Switch thread. What are we playing?
Switch thread. What are we playing?
Salmon Run
Nothing, Im not sure why I bought one because I use it once every few months and its to play ports that i never finish. I wish the library wasnt so garbage. I wish I was dumb enough to enjoy shit like Yoshi and not get mind numbingly bored. Seems to be the case with most Switch games, zero depth gameplay and mediocre presentation that feels too familiar.
I don't own a lot of games on my switch. I just got it
But I've been playing blades of time and attack on titians 2.
Still Picross S3 (70 hours in it) and The Lost Child (35-40)
Nothig, everything on the eshop is overpriced and the sales suck. I only really have smash and odyssey to play but i'm not willing to shell out $60 for exclusives that never go on sale. Nintendo was a mistake, i'm sure my pc has paid for itself by this point in sales, the switch is just a dumb third party port money sink.
Saints Row. It puts me into the mood for an actual GTA game. port of anything when?
Post your Switch game library
>paying $30 for an 8 year old game, a port no less when it regularly goes on sale for less than $5 on steam
>playing saints row
I own the entire library. The console is just a garbage platform unfortunately.
Does Resident Evil Revelations 2 have the best shooter motion controls? I just want to waggle and shoot stuff. I know Doom has motion controls but I don't love em
animal crossing when?
>I own the entire library.
lol at least try to be believable
Probably fall or winter holiday
White people complained when there was no third party support, now they bitch when they get it. Which is it you Mayo fucks?
It takes no time to download archive dumps and install NSPs in a single button press.
At least try to be less stupid .
Does no one play risk of rain online? Really like the game, but it seems dead
What third party support? Late ports, games that look and run like shit, and old as fuck games? This isnt even third party support this is scraps.
Smash mostly, though I've got some other games to play mobile if I ever get around to it, though I'm thinking of buying Into the Breach (which I already have on my laptop).
Played Tangledeep. It was fun, good, but not much meat to it. Apparently I sunk 20 hours into it which is respectable. I'd recommend if you're going to get it to just get the PC version, that has way more content. I'd also recommend playing on Adventure mode (the non-permadeath mode) because frankly Tangledeep is more of a Disgaea-esque grindathon mixed with a Mystery Dungeon game than a real roguelike.
Similar with Wizard of Legend, although I think that's just a bad game. Feels like someone tried to copy Enter the Gungeon and had a bunch of "good ideas" that they threw in. Notably, a total misunderstanding of action gameplay - action is about how you react to your opponent, not how you act on your opponent, and WoL is all about never letting your opponent act. The optimal strategy at all times is to hitstun everything like crazy because otherwise they're designed to combofuck a billion health off of you.
Is it hard to get a game online on fast rmx?
And I'm playing FF7 on my switch
>larping as a minority
Truly the lowest of the low
Well if you're complaining about no games when you clearly have a ton of games then you have a classic case of pirater's fatigue
Many such cases. Sad!
I'm playing smash
>go through one area
>oh cool, an unlockable character I hope it's my main or someone co-
>it's a mii fighter
have sex
Nope, its a no games machine. And no, I buy games that I think i would like. Unfortunately, most of the library is bad ports and the luster quickly fades when you realize you played the game 7 years ago.
That’s pirate fatigue, dumbass.
Yeah I wouldn't have liked the Smash single player if Marth wasn't one of the first unlocks.
Nope, its called the library being shit and spending more time on PC with better software. There's next to no good exclusives on the thing either.
>tfw kirby main
Minecraft. Just created a comfy bridge between me and my gfs bases.
>no games
>posts picture of games
>th-those don't count
Aight dumbass. Doubt you buy shit honestly.
My gf bought me an amiibo as a gift which gives me Epona in BotW. So I've been mostly revisiting that game and going on comfy rides around Hyrule. Forgot how amazing this game is.
Is Risk of Rain on Switch?
Oh yeah you definitely don't buy shit.
Yes, no games.
And yes, they dont count because they are old ass ports or just fucking suck like Yoshi, rabbids, kirby etc.
And yes, I do buy good games, the Switch just barely gets one a year if its lucky.
KYS Snoyboi
Seriously, if you guys want to play a race or two in Fast RMX, add me.
>pic related
is my FC
I buy games on PC all the time. It has games.
Super robot taisen t.
Tell me does it ever get difficult? I'm a few chapters deep and there is no challenge. The animations are cool though
>b-but sony!!!!
Your insecurity makes you look pathetic.
I don't have Switch Online subscription. I miss those free play days of Fast RMX online.
Ever since I finished BotW I had a void left that prevented me to play other games longer than 1h and I couldn't really pinpoint what it was, but now I figured I was just missing the big map and the freedom. So I booted it up again and decided to go for the 900 koroks and get the golden turd.
Name the great games this year on ps4
Your childish hatred and bafflement over the success of the Switch makes you look more pathetic.
I dont own a PS4, im waiting for a PS5 for BC.
I need something that's good to play in short bursts during work breaks. I've tried playing jrpgs on my psp for example, and it just kills the pacing. Any thoughts on Into the Breach?
Sekiro for starters.
I still haven't beaten WoL which I kinda feel bad about since apparently, the bosses are actually really damn good. Still don't want it spoiled for me.
I really want to play some Smash and get back into it so I can start going to tournaments again but I've got homework to do and I've been in a huge Splatoon mood lately as well. Fuck Clam Blitz and fuck Goby Arena.
