where are my non shed jobs at?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Right here.

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MNK here, ready to make all DNC sluts my bitch with a 1.7s GCD that will put even NINs to shame. You'll never be able to please them like I can once they get a taste of true resource generation.

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i don't play final fantasy at all

what the fuck are you talking about

Are cuckshed meme threads better than male viera btfo meme threads?

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You god damn right

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I just started playing this game yesterday. What is the appeal? What am I supposed to do? Because so far it seems everyone I try to talk to is some gay ERPer or permanently afk.


>gunbreaker doesn't use seifers taunt

Attached: taunt.webm (1920x1080, 1.05M)

Recommend me a cool FC in Ultros, my last FC fell apart because of SB

If you just started yesterday you would have picked a preferred server and be out doing low level quests, not a meme server and hanging out in cities.


Attached: besthealer.jpg (1920x1080, 363K)

>Monk(class) here, ready to make all Dancer(class) sluts my bitch with a 1.7 second Global Cooldown that will put even Ninjas(class) to shame. You'll never be able to please them like I can once they get a taste of true resource generation.

How would I know which server is preferred and which one is the faggots only club?

Play a linear story thats your typical save the world chosen hero garbage and then ERP or wait for more shitty story. There's nothing else.

What the fuck is with the retarded left-hand chakram design? Why is the spiky sun on the inner side of the blade? Wouldn't she shred her hand on it?

Why do people log in and stay online for hours if they're just going to afk? Half the fucking guild is afk and nobody wants to run dungeons just for fun.

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The fact that your only world option for "starting on a gay ERP world" is Faerie, for one, with the world-name being a massive hint as to what probably goes down there.

that game has a limit fps if not focused feature to reduce hardware usage and the game runs on potatoes. better to leave the game alt tabbed than to enter your log-in info again and sit through loading screens.

So other players can see how much they've spent on cash shop costumes

>he doesn't have the xivlauncher.exe to skip the official launcher and just click->squeenix logo

Perhaps they are doing things like gathering, waiting for rare nodes, or rare fish. I have finally achieved my goal by getting up at 7am.

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still gotta sit through the zone loading screen and if you're like me that plays on leviathan there's always a queue to get in during primetime hours. rather skip the loading and queue by just staying logged in.

I suppose. So long as the queue is below 100 you can skip it though. I've an NVMe SSD so my load times are roughly 2-6 seconds even upon launch. I get what you mean tho.

"preferred server" is literally an in-game label when creating a character, so I was mistaken: you have not even played the game or have been playing since before they added preferred servers and are just shitposting.

I just started the 4.4 quests, will the story get better?

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>he gives his login credentials to a complete stranger

Not if you disliked 4.3, I'm afraid your taste is just bad.

No, 4.5 might be one of the worst story patches in the game, it's super rushed.

>Liked 4.3
>I'm evil again :)

How tall are your characters, Yea Forums?

Attached: ffxiv ShB heights.jpg (4096x632, 715K)

>he doesn't check wireshark to see who and what any third-party client program is pinging

Max height femroe, the masterrace of eorzea

>max height midlander
I dislike that their height is based on the average jap, it's only 5'11

219cm Femroe.

Max height Elezen female
Nothing makes me laugh more than minimum size Male Roes.

Attached: 1553391533870.jpg (576x1024, 51K)

Whatever I decide on changing the trainer to. usually 35x normal.

6'4" highlander with 5'2" gf to match irl heights.

Nothing screams insecure more than max height Roes.

max size mommyzen
glad i can still mog viera

Attached: 1519407587723.png (650x684, 287K)

Max height fem midlander, breast slider at 0

aka master race

Max height roe going onto max height hrothgar.

Max height female Miqo'te.

I'm more interested in how oversized my weapons are compared to the smaller races when I log into my max-height roe, it's fucking hilarious whipping out a katana as a male roe SAM and it's the same size as a hyur's Odenta DRK greatsword


watch this if you guys have time, it's a pretty interesting documentary about how shitty 1.0 was.

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Hey gamers. Where's the Monk leaks? Thanks gamers.

>Lions can be smaller than elezen women
Stand up straight god damnit.

>Implying there is anything worth leaking for MNK

Attached: 1558900839007.jpg (1931x1855, 183K)

>Max height thighlander is smaller than min height femroe
>Elezens are fucking giraffe mutants
>Femroe are butt ass ugly Michael Cera wannabes
I just want to be tall AND sexy.

Except detailed tooltips, there are 2 things that would be worth leaking.

>what dragon kick does now after the resistances change
>what the unknown new ability does which is like a flying upperkick

We know we get an AoE Raptor Stance move, a channel that gives/refreshes GL stacks, an AoE chakra spender, and that RoF probably doesn't increase GCD speed anymore.

Get a bodysuit glamour going and be a fem-roe Bayonetta, their faces are probably the best suited for it

Because I'm running a hunt/retainer/gatherer bot and I haven't been at the keyboard in weeks. I just have it afk in limsa inbetween tasks

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you can still make one of the new limited races

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Every job is worth leaking... please I just want Monk leaks...

I take ample precautions, it's just generally stupid to literally give your login away. If you know enough to be safe then just write your own launcher.

God I want to BE this lalafell and get fucked.

this is true every leak is less money for mr. Brappy

Cuck shed jobs have to wait until the 29th, sorry.

if i become autism mode with this na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/mogmog-collection/

what items are worth?

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Remember when people said Warrior was gonna be in the cuckshed at the start of Stormblood? Good times.

Literally none

The Answers orchestrion roll and the timeworn maps if you do treasure-hunts are pretty much it if you ask me.

Depends what the maps drop, more than anything.

It was, apparently you don't remember them hurrying to buff it.

Diadem rewards, and earring if you care about glams

Answers roll is worth it since the 3 rolls to get it are pretty rare, even with unsync farming of coils. Everything else.. meh.

It was until WAR mains complained that they weren't the top tier tank

Correct which is why it's hilarious seeing people say it now when we dont even have tooltips yet.


Attached: 1539476150980.webm (1066x600, 2.88M)

>still do the most damage
>war cry
>shake is still there
>b-but it looked boring

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No one is saying war will be bad but the trailer was ass

40 femra master race

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Pegasus whistle since it comes from Diadem. Everything else is easy as shit to get.

Should I bother playing when Yoshi-P himself said that the game only has 4 more years left?

Biggest mhigger I could make.

