Is this by far the best isometric WRPG known to man?
Is this by far the best isometric WRPG known to man?
Just started playing it. I really like it so far, but the quest to unlock mage training was pure autism.
I love a lot about Torment, but the actual combat is pretty meh.
shit fucking ending it's a waste of time
fallout 1 exists
overrated piece of shit
Dogshit gameplay. Story is only good "for a videogame" in terms of quality
"Updated my journal"
It was supposed to be atmospheric. It also builds up to an important plot reveal much later in the game.
So good it will change your nature.
The ending was great you faget, it fits TNO's story perfectly.
if it is, then it's pretty good evidence as to why the cRPG genre died because it's a putrid pile of shit
just wait until you have to find ravel
>only played 19 hours
pffft, fucking casual, go back to your favorite BR shooter, you obviously have no attention span to appreciate this masterpiece
Yeah basically. Game is thematically, metaphorically, certifiably kino. But the gameplay is pretty jank, which given its a video game, should dock some points. But everything else about it is incredible.
I guess that's fine, the hive is pretty lively and nice to walk through. But I have to admit the first act of the quest (the one you need to find a gardener), not a big fan. Maybe I am retarded, but aside from talking to everyone you come across until you find Mourn-for-trees, I don't see how they expected you to do it.
Nonsense, nothing can change your nature.
it's not even a rpg. it's a point and click adventure game developed in a rpg engine as a joke.
I'm not spending any more time on this piece of shit
>you obviously have no attention span to appreciate this masterpiece
I beat the game
>19 hours
>I beat the game
By skipping 80% content?
Why even bother?
what content? I read anything I could. Did you mean to think I would waste my time on the horrid combat? Yeah I didn't get the joke character nordem at the end of the maze which emphasized the worst parts of the game. Quest design was also horrid so I didn't do anything outside of what major characters wanted
the most obvious answer is experience but it wasn't even an option. proof that dialogue trees are shit for roleplaying.
I chose regret, turns out it was the cannon choice or something. What happens if you pick something else? Does ravel not care and only wanted you anyway?
Power makes most sense, but regret is indeed the correct answer in the game.
If I recall correctly she states that any choice is fine, as she only wants YOUR answer to the question, and not the answer you think she wants to hear
I picked suffering. Several books and movies have highlighted that it is only through suffering, despair, and regret that shape us into who we are today. It is through this suffering that our soul is molded.
Yeah, I think they also point out it's specifically "a man", not "men" or "man's" nature. But also it was BELIEF all along.
fuck you it shits on your choices
>Quest design was also horrid so I didn't do anything outside of what major characters wanted
you missed out on this game and you dont get it user.
None of you faggots have played the game. It has multiple endings. And i don't mean the several non-standard game overs.
they all end the same way dumbass
No, they don't. Once again, you haven't played the game.
This is the reason I dislike talking about most games here. Other than absolute popamole and JRPG's, 90% of the people taking part haven't actually played the given game, and base their knowledge on heresay and wikis/guides.
And, yet again. You're wrong. You haven't played the game. You're a liar and a moron.
fucking idiot
Go back to RPG Codex where you can circlejerk around the same 10 old ass WRPG's year in year out.
You have no argument, since you've obviously never played the game in question. Just another poser in the sea of many such creatures. I pity you. Go back to a Smash thread, or whatever cesspit you occupy.
Why would you go on the internet and lie to people like this?
If you think that the term comes from RPG Codex, not only are you wrong, and an idiot, but also a minor. Reddit calls out to you, kiddo.
Since there are at least 4 different endings? Play the game if you're curious.
Well BG2 is like Telltale's Walking Dead.
It only appears great on your first play then you realize none of your choices actually matter.
Others keep replaying the game for the waifus like Clementine.
Others just replay for the classes.
all the endings involve going to the blood war tho
typical planescape faggot response
Personally i hate combat in games like this and it's my least favourite reason i play crpgs. This game, while being closer to a VN than anything was a godsend. I don't know if we will get anything as high quality as PST in our lifetime.
Three of the four don't.
I played a few hours of it then I just stopped and read the novel that came with it instead
I can recognize almost every one of you autists in this thread, you say the same shit in every Planescape thread. Arent you fucking tired of it you fucking spergs.
>accuses others of not playing the game
>hasn't played the game
wew lad
But that first time through is pretty terrific.
What other games have a story as good? I don't care what genre
Have you played them all? I haven't. I like it more than BG2 for sure though.
Silent King ending doesn't.
what aspects are you looking for
that's a game over
I really like the character coming to grips with his past mistakes and acceptance of flaws you cannot change, regret etc. Basically the overcoming grief and personal struggle components of it.
silent hill 2
Is there any ending cutscene other than you in hell, picking up an axe and rushing to your death?
ok, do i have to play 1? also anything more on pc?