Ironic you call me childish while refusing to accept any negative remarks over a childrens console. No one cares its successful, that has nothing to do with the quality of the system at all.
>im waiting for a PS5 for BC.
And you rip the Switch for having ports? Enjoy your 7 year games hypocrite child.
Dumb whiteoid.
Same. I REALLY want to buy a PS4 though because I'm fucking dying to play DMC5.
Don't you have a liquor store to rob and a child to abandon, jamal?
Is Splatoon 2 worth getting if I only play singleplayer?
God of war and spiderman arent 7 years old. And yes, because the Switch ports offer literally nothing. Everything has res scaling and or runs like shit while still being full price. Its just a garbage console.
Finally playing through Hollow Knight.
Don't want to turn this into another one of *those* threads, but it is, legitimately pretty great.
Dragons dogma. Haven't played it since it first came out like 7 or 8 years ago and I forgot just how fun it is
Don't you have a school to shoot up, Conner?
Dragon's Dogma
Imagine being black LMAO
>2017: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Reality: the Switch has one of the best launch years of any system ever, sales break records, hosting some of the most acclaimed games of all time.
>2018: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Reality: the Switch is dominating Japan and America and year-on-year sales are demolishing the PS4 by more than 20%. Six of the Top 20 best selling games of the year were Switch Exclusives.
>2019: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Reality: the Switch is still outselling everything and has eclipsed the PS4 sales in Sony and Nintendo's country and 2019 is packed out with hit exclusives
>2020 and beyond: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Into The Beach is a fantastic game, and just about perfect for what you're describing
>black dude talking down on anyone
Isnt life hard enough that you need to ape out online? I can see why you like Nintendo, its a low IQ platform.
>has a hacked Switch
>has every game available
>some of those games are ports
"Yeah, I beat them, like, 10 years ago!"
>some are exclusives
"They suck!"
>and some of them are multiplat titles
"Y-yeah, they don't count! Also, why do you care? I could sell that garbage console, but then I wouldn't be able to complain on internet!"
You Snoy falseflaggers are really pathetic. Not surprising, because you won't be on E3
Absolutely not if you only play single-player. It is definitely a very multi-oriented game.
The Octo Expansion which I'm only just now getting through is legitimately great, if not fantastic, and is the single-player campaign the base game should've had, but it's an additional $20. You'd be paying $80 just for maybe 5-6 hours of game content, half of which aren't even that good outside of the boss fights.
No, the main appeal of Splatoon 2 is the online multiplayer. Single player is basically a training mode for multiplayer. The DLC's single player is a bit more involved and enjoyable, but I couldn't justify buying it and Splatoon 2 if you're only doing single player.
>N*ggers mad because all of his females are getting BLEACHED
Big white cock is the new fad, go back to your cuck shed.
If you like puzzle games, get Lumines Remastered. I used to play it for that exact reason, need to get back to it.
I wish they’d at least patch in fucking Gyro aiming
The game already feels like ass and after 1000 hours of Splatoon all shooters without gyro automatically feel worse to play
I hope you copy and paste this, this has literally nothing about our discussion. You are boasting about sales rather than quality. So yes, its a shitty no games machine and you need to hide behind bullshit copy paste reaction inages to pretend you have an argument
Why is /pol/ so easy to trigger?
>tfw RE4 port doesn't have this
That port legitimately could've been the best version of the game if they'd just put some fucking effort into it.
This has nothing to do with Sony, child.
And again, the Switch library is garbage. You would claim I didnt play the games if I said otherwise so there is no winning with retarded fanboys like you.
I bet you look like a walking abortion and talk like an incel.
Idk but I wish they'd get the fuck out of this thread.
I like Switch threads for the comfy vidya discussion, not this low IQ race-baiting bullshit.
Yeah digital hoarding gets boring fast
Hell I hacked my 3DS and didn’t want to play anything
I brought SMT IV for 15$ used at GameStop and beat it in less than a week
I still don’t get it
Is it worth it to hack the Switch?
I have the entire 3DS, Gamecube, PS2 and DS library in my PC and no games to play.
Clearly shit systems smhtbhfam.
>best version with no mouse aiming, no HD textures, less than 60 fps
Lmao you wish
>merely pretending
It amazes me how many games don't utilize the gyro, when they'd greatly benefit from it.
But then again, underutilized features are pretty much par for the course on Nintendo platforms when it comes to 3rd party devs
i only have 2 actual games, lets go eevee and BOTW, i have T99 and the nes classics thing but thats it
You refuse to sell the console you hate, and yet, you are the one calling other people retards.
just finished hollow knight and had a blast (probably moreso than any other switch game i have), but i realize i could have also just pirated it on pc. was nice to play it with the pro controller though.
Got 'em.
This isn't even factual. The PS4 outsold the Switch on 2018 for one. You cant even be objective about the kusoge console.
Get Splatoon 2 nigga
>the Switch library is garbage
For a two year old system, you will struggle to name a system with a better library at this point in its lifecycle. You will kick and scream and stomp your feet and still bring nothing to the table but a weak tepid defence. Get over it kid, the Switch just keeps going from strength to strength.
hacking my, switch yay or nay? i basically never use online anyway so i don't care if i get banned
Nope, still play some PS2 and DS games. 3DS is shit though. Switch is complete trash.
They could've easily given us gyro aiming, both with individual Joycons ala the Wii port and Splatoon-style aiming with both of them and up-rezed the textures. Also, the game IS 60 fps iirc, except for gun reload animations which are locked at 30 for some reason.