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No, you shouldn't post either.

Female Au Ra at minimum height. I'm already dilating

>leveling roulette's adventurer in need is Healer
Figures people are out leveling Dork in droves but damn it's a good time to level a healer if you're missing any at max level

Bayonetta doesn't look like a man though

>tfw wanted something like Amans
It's not fair. And now Tera 2 is dead in favor of a shitty airship-themed mobile MMO.

Attached: TERA_ScreenShot_20160715_010847.jpg (1920x1080, 528K)

Never do femroes when you're not high off the fumes of your own memes

Anyone who doesn't think femroes are butt ugly are fucking delusional. The only good looking one is Merlwyb, but that doesn't count because NPCs are always better looking than PCs.

you mean highlanders?

So Mist Dragon. Why is there no delay on his swoop?

No, user, hard as it is to believe I typed "fem-roe" on purpose and not your favorite race.

Merlwyb also just has an Elezen's body and a custom face.

That doesn't make any sense though since Bayonetta doesn't look anything like Shrek OR Michael Cera.

there's a massive delay, you have to run in a circle around the arena until you spot him due to the fog

Says the person literally playing as an ogre

Haha, wow, I've never heard either of those comparisons before, user!

During the fog phase? There is, but you have to find where he is on the edge of the arena in order to see the AoE before he attacks

Well now you have .They're used a lot since they're true, so you should probably get used to it.

>these are the people you get in duty roulette

Attached: -.png (126x167, 14K)

Probably because they're true and femroes look fuckawful.
I want to be on your side user, I love being a big tall strongbitch, but femroes are ugly as sin.


Fem-roes look fine but you have to have some sense of aesthetic and play with the character-creator a bit, as well as play into the strengths of their wider frames and taller stature when creating costumes. It's easy to handwave the whole race as shit when basing one's opinion off of character-creator defaults from dribble-lipped players that just mash forward in the creator to get in with a roe as fast as possible, I judge the fuck out of pretty much all miqo'te I see for the same reason.

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You chose the wrong race though, femroes look like ogres.

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lot of words that don't change the fact that femroes look like ugly men

And highlander women look like middies but a bit taller, I like the males better in terms of appearance.

so what? The females in this game are all uguu garbage and the males look like fags.

Fashion is lost on you, you troglodyte.

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You can guess Viera names will have a Russian feel from XII and TA. Hrothgar will probably be Nordic based on "Gunnhildr's Blades" and their racial name.

>Went to /xivg/ hoping to grab some lewds of cat and and lizard girls in the midst of the circle jerking
>Cat and lizard boy fags are prominent and hardly any girl characters get posted
>Autistic janitor that baby sits the thread and when someone posts a girl in a somewhat risqué shot but not showing nipples or genitalia the raging autistic janny deletes it, but leaves the faggotry alone.
Fucking why?

So they look like ugly men. I literally didn't say anything more than that, and it's telling how much it upsets you.
Fashion does not change your face.



No matter which board, jannies are always faggots

You put the finger there

Attached: FFXIV_PUB_FANFESTIVAL_2019_TOKYO_25-580x334.jpg (580x334, 47K)

It doesn't upset me, I'm not the person you are arguing with. None of the characters are attractive, the character creation is limited shit and the lighting in this game is garbage.

Fine-tune the face instead of complaining it's ugly, you can get a surprising amount of personalization just out of mucking with the facial options.

Why you gotta lie nigga, I opened the current thread just now to see what the fuck you were even talking about and there's a panty-shot miqo'te within the first twenty replies. Who the fuck cares what's going on in the /vg/ generals.

>the face
There are four faces, all ugly.
>you can get a surprising amount of personalization
i bet, can't make em look feminine or attractive tho

>that entire into of the SHB benchmark


Attached: drk5.jpg_orig.jpg (1364x2048, 276K)

>no no no no it's ugly it's ugly they're ugly
That's nice, dear.

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Why does every MMO eventually fall prey to homogenization?
Do devs just get lazy and stop wanting to balance between different classes?

>not even anime girls are attractive to this user anymore
I'm sorry you're gay

Concession accepted.

I tell you every thread, only male characters, lalas and femroes post on xivg, the only female cat is a blue tranny thats only allowed because they like catboys.
Yea Forums is the board of lizard girls.

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I’m not lying that’s what happened the last time I was there at least. I’m hoping that shitty janitor is no longer in the position. I remember seeing a janny just delete a shit ton of images for literally no reason.

because WoWfags move to it and cry it isn't like WoW. I'd say more WoWfugees play XIV than FF fans now.

Nah. its broken. Also I was busy healing so I don't DPS

It's not limited to MMOs, this happens to everything in a capitalist system because the lowest common denominator is the highest profit.

That was what I was thinking when you ignored everything said about fine-tuning the face in favor of repeating you think they're ugly, yes. Do you read minds?

>as if you presented some kind of in-depth argument
Oh come on, you're not even trying. Have a good day user

I don't remember Lyse being this bad before stormblood.

>Why does every MMO eventually fall prey to homogenization?
Because people endlessly bitch about being in the 'cuck shed' even when every job is completely viable for endgame.

Because she was a different character before Stormblood.


She didn't exist before stormblood, she changed from a somewhat charming clutz who likes to beat people up to "MUH ALA MHIGO, EVERYONE DO WHAT I SAY, OOPS I FUCKED UP YET AGAIN"

Because Lyse is an awful character that didn't exist before stormblood

the hrothgar ones are inaccurate due to their forward slouch

If we ever do get female hrothgar will they be tall or shorter with toned bodies?

Shorter than male hrothgar, probably closer to how they look in FFX than how they look in XIV

>he thinks he'll get 20cm taller by not slouching
lmaoing at you catlets

max would be as tall or slightly taller than min roegadyn

I wanted tall faggot twink bunny boys and big tall strong lion mommies.
I got trannies and roe cosplayers.

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i don't know if anyone is going to know, but i bought the 'demonic attire' from mog a year ago. i just realized that shit has 30% exp gain if worn. would the effect of that still work if it were glamoured? because its weak as shit.

I am going through 4.4. Are they going to ruin Alisaie like they did Lyse?

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have sex

No chance of ever getting male viera when their sole appearances have been as sidequest NPCs in Tactics Advance and I don't recall if they were in A2 or not

>He doesn't know

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Where do you guys get all this info for job changes?

