Which games let me play in Africa? I played MGSV and really liked being able to play in Africa.
Games that play in Africa
Far Cry 2, you even get malaria to simulate the real african experience
One of the Resident Evil games, I think.
I never played it. I only know about it because some people were (perhaps ironically) trying to start shit about the game being racist because you can kill black people, as if it would have been better to make all of the bad guys inexplicably white despite the setting.
Yea I played that too actually but I was not much of a fan of it to be honest.
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013
Resident Evil 5
Not so much into zombies to be honest.
Delta Force Black Hawk Down
Aurion legacy of the kori-odan
>everyone that hires you pays you to fuck up their own towns and infrastructure just so they can blame it on the other guys
quite based. never learn, africa
Then you'll love Resident Evil 4 and 5.
You only kill niggers and mutated niggers, there are no zombies.
What documentary is this from, again?
Empire of Dust
A white man killing black men in Africa being controversial is actually very fair.
Given the history around it, there is limit to what settings you can use in a game, this issue shouldn't even be partisan
A shit documentary about a chinese man who think that his country is a example too look for while trying to shit on people who probably suffer of parasites within them:
Calm down, nigger.
Halo 3 ODST
Niggers have killed and eaten and enslaved each other since the beginning of niggers.
A white nationalist alt-right documentary painting Africa in a negative light
>wahh why dont they work overtime even if i told them to
Literally kill you are selves.
>white nationalist
Pick one
Niggers acting as niggers TOP KEK pretty brutal game.
yes, the chinaman bringing you something other than dirt cookies is the problem
wew lad, those god damn chinese white supremacists
Fuck overtime, they can suck my dick
One of the Far Cry and Resident Evil?
literally only americans are ok with this.
>painting Africa in a negative light
Chinese are honorary white now!
Let the Epic haters know!
Asia brings enlightenment over the barbaric anglo
i'll buy Three Kingdoms in their honour
Halo 2/3/ODST
>literally just showing footage of what happens
>painting Africa in a negative light
reality bites, fren
DOOM (2016)
You clearly have no idea what a bias is
Empire of Insectoid Propaganda
A documentary where a Chinese host intentionally visits an underdeveloped area of Africa, only to push how progressive China is, with their ghost towns and collapsing buildings.
It has no real merit and ironically is used by the Alt Right against war torn/under developed Africa, instead of being used to show how out of touch China truly is.
>working overtime is ok
Yeah you're a chink
Probably because we are (supposed to be) paid more for it.
Is this supposed to make africans look bad here?
They're pretty based for shitting on the boss asking them to work for free
>Bringing anything to other countries
They can't even take care of their own citizens
What (((happen))) can be easily edited to be interpreted in only one way
>underdeveloped area of Africa
all of africa is underdeveloped even their most developed regions like nigeria, their cities are still fourth world tier
Holy shit you're retarded, how is it possible to be that retarded?
Not only you're wrong if you imply that african slavery had the same scale than european slavery, also, retard
You know that basic google search can prove you wrong right?
Also, given the land and weathers Africa has, they have it harder to develop faster
>no argument
You clearly haven't watched the documentary, here:
It's made by belgians, they merely follow the chinese mining company on their quest to build a road.
Due to the ineptitude of the local population, they encounter many hurdles that wouldn't be present in a country where the average iq is above 85.
He's saying that if they had stayed 10 more minutes they could have finished the job instead of falling back a whole day for that tiny bit left.
There's nothing unreasonable about that.
>you clearly haven't watched
A lot did, go eat your chink propaganda in china retard
Underdeveloped, what does that even mean?
It's not just "underdeveloped", it's actually regressed from many decades ago.
>Trusting chinks words
Only congo truly regressed, about that there is many storytimes about africans local wars in /k/ and /his/
>A lot did
but apparently not you.
listen, nobody cares about what antics insectoid chinks get up to while interacting with retards. Chinese are soulless, not brainless. There are some stark truths presented in that documentary, a lot of teachable lessons to be learned by comparing the two peoples.
