What was the meaning behind this game?

what was the meaning behind this game?

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Ass is great

exististiation comalasis

can you explain like i'm 5?
i really just don't get it

It was a good drama with fun gameplay.
I also think it had a lot to do with how people find and keep reasons to live.

is a faggot

garbage PC port
and japs being incompetent as always

Humans are long dead but their struggles continue on in their progeny

That life is meanless.

It has no purpose. You should choose your own purpose, or you'll be a puppet of someone else.

There's more to mind, to soul and consciousness than its physicality. So you shouldn't be limited about what you're, and should start to look for the meaning behind it all. Even if there's none. Because that'll fill your soul. And there's a minuscule chance that life does have a meaning.

Deep dark fantasies

Le robots have le feelings!
Such deep woah

ass > tits.

Hope you learned your lesson.

Imagine trying to mock a game for being too shallow when you were actually too dumb to get it lmao

>ugh you don’t get it!
Every damn time lol

>dude it's like so super deep bro you just don't get it

This actually makes a lot of sense when I start to put things together from the game.
Thanks for the good post, user.

stop playing on a toaster

Samefag, have a cringe

Its actually a bit deeper then "robots have feelings" this user gets it

It makes my peepee bigger and it feels good to touch.

I'm sorry that you're actually legitimately too low IQ for a videogame.

>dude life has like no meaning, everything be le pointless after all
Woah such deep

Post some games you think is deep user :)

play the game

alright , so in your opinion what game have a deep meaning ?

None because video games aren’t deep you retard

Says the guy too dumb to get fucking videogames rlofmao

only my past and my oc are deep

>bideo games are like sooo deep epspecially the one with the ass

No I think he's actually on to something here.

The only meaning for the androids is to protect the humans on the moon. This is their goal in life, it's what gives them purpose and motive to do what they do. But once they realize the truth then their entire life becomes meaningless.
9S has no idea what to do, he becomes depressed when he has no reason to live.

I think the game might be saying that you should try to find your own meaning for living, or else you'll end up like 9S.
Maybe I'm wrong though, I'm just spitballing shit

Don't you have english grammar classes to attend?

The answer is mix bleach and Ammonia in a small room to make crystals

>dude life has like no meaning, everything be le pointless after all
Do you seriously believe that life has an objective meaning?

English is with a capital E.
Yikes much?

Your first assignment: write more than 10 words without relying on a meme to convey your thoughts.

The androids are a slave to yorha
Yorha is a slave to the network
The network is a slave to humanity

Ironically, the only ones who are free are the robots

So do you also believe that all media isn't serious?

Do you think it's impossible for books or movies to ever be taken serious?

>you should try to find your own meaning for living, or else you'll end up like 9S.
A screeching cringy anime character?

I have a feeling that this is you.

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>i5 8600k

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So when did the machines start actually having emotions and complex, individual thoughts? The flashbacks imply that's been the case for hundreds of years yet somehow androids only figure this out now?

Books and movies are already taken seriously, video games are not.

So what's wrong with wanting to try change the status quo? Maybe some days video games will be taken seriously

>So when did the machines start actually having emotions and complex, individual thoughts?
A machine had no reason for living after it was finished with it's programmed task, some even ended up just killing themselves when they were done.
Therefor, to have a reason to continue living they needed to create conflict so they could keep doing what they were programmed to do.
this inevitably ended them slowly branching and evolving into having emotions and thoughts

>yet somehow androids only figure this out now?
Androids have only existed for a short while, they were basically test dummies to make better combat units.
They were programmed by the network to believe machines were meaningless, that way androids have no problem killing them

Don't overthink life, help others and be kind

Find reason to exist even in an absurd world where all nations and myths and ideologies have long been lost. This can only come from within, not without.

The world of Automata is one where most traditional values have been lost. Androids/machines try to replicate humans through the data records they have but even that is devoid of any real meaning -- for example the way 2B dresses in a gothic lolita fashion, or the way Adam and Eve think humans act. None of it makes real sense though.

The struggle with a search for a purpose is something all 3 main characters share, 9S perhaps the most because he comes to find out the truth about humanity. I think it's also about the death of "God" (humanity for androids) and the hopelessness you can find not being able to rely on religion and history for meaning.

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Never fr*cking seen before dude... truly epix

I am pretty sure it's stated in the Fires of Prometheus short story that Beepy was like a god to the robots and helped them develop emotions and such. I'm going off memory though I'm sure it's more detailed exactly how.
So a bit of time after the events of Nier Gestalt/Replicant. And Androids are pretty recent in the grand scheme of Nier and are indoctrinated with the belief that robots are dumb dumbs so they don't see it any other way.

that's not 9s' conclusion

What it truly means to be sentient.

What did you mean by this?

You have to go back

All I got out of this game is that life is a constant stream of embarrassment

To simplify it to an extreme degree:
Pursuing meaning in a meaningless world.

Where the fuck did you get that from the game

good post

The machine village, I'd guess.
He's not really wrong about this.

2B ass = joy
Give flower to robot = kind

Kind = joy

What if being kind and helping others doesn't bring you any joy?

