Reminder to not accept the fellow travelers offer
Pathologic 2
Other urls found in this thread:
first for the combat being shit is a legitimate complaint and saying 'its shit on purpose' is 100% fanboyism
*refreshes you thoroughly*
>low health
>peter stamatin and noctin are infected
>I've died a fuck ton of times in houses trying to loot them
>Weird penalties that I don't even understand
the only actually frustrating shit is hunger(in marble nest demo it wasn't THAT shitty)
everything else is pretty manageable
Changeling is hot...
based and bullpilled, everyone should buy the bull
>tfw discovered this on day 6
>tfw been using white potions as immunity boosters up until that day
not anymore
she is an annoying little cunt who almost killed my daughteru
>bald angry cringeling
No thanks.
I'm still not sure if sprinting exponentially tanks your bars or not
What combinations of organs/potions to make panacea?
>fund below 50%
>letting waifus die
What the hell are you doing?
She's so cute brehs...
>implying you can actually save everyone on your first playthrough
My fund was past the highest marker and it said I have a "generous" reward (4000 and 4 food items) so I think that registered. Not sure why it's low in that pic.
I think I'm going to restart
yikes, might as well fuck the bull at that point
>that jewish nose
You can't make that shit up.
Guys, i really need to find a revolver. Where do i get one, besides MILITARY GRADE guy or the sweaty barber that replaces Grif i don't have 9k mongolcoins on me
based chadchelor beating the shit of steppefaggot
Have you guys restarted your play through at all yet?
honestly the revolver is more trouble than its worth. when its not jamming, the animation is fucking up and taking 3 seconds to fire. not to mention it still takes 2 shots to kill a dude. knives are much better.
the shotgun and rifle however are fucking insane.
>needing a gun
You clearly haven't mastered the lines.
>day 1
>go to steppe at night
>grab all the twiryne
>sell it at bar
>buy revolver from a guy near the kayaking creature
im determined not to. i've savescummed a little bit with medications but i intend to just get it overwith then go for the 100% on my second playthrough.
Any tips for starting out?
>my theory about Worms being deformed kin incest babies was denied by the steppe bride asking if they should resort to inbreeding to combat dying population
So what the fuck are they then?
Don't die, at every cost.
>using the scalpel as a weapon
what the hell are you doing user
just go with whatever happens. the entire point of the game is to fret and feel despair.
buy the bull
Performing miracles and making profit.
God damn it, this game can be hard as nails. I am not on a level of retarded journos and i still tend to struggle. It's much harder than first one.
is there any difference between the different colors regarding the boost in immunity? i thought the difference was only between normal potions and potions (+). what's the most efficient prophylactic therapy?
So is this game your personal GOTY anons? It sure is for me.
the revolver is a terrible deal, don't fucking do it
just backstab niggas, its really not that hard
i finished the game without any gun
yeah, the last game was mostly just about time management and making sure to talk to everyone every day to do their inane side-quests. they really improved on that aspect
Testicles of Bachelor + Upright Moral Standing of Anna + Bottle of water.
You just need to keep it in perfect condition and it won't jam.
>Do thing
>Entire game run and future game runs ruined
the first one is not even hard
yeah as long as its one guy, even the fist backthump attack is all you need.
Eh, I bet Bachelor’s route will be much more easier. At least day 1-5
They're not complaining about spending all their steppe bux or crying about the hunger. They're not a jew bro.
Why the fuck do you keep shitting up the thread by using the word "nigga". You sound like a fucking retard.
should I buy the cloak and the repair kit for 950 rubles each? i can't believe I'm in Day 4 and still haven't found a fucking cloak
Merdel immunity boosters increase exhaustion Zurke increases thirst, Yas increases hunger. The + versions decrease respectively
I need to go to the Termitary and the marker says, that there will be a fight. Is there a way to get rifle or shotgun other than buy it for insane amount of money?
Fighting more than one dude, even with a knife, is a bad idea.
It's day 8 already, so too late.
Buy the Bull.
try to stock up any mechanical shit, you will need it to repair stuff
>s-stop posting out of character! you're ruining the thread ambience!
I swear the regular merdel ones also lower exhaustion.
Literally how are you supposed to do everything on day two before the clock runs out
I did everything on day one with plenty of time to spare, but day two throws a million quests at you and just doing the cemetery quest takes up literally half the day
A game this dreary has no business having so many cute girls.
Why do you care so much, shitter?
It's nothing compared to day 5
First day nigger?
Buy the bull.
You aren't supposed to. One of the loading screen tips says outright, you can't save everyone or be everywhere.
Nigger and nigga aren't the same shit. You fucking nigger.
Post my wife Lara
You're alright then nigger
Is there a TLDR on this shit? I'm not gonna dismiss it outright just because it's on fagetera but I ain't reading all that shit
Anyone remember what time the alarm bell rings on day 3? I swear it was earlier.
>Yas increases hunger. The + versions decrease respectively
wtf i'm a potion-addict now
>linking trannyera here without archive
Fuck off you actual newfag
>day 6
>time to blow up the fucking railroad
>gingerfaggot wants to be edgy and ruin my plan for the lulz
>day 7
>no hunger
>run as fast as I can to grocery store
>"on orders from the inquisitor we no longer accept money"
>no one wants to barter any of the items in my inventory for food
he is right that the game isn't about winning or getting the high score. though god damn did it really take him 30 paragraphs to get that point across?
So wait
You can survive just by mixing your funky steppe drugs? Hell yeah time to hit the steppe and go pick some grass
ok, i figured it out, on day 7 Rubin died because i havent created panacea
missed entire questline
>i've been told to hate this website so i will ree whenever it shows up
way to be the most stereotypical Yea Forums zealot. do what the anonymous people tell you to do or else you won't be based!
>turns around
>ah yeah that's it
The decreases are pretty small
Yes but fuck resetera and the tranny squads that lurk there
Skimmed through it, really quite a good write up, cock paper shitgun ought to have had them review the game.