To deny that is to out yourself as a retard in denial
Regressed? When Britain left, they took the best equipment with them. It's not like there was a sound infrastructure even when they inhabited the area.
What truth? Why should I trust words from a CHINESE man in a CHINESE documentary supposed to be made by (((belgians)))?
Most of the claims about darkies aren't even shown directly in the video, he just state shit
Funny that you post a pic from a anime which literally oppose that ancestry=intelligence if you have saw the OAV
look at a map of Africa, dude.
The more heavily colonized an area was the more prosperous its inhabitants are today. it's a pretty strong correlation.
just compare the Ivory Coast to the Congo.
But WHO are prosperous?
The corrupted politicians? The white part population? (Not implying that redistribution has to happen i'm not a communist)
A map doesn't tell everything, you have to look more deeply
>(Not implying that redistribution has to happen i'm not a communist)
It's so embarrassing when Yea Forums talks politics
this is the only one that really captures the experience imo. We need another african game on this scale.
I didnt suspect Yea Forums to have nigger defenders. Guess the resetera invasion is real after all.
Its fine anyway, nobody that actually has to deal with niggers believe that they have worth
far cry 2 didn't know if it wanted to follow the half life 2 philosophy of 'the environment is the game' or the modern AAA philosophy of 'the game takes place in the environment' and the end result is a really muddled experience where you're supposed to do the same thing over and over again but it never feels rewarding because there isn't enough variety in how you're allowed to approach problems
it had some real cool shit like dynamic fire and actually having to travel places by car which could have been good ideas in the right context but really weren't when the whole game came together
>calling chineses chinks
found the brainlet
>Not buying propaganda crap
>nigger defender
What it's like being retarded?
we'e talking about video games /pol/ tard
and editing footage to show true stuff that happens is bad because?
>true stuff
blacks are less of a danger to the world than chinks
here is your 32 hour documentary sir
yeah, you have to edit the footage, because documentary teams usually come up with hundrets or even thousands of hours of footage
have sex
Only as long as retarded leftards dont bring them over, which as we know they do by the boatload
leftists hate asians for destroying their oppressed minority narrative, they're basically white to them
actually the conservatives brought most of them over
>being this retarded
That's the point, when it serve for political propaganda like China, no reason to believe blindly their crap.
It's not a documentary about random natural things, it's about showing how great CHINA is by soft colonizing third world countries and trying to fuck first world countries.
>leftist hate asians
They don't, you're a retard, asian americans heavily vote democrats btw
Conservatives and progressives are two wings on the same vulture.
Both work for the goldbergs
the best argument against the fatalistic genetics argument is literally the chinese.
the han ethnic group is widespread through asia and it's literally only the chinese that have chink problems. it is a consequence of genetics, in the most literal form, but not the consequence of genetics influenced by natural selection that the straw man expects you to be aiming for
it's the consequence of applying artificial selection through the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward that has resulted in a group of people that are almost across the board soulless automotons because the communist leadership killed everyone that had any talent, leadership, or intelligence 70 years ago
if the fatalistic genetics argument was true then we would have chink problems with the japanese and the koreans and we don't. we actually have a pretty good reputation with them both economically and culturally
Actually no, kill yourself nigger.
>They don't, you're a retard, asian americans heavily vote democrats btw
Yeah that's why affirmative action, particularly in elite Ivy League schools, screw asians over even harder than whites right?
Holy shit you're retarded.
Affirmative actions doesn't mean that leftist hate asians retard, it's the government which handle that, I say this as a non lefist.
And if asians americans have to much problem with that, why do they still vote democrats?
>Affirmative actions doesn't mean that leftist hate asians retard, it's the government which handle that, I say this as a non lefist.
>And if asians americans have to much problem with that, why do they still vote democrats?
