What are your gamer motivations?
What are your gamer motivations?
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Pretty much everything except Competition (e-sports and serious gaming is a joke) and Fantasy (i dont self insert and rather have a better story instead of options)
>I listen to everything except country and rap
mostly the stuff in the two right columns, but also challenge/strategy
Everything except creativity.
Strategy>Completion>Excitement>Discovery>Challenge>Competiton>Story>Community with the others not really coming into play.
cringe chart
Giving my mind something to look at so it doesn't attack me with constant negative thoughts.
It doesn't work very often.
Immersion and action are the lowest tier, literally for braindead plebs. Social is only slightly above that with Competitive>Community.
Mastery first, then an even distribution between competition, completion, story and design which depends on the game.
Also this:
Speed, simulation and licensed vehicles. I guess I can scratch fantasy.
I never understood why that's a meme, it's literally the response 99% of people used to have when asked what music they listened to, till rap started infesting the modern music industry and now everything is "MUH YO YO SHOTS CARS DRUGS N WIMMIN" garbage.
Judge me
Immersion and mastery
creativity mastery immersion
in that order
Because it means you are a basic bitch that isn't even aware of the vast majority of genres and thinks it boils down to "pop, country and rap".
Favorite genres:
>Fighting games
>Kart/futuristic racers
Action with a side of mastery.
I listen to 40s jazz standards and tmbg. Rate my taste
Name-dropping a single genre and band means you are a basic bitch, it's like saying you exclusively play CS
Mastery and Action
Well what do you want me to say? I posted what I enjoy most you fucking cretin, oof course I listen to other shit. I could have just said I listen to everything except country and rap, and it would be accurate.
Either dudebro cowadoody faggots or fortnite zoomers
Fuck off turn-based menu simulator brainlet
>high story
>high excitement
>low challenge
that's a yikes for me
If your motivation is anything other than Mastery or Creativity, you should pick a more relevant hobby.
I dont like either and have never even played fortnite. Last cod I played was blacks ops 3
>I listen to everything except country and rap
No you don't, I seriously fucking doubt you listen to even 10% of EDM genres for example.
Go watch a movie you snoynigger
I'm not young enough for challenge anymore
>strategy and planning vs instant gratification boom boom explosions
Why would you not want instant gratification?
No you idiot. Stop projecting. There are so many styles of music that it's easier to just rule out garbage country and garbage rap. Troglodyte
Sure, you caught me there, but what does it matter? I’m not gonna make a curated list of every genre and artist I listen to when someone asks, so I’ll either drop a couple of my favorites or just say I listen to a little of everything. I’m a “basic bitch” either way then.
Oh the irony
>he listens to anything other than country and rap
In almost every single case, delayed gratification > instant gratification. In a video game a well fought victory or planned strategy will produce a higher level of enjoyment than some press Q to win ultimate or instant requeue into the 100th fortnite match.
And it will keep on being wrong and proving the meme right, the whole point is that people who think they listen to "everything" don't know just how fucking many diverse genres there are.
Same applies to games.
>I play everything except puzzle and sports
>strategy and planning
>turn based menu combat
Pokemon is over 20 years old, faggot. It's time to move on.
I can get with everything except social. I don't give a fucking shit about other players because they always, ALWAYS disappoint and let me down.
i'm sorry that i can't distinguish neo jazz trad core from pixie puff trad alt neon
Depends entirely on the genre.
What do you think Wolf3D, Doom, Duke, Blood, etc. are you fucking retard?
This is an interactive medium you fucking retard. The first and best video games were instant gratification boom boom explosions at a constant pace. If you don't have the reaction times to keep up stay in your pause menus
>e-sports and serious gaming is a joke
Watch some Quake tournaments and tell me that's true. There is definite skill and thought involved, no doubt about it.
>press Q to win ultimate
Are you seriously criticizing games with competitive ladders as anything other than delayed gratification?
Seems busted. I don't think my creativity score should be so high just because I like to experiment with game mechanics
>tips fedorda
beating minorities and cunny
i don't know
never change Yea Forums
I'd say everything besides achievement and immersion. I enjoy a lot of aspects of gaming, but the one thing I can't do is see it as anything else than a game. Games can be great ways of having an experience, connecting with others, something worth improving at, and a way to express yourself, but I don't value achievement in games or really stepping out of the shoes of myself as the player.
