>bustiest character
>Hides said bustiness
>Essentially the only non retarded character in the entire game
How on earth did you GOOMBAS not pick Naoto every run
>bustiest character
>Hides said bustiness
>Essentially the only non retarded character in the entire game
How on earth did you GOOMBAS not pick Naoto every run
Other urls found in this thread:
>Bustiest character
If its more a spoken thing rather than something you can actually see it's not a really point, now is it?
>wanting to deal with women
I never do any of the romance options, hanging out with your bros is much better
Didn't want to do my bro Kanji dirty like that
Because Yukiko will love you, support you, make you breakfast, let you pound her ass with violence and cuddle with you afterwards. How the FUCK could I be interested in an emotionally damaged reverse trap coping with heavy baggage and who will say in 3 years she's leaving because she "has found herself"?
I like looking at Yukiko. Her hair is formal and her legs are fine.
I don't appreciate the whole, "Oh, they're just a dick because they don't know any better and are socially inept" archetype.
in golden she comes to that bathhouse making the other girls feel like men with her fat tits dude
shes not really mean, shes just straightforward.
Cause I'm not taking Kanji Bros girl. Chie and Yukiko are for each other. I didn't care for Rise. Went with the drama club girl cause I thought she was kinda cute.
I seem to remember her insulting you right off the bat, but it's been awhile since I've played 4, so I could just be mixing her up with someone like Makoto, who's ALSO a little shit to you right away. All I remember is thinking Naoto had a pretty bad introduction.
Chie is for Kou.
every persona 4 girl is boring
But Chie doesn't have balls
Naoto isn't mean, she's actually one of the nicer girls in P4, the other girls have some real asshole moments
Based, my team for P4 were the bros, getting stuck in the snow cabin with them was fun.
Naoto just didn't interest me in particular and just wasn't my type. She was a pretty good party member though and pulled through in the Nanako dungeon with Mudoon and Hamaon though.
Did anyone went with pikachu? I went with Marie for the extra level
Guys let's kill namatame
What's a camera?
>Essentially the only non retarded character in the entire game
Did you actually play the game up to her dungeon?
It's mainly Chie who serves as the bitch of the party. Yukiko has moments that largely come from her following Chie's lead. Rise is generally nicer and more just comes across as pushy at times. Naoto is the most passive girl.
All of them are assholes in regards to the hot springs scene though.
So we can all just agree that the game would improve without Chie right?
Playing pq2 right now and i realize just how bad the p4 cast is, especially kuma and marie.
Yukiko pushes Kanji into the river even though he did nothing and constantly slaps people unprovoked even when they do nothing wrong. Rise is the one who told the girls not to apologise and told them not to say anything about how they were in the wrong during the hot springs incident which is even worse.
>trash-tier party member in the definitive persion of the game (PS2)
>awful character design
>beyond stupid backstory that ruins your immersion
>literally feels like she was shoehorned into the story because some detective anime was popular at the time
>despite being "le genius teenage detective from le long line of le genius teenage detectives" she contributes NOTHING to the investigation, even less than the guy who works at Wal-Mart
Naoto is shit
>Essentially the only non retarded character in the entire game
She's the ONLY retard, retard. She contributes nothing, and even actively hinders you by putting you on the path to the bad end. Naoto is shit.
>Yukiko pushes Kanji into the river even though he did nothing and constantly slaps people unprovoked even when they do nothing wrong.
Sure, but I was just saying she mostly follows Chie's lead in things. You could say Chie is a bad influence on her. But yeah on her own Yukiko comes across as kinda stuck up.
>Rise is the one who told the girls not to apologise and told them not to say anything about how they were in the wrong during the hot springs incident which is even worse.
Didn't remember if that was specifically her, but all the girls were in agreement on that. And outside of that scene I don't remember her doing much.
Because she was actually not smart in practice and the game just claimed so. I prefer rationality, so Chie was better.
But you can see them too.
Where are her tits, then? Show me her fuckin' massive melons if you're so correct, SHOW ME
How the fuck are they still friends after this? Even P3's party for as much shit as they get never went this far.
Three words. Japanese humor.
And yet people treat Yukari as if she's an anti christ member compared to the P4 girls.
That's two words you actual retard i'll strangle you here and now
Go ahead, make my day.