No, it won't work if it's glamoured over something else, you have to be equipped with it to gain the EXP buff.

>He remains unaware

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how dumb

It's on there because the item was originally Korea-exclusive and Koreans have a collective mental illness that makes them demand P2W features in MMOs. Not even making shit up. Anyway it's useful when leveling jobs up to 15 to start doing dungeons but after that you can just replace it with the brand new gear. The EXP bonus from stacking the feather circlet, Aetheryte earring, and brand new ring are more than enough

one of the lead art directors of the game said if they ever do make them they would be tall with a body tyoe of a boxer


>tall with a body tyoe of a boxer

Attached: 124857438148.jpg (681x475, 191K)


I-I'm doing 4.4 quests. Please no, why

hmmm, will it work in POTD?

Exp bonuses from gear only works on battle exp/killing monsters which is separate from the exp you get at the end of PotD/FATEs.

This is literally fucking Armored Core music.
And that's okay.

best advice for level 60-70 leveling?


"Hey WoL what happend?"
*Moves hands and camera pans toward ceiling*

The cutscenes are ten times funnier if you wear a full helmet.

>He doesn't know

Attached: 1533193142543.gif (500x279, 1.6M)

i wonder what weight category

It does kinda have that Remember vibe to it
fuck, now I want AC ost renditions in ffxiv

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>heavyweight boxer bunny boys


hehehe get it? rabbit punch

How do I play a tournament match of TT? I've entered the tournament but I can only do normal matches with people.

please gib trailer version

>Wear the full body steel armor you cant turn your head in while leveling
>Whenever the WoL is supposed to nod in a cutscene he just stares blankly at the speaker.

I need that 011 remix right fucking now.

holy shit i hope Wars charge ability doesn't require meter anymore, no one ever used it anyway and if all tanks but war get theirs for free

Fuck off WAR baby

there were like 3 or 4 songs in the job trailer, how do we know which is the boss one? first and last one playing seemed likely while 2nd seemed more like a alexander type song

I did this.
Made all the "emotional" moments hilarious.

>healing when the boss isn't even there
>you couldn't dps there either
>not just medica 2/aspected helios/succor once and then find the dive as to not die like a retard

Please uninstall and go back to WoW

Viera and Hroth are way smaller than I expected them to be.

Enough banter post cat daddies

Attached: ronso22.jpg (1280x720, 223K)

You're playing as the Goblin Slayer.

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>Thought i started the HW quests after beating Ultima since i got the credits screen
>Ready to fight Shiva and just found out i haven't even started HW yet
Jesus desu. Not that i'm complaining, i'm in no rush to catch up, it just caught me off-guard.

Also what's the latest news about BRD? Do i still get to buff others or only solo buffs from now on?

might go lighter tone

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What are you talking about?

Attached: 345.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

>"T-this is seifer's exclusive motion!"
>"WAR does the same thing"
>Posts proof that he literally holds his weapon down.

Seething seiferlet.


You're in the post release quests, Seven Astral Era. I finished them yesterday, the ending's pretty dope.

stay where you are the grey fur and green eyes are perfect contrast

Attached: ronso24.jpg (1280x719, 208K)

they're probably just some au'ra/catgirl autist that can't handle anything that isn't vanilla. your femroe looks cool, user.

>hrothgar are manlet

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The fangs look so goofy.

These look nice. I cannot make a good looking cat for the life of me though.

Maura/Froe is truly the patrician pairing

AIR unironically looks great though. Stop being bitter.

Didn't most Au Ra players go back to Miqo'te sometime after HW? I wonder how many Viera's will go back after the novelty wears off, but they may have a bit more lasting appeal.

I think I'm like a 70 height man-giraffe. I don't remember exactly.

>Each race has a unique frame and body type
>each piece needs to be carefully adjusted
>modding has basically proven that as far as gear goes, almost all races except au ra and lalafell use midlander as base for everything as far as gear goes and as such is piss easy to adjust and fit
>au ra are only different because of scales and lalafells are potatoes
>hrothgar and viera will just use roegadyn/elezen proportions and thus be no different
Why does yoshi always get caught saying retarded shit and people never call him out on it?

Looks like the badass mentor figure that dies at the beginning.

Well the second one is a eScape arrangement that's in the Journey's album

wait you can get the 2.0 rep mounts from this? neato

No, Au Ra had good retention. Viera are also fan favorites outside of FFXIV so I think we'll have plenty stick with them.

He has a boatload of goodwill to burn through after saving ffxiv.

>being an elflet

change eye color

You faggots still have not backed this up. There's zero reason to think that when it's a completely new song that remixes eScape and Syrcus Tower. The one in the Journeys album is more likely the primals version they performed at Fanfest.

because the people who play this game are fucking drones. Look at caster bard when it was released and machinist.
Yoshida went on record saying that both were fine and a majority of players liked the changes when it was the farthest shit from the truth.

When I heard this track over the job actions trailer i thought the EXACT same thing. Good taste.

Because Yoshida is so freakin BASED dude!! That's how I know BLU is impossible to make, because otherwise he wouldn't have said it! I'm just happy with the heaping pile of shit he gave me and you should be too!

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yea, the intro was very berserk

>high level groups still inviting low levels
>and vice versa
>people still not waiting for the majority of the train before pulling
>ending up babysitting low levels and missing out of NMs
Fuck this place.

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roes are like 8'5 and they still tower above everyone else

To be fair, modders just try to make things work at a base level. They don't have to worry about exaggerated clipping or making sure whatever they're adding doesn't crash the game or break a specific memory spec, they just swap models and go.
No matter how much indie devs lie to you, there's a big difference between making custom maps in your basement and actually doing development work for a company.

I like this gaijin!

Attached: 1558563279538.jpg (225x290, 106K)

>mfw remembering the people on Yea Forums defending BLU before it came out
>mfw remembering some people on Yea Forums still defending BLU even AFTER it came out

Attached: 1466771815468.png (234x171, 22K)

Sounds like you only care about yourself user. If you were helping the train, you would be helping everyone. I bet you don't even use the regalia.

Attached: ffxiv_05212019_220723_443.png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

finally PLD is perfect it has a strong aoe and fucking judgement blade

Attached: gaps.jpg (358x600, 67K)

God BLU was so satisfying to watch, the entirety of the SB fan festival they swore to god that the spider man shirt meant BLUE mage.