>CTRL+F "overrated"
>1 result
There is no hope for this board
You probably already played Kotor2 but it shares a lot of the same themes
You dont, but I would recommend it, because it sets up the town and its a great game.
Who are you to judge?
yeah i've played that to death, one of my favorite games of all time
The most overrated game on Yea Forums. It's garbage for dunning-kruger kids.
ok thanks user, ill check it out
no there's not you don't actually "die" tho it's a eternal war
>The sphere wrinkles in your hands, the skin of the sphere peeling away into tears and turning into a rain of bronze that encircles you. Each droplet, each fragment that enters you, you feel a new memory stirring, a lost love, a forgotten pain, an ache of loss - and with it, comes the great pressure of regret, regret of careless actions, the regret of suffering, regret of war, regret of death, and you feel your mind begin buckling from the pressure - so MUCH, all at once, so much damage done to others... so much so an entire FORTRESS may be built from such pain. And suddenly, through the torrent of regrets, you feel the first incarnation again. His hand, invisible and weightless, is upon your shoulder, steadying you. He doesn't speak, but with his touch, you suddenly remember your name. ...and it is such a simple thing, not at all what you thought it might be, and you feel yourself suddenly comforted. In knowing your name, your true name, you know that you have gained back perhaps the most important part of yourself. In knowing your name, you know yourself, and you know, now, there is very little you cannot do.
Why doesn't Chris Avellone get more lead writer / project director roles? Pretty much everything he's been attached to has been golden / all time great tier.
Dude... who knew knowing your name held such power..
Pillars of Eternity kinda sucked.
But he's on Bloodlines 2 now, so you can't exactly say he's been out of work can you. Yea Forums has been hyping that shit nonstop.
Age is the same thing
So I'm guessing you played Mask of the Betrayer too? Going through it at the moment and I don't know what will fill the storytelling void after those three
>The Nameless One
How about no? It would take people about 30 seconds flat before they got sick of that shit and just gave him a name. Don't get me started about how on the fucking nose and hamfisted some of the other shit in the game is, including other character names. God, I hated that pile of shit.
On top of that it makes sense given that "Torment" is a main theme of the game
actually no not yet. I've been putting it off expecting it to come back to steam in an enhanced edition or something. also i've heard getting through the main campaign first is a slog. everytime im looking through my backlog for something to play i forget about it.
Never played a single thing that was even halfway good that involved him. You're so far up his ass that you can almost see his face.
What? The whole game is you regaining your mortality.
Pathologic 2 just came out if you never played the original.
literally does not matter you get punished for "your" sins
>fallout 2
>icewind dale
>kotor 2
>fallout nv
>alpha protocol
Is the story really good? I like the atmosphere but don't really enjoy walking sims.
it will be important to remember what you can of the steps you took during the mage training as it can help you later on during a fateful encounter.
Power, specifically willpower
the answer is not there, as it is whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can
I wouldn't call it my favorite, but it's great and unique. The Nameless One is a very cool character to play as. Buying an eye from a bartender then ripping out your current eye to replace it with that one. Finding an old lady beating teeth out of a corpse and then asking her to cut you open and look for stuff in your intestines. It's really fucking strange.
sounds ominous, I'll keep it in mind
I mean, it's a beautifully told story and there's a lot of dialogue.
Could always just pirate it and see if you enjoy it.
Transcendent One did nothing wrong.
>Pillars of Eternity kinda sucked.
He did only TWO companions for that game and one of them had 3/4 of its dialogue/script cut and the other one was neutered and trimmed.
Yeah, the main campaign is long as fuck, gets pretty repetitive and the story is as generic as it gets (it kinda becomes interesting with the King of Shadows backstory, but still pretty run of the mill). But at least the shift in the quality of writing in MotB is very noticeable, you really get Planescape vibes even if only one section/character was actually written by Avellone. I think it's much shorter too, so it really depends on how much you can tolerate of the main campaign (I think it has salvageable parts, but I can autistically put up with a lot of bullshit so it really depends on you)
Just so I have this right, the first incarnation was a massive dickhead who became good and who wanted immortality to avoid the bloodwar?
Yes, but you don't have to become good.
Pretty much. He committed so many sins he was going to have a real bad time when he died so he pursued immortality to give him time to repent, and the he died when Ravel killed him to test it out. I don't think it's explicitly stated that he was sold into the Blood War, just that he was absolutely fucked if he died before he had managed to achieve absolution.
>Time is not your enemy, forever is
Literally what did she mean by this
you will have a bad time trying to escape mortality
You're making my point for me.
