>current year
>still no good serial killer video game
the absolute state of the vidya industry
dedicated serial killer simulator when?
>current year
>still no good serial killer video game
the absolute state of the vidya industry
dedicated serial killer simulator when?
Other urls found in this thread:
Any stealth game is serial killer shit if you larp. There's also shit like Postal/Hatred/Carmageddon.
Hell, just about everything is a murder simulation.
But nobody wants to make a real serial killer game because there's very few redeeming qualities about it. It's like pedo games, there's just something inherently fucked up and psycho about it.
I'd be hope as fuck if there are sex mods
how is a serial killer sim any more fucked than any of the thousands of other murder sims?
I always thought using the gameplay of Hitman and translating it a bit to put you in the shoes of a serial killer would work really well. Main thing stopping it from happening is probably just developer appetite. None of them want to deal with the backlash in [current year].
killing spree =/= serial killing.
serial killing is when you kill people over extended periods of time while attempting to hide your identity and evade authorities, not confront them.
alot of serial killers also have some kind of modus operandi in which they murder or torture people.
hatred and all that homicide spree bullshit doesn't cut it, i wanna murder people and dismember them in an old apartment and preserve their remains and skin in barrels of acid and store the skulls my refrigerator.
play Manhunt 1 and 2, or Postal games.
It would be hard to create one.
1. Public opinion maintenance.
2. Visuals and gore. The game has to be gore-ish eye candy, like old giallo films.
3. Stealth mechanics
4. Police mechanics
The same reason killing in military service or to overcome an opponent is different then serial killing in real life:
Serial killing is done from a pure joy of killing and the other isn't.
The virgin Jeffrey Dahmer
>is gay and pedo
>tortures his victims because he has daddy issues
>eats victims corpses because he's legit mentally ill
>gets killed in prison by some black dude calling himself "Jesus"
>killed like 10 ppl
The chad Ted Bundy
>super charismatic
>no woman can withstand his charms
>makes their victims cum buckets before killing them
>killed 50+ women
>killing in military service
>not done out of a pure joy of killing
A literal psychopath.
Killing in COD is different then giving this guy an outlet for this shit.
Games like that are for degenerates.
Just become a serial killer IRL, you pussy.
Dont know anything about military history huh?
shut up or i'm gonna hunt you down next
bro, do you even wikileaks? military servicemen laugh about killing civies all the time. thats why they get so fucked in the head: they know what they are do is wrong
Honestly I could see a good Ace Attorney mixed with a toned down manhunt would be pretty dope.
You kill people then defend yourself in court using real lawyer terminology
>ted bundy
he chimped out when they caught him
could've kept low profile and got released for lack of evidence and resumed murdering, but he chose to escape and go on one final spree before getting caught again.
>ace attorney
>real attorney terminology
You mean anime terminology
>"A study conducted by the Army after World War II that discovered that in combat only 15 to 20 percent of soldiers fired their weapons and an even smaller percentage fired to kill."
It's estimated that about 5% of soldiers do 90% of the killing in most cases. People have to be psychologically conditioned for that, and it still doesn't work well. It wasn't uncommon in Vietnam for US soldiers to literally close their eyes and spray their weapons. Yes, psychos slip into the military for the joy of killing... but they are a tiny minority.
>have conversation with npc prostitute
>walk back to car
>hit her with a hammer while she's sitting their defenseless.
>anonymity removes the need to hide evidence
The gameplay would actually be pretty shallow outside of the cheap thrill for sociopaths. Hitman is fun because you're targeting people with security you have to sneak by.
okay, but in video games you kill people. thats what we are talking about
Wasn't there a studio that almost made a Jack the Ripper game?
No you're not fatso. I'd beat the dogshit out of you.
People who have to deal with death often have to resort to humor to keep their sanity. You often see it with EMTs and homicide detectives.
It's only worse with soldiers in active warzones as their job is to actively kill people. They have to find levity with all the death or they would crack under the pressure, and many still do.
Why do you think wartime propaganda is so focused on dehumanizing the enemy? It's not pure bigotry, it's to prevent the fighting force from eating itself alive from guilt.
Eh whatever is more entertaining
i can't believe this shit is true
There's something inherently cynical about a game that celebrates the joy of killing for killings sake. Should we have a game about child molesting too? What other heinous things should we make into toys that isn't inherently cynical?
so as long as the dev designates the murdered as 'the enemy' then its okay to kill them. just give the protag of a serial killer game paranoid schizophrenia, and the voices will justify the murders. same thing as a military game.
>cherrypicks the murder gameplay
where's the rape/necrophilia gameplay?
where's the detective/police avoidance gameplay?
OP, remember manhunt?
oh, you never played it because you're 13 years old
The problem is that a serial killer sim would be boring
>spend months doing nothing
>go sneak up on some defenseless bum or pick up a desperate cracked out prostitute
>kill them by pressing a button or two
>wait a few more months to do it again
Serial killing isn't a good video game premise imo and would carry a lot of baggage due to the content and nature of the game.
He walked to the chair in adult diapers.
It is. Nowadays, it's closer to 90% due to psychological conditioning as it improved.