Cute boys are for lewd mommies.

dunno im pretty dumb but you fight bosses named after philosophers throughout the game, the robots are just repeating shit that comes from old attempts at seeking truth. Most robots who overthink it or try some esoteric methods of finding meaning end up killing themselves. Their society was built on lies and forces them to fight endlessly in the pursuit of purpose and the climax of the game was deleting your save to help others when they were struggling.

those are the only things i remember about the game and so i got the impression that the only meaningful things the androids did was sacrifice for one another.

Have you tried being kind to yourself

This guy gets it. Also, is it me or do more and more people reject meaning based on superficial and often irrelevant traits? seems to have done so, by discrediting 9S, who is merely a part of the medium used to deliver a message/meaning, and I feel like this happens a lot these days.

You being kind enough to remove 2B’s skirt brings you joy, no?

eh, i'm not really a butt guy

>mediocre gameplay and combat
>fetch quests out the fucking ass
>pretentious philosopher namedropping
>shitty existentianlist story done to death in anime
If it weren't for the waifus, nobody would give a shit about this game. Yakuza 0 is way better.

Meaning is that 2A is truly superior than 2B even though 2B was supposed to be an upgrade of 2A with some nice tits and ass. But 2B is just a downgrade with some nice tits and ass.

Commander White>the rest

I mean, you're not too wrong.
But the point of killing the philosophers is more focussed than "don't overthink it". The game throws their ideas at you and forces you to engage with them. And once you have, you go and "kill" the philosopher.
This goes from crude and simple jokes like Marx and Engels being factory machines (i.e. the means of production) to a very condensed reading of the philosopher in question, this most notably happens with de Beauvoir and Kierkegaard. I don't know enough about Grün to explain his role as the ancient leviathan, unfortunately.
Another interesting thing is that as the game progresses you see less and less of these philosophers, as if the game acknowledges your actions. In the second half, you barely meet any philosophers at all.

Adam is interesting in how he is trying to be more original. Instead of drawing on published writings like the other machines he tries to discover meaning in the history of humanity instead. However, as with the other philosophers you engage with his ideas, that the thrill of war is the only thing people should live for and then you kill him. Eve is a herald of what happens to 9S, he based his identity and all the things he valued on one person and when that person died, he snapped.

Basically, there's a lot to think about in the game, I'll play it again sometime

6O is too pure for this rotten world.

yeah maybe not to be slaves to ideology would be more accurate but i dont get the impression anything good ever comes from engaging with these ideas.

adam gets it in his head that life only has meaning when contrasted with death which then has a death cult follow his example. I dont know anything about philosophy but its probably linked to some fundamental ideas. pascal inadvertently kills all the children by teaching them what fear is, the attempts to cover up lifes meaningless lead to a logic virus that destroys all the androids etc...

i get the impression yoko taro thinks these questions are unanswerable and only lead to insanity

never go nuclear

Just fucking post 2b already I'm trying to cum

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Yes, that's it.

A2 gets it.

Yorha is manipulating everyone to give purpose to the Androids and the robots.

The author is nihilist. I know something about nihilism.

Basically there're two types of nihilism, you should be the active one, if you truly realize that life is meaningless. Because, at least, that can make you happy and fulfilled.

Yes, since they're robots, but their mind are modeled after Androids, what does it mean? That they're fake?

There's that. But their feelings are real, their morality. Their love. So the physicality doesn't matter. What is it that matter?

If life makes no sense and has no purpose?
If your consciousness is limited to your physicality?
Is that really all there's to it?

That's the question that no one can answer. Not in that game, not in philosophy.

So you've got to find a purpose or die in misery.

In the end they accept their limitations and restart differently. With their friends, by ascending into something else. Their soul is their data traveling through the space. Maybe they'll find something in eternity. Maybe not.

That's the destiny of all of us. Travel through nothingness. And hoping for something to ascend us into something better.

If you're not religious, then your god is dead. Just like humans were gods to the androids...

What are you going to do now that you know that god is that. And that life has no meaning?

nice catch

>adam gets it in his head that life only has meaning when contrasted with death
It's not so much that, but rather that the only meaning of life is war and struggle, because that is what human history has taught him, free of outside ideology.
And Adam is the only character whose pursuit of meaning finds a satisfying conclusion, ironically in his own death.

The death cult is tied to Kierkegaard as a philosopher and his criticism of organized religion. The Pascal thing ties into his thoughts on religion as well.

>i get the impression yoko taro thinks these questions are unanswerable and only lead to insanity
No, because at the end he does offer a solution. One you yourself have discovered.
Meaning doesn't really matter, just be kind and help each other.



There are a plethora of porn websites out there, yet you come to a sfw board on Yea Forums to masturbate? Why?

Imagine thinking Nier had anything meaningful to say

It's not as enticing if I'm guaranteed to have it

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Based and iqpilled

based and redpilled
literally lmaoing and dabbing on these seething shitters in the replies lol

yeah I meant I think Taro thinks existential questions and the obsessive search for meaning already have a very simple answer.

It might not be intentional but it is interesting that the only thing you gain from "killing" philosophers is a greater ability to fight.

anyways thanks, was interesting. I want to replay the game in the future when I have some knowledge of philosophy.

read the topic

>the meaning is find your own meaning

Im sure youd get some upvotes for this one friend