

ノーマン·リーダス (津田 健次郎)
レア・セドゥ (水樹 奈々)
アンドリュー・スコット (村治 学)
トロイ・ベイカー (三上 哲)
トミー・アール・ジェンキンス (大塚 明夫)
マッツ・ミケルセン (井上 和彦)
ミリー・ボビー・ブラウン (釘宮 理恵)
ジェナ・マローン (永木 貴依子)
ギレルモ・デル・トロ (大塚 明夫)
リンゼイ・ワグナー (井上 喜久子)

ショーン・レノン - ショーン・レノン - フレンドリー・ファイア (東芝EMI)

Attached: Capture.png (546x488, 85K)

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Attached: 1553476261835.jpg (223x349, 36K)

PROJECT: Death Stranding

Norman Reedus (Kenjiro Tsuda)
Rare ・ Sedu (Nana Mizuki)
Andrew Scott (Muraji Osamu)
Troy Baker (Tetsu Mikami)
Tommy Earl Jenkins (Otsuka Akio)
Matts Mikkelsen (Inoue Kazuhiko)
Stephanie Josten
Donna Burke
Millie Bobby Brown (Rie Kugimiya)
Jenna Malone (Keiko Nagaki)
Guillermo del Toro (Otsuka Akio)
Lindsay Wagner (Inoue Kikuko)

Sean Lennon-Sean Lennon-Friendly Fire (Toshiba EMI)

shing shong ding dang gu, xi xin xan xong xing

Desu Stranding

shut the fuck up CHING CHONG

>Millie Bobby Brown
I assume this will be the next trailer reveal. What the fuck is this game

>Tommy Earl Jenkins (Otsuka Akio)
>Guillermo del Toro (Otsuka Akio)
MGS connection confirmed, get ready for another Kojima's Wild Ride, bros.

Umm, in English, doc?

Day of The Rope soon
>t.Hideo Kojima


>Tommy Earl Jenkins
Literally whom?

This post is just what you get if you feed OP's japanese non sense into google translate

This can't be real
Milly Bobby Brown? really? She's a shit actress, and that's beside the point, what the fuck is up with Kojima's hyper pretentious actor fagging? Make a video game you fucking fool.

Kojima's always wanted to make film though, that's his thing.

But he's not making a film, he's supposed to make vidya, that's what he's making. Having actors isn't going to "le blurring the lines of games and movies", and beside, why the fuck would you try to "movifie" video games instead of play into the strengths of the medium. Just get good voice actors instead of this pretentious shit.

>Stephanie Josten
oh no,not again...

>Release a Trailer already! we know Sony is not on E3, but you should release SOMETHING, you fuking fool!


seriously, since Sony is not having an E3 conference, i dont think we are gonna see Death stranding there, maybe on Septembers TGS.

I blame siskel and ebert, they were the ones who challenged Kojima back then, if it werent for them, MGS2 might have come totally different or might have not come at all.

EVERY decision Kojima has had so far, stems or can be traced from MGS2

>Setphanie Josten
Aaaaaaand it's fake. She's a fucking nobody now and will never work in the industry again

>Stephanie Josten
it's over

Hasn't existed for 12 years now
Nice fake

Shes in. Deal with it

Attached: 1552409832836.jpg (1080x1350, 80K)

>Tommy Earl Jenkins
apparently its not
its some midaged ugly darkskin

Attached: lol.jpg (901x1200, 238K)