Because she's utterly worthless against bosses in a series that has its entire gameplay revolve around boss fights. Why the fuck would I use Naoto when I have no trouble with encounters to begin with? Karn spells is all she has going for her, and they got nerfed hard in Persona 4.
Yosuke has almost as much speed and has everything else you could want in an offensive party member: powerful wind spells that get further boosted by equipment, Dia spells which work great on a fast character, evasion buff that gives allows him to function as a late game cornerstone, and solid physical damage output for enemies that Garudyne can't crack.
>fun times with the PT plus FeMC.
>the IT clowns join.
>Marie's shitty poems are back.
Game peaked with Kamoshida again.
Humongous tits considering that Soejima's average female body standard is a literal stick
You know how you can ask Naoto on a date but it tells you that you need a lot of courage?
What happens if you ask her our the second time when you're at max courage? Never done it
It just works.
we need to go bigger
Three words for trips. It's an omen
That's exactly my reaction
>ps4 cast introduces themselves
>margaret introduce herself
>Suddenly i see marie
>chie talks about meat
>kuma gets back to his stupid cringey sheananigans with the girls and his bear puns
Where is P3 cast please i don't want p4 anymore
>"Remember how people hated how you needed to max a stat AND require almost every possible day to complete the s-link because you can't start it until the end of the game?"
>"Yea, that wasn't the best ide-"
>"We're doing it again, but this time you need to max out two stats and the window is even shorter"
Extending the amount of time you can S-Link Naoto was probably the only good thing Golden did.
>>bustiest character
people thinking this always bugged me. She's not the biggest out of the group. She just has more than the others thought.
>Essentially the only non retarded character in the entire game
>Sets herself up as bait
>Doesn't prepare in anyway for being targeted
>Even something as simple as a Security Camera for the front door would catch the perp
>Provides nothing to the IT after joining
More like Defective Prince
I think she's the biggest out of the group and bigger than the others thought. It's just that the others aren't exactly big themselves. I figure Margaret is probably the bustiest in the game outside of the old teacher everyone hates.
Whether or not Adult big tits Naoto is even canon, I think at the time of P4 Chie had the most meat on her...and in her.
Daily reminder that the correct way to handle christmas and valentines day is to deliberately friendzone every girl. P4 and P5's are Yukari tier bad.
I bet Naoto likes anal.
Naoto likes everything.
Chie is a tomboy. Naoto is a reverse trap.
>Naoto will never be embarrassed by having to shit out your cum after trying anal
>go into Noot thread
>surprisingly little amount of Noot pictures
This must be fixed.
Because I knew her whole dungeon was about gender confusion.
I realize now that it was about self acceptance and not being a tranny but boy a gender confused girl is a red flag if there ever was one.
What did she mean by this?
>not one but TWO (2) tomboy in the same game
pretty impressive desu, I just started out the game but it's the ps2 emulation, is the gold version better? I heard it had retarded choice
also should I buy Persona 5 Royal once it came out? Never played 5 and only saw video of the game up until Makoto got her Persona
God I want to marry her
Is there an uncensored version? Or is this official?
There is an uncensored version and it's official, but we think it's no longer canon. It's called Persona x Detective Naoto.
Sorry my dude, she's a lesbian. Not my rule, this is how things go. You should see Yea Forums. They will tell you how every time there is a tomboy, she's gay. It's a fact.
based autistic pancake man
Sounds like a bunch of fags.
For me, it's Best Friend Yosuke Girlfriend Chie, the optimal way to play Persona 4
Because she is for Kanji and this is the sole reason.
In most of the western stuff they read and watch, that holds true though.
here's one for your collection
Naoto's great but the games like 75 percent over when you get her.
I wish they added branching paths which changed the order you met people in these games.
Imagine if kanji was your bro from the start instead of yosuke
It's more like they hate it. I just saw thread two days ago with them bitching about tomboys being lesbian. Yea Forums is actually fine with lesbian, it's just that they hate it being force into everything just for good boy points with SJWs and LGBT.
too bad she's not into him
Yeah but I'm talking about before her social link opens up, when everyone thinks she's a guy
No I'm calling them fags for thinking tomboys are dykes.
this is hands down the best picture of naoto in all the internet
See It's true for their hobby, and they're sick of it.
who would win in a cage fight, fists only no personas.
obviously yu "chad ziocock" narukami
If you don't pick a different girl every time you play then you may as well end yourself. Unless it's Ai
unironically Joker
She is tomboy done absolutely right
Not that pseudo caricature trash like Chie
>Chad vs a door vs feminine door vs a pathetic masochist slave to lolidom
Do you have to ask?
