now that the eggs are out of the basket, can we finally agree that obsidian is full of hacks and NV only looked good because it came after 3?
Now that the eggs are out of the basket...
Why is Yea Forums certain this game is going to be shit? I haven't followed it at all since it was announced.
>NV only looked good because it came after 3?
3 could've con after NV, and NV would still be the better game, faggot.
gameplay has been released
it looks...not so good.
nu-Obsidian and Epic store exclusivity I'm guessing
3 was arguably a better game then new vegas outside of the main quest line.
every single sidequest in NV is a fetch quest without exception. at least 3 had some variety
This place is a shithole
>3 was arguably a better game then new vegas outside of the main quest line.
>level scaled trash better than NV
Sorry OP but you have faggot taste.
It always was, given how every thread seems to be the same kind of bullshit over and over and over
looks the problem is more the presentation then the game, idk why they chose a dialogue heavy quest to show off the game before they implemented voice acting.
Wow this looks bad.
Fallout NV is better than anything Bethesda has ever produced because the writing isn't dogshit
But NV's writers left Obsidian ages ago and now they have to stand on their mediocre game design
the dialogue is cringe worthy and the whole quest is stupid, I think thats more then just a presentation issue
Fallout new vegas isn't even as good as fallout 3
Shut the fuck OP you faggot
NV looked good because devs from Black Isle went to Obsidian after the former studio was shut down. In case you somehow didn't know Black Isle made Fallout 2 so of course New Vegas has more of a "Fallout" feel to the game. It's very probable that those developers as well as the Obsidian developers who made New Vegas have since left the studio, dooming the studio to be unable to capture what made their previous games enjoyable.
COPE more nigger
also im not OP
>COPE more nigger
Doubt it this, nobody can have taste this trash.
Yea Forums was always bad, but it has undisputably gotten worse and worse.
First was the endless summer, then the raidfags and scientology protestors who couldn't stick to rules 1 and 2, then the /new/ and /pol/ stormfags, the great bogan flood, and finally the full on disinfo campaigns
>new vegas fanboys can't accept that other people don't like their trashy broken game
>NV only looked good because it came after 3
where's logic here? this make 0 sense
How come New vegas is the only 3d fallout were you can kill literally anyone?
Why the fuck do important npcs just go down on one knee or go unconscious in bethesda games? It sucks.
fanboys can't accept that other people don't like their trashy broken game
Ftfy. 3 will never be as good as NV, faggot.
>can't even greentext correctly
Reddit must be missing you little nigger boy. run along back to r/new vegas or some shit
Nigger New Vegas is an objectively good game, glitches and all.
>3fag AND a frogcuck
Kek, you didn't even argue against NV.
>names his memes
reddit as hell, nigger
its not
>more quests
>dlcs that add more weapons and perks
>final battle doesn't call you a bitch for not killing yourself
>isn't level scaled
>loot is actually unique
NV isn't just better, it shits on 3 AND 4 from the highest mountain.
Yes, are you retarded, OP?
>more quests
Almost every quest in New vegas is a fetch quest. Every sidequest is, and then on top of that large chunks of mainline faction quests are (boomers, khans, etc)
lmao look at the big brains on the new vegas fanboys
>dlcs that add more weapons and perks
so does Fallout 3. And i suppose fallout 4 to a lesser degree.
>final battle doesn't call you a bitch for not killing yourself
No. but the "dude if ur army is in the east it can't be in the west XDD" ending is on par with the absolute worst writing in 3
>isn't level scaled
Thats not necessarily a good thing, especially combined with new vegas shitty map
>loot is actually unique
It is as well in fallout 3. have you actually ever played it?
>tfw NV is almost 9 years old
>NV has lived in OP's head for almost a decade
holy shit
In Morrowind the game world does its own thing. In very rare cases you could get a random situation where a key npc would die, thus ending a quest instantly or messing with progress. bethesda has since been paranoid about it
no, it's because bethesda are bunch of lazy niggers now and don't want to put more effort in making a game where you can kill everyone
>>Almost every quest in New vegas is a fetch quest.
>lmao look at the big brains on the new vegas fanboys
Can't even muster a proper argument against it knowing 3 forcing you into the BoS was ass.
>so does Fallout 3. And i suppose fallout 4 to a lesser degree.
And they're ass considering most of them are the same guns with supped up stats while NV provides actual unique guns with new skins, backstories and stats. 4 does away with that by generating new guns, effectively throwing out the unique factor.
>No. but the "dude if ur army is in the east it can't be in the west XDD" ending is on par with the absolute worst writing in 3
It isn't considering Bethesda even had to admit it was retarded and everyone rightfully agrees. Lmao, actually defending that ending, what a fucking faggot.
>Thats not necessarily a good thing
It is. 3 level scaling right out the door because Todd wants you to EXPLORE EVERYTHING ruined the feeling of accomplishment the original games had when you overcame tough obstacles.
>It is as well in fallout 3. have you actually ever played it?
Yeah, and the unique loot is shit compared to NV you faggot.
you can't kill yes man or ED-E in lonesome road tho
>doesn't even deny that every sidequest in new vegas is a fetch quest
at least youve finally hit the acceptance stage
Ouch! I almost cut myself on the extreme edginess of that post.