The PTSD rate for people that have to be conditioned into killing is also extremely high now too.
My dream game would be a really in depth crime sandbox, with everything from stealing candy from a gas station to leading a cult, but there's no way we'd ever get something that complex that would actually be fun to play.
op here
played manhunt, it was dogshit gore simulation.
i want serial murder simulation, i wanna be jack the ripper or jeffrey dahmer or ted bundy.
>>tortures his victims because he has daddy issues
he didn't torture anybody. he drugged them and asphyxiated them in their sleep.
>injecting acid into someone's brain after trying to drill into it in a weird attempt to make a living zombie sex slave
>not torture
Yandere Simulator
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2
Fallout New Vegas
you kill shitloads of bystanders and civilians in CoD, GTA and various other games.
your point doesn't stand
Make your own game, psycho.
If you're nuts, you might as well be useful.
then why is that okay and a serial killer game wouldnt be? same exact thing
>there are actual serial killers browsing this thread RIGHT NOW
>where's the detective/police avoidance gameplay?
There is none, besides waiting and traveling to different parts of the country. Random killings are nearly impossible to solve without prints/dna on record.
Too easy you gotta add some layers like
Play dress up
Go to a bar
Play a dating sim mini game
Map out a area and possible escape routes
Take out cameras
Obtain a weapon
Gimmicky boss fight with your victims
Hide or destroy evidence
Avoid detection from would be spotters
Clean up
Steal a car
Get to the check point
If anything it would be Supernatural “demon killing” meets Ted Bundy the game
Just chuck in some bullshit lore about being a protector or some shit
Pretty sure that someone was already half dead from shittons of roofies.
Dahmer's shtick and Modus Operandi wasn't torture. He killed his victims relatively quick or kept them in states of comma.
Spree-killing makes for better, more engaging gameplay than Serial-killing would.
>original video taken down, only shit quality 240p copy left
Only oldfags remember.
Why don't you play some Grand Normies Auto, then.
Also, there should be need to suppress the urge for murder. Like that guy from Fritz Lang's M, who was whistling.
>edgy faggot says normie instead of normalfag
You're no daisy at all
Never mind, this looks like exactly what I would have wanted, just with things to do besides killing. Did anything ever come of this?
>newfig says normalfag instead of normalfaggot
Eh I mean I have killed a guy but it was a crackhead breaking into my house
If anything I got into more trouble about killing him “executioner style” because there was about 5 inches from the tip of my gun barrel to his forehead
I snuck up on him
Not in the current year in the western world where there's cameras everywhere and everyone carries a gsp tracking chip everywhere they go. It's why there's less serial killers now adays since they get caught after 1 or 2.
No thanks, I prefer Hotline Miami.
Space Station 13/Lifeweb
Start by going to the /vg/ thread
I am a newfag. 2007 is newfag.
>gsp tracking chip everywhere they go
you're supposed to break and throw away the phones and drive somewhere really far, dipshit.
>Have ASDP
>Stuck between the desire of going full blown psycho and the desire to become a normal, sane member of society
It truly is difficult bros.
I like that but the whistle should give the “Demon” a headache so you know who to target.
It’s like the Witcher vision except less gay
>A real newfag
Kill yourself newfag
Why would you want a game like this though? I would just feel bad about playing it and stop. The reason why I can fight enemies in other games is because usually they've done something horrible evil already so I'm just stopping them from doing more. Life is already depressing and cruel enough in real life. I don't want that kind of atmosphere to destroy me in my video games.
>we lost this absolute treat of a man because of a single mom
I'm so sorry Edmund, you had the potential to do everything, I'm so sorry for what those crazy worn did to your life.
>give the protag of a serial killer game paranoid schizophrenia, and the voices will justify the murders
You just described Manhunt 2.
Both are virgins. Real chad right here.
>I don't want that kind of atmosphere to destroy me in my video games.
It's simple
Don't fucking play it, niggertron.
unironically worse than anything I could say
>sub-50 victims
Rookie numbers
forgot pic
Well, OP asked why there aren't any there more of these games. Most of us don't desire to do this kind of thing, hence why no one is making them. There's not much demand for them.
Not sure if it counts but town of salem is pretty fun when you play as serial killer
Simple just have your target be a demon or an Ayy lmao trying to take over the planet
Have them bleed green or when you kill them they grow weird skeleton horse faces
Have the characters say “Begone demon” and the morph into a monster
Simple simple shit retard
>Why would you want a game like this though?
Because of the same reasons people watch giallo or slashers.
Oh yeah I used to love that game.
I unironically want it on consoles as they roll out a mini keyboard
Why is there a huge franchise of serial killer shows/movies in the TV industry?
Why were stories of Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy huge hits?
