Now that the dust has settled, was it, Yea Forums?

Now that the dust has settled, was it, Yea Forums?

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It's actually pretty easy and straight forward once you get used to it.

STEEP learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty chill. I think more people would like the game if they only realized that posture can't be broken if you deflect properly.

Not really.

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No. I'm playing Ninja Gaiden Black now and that game is hard. But even NGB isn't too hard

No, it's absolutely fair and extremely tight in its gameplay. It expects something from you and once you get it, everything else flows extremely smoothly.
And it has ways to cheese it in case you are shit.

Literally every Fromsoft game from the past few decades were hard. I don't know why journos decided to make a big stink about Sekiro. They played Dark Souls and Bloodborne, right?

>They played Dark Souls and Bloodborne, right?
With coop and summons while overleveling, things you can't do in Sekiro.

>spam parry
>use fire crackers
>ichimonji and then double ichimonji
not really. it's hard but like any hard game, you get used to it. the tools i mentioned alone are enough to deal with 90% of every encounter.

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you can't summon in sekiro
sekiro doesn't have dex/mage builds
cheese strats for bosses weren't well known for the first few weeks
that's mainly it, you can abuse prosthetics and consumables freely to slap some ass pretty well but that requires brainpower and the ability to overcome hoarding consumables

kind of. Not because games need to be easy per se. But because the difficulty only comes from enemies being massive damage sponges that can kill you in 1 hit.

Learning curve is really steep up front, then really steep again when you hit endgame. Especially noticeable if you do the Shura ending. This means thats your first and last memories of the game are likely to be "FUCK this is hard", even if most of the game is actually pretty smooth.

>hey guys is this game where you can hold one single button and never take damage hard?

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I can deal with everything except those purple lone swordsman fuckers
I have to blow all my firecrackers and gourds fighting one if I don't get a stealth deathblow

depending on where you are in the game they're pretty obnoxious
if you go really aggro and deflect/mikiri their kick combo you can do a ton of posture damage

Sekiro made evident that they rely on summons way too much.

No. Unlike games like Dark Souls and even Bloodborne to an extent, the game forced you to learn how to deal with bosses by yourself without the character stat customization those games offer. Instead, you get Combat Arts and Prosthetics.

The fact that game journalists couldn't even beat Sword Saint without the use of a third party program just goes to show how fucking bad they are at gaming. Literally just ICHIMONJI HIM when he goes for the big circle attacks.

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Nah i still think DS3 is the hardest one mostly because of the Nameless King and the Soul of Cinder fucking pieces of shit we're annoyingly hard to kill .

if lance mode soul of cinder was the entire fight, i couldn't beat it

Sekiro isn' hard at all and the only "difficulty" is in how used you are to the combat system
The difficulty curve is perfectly designed around your skill improving as you progress through the game

Journalists are usually below average in skill and pretty obnoxious about it. I read some old reviews for The Evil Within and for some reason they insist that moderate difficulty is "gaming's past" and an unforgivable design flaw.

>nameless king and soul of cinder
some of the DLC bosses are way harder.

Yeah that's right.

So far not too hard. I've reached the top of the castle and am fighting the boss.

It was hard to start with. Once you get used to parrying and save your money and candies you're set. Also, many bosses enable you to one-shot their first death blow via stealth.

Which is another point - stealth is very handy. Man fights can be done enemy-by-enemy, or even avoided altogether.

I have that on my backlog now that you mantion that i will download the game again .

I've only started playing last night, and I'm sure things will get more difficult
but it kind of feels like a slower MGR because of the constant deflecting

How long did it take you to farm skill points to acquire all skills?

no, but
>ogre is a god-awful early game boss
>proper mindset of combat is not explained, shit tutorials in general
>experimentation with combat, combat arts, skills and prosthetics is discouraged (losing xp is a retarded mechanic, and there should be a way to respec completely)
and the fucking skill trees suck dick, (you can't even plan in advance when it comes to purchasing shit as they're hidden for some retarded reason)
>mini-bosses and chests now drop / contain the skills
>no more XP
there, i made the game infinitely better

Lads do you think a DLC is possible? DS3 DLC was already announced by now, but ok it was an existing IP, but when could we expect an announcement?

no, even ys is harder (atleast on nightmare)

It was difficult, but that was the fucking point. If it’s so hard you’re not enjoying it, maybe just play something else. Not every game is going to appeal to you and there’s nothing wrong with that.

I'm on NG+5 and I still need 20 skill points to get all the skills which at this point not only require hours and hours of grinding or multiple playthroughs to get, the game also expects me not to die in the process.
Why does memezaki alway ruin his games with grinding? I beleive Dark Souls 2 is the only nuFrom game that doesn't require grinding for gameplay/combat/upgrade items.