They aren't and are much better than 3's VAMPIRES AND SUPERHEROES.
I don't think you know what that means...
>you can't kill yes man or ED-E in lonesome road tho
They give reasonable explanations for that user.
Really? Name 10 new vegas sidequests that are something beyond "follow the map marker to X to retrieve Y or pass a skill check and return to point of origin"
Threadly reminder.
Bethesda wants u to be able to do everything on one playthrough
>Exude wordless fury
>Say nothing but make your eye twitch a bit
Was Obsidian writing always this cringe? Seems like they're trying to copy the nu-Marvel meme quips.
Then why can you in NV? Why in a supposedly rushed, spin off is it written in a more choice-based, rpg redundant way than the main games?
Whats the one for ED-E? because even on max difficulty when companions stay dead he just goes unconscious
Also why can't you kill the children playing with the euclid finder in freeside and take it from them?
Cuz Obsidian isnt bethesda and doesnt care if you block off part of the game by shooting someone
Even the best games have bad quests, and judging by how they then walked outside and just killed civilians for the rest of it, it doesnt seem like they had any sort of plan for that presentation.
I'm not saying it makes the presentation excusable, or that you shouldnt temper your expectations, just that it doesnt seem like a good point of representation
When you simplify everything down to the most basic and simple descriptions possible, everything is a fetch quest user, and despite that NV still has the better quests.
>being asshurt enough to make this
holy shit are obsidrones the most pathetic people on the planet?
its one thing to defend NV, but this new game looks like straight up trash not worth defending at all
Isnt there a law in burgerland that children dying in a game constitutes an AO rating? Or is it just paranoia from publishers?
>Whats the one for ED-E?
Checked the wiki and it says you need him to complete the final DLC, you can also leave him scraped when you find him early in the main game. As for the children, they don't want an AO rating.
>he can't do it
Thank you for making my case for me
I haven't enjoyed a single Bethesda game since Oblivion modded and I still think this game looks like shit. Fuck off with your fanwar shit.
>you need him to complete the DLC
thats not really an explination
You also NEED liam neeson and his cosh to turn on the water purifier in fallout 3, does that make it acceptable?
Did;'t make your case user, NV's quests are still better than 3's or even provided a proper argument against because you have no argument. 3 is worse than NV.
No, theres no law. It would just put you in the max esrb rating
But you still cant though? There are still factions to pick from in a game like fallout 4, so i dont see how you can do everything in a single playthrough anyway
>thats not really an explination
It is considering ED-E is one of the main points of the DLC user.
why does it feel like bioshock with a purple filter on?
I have no stake in this discussion but one side is claiming NV > 3 quests. The other side pointed out most everything in NV is a fetchquest. This is where the debate "stopped" so in my eyes the guy shitting on NV is winning the intellectual discussion.
>But you still cant though?
Most of 4's fraction quests can be done before the point of no return so you can get your loot without consequences.
Ill argue whatever you want after you name 10 new vegas side quests that aren't "go here and fetch X or pass this skill check". With their quests being so much better then fallout 3 this should be really easy for you
Come Fly With Me
Beyond the Beef
Bye Bye love
Eye for an Eye
Flags of our Foul-Ups
GI Blues
Hard Luck Blues
How Little We Know
I Put a Spell on You
Oh My Papa
Pheeble Will
Someone to Watch Over Me
You Can Depend on Me
And that's not counting any of the DLCs, or any of the 'go here and kill' quests.
If being a main plotpoint can grant you invicibility plot armor then why do people shit on fo3 for doing the same thing with liam neeson? hes a central plot point
NV is just F3' big paid mod
Almost everthing in NV was recycled from F3
The reputation came from having the black isle writers on board. Since then they've been making new hires and they're about as good as you expect.
>both of these threads go up around the same time
kill yourself you fucking shill
It is indeed a shithole, but get comfy because we are here forever my friend.
NV is till better than any other Fallout by Bethesda.
NV was shit. Bad quests. Ass storyline. Desert was an expanse of nothing interesting. I guess the opening cutscene was good.
Nobody ever said NV wasn't rough around the edges. The list of highly recommended mods to iron some of the flaws out is long.
The argument was ALWAYS that NV understood both Fallout and RPG-ing better than 3. and that holds true. Not that NV was the be all end all flawless masterpiece of vidya gaming.
NVis good. Very good. But Obsidian has always been good at hooking you into story elements and keeping you invested. Problem is their games rarely play better than mediocre and they never write a good ending. Closest they got was South Park, funnily enough.
Yeah but tbe endings are different though, and if youre an achievementfag then you can make the case for them too. The institute destroys the brotherhood in its ending, and is different than invadong the institute otherwise.
>why do people shit on fo3 for doing the same thing with liam neeson
Because the story was absolute dogshit and forced as fuck, while EDE is cool.
Hi Todd, I'm not paying for your game and I pirated Skyrim.
And despite all that being true, NV is the better Fallout.
Because of what? Chris Avellone's supposed involvement?
