Imagine playing a class that the devs give so few fucks about that they literally just stick an AoE version of older...

imagine playing a class that the devs give so few fucks about that they literally just stick an AoE version of older spells under the same exact name even into the game and say "here ya go, new skills, enjoy"

Is this the laziest class design in an expansion yet?

Attached: AL-NEW FFXIV SPELLS I PROMISE.jpg (393x418, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>viera gratification
>raid parsing
>roulette parsing
>potato spam

Attached: 1529897370424.jpg (500x512, 71K)

It's totally different because one gives you white mana and the other is black mana.

>Is this the laziest class design in an expansion yet?
No, that's WAR.
>Recycle Inner Beast and Steel Cyclone by adding new effects and calling it a day

Imagine playing XIV

Imagine going home

I mean, it is the beginner class. Makes sense they wouldn't tamper with its toolkit.

user, these are real women

Attached: YQtHm2c.jpg (1080x1350, 136K)

>yfw they're renamed to Veraeroga and Verthundaga


Gonna enjoy it when your job is perma-sheded.

>it is the beginner class
no such thing you retard

Who else here /GUB/

Ive never met a tranny in this game ever.

I think you mean GNB friend.

I've met multiple and they've all been lizards.

they should call it verblunder
and uhh vergayro i guess that one's harder to make a pun out of

It's confirmed GNB

Why do you know so many trannies? Do you seek them out? Why might that be? Something to tell us?

Attached: 1542449855300.png (1700x1946, 1.45M)

GNB is an acronym I might use if I were a pedophile. When the expac launches, you will see, pedos.

Or maybe people that actually play this game and frequently interact with other players actually have the capability to notice patterns.

Met a few through some raids, I never talked to them, I was info shamming my alliance and one person had it's xenmorphic pronouns written in their info.

>trannies keep flirting with me

Fuck, how do I keep these faggots of me?

based schizo

>a class you can't even use until after you've finished the base game and reached lvl 50 out of 70 is a "beginner class"
imagine actually thinking this

You some kinda crackhead?

Isn't this gonna screw up their melee combo? Unless they've changed how it works, the charged melee combo requires 80 of each, but now you're only ever going to want to use one rotation or the other, single target or multi.

Yoshi has claimed from the start that 1-50 is a tutorial.

imagine never having played a final fantasy game in your life before XIV

>Yea Forums obsessed over Astolfo
>Yea Forums obsessed of trannies
really makes you think

Stay mad, friends. GUB's day will come

To be fair I'd rather they keep old animations rather than scrapping them altogether and have people complain down the line that they miss ________'s animation please bring it back.

Why would it screw up their melee combo? They have a melee AoE action too.

I miss Dancing Edge. They should bring it back

there's no reason for me to get mad at a schizophrenic. you have my sympathy.

Leviathan has quite a few and the ones i've known have been drama seeking retards.

where's scourge yoshi you fucking hack
it was supposed to be OUR expansion


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They still have the single target versions. Look at the trailer they use aoe then single target of both.

>Remove Scourge and Power Slash animations
>Keep Souleater and Bloodspiller
Fuck this game

Attached: index.png (205x246, 9K)

Im still gonna personally call them GBK

Not him, this is a social game, and as simple as joining a FC and meeting people, reading what members say FC chat, or joining FC discords. Joining multiple FC discords made me realize there are more trannies and furries than expected. (probably 1:70 and 1:200 ratio)

So clearly the beginner classes, assuming such a thing exists (it doesn't), are the pre-50 classes.

>When half of DRK's cooldowns got converted into role actions and lost all the flavour particle and sound effects that came with them.
Has there been a bigger injustice?

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because if you're in an aoe situation, you're only ever going to be using the verthunder rotation, which means you will only be getting white mana, while if you're doing single target it's the verfire rotation and only black mana. all the enhanced melee attacks currently require equal amounts white and black. so if they've changed it so you no longer need both it'll work, but if it's the same you're going to be using aoe magic on single target half the time and vice versa.

In my experiance it just seems that way because trannies are so vocal about their mental illness.

it's literally just two different spells with the same exact name

that's how lazy they are and how much fucks they don't give. Not only did they make the new AoE rotation just the same spells as the single-target spells (but AoE this time!!11) but they literally gave them the same exact name.

they're not named yet tard

WHM had it worse.

Maybe they're literally the same spells but only change to single target if you have Dualcast up. So you have to cast them second, and can't precast before pull anymore.

