Graphics have barely improved since 2007

>graphics have barely improved since 2007
>at most they even got worse
>yet for some reason you now need 8gb ram and a 6 core 3,8ghz cpu to run modern games on medium

Someone fucking explain this.

Attached: crysis.jpg (1920x1080, 908K)

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visit an ophthalmologist

It's called diminishing return.
The cost of improving something just 5% becomes exponentially larger.

Because video game developers don't have to spend time optimising their games or coming up with attractive art styles, and hardware manufacturers get to keep selling new shit so people can still run the same old ugly games at 60fps



it's nothing to do with consolefags. AMD, Intel and nVidia need to keep selling shit, or they won't have a business.

Its because pc people like high frame rates and particles.


no one cares about graphics anymore, it's more resolution, thermals, fps and efficiency these days.

PS4 and Xbone were already 5 years out of date when they came out lmao

One explanation would be that mid-tier games that give AAA games a floor they can't go under or indie games something to aspire to aren't really a thing anymore. Everything is either a big-budget, publisher controlled AAA shitfest, or absolute indie shit.

All you need are graphics better than the indie shit and you win. Oh, and make sure your game runs shit enough to need the newest videocard so you can have that sweet Nvidia intro in your game along with a load of cash.

At this point, I dont even care about "realistic" graphics anymore as I've seen what it's being used for and that's perfectly emulating our boring world.

Take GTAV for example, instead of creating a creative and interesting LA inspired city, they created a boring 3D google maps city that isnt interesting to explore at all.

Did San Andreas in GTAV have to look like a carbon copy of the real thing? They couldnt spice it up a little?

It's seems like "photo realistic" makes people making the blandest level designs possible. Maybe it's the uncanny valley, maybe it just eats up to much time having 150 people moving trash and folliage assets around and blending ground textures.

Maybe it's just nostalgia for less advanced graphics.

I'm not asking for fantastical and impossible level design in games, I just dont want realism. I get enough of that in my own life.

Attached: 1551904714956.gif (263x239, 357K)

>those fucking textures
>better than now

Fags. 2500k since April 2011. Two GPUs in all that time (580 and 980ti). Still gaming at 1440p today. You don't need the latest and greatest.

Attached: 1558804736558.gif (296x352, 1.96M)

Not everyone can afford a state of the art computer and the current gen of consoles were using older technology 5 years ago. So most devs focus on a median instead of pushing the limits.

Also you can only go so far with more polys and bigger textures. Building detailed 3D environments takes A LOT of work and a lot of devs aren't willing to pay for the time.

is that game of thrones?


last games which wowed me graphically were Crysis and Mirror's Edge.

Attached: 531d51eeb3fef8499372ecaf280db5b86c70fcb8386bba28d0a7f10fe6213e13.jpg (800x450, 42K)

Looks like shit

PC tards be blind as fuck

Attached: only_possible_on_ps4.webm (640x300, 2.73M)

No, graphics got much better. Yes. Results are diminishing, but by modern standards that looks like fucking arse.
>yet for some reason you now need 8gb ram and a 6 core 3,8ghz cpu to run modern games on medium
You need 16GB RAM to comfortably run AAA now. But a modern quadcore still does fine.

Attached: 1392744081006.gif (427x240, 904K)

>all that fog hiding the garbage draw distance

Attached: 1431154925394.jpg (439x392, 30K)

>only possible on ps4
That's not how computers work. Sony paid a developer to spend YEARS creating that for just one specific console.
Multiplatform games have to spread their resources thin by making sure it's compatible with all the different systems.

What year do you live in, 2005? PS4 and xbone are PCs with custom OS.

Uh excuse me weeb, what was that again?

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 153K)

A PC with a Radeon is not the same as a PC with a GeForce. A PC with 4 cores is not the same as a PC with 8 cores...etc

not to mention
>dat visually choppy framerate
and the scenes aren't even showing anything interesting happening

It's good to see that there's at least one dev who can make a game that doesn't look like total garbage, despite the limitations of the system.
While true, you don't really have to care about that. That's the job of the OS.

I can't tell if you are serious or not.

>low amount of ground covering
>was fairly linear to limit engine strain
>textures are smeary and blurry
>tons of things are pre-baked
>light and shadow are not that impressive
>low particles and physic use

Still fun to run around stealth suiting with a shotgun though. I did find the last chapter sort of boring though since playing the game stealthy and then ending in a big gun battle was jarring.

