Is it worth playing? If so, emulate it or get it on Switch?

Is it worth playing? If so, emulate it or get it on Switch?

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It’s probably comfier on switch, but free on emulator

I've heard the switch version is a little bit glitchy (with music I think..?) but I'm not sure if that's been patched yet.
I'm playing it on PS4 and haven't had any issues

Are the graphical improvements enough to be noticeable?

It's an early PS1 game any improvement will be smoothed edges at best

Been patched already on switch
>I'm playing it on PS4 and haven't had any issues
Funny you say that because the music bug on ps4 is still unpatched

PC has some bizarre music bugs as well. Like when you get Yuffie and some cave music is playing instead of her theme.

I know that the pc version is the one with the fucked up music, pretty sure they just patched it recently
To be honest with you FF7 is such an old game that a simple graphics upgrade won’t matter, to be honest I’ve never seen the switch version so I can’t say for myself but I’d imagine the experience would be the same for you either way. If I hadn’t already gotten FF7 on pc before the switch version came out I’d probably go with the switch version just for confines, since it is a nice game to be able to play on a handheld laying in bed

Personally I've always found the original to be by far the best way to play it, on PS1.

The problem is that the backgrounds look terrible up-res'd along with the up-res'd models. The best look is when the models and background mesh together in the 240p of the PS1.

Nah because you can get graphic mods on PC. I just like it on switch because I can lay in bed and play it comfortably. Plus I don't want to play with keyboard controls

Switch version is really good, I recommend getting it on there

>Is it worth playing
Even with nostgia goggles, it's aged a lot. Not poorly, but it's definitely dated.
>Emulate or switch?
Switch for support, emulation for free

There was a music restart bug that plagued almost every port as well as certain songs straight up being replaced.

guys im 20 hours in when do i get to kill sephiroth?

i played like 5 hours of this shit and dropped it. its so painfully boring. the story and characters are fine but the gameplay is just mindnumbingly bad.

At the end

Why is it that people post this
and then ask
>why the fuck did they put cheats in to speed up and make the combat easy?!

Avoid Switch, the music is fucked.

I just beat it on Switch today, was very good.
You should go into it with a missable items guide though

How many hours did it take you?

it's free on switch if you want it to be

All versions are based off the buggy PC port from the 90's, Switch & Xbox fixed the music bug recently, but there is 500 other small bugs that Square ignores

This. Any version other than the original looks like garbage. Obviously the original looks garbage too but at least it was designed for that system and the art style fits the gritty low res graphics.

About 32, and I even took my time and did some sidequests. I did abuse the fuck out of fast forward though.
Once you're on disc 3 you pretty much have the option to go to the final dungeon right off the bat.

PC version with the New Threat mod, it's the only way to play the game these days

Yes, and no you don't have to mod it like a complete fucking faggot. Just emulate the original on retroarch, it's perfectly fine.

>on retroarch

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or "in" retroarch, I don't fucking know

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