What is the last video game you played? Need some ideas

What is the last video game you played? Need some ideas.

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Team sonic racing
The other dude in my team got 1st place while I got BTFOed into 10th and I force closed the game out of shame and went to go draw Squilliams instead

Pixel heroes: Byte and magic
My party got almost wiped out but the priest, John, picked up the sword and went through a wave of mooks and the boss solo chanting healing prayers and calling for forgiveness for slaying them.

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What's she from?

Technically Europa Universalis 3
Since I only fucked around more or less, the last game i really "played" was Morrowind

boku no pico

Tooth and tail.

Persona 3 FES


Devil May Cry 3

here is a hint
she is a chuthulu creature

Warframe is pretty good.

I embraced my inner Sanic Autismo and streamed some Sonic Adventure.

H1Z1 on PS4


>What's she from?
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

Gonna slowly play through them all.
Only beat the first two years ago. Kinda hoping a new one for Switch gets announced at E3.

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Refusing to tell me where she's from means you're a liar.
All liars are also wrong about everything believing shit is healthy and destroying themselves eating it.


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I've just been playing Bloons TD 6 on my ipad. You have an army of magic monkeys and shit that pops balloons, surprisingly therapeutic. Pop pop pop pop pop

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I fired up terraria and realized i had some kind of rpg class mod installed, so I'm a blood knight off to kill the old ones.

Eternal Card Game

Alpha Protocol, it was free once so I decided to check it out. It's not really good, but in can be funny in a trash game kind of way.

If you don't care about emulating, then I recommend Radiata Stories. It's a light-hearted funny RPG but it gets serious sometimes.

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DMC 1.
Plaything through the series for the first time before playing 5 and it's pretty good so far.

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It's pretty good.

Been playing okami, the game literally goes on for hundreds of hours so yeah.


Guilty Gear X2

The Bloons TD games are surprisingly entertaining.

Battlefront 2
I want 2die

pokemon lets go pikachu...

even if its so easy....

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1>this and jedi academy are best SW games

Me and my friend are on the quest to get Jeff back as our guide by killing all the other guides by summoning wall of flesh

Megaman X4 and TWEWY

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I'm fighting rajang right now and all I want to do is cut his damn tail off but he isn't cooperating

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Battlefield 4 Hardcore servers with no spotting shit

rage 2. good gunplay but pretty bland world.

>I'm fighting rajang right now and all I want to do is cut his damn tail off but he isn't cooperating

Dragon's Dogma, I bought and beat the main game in January, but I'm focusing on Bitterblack Isle now since I forgot about it

yes I know you can't actually cut it off, I mean break it. And I have rank G3 gear for a high rank rajang, he isn't actually very difficult to kill. But I need tails

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Enter The Gungeon

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