>ive been told to hate this website
Kill yourself cunt
dunno, i'm on day 6 and still can't find the cloak, and now i don't even have the money to buy one
Wait I never had bachelor ask me to meet him either, does this mean I won't get summoned to the town hall? Good.
You can backstab people? I know you can do it in the original, but now dudes just turn around instantly whenever I'm in their vicinity and shank my ass good.
>200 rubles for a whole juicy fucking bull
Shiet, I'd buy a bull IRL for that price.
You need to sneak (C)
Fuck it I'm not restarting, I'm going to push through this shit penalties and deaths of npc's and all
Make sure to sneaky-sneak behind them. Then imaging you're going to fuck them with the force that the Bachelor takes a dick up his ass.
Well fuck me and call me Harry, I will start utilizing my lockpicks as shanks and killing people left and right in a couple fucking weeks when my exam sessions ends
Good, I said the same thing, but that was after I reloaded a save and realized I couldn't save-scum.
They WILL release the Bachelor and Changeling routes later on, right?
At last you truly see, actor.
I don't know if you can backstab people as I've never tried it but I know you can do a strong slam with your fists while sneaking. They still need about 3 hits before going down, sneaking seems kinda trash to be honest, might as well grab a lockpick and stab them to death. It's also stupid that you lose rep when there's no witnesses and you sneak kill them.
While your at it make sure you die 23 times to get the full experience
What does it mean when they're in danger ?
Well shit... someone else gets it:
reposting this from the last thread, but has anyone found the other three odonghs who're after rubin in the warehouses on the start of day 5? I can't tell if it's bugged or I'm somehow missing all of them.
Guys, I bought the bull.
At midnight they roll to determine if they get infected
Is there nothing I can do to help them live?
He bought?
That's life in russia for ya
Bayarlaa yargachin, let Mother Boddho caress your step.
You can give them an immunity booster to decrease the chances of them getting infected
Everything is gonna be alright now, right, actors? The lines won't just fuck my ass something fierce for this... right?
Yes, give them an immunity booster. They get marked with a checkmark when you do to show you did. There's no guarantee they won't get infected though, all it does is increase the chances they won't be.
Question: If i played the original, will this version still surprise me with new story elements? Please just yes or no, i don't want to get spoiled but i also really don't have it in me to replay through the story for nothing new.
thsi game needs "spill" option
I have muddy water and nothing to do with it, i could use bottles tho
Yes. Yes it will.
>mfw that rich brat in the bar has survived twice
Maybe his blood is the cure.
Where to get a gun on day 5?
i wouldn't use lockpicks for melee. they break almost instantly and a full strength lockpick can net you a bullet and a slice of toast from a watchman.
Grif. He can sell shotguns by then.
Well, i'll get to it then when i finished Yakuza 2, thx anons.
What a cute and funny girl
But does he sell ammo?
Kids usually have ammo
Yes. Kids too.
Can't run this game unfortunately, i really liked pathologic 1. Can someone tell me what was going on with anna angel girl in that game? I remember something about some family missing? Never could make any sense of that character.
>Day 3
>Checking up on the Bachelor
>He's not at his residence
>Bell's start ringing, something is going down
>Mimes point the way to town hall, all the townsfolk are gone, ringing continues loudly
>Everyone's gathered at the hall, something's wrong
What a cool moment
This place is a fucking nightmare. If i was choosing between Silent Hill and the Termitary, i would choose the former.
>"the gameplay is intentionally bad to immerse you in the world"
So why does Nier Automata have better writing than Pathologic and better gameplay?
It has neither. Pathologic's gameplay is not bad, intentionally or otherwise.
who the fuck are you lmao? get out of here
Yeah it's important to remember that Haruspex's route in the original was a lot harder than the Bachelor's, though I could easily see them making Bachelor's route even more of a time management nightmare with less combat. I think if you optimally routed day 3 in the first game it'd still take like half the day to do the main quest alone
>Bachelor gets less hungry over time since he's not that big of a dude but he also tires quicker and gets exhausted faster
Personally I cannot wait.
>Mandalore is stealing our BVLL meme
it is over boys
>implying he doesn't browse here anyway
>tfw bachelor says that he can't dig a grave
what a manlet faggot
What do I do now? Just gather herbs? Or are the missing plotholes important?
Taya a cute! I wish she was my pet daughter instead of Murky.
Anons, I really need help. Is the gt_speed setting (the one which allowed you to change the flow of time in Pathologic HD) present somewhere within the game files?
Starving to death in the USSR simulator
>trying to beat the original on Bachelor's before playing 2
>on day 11, about to wrap up
>game crashes as I'm heading back to my house to sleep the rest of the day
>trying to load my save just has it to go to a black screen 2 seconds in
>have to redo the entire day over from last working save when I just want to play 2
I feel like starting a new game
He does get to fuck pic rel though.
He's only selling a revolver for over 7000.
>4channer steals Yea Forums meme
Eva literally gets cucked to death in the original.
>comparing an action game to a survival visual novel.
You're either retarded or a troll
She kinda cucks herself with the ground at an extremely high velocity, it's hard to treat it like some sort of an NTR.
I think Mario Kart 8 is a far better game
Bump to this. Anyone knows where to find this setting?
he is most likely ITT right now
Has he said anything about covering P2?
The fool didn't jump from the bridge without reason, as Grif said.
Yes, he said he was going to cover it since the release date was announced. And the video he released today have a teaser where he uses the bull meme.
So Day 6
I gave my life for murky and got infected. it WAS a right choice, right?
Yes, otherwise plague would've killed her to spite you.
Your first mistake was assuming that a right choice exists
Play Changeling’s route and you’ll find out
If anything I thought Harispex’s was easier. A lot comfier too, nothing like wandering the steppe for swevery
>implying ice pick lodge isn’t going to build an ingame statue of him in the town after he gets them enough sales to make bachelor
>after living with him for a week a woman killed herself
what ps2 game is this?