What a smoothbrain comment I hope you're joking. Affirmative action, alongside discrimination suits, are the physical and legal form of the leftist hate of whitey (and asians it turns out). A bunch of chinks rejected from Harvard while Jamal and Paco got in for having 100 IQ are currently suing the Ivy Leauges, so there's that.
never post again
not a argument
>Jamal and Paco got in for having 100 IQ
>100 IQ
cute, more like 85 IQ imo
>A bunch mean all asian americans
Peak brainlet.
Affirmative actions exist to give chance to people with different backgrounds, it's far from perfect but not done randomly.
And again, asian americans still vote heavily democrats
Affirmative action exist in muttland because even rich negroes have worst conditions than poor whites there.
Money doesn't resolve everything, even there
feels good to be asian
>feared by both whites and nigers
>Chinese white nationalist
He probably confounded China and Japan.
Japan do fetishize white people a lot;
>browns don't like blacks
>must be white supremacists!
whitey can't catch a break
He's not really wrong, a lot of beaners browse /pol/
browsing /pol/ does not make someone a white supremacist
I mean that they're whites nationalist.
white hispanic are often try hard who want to please whities most time. I've seen it alot growing up
> constant theft, murder and decay
> ak47s everywhere
> cannibalism
> everyone calls everyone niggers
> ... because everyone acts like niggers
it's a shit game, don't play it.
Far cry 2 nigga
nothing else compares to running around in Central Africa and shooting the shit out of a bunch of mercenaries
oh and the fire physics are fucking tight, let your inner arsonist out to play for it
Nope I'm 100% white and racist.
And that means they are at fault for everything that happens to dindus?
Who's Obama then?
>try hard who want to please whities
how does this make someone a white supremacist?
>why do they still vote democrats?
I don't. I vote a mix of R. and L.
Europa Universalis
Yea I didn't think it was "bad." It was just repetitive and I think sneaking wasn't that much of an option. I sure liked some of the quests and the fighting was fun but it was all so empty.
Why do you care? Are you a spic?
Not him but retarded post, most americans ching chong vote democrats, so you don't prove him wrong.
>trusting chinks words
We had the same problems there in the past. We technically even have them now. Blacks just completely stagnate at one point and the only thing they can do then is beg.
No I'm white.
They see whites as superiors
Not him but they don't stagnate, check data, not your imaginary world.
which data would that be?
Which data? I mean sure they are improving with the help of others. Meaning white nations or the chinese. But if you let them be all on their own you can be certain they will stagnate at one point.
Just look at Haiti or Zimbabwe. They literally just had to do what the white people did before them. Instead they killed them all and driven them off, doing nothing after their takeover.
Haiti got fucked because USA during 19th century put a embargo on them at the demand of european countries, which fucked Haiti extremely hard, France is notably well known to fuck Haiti and take the money from it, that is without accounting the corruption around aid.
Also their lands is hard to harvest on.
For Zimbabwe, the leader is a piece of crap but the european union economic sanction is what explain the most Zimbabwe's hunger.
Haiti was isolated for much of the 1800s economically and trade wise, it was in the interest of the West (primarily America) to attack the developmental capacity of any former African slaves, for obvious reasons.
Also Haiti had to pay reparations to France, which it didn’t stop paying till the 40s.
Also lot of corruption around aid, look at Clinton corruption scandal.
Excuses, excuses. How come the Dominican Republic did so well? How come european nations also had embargos and a lot of corruption but did much better? Strange indeed.
They weren't the same shit at all retard.
the excuses never end
I thought this was Yea Forums
Socialism is the reason Zimbabwe is a shithole today
>Only one match
it's always a different excuse
They were literally the same also its not like there is one pure african country doing very well either.
Better correlation with parasites prevalence than skin color
>They were literally the same
Literally false.
Btw here's some research
Is this a new meme?
Not an argument
seems like a pretty good argument to me
>Muh slave trade
Without slave trade Haiti wouldn't exist in the first place. In the Dominican republic and technically all of south america you had natives there that were able to at least improvise. Now they are not that much better with crime but they are certainly able to look after their own. Without much help from others.