Also, they really could've given us something like a Luis Sera scenario and him playable in Mercs mode too.
Might as well do it, dunno how easy it is to do it but since I do play online I will homebrew mine at the end of its lifecycle, hopefully by then we will have tons of consoles emulators to play on handheld.
>The PS4 outsold the Switch on 2018 for one.
>b-b-but the Fifa machine sold 300k in Tunisia!
Kek fuck off.
Cuphead, Dragons Dogma, Smash & Tennis Aces.
Why would I sell it? Its a loving lesson of shit quality that i wasted money on.
And yes, you are retarded. Not just for pretending this console is good and defending it like a child, but for pretending you matter at all to Nintendo.
Keep policing these threads though its hilarious. I will be here again and again to tell everyone the truth behind the no games machine.
ANy way i can return a game in europe? I wanted to return owlboy, but nintendo keeps telling me to fuck off, the game is boring indie garbage that my friend bought while he was drunk, also controls don’t automatically switch when you switch from a handheld mode to tv/vice versa.
Do not reply to me ever again, I said I have EVERY PS2 and DS games, and since I am not playing anything right now, they are all dogshit.
Rec me some good roomhacks to wait for Super Mario Maker 2
PC or the PS2.
The Switch continues to be a no games machine surviving off old ports. I do find it hilarious you pretend to have a higher stance as if you matter at all lmao.
Stay mad.
So, a white looking person is not a minority in USA? Only brown/black? Are amerimutts retarded?
I would’ve accepted straight up fucking pointer controls like the Wii
But no.
I’m so fucking pissed I’m not buying this until
A. It’s patch with gyro
B. It’s 1/2 off it’s current price
C. Comes out physical because physicalfag
Yes the PS4 factually outsold the Switch i 2018 and has a majority market share, and took the majority of Ninte do exclusive IPs back like dragon quest, monster hunter, and no more heroes.
How about some facts?
>I'm waiting for a ps5
Same. I'll play the ported PS4 exclusives at a better resolution and frame rate.
It's literally on xbone and pc. Moron.
Mad about what? Youre upset i dislike a shit console.
Fucking Bethesda/ Panic button has figured this shit meanwhile no one else uses it.
What the fuck.
A couple of days ago I started playing Guacamelee on PC because it was free. Now I want to play it and its sequel on the Switch for some comfy playing sessions. Physical when?
Also, with the news of TSA getting a PC release do you think it will have anything worth to buy it again? mainly shirts, even though I was using the Hotline Miami 2 t-shirt only
Lots of stuff. I bought switch this year, didn’t own wii u (or any nintendo home consoles escept for wii) and missed many multiplats
>You faggots let console war Mexicans invade the thread instead of reporting them
Imagine being assblasted enough to come into a thread about a console you don't own and start having a meltdown because people are having fun without you.
I own a PS4 AND a Switch. My PS4 isn't even plugged in anymore while my Switch continues to be my most played gaming device for more than two years running.
Go and cry somewhere else.
Do you have a 1st batch switch otherwise you’re fucked.
The paper clip hack doesn’t work anymore
Yeah, i also sold my ps4 and i skipped ps3. Ps1,ps2, psp were so fucking amazing, ps3 and ps4 exclusives are too boring for me. So good game here and there. But still.
Is the Vehicle Labo worth it? It's $40 bucks at Walmart and I had fun building the Variety Kit last time, but quickly got bored of it.
Based idort
I own the console. Im not having a meltdown at all, you wanna mic so I can prove it? Maybe you can tell me why it isnt shit.
I do like how people like you get angry for telling the truth about the awful console.
unironic console wars are pathetic no matter what side because you're fighting for a piece of plastic and a company that only cares about your money
Move your general to /vg/
It's alright, picked one up months ago when Target was selling them for like 20 bucks
I've only built the pedal, key and steering wheel though. Pick it up if you feel compelled to stick some more cardboard together.
The wheel takes like 2 or 3 hours to put together though, thing is no joke
The only console wars happening is Nintendo fans blaming others for their insecurities.
My PS4 was a paperweight for about 4 years but last year was pretty great. I love my PS4 but Switch feels like it has a little bit more soul and suits my lifestyle these days. I don't think I can go back to traditional consoles again.
Its a nostalgia machine, there is a difference.
I been playing smash, and KOF 96. I really want to finish botw, but I had no time to play during xmas, and dropped it. Not sure if I should start from the beginning, or buy mario deluxe.
We can still hope for a patch, Doom gained gyro control after a patch
I wish the switch felt nicer to hold in handheld.
Shit like xeno is fine but anything that needs reactions like smash is a pain.
I'm not sure exactly what the issue is because when I play on tv I use the default controller the joycons slot into and it's fine.
Maybe it's the weight of the switch makes it more awkward to press the face buttons.
I'm holding off bayo because of this.
How are you even posting right now? shouldn't you be fighting off a muslim rape gang?
Don't you have a sekiro thread to be posting in.
Fuck off you ESL faggot
Suicidate Negro
What is pirate fatigue?
I own the console and it fucking sucks, being unable to see the flaws in your system of choice and mindlessly droning on about how great it is, is reddit territory. Go back.
True I only hate that patch is fucking 10 gigs big
Imagine having baby hands
Kys, the fuck has sekiro to do with you spamming these shitty threads about your console with no games?
