Any richfags trying to bless this poor soul with some gp? Or show me how to get bank? Handle is Pfist
volcanic ash
I'm on f2p
Turn off private fag
Do Slayer and pick up sweet loot
Meet me on 301 north west varock bank and I'll give you money, if you won't show up in 5 minutes you won't get anything, this applies for EVERYONE so come here asap
What's your handle
whats your name
I'm spamming /v my handle is Pfist
I'm waiting at varrock bank near ge
im here
Okay, I got a little bored and tele'd to Falador
What's your handle? I'll find you
b my slave for 10m
spin flax idiot
Give me 10m and I'll post butthole pics
I'm at fally tele spot, 10m per butt shot
I keep seeing mf's with over 600m and I cant even get to 3 mill..
whats yo name
>kill zulrah for 1.5 hours
>receive 3 mill
stop being shit
also, I'm at rally party room
Also, world 301
>playing this garbage over the superior game albion online
what do you wanna do
Get money
rwt gp, stake until rich
I'm on f2p and I dont have enough to stake.. help a poorfag out, im on mobile for christ sakes 301 fally party room