That Article is heavily biased against white people in general, same with all the sources. Your average leftist begging for those oh so people dindus.
oh so poor dindus*
Except not when parasite prevalence explain IQ more than skin color according to said correlations.
>muh bias
prove it.
>there that were able to at least improvise
Because their environment allowed it, they were also much less divided than africans by said environment, density of population mattered a lot for progress and civilization.
Not him but you proved that you're a spic, spics are as bad, gtfo from /pol/
Already in the beginning he starts blaming the portuguese completely ignoring that a lot of these slaves were sold by africans to the Portuguese actually improving trade in that part of the world.
>Because their environment allowed it
Its literally the same environment. No actually you have much more dangerous wildlife in south america. So its even harsher in south america.
I just took south america as a example because its literally the same place most south americans live in and they do much better.
Why don't more games take place in African shitholes?
The sheer anarchy and the eccentricity of some of the dictators basically gives you a blank check to do anything with the setting.
Would Yea Forums play a Wakaliwood game?
>muh parasites
wew, someone get this info to Jared Diamond asap!
I actually think the same. Africa is perfect for a open world game where everything goes. There are tons of real life factions that could be implemented easily, tons of different weapons from all around the world... it could make a great game.
how would it work? like an open world zombie survival game?
>Its literally the same environment. No actually you have much more dangerous wildlife in south america. So its even harsher in south america.
Literally false you brainlet south american, South America doesn't even have shit like the Harmattan season
>a lot of these slaves were sold by africans
How does it disprove his point?
>no argument
You would fight the Tiger Mafia as Bruce U and have VJ Emmie commentating over everything.
My theory is that people seem to think that shantytowns+ dry wastelands= a boring setting. That's bullshit though, since every Fallout game up until 4 has been popular. Hell, FO3 is probably what a lot of African nations currently look like.
What the fuck is Harmattan season?
>How does it disprove his point?
He shifts all the blame to the portuguese or in other words to whites. Without seeing the bigger picture.
I think most devs would see it as too controversial. I mean they did go around chopping off hands of people and genociding masses of people with machetes alone.
That's exactly why I want a game in Africa though. It would have to be edgy af by necessity. It could be something with real bite to it.
>Tallk shit about Africa
>Know nothing about it
The Harmattan season last 5 months during which the region experiences dry, hazy, and colder conditions due to Saharan dust particles brought by the Harmattan trade wind.
The dusty Harmattan haze is what makes the West African winter challenging by significantly reducing visibility and causing several health problems such as asthma, meningitis, skin and eye conditions
>He shifts all the blame to the portuguese or in other words to whites. Without seeing the bigger picture.
Which doesn't disprove his point, the blame is about the effect, selling slaves to other tribes than europeans wouldn't have the same effect.
It justify in now way the portuguese slave trade
I was thinking about Haiti which is literally the same place. Also how come Rhodesia did so well? How come the belgians did so well?
>Which doesn't disprove his point, the blame is about the effect, selling slaves to other tribes than europeans wouldn't have the same effect.
It justify in now way the portuguese slave trade
It does though, you always had a lot of slave trade going on in africa even today. Why isn't he mentioning that? Or how arabs enslaved blacks way before whites? No its all whiteys fault.
Not him but Rhodesia was only a benefit for whites people there, blacks there didn't have benefit how Rhodesia doing well.
Zimbabwe isn't great but the blame is on their shit leader.
They evidently had it much better during the time Rhodesia was around than today.
>I was thinking about Haiti which is literally the same place
What do you mean?
>how come Rhodesia did so well? How come the belgians did so well?
>How come europeans who were mostly already wealthy before coming to africa were able to maintain their wealth in Africa?
>It does though
It doesn't, a piece of shit selling a child doesn't justify a pedophile buying said child, your logic imply otherwise.
The current state of Africa (including slave trades also) is also explained in said research that you didn't bother to read more than a paragraph.
You know what I find kinda mind boggling? Its such a simple task. Its literally just gravel but they can't even do that. How the hell are they supposed to ever produce something more complex if they can't even hit rocks and transport those rocks?