I have a masters degree in chemistry though. Why do you get so mad when people dislike Nintendo's second worse console?
Kind of between games at the moment.
>ordered FFXII on sale and really want to play it, but apparently it won't arrive for a literal month
>beat xbc2 but still haven't played torna and kind of want a break from xb for a bit
>got some good progress in octopath and spontaneously stopped playing and don't know why or how to find the will to continue
>got maybe 1/3 through VC4 but some things were annoying me so I kind of stopped playing it
When you download ALL the games for any platform and then you have no will to play any of them
I am in a muslim rape gang, have some time to lurk, i live in Tatarstan
True, but nostalgia can also, get this, played on your old consolds or emulators. Its hard to find a place for it.
I didn't say there was anything wrong with stating the problems with the system aka its library
if anything that is completely welcomed
Here you go bro
For now MK8D, Cuphead, Baba is You and some nes shit (mostly SMB3)
Waiting for Mario Maker 2 to play the shit out of it
Great 3rd party games on a the switch like sekiro, yakuza, monster hunter, tekken, call of duty, hitman 2 etc. Oh wait, you mean ports from 30 years ago. Lmao
Its the opposite if anything lad
Why does that happen?
Never had a problem of that kind, and I pirate a lot on 3ds and switch.
Or the games just suck and dont hook you. You can easily download a ton of PS2 games and find great things to play. Same with the SNES.
He's an idort, you dumbass Mexican.
I bought a case protector that has a curved hand grip, and a rubber thumb cover. The difference is like night and day.
Yes it has flaws, and could usemimprovements. However, that doesn't mean its not enjoyable.
How's the games with it?
What are the flaws of the switch itself? No bluetooth, browserand low battery life seems to be the only issues for me
He didnt say that at all. Why are you faggots so inept? Can you not speak in person?
Night in the Woods
Is it actually good?
Not kidding, I might buy it on Amazon right now, MK11 was a pain in the ass to play in handled mode, too ugly in TV mode so I only played handled
The hell are you doing on Yea Forums, then?
The games are alright, nothing mind blowing but you can get some enjoyment out of it. There's slot car racing, an open world adventure/exploration mode, and battle racing.
Shit controller, no ethernet, no folders, overall bad performance (720p console in 2019) with res scaling and bad framerates, paid online, low storage space, no pro controller support for most games, and overproced software/ports is my take.
Mortal Kombat. Then Castlevania when the grinding gets too unbearable.
The whole thing is built below Nintendo build quality standards; The joycons are literally designed to self-destruct under heavy use,(which is where the super-common drifting problem comes from) and the Switch itself still may or may not have the warping problem the early models had.
It's the weight and the way you're forced to hold it. I had to quit playing undocked because of severe wrist pain and I've been playing handhelds my whole life without any issue before. I'll never understand people who call this thing "comfy". It's basically a big slab with an awkward layout and no thought put into ergonomics because they wanted to push the joycon gimmick.
The lack of a proper d-pad makes playing lots of games a pain too.
>overproced software/ports
This is probably my biggest issue with the console.
I feel like it should be between 3ds prices and ps4 stuff. Not as much or more than ps4.
Get mad.
There is a ethernet connector that you can buy, controller is pretty good and wacky, 720p for a handheld is pretty good, you pay for online everywhere now, you can buy sd cards for storage, at least it has some storage space to begin with, most handhelds did not, agreed with overpriced but that’s very subjective caise i think every is overpriced that has to do with gaming in general. Folders is not such a big issue with me, never used those on any console. Might as well add some file manager or something. Not having a browser is a bigger issue for me
Initial D: Left analog stage
I was really hoping with smash they'd release some kind of gc joycons that's useless as a single controller but made handheld super comfy.
The whole joycon being two controllers is a great concept but I hope they improve it on further versions of the console
Considering this isn't your first post, I can only assume you've been getting mad this entire thread whenever someone criticizes your plastic toy.
Ports of course
I know its a rip off for somehting that should be included in the dock
720p is not good for a console, its a 2004 standard if that
You dont pay for steam
More cost again
Get mad.
Kek don't be an autistic faggot user.
You can criticise something and like it at the same time.
I mean, look how much criticism the Xbone gets.
Get mad.
Stick to pc then mate? I also prefer pc, but i also like handhelds, is switch the first handheld you ever bought or what?
The Switch is awesome for getting those friend challenges done. The way it has different users set up makes it easier to switch accounts instantly compared to Epic's launcher where you need to sign in every time. For pc I'd rather just use my main account.
A new buzzword from butthurt payfaggots.
Yes actually
Like it’s so damn good I wish Nintendo actually included this in the box
I think he meant 720p is very decent for a screen that's approximately 6 inches wide, which it is.
When it's docked, most games use 1080p.
>no pro controller support for most games
I agree with everything else but this is wrong. I haven't found one game that doesn't support it yet. I'll add pro controller is missing an audio port, the d-pad is too sensitive, and Nintendo just straight up copied the shitty Xbawks design.
Nothing because I've felt like shit all month and can't bring myself to play anything for an extended period of time.
>comfy switch thread
>snoyboys start shitposting immediately
Its almost like they don't have any games to play or something. Weird.
In a way I get why they self destruct in a bad fall but yeah you can definitely tell this was more rushed than anything else Nintendo has ever put out since the original DS.
I think it comes down to personal preference.