>Russians tell him to play Pathologic 1 for kicks and giggles
>is now the e-celeb with the most potential to save Pathologic 2
It’s pretty funny
He has what, 200k subs? 500k views per video? Released in a month after the release? That is literally fucking nothing in term of sales.
No problem bro. Hope you enjoy the experience of the game when you get round to it.
>unity game
>Russkie economy in the shitter
The steam player account on launch day was only a thousand people. It had no marketing and is doing horribly.
Add on to that, Bachelor couldn't brew his own medication; immunity boosters or painkillers.
I know, that it's doing horribly. Just pointing out that Mandy's involvement won't change shit.
Crashing this plague. With no survivors.
Oh man that screaming in the Termitary
what they done for beautiful devotress?? i never forgive them.
So I just got passed the intro and started walking down the train tracks and tried to get to a river to see if I could use the water and immediately got stuck on a tiny hill. Is there a jump mechanic/ console command to get out or did I just lose 15 minutes of progress because this game is a Bethesda tier buggy mess.
Implying you're not going to be steppe-father to them all. Tya will cuddle up to you while you read her stories from the town's past, she'll protest when you tell her it's her bedtime, but because she respects you more than the kin below her, she'll go to bed as she's told - then with one eye open she'll wait to check that you've made sure she's wrapped up in bed then she'll have dreams of bulls and the father that reads their lines
bins are boobs and vaginas
a woman sitting splay-legged
Olon zuun jeley urda te'e hunde ubshen shulu'un de'egu'ur ebakha, you little Mara? I'll have you know I was made Menkhu of the Khantage, and I've been involved in numerous quarantines in the Town-on-Ghorkon, and I have over 300 confirmed treatments. I am trained in the Lines and I'm the top Oynon in this entire place. You are nothing to me but just another body. I will empty you the fuck out with precision dissection the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me over the Districts? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of butchers across the Termitary and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and all it will cost me is a fingernail. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Bad Grief and I will use it to its full extent to hound your ass back to the Capital, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comments were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn dandy. I will pour blood all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Daniil.
remove the shabnak
Which are the children's caches again? Are they noticable?
Even if he only generates a few thousand sales out of it it’ll go miles in Russian pebble money and give the marketing a tail when people look the game up on youtube. Assuming he ends up recommending it.
It's possible to fuck around with the time settings, really badly fucks with savegame files though.
Keep at it playing the game, you'll get the hang of it actor.
>walking simulator
Lol, nice game, pc!
Wooden chests with faded paint on them. Hidden. but not too badly hidden.
Holy shit.
>kill two muggers with a shotgun
>more muggers rush to the sound of shotgun fire
jesus, they really turn the volume to 11 on day 3. "Check 3 people that live in plague district and keep them alive. Hope you have a shit ton of immunity stuff for you and them."
I'm not prepared at all
I'm infected, hungry and broke. With visiting Lara the only thing going for me, should I restart?
It's so much fun to
help out in the Termitory!
And be a super moe and generic loli
"I wanna do something
for you" Haruspex said
I gasped and said
"What are we going to do on the bed?"
Oh no, Oh no!
you literally can't refute this
you think that's tough. oh boy.
There's a jump the controller support is just half assed.
>treat one random kid by feeding him eight hundred gallons of weird steppe tinctures, immunity boosters and morphine
>pretty sure a kid like that would've OD'd after two ampoules of painkillers, but whatever
>infection somewhat down, but still not cured completely, for now the quest is over though
>check Artemy's mind-map
>cut to next night
>some faggot with a face painted all white dares to fucking attack me
>stick him with a knife in the chest twice, dead
>don't mess with the fucking chad of the steppes, oynon
>be khara artemy, lara might be looking
>loot his body
>cut out all of the organs that a bandit has, including his fucking brain
>all of a sudden all of the reputation flushed down the toilet
>You are hated here
what in the fucking gorkhon
Well shit, I already looted one of them. How are you supposed to know you cant take from them?
Yulia>>>Maria>>>Lara>>Eva>Capella>Grace>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>Inqisitor>>>>>>>>>>>>Anna Angel
So Day 2 began and they told me I missed some opportunities. I did the stuff for Grief, Notkin, Lara, and Vlad and even ran around until 11:30 at night-- am I missing shit, or?
Yulia is the hottest but only in the original, in 2 Capella's the hottest
>skirt underside and panties not rendered
how did they fuck this up so bad? they literally perfect the art of making 10/10 virtual females but then rob us of the excitement of looking up a woman's skirt? who the hell do IPL think they are?
Im on day 1, and I know that days end at midnight, but when do they start?
I'm at like 9:30PM and wanna harvest some herbs before daybreak.
allowed to perform surgery != eviscerate corpses in the street like a fucking lunatic
I don't have a picture but you can see a loli's panties at Notkin's place if she's sitting on a crate at eye level. Really makes ya think.
How many times have you restarted?
the white dog gives you tons of pills + a free shwmoder after the inquistion has arrived. i still can't 100% pin down what trigger his spawn
>tfw think anna angels original design is hot as fuck but she is.. like that
oh i forgot
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cringeling
based and c*nnypilled
They're not human. Pretty sure that was made explicit in the original.
cringeling is a goblina, she ain't a human.
About to play the first game
what am i in for?
>that passive writing style
>even the fucking title, "So I want to talk about"
>WORDSWORDSWORDS that don't immediately hook you
Guy's a shit writer, NEXT!
Depends if you want to endlessly die in her arms as she brushes your hair with her hand user.
>someone saved my screenshot of a based retard
I love it.
You can take from them, it's just unclear if there's a consequence to not playing by the game's rules.
>Maria anywhere on that list
Nope. Where were you on the map?
It's a pretty good write up user. Better than most of the reviews.
>broke-ass hobo town
>hear a guy blow an entire day's worth of food in terms of ammo
Either he's empty, or he's so wealthy it's worth trying.
It was probably just immunity boosters, they look similar.
Fine, I'll read it. Later.
There's an even bigger retard screeching for a refund now.
No, it was a shmowder. I was just rushing through menus and pulled a fucking Charlie Gordon.