>i spedread this book. it's shit!
no fucking wonder.
no, 2 is separate from 1. Even the lore is changed with the town mist. There are some throwbacks in easter eggs but nothing storywise
She says that shit after you regain your mortality
She being Falls-from-grace
I beat it in 40 hours and that was with me speeding through some of the lategame stuff. 19 hours is speed-run zoomer tier.
>I read anything I could
I'm not an ESLtard who needs a minute per paragraph
No, it's a terrible RPG. Good adventure game, though.
A soul doesn't expire in the setting. He has all the time in the universe to serve his punishment in the lower planes. So only giving up would make it impossible for TNO to be free again.
Fall intended to find TNO in the lower planes eventually.
Liked the story for obvious reasons but 99% of the conversations were just asking pointless questions. There's even a moment where someone gets pissed at you for constantly asking these questions. Even for a long game the pacing was too slow and there was too much pointless crap that would have been better off excluded.
I don't know what to tell you, I did all the major quests and recruited everyone except nordem (left ignis behind for vailor because ignis is a nobody, lost vailor anyway through dialogue lel)
When did the game peak and why was it the brothel?
>stumbling upon Vhailor on the first playthrough
nice guide
God damn it i played this without having a clue about the planescape D&D setting
i absolutely loved the atmosphere and art style. However the game felt like a trippy LSD induced fever dream or something. Some Fear&Loathing in Las Vegas shit.
Half of the time I had no clue what the fuck everyone was babbling about, especially the guy in your party with the green sword. His convos felt like they were written on shrooms.
he's locked up in a cell on a required path, I don't know what you mean. Or if it wasn't required it really wasn't out of the way
Its been forever since i played but isnt he behind a semi-elaborate puzzle?
Hey, chief.
In case you haven't noticed, those are my TEETH.
not that I remember, I think the key to his cell was in the same exact dungeon he was being held in, underneath the outskirts I think? You may be mixing him up with nordem who i didn't bother getting.
You literally need to misclick behind the portal you need to go to to notice and enter the cell behind it
I don't remember that part, i remember normally playing and coming across him
>yfw you get stuck inside the cube
>that wizard who turned himself into an armoire to feel girls' panties inside of him
Just like my Japanese animes
I never saw the appeal of nordom, he's bland as hell compared to the other characters ,Although he is a fucking powerhouse in combat, like that matters anyway
I know he's voiced by homer simpson but I honestly can't hear it so that novelty isn't there for me either.
>"Plane: Negative Material. Location: Fortress of Regrets."
>"Sense of closure: imminent."
Okay that's pretty good
It's a fucking visual novel, not an RPG, for fuck's sake.
Nah, Divine Divinity is more fun.
I gathered a lot of information before playing Planescape Torment, read wikis and the manual, then decided to put my stat points in wisdom and inteligence, because the game was supposed to be less combat oriented. Needless to say that this decision fucked my progression as the dungeons got harder. The story is mature, but it lacks cohesion... sure, PS:T is Shakespeare when compared to Final Fantasy, but it's also too pretentious. Deus Ex and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines are better examples of good writing OH MY GOD, JC, A BOMB.
I was about to say the same. The pacing is not good, sometimes it feels like a visual novel.
everyone jerks off the writing in planescape but it's actually extremely shallow. none of the interesting themes it brings up are developed. do your memories make you who you are? how do you know what's good and bad without your memory? if you have amnesia and get your memory back do you become the person you used to be again? the game lets you claim that belief can change the nature of a man, but never questions whether your nature determines what you believe in the first place. at the end of the game you're sent to fight in super hell, but the game never asks whether it's even fair to punish someone for crimes he can't even remember committing. instead it just vomits words about inane shit and overuses capital letters to make things seem more important.
it only gets harder if you pick int and wisdom and then try to play a combat role. Quick thinking and witty responses will let you succeed while minimizing combat, or letting your teammates handle the truly difficult stuff. Once you become a mage your spell selection can vastly improve with a little bit of searching for spells. In fact, one of the goals is to browse each faction for its spell library before moving on to the next.
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that PST is deep. Just that it's well-told, which is more than you can say of 99% of video games.
>b-but it didn't write a thesis exploring in depth all of the nitpicky questions I have about the themes!
It wasn't supposed to. It's just a weird DnD game about a dude with amnesia.
nier: automata
Shit taste m8. You sound like you think too much of yourself.
I mean it may not develop those themes as much as you liked but it least it got you thinking about them and asking questions.
played it, really didnt enjoy it
fuck you I'm not falling for another Yea Forums meme game.
Your fucking loss.
How bad was Nu Men Era? I never see anybody talk about it.
absolute fucking shit