I don't mind 720p when the games run at a solid framerate for the most part. There's far, FAR more first-party games that run at 60fps on Switch than either of the other two consoles
really enjoying this. i tried playing the original version a few years ago, but never got good at it. this has a lot of stuff added though, levels are bigger, more bosses, and twin stick controls. still not good at it, but im having fun.
Bullshit, I had that with my chipped ps2 and flahed 360.
Are you me? Im just so tired all the time and don't want to put in any effort.
You already know any good news at e3 is going to immediately be bum rushed by bored Snoyggers
Hell on my E3 bingo card I have
“State of play drops during E3 gets completely ignored”
Infernium on sale for $5. Shit is cash playing in bed. It's like Myst in hell
Not really, pirate fatigue is real. When we were kids my friends and I all owned SNES or Megadrive, which was cool because we all got to play games on each system without stupid console war shit (although we did still do that, kids afterall).
And then one of our group got a Super Magicom (Google it) and all of a sudden we had every SNES game ever made. Nothing felt special. There was no need ot desire to get invested. Play for 5 minutes and then fuck it, play the next game. Everything felt boring. And pointless. It ruined things so much that our group split up shortly afterwards and we all went our own ways.
Unchecked piracy leads to nothing but a void. Thanks for reading my blog.
It fucking hurts because I know I have games I want to play but I just haven't been playing them.
> What are we playing?
Convince me to get this. Seems like Not-Turrican to me.
Alright, not available in the French Amazon sadly, might have to order it from the official website directly, I'll receive it in a few weeks fuck
Name a better shooter on the Switch.
nope, but the only thing close enough
>DOOM: Nintendo Switch Edition
hell no, not on the switch
I honestly can't think of anything else aside from Minecraft but I don't consider it a shooter. After DOOM I refuse to play any more id games on Switch. Just not worth it.
And before you say Spla2oon, I already traded it in. So no. It's got the best performance of all the other shooters but it's incredibly boring and shallow after the first couple of weeks.
Oh you can set your watch by it at this point. Its bizarre how the snoy shitposting seems to be about equal to nintondo, xbone, and the master race combined. Very salty individuals
100% this
My college roommate had some kind of setup where he had all the ps2 games and gifted it to me. I played katamari damacy for like 8 minutes and then never played it again for 2 years
Based Turricanfag. Where you from?
>Unchecked piracy leads to nothing but a void.
South Carolina
>hell no, not on the switch
why? it runs great. That team they have working on doom and wolfenstein has their shit on lockdown, I was just playing the latter like 15 minutes ago.
Or are you just shitposting?
>splatoon sucks
oh ok so youre just shitposting
Thats interesting. I always figured Turrican was European thing and never made it big in the states. I played the original on C64 as a young nipper.
How spooky is it?
And if you are into the spooky experience may i go ahead and recommend Darkwoods
I almost shit myself playing it yesterday unironically
Played Super Turrican on the SNES as a lad.
same here
I've just been completely drained, its to the point where I feel like the best I can muster is watching Xfiles and youtube vidya lore videos. Barely working out. Barely eating. Only putting in 6.5-7 hour days at work
Thats cool. SNES version is the only version I play these days.
Sounds like you need a vacation man
it's a real thing. i wanted to get into VNs so i spent a day downloading all the essentials and more popular ones and now that i have them all ready to be played, i can't be assed to actually play any of them for some reason. i also have a lot of time on my hands, so it's not like i can't muster up, sit down and get invested.
Got Pokken yesterday, it's fucking kino. Where my pokken bros at
honestly its not as good as turrican, this fangame is better and is free.
I had the Wii U version and I've been trying to get it for Switch for the longest, but it never goes on sale. Is online active?
It's so true!
That's why I only pirate older consoles. Because having everything for free is one thing, but having a convenient archive is another. Piracy should supplement your having diet, not supplant it.
It's better to be a Buyfag with access to Castlevania or Megaman X or final Fantasy Tactics or whatever when the mood strikes, than a piratefag who just doesn't care about games anymore
Beat of luck to you French bro
You had Splatoon 2 and decided to play Fortnite instead
Playing Shovel Knight, first time. Loving it.
Best jrpgs on the Switch? Doesn't matter if ports or remakes or whatever.
I haven't tried the online yet, shit I still need to get a membership actually.
>Stealing games via piracy
Disgusting OP
Played It on PS3 it was so bad I sold my PS3. Now fuck off
>Steal all the games
>Have to justify being a thief and not buying anything by claiming all the games are bad
>how spooky is it
I would say 7/10. Most of it comes from the surreal atmosphere, not knowing what is going on, and cryptic messages on walls.
And yeah the moving robes add to it. They have no idle animation, and when they do start moving you have to haul ass because they one-hit kill you and can’t be killed themselves. Seeing a static robe up ahead in the distance makes me NOPE.
Bought it at full price 6 months after it came out and it ran terribly. No motion controls at the time and performance was even worse in some multiplayer maps. They released a patch a couple months later but I had already traded it in due to terrible performance (around 20 fps and lower in most combat areas in the campaign so basically unplayable) and I'm not buying it again. And it looks ugly as hell with vaseline smeared everywhere. They should have lowered the texture resolution even further as well as cut down on the poly count as well as removing the AA. It just looked terrible and played horribly when I had it.