Team Work != Community
Most co-op games are about being a functioning cog in a system.
You can get immersed without being delusional about it.
I mean people can and there's nothing wrong about it but I just can't do it. That's just not how I'm wired, ya dig?
It just means you don't enjoy games much or have a really shitty setup, I bet you don't even have a decent sound system.
Weird Graph
I think immersion is more of being in the moment, you know. Having a conversation in an RPG and thinking through the responses without looking at it as an encounter contrived by a video game, but an actual situation that you most deal with. Not an explicit "I am my character" moment
I dig brother
>experiment with game mechanics
There exist people who, when you put a controller in their hand, DON'T immediately start pressing buttons to see what happens. It never ceases to upset me. "I wonder what would happen if I..." is not a normie thought process.
I'm pretty sure like 20% of MMO players never once actually read their skill descriptions and just press what they can on cooldown. For some reason this jumps to 60% in GW2
It's the Wiki Curse.
Everything you need to know is already digested, nothing is a mystery. It pains my heart but 'finding stuff out' is a lost art. You know everything you can do with a game before it comes out.
Challenge, competition, discovery
Wherever I go, I must get gud.
This is why game devs barely even bother with secrets anymore.
If it's not documented the day it comes out it's getting datamined.
Shit sux.
>no boobs option
Yeah I cant do that. Usually when I go through dialogue I follow the lines of inquiry that I feel would be the most fun or interesting to follow- I don't actually RP.
I enjoy games a lot man. You're kinda right about the sound thing though. When I was growing up my parents never bought a pair of headphones so I novolumed most games, so it probably conditioned me to care less about sounds than most gamers. I have a good setup now (bose headphones for PC gaming, stereo on my TV).
95% of people on Yea Forums would hate the games I play
>I don't actually RP.
That wasn't what I said, though. It's not roleplaying. It's thinking of the situation first hand, instead of running it through the filter of "this is a videogame". I'm sure you have experienced that
can you please stop saying that
i'm an esports fag so it makes sense, i guess.
haha what a faggot
All of them except for Social.
Unless Achievement includes actual achievements/trophies, in which case, fuck that shit, those things have taken a lot of fun out of playing games for me.
Do tell
A mix of Immersion and Mastery
Unironically Sports games, mainly FIFA and MLB the Show and Call of DutyWhenever I do go outside of that I play games that Yea Forums would call casual regardless like Civ, Yakuza and Persona
That's much less interesting than I hoped, but I should have seen it coming.
mein nigger
I'm not a creative or social person in the least I dunno about this one guys.
Back to RPG's
>novolumed most games
>bose headphones
Fuck off back to r*ddit you fucking pleb retard
All except achievement.
>Either dudebro cowadoody faggots or fortnite zoomers
You do realize you quoted somebody with a DMC picture...?
I like immersive or fast singleplayer FPS games or team-based multiplayer FPS games
I like to be immersed in a sci-fi world where I get to shoot people in half using futuristic guns and cybernetics I guess
Only minorities play for "fun" the white man must constantly be pushing forward in all he does, even vidya.
Wouldn't let me delete Deus Ex: Invisible War but I did enjoy that one recently so it stays
this is an unironic upboat post
None of these really. I play as long as I'm having fun. If it gets boring I drop it.
>not playing almost exclusively boomershooters when you get older
Mastery. I’d rather play one fighting game for 300+ hours than multiple semi-decent games that are basically pump n’ dumps in terms of value and replayability
The person who made this probably only learned what video games are after an office presentation.
Immersion has nothing to do with the story.
Mastery, achievement, immersion and creativity.
Of course a game isn't going to have all of them but not every game has to
Did the test and got exactly what I was thinking I was going to get
Action/Mastery, the combo of choice for true chads everywhere
Creativity > Immersion > Action > Mastery > Social > Achievement
Immersion is referring to the sense of being immersed in a game's world, lore, setting, atmosphere, much more than just story, good example is Mass Effect.
Also social only for multiplayer games, Battlefield, Battlefront, etc..
Its better when a game has a mix of those elements, like pic related, although its pretty low on the creativity front.
excitement challenge completion
found the zoomer
100% based and repilled
Challenge, Fantasy, Community
Honestly the quality of a game's sidequests is a good indicator of how much effort they put into the game
>games recommended under mastery
>dark souls
I hate that shit, I'm more into score attack games.