Then that reveal happened and the amount of people tears were beautiful. Then the final nail in the coffin was limited BLU.

God fucking bless yoshi-p.

>"BLU can't be a real job because it has a tank stance"
>MNK and SMN have tank stances
>"BLU can't be a real job because it can heal"
>RDM, SMN, PLD, and GNB can all heal

The only thing that excites me about GL4 is it means they're likely reducing animation delay even more.

>show me proof of you doing more than 4.4k in seiryu as a red mage
That can't possible be what he means. Any player with half a braincell who knows the fight can obliterate 4.4k on red mage without even breaking a sweat.

Attached: duh.jpg (1545x88, 13K)

While you aren't completely wrong, it doesn't change the fact that everything except au ra and lalafell actually use the same thing as a base model. Yes it still requires special adjustment for the different races but they are rarely a problem to solve and more often than not it's just enabling/disabling a setting on how the game will handle said texture. And for fem au ra they can pretty much just copy paste whatever they use on femcats and for male au ras what they use on male elezens. It's not as massive of an undertaking as they claim it to be as long as they refuse to actually make things you know... unique.

based regalia-poster, keep doing god's work

Attached: chad.jpg (926x1080, 123K)

god i fucking hate animation delay
the few abilities that dont have them are just so goddamn smooth in comparison

Cover still exists and none of the tanks have anything that can compete. Paladin will still be the king shit of cheese and it is wonderful

Cover will cost gauge

It's still another case of Yoshida lying. He knowingly said an untrue thing. You can draw your own conclusions about it, but facts are facts.

I'm betting Aurora is actually a tank role action. It doesn't fit the aesthetic of Gunbreaker specifically.

is bard in the shed?

wtf based yoshi would never lie!

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It has in PvP for a long time but it's still overpowered there.

>If you were helping the train, you would be helping everyone.
I always end up carrying someone. Also most of the time I'm one of the few who actually kills shit to spawn.
>I bet you don't even use the regalia.
That just slows down everyone. Driver and those getting carried. Not to mention it's harder to navigate at times and you may have three different tier of low level with you, accidently pulling shit.

I'm in Eureka to get my shit done, by helping the train. I'm not there to watch your ass when the train is running.

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yeah bard is more fucked than any other class in the game this expansion.

how so?

You need only ask

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Indeed user, he was implying your average RDM main has less than half a braincell.

I don't actually care either way but I couldn't messing with you a bit.

As long as PLD doesn't have any offensive abilities to spend gauge on, that's fine. It would even be fine costing 100 gauge.

I know this is early but what jobs do you want SE to add to complete the "4 of every role" roster? It has to be 1 ranged, 1 caster and 1 healer

For me it would be
Ranged: Beastmaster
Caster: Geomancer
Healer: Necromancer

thats one edgy au ra

Ranged: Cannoneer
Caster: Blue Mage
Healer: Geomancer or Chemist

That's different though, people ASKED for demolitions because certain groups were buying up plots on low pop servers so no new players could get houses.
It was awful on pre HW Malboro, you could not get a house ever if you started there unless you bought it from the owner, if you were lucky they were even still active.

are whm basically geomancers too


all the role actions are confirmed except for 1 healer one

redpill me faggots
If I like the resource gathering/crafting shit from osrs, will I like this?
Is it buy it and play forever, or free with sub, or buy and sub?
From a runescape to DMC scale, what's combat like?

>what jobs do you want SE to add
None. Make the game better instead.

>Caster: Geomancer
>Healer: Necromancer

Attached: 1551372340599.jpg (800x640, 161K)

Looks like they're gutting their elementalist stuff with ShB. They're pure White Magic now.

>different race
>fray is always human

explain this

its nothing like runescape

Still kinda salty they used Fray and not Esteem.

BRD is losing a lot of what made them good to bring to parties synergy-wise.

They're losing Foe Reqiuem, losing the Crit on their songs and the other two ranged roles are getting similar party buffs like Troubadour. On top of that, BRD's procs are being reworked to a set internal proc chance so you can't even stack crit to try and get more procs.

Did you skip the cutscenes you fucking tard?

Because faggots create an autistic meta and guys like yoshi-P HATE that people are using that shit to force people out of content.
Blame your countrymen, they shit in the crop and complained there was shit on their corn at the dinner table.

Any good FC's on Faerie?

Attached: Calandar 1.jpg (1280x960, 452K)

>Ranged: Cannoneer
>Caster: Necromancer, fulfill SMN's old(?) DoT focus
>Healer: Geomancer since they were teasing it pretty hard throughout the Four Lords storyline and AST's storyline

That's basically a shittier version of Equilibrium...

Attached: 1317424501366.png (300x300, 131K)

Buy and sub but they practically give the game out at times and you only have to buy the newest expansion to access everything.

Fray was a human you goddamned cutscene-skipper.

source for all of that?

I'm so sick of my au ra male, which race is worth the fanta?
inb4 either of the upcoming races

It was so fucking obviously Samurai. People in the XIV community are so obsessedly contrarian with everything that it makes it even more satisfying to watch when people are proven wrong.

The most recent example are the job icons, which people autistically thought could be switched (heart for GNB and slashed icon for DNC) despite the fact the heart is literally ALL OVER the DNC AF gear, and in their promo art.

Yet autists defended it by saying that it wasn't "official" until they confirmed it, and it could very easily have switched. The same thing with the Samurai teaser. Sure Samu-raimi was a little more out there, but it was still more obvious than the hoops people had to jump through to get to BLU.

People will defend BLU and Eureka until the day they die. Yoshidrones have no shame.

>GNB is just a shittier WAR

Not surprised.

Fuck off with your Diablo shit, Necromancing has never been a Final Fantasy thing

fray was a real person, he was a male hyur
he looks like that because that's how you saw him the first time

he was after all your self esteem

Attached: fray3.jpg (800x1200, 144K)

There's a Necromancer in FFV GBA version and necromancy is a thing in XIV's lore.

I don't give a shit about ranged/casters. Just give me a Garlean themed Chemist that uses bags as weapons.

you can give it to someone else tho


I don't WANT to heal. I want to play my SAM.

Attached: unknown.png (1920x1080, 50K)

There's already an Alchemist class. It would have to be called something else.

jealous your trailer sucked ass huh

Ranged: Cannoneer
Caster: Geomancer
Healer: Cleric/Green Mage/Chemist (I just want something beefy that uses a hammer god damn it. Geo healer would be so fucking BORING)

Attached: Green.jpg (236x440, 14K)

Do we have to fucking go through this every time with you retards?