Splatoon only has multiplayer going for it but I couldn't get into it. The maps are so small and its basically the same fights over and over, but the gameplay is ok so that's why I was able to play it for a few weeks. But it gets repeitive fast. And single-player was a shitshow. I was lookign forward to exploring the world and learnign about the characters but there's barely anything here in the singleplayer, just boring platforming puzzles and on-rails corridor levels. There's too much emphasis on puzzles. I wish it was a more open platformer like Mario where you can actually explore. There is no exploration or sense of wonder in Splatoon's single player. You're just doing chores over and over again with no reward. I heard Octo Expansion shits all over the vanilla campaign but I was already sick of the game's singleplayer experience already so I just wanted to get rid of it asap. And it was a mistake to make the co-op mode on a schedule. That game needed more variety besides the pvp aspect. Splatfests didn't do anything either. It's the same game but you vote on dumb stuff that doesn't affect anything. It's too bad because I absolutely love the characters, the music, the art style, what lore their is, and the novelty of the gameplay. It just wasn't enough for me.
Xenoblade 2
Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
Octopath Traveler
World of Final Fantasy
Disgaea 5
Phantasy Star
I mean, you at least have work.
I'm having fun with Dark Souls Remastered right now, feels nice to come back to a game that I played to the point of being absolutely sick of after a few years' break
Also I got my Switch like a month ago, so I'd like some recommendations. How is Bayo 2? I enjoyed the first one
I'm guessing SR2 is a never ever situation
Fortnite has more content and better waifus. Marina isn't even playable so there's no point. Plus there's crossplay so I can also play on PC with maxed out graphics. There's no real story mode in Spla2oon so all the characters and art style and lore is wasted. I'm not buiying it again just to play Octo Expansion. I'll wait for Splatoon 3.
Just started a new job
90 days until my vacation kicks in, im at like 49 days right now
When you buy a game you feel compelled to play it because you spent money on it and you don't want it to feel like it was a wasted purchase.
Already played it
Big meh, 3 was way better and even 4 outshined it in alot of ways
>what is pirates fatigue
haha yeah, going to work is so great...
Work sucks balls but being broke isn't any better.
Not him but I've bought many many games at cheap price (spent like 2-3k dollars in games since 4 years) because their discount often get worst when they're recent, I finished many of them but there is still a bunch that I didn't play yet.
Feels a bit shorter than the first one but still a blast.
been getting back into monster hunter
>Why does that happen?
Same reason why people who buy too many games don't feel compelled to play them, too much choice.
aint that the truth
Actually to be real this new job is really easy and I make way more money then I could spend if I wanted to
Im cheaper than a jew though, so ive restricted my fun spending to buying 1 switch game physical and 1 digital every friday to get a good collection quickly
>as I just bought the console a month or so ago
so far I have :
>travis strikes back
>dark souls remastered
>la noire (i never finished it on 360)
>vall halla
>uncanny valley
got any recommendations
Being a broke neet feels like being in prison honestly if you choose not to pirate.
Mario + Rabbids is actually great despite the Rabbids.
Anybody getting Gato Roboto? It looks fun, but the price makes me feel like it'll be too short.
Dead cells is fun if you like rougelite shlock
How does phantasy star play on the switch? Any features new to the switch version.
beating it doesn't ADD anything though!
that was the problem!
you know he pirates....right?
no one would buy an OBVIOUS multiplayer game and play singleplayer, of which nothing is ever shown....
absolutely disgusting taste famalam
This is true I rarely play my digital games (with a few exceptions) and always play my physical games
Seething because the thing still costs a dumb amount of money. I'd be putting down 400€ just to play mario and zelda.
I don't care. Most first-party stuff doesn't interest me. I like rhythm, action, shmups, puzzlers, and that's mostly it. I get my fighting games on PS4 since that's where the fightan community is, and any multiplats on Steam since I dislike giving unnecessary money to Sony. I bet your taste isn't much better, from any objective standpoint.
They added auto-mapping and the fm soundtrack
I don't see anything on there I'd outright call disgusting. Maybe the fur game? He has OutRun and Thunder Force 4 so really I'm more on his side.
Forgot to mention, they also added a new mode that gives double XP so you don't have to grind.
Dust had me iffy at first because of furryshit, but the gameplay itself is tight. Hits the spot after playing 70+ hours of Odin Sphere Leifthrasir and being disgusted by how bad Earth's Dawn was in comparison.
nice port machine, lmao
Finished Splatoon 2 story mode tonight and I've just started up Shovel Knight
Here's your (You)
He's right though. Not even good ports just ports of games from 5-10 years ago because that's all it can run.
Recommend me a game, Yea Forums
Is the FFXV "port" game good?
I was thinking of getting it if it came on sale
Redpill me on Ringo Ishikawa. Is it worth the price?
the same can be said about the xbox one and ps4
Golf Story
I'd rec Dong but you might have played it already
It was worth it for me because I love the delinquent aesthetic, but it's definitely not for everyone. It's like river city ransom meets shenmue with beat-em-up and life sim elements. It's got enough content to warrant at least a few playthroughs as you'll probably miss a lot on your first run.
Another $40 indie game or $60 port of a 20 year old game.
It really depends on if you care about FFXV and if you can find it on sale. It isn't worth the full price it has right now, thankfully I got it at launch week when it was cheaper.
A friend told me not to bother with the Resident Evil ports because they're all shit, is this true? Something about 900p on Resident Evil 4 and 0 having huge load times between doors.
How much is it again?
you are so mad lmao
your all faggots
its not "fatigue" its your AUTISM FUCKING FLARING UP!
Are there any good physical games on sale on amazon right now? Hidden gems?
