Chopping your dick off and injecting artificial hormones is a sign of mental stability but playing video games means you're autistic
WHO is corrupt as fuck, why even listen to the news anymore at this point. It’s so manipulated that it’s impossible to tell what’s accurate & what’s fake
Mentally ill, don't trust the word of a gamer
The WHO is nothing more than a globalist and Marxist front in order to make Leftists appear sane and get them into power.
Remember, this is the same organization which reclassified homosexuality as "normal" instead of a mental disorder.
Abolish the WHO before they claim that conservatism is a "mental illness" and a form of psychosis.
why has this website become so fucking obsessed with trans gendered people the past few months?
Also, what would your average Zelda speedrunner be classified as?
dilating is completing sane and normal.
Every time I see this I think of a quote from the movie Twelve Monkeys
>Psychiatry: it's the latest religion. We decide what's right and wrong. We decide who's crazy or not.
It's going to be so fucking awesome when man finally gets wiped out of existence, I hope its an event so catastrophic that the entire earth is physically destroyed so aliens never fucking find evidence of us
I'm convinced 80% of Yea Forums is just the same threads repeated in a weekly cycle and repeated shitposts. Holy shit.
Because it is the next major "thing" since gays not only got accepted by society, but actively promoted. They are pushing the same exact thing for this denial of basic biology. They will call us all "pedophobes" within the next 5 years, when pedophilia becomes the next big thing (and that should be the final straw for us all)
Because they're fucking obnoxious and gaming communities run into a disproportionate amount of them.
Stop playing videogames and DILATE
Take away vidya and people will lose their escape from Clown World.
I unironically think this is a big fuck-up on their part; they still have fucking PTSD over GamerGay of all things.
anything not to talk about video games
It's not my fault that the mods banned me for several days attempting to make Wario into a /pol/ meme.
If you're not disgusted on a visceral level by society encouraging mental illness and then trying to sell the poor bastards on chemical and surgical mutilation then I don't know what to tell you, dude. Like, don't even worry about it man. Just keep jerking off, smoking weed, and watching bad movies/television. I know I am.
the fire rises /br/other...
you seriously feel discriminated against for being a gamer?
They actively ruin games.
See: SNOY California
It's not that I'm not disgusted, it's that there's honestly no point in bitching on the internet. Go do it somewhere, anywhere more productive.
It's difficult to even justify homosexuality as a mental illness. It has no detrimental effect on your well-being, in theory