Why are you still using WASD, user?

Why are you still using WASD, user?
Don't you want to get good at games?

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I dont even have a computer

what advantage does it have? more available binds on the left I guess

but the WASD on my keyboard are already colored differently to the others. the decision has already been made for me

why would i want to be further away from tab/shift/ctrl etc


too much of a stretch for Ctrl or Tab, both are required, esdf is non-viable for anyone without large mc big huge hands.

Using Tab/Shift/CTRL/Alt with ESDF feels much worse.

Its not a joke.

how would you post if you didn't have a computer

He's a phoneposting faggot

From my phone. As a matter of fact im pretty sure ive never browsed Yea Forums on an actual pc. Always phone.

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So you don't even know about the flash game on the catalog, since flash doesn't work on phones?

Guess not since i use clover

I've been thinking about it but I don't play any games with enough inputs to justify using esdf instead of standard wasd

It's like that dinosaur game on google, whenever a thread 404s, but with a train. You're missing out.

Dont care

NUMPAD > WASD > ESDF > arrow keys

talk about uppity faggots

You want to talk about being patrician but you don't use RAGE
R forward
A left
G right
E back

neither do you so stfu with your garbage humor

Mine have nice metal textures, it's not like I have a choice.

>have more keys available
>b-but I can't reach some keys
so use q instead of tab you baby handed retard

ESDF since tribes 2, fucking casuals

Wtf, reddit is down???

Because I have pic related, and don't need to worry about where to bind shit on my keyboard

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IJKL > everything else

>not playing with ZQSD
It's like you don't even want to be like KennyS or Shox.

> Not playing with arrow keys

You guys all suck

I used to use ESDF, so many games are set up for WASD by default eventually I just switched instead of rebinding everything everytime

I'm not a filthy frenchman

He isn't French.

His hand is deformed

ESDF is really just a crutch. WASD is for men.

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No seriously, hear me out
It offers a greater expanse of key binds within short reach.
It's in a great resting position on the hand, meaning little contortion is required.
Try switching to a weapon in the 7th slot with WASD. It takes ages to reach over for it, meanwhile for RAGE it's two keys diagonal from G.

how's it better than RDFG

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>not using the numpad

Because RDFG has the same small range of keyboard real estate, just a more central position. From RDFG, you have to really hook your hand to press the buttons along the far left side and the first few numbers, if you're not holding your fingers against the keys at some weird bullshit, like 90 degrees upright. RAGE is spread out so you don't have to twist your hand like that to hit anything.

>not using a joystick to move in all games
Literal peasant.

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WASD is much more comfortable, and I don't play games that require so many available keys to make ESDF a necessity.

What's a good mouse with number buttons? My 16 year old self fell for the Razer meme and 7 years later I need to get a real mouse.

It's an interesting idea. For a game where it matters, it should also result in a faster front to back. Also interesting to have six keys under your hand to play with.

Still never going to do it...

More available keybinds is actually just it.
Every key feels fine with the exception of tab, an idiotic key for gaming.

>searched ESDF to see why people care for it
>results are mostly for Fortnite players

Instead of WADS, use EAGR.

Seriously. Take your left hand and relax it on the keyboard. Your hand will fall on EAGR so long as you don't have little baby bitch hands. It makes sense to have your moving hand be as relaxed as possible. Also, EAGR puts half the keyboard in easy reach. You could use S or D to sprint since your finger's already laying across those keys. Reload, map, grenade, melee, lean left/right, etc. can all be easily accessed, without any of the clawing or cramped pain of WADS. Try it out, niggers.

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who else /arrowchad/ here?

Oh shit I'm not the only redpilled one here

I am more comfortable projecting my fingers out than hunting for stuff underneath my hand. Additionally, pressing shift, control, alt, etc, requires shifting my pinky off of A. No thanks.

That's why you don't keybind stuff to shift, ctrl, or alt. You don't need to, since you just doubled your available keyboard real estate. It makes a lot more sense to have sprint on S or D than it does on Shift. You only ever sprint when moving forward. The same finger that lets you move forward should also hit the sprint key. Take that shit off Shift.

And I still can't actually press any of the keys on the left side of the 'binds' without taking my fingers off of the movement keys. I cannot move diagonally and also press Q or W, and more twisting than that is necessary to hit X or C.

Wait. Instead of that, why don't you take advantage of your existing muscle memory and correspond WASD to REAG?

You still have the triplet ERG for your normal forward and strafing, while the least used A is the only key to relearn.

You're mistaking the spelling for the keybind order. You say WADS and RAGE because they happen to correspond to actual mnemonic words, not because it's literally R for forward, a for left, G for right, E for back.

Sure you can, unless, as stated before, you have baby bitch hands. The way your hand should rest on the keyboard is such that your left pinky finger rests across left windows, shift, A, and Q. Obviously get rid of that windows key either through rebinding or phyiscal removal.

I understand, I'm simply pointing out that it's not immediately intuitive that you're shifting your "normal" row 45 degrees and using your pinkie for back.

You're not using your pinkie for back. You use it for left.

E is forward
R is back
A is left
G is right.

It's like WAFE except your fingers are spread out a bit more to the right.

W is forward
E is back
A is left
F is right

The only downside to these setups is having to rebind mcliterally every game's default controls. But you gotta do that anyway to establish what keys are on your side mouse buttons so it's not that big a deal.

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my keyboard has some severe ghosting with ESDF and I can't be arsed to buy a new one.

shitty bait

Sorry then, That's not what I was suggesting at all.

I suggested using the same positioning with a WASD intuitive keymap: Using ERG as left, forward and right so you keep the same fingers you used on WASD on the same functions.