Thanks for the tip, time for saltmining.
Is there a way to prevent Notkin from getting ill early on? I lit all the candles up in time and told the little shits to stay the fuck away yet he got the disease anyway
So i got two endings directly tied to the courier papers and whatnot and they are both fucking shit. One kills everyone and you pretend these ugly ass steppe-shits are some magical unicorns and miss out on all the connections you've made.
and the other one is a "happy" ending where you get to walk around a bit and talk to people and all is a-okay, but it just keeps hammering you with "wait up for DLC" and "hah good job playing that game like a faggot, why couldn't you make your own choices"
Did not like them at all. Also Aglaya went MIA and i never did find her.
>go into the steppe to find herbs
>nothing whatsoever
wait, do I HAVE to draw blood or what?
It looks more like the skirt clipping through between her legs but at some angles you can pretend it's her panties.
I find plenty, though I admit I haven't yet made a dedicated Steppe-harvesting trip. Only made the tutorial blood-feeding.
For someone complaining about needing to eat, their username is ironic.
It almost feels like the devs also despise making videogames, but instead of making them work as they want through clever mechanics they just fill them with angst and hunger.
if you cure him you'll discover why he's infected. there are people who claim it can be prevented but it may be bullshit
I don't think so user, I think it's either the plague fucking with you, or implied from proximity to treating Patches?
What would you have preferred as an ending?
About Aglaya, remember where she was going. You might find here there. Alternatively you can talk to her late on Day 10 to set something else up.
if they hate video games why is it so good?
Yeah I saw that happen. So far I don't see of I could have done anything different other than letting the poor kid die on day two which he does anyway lmao
user, you missed out a cool quest
Get your shovel out:
i'd have to play bachelor and haruspex again tho' just give me the background
>yfw finding the herb gardens
I'm gonna get fucked over for stealing those aren't I?
By chance? Some things are borderline unplayable in this and in Pathologic 1, The Void requires you to plan i 5 dimensions to actually complete it.
Honestly if P2 had polished combat mechanics it would've been more enjoyable without sacrificing the gloom and doom thing they have going.
And the whole meta shtick of you being an actor and so on and on gets too tiresome after a while, yeah i get it, i'm playing a videogame with a written story, bit me. Even Bureau XCOM did it gracefully.
Yeah i only set up a bullet i her chest that time, couldn't find her when she's supposedly went to the Town Hall too, well whatever.
In the end it did not fell like any of the endings mattered, the tower was a colossal waste of time, the faeries were unrelatable and tearjerked you into sparing them and kids just get hauled away and then returned after the ending like nothing happened, so why the fuck did i bother anyway?
i expected some cosmic revelation, maybe a remaking of reality even, in the end it never felt like a game ended and not in a meta way.
>faggot calls me an onion
>open his lines in an alleyway
If people want to call me a ripper I'm going to act like one.
Should I play the original first?
the day is not over yet, but still there's lots of shit we all miss. i think that the beauty of the game also comes from the fact that you know that while you're in one side of the town there's lots of crazy shit happening on the opposite site. it makes the experience much more genuine, even though i'm pretty sure i won't ever play the game again just to see the stuff i missed
That’ll show ‘em
>open package
>get another package
the gut, right after i exited an infected house.
i was pretty much dead, no health, infection, hunger...etc. i tried to reload my save several times but nothing happened
>open package
>one match
Fuck of back to nigger land then fag boy
Anyone managed to play 2 with a GTX 660 Ti?
I thought the ideas about the plague being an entity which discriminates over people that are part of the collective kin - sparing them and killing those that have foregone that community, developed themselves as unique individuals and separated from it - a conflict between the "us" and the "I" as being quite interesting.
Trying to find ways to tie it back to the story layer of the children's game and what it could represent: a reluctance to face reality, to mature and overcome grief? Were all interesting.
I'm expecting that it'll be with the Changeling scenario that bigger questions are asked and possibly answered. I can see them using the Bachelor to bring the Polyhedron and the children's game to the fore, then further developing it with Changeling.
Could very well be wrong, but that's my guess.
Well, I'll keep an eye out to see if anything happens.
Unless you've just been drinking too much twyrine substitute while you play?
>And the whole meta shtick of you being an actor and so on and on gets too tiresome after a while, yeah i get it, i'm playing a videogame with a written story, bit me
I agree with you there, the game by itself is good without the meta that tries too fucking hard to be deep and actually adds almost nothing to the game
i love this little meta moments. they nailed very well also the "curse" of the changeling during day 2
>replaying day 3
>can't get those brats to go hide
I'm on day 1. How does surgery works? I was doing surgery on that Bad Grief's henchman, I harvested everything and blood, then he died and his friend attacked me.
Another quest, about the traitor, Lika, I went to the marker in the stones, but there was nothing there.
Any tips to improve performance? What settings are the most intensive? Playing this game without the stutters would make me absolutely orgasmic.
try moving farther away and wiggling the camera
>cut out a dude's organs
>he dies
I bet the bull is behind this
Is 2 the same as 1 in the vein that it's all technically awful on purpose?
hes supposed to die you will learn how to save lives with it later. you might have missed lika because hes standing behind the stones not in the middle, hard to see him
Everyone in this thread is an African American, everyone except you.
>perform Autopsy on mortally-wounded man
>cut out his organs, then sew him up
>he dies
You don't perform surgery in Pathologic 2.
He's behind the furthest-out rock, staring into the Steppe. You missed him.
>Any tips to improve performance?
I'm sorry.
Just cut open his stomach, the far left orb, and he doesn't die.
kek, I thought I would be operating on him.
Did you try replacing the liver using a water bottle with a straw and the heart with a bicycle pump?
Since your rep increases through the day on day 1, should I harvest lots of organs and steal shit while I have the chance?
What do I use blood for?
You mean she used to be.
this game is a masterpiece, but who do i have to talk to get a better frame rate
how is the feet game in pathologic 2?