It is using fog to hide a lot of low texture swap in. Which is actually a good trick to do it. Best use of that I've seen was in Black Desert (don't play it, its bad, but the draw distance tricks were damn good in it)

That actual rendering in those shots is pretty close to the character. But I do admire it when games work to use their platform or point in time for tech to the best it can be used rather than using it to just look good in a screen grab to advertise. (Killzone on PS2 was bad for that, it looked great for PS2, but the render distance to make it look that way as so damn shit snipers could hit from beyond rendering)

just played some rage 2 and it felt like a 2013 game.

what's with sonyfaggots and ultrawide?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best looking game to date and the only game to have actually tried improving graphics in the last 5 years

Attached: 1540815092756.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

I know you want us to be impressed, but 720p grey and gray will never impress me.

this is like the worst example you could use to make your argument

Post a better looking game with the same or better physics

>it's another crysis circlejerk thread when it doesn't even look impressive anymore

>5 years out of date
That's an exaggeration. The PS4 had the power of a mid-range GPU in 2013 (GTX 760, R9 270) and has slightly outpaced those in performance over the past few years. I would say it was 1-2 years behind being top of the line.


Crysis still looks better than any 12 year old game has any right to, but you’re fucking delusional if you think that it’s still the best looking game around. It was innovative in utilizing techniques like SSAO that weren’t really used before that, but the implementations were rather primitive when compared to what we have today, and there’s also lots of low poly models and textures that stick out if you want to get all examiny with the game - not that it would bother me when playing normally, but if we’re talking about graphics, then yes, it’s very obvious and noticeable.

That's not how it works. You made a wild claim and failed to support it adequatly. Get fucked.

Is this a GY!BE album cover

i'm not doubting that rdr2 looks good, i'm just saying your example is total shit

>and failed to support it adequatly

You have yet to tell me how faggot


Developers intentionally inflate system requirements and gimp old hardware to help hardware manufacturers sell their products. This has been known for a while.

It’s funny how people still pretend that Crysis is the prettiest game around, when it was already completely whooped by it’s own sequel, Crysis 3 six years ago. That is one serious looker, and you actually could make the argument that it’s still one of top 5 prettiest games.

Hardware manufacturers needs to make money. They probably pay some developers to make their games less optimized.

Have a source on that?

And no I'm not asking to be an ass. It wouldn't surprise me at all I would just suspect it more hardware doing it by locking things behind software updates or poorly supporting drivers for their older things (Nvidia did this heavily with PhysX to screw AMD and screwed their own older cards too) I would seriously like to know more.

Graphics have taken a backseat to smoother frames and running more shit in the background/on screen.

It's probably gonna be a while before we see graphics get much better. VR sounds like a meme to people, but imo it's a sign that we need to start innovating new immersive ways to play, since graphics won't be able to sell people on new hardware all the time.

If someone posted that pic as something out from a new game and praised it graphics, everyone would laugh their asses off and nitpick a hundred things about that image. Get real.

I dunno man VR seems a little to me like the new Wiimote. Seems like a cool idea, is even a cool idea for a few things, but that ultimately how immersive a game is really about if its good or not.

I think more of what we will see will be performance related sure, less about more grass and subsurface texturing and more about frame rates and resolution.

But also about what we do with it. Just as Serious Sam took the advancement of tech after Doom and rather than bump map the universe used the extra power to just put in more dudes to fight

Perhaps we'll see larger maps, or more detailed ones, or ones with more people in them, while maintaining the present visuals. Just a thought tho.

>game is literally impossible to run at max settings the year it came out
>"woooah look at those 2007 grafix why hasn't technology advanced???"
If something like crysis happened today you'd be fucking screaming about how it's "unoptimized" because you can't play it at higher settings.

Don't be blind

People called it unoptimized back then too. And it was. Its unplayability was less its graphics and more its engine difficulties and use of hardware than the hardware's inability to actually do it.

>Someone fucking explain this.
Simple, software devs are getting worse and worse.
Instead of better software running on better hardware and everything increasing beautifully, we now have shittier software running on better hardware which means everything's sort of plateauing or even becoming worse in some cases.

I always thought that was rape or something but apparently she liked the guy and even named her little dragon after him. Kinda cute.

>Caring about graphics at all

I remember when I was 12 too

Polycounts have increased exponentially, environments are larger, lighting effects are more complex and taxing. Graphics have improved significantly since 2007, but we've faced a wall of diminishing returns. Raytracing is just making its way into games, but the results are dramatic.

No one cares about graphics any more, old timer.

Attached: 1535123371077.gif (478x350, 84K)

It has everything to do with consolefags

Attached: Rage2 Screenshot 2019.05.18 - (1920x1080, 466K)

>he thinks that trash wouldn't run at twice the speed and resolution on a mid range PC
I think this thread is just for consolelards to masturbate about their delusions.


haha, that's what new games look like? oblivion looks better

Attached: Ob-Leyawiin01-Large.jpg (1024x768, 187K)

apparently Avalanche's engine is so shitty and consoles are so limited that they had to massively cramp down the texture resolution of the world props so they can render an open-world game.
even then the game have some lag spikes and frame drops

Attached: Rage2 Screenshot 2019.05.18 - (1920x1080, 236K)


Attached: this kills the shill.webm (320x180, 2.81M)

That's pretty embarrassing. Good graphics was all western games had going for them.

Still better than 7th gen Shitbox 360 games.

Ninety Nine Nights 1 beats all Playstation 3 and 4 games

So why do a lot of PC exclusives look like shit?