BRD songs help build a new gauge to do a big dick slap ontop of their other slaps I think you just give a vague buff to yourself to pad your AA damage or something come 5.0. You're probably a battery like MCH is but with a different flavor to it all. We have no idea if the buffs are reduced, removed, or what. We just know Repertoire-gain is how you seem to build gauge going by the job trailer


I get there's no TP restore, but it's not too shabby, one less Regen your white mage has to worry about using and unlike Equilibrium it would be healing you even in GUB's equivalent of Deliverance - not that tank stances will matter anymore, but still. Plus you can use it on your cotank. Doesn't seem to cost anything. Decidedly better than equilibrium

I guess i'm to much of a brainlet for Nuance but are we supposed to give a shit about Ala mhigo at all in the stormblood story? Because they all seem like horrible oppertunistic people to me and the people who fight for them like Lyse and Raubahn seem to have had their characters ruined and regressed.

I liked the Doma stuff, though, brief as it was. Hien is pretty much the only good character thats on your side this expansion, despite the fact he talks like a 60 year old.

Attached: Hein.jpg (1024x576, 191K)

Chemist is basically a nigger Alchemist anyway. You don't want to be a nigger, do you?

>mfw before BLU was added and predominant opinion was it'll never get in because of suicide and instant-death skills playing hell with game balance, and if it learned skills it'd do it through job quests instead of from monsters out in the open
>mfw after BLU was added and it's limited, primarily for reasons the predominant opinion gave as to why it would never be added, and opinion shifts to wanting all of its class-fantasy to go away for the sake of endgame raids

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>he doesn't know

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I don't watch live letters with chat because I find it annoying, and I got Sam Raimi immediately upon seeing it. I speak Japanese and know how much Japs love puns but I was still shocked after the fact by how strongly people argued against it.

Know what

Attached: unknown.png (1920x1080, 2.67M)

Just so y'all know, That's the next "Limited" job.

Now all healers get this bad boi :^)

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They have the same potency, but Equilibrium has the advantage that its crit matters more.
I still miss big crit berserk Equilibrium heal tho...

It can target anyone.

Minimum height Lalaboy

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With everything said now, which ranged/magic DPS should I main?

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That was the only funny moment in 14

Geomancer could use a giant chime/bell hammer, swinging it around and making it ring to cast geomancy spells.

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I love Neco Chaos.

The class fantasy of Blue Mage is using monster spells and learning them from monsters in some way. There doesn't need to be RNG, there doesn't have to be unbalanced skills, and as Yoshida himself has implemented you can even learn skills from items. Fuck off with your bullshit.

MCH and SMN for maximum style.

Any of them except BRD/RDM.

I'd only really care if they made Repose/Sleep useful again, Stormblood just made everything immune to it and I hated it.

The average anything has less than half a braincell. Summoner, black mage, samurai, whatever, an exceptional red mage will destroy the average player of any job in DPS simply because the average player is terrible at the game.

GBR is basically just an amalgamation tank as we've seen. Its either going to be total shit or dominate due to new class OPness.

Doma characters sucked too outside of the Steppe

Want more Yea Forums ?

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thank fuck we finally have an option for light skin UI i was getting tired of that nigger ass black theme

>Tallest Viera is a little taller then High Hyurs
>Shortest Viera is still taller then a male cat.

I'am glad I'am turning my cat into a Viera.

Oh boy he's back

Yes please Leakerchad

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Can I get some SAM boxes please daddy?

>except BRD/RDM
Bard is bad because it is losing its identity as a support and being replaced by Dancer, there is no reason to lump red mage in with bard at all.

post bard things

I like this idea. Too bad it comes too late to add an additional blunt damage class.

Healers will probably get Addle since the casters lost it.

How does its crit matter more? You use it once on pull then it never heals you again for the rest of the pull. Yeah that crit on the pull was a nice burst of threat you probably didn't need anymore.

Obviously restoring TP is a valuable utility as well but as a heal Aurora is plainly superior. Just the fact that you are spending almost the entire pull in Deliverance, where equilibrium cannot heal at all, is sufficient to say that.

With that in mind, I wonder how the removal of tank stances will affect Equilibrium. Heal in Defiance, TP restore in non-defiance? Always heal? Whomst'd've knows

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They tried to make us like Lyse but even after hour of hour of adventuring with her it never came close to the feeling of adventure that Heavensward or even the FFXV collab event had.

>still no classic FF blue UI skin

DRG stuff bruh PLEASE

MCH tooltips please

Attached: 1540493129129.jpg (1440x1334, 202K)

Yes, yes it is.

>skills removed
>other jobs getting Troubadour
Look at the description for Dancer's Shield Samba and you'll see that it cannot be stacked with BRD's Troubadour or MCH's Tactician, which implies those two abilities will do something very similar.
>internal proc chance replacing crit procs and deleting song Crit chance
YoshiP discussed these during the DPS portion of the battle changes.

Geomancer will just have a gong/spell shield and they'll style it after Bagua shit since they've already called that shit "Geomancy"

why is everything healer lmao is that all you have?

shut up faggot

i main bard and whm, how deep in the shed am i

Gimme some of that SCH juicy shit man

Stuff is going to be Silence/Stunnable again, at least, because they emphasized they're (finally) bringing back interrupting enemy casts as a major fight design feature, so probably Sleep as well.

>WHM getting this
Okay so what kind of dumb thing is AST and SCH getting because I bet they get something equally insane because >SE.

Nice Foul. Show us the AST buff that makes all the shit orbit them.

Why do you do this? do you hate yoshida or something?


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Yea Forums.... we need to talk about leaks and datamining....

>mfw about to go through a MSQ as a healer
I've never done this before and aside from good queue times, which I could get as a tank, I feel conflicted. The WoL has never been portrayed as a healer and saving the world by defeating bad guys through...healing feels a bit wimpy.

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This one is fake because duration is not a multiple of 3

>cure potency: 20

I don't know much about dancer. Why is low cooldown partner good for it? I thought it was just gonna be better to partner with whoever has higher damage, not whoever has lower GCD. Legit question.

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fuck is a blood lily

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It's an automatic cast when you summon Phoenix so it's only meant to stay for his duration.

The whole Raubahn thing was being pushed forward as this fantastic character progression moment but it just felt like regression to me.