On Day 8's hospital shift:
How long was I supposed to stay in the hospital? I stayed for the instructed hour and those happy merchants aren't paying me.
>hey bro my guy got stabbed in the stomach, just get the blade out
>click on the harvest brain option
>he dies
writting a negative review on steam right now, this is bullshit
That would depend on whether the increases are actual increases, or simply changes to set values.
I don't know, of course.
Did you leave yourself, or did you wait for the orderlies?
I just left. Damn it. Those lazy fucks.
Not that user, but I opened two dots because I didn't know exactly which one counted as his stomach; I picked the second one from bottom, first.
Does he really survive if you just take the lockpick out?
>heard crying baby
>went to investigate
>doors are all locked and there are plagueniggers walking around
>every door needs to be lockpicked
>no lockpick
Best thread on the steam forum is a guy that cut the brain out and wondered why he died. Fucking love that poster.
not bad, see
What day?
Too lazy to check thread and see if someone has asked this. Since this is basically a remake, should I play the original before I play this one?
I did. Got 3 scalpels before my reputation tanked, then sold enough organs to get gun after a day. The big tip is to just steal livers and kidneys as to not melt your scalpels by faulty brain stealing. I'm on day 6. Still have organs from day 1. Keep in mind, on day 2, nobody cared about me again. As if no murders even happened.
In a game that harks on you being murderous scum, I am disappointed that I slaughtered 17 men in one night (the text said only 7 people died and 3 went missing. Yeah fucking right), and I never hear about this again. They call me ripper and shit, sure, but only still hate on me for the first 3 goobers you kill. Kinda whack. I wish the crime/reputation system was stronger and not easily exploitable/farmed.
Me too, I thought the far left would be removing is balls or something. I can confirm just opening the far left does not kill him.
At least I had the good sense to run away instead of kill his two buddies, unlike SOME anons I've sen.
I think Big Vlad sends a steppe kid to come talk to you at 18:00. Maybe get an hour of sleep?
You can if you want. It's the "reimagining" style of a remake. Not as drastic as Shattered Memories, but more out there than, say, REmake.
I beat it, but I couldn't save them.
Day 10 beat me.
Beware it, just...
is this verison as much of a slog as the first? im dumb as shit so i couldn't get into it, though i did try.
When I restart I will use this mad ripper strategy.
>implying the town didn't have ten drifters no one except you even knew about
lmao IPL would never make a mistake, broham
Talk to the townspeople. Someone will mention Big Vlad. Go to him and you can restore your reputation across the full town without needing to surrender to Saburov.
There's a much stronger tutorial feel to it, and there are mechanics that allow for more failure on the player's part, that then weave into the story. There's also more content over all, so there's less time spent idly rummaging through garbage bins at 2AM. didn't play by the rules?
Nope, doesn't work. I'm starting to think this run is cursed.
its RetardEra
anything less passive than that and he would get banned, i bet he got a warning about his writing style being agressive.
After consuming a lot of metafiction media, I have come to the conclusion that it's actually a lot more pedestrian than it comes off as. It always feels more clever than it actually is.
>dude you're playing a game
>woahhhh im playing a game!
Like that's it. That's every piece of metafiction. From movies to books, shows to comics; it's always just the same themes and the same dialogue.
>die of exhaustion and starvation while watching the 5 minute long day 11 play
fascinating insight
Day 11 is absolutely demolishing
I just resorted to slaughtering a house.
Artaud would be proud.
you tell them user
point made. There can't even be a discussion about how wrong I am or how deep the theme actually is. There is no discussion at all.
Are store-bought or brewed antibiotics stronger?
>every piece of metafiction
you didn't say much either
The pills do shit-all. The only good thing about them is that you can get them without having to go back to the hideout.
You literally didn't say anything yourself.
hmm, i might go against my better judgement and pick it up. i really love the atmosphere and the story but man i have the attention span of a fly.
I said how shallow the theme is and no one responded with anything. Like what can you say about it. Just say how you feel about the theme and what you find interesting about it.
That is my question to you, right now with this reply. What do you find interesting about metafiction?
dunno 4 or 5?
The "mindmap" is fairly extensive, so your attention span shouldn't be much of an issue.
A lot of meta shit is meta for the sake of meta, but a lot of meta shit just uses the metaness as another vehicle to deliver the actual theme. I haven't actually played this game though so idklol
I see. Guess ill just use em for hospital shifts then.
To me it's just flavor to the overarching theme of the game, personally
It fits in the sense that the game is a game even within it, rather than just use narrative elements of metafiction just for the hell of it
But overall, I don't usually care much for the ideas it claims to be, I just interpret it as set dressing, kinda
i just get really bored if its not a fighting/action game, but sometimes big think games like this click.
It might be handy, the need to keep healthy maintains attention and breaks up the highpoints provided by the narrative reveals.
Hope you enjoy it - or at least "enjoy" it user.
what do the nips think of pathologic?
Might be a bug user.
Ah. The stresses of time and your survival meters make things more intense than most story-based games. It's up to you whether you will find that engaging or frustrating.
Where do I meet my 3 friends on Day 3? They said we we're gonna meet at midnight at the Basket but I have no clue where that is
i wish nips draw a lot of Bachelor lewds
>day 10
>can't find notkin
He's infected what do I do?
It'll mark on the map once night falls.
You'll get a map market at midnight. Generally speaking, most things that are supposed to happen at night only happen after midnight.
more like baechelor
a bug in what way? the doors being locked?
I just started the game, I was sprinting through town because everyone hates me and wanted to kick my ass but I ran past what looked like a couple of events happening
Am I going to miss out on them now?
>day 10
>in which the plague stops playing to lose
anyone have a chart or a guide on what herbs make what tinctures and what tinctures + organs make what medicine?
So what are the optimal doctor strats?