>Is this the laziest class design in an expansion yet?
Doubt it, just look at how much EFFORT they put into this expansion over the others.

Attached: 1558892291769.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

okay, that's good, but are the single target versions called something else now?

>Heaven Sword

>because if you're in an aoe situation, you're only ever going to be using the verthunder rotation, which means you will only be getting white mana, while if you're doing single target it's the verfire rotation and only black mana.
Huh? Why wouldn't you alternate between Verthunder/Veraero or Verfire/verstone? Also the single target versions of Veraero and Verthunder are not removed.

Replaying the 2.0 MSQ and holy shit the writing and voice acting have improved 1000 fold.

>he doesn't have the blessed fishing rod yet

Attached: 1547071784692.jpg (2073x3110, 670K)

We don't know. They might have some buff that changes them to aoe.


gtfo with your game full of trannies and never create a thread in this board anymore I'm sick of this faggot game posted everywhere.

Do you have 204/204 big fish lad?


Do you guys think the new berserk season will be good?

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No, these 4.5 fish are some major fucking bullshit.

Those transition animations were seriously on point. The benchmark trailer also being in 4k60fps was a nice touch; I guess Nvidia finally lent them some 2080tis for testing and rendering.

>a piece of promotional art used in a trailer dictates the quality of in-game content

They are AoE by default. Having dualcast up changes them to single target.
So for AoE you go Veraero/Verthunder and then use dualcast on impact. For single target you use Jolt and then Veraero/Verthunder.

it's kit is clearly suited for beginners. it's like white mage and paladin. very easy to understand and play to its fullest.

>Kuribu is Zodd
Not even close.

Attached: 1558103179691.jpg (951x1080, 368K)

Why do people gush over HW so much? Sure the story telling was fantastic, but a lot of the changes were fucking horrible.

>AST hot garbage on release
>BRD turned into bow mage
>Some of the worst balancing ever with SCH/WAR turning into literal gods
>Alexander absolutely murders the raiding community to near extinction without how unbearably tedious and difficult it was, even to the world's top raiders
>Delayed major patches, so 3.1 game out much later
>Not only that, 3.1 was the worst major patch to ever be implemented in the history of the game, with virtual no story additions and content

The storytelling was great, undoubtedly the best we've had yet, but there were so many bad things about it that I don't understand why everyone is constantly in 24/7 gush over HW mode.

Attached: HW.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

>gets annoyed by something they only scroll past in the catalog.
Unironically have sex, user. You need it.

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Get to work, son. 3 fish are trivial, the other 3 are a pain in the ass.

Fuck Ruby Dragon. Still another 19 days until next spawn.

>a piece of [the product] can indicate the quality of the product

welcome to my world nigga

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I've been hitting them since the patch came out and I haven't gotten a single one yet.

I'm sure they were buddy. It's okay to admit you love trannies, but don't spout your shitty /vg/ meme as gospel.

gtfo with your game full of trannies and never create a thread in this board anymore I'm sick of this faggot game posted everywhere.

>new spells
No, these are changes to old spells.
The new spells are the ones that get unlocked at 72, 74, 76, 78, and 80. As you can see, neither of these have that number.

3.0 BRD/MCH were the peak
BRD has never been so strong/complex/fun since then
4.0 BRD is just garbage with so much being reliant on RNG, not in a controllable way like MCH's ammo

Nostalgia. They can't play it anymore so it is glorified in their mind, all its flaws glossed over. It is the same reason you see people saying that 1.0 was great even though it was an unmitigated disaster that nearly killed the entire final fantasy franchise.

I really hope Minifilia is as cute as retard Casca is

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no fag, they are two different skills

Last window until Shadowniggers too.

Keep on trying, son. You'll get them eventually.

Fuck Stethacantus in the ass though.


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no fag, they are one skill that changes

GUKbros WW@?

3.1 was just shit. But they got shit together after that. All uphill from that point.

the balance and content was whack, I agree. but I still believe that heavensward tank jobs played better than stormblood.

>it's like white mage and paladin
bruh... Those are healers and tanks. ALL healers and tanks have incredibly simple DPS rotations, and they all are much less interesting than red mage's kit.

You obviously just have some sort of vendetta against red mage and want to try to paint it as something it's not. It's an intuitive class that flows smoothly and plays well, nothing more. It's fun to play and fun to optimize. That doesn't make it a "beginner class." Hell, it doesn't even have the simplest rotation out of the DPS classes. That would be black mage.

Literally who

I read that the damage bonus granted by DNC will be reflected in the DNC's parse rather than the recipient.