I'm too used to the regular way. Anything else feels weird and while they may be some benefit, I'm sure its minuscule.

Fucking retarded. Makes it significantly harder to reach ctrl and shift.

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A to sprint
Z to crouch
Shift to walk
Ctrl to prone


WASD for movement
tab-score or inventory
caps lock-autorun
Q-special ability or build wall
F-flashlight or build stairs
left click-shoot
right click-scope
mouse up-next weapon
mouse down-previous weapon
1 through 0-manual weapon switch
T-talk/chat or build trap
esc-pause menu
F7-stop recording
alt-extra use (change grenade types, change gadget, etc.)
middle mouse button-melee or build floor

That's it. You don't need anything else. Roofs are not necessary.

He wouldn't know about the dinosaur thing on chrome duh

Also use puffin browser to use flash on your phone its what I use for /f/ on very rare occasions

TFGH for camera
DRYJEU for abilities
ZXCVBNM for items


I wish I was stuck in 2006 too

>not using RAGE

Needing to use your pinky is dumb

>not using the superior left joycon + mouse combo

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B for map is better than M for map. It's closer and nothing uses B except maybe binoculars, which is rare and can be rebound.

Because there are literally games that don't let you change movement binds.

It's also a pain in the ass to remap every game ever.

I use ESDF since q3\ut2k4. ESDF is objectively superior to WASD in every way.

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what shitty games don't let you remap movement controls?

I used fighting stick + mouse combo for Osu!

>Dude you need to do this because you have more keys
I have some 45-50 keybinds I can comfortably use with WSAD, I don't need anymore.
>Tribes faggot
What is it with you people always being obnoxious cunts. Your game is fucking dead lmao.

That's literally just moving everything to the right slightly, what possible advantages could such a minor alteration have?

>move pinky off modifier keys for a couple extra buttons that you don't need anyway

>This Thread
>My hands are too small for my thumb to reach the space bar if I use WASD
Cope harder wrist-let.

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>Seriously. Take your left hand and relax it on the keyboard. Your hand will fall on EAGR so long as you don't have little baby bitch hands

Muscle memory too stronk, relax naturally on home row.

But R stands for Reload

I switched to rdfg when I used to play day of defeat before it went retail

Dad, the 90s are over. We have mouse aiming now.

because im used to wasd and every game comes with it bound by default

>he doesn’t intentionally gimp himself to provide a challenge
>he doesn’t use tma| and play one handed

>not doing TFGH

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>acquire single racing pedal
>set it to whatever move forward is
>unbind move backwards
>stick heavy book on pedal

Could do worse than that

you don't want the pinky to be in charge of moving left
that's too much responsibility for the little guy, just keep him on crouch and sprint, don't make him worry about too big ideas yet he's still young

I'm taking voice lessons atm.
The goal is to have certain actions tied to voice commands that are some really hard notes that I'll have to sing.

Why not just get a gaming keypad and an mmo mouse?

Gaming keypads cost as much as three or four high quality keyboards and don't have enough keys

Aren't they suppose to be more ergonomic?

if you still have mouse1 as shoot instead of space, you're not gonna make it as a pro gamer

A split keyboard is ergonomic because it lets you put your hands at shoulder width, something you're already doing with one hand on the mouse for vidya anyway
An ortholinear keyboard is ergonomic because the keys demand less side-to-side finger movement, but all gaymer pads are staggered like standard keyboards.

I use the arrow keys like I have for the last 25+ years.

Neck yourself, Zeos

So then what's the point of a gaming keypad?

I use ZQSD.

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>righties cucks
Feels good to be a chadleftie and use the arrows

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I played football and my left hand was broken twice, I don't have much control over my pinky and ring fingers. I use WASD because it's easier for me to manipulate my pink and hit ctrl and shift and whatever ever in that position.

Been browsing the thread with my fingers resting on RAGE, feels pretty comfy desu. Gonna boot up some Heavy Bullets to get used to it, then see how I like it on something with more keybinds. Thanks user.

Can't I use those joysticks on the gaming keypads as an analog stick?

Rebinding keys is too much of a pain

You could, but why would you?
Analogue stick is shit for FPS and if you're drivan you might as well put that money into a wheel.

>Don't you want to get good at games?
Honestly, not really. Trying to get good turns games from fun into work and saps all enjoyment very quickly.

Of course you use the most phallic controller possible.

Based, I have the same mouse and I fuckin' love it.

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get different keycaps you fags.

you have the iq of an ape

My 1st sergeant once told me that left handed people are the devil, and I believe him.

If it came default, I could get into it. There are a single digit number of games that actually benefit from it, so it is not worth the time investment to rebind and relearn muscle memory, like, at all.

>not using ASDF

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I namely wanted to pick one up for mmos.

Based boomer. I am with you, bro. Fuck phoneposters.

Part of me wishes Hiro would really make phoneposters need a pass to post, but the other part of me just renewed my pass and jesus fucking christ, buying anything with bitcoin was like pulling teeth every single fucking step of the way. I would not wish that hell on anyone.


I prefer using ZTHM. I find it far more convenient than anything else I've tried prior.

To save our mother Esarth from any alien attack

Same here. I use the mouse in my left hand and IJKL has been my go to forever.

WTF. I've never seen that. How do I play it?

But why?

ESDF might not be a bad idea especially for MMOs.

It was more or less the default until that one Quake player memed WASD into the mainstream

Real gamers use RDFG

how small are your fucking fingers/hands?

I like it, a lot more room for abilities that are low cooldown. Great for shooters too if you want to cycle between favorite weapons.

Not small enough