>spend the night at the steppe gathering all the herbs (fuck the theater and dead shop I guess)
>Go back to the bar to sell whatever herb is in demand until you take all the bar's money and food
>go back to base and brew up a fuckton of tincitures
>trade for pills and and morphine unless you happen to have the right brewed organs
>go to the hospital to do whatever they want for your shift
>take your fucktons of tinctures and pills and go to infected districts
>use the tinctures to loot houses
>find sick people on the street to give random pills to to boost fund reward
Is this right?
i killed that fag because he killed a steppe waifu, killed his friend for good measure too
Yeah, I think the door with the baby behind it is meant to be unlocked - for the reason you encountered.
watering the trees, talk to steppe girl right of lara's house
I never found the baby I was trying to run away from those plague fucks and then died
thanks anons
yellow = blood + black
white = blood + brown
orange = black + brown
White whip always makes white+, swervy or whatever always makes orange+, and then other rare one always makes yellow+. Save the + ones to boost yourself with as they also heal one of your other three stats instead of reducing them like the tinctures.
Organs make either painkillers or antibiotics, depending on whether they're infected or not, I forget which is which. I think healthy organs are painkillers and infected make antibiotics. The rarity of the organ determines how strong the medicine is.
what user said, they tell you he got shanked in the stomach, so you do surgery there and take out the shiv, there's no organ to take.
>gets punched in the back of the head
>"You're not going anywhere"
what the fuck man
can you really do that, fuckin sick
thanks, so the type of tincture doesn't matter when adding organs?
It does for antibiotics, as it determines what kind you get. For painkillers it shouldn't though.
Wrong, swevery makes yellow+
Depends on which strain of the plague you are treating - particularly when testing the types at the theatre.
do you ever explore the polyhedron
Bachelor soon, fellow actor.
The Bachelor does
what do you mean? and how do you avoid the plague cloud after healing someone in the theatre? seems to just appear and there's no way to do anything
Where can I find block after the schism? I've been walking around the station which is where some soldier said he was but can't find him.
Finished day 1 and stocked up on as much food as I could, but realistically what I have isn't gonna last for more than 2 days due to Haruspex having a metabolic system of a bear.
How do I mix tinctures? Does the option open up later or is it some button I'm not seeing? I tried dragging water on the plans and right clicking but didn't see any options
Where do you gather the plants in the steppe? I strolled to the little town to the southeast but turned around before I got there because I didn't wanna waste time. Didn't see any plants though.
I saw some anons said I can upgrade the inventory, where do I do this?
>what do you mean?
You know how antibiotics work right?
>and how do you avoid the plague cloud after healing someone
Keep your immunity up. Apparently if you step back fast enough you can avoid it but don't rely on that.
There are three strains of the plague. Yellow/Orange/White.
When looking to treat the people in the theatre, you'll need to have the right type of antibiotic to match the strain of the plague - same as bound characters.
It doesn't matter what type of organ you use, but it does matter what type of base tincture you use.
Sorry if the other post was unclear, hopefully that explains it better.
I wish there was more dialogue with your friends and the kids about events or anything that happened in the day or something. It doesn't even have to be for quests or affect the story in any way. The later acts feel really devoid of interaction with the ones Artemy cares about.
Fell down from this piece of shit so many times
are there really just a bunch of kids inside
Absolutely based
Mixing and upgrades come a bit later.
Plants are all over but it's best to gather them at night because it's easier to see the insects buzzing around them (you'll also hear them, both at night and during the day).
I don't know if there's anything to this, but it seems like herbs grow the most around rocks.
yes, at least it was like that in 1
How do I deal with the worms harassing Rubin? Do I have to fight them or can I run from them?
Were you trying to do weird climbing like that video or are you just very inept?
The hideout is what you're looking for.
Twyrine [herbs] only really start properly spawning from Day 2 onwards. You'll be able to hear them during the day and see a light/particle effect during the night.
Tinctures are made by combining two different types of twyrine and a bottle of water. There is a big poster on the wall that will show you the base mixtures.
Upgrading your inventory requires a mix of items, once you have access to the hideout there is a workbench behind the autopsy slab at the back of the room you'll be able to find out what you need. Once you've got the items you can upgrade your inventory 4 or 5 times.
Best of luck user.
Is there a strategy to finding herbs? Shit all looks the same and wasting time is not something I want to do
It was explained by the dev that this is due to accounting for if bound characters have died.
>You know how antibiotics work right?
yes, I was confused because user said "strain of plague" and not 'type of infection'
it's the same fucking plague, there are not three 'strains of plague'
If you feel that strongly about it, you'd be terrified if you saw herb collection in Pathologic 1
>Doing a sick flip upon death
Sure but when Stakh dies they could have at the very least given the others a small dialogue about it. If either Lara or Grief are dead, then so be it. It feels like they might as well be dead since there is no interaction at all.
I'm getting surf maps flashbacks
So the only way to not fuck up the list is to take the hit for Murky and get infected and burn a shmowder on yourself right?
Tried to cut corners and save daylight but it's very easy to miscalculate a jump
What is there even to do on day 10? Half of my bound are missing,
You need to match the antibiotic to the colour user.
What's the verdict: how many fingernails should you keep on your person as an emergency transit supply?
Cheers onyon
I use them frequently and still end up with like 6 in my inventory. Maybe for the later days if you don't know what's coming always try to keep 1 or 2 in your inventory.
Stone Yard Quarter
Why not a full stack? It's a decent barter good as well.
I just started the game and for the life of me I can't find the warehouse that was broken. Birdman said follow the train tracks and go right, but everything is locked except for one of them that had a weird white lamp, but it's locked aswell.
That's why I ask. I have more than a stack at this point, and I want to get a powder the next time I see one and don't STUPIDLY SKIP IT AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
I've only taken a Charon trip once so far, figure they'll be more valuable when the plague fully metastasizes, probably around Day 5. Currently Day 3.
I've just gone through the crude sprawl sleep over. Judging by this experience I have a way to prevent or well at least stall the spread of the disease? Some of the metaphors went over my head by I think it was telling me to find a sickly house and do the same thing there to prevent it getting out?
The "Fund" bar at the top of the map, what does it mean?