>hes never defeated foes by throwing cards at them

Attached: shuffling.gif (500x265, 1016K)

Please give us the MCH juice. Think of how much we've suffered over the past 2 years. Something to ease the pain sir.

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whm btfo

>larry defense force trying to get thread deleted.

Fuck off.

I'm not interested in you ranting about it again.

I don't know if this real

but I'm gonna believe the shit out of it

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oh no no no no... please don't tell me the caster card is spell speed.. please..

It's not actually fake.

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My dream for Geomancer would be for them to be like a tribal/shamanistic caster type.
Too bad Geomancy is already solidified as taoist stuff in FFXIV's universe.

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In fact it's literally the opposite, everything about the story indicates the WoL is a peerless combat force. Healer is the only role which doesn't work for this.


Fuck you too yoshi


Yeah I imagine you get tired of being shown for a fucking retard every time.

Oh wow, that's one massive nerf



Aspected Helios is only 40 and is still like 1400 a tick. This is fine for free on a dps.

Can I get a SMN tooltip? Also are they still stuck with Physick?

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>6% solo only
good shit. balance can get fucked.

The red lily you get for spending 3 blue ones.

Please SAM my lord I beg of you.

Knife Juggler or anything that they can make to fit the Throw/Weapon Toss command
If they can figure out tiles, Geomancer, the other jobs I can think of share design space with current SMN, on both sides dots/pets

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enchanted reprise please.

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>playing a ranged job

Attached: pathetic.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

No I'm just not interested in watching you or anybody else carry out another thread-long tantrum about BLU and lazy hacks or whatever.

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am i really gonna have to reroll to dancer if i want to play a supportive dps yoshi killed bard bros....

Any MCH based leaker man?

God damn that's one massive increase of DPS compared to Heavy shot

i'm on the fence about this idea

Min height Hrothgar.

I still have a fetish for tall women, so I don't want to be taller than fem roes/elezen.

Attached: Hrothchad.png (1392x1012, 2.46M)


Yeah, but they could always say there's tribal Geomancers elsewhere if they wanted to. Geomancer has much less of a visual identity than other recurring FF jobs, in V they wear footy pajamas, that in Tactics, kind of generic staff-using wizards in Tactics A2, etc

>Knife Juggler or anything that they can make to fit the Throw/Weapon Toss command
Dancer's weapon type is just 'throwing weapon' for that exact reason. They're going to have a lot more than chakrams.

So why surecast/arm's length gone does that mean players no longer have any tools to resit knockback/push ins? That is fucking retarded. It was the kind of thing that rewarded players for being better.

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>the Throw/Weapon Toss command
this is Dancer, m8

>Min height Hrothgar.

no one plays elezen/roes tho, you will be searching for you're waifu eternally

Gotcha senpai.

Attached: LoLRoleAbility.png (361x218, 126K)

so is this just a replacement for heavy shot?

They aren't gone.
Tanks get Arm's length too by the way.

What did we bards do to deserve this?! We were the good guys!

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everyone has them including physical ranged and tanks tho

Arm's Length is a role ability for all tanks, melee and ranged DPS. Casters and Healers retain Surecast.

Show the fucking ability that uses the seals goddammit.

so this is the new heavy shot?

gimme just 1 new drk tool tip

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y-yo wait what

do you have more bard brother?

Could you post the new SCH dot? does it potency hold up compared to Bio/Miasma loss?



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it gains class resource/job gauge everytime its dance partner uses a weaponskill, so its based on the gcd

Do you have one of the other cards?
With all the talk about making the card mechanics more straightforward and how every card will simply contribute damage, are cards just all +3/6% dmg based on role now?

Job synergy is bad user, and you should feel bad for wanting to be useful to the party (unless you're Dancer in which case feel free to fellate your DPS as much as possible!)

>If they can figure out tiles
My idea about that was that most of their gameplay could revolve around placing AoE pools down and staying in these AoEs would give them a buff (like Leylines) and maybe change their spells. This could work with Salted Earth/Sacred Soil/Doton too.

Is this good

DNC/MNK meta?

That's all you're getting Yea Forums. Enjoy.

These threads have been more exciting than a live letter could ever be.

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BRDs LITERALLY shaking rn

It is, but it means all three ranged DPS have the exact same raid mitigation which is yet more homogenization. So good for utility, bad for flavour.

I see. I don't imagine dancer damage is going to be a factor though, so unless monk is really up there with sam and blm, the increased resources for dancer might not be worth it when compared to just buffing those two. We'll see.

Maybe but maybe not, looks like ranged in general is gonna be the "support" role now.

no please, the leaks sustain me

thanks babe

Cool stuff, thanks bud.


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Palisade on a slightly shorter CD

muh other classes

this game is slowly turning into wow where all role archetypes are the exact same

thank you based leakerchad, i was going to go to bed but didn't want to miss more leaks. now i can sleep


Cute Dwarf

These threads are great but the live-letter was absolutely magical.

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God dammit


Interesting that there's no recast timer. Doesn't rule out Draw being on shorter CD and doesn't rule out card stacking (though that is extremely unlikely I admit).
Who knows, cards could still be really good. Maybe the 3 card buff is double potency? I don't believe the cards are actually nerfed that much because only WHM gets shit on.

If you mean physical ranged, it has always been so. If you mean any ranged, then no. BLM and SMN are still a thing. BLM specially goes against what you just said.

you'd better come back again soon or i'm goign to have to shit myself

This has been the stated and apparent design since they added MCH.

REMOVE WHITE MAGE Remove white mage from party
you are worst healer. you are stink cat. Hahahahaha fucking cat. white mage is worst healer in party. You want Scholar? You want Dancer?
White mage is pig disgusting

Attached: scholar.png (1003x1416, 1.48M)

>6% for ONLY melee dps
>15s duration
Well fuck.

It's kinda weird to give all 3 ranged jobs unique abilities that do the exact same thing instead of adding it as a role action.

Please let me rape your cock.

Yes, either 6% on melees or 6% on ranged/casters. Lord is 8%


fuck you bitch boy MNK hasn't gotten ANY leaks.

So how the fuck isn't the meta going to be DNC+AST stacking all their buffs on a SAM/MNK now?

Is Chain Stratagem nerfed too?

indeed, the liveletter itself didn't had that much information on classes, just the video with all the class actions, (which was awesome) however, getting all the tooltips is cool as fuck

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Why does Urianger talk like a retard

Gotta leave some abilities to prune and combine in 6.0, senpai.

