Why are they so afraid of making him an elite character? Ever since Smash was established he's always ranged from pretty good, maybe B-tier (Melee) to fucking abysmal (Ultimate)
Why are they so afraid of making him an elite character...
t. Void. Any actual Falcon main will tell you otherwise.
Also not really? He was pretty awful in Brawl
Falcon gets better when they bring back preserved air momentum and make grabs/throws stronger. So never. He's fun to play if you're just better at neutral than the opponent though.
Falcon was only awful in Brawl
they just need to fix his awful dash startup
He’s not “fucking abysmal” though.
t. Fatality
1. He sucked cock in Brawl, he’s only below average in Ult
2. It’s our time now, Falcunts.
He's good in ultimate just his f smash has less range. I love jumping around and throwing out knees with him
They give him neat quirks and then give everyone the same quirks.
He's definitely low minus tier
Bottom 10 easily
Wasn't Brawl the only time he was ever actually bad? He's just okay in Ultimate from what I gather and has the issue of "why play this technical character when I can play this braindead character that's way better and get much better results way more easily."
I can definitely think of 10 worse characters than Falcon
>Bowser Jr.
>K Rool
>Duck Hunt
Probably more too.
CUM AWN (me)
Eh, I disagree but to each their own, she has an underrated down smash and she's one of the more fun characters to play against CPU's
Get the fuck out.
(You) Can (Not) Ejaculate
I really, really like Jiggs. I do. Watching Hbox’s Ult version has been fun and there’s no doubt in my mind that Puff is definitely better in this game.
But Puff is low tier dude. At least not bottom tier this time.
>Duck Hunt
Bad meme
Character just got 3rd at one of the biggest tournaments for the game.
This is Smash 4 all over again.
Better yet, why are they so afraid of making a new F-Zero game?
GX was the last one right? That has to be pushing twenty years, a near-masterpiece though few racing games are more rewarding to master
user asking the questions that matter itt
give him side b reset on hit and that can change real fast, otherwise he's still shit at recovering
eh, i kinda agree, though good bowser jrs are crazy
um...no? sure he's a heavyweight, but he's actually decent
worse than falcon... yeah not really
>K rool
okay, aside from "hurr durr heavyweight gets comboed to death" syndrome, K.Rool is actually fucking good
if his Fair actually worked like it used to, just with the addition of a bomb, then he wouldn't be this shit
bro, do you base this list off of characters you personally blow hard with?
>Duck Hunt
can agree
see robin
best air mobility in the game. decent aerials. can wall of pain. Rollout is no longer a death sentence if you hit someone
sure rest is a bit tougher to land, and her Bair makes her turn around into Fair position, but overall jiggs is really good
Who are your mains?
Falcon isn’t even bad in ult he’s fairly average.
bout the only issues i have are is Fsmash and Falcon Punch. both had their range reduced and thus are riskier to pull off
but are even more satisfying to get away with
so it ends up becoming a "i'm meh about it" still bugs me though
F-punch has always been easy to pull off for me because I specialize in characters where timing is the key (Mewtwo, DK, Samus)
But I don't even bother with F punch because his side b is more practical, I don't even use the Captain that much anyway and as a matter of fact, I think he sucks too, he's hard low minus, nowhere near average, Fox is average
Anime characters that dont have to think or even try
Changing it so that his side b will reset on hit does nothing. Mac needs at the very least usable aerials and better ground control to be good. Currently he has very good ground control, but it should be absolutely oppressive. Unfortunately, if they do that then Mac will be stupid in normal play.
he should have been the only character to get preserved air momentum
You know who fucking sucks in Ultimate, OP? Marth.
Wtf am I reading fox is top tier
Honestly, I'm pretty happy with Falcon, he should be a little bit better but I'm fine having both Ganondorf and Falcon be not too strong, not too weak, and fun
Upper-mid tier
No, top tier. He is only “upper mid” if your tier list just isn’t including the bottom tiers at all.
t. furry