Also to make sure I understand, if someone is "in danger" they get a dice roll at the end of the night. If they fail, they are infected. If they go another night before being treated they die? Is this correct?
It's for funds
It increases the more people you treat. It's how much you get paid by the council the next day.
And you get two dice rolls: one for getting infected and for death. At midnight, if they fail the infection check, they become infected. Every midnight after is a death check.
The fund is based on your performance working as a doctor in the hospital and throughout the town - treating people, easing their pain etc. The better you do, the higher the reward. The task will ask you to perform a minimum, but you can usually do more while in the theatre.
With the "in danger" listing: if a district is infected and a character is present then they are at risk of infection. You can choose to improve their immunity by using tablets or tinctures. At midnight there'll be a check to see if they are infected. If they do become infected based on this check then each night afterwards - unless you cure them completely there'll be another check over whether the plague kills them of not. While there are infected you'll need to diagnose the plague using your tinctures and give them the correct antibiotic to lower their infection level - or use a complete cure item.
Help anna is going to die
Trade with little girls, search kid's caches. If all you've got is antibiotics then that's what you'll have to use
Thank Boddho.
Thanks user, where do I get antiobiotics though? I have 2 left from the tutorial but not sure where to get more
What are the consequences of losing your Bound in this one?
Not gonna make it.
I bought the Bull named him Partner though. How can I lose?
Three types of shop in town: clothes/food/pharmacy
The pharmacies stock antibiotics. Make sure you know what type of antibiotic you need first though.
The alternative is to make antibiotics using a tincture [make sure it matches the colour of infection] combined with an infected organ.
Good luck.
Sounds like he won't. But seriously, the amount of shit you need to just barely scrape by is insane - you need at the very least 6 (if you're lucky) tinctures and 3 antibiotics just to fucking get the day 5 treatment done and then there are ill characters everywhere, your own immunity, fucking fucking fuck
and here's why that's a good thing
The Bachelor talks to you for half an hour in a room with no exit.
And that's a problem why?
I find that unless the tinctures are [+], you are better off using the immunity boosters. Regular tinctures are for diagnostics or immunity for less important bounds.
That was my approach so far yet by around day 6 I am chronically out of them. That's also when the hunger starts kicking in and with all the water in the middle districts gone this finally properly feels like torture
Wait, really?
should I buy it
>he bought the bull
Go on. You want a pet bull don't you?
Bought the bull.
>he didn't buy the bull
He's joking.
Lmao of course not you mong
Unless you bought the bull
I just started but before I dive into it can I protect Lara and ONLY Lara?
Just make sure you buy the bull
He's not wrong
user... That's just cruel.
Good lord those worms hit hard
I don't think you'll get the ending you hope to though.
Why would you protect the 2nd worst girl?
Because she's cute
You piece of shit.
Whew, just finished it. And all I got to say is "Thank God I bought that bull."
>Half the day.
Wut. Onyon, be there at dawn and go through it.
Was there a bull to be bought in the first pathologic?
Steppe girl is superior
>actually loves Haruspex
>not passive aggressive in her feelings toward Haruspex
>her steppe genetics renders her totally immune to the sand pest
>of Kin blood unlike the town slut meaning Haruspex's children will be pure Kin blood and protectors of humanity against the sand pest
The literal perfect woman
I'm eating beef and you can't stop me.
God yes; that was amazing.
I'd tell you bull I'd have to kill you
No wonder the town thinks the kin are beasts.
Who could have possibly made this post
glad to see that the 'bad end' isn't just a big fuck you like the last game.
based and steppepilled
>first playthrough took 32 hours
hoo wee its gonna be a minute till i go for round two.
>checking children's cache
>seem something charge at me in my peripheral
>it's just some kid telling me to meet someone
My heart fucking dropped
Anna Angel is not Anna Angel. She's a girl who was taken by the Carnival, who were a bunch of spooky weird criminals who would abduct children. Some they would train into singers, clowns, performers, others they would take apart and use to improve the others. Whether this is literally them taking a child's voice, easting the child or something else, we don't know. Also probably a lotta rape. They got caught and executed en masse while some survivors got away. Anna Angel was a carnival girl who was given another's looks and voice, who fled to the Town and then caused another girl to die as she stole her house and tried to take her place.
Does Artemy really not remember her, is it a scam, or is it deliberately left ambiguous/ up to the "actor"?
>save scumming so much you added 8 hours to your playthrough
but steppe girl doesn't love haruspex, she said that herself lara is shit aniway, generic childhood kind-hearted friend-girl
You're forgetting dialogue.
He definitely savescummed, but not that badly.
the game already acknowledges that you're a player in a videogame so why not use slavic CHIM to help me save as many people as possible?
I think she's a figment of Haruspex's imagination representing his Kin side chiding his choice to abandon the Kin behind and go to the city
>his Tragedian reveal in the prologue
I do wonder how the prologues will work for Bachelor and Changeling.
There's a bad-bad end outside of the two main endings.
Might be a fourth ending but I'm not quite sure, someone may just have a bug.
All gets explained around Day 9
>He bought the bull
Lara has a conversation with her offscreen during Day 3.
Good enough for me.
>he didn't buy the bull
i got the 'cannons don't blow up anything' ending with the arouchs n shit
Oh my~ How did that get there?
>he didn't name the bull partner
There's another one. aside from blowing up the Bachelor's buttplug
hehe "menkhu's finger" going up someone's bottom...
This little shit is always giving me the biggest shit-eating grin when I trade morphine off her
Is the storyline better than the first game? Spoiler me please
im pissed i didn't save all the kids. i was off by ONE. fucking notkin got infected FOUR TIMES IN A ROW. he should have just been a husk after the fourth dose of kidmeth.
I just finished Classic Bachelor path for the first time. That was quite the experience. I am still soaking in that ending. I have been reflecting on which final choice was the best. What are the general consensuses on the choices?
its the same overall plot as the last game but they made it much more engaging. Traveling doesn't feel tedious because you're too busy worrying about everything
Well... theatre performances often have extended runs. Maybe this was just the rehearsal?