Yes about God Hand level of difficulty on normal maybe a bit harder

How can people say this when esports exist?

Competitive fighting, RTS, FPS, even MOBAs are much much harder where you have to spend THOUSANDS of hours to compete. Sekiro takes 50 hours tops if you are bad.
Single player games by definition are easy unless you're playing Deep Mind at chess.

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No but it took me a whole play-through to learn how to play.

its something "socialy accepted" as "hard game". so people can get attention by saying "i beat sekiro, im one of the best at gaming".
normalfags dont care about e-sports. its also why people are against an easy mode in sekiro. they cant feel special anymore if everyone can finish the game

lmao not even a little bit. I can't believe people have gotten so casual. Compared to Ninja Gaiden Black Sekiro is a kids game, and Ninja Gaiden Black isn't even THAT hard on normal difficulty.

It was too easy for people who had played all the other Fromsoft games. None of the bosses were going to wall you.

your easy mode is looking at a playthrough on youtube, they are functionally the same

Dragonrot is a fucking joke
Im convinced it was implemented purely to generate clickbait exactly like this for free publicity

i dont get the point why it shouldnt have one though, i really dont care desu since i think sekiro is shit anyway.
but you see, im currently playing ys8 on nightmare. the fact that you can also play on easymode doesnt change the fun i get out of the game even a little.

Firecrackers are way too good. I somehow missed BOTH memorial mobs that sold it. I advanced until Headless Ape phase 2 brown monkey boogaloo. I figured there was something I was doing wrong since it was kicking my shit so I looked it up and I saw everyone just 2-hitting it with firecrackers

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the lack of a shouldn't doesn't make it a should, that's all there's to it

You know what's hard? My dick. Why don't you play with it?

It's pretty brutal. With counterattack bonuses it's pretty easy to get one-shot by a mistimed dodge and feel like an absolute chump.

It's also easy mode once you realize that defection is the game to play and there's a tool for every encounter. I think Seiko is the hardest to do a challenge run in since you can't really cheese anything like you can in Souls or Bloodborne.

but the pros staking for it makes it a should:
more players, which means a greater success, more drive and money to develop a 2nd better game.
more people to talk about the game

and the cons are:

More dev time spent on appeasing baddies that will shit on the game anyway. Difficulty isn't some dial you turn, it's the sum of all the game's parts. An easy Sekiro would just be a boring, retarded r1 mashing slugfest.

>said to be good against animals
>actually good against everything
sadly a lot of tools seem to only really have a one time usage. the only ones i found myself consistently using were fire crackers and the shurikens.

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the cons would be forfeiting fromsofts reputation as a developer of hard games that dont try to be accessible

No game is too hard unless it is mathematically impossible to complete.

>More dev time spent
thats bullshit and you know it, all they have to do is make your block unbreakable. thats 1 or a half day?
>An easy Sekiro would just be a boring, retarded r1 mashing slugfest.
for you yes, but how does it affect you if other people enjoy it that way

Can we agree demon of hatred was a shit boss that had no business being in the game? It was long and tedious

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that would be one reason i can take as a reason, still not enough to convince me

No. THE GAME IS LITERALLY ABOUT DYING. You're supposed to die, repeatedly. It's a core part of the fucking gameplay loop. FFS.

The spear is great I use it all the time.
It makes killing bosses such the brown ape so easy.

If that's the response from the press then it needs to be harder.

Okay so you have a fast paced game that's all about playing aggressive and applying pressure to make defense easier. Your solution is to stomp over all of that and let people block forever and making that the dominant strategy. So now you've fundamentally changed the game and changed the player's experience for the worse.
>for you yes, but how does it affect you if other people enjoy it that way
This isn't about me, I'm trying to explain why it's not that easy. I'm assuming you're being serious and wondering why they don't take the "easy" way out, and it's because it's not a way out at all. You'd just fuck the game up and give them a worse experience, which would reflect in the reviews.

yeah its not necessarily a compelling reason from a game design perspective but i do think it's a significant factor in fromsofts success

Nah i thought it was pretty fun
Only shitters compare him to DaS bosses

This. After Genichiro everything seems possible.

how can you judge if other peoples will have a "worse experience" once they play the game "wrong" on easy mode
if people have this options as easy mode, it wont affect your gamexperience even a little, also it wont worsen other players experience since their experience is ruined due to not having certain easy mode
i mean i personally dont care, since not a single game of fromsoft is actually neither hard, nor really fun to play

There's always one in the ashina dojo you can practice on. Learn his moveset (you can mikiri his kick perilous attack) and try killing one without using prosthetics because they become a common enemy. Fuck fighting more than 2 though.

That's what I like about this game, minibosses that used to kick your ass become mooks later and they're easier because you know how to counter them, not entirely because of health and damage buffs.

if you really had to deal with his 3 HP bars, i'd agree but malcontent is straight up gives you a bar for free so it's more enjoyable for me. under normal circumstances though damage sponge bosses suck. i hate midir from das3 because he is such a snorefest.