I don't get faggots like this at all. Do they not realize that one of the entire points of this game is that you can clear any content with any comp? You don't NEED a NIN, you won't NEED a dancer. Is the playerbase of this game that fucking lazy that the idea of an entire group pulling their weight terrifies them? Are these people fucking serious?

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Can someone explain this summoner hotbar issue to me? I don't really mess with it too much, but when I did, I was always told to put the pet skills on my hotbar and manually control it. Was that not the way?

Diadem paved the way for Eureka, which despite all of its faults is a definite improvement, and the Baldesion Arsenal is legitimately good content that the old Emergency Missions were a beta test for.

This is objectively incorrect you stupid fucking retard. Why are you pushing a narrative when you have no idea? If you actually look at the video of the liveletter you can clearly see that yoshi had both veraeros and both verthunders on his hotbars. They are two separate skills, period. End of discussion. One is AoE, one is single target.

>didn't go with GUN
Trash game and yoshi p is a hack fraud

Attached: 24.jpg (1024x1024, 171K)

>casca gets retarded and acts like a child
>minfilia turns into a literal child

Attached: honest.png (612x577, 55K)

>Was that not the way?
You did it exactly right. I don't know what hotbar issue you're talking about though.

BRD was way more fun in HW, SB bard is boring shit.

>AST hot garbage on release
Every expansion has had a job being shit on release. MCH still hasn't recovered in SB.
>BRD turned into bow mage
Have friends who unironically miss it.
>Some of the worst balancing ever with SCH/WAR turning into literal gods
HW was intentionally balanced to reward being able to play the more difficult jobs. I prefer it to the direction we're heading in where every job is becoming the same.
>Alexander absolutely murders the raiding community to near extinction without how unbearably tedious and difficult it was, even to the world's top raiders
That was just Gordias. Midas afterwards was the best raid tier we've had, and Creator was easier, but wasn't much of a slouch either. ARR's raids were fun, but too simple, and SB's raids are even easier than Creator was.
>Delayed major patches, so 3.1 game out much later
Yeah the beginning was rough.
>Not only that, 3.1 was the worst major patch to ever be implemented in the history of the game, with virtual no story additions and content
It did come with Thordan EX, though, an extremely good fight.
Yeah, grindy garbage. Just like Eureka.
Who cares.

HW was the best for people who cares mostly about the combat system and difficulty of the fights/jobs.

RDM is the easiest DPS to do well with. That doesn't mean however that it's the easiest to master.

So, why are party members affected by thin air and what can other jobs do with infinite mp for 12 seconds?

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Here's what I hate about Eureka.

>Reach the end of zone
>Finally able to participate in all FATEs
>Can ride
>Need to move on
>Start over AGAIN
>No mount, no FATEs
>Fuck you
And the music is shit

Other than that I enjoyed it

is it worth playing ffxiv if i just enjoy healing, leveling, looking at cool zones, and listening to cool music? oh and having a cute character

dark knight requires significantly more APM than paladin. astrologian requires significantly more awareness than white mage. you could say that paladin and white mage have lower skill ceilings compared to other jobs.

This is why FFXIV doesn't have parsing.

>what can other jobs do with infinite mp for 12 seconds?

Attached: 1556850978978.jpg (1440x1280, 1.4M)

Thanks I just wanted you to tell me the source.

Rdm has next to zero room for optimization though unlike something like blm. Your press your buttons in the same order you always press your buttons because you never have value in delaying or shuffling things. Couple that with lacking damage, streamlined gameplay, and stupidly strong recovery tool (verraise), it becomes a job for new players to latch onto before moving on the dps roles.

>dishonest logs
lol what a retard
you can pad a shitter all you want they'll never get top spot

It is though, RDM has a hard fucking ceiling cap, at the very least it's easier then any other job, except fo maybe WHM.

Is parsing a mental illness?

Spam some AoE.

Are you that "advanced class" retard from /xivg/? fuck off

>everybody gets thin air
WHM + BLM wombo combo confirmed

This reads like one of those Kelly edits but with "Dishonest padded SAM" and "Honest Healer logs"

why do people still call paladin the beginner tank
they're unironically harder to play than warrior now

BLM can spam more fire and DRK doesn't have to worry about their MP usage skills

The new skill lets you directly manage your mana which raises the skill cap, but yeah it's still pretty easy.

they need to change the generic event themes. It's been years already.

>and what can other jobs do with infinite mp for 12 seconds?
almost nothing, the only job that would really benefit from it in any significant way would be black mage for flare spam in AoE situations.