I only have like 15 games currently
It's true. RE4 has 900p res and they didn't even bother to include gyro support despite Revelations having it and RE4 on Wii having motion controls. Meanwhile Okami port had gyro and touch controls. The RE ports just feel cheap and low effort in addition to being $10 more than every other version.
Dragon’s Dogma. I know everyone have already played this game to death by now but being able to play it portable is just the tits.
You're only really mixxing that new Ninja game that came out as far as platformers go. Pretty sure someone like you already took advantage of River City Ransom on the Switch Online as well.
~~How bad is Pokemon Quest without dumping money into it? The Pokemon F2P with the figures wasn't too bad in earnest, at least till it's most final of end game objectives, but by that point I already put like 200 hours into it without a dime and felt good~~
I was playing Warframe almost non-stop the past few months, but picked xenoblade 2 back and up and am having a fantastically comfy time.
But the Switch library DOES suck. Why release 5+ year old ports at stupid prices? Why is Nintendo still only Mario, Zelda and Smash? At least now there is Splatoon, but we get like one every generation? What a shill.
Any good local coop games? I need something to play with my casual brother.
Couch coop doesn't exist anymore
I haven't played Pokemon Quest in months, but I remember it being really f2p friendly. The real issue with it is the gameplay is not that great.
I dunno, I just don't play that many games, I have a bunch of stuff on my Switch but don't play it a lot, but I like having them their for when I do want to play whatever
Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle is fun coop and you get unlimited lives so casuals can enjoy it.
Not him but is REmake at least worth getting? That is the only one I care about.
imagine if nintendo didn't put out a mario, zelda or smash for the switch...
it would be dead as FUCK, NOTHING could save it in the realm of original IPs.
because with NINTENDO SWITCH (tm) you can have co-op wherever...whenever!
What's the game next to Yodanji?
The games you pirate don't feel like they hold any weight and no consequence to not play so you don't.
It kind of sucks to have wait as long as we do for something of quality to come out, even if Animal Crossing finally gets the release date or even SMT V gets a date, it's obvious we'll have to wait until at least Q4. They better fucking deliver on every major future release.
Pirate fatigue is a bitch
i'll have to wait till the 5th of june to look at getting games, why are switch games still ike £40+?
It's okay but loading times are longer than other versions even PS3 and GC original. Worth it if you really want to play REmake portable though.
Im working through Star Tropics. Im using save states and I cant see how anyone ever beat this game back in the day. You really gotta memorize stuff and some of these traps are bullshit. Other wise fantastic game.
I enjoy my Nintendo subscription. I always said I only pirated because there was no good official alternative. I just hope they bring on some better games. How many more nes games can there be? I want some snes already. Also most of the special modes are shit
But which game to focus on?
The best one? Which one is the "best" one? How do we determine that? Do we play a little of all of them to decide? How much of each is enough for a fair assessment? Do we pick one at random and stick with it through thick and thin? What if it really sucks? Why bother with any of them? They're not going anywhere.
Meantime, if I bought a game, then I know what I'm focusing on. Easy.
Nintendo games don't drop in price, ever.
This desu. After the first year the drought periods became way more distracting. They have yet to release a good summer game close to the quality of Splatoon 2.
I finally got the one game that made me feel like it was worth it getting a switch. And thats Xenoblade 2. Heres all the other games i have.
>botw - shit
>odyssey - ok
>bayo 1 and 2 - good, bad
>smash - ok
MHGU is always my go to recommendation
This still pisses me off
I want to replay RE4 but man they really shit the bed when both RE Revelations and Okami had this shit
>Tfw got REmake for free on psn
What games do you get for free nintendies? Oh right you get to pay an arbitrary amount for shitty service.
The best you can get is that voucher shit that makes every game 50$ and depending on your region it’s either an amazing or a meh deal
tetris 99 and a bunch of NES classic games
Most of the time it's just bargain bin trash that doesn't sell and you're still paying $40 more. They are both pretty shit services though.
>communist shit
Eh I enjoyed Octopath as much if not more than Splatoon 2.
this is the nu-nintendo cycle. they blow their load in year one, then spend the rest of the console's lifecycle saving up for the next console's launch. they pulled the same shit with the wii u.
As an owner of a Switch and PS4, there's nothing on the PS4 that's like the free NES bundle, it's too clutch
But the Wii U had a terrible launch.
I got smash because everyone was getting it even though I'm terrible at fightan games frame data whatevers
MHGU because I like the series
Mario+Rabbids because I like xcom and the whole game + expansion pack was on sale for cheap
katana zero
then a bunch of cheap meme games that all suck
what do I get
We got
>Dues ex MD
>Xcom 2
>Portal knights
>destiny 2
>Dead by daylight
>literally all the scrap ports you've been paying 30+ dollars for
off the top of my head. Don't @ me with jealousy.
VR too
Like $8
You also have Gravity Rush.
I wouldn't be surprised if they got re-released at some point on the switch, but that'd take Sony working with nint since it's their IP. Waiting on the remaster for 2 for ps5 to experience it tho
can you still get gold coins from imports if it's not on the us eshop?
So what are the best games to get to make my switch a party system? I want to be able to bust this out and have games that 2 or more people can enjoy with joycons at any kind of party or get together.
Smash, and maybe smash. Also smash, faggot. Why don't you go outside and have a drink like a normal person instead of inviting your coworkers to come over your house to play toddler games like the freak you are.