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Sekiro is ball-bustingly hard until you learn to deflect. Once you do that, it's one of the easier of From's titles.

To be fair, if all you have is 20 hours and need to make a deadline you're going to have to cheat at some point, especially if you can't sleep on it and you're stuck on a boss for hours.

>how can you judge if other peoples will have a "worse experience" once they play the game "wrong" on easy mode
I'm going to be real, Fromsoft games are not fancy. It's not DMC where you have ten million different options to beat up on enemies that can't fight back. That's fun and engaging, even if it's easy. Fromsoft games have two attack buttons that lead into preset combos and some tools/magic/whatever. You can't even launch enemies, and BKGS doesn't count.
So Sekiro is the same, most of your tools aren't interesting in a vacuum. The real meat of the game is how they interact with enemies. How you use them to overcome the game. Now that is intimately tied with difficulty. If you can just kill everything with r1 spam and holding block then all of your tools are superfluous. The game never forces you out of your comfort zone and forces you to consider different tools, you just do the same shit over and over.
So if you're right, people who want to play ez sekiro are cool with 70% of the game simply not being there. Most of the gameplay is experimenting with your options to overcome challenges, and when you cut the challenge out, you cut the experimentation out, and you cut the gameplay out. If you're going to say that people want to play an easy mode in spite of all that then you're going to have to explain what they would find fun. What would be left?
Also quit being a bitch about how it affects me or not, I already told you this isn't about me. I'm trying to explain why From doesn't add an easy mode to you

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They'd also get more money if they added multiplayer and sold skins and other microtransactions. So many failed opportunities with Sekiro.


The game doesn't have a resurrection system if you don't need it :^)

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based user putting soulsniggers in their place

Its just like dark souls. Hard for a few hours but then you get the rhythym down. If you can beat capra in ds1, you can beat all of sekiro.

Wanna talk about hard games? 90% of the original NES library. Nobody wrote articles about how unfair they were, no one bitched, they just got gud.

>proper mindset of combat is not explained
Its almost like they want you to experiment and learn. I know thats hard for millennials.

Imagine advocating for microtransactions. But yeah screw fromsoft for making solid standalone experiences and not nickel and dimeing their customers

Why yes, I didn't die once on my first playthrough. How did you know?

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I'm fine with a boss that requires learning patterns and mechanics to beat, the challenge is fine
What's retarded is punishing you with every death with having to pop up more people infested with dragon rot and losing half the money and xp unless the RNG decides to not fuck you in the ass

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He's being sarcastic you stupid faggots.

I almost gave up at the Ogre thinking this game wasnt for me. Waited two days and i couldnt get the game out my head. I wasnt quitimg at the first boss. Got back in there and brute forced my way through. Smooth sailing til Genichiro. Explored learned the game and sometime later came back and it all just clicked. I changed my style to agressive and realized it was all rhythm.

I loved this game after this point. Every boss had my adrenaline pumping into overdrive as I hit the bosses final health bar. The final fight took my almost 50 tries but his final form only took 1. My god was that last fight amazingly tense. My victory was earned and it felt amazing.

So no, in my opinion it isnt too hard.

>beat the giant 1st try
>die 80 times to the general right on the other side of the wall
Why am I such a fucking casual?
>still can't beat drunkard
I mean I just started, but I should be better than this right?

You guys are forgetting that with Great Rune, From Software is already selling itself out to the casuals.
Once that game becomes a worldwide hit, you will never get another gameplay-focused From Software game again.

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The people telling others to git gud in the latest, umpteenth Dark Souls game are the same cunts who bitched and moaned about the grinding and overly difficult towers in MK 11. Not that I condone either game's faggotry, just making an observation on the double standards. Games that are arbitrarily difficult for its own sake are not automatically good games.

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You can beat the giant just by playing dark souls. The other bosses force you to play sekiro

Did you talk to the guy by the river? He may be helpful.

Grinding and microtransactions are not difficulty.

Starts as arguably the hardest. Becomes by far the easiest once you get out of soulsborne mode and shift to its rhythm instead.

I had that moment with the Long Armed Centipede bosses
When you learn to deflect properly you can kill them in 10 seconds, but if you're in souls-mode they just wreck your shit

>all game modes are equal, you can't judge any one else's enjoyment
>how can you judge someone's "worse experience" once they eat "wrong" by eating shit, they enjoy eating shit you can't judge them

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Question from someone not too far in the game, after the drunkard are there more or less fights with lots of extras?
I want to get better at fighting these big enemies but going through a load of plebs each try is a bit of a time waste.

Should I get Sekiro? it's $60 I could get Atelier Lulua for that