>Rdm has next to zero room for optimization though unlike something like blm

Attached: yikes2.jpg (1000x577, 76K)

You don't understand, user. That 5 seconds off of the overall clear time is extremely important. That's 5 seconds of my life that I'll never get back. I swear to fucking god if we get into this trial and there isn't a NIN, I'm going to grief the absolute shit out of you until you all leave first.

If it is an aoe thin air the I assume the intent is to make AST + WHM a more viable combo. AST has the most mana problems of the healers and nocturnal stance is worse than diurnal.

The dps rotation is the easiest of the jobs. Actually using your batman tier utility belt properly throughout a fight makes it more difficult. It is why so many people stick to class so much.

>dishonest logs

both paladin and warrior are the beginner tanks. hence why you start as gladiator/marauder.

gunbreaker/dark knight are the tanks without training wheels.

Despite the weird 23 day wait for Ruby Dragon we are currently in. We still actually have 9 more windows before early access.

He is a dick but a merciful dick. We'll still not catch him despite that.

Attached: this is my curse.png (494x56, 5K)

It’s not Thin Air, it’s some sort of heal because the WHM uses Plenary Indulgence afterwards.

>BLM with infinite MP for 12 seconds

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yoshi just doing everything he can to help his pet class once again, someone needs to fire this hack. I'm sick of him making black mage stronger and stronger every chance he gets

just ignore him, he's a notorious retard from /xivg/ who has been pushing his "muh advanced classes" bullshit for a long time now. Nobody there takes him seriously either.

Oh shit I was wrong. Shows what having one and not giving fucks about any more windows gets you.

>jobs that you can start the game as are beginner jobs
>RDM and SAM are a fucking joke
That's not how it works.

Yoshi is fucking terrible as BLM, though.

>Hold your melee combo
Wow you overcapped mana and lost damage
>Hold your movement skills
If the choice was use it or die, it wasn't a choice.

What dumb as fuck optimization do you think rdm has?

Shame he couldn't use some of that favoritism to give it new spells that didn't look like so boring.


I thought you guys said Flames was bad at pvp? Right now I've been getting consistent wins with Flames in Seize while Adder are being the losers.

he's a boomer. he sticks to things that are tried and true. blm is one of them. the formula of this game is another.

>purple parses

Is he? He got purple Godka logs, so I would say he's pretty decent.

>big ol dungeon pull
>WHM pops Thin Air
>you plop down your Ley Lines
>putting out seven + flares in a row like a WAR with inner release

PLD is easy. But holy shit FoF and Requiescat timings are something else.

If a fight isn't Chadarnook it's the most cancer thing to properly optimize.

Yeah. The hardest part was unironically getting the sculpniggers.

Catch on 2nd bite of 2nd predator

RDM has extremely minimal optimization options.
>Make sure to use up your mana so you don't overflow
>Make sure to use your cooldowns
>Long-cast Thunder or Aero during countdowns and when bosses are about to lose invuln

That's not saying BLM is hard to optimize, BLM just has much MUCH tighter tolerances when it comes to using skills as they come off of cooldown, since it's possible to drop your leylines in a completely fucking useless area if you don't anticipate what the boss is going to do, 20 seconds before it does it.

Attached: 1461354138051.gif (379x440, 140K)

Flames seem to luck into premades a lot, probably because they get less people queuing, so more freelancers end up on flames.

lmaoing @ u parselets

It took me like a month of windows to get one fucking sculptor.

Something about the pet skills now being on the player hotbar. I'm not really sure what that changes since it's what you were supposed to do?

Do you think RDM has lots of optimization? A green text isn't an argument you dumb fuck.

Not really. One is gauging how well you know the fight, know your job, and how well you can juggle mechanics and your rotation at once--so essentially the core of the game play. The other is just pressing the spacebar.
Honestly just playing to clear is kind of boring outside of Ultimate. Once you've beaten the tier you need something to shoot for during farm.

>6.0 comes out
>now every class has a stacking party buff that increases spell speed by 20%
>7.0 comes out
>that stacking spell speed party buff can now only single-target and the only job it works on is black mage

what's yoshi's ign?

The egis will no longer be actual pets as they are now. They're going to become more like stances that you rotate through. Instead of having Sic/Obey options, they'll just be normal actions that are on your bar by default and that you activate yourself. Even their auto attacks.

The skill effect and icon matches.
Secondly it would be stupid to make plenary proc from a instant cast skill so confessions might not exist anymore.