>tfw got Naoto in the group date cafe labyrinth by answering truthfully
Imagine how good Persona 4 would be if only her and Kanji were your friends.
The P3mc can actually use fist weapons, it's not even an argument
Even P3P MC still has the god tier sword poke.
if only
>Rise is the Lovers arcana
>She's also on the Protag's dick immediately and keeps forcing herself on him
>Feels like the "canon" love interest
>Naoto strangely gets lots of "O-Oh, Senpai...!" moments in P4A, which was like an epilogue
>Seems to blush anytime Yu "Ziodynecock" Narukami looks at her
>Had the most plot agency in P4
>Is kind of the first character in P4A you see as she's doing some investigating and working with Mitsuru's group
Did they sneak in best girl as "canon" romance?
Someone post kunaboto
>make you breakfast
Do you WANT to die?
they had to be subtle because setting off the P4waifufags would cause mass destruction.
Brotag ever really had a "canon" love interest, unlike MC with Aigis and Joker with Makoto.
my favorite moment is when you romance naoto and its implied that naoto fucked yu and left a sock in his house
What's with all of the P4 threads?
Have you gay zoomers just played this game now?
What am I missing out on if I play P4A Vanilla instead of P4AU?
Not a lot really. P4AU is a sequel anyways.
A bunch of new characters(and iirc more moves for older characters) and shadow type characters, as well as music, new stages, and alt colors. It has a significantly shittier story though, if you care about that
Oh, that I didn't know. I have no reliable way to play P4AU since only P4A is backwards compatible on Xbox One, and I heard emulating it on PC doesn't work all to great. If I just want the story should I just watch it all on youtube, or should I at least play the first one?
Just watch both on youtube. Persona is the highest degree of kusoge.
I read through the whole thing online and can't find the picture. You sure it's that one?
The new characters for Ultimax, Shadow variants, and some character movesets & properties got changed for Ultimax; I only played Kanji, so I can only speak to the my knowledge of the changes he got to moveset to make his air grabs more effective.
Ultimax has only three story paths as opposed to multiple this time - P4, P3, and Adachi - and I frankly think the story kind of sucks in Ultimax compared to Vanilla Arena, coming to a rushed, disappointing conclusion for the setup in Vanilla. Also, I was a big fan of the relationship Yosuke & Labrys built up in his story in Vanilla, so I was kind of butthurt to see zero expansion on that. I like the idea that Yosuke finally moved on from Saki & got a cute robot waifu.
Why is she so lewd?
keep posting shit like this and i'm gonna fucking kill myself you rat bastard
There's someone out there for you user. Just have to find them.
p4 protag, fucking easily
You forgot:
>Romi Park
It's too late, I got too old, its up to you young fellas to do find it now
>Exposition Dump: the character
No thanks.
Okay but should I PLAY IT or just watch cutscenes?
Is P4 worth playing for Naoto if I liked her in Q?
>you young fellas
No so young anymore. Tryin to find me a OL Cake now.
nah as a fighter its pretty weak
tough office ladies are the next logical step for when you get to old for sporty tomboys but it still hurts
best girl
If you want to play P4 JUST for Naoto, don't. You only finally get her as a party member in the last 10 hours of the game. If you really want to go through 80% of P4 just to date her, then I wont stop you.
I see, so P4 is even worse than I thought. I'll save my time.
Where is the original? I can't find it anywhere!
Maybe if it was 2015 or 16, but as is now, it’s kind of dated, and there are other anime fighters out there that play a little more interesting. I’d recommend Under Night or Blazblue Cross Tag personally, the former of which is getting a new version soon.
That said, if you’re just a Personafag in general, owning the game for novelty is an alright idea, so if you can find a cheap copy or if the Ultimate Edition goes on sale with all the DLC included, pick it up.
I don't think it's fair that they made her so cute. Why make her so cute if she's not real?
It comes up in these threads from time to time.