Things that came and went

things that came and went

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pic unrelated

My dignity

your Father

Why did they let it die.
Why did they make the characters ugly as fuck. Why did they add annoying dialogue.
All they had to do was copy fortnite but use their superior engine.

Should've made a class kit kindof system instead of legends

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lets not add content to our game
lets just add

Respawn Entertainment too busy spending their gains. "Fuck working 70 hour weeks, we didn't make this kind of money to work this much!"

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So now they'll make Tfall 3 right

So why did Apex fail? was it a lack of updates? low staying power? were the system requirements too high for the average toaster?

>stop paying to streamers
>game suddenly lose popularity
Woow shocking news.

the most shocking realization is that people actually are influenced by these streamer incels


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>Game hyped by streamers and "pro gamers"
>Game flops

Really makes you think. Streaming and the pro scene is the cancer killing gaming.

It stopped being shilled.

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It was fun to mess around with for a while, but it just got old for my and my friends. And it was free, so I got no complaints.

No significant content update.
1 character, 1 gun since release. Inconsequential season pass, which is cosmetic drivel.
No game modes, no maps, no events, nothing.

>finally get a BR game that plays somewhat well and people don't turn into buildings
>but it's ugly as sin and receives not only no bug fixes, but gets bugs added

> Lack of content
> Hackers running rampant
> Battle Pass is a borderline scam for what you receive.
> Epic is forcing their employees to work Crunch 70-100 hour work weeks. Respawn promised their devs to not do the same.

They need to start either working a lot more, hiring a lot more people or just remake the game entirely....

>tfw they will never remake the game to have actually attractive characters
I'd hate to try and claim that Overwatch is a "standard" but fuck me if the Apex characters aren't ugly as sin.

If Respawn does not start crunching their employees to work enormous hours like Epic, they have absolutely NO CHANCE of surviving in 12-15 months.

no.I guess I can stop caring about respawn now.

>makes the common "soldier" class a black female

100% it was a minority that suggested this shit.

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>gay hawaiian
>trans russian thing
>jamaiican woman
>hispanic dude that focuses on jumping over walls and running away
>schizophrenic asian woman
>indian movie star
>only white guy is a villain that gases people
It's like they tried to immitate the overwatch cast, but didn't know why people liked that cast.

>none of them have a personality beyond their physical appearance and sexuality
that's the biggest sin of them all, a cast full of boring, dull characters