>7.0 will be the last expansion
how do you feel about this

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Different duration/recast.

welp it was fun while it lasted eventually homogenization claims every mmo though

This fixes the issue of dismantle actually requiring a target and damage sources not coming from the boss so it not working.

Good. The less catering to one guy to inflate his damage as much as possible to fuck up with fflogs is present, the better.

Please, you can save us from the awful WAR trailer.

Oh, i know user. Trust me, I've grown accustomed to that thought, I'm forever alone. Doesn't mean I still don't keep my eye out on the off chance I'm blessed by god.

He's an autist and reads loads of historical texts. Same deal as talking like you're a Jane Austen character in casual conversation because you read Pride & Prejudice

Sorry guys, One more, it's currently 6am here and I'm tired.

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There's no recast because it's the card effect itself and not the action (Draw). Draw is most likely a 15-30sec cd that builds charges as it would make perfect sense to give that a charge mechanic now that they are doing it.

This game will go for as long as it's profitable, XI-style, but I imagine after 7.0 they'll either go horizontal progression or just put it on life-support.

this looks like shit

Hopefully they make another MMO not burdened by this shitty engine.

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i would be unironically fine with the game definitely ending, the worst feeling in the world is having something you want to see completed drag on forever

I can understand an argument about MNK because of the supreme GCD, but why SAM instead of BLM? If MNK is the GCD option and SAM is the damage option, BLM is a better fit for the latter.

Oy vey


It's fucking trash lmao

That is literally what these changes are encouraging, as well as the addition of Dancer to the game. The meta will be one big dick dps (SAM/BLM), 3 'support' DPS(DNC/SMN/NIN) and buffs will be given to the big dick.


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but Job synergy isn't going away, they're giving everyone something now and had to rip it away from the faggots who had it all in the first place.

>These AST nerfs

this job is just suffering, time and time again

You just gave more evidence for them to find you

Gives me a reason to actually use Meditation

err two can play that game, bitch

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-05-27_00-21-11.png (361x204, 92K)

>accumulated Meditation
So I guess Meditation no longer directly increases Kenki?


But isn't Balance considerably weaker now?

what the fuck is this

Attached: tgt.png (290x333, 95K)

fight fight fight fight

oh look its fucking nothing

hopefully bard is still fun to play...is dancer starting at level 60?

Yes it is, it's also less effective on non-melee DPSes. If the meta changes to accommodate fluffing up one guy, it'll have to be a SAM now.

>DRK is a welfare WAR now
Well, I guess it's a step up from being a ripoff PLD.

Wow this is fucking awful.

>the capstone skill for samurai
fucking lmaoing at this garbage

Attached: QWEEEEEEEE.png (221x223, 1K)


Can't play a game when it doesn't exist. :^)

>everyone gets a shitty regen
>everyone gets a defense up
but why. they could've given us good skills and they put this stuff in assuming it's not fake

Yup, DNC and GNB start at 60

Well SAM's dead.


The supports shit wont be stacking with similar effects if the tooltips being VERY specific about shit is indicating. So bringing dudes who only bring DH, is wasting slots.

I checked with the current individual card tooltips in game and they have recast timers on them. Though honestly I don't think there's too much to it. I'm just making an observation.


Any more DRK? I'm dying to see how WAR it is now...

Sorry, dead Job.

Isn't meditation the skill where you can't do fucking anything while it's on? It's purpose being to generate kenki during down time.

Final Homogenization 14

fail cleave WAR's SHAKING rn

okay and whats better normally at an expansion launch? leveling a new job to 60-80 or just an old one from 70-80?

Post something that we dont know anything about, like Monk.

Attached: image.png (1136x640, 512K)

You think SAM can be big dick dps with THIS? skill?


>Forbidden Chakra for SAM

Thank you based leaker bros


is there a prepatch for this game like wow has where all the changes go through before the expac comes out? or is it all coming day 1 of early access

I think the idea is to pre-position during downtime, recharge your kenki and bitch-slap the boss when you can target him again

please PLEASE tell me there's a trait that lets you instant meditate or something this is literal garbage lol

There's a tank available now and DRK will suck a lot less (plus it's the poster job for the expac) so everyone will be flocking to that first thing. Level a DPS or healer first if you want to avoid queues.

This is way fucking worse.

>literally fell cleave spam button

Attached: 1551525246020.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Sadly there isn't.

No there is not.

>Only SMN tooltip we got was a shitty regen buff
Life is pain

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big brain play, sync yourself to the server tick and get 50p every time meditation is up

If Meditation works the same way (sitting still for long periods) then I don't see why it would, free 500 potency every phase-change.

Early access

>it's a "replace one meta but just put in place a new, even shittier one" episode
Boy I sure can't wait for my only options to be either playing AST, NIN, SMN, or RDM to be a SAM's buff bitch or to try to find a party that needs a SAM so I can be the SAM for them to buff.

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>it'll have to be SAM now
Don't think you're thinking too much ahead on possibilities when you say that. The difference is 3% from 6 on melee. First of all, 3% is not much of a difference. Second, the duration is awful.

If SAM and BLM are competing tooth and nail on equal terms on dps numbers, then yes, SAM it is because it gets 6 instead of 3. No brainer. However, if BLM is ahead of SAM by default pre-buffs, as we all know it currently is right now, then 3% balance on it might still be better than 6 on SAM. Really we'll have to see how the jobs perform before making statements pro or con either side.

>knockoff warrior
I fucking hate it, this is garbage

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>with the huge Balance nerf

Current Bloodspiller potency is 400(DA540), or 475(DA650) if in Grit, I'd imagine the Potency would need to be normalized with the reworking of Grit and DA.

Attached: naruhodo.png (662x635, 74K)

Tanks already played similarly enough. Why this?


Attached: listo.png (761x938, 996K)

fuck off flan

You forgot DNC

>mass pull
>blood weapon delirium quietus spam
imagine the MP
wtf can you even spend that MP on with no dark arts?

nigga that means damn near infinite MP in dungeons

tbn probably


We better end up on the Moon like Yoshi promised

As opposed to
who's only source of AoE raid buff is AoE Thin Air, which is barely anything
Who also has Chain Stratagem nerfed

The changes just make it so that you're going to be gassing up a SAM to the moon and back. AST/SCH will still likely be the meta.

wake me when monk isnt so positional focused

How is this garbage? It gives you a big hitter for when the boss returns after downtime phase.

