It's no masterpiece

it's no masterpiece

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It is unironically top 5 all time

The last game Bioware made that wasn't infected with EA. DA:O was mostly clean, but even it was infected with shit like Dr. Pepper DLC.

top 5 ways to trick yourself into having false fun

It was an excellent game that doesn't quite hold up over time. Also a great example of how a completely different game can sour a previous experience. 2 was a downgrade but the last mission ended it on a high note; the third game ruins the entire series anytime you try to restart it.

You are correct, the game is so good that even people who hate it are tricking themselves by saying the fun they are experiencing is false. It is the perfect synthesis of third person shooters and RPGs. The story will never be matched by another videogame. It is the best game in two different genres and the fact that there will never be a true sequel is of the great tragedies of history.
this is the best part of the game

Attached: headphones.png (320x286, 88K)

is there actually anything worth doing while exploring? i remember just finding the exact same copy pasted shit with not only the same enemy placement but they even move and do the same thing every time

Except that both the third person shooter mechanics and the RPG mechanics are incredibly mediocre. It's the setting and the characters that really carry the game.

>the fact that there will never be a true sequel is of the great tragedies of history.
this 100%, the horrors of the 20th century are nothing in the face of this

One of the planets has a weird orb thing that gives you visions of a caveman seeing ay lmaos but other than that exploring is only if you are desperate to 100% the game.

So I get the first game is very popular here and considered a classic by some, but what is the general opinion about the three sequels? Are they worth playing if you loved the first one? Same question for Dragon Age as well

You have a very small brain and even smaller penis

If you love 1, you can enjoy 2 and 3 up until the end of 3. There's a very valid reason why it's universally hated. The plus side is you can go in expecting nothing and prevent being let down vs the hundreds of thousands of people who actually waited to get dicked down.

You can believe whatever you like, but I'm right.

But you aren't. Your opinion is terrible.

2 is more about solving your team's issues and doesn't really expand the ME universe in any way. 3 ignores a large amount of what happened in previous games and rewrites other parts for no apparent reason. Andromeda is a 7/10 game that is only really Mass Effect themed rather than a sequel, the combat is fun and some of the environments are neat, though.

Only Dragon Age Origins is worth playing but it's a little janky by modern standards, especially if you've played the Divinity Original Sin which a lot of the player choice/dynamic combat stuff better.

Explain to me then what makes the third person shooter and RPG mechanics so great.

>dont mind me, just the magnum opus passing by

Attached: kotor.jpg (616x353, 33K)

I genuinely enjoy the entire trilogy, despite the last half hour of ME3. It wasn't perfect, but I haven't seen any series of games replicate what it managed to do with overarching choices and characterization. It was a fun series to follow, and I'll miss it.

Andromeda... is something... Not the irredeemable crime against humanity that a lot of people have made it out to be, but very much a flawed and incomplete spin-off, coming off of a rushed and beleaguered team trying to salvage something that had been apparently been messily reworked from the ground up.

Attached: n7day_vignette-p.jpg (900x563, 149K)

I played Mass Effect before KOTOR, but once I got around to it it was weird how similar the games are.

The cooldown system of the weapons was top tier and skill advancement was deep enough to differentiate builds while being subtle enough to indicate a slow progression. The only real problems with Mass Effect was the fact that the level cap was too high, money had very little use and Charm/ Intimidate options were too shallow. A proper sequel would have been the greatest game of all time.

i'm literally installing it right now
i always play soldier. suggest me a playstile and team that compliments it well

>The cooldown system of the weapons was top tier
Was there ever a reason why that was removed, not the retarded in lore reason, but anything from the devs?

Just pick the team members you like the most.

>Are they worth playing if you loved the first one?

yes, though you should note that the tone of the series drastically changes with each sequel.

ME:A is absolute trash

Play as an adept to control the battlefield and break the game. Keep Tali along as a skill monkey and use Wrex for the big damage. It also helps that Adept is the worst class in 2 making the game somewhat of a challenge if you import your save.

The world is boiling, the human race won't survive the next 100 years and we'll never explore the galaxy, find other life in the universe or leave our little patch of dirt. We're all dying in a melting pot of our own fumes.
None of this is as tragic as Mass Effect 3 existing.

>believing a brainwashed twelve year old


No, but it's a good game.
It's soundtrack is tho

>spreading propaganda
No we will not give your university more grant money. Stop asking.

But that's what you're doing, trailer trash. You're two steps away from flat earthers.
I wonder if it's some codeword that triggers the russian bots to flood the board whenever climate change is even mentioned.

this pistol doesn't have a thermal clip

2 was better

Is climate change real? Yes. Is it as big of a deal as people say? No. Is the answer to throw a bunch of money at academics who will not do anything? Definitely not. The world isn't going to die in a hundred years you braindead robot.

The closest we'll get to a good Star Trek game, even if 95% of the time the planets you land on look exactly the same and have no civilizations.

2 was better as a story/character rpg
1 was better for rpg mechanics/progression but 2 had better distinctions between classes

The cooldown system sucked. At lower levels guns were clunky to use and at high levels guns were simply bullet hoses. It's a concept that perhaps could have been done well, but wasn't.
>boring, uninspired cover based shooting
>enemies all run around like retards constantly screaming one of their four voice lines
>only four guns in the entire game, with two being nearly identical in function
>many situations can only be properly resolved with special dialogue options that only unlock if you have enough good guy or bad guy points, forcing you to always pick the good guy or bad guy dialogue option to farm points instead of properly allowing you to roleplay
It's the characters, the setting, and the worldbuilding that really shine in ME1, the gameplay mechanics wouldn't stand on their own as anything more than a 7/10 game that nobody would remember in a year.

>Is it as big of a deal as people say? No.
You're right, it's 10 times worse. We even had a shot at combating it, but now it's just waiting for the inevitable.

Mass Effect 3 wasn't good in general, the last half hour or not.

Shut up Al, you are consistently wrong.

Gotta love this type of self-destructive retard.

me again what mods should i use? lots of graphics shit on nexus but i don't feel like checking all that. i'm more of a vanilla guy but the game could use some texture enhancement

Don't use any, they're all garbage.

i did notice the "same sex romance ones" and that's what brought me to ask, but none? not even the fast elevators?

Maybe for the elevator in the Normandy, but you don't really want to skip the dialogue during elevator trips in the citadel and such.

It is.
This intro is kino.

wow. you mean Gore could've saved the universe all by himself if it wasn't for Bush? that's a damn shame