I still feel 3 was more a surreal experience first time around then NV. NV was a more proper RPG by miles and more connected to game universe but 3 felt very comfy for exploration. I wish we'd get an abandoned detroit fallout for more urban exploration simulation kino. NV lacked urban areas and felt more closed in when you had NCR and legion outposts everywhere and there was always one or both of them that wanted to shoot you breaking that alone feeling that 3 mastered.
I assumed it was because of the quest involving being on a stage, but it comes off as lazy writing.
guns, dialogue, world building, DLCs... And the fact that the best Fallout character is presented to you by reading terminal entries
>Chris Avellone's supposed involvement?
Fuck Avellone, Fallout became the memey shitfest it is today because of him. Also, there were other writers too.
Is it a surprise F3 fags are illiterate as well?
Exploring new Vegas sewer system was one of the best things I did in a videogame
cos rick and morty invented the crazy scientist with the messy white hair
based shill
Alright boys, how should I do my next playthrough of NV? Anything but guns and unarmed
Melee is fun as fuck. The Thermic Lance rapes.
Lazar beems.
>come fly with me
Literally a fetch quest with a dash of "go here and kill"
>collect rocket fuel
>collect thruster parts
>kill nightkin
>eye for an eye
fetch quest with dash of go here and kill
>plant bug and retrieve intel and bring at back to quest giver
>kill legion at cottonwood
>Flags of our foul-ups
Literally 1 large speech check. can be completed in under 1 minute
>Hard luck blues
this is quintessential fetch quest
all you do is go to vault 34 and activate a computer
>how little we know
this ones too bugged and I never finished it once
>i put a spell on you
go here and talk to X quest.
>talk to soldiers
>like 4th person you talk to tells you exactly where to go and what time
>follow your map marker there
>follow map marker to monorail
>oh my papa
fetch quest. Fetch the evidence marked on your map to convince the khans to side with you. 4 minutes tops
>Pheeble will
this isn't a quest, this is just a tie in to beyond the beef
>someone to watch over me
the entire quest is "go here and kill squatters or pass speech check"
>you can depend on me
this is just multiple "go here and fetch or pass speech checks" stacked together. don't be fooled. pic related
pure pacifist kill nothing
Sneak-the-world run. Use melee, and your objective is to destroy every faction while maintaining neutral rep with them. If you kill an npc, and no one sees you or the npc die, you will lose no rep.
You are not allowed to combat anyone in active combat, unless its wildlife.
Good luck.
wanna tell me more about new vegas FRACTIONS user?
use the uninstall mod
fucking epic
Too many red flags
Better than 3's pathetic excuse of whatever they were trying to achieve.
NV has better writing than the other 3d fallout titles, but that is literally it. Fo4 has superior gunplay and variety in most aspects. The level up progression of losing skills and shit really sucks but that is just a personal preference thing. Although I fall into that group who absolutely loves older games with deeper character creation: Daggerfall, Fo2, KOTOR, etc.
>every single sidequest in NV is a fetch quest without exception.
>inb4 something something fuck mark brown
Use an actual argument
Gonna sneak melee everyone, thanks bros
Epic is the correct terminology
>but that is literally it.
>better quests
>better weapons in design and handling
>better DLCs
>better companions
The handling is a shock imo after seeing the 4 reload webm.
I'm just happy people are starting to wake up and see that nu-obsidian is shit
lets be real, old obsidian was shit and cringe too
>thanks for taking a chance on a girl with stars in her eyes and a pneumatic gauntlet on her wrist
When I saw the same writers of Tyranny were in charge of the writing for the Outer Worlds, I already knew the game was a flop
>fetch quests a plenty
>Bland weapons that fit in any literal who video game
>Boring and dragged out dlc that people only recall because of the constant Sierra Madre shitposting on this board about letting go.
>Absolutely boring if not retarded companions just get in the way.
Sorry son, writing can only carry your ass so far in a video game. Maybe it would have been better if they just wrote a book instead. The hardest part isn't figuring out Fallout 4 is a better title, its accepting it.
I don't think the red flag is in the gameplay itself- it looks fine. The red flag is that the people walking us through it decided to say "fuck the quest" and start killing random people, almost as if they don't want us to see the rest of it.
They could have done it to avoid spoiling the quest but knowing obsidian its more likely they're hiding the fact they're not actually done with the quest, or even worse, they're pandering to an audience that wont buy the game in the first place (bethesdrones).
>The hardest part isn't figuring out Fallout 4 is a better title, its accepting it.
Lmao thanks for the laugh bro.
Can I just get an Amen for the amount of lgbtq+ representation in New vegas?
If only the had still had avellone on board we could have had even more progressive ideology. A real shame!
Based and truepilled
Avellone was a faggot before joining Obsidian so this wasn't a surprise.
Enjoy your interesting companions!
Get dabbed on obsidiots
its obsidian so its going to be shitskins and faggots galore im sure
And if the elevator was any indication even more cringy dialogue then jew vegas
Jesus christ how did they fuck up this badly?
We have the debt collector quest, the raped sniper quest, the monorail bomber quest, and cannibal quest just off the top of my head. You’re full of shit.