3% is a lot of difference when it's half as much as the alternative

we don't know if abyssal drain still has a hp recovery effect now that DA is completely reworked though

How much do you want to bet that this is going to be bugged on launch and all you have to do is just be in melee range for full potency?
Get ready for all the BLMs to be standing right on top of the boss.

>Skill Speed: the expansion

Maybe Edge / Flood don't have cooldowns and the limit is how much you spam them?

>playing bard since arr
>forced to swap to dancer to be meta
bros why

oh yeah replace the SMN with DNC. DNC (saber dance), NIN (trick attack), and RDM(embolden) at least have (presumably) confirmed buffs to offer the Samurai.

It's a targetable Equilibrium you mean.

i already had infinite MP in dungeons
abyssal drain doesnt even cost MP anymore

Hey, so I heard this game was basically free up to level 30 or something, now? Back when I last played, the game required a subscription all the way to 20 or something, I don't remember what because it's been so long.
I haven't played since Heavensward and my last character is trapped on a European server because of friends who don't play anymore. Is it worth a re-roll, and can I do it without having to re-sub?
Also ,best place to re-roll?

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>range 3y
Moving cancels meditation so you better meditate right where the boss is going to return to or you'll be out of range.

>wake me when monk loses its entire identity for lazy wowshitters like myself

This, I'm fine with Quietus spam in dungeons.
Although I have a feeling Abyssal is a cooldown now, considering Unleash has a combo gcd.

Positionals is part of what makes monk fun.

There's no TP so Equilibrium is probably just a self-heal now.

it is bugged, on current build we were getting 6% for everyone no matter how far away we were.

well now you know how it feels

Attached: Free Login June 17th.png (933x243, 347K)

Please post more, leakerchad. I can't want until Wednesday

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Why didn't you come back a month ago when you could have used the free period and gotten the free server transfers?

Someone on the balance mined that Meditate Stacks are a thing and if they work like MNK you keep them for however long you want.

I think you missed the point, somehow. 15s 6% might not result in a bigger number than 15s 3% if the 3% is done on a job that by default deals more than the 6% job. Do you comprehend now?

>All this homoginzation.


>500 potency
>big hitter

You know this is samurai we're talking about right

give us smn

Is the lift on Wednesday going to be reveals for all the skills or just combat stuff like the new calculation on stats?


lol of course it would be.
I still remember Raw Intuition giving healers guaranteed crit heals just by standing to the side of the WAR.

most likely all the skills

Depends on if Meditation works off of charges now and if those charges fall off when moving

Oh, in that case the skill is pretty good. Why are SAM mains whining?

see you later nerds

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-05-27_00-31-07.png (362x204, 86K)

500 potency is dogshit, you wouldn't even be able to use this shit in between gcds. This is fucking terrible.

At least tell me if we can build meditation stacks outside of combat. Can I go into the fight with a 5 stack Shoha ready to go?

Wednesday is the lift on everything.

So I should start up? How do I sign up for this?
I didn't know it was happening. I haven't looked back at this game in two years.
Is it still going on?

>going to have to get my SMN information from the gayest eceleb faggot Larryzaur
please leakers SPARE ME I need the info


so req windows are now 4 holy spirits and this thing

>800 potency with no damage falloff

Holy FUCK please be real


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I think they made a point of it in the job action trailer that Troubadour was used first, and there were no songs up
So I think we can assume that it's also just 10% reduced damage
Safe to say MCH is the same if BRD/DNC appear to be

It's literally impossible to have a game with any degree of complexity and not have some kind of metagame to crystalize.
The only way to make everyone equally viable is by completely homogenizing every job to be almost exactly the same.

It's an instant-cast ability you dip, you'll be able to weave it just fine.

>800 with no falloff
>boosted by Requiescat
yee haw


Wtf I haven't been subbed more more than 30 days but it's not an option for me

uhhhh no it's just 5 of those things my dude. Look at the recast, it is a GCD skill (assuming this isn't fake)

The game will just let you log in. Once you do your 7 days will start ticking.

>good guys
>blatantly overpowered for the entire game's lifespan

You aren't able to use Meditation outside of combat, dumb dumb. Why would they add it in when they've specifically taken away pre-fight stacking from other jobs.

Requiescat ends as soon as you use Confiteor. Read the tooltip.

AD is free now.


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>all these brainlet class leaks
yawn, MNK when

>effect fades upon execution
Only 1 per Req. window my dude.

Just wanted to know if the Tools are weaponskills. The one thing. Tell me Bio Blaster is a GCD.

You need to STAND STILL to cast meditate, 500 potency is 100% not worth missing multiple GCDs for.

Those free logins are only valid if you haven't been subbed in the last 90 days.

It deals more damage offgcd than your kenki spender. You're being a hypocrite right now.

>Everyone gets a foul

So now every tank is burst window

You can use Meditation outside of combat it just doesn't build Kenki. It very well could allow building of meditation stacks though.

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This is the closest you're going to get to balance. They have taken out resistance debuffs, gutted party buffs, made almost all buffs single target. Your skill matters now more than ever.

proof that people who write 'my dude' are fucking retarded

New bread

It says at least 30 days.

they already had burst windows

>BLM's new single-target nuke is a 750 potency instant cast that isn't boosted by AF
>fucking PLD gets an effective 1000 potency AoE attack with no falloff

Come to primal
Stay away from aether's raid parsing trannies and crystal's erping trannies

That's 500 potency for absolutely no cost but meditating during phase-changes, which you'd probably be doing right now for kenki. I don't know what your problem with it is.

What are some youtube channels for me to check on wednesday? I don't care about eceleb drama. I'm not subbing and I give 0 shits about who is pro who or whatnot, I just want to see the new stuff on wednesday.

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this unironically
it's the same concept as an arena shooter, everything is mostly level so the best ones end up on top regardless, DNC is the only real outlier

Seems like you completely misunderstand what the ability's for since it's not part of your normal rotation

Come on, you've done PLD and DRK in this thread. One more WAR skill.



sorry I'm not interested in Mhigger jobs

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maybe some other time, I'm currently in bed. Sorry!

The amount of times an enemy is out of reach in most modern fights is like 2-3 times tops. I'd rather have a skill I use frequently.

Fucking based.