>That South Park Stick of Truth icon
Eww, just gross.
>want to get Puzzle Fighter featuring Black Jack
>30 second load times
How did they think loading times like that were acceptable?
You sound like a Smash fan
Can you please elaborate?
the one you find fun, idiot.
holy shit, this generation is fucked
you have INFINITE GAMES and can't focus enough to play ONE FUCKING GAME AT A TIME?
Final Fantasy 12
based and woomypilled
>smash after melee
Naw. Not a child that likes randomly mashing buttons.
no. I dont want those people to play. You know how normies are usually down to do something in 15 minutes or 3 lives real quick? Nothing thatll attract the smash guys, please.
Wii U never had a load to blow. And 3DS is the exact opposite of the situation.
Anyone else getting this?
Again with this?
Go put on some deodorant
Dragon's Dogma, having a lot of fun. I love RPGs, I wish I had more times to play more games.
it'll arrive on thursday with sonic mania, so I'll be playing that until ctr and smm2 happen
fucking THIS
Playing Skyrim. started like 5 days ago, been addicted since, now at 88,000 gold. 2nd playthrough so I know what Im doing. going full mage this time. Tell me about your skyrim adventure, or anything skyrim. pic unrel8d
Just bought one, haven't gotten much yet. Waiting on discounts for cards since I'll be going digital. I did however needed that physical Lumines, just to reminisce of when I had it for the PSP.
having a great time with the global event going on right now
you should join in, it's fun
Also where are my Fitbros?
i have still never touched skyrim
i couldn't tell you shit about it
its just ES4 dlc to my mind
It was fun for a while, but take your time with it because once you get burned out of Skyrim, you're burned out forever, its such a boring game to me now that the thought of even playing it puts me off.
haven't picked anything up since Smash
been trying to get my mains into Elite, already got Snake and Sonic there. Playing Ryu is a nightmare, I'm close with Joker but stuck at the 4.1-4.3 million range
Dogma del Dragon
What's it like maining Sonic? Seems stressful.
Sonic is fun and not at all stressful. I actualy got him into Elite faster than I did Snake despite Snake being the better character. Sonic builds up damage super fast, and his movement speed guarantees punishes because quick play shitters are guaranteed to do something stupid
Ryu and Joker are much, much, much more stressful to play. Ryu's movement options are garbage, never being able to turn around locks him out of his best aerial move, his recovery sucks, and once he's off stage, he's as good as dead
Joker is fun to play, but I find it hard to kill with him, even with Arsene at times. His smash attacks are laggy and his range feels suspect at times, and then you die if you get sneezed on.
Ill hit a point where i slow the fuck down on playing it. Open world games never fail to suck me in. The weekends are my days off so at least ill have less play time starting tomorrow
I'm playing Super Mario Odessey I got from my local target, I am planning to play BoW and sometime soon.
>tfw build a PC
>tfw playing Smash Legacy XP as a Ridley that's more fun, Geno and Ganondorf with his own moveset based on OoT
>tfw ACNL upscaled to 1440p
Kino. Haven't touched my Switch in a few months and Legacy killed my enjoyment of Ultimate due to how better it feels and characters having decent costumes but I'm looking forward to Animal Crossing on Switch
Recommend me stuff.
I find Sonic, Joker, Falco and Fox to have the same problem: They can do the damage but they can't close it out, Sonic to a lesser extent but you can't get ahead of your opponent with Joker, I have him ranked quite low in my personal tier list
I'm not, I had used my switch in about 2-3 months, so I sold it and my games for 450 bucks.
do you have to install games on the system like xbone and ps4?
No, it comes with magical, crushed nintendo 64 dust that you sprinkle on your switch and let the games grow on your console overnight.
You're not wrong, but as far as Sonic compared to Joker goes, he's definitely got better kill options.
Sonic's fsmash is faster and safer than any of Joker's smash attacks. I can just throw it out and not worry about getting punished too hard if it's blocked, where block any of Joker's and you're getting punished because of the end lag.
Sonic and Joker both rely heavily on bair as a kill option, but Sonic's comes with the caveat of not needing Arsene for it kill, so he kills much earlier on average with his.
It might be I'm just a hell of a lot more comfortable with Sonic since I've mained him since Brawl though
another question, what do the cartridges taste like?
Dead Cells rn, gonna play Mario & Rabbids like an asshole later.
Like lemonade dreams accompanied by gourmet tide pods.
Whoa there space cowboy, you just say Fortnite has content?
>gets exposed for being a buygoy
>y-you're mad lmao
Just admit he got you.
jesus why not fucking sell the thing for a person with real tastes if your only going to bicker about your shit tastes?
like shit
dragon dogma
when does it get good?
i can't install castlevania nor assassin's creed. bad dumps or is a software version needed?
I ordered mine from their site. It takes about two weeks. I will support what the other user said and say these were well worth it. Very comfortable and I have large hands.
is drifting fixable? or do i have to buy another controller? this is bullshit
A hard pass
toads treasure tracker. its pretty fun especially when you're high
>Never played anything from this series
>Likes RPGs
Does it look fun?
Fixable. You just need to clean it by disassembling it or using a bit of electrical contact cleaner under the flap.
i wish there was something new to play. BotW, odessy, hell even xenoblade that first year made me think I was gonna get all kinds of cool shit. Its been nothing but party games, ports, or 2d platformers since...
Wahhh u have no taste because you don't like these shit games! Wahhh
Fucking faggot.