>and has slightly outpaced those in performance over the past few years.
Not at all.
And it was more like the performance of a mid-range GPU in 2012 (HD 7870).

I mean, in the book it's rape regardless since she's like 13.
But in the book she wanted his dick even more, so I guess not.

GoW is one of the ugliest PS4 exclusives I've seen and whenever I see Sonyfags try to trot it out I can tell that they legitimately have shit eyesight.

Attached: 1548012983635.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

>still thinks crysis looks good


The ps4 is equivalent to a 750ti being bottlenecked by a shitty laptop cpu. It was garbage, previous console generations could at least put up a good fight against pcs for a year or two before new gpus got released.

For a Dothraki, Khal Drogo was a class act in the books. Doesn't even try to fuck Dany until they're married and on their wedding night he's very gentle and patient and waits for her to give vocal consent. Then they have sex in the missionary position on top of a massive war horse.

After she gets knocked up a week later it's rough doggy style in public every day from then on out, though. That's how the Dothraki do.

He was real gentle with that tight blonde cunny.

But she’s 13

Well it's middle ages (fantasy middle ages), that's okay then. Different age of consent and all.

Doesn't that one come with a special photo mode to make screenshots look better than what you get while actually playing?

That sounds pretty nice, I thought GoT was all about edginess and rape but that's very considerate.

Graphics are the biggest mistake in video game history. It's a hamster wheel with no marked improvement, but every couple years the old model is obsolete because it tried for a wrong interpretation of realism. Meanwhile games from 30 years ago still hold up because they overcame their limited graphics by putting effort into a distinct art style. The entire industry is chained down by this shit that often comes at the expense of actual gameplay.

Drogo dealt with marrying Dany like you might deal with breaking a wild horse. Approach it slowly, talk to it gently, carefully build up it's trust, then hop on and ride it to exhaustion.

Dany wasn't a Dragon, she was a Mare, and the happiest time of her life was when she was with a man who knew it.

The same people making the graphics are not the same people making the gameplay.

I love this gimmick, they make the game look shitty without RTX to trick you into thinking that this new GPU line is worth the price

have ophthalmology

I mean, bear in mind that Dany was a child at the time.
Plus there's also Jayne Poole, who's like, 10, and gets raped by a pack of dogs in the books.

Those are still present in the Books to an extent but they plagued the later show to the point they fucked over their own plot to fill their rape and betrayal quotas. Drogo was just nice about it and didn't hang around long enough for the show to ruin his character.

Stop posting this early PS2 looking piece of shit.

Also the Lady Lollys, a halfwitted noblewoman who gets gangraped during a riot and doesn't show up until a day later wandering the street completley naked.

Literally any Dice game looks better on PC at 60fps stable on high-ultra settings. Unlike consoles that run 900p 45 for medium settings.
Yeah this is Witcher 2 tier.

Maybe play the game yourself PC tard

They only lived till 25 back then

In motion it does. Some of the best physics, foliage, and water still to this day. Sure it has bad AO, low res textures and models, but it has the same current gen lighting model as any other modern game. It certainly holds up with a texture pack.



>10, and gets raped by a pack of dogs
shit how does that even happen

Pretty much, from watching his video the only real conclusion you can make is that RTX makes bright areas dark and dark areas bright. There is zero consistency in the current implementation and it's actually more inaccurate in alot of cases than traditional GI.

But my real point was that OP needs to get his eyes checked.

>Skyrim without grey filter

What I want instead of muh gfx is new gameplay experiences. When you've been gaming for decades (and especially if you're a modder) you kind of "see the code" and nothing a game pulls off really surprises you anymore.

>After she gets knocked up a week later it's rough doggy style in public every day from then on out, though. That's how the Dothraki do.
See if they did this I might have actually liked the bitch a little, instead it was 8 seasons of waiting for that plot armored cunt to die, and all I got was a weak gut stabbing scene...


No fuck that I want realistic graphics to push forward so that it can finally combine with VR to create what gaming should always have been.

Attached: 292192d062704b87f4b6939fc7573cb5a8732607.jpg (3819x2151, 1.27M)

That has a really pleasant look to it. Like you could very easily imagine yourself there if you have ever in life walked by a small river in the woods. The imagine damn near has that green smell of plants. I'm not even much of a TES fan, but that does have some appeal. Granted the default look of that game the humans are a horror show.

I have a hard time judging God of War. People love it but I found the minotaurs in 1 very annoying in the old school lets sell and auto-fire controller way bullshittery, and while fixed in the 2nd one I just got bored part way in and never finished. Maybe it was too much to do them back to back.

>that water
>that bridge
>still foggy

It always seemed to me that with the older GTAs they created the map based off mission ideas, whereas now they write the story and make the map and create missions that fit those.

>Cant post a better looking PC exclusive

>it's rape regardless since she's like 13.
13 year olds can consent.

>hasn't seen/visited Star Citizen's city planets yet

What the fuck does rape have to do with age? That's like saying you can't rape a granny because she's 87.