm in awe of what they did over there in such a short time barely knowing the engine. They only had access to it for a couple of months before the reveal trailer. They've certainly got wizards over there.


I asked where you autist and keep up those delusions. I feel like your asshole still gaping and you haven't recovered at all. Nothing unusual for a pathetic Kojima drone.

>The Archillect
Anything end up happening with the "code" in the colors?

Hideous Kojumbo
Hope this game flops and makes clear he's a fucking hack, where the fuck is he getting all that money to burn on dinners with famous people

wait, what user are you if you are not the one left with the gaping asshole, just making sure who I'm replying to of those 5 who I demolished itt

It's kojimbob, of course it's going to be shit yet highly praised by faggots for being "intelligent".

it would have been impressive if it was something like the metal gear solid rising footage was. that was footage of the engine in both form and function, something which isn't present with death stranding. the thing that makes it look like the now archetypal kojipro is the art direction. while i respect the aspect of animation, it's still nothing more than proof of concept made public for no good reason. it's not even like the ruse cruise at this point, that at least was engaging.

No, he's a sonytard, he barely knows how to read

Xfags still coping with no games.

The assblast this game caused on Yea Forums over the years by merely existing is unreal, it didnt do anything that would make normal person angry. This is some serious living in your head rent free shit.

Attached: 1557952831897.gif (640x266, 3.24M)

Nintendo post-ops can't handle PlayStation users having great exclusive games. Same with Xbox goblins.

>go watch the trailers and take as if everything you see is gameplay
What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you actually paid attention to the games industry for the past 20 years?

you aren't even allowed into E3 how dare you talk down on X-Chads you literal niglet

Yeah, thats just how the game is user, like it or not.

Don't need E3 when you hype people up with a single tweet. Something Phil and his sport can't do.


>hype people up
mentally handicapped. Snoy California at work.

Reminder that the faggots defending this """"""""game""""""" to death are only doing it because Kojima's name is attached.

>telling the haters to take the rope and kys
Based Kojima

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