Why were serial murderer novels a huge in-vogue in the past?
no we don't, idiot, fuck off you psychopath
Because its so bizarre and extreme that you can't look away. It just makes you wonder how someone could bring themselves to do something like that. But it's not something you want to really delve into. I don't have any problems playing DOOM or Mortal Kombat, but I can't really watch slasher movies because there's just too much suffering. It's one thing dying violently in battle against a worth opponent, but watching someone suffer helplessly makes me feel sick. I can't watch horror slashers. I just get really pissed off and stressed.
thing is, 99% of gamers are ADD pigeons who couldn't handle a game where you have to carefully plan and cover your tracks to avoid getting caught
even Hitman is a joke
never. why? americans. If the serial killer game gets big there's going to be that one fucking burger who copies it or parades it around only killing women or [insert minorities here] to show how edgy he is for epic points on the internet. Then instead of admitting that some burgers are just mentally undercooked they're going to say "it's the game's fault that burger user is retarded." Then the game's developer will be #cancelled and gaming will be censored more. fuck Americans, they ruin everything.
I've always wanted a sandbox terrorist simulator, something like a mix between Hitman, GTA, and Watch Dogs.
There's no money in this kind of game. That's why no one makes them. Because no one wants them. You and a handful of other anons in the thread aren't going to make them rich. You guys probably wouldn't even buy it any, you'd just pirate it. further proving the point there's no money in this kind of endeavor.
>read up on Tsutomo Miyazaki
what the fuck bro
you're more fucked in the head than he is, unironically
rape day devs banked on the controversy of their game.
a serial killer sim would be a niche hit and would attract alot of attention since it would be one of the first entries of the serial murder/slasher franchises to the gaming scene, whereas these franchises are huge in other mediums.
>who couldn't handle a game where you have to carefully plan and cover your tracks to avoid getting caught
Serial killers don't really have to do that, anonymity is enough of a defense. A non serial killer murder game would actually be more interesting.
>anonymity is enough of a defense
t. would get caught after 1 victim
it sounds really boring. just rampage in gta and see how long you can survive 5 stars like everyone else does. or kill prostitutes in between missions. like everyone else does.
This, you can LARP as a murderer if you join that assassin's guild where they give you a latex suite. You get to hunt down and kill people in their sleep, and they can even turn you into a vampire IIRC and at that point you'd have to kill people to suck their blood I think.
It could work if it was far enough removed from reality, if the pc resembled Jason or Freddy I.E asexual and cartoonish. If the character is real enough to invoke ted bundy it would never be allowed on a legit platform.
Well I don't desire to play as a serial killer nor do I want to do that kind of thing in real life. So I don't know what else to say. At least with the violent games I play I fight back in self defense like DOOM. Or you have opponents who are equally as strong like in fighting games. Like you really shouldn't be killing anything unless it's an absolute emergency like if he's trying to kill you first and you have no other choice. So if this is being fucked in the head then I guess I'm normal?
no, feeling stressed and sick watching a fucking horror film is fucked. you're unable to handle teenage girl shit, m8
I've put some thought into developing an indie game like this. What stopped me was that in the end I just don't think the gameplay will be interesting enough.
you're not tough.
nobody claimed to be tough, grow up
No I just don't like seeing helpless people suffer and it sucks that I can't stop it from happening. But that already exists in real life too so that's what makes it worse. That when the time comes I might not be able to do anything about it especially if I'm not around. Or maybe the situation would be too dangerous for me to do anythign if I were around. I don't like feeling powerless like that. It's very distressing. If you've ever had to deal with friends or family suffering (not necessarily violent like in those movies, but just suffering in general), it sucks because if you were around yo'd be able to do something about it. But you can't always be there for them 24/7.
Guess what? Not all games need to be action packed to be fun.
>grow up
take your own advice.
you're not mature
you're calling somebody fucked in the head because they don't like watching violence. that's what teenagers do.
no, i said he's fucked in the head for "feeling stressed and sick watching a fucking horror film" - direct quote. we're not talking about gore videos here - this is not normal.
Wasnt this just an elaborate trolling effort?
It might be interesting if you played as a paranoid schizophrenic that thinks he's doing it for god or the good of the world (literally the game objective pointing you towards the person), but in reality you're just fucked in the head. Don't think you could bring in torture stuff, but objectives like "kill this person and exit building undetected" are definitely possible.
Guess at the end of the day it would just be a Hitman clone with a story twist though.
how old are you?
>completely normal lower class dude
>have dreams telling you to kill celebrities and government officials to protect the "Dreamweb"
>kill them and anyone who gets in the way brutally
my mind goes to some RP gamemodes for gmod. like that DanielSl video with the taco shop
older than the hordes of teens and young adults that go to see slasher movies. old enough to remember sneaking into saw 2 at the theatre with my "girlfriend" when i was in elementary school.
then you should know better.
also you were 10ish years old and you and your friend snuck into saw 2? that's a shit cinema.
13, it was busy and dark and they don't have people watching the doors m8
shut up queers
well i'm not american i equate primary schools with elementary schools.
i don't know what you're even complaining about this is a shit thread.
Im Gay
What about Friday The 13th the game?
Or how about you get repercussions for not waiting long enough or wait too long and your character is behind bars already? Like say maybe you’re a police officer in this game or have some informant who looks out for you? And if you don’t disturb or left too much evidence at the crime scene you’ll also get caught.
Hotline Miami
there's fucking tons, OP
Which Killer had most kills?