This was a tough one, I wanted to really give my honest opinion so I was stuck on this for awhile, trying to nail them down, it doesn't feel like I have any permanent favorites though
What did you fags put down? Favorite games of all time is a tall order.
If I had motivation I wouldn't be on Yea Forums.
Why Zoomer? Why should I play something that isn't fun anymore? I mean I do play some games over longer periods of time too as long as I'm having a fun time.
Yeah that looks about right I guess.
They lumped in multiplayer shooters like Battlefield into the Action: Destruction metric so that's why its so high.
bowtie bros unite
Seems about right.
first post based post
gonna have to give this post a based
Based. As. Fuck.
Wheres the
>modding the shit out of the game until it no longer resembles vanilla in the slightest
doesn't that fall under "creativity"? even has "customization" there user.
Why did based randomly come back? I remember Lil B the based god years ago, then nothing, and then in the last year or so the word just exploded everywhere. How the fuck did that happen?
Yeah but they don't have anything that mentions it outside of game designed with it in mind (Sims, Kerbal Space Program, etc)
Theres no way the survey knows that when I choose GTAV as one of my top favorite games its because of how I use it as a modding sandbox, theres no "Modding" motivation (or even questions about it, its all just meant to imply games with those aspects already designed into them) which I think deserves its own section, or maybe they do lump that all into Discovery/Design I don't know
My results got really skewed my vanilla WoW
>tfw care so much about atmosphere and lore, setting and ambience
>care very little for characters, backstories
They fucked this up in Mass Effect 2 so much.
>can’t be bothered to git gud or get achievements
>don’t want to hone my autism and master a game
>just want big shooty boom boom, muh immersion and maybe build a house
Seems about right...
God I hate being a Zoomer
that fucking rocket symbol still triggers me to this day
Action, Mastery, Immersion and Creativity.
Everything but Social because player pools tend to be full of fucking assholes who are shit at actually playing.
Achievement > Mastery > Action > Creativity > Immersion > Social
Social. I'm a neet and suffer from anxiety attacks whenever I touch a single player game.
These guys really need to differentiate social/competitive/etc from simply enjoying pub servers.
Thats the only kinda of "social" gaming experience I can tolerate and enjoy but its lumped in with all the rest, or not even specifically mentioned, they mention duels, matches but not simply team vs. team, anonymously on public servers desu.
Shut up Steakmund
Yup, I'm a thinking he's a based.
Country is fucking gay though shut the fuck up
Mastery and Creativity.
Nothing like being the best because of some bullshit you figured out on your own
the only right answer
What regularly?
Maybe not, but that doesn't mean he would, say, turn it off in revulsion.
Mate, I listen to LITERALLY everything but county.
Including bullshit niche ones like Gabber
In that order
Calling competition a "social" motivation is completely ridiculous and shows that whoever made this chart has never played a game seriously.
I don't compete because I care about other people. I play competitive games specifically to impose myself on lesser players, which is everyone (on my good days.) I usually play with chat disabled or minimized so I don't have to deal with whining and distractions from cannon fodder.
If teammates are getting in the way I punish them by throwing the game and then avoid them, or, if the game does not support that functionality, I mark them for throwing in future games until they have deranked out of my skill range. When opponents show weakness like whining after losing against me, I specifically target them in the future and occasionally type "?" after I kill them. I would probably be classified as a sociopath, which is otherwise known as "antisocial disorder" - so how can it be that competitive gaming is "socially motivated"? I just want to dominate people.
based and dominationpilled
humans are the most dangerous prey, and the most satisfying
And here we have the threadly reply by a mediocre-in-every-way retail worker who has already resigned himself to the fact that he will never, ever be good at anything, even video games - so he is bitter and angry at everyone who is.
Mastery Achievement master race
They don't have to be combined together all the time but these are the core fundamentals of games.
Action Socials aren't thinking when they are playing, just going through the motions. Immersionfags should be ashamed of yourselves. Creativityfags are alright, Minecraft and all its spawn are decent fun in a sandbox and they still have (self-defined) achievements to pursue.
the "action" sphere is basically just a nice name for AAA console games for children
Absolutely based
fp really is bp sometimes...