>Traveling doesn't feel tedious because you're too busy worrying about everything
>you're too busy worrying about everything
What do you mean? Like, when you played this game, you decided to roleplay about a worrier?
Should I just keep rerolling day 10 until I save everyone or restart after completing and make sure I'm prepared?
So do you get anything by watching the theater performances? I hate wasting sometimes 2 hours just to see it when I can be farming herbs
There's some new and interesting stuff about the plague itself as well that'll raise some questions if you got the "good" ending in the original game.
Save Polyhedron = mouth breathers on Reddit
Save Town = sentimental normies
Saev both = autistic completionists
It have the same four ending choices as Bachelor path?
>Worst ending
Needs no explication
>Bachelor ending
Veiled Communist revolt. Yawn, destined to fail
>Haruspex ending
>Changeling ending
See it through to the end. Take a break and have fun talking here, then go for a second round.
Opens up the dead item shop which can have some really good stuff for sale.
Jump off the polyhedron Mark
Nope. New endings.
I buying the bull wish me luck guys
Last time my hair stuck in the ground and I had to get Victor to pull me out... he touched my bottom...
the key part of the dead item shop is that it has a shmowder every time. also the shopkeeper takes organs as currency so make sure to stock up on kidneys.
I chose save both cause it seemed to be best of both worlds. But after seeing it that seems a bad end. The game felt like it pushed Bachelor for only polyhedron with his rebellion against the powers that be.
Georgiy wishes you luck!
How much do kidneys sell for there?
Might have to start playing like a Chink organ harvester...
>Bachelor ending
i thought his was about fictional character revolting against the children and refusing to be a character in a game
>(((Khains))) designed every house in town with the idea of having houses stretch the souls of everyone who lives inside so their personality changes to agree with their ideals
Can't wait for Bachelor's route for more lore like this
i dunno but they're the easiest thing to stockpile considering at that time of night the streets are full of ghost face killas full of organs
Can't wait for Changeling's route, so everything will be contradicted and nonsensical to make it extra ARTISTIC.
It doesn't, actually.
it had one every time i went there
I want to stay here forever.
it really is a shame you don't have enough time to appreciate the town. the bound's houses are all really beautiful
Can Haruspex learn about the sand castle like the Bachelor does? In Bachelor path, only Bachelor and Changeling do.
What do these mean?
the two kids show up on the last day and tell you to check your work before turning it in but that's the only time i saw them
Nope. Expecting that to be the crux of the Bachelor's playthrough.
It would be the ideal size for him to shove up his arse then
They are variants on the word "nigger".
>liking the Cringeling
I hope you were being ironic there
>I chose save both
That's probably the worst because the plague remains and returns, Changeling leads an army of destruction and conquest and worst of all you remain a puppet/doll of the powers that be's game
That's some impressive RNG. I can confirm the other user, haven't had one either night, yet.
i've also had the store be 'open' but the shop is closed up, was pretty pissed at that.
Should hunger be toned down?
>but that's the only time i saw them
At the very least, you missed them in the prologue and the dream of the Bound.
lmao You're retarded. Read my post again.
Do you like the "twist"?
Do you think it affects the game in a good way or do you think it makes the game worse than it would be without it?
Games made by children, that's all...
I haven't had problems with it, yet. Seems like everyone complaining about it stopped at day 3, which is where I currently am.
>the twist
You mean the fact you're playing a video game?
This is like shitposters complaining nu-Prey's story "doesn't matter" because of its twist.
one of the dreams i accidentally left. It was one that began on stage and i thought i was being clever by going backstage and just exiting thinking it would be something different when it just exited the dream entirely.
why do you so obessed with bachelor arse?
not gonna lie i would fuck him too
Like it. Gives an interesting context to everything else that is occurring. Also like when you add the next layer on top and then you have the question of why things were set up the way they were.
the game gives you some breathing room after the first few days, then it ramps up steadily and goes over a cliff on day 10. At least for me this is how it went, I wasn't going crazy with the twyre picking until late game so that's probably why i struggled.
why do people not like changeling
The whole The Bone Stake Lot thing caught me off guard.
i know that feel
>get out of the warehouse after talking to the kids on day 1
>just as I was going inbetween the fences some fucking faggot jumps out
>just tells me to check out the docks
Combative little cunny that constantly shit talk you but then when it comes to pulling her supposed miracle punches she cries for help.
Being cute can only carry you so far.
For me, she's too mysterious and ambiguous. I found it irritating.
Also, her miracle is extremely underwhelming.
She's okay as an NPC that keeps meddling, though.
how controller friendly is this game? i like being able to get comfy and play games on my couch whenever possible
The first twist with the kids playing in a sandbox was great and adds a level to the magical mysterious mysticism of the town and people. The follow-up theater your in a video game I feel didn't add or affect much and seemed more like the devs giving you a nod for doing a good job finishing everything.
You can't move your keyboard to your couch?
>hehe look im send by God himself and can make a miracles!
>waaaah my "parents" threw me out, please adopt me bachelor
>waaaah im not a plague, thats my-not-actually-real twin sister, i swear!
i could but i'm also incredibly lazy
who n o m e r c y here
Not gonna make it.
also sidenote, the AI in this game cant navigate buildings for shit.
Technically, death is a mercy in Gorkhonia.
At first I thought it was a find-replace for cyrillic letters, but there's 33 cyrillic letters and there's 28 there. Its still possible though because there's a couple cyrillic letters that are almost never used, so maybe it is a find-replace.
>not wanting to work 12 hours a day in the cow mines then coming home to your cramped tenement where your wife has prepared your favorite meal: stale bread and a glass of twyre for dipping
>okay I will just loot him without killing him
>loot option doesn't appear
>oh well I will just finish him off
>loot option appears in the middle of the first animation
the shakedown-loot also has less items that the corpse looting. and conisdering how close the profit margins are on raiding homes, theres no reason to let them live outside of being nice
>1918 reform
Did the Soviets Ingsoc Russian/Cyrillic?