Attached: 1548671159648.png (626x503, 659K)

The pet skills are merged into one button now, kinda like how Inner Beast and Fell Cleave shared the same button based on what stance you were in. Previously you had to hotkey 6~9 separate pet abilities if you didn't want to leave them on autocast. I imagine there's a way to macro it though, like setting up 3 identical hotbars and just using a macro to switch it whenever you move to a different egi.

>we come back from the first
>find out everything went to shit in our absence because the city states literally cannot function without our presence
>they even went as far as to try to summon a primal WoL

absolutely kino

Attached: 1480311729325.gif (480x270, 3.02M)

I feel your pain. Keep going, you will succeed eventually.

This is his public account that exists in every server, I don't think anyone knows ign of his private character.

Attached: Capture.png (907x576, 69K)

>I imagine there's a way to macro it though, like setting up 3 identical hotbars and just using a macro to switch it whenever you move to a different egi
You can just assign inputs to the pet hotbar slots.


>HW was intentionally balanced to reward being able to play the more difficult jobs. I prefer it to the direction we're heading in where every job is becoming the same.

>SCHfags and WARfags actually believe this

Truly the two most cancerous jobs in the game. You genuinely mean to tell me you think either of them in HW was """"difficult""""? WAR was piss easy to play, it was just designed well.

SCH was busy, sure, but given that Indom and Deployment Tactics allowed you to cheese major fight mechanics, it literally trivialized difficulty in the game.

This game was better when blm was in the cuckshed where it belongs.

anyone play scholar in pvp?

Attached: getting hit with miasma 2.jpg (484x375, 36K)

God damn it, I'm having the hardest time finding that theme in the Alexander Prime fight, the Timegate theme. Anyone got a link?

does he have ultimate parsest hough

I want yoshi to join my party finder

Of course not.

>we come back from the first
>find out that while we were gone some random Elezen took down the empire on his own and will make peace with Eorzia on the condition that we fight him whenever he wants.

He has a job

>t.didn't clear gordias until nerfs

Shut up you mouth breather.

Perfect, thanks a ton user.

I want to level whm first on shb relase but I can't decide on blm, brd, or dnc second

sch should be banned from queueing feast

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SCH is the worst pvp healer. WHM > AST > SCH.

Attached: 1285471.png (330x319, 178K)

Why would I? It's a bad time when WHM and AST are so much stronger.

Do you want to lose or something?

But that's complete ass if you want to have all your cooldowns in one place.

You could have surprised me, because yesterday in Secure I was getting constantly loses with Flames. But today in Seize it is so different.

>You genuinely mean to tell me you think either of them in HW was """"difficult""""? WAR was piss easy to play
Relatively, I guess. I'd say WAR was most likely not as difficult as DRK, but it was definitely more difficult than PLD. SCH is kind of in a similar situation with AST probably being harder and WHM being the easiest. Regardless, I was just stating the intention of the developer: perfect balance was never the goal. Things obviously don't always turn out exactly the way they want them to. Remember those interview from Yoshi P saying that, "Samurai is purposefully a high skill job"?

I'm excited to see how jobs are changed in PvP

This is unacceptable

Attached: d2137b8550f76c7021237a7557adc91f.png (258x172, 122K)

t. assblasted SCH/WAR faggot

Enjoy your upcoming nerfs, retard. :^)

It doesn’t "proc" Plenary. The WHM uses the spell (which consumes a lily btw) then he uses Plenary, hinting that the spell adds a stack of Confession. Also the WHM reuses the exact same spell a few seconds later.

Thank god this piece of shit is being removed.

AoE Thin Air would be just as spooky as AoE PoM. A lot of new skills for jobs have spammable high MP costing skills.

It's gone in ShB.

Cant wait for all this speculation bull shit to end Wednesday.

What's the site you use to track that?

We'll just get even more shedposting

Try sprinting with it toggled off.

just type /gaussbarrel and redo the skill it won't show the attachment

This would be perfect.
>dps get to wave their epeens around to attract dancers
>best dps gets to look at bigger numbers and feel good about it
>dancer gets all the extra damage on meters so others can still compete with big dick dps for the dancer's attention
The only issue is that the dancer is limited by the performance of her raid dps, but in a way that's always been the case.

lmao just play WAR

Attached: pastaff14.jpg (2016x1134, 454K)

then they'd have to make every class like that

>embargo ends
>we find out fire 4 potency has been halved

>anyone play.... pvp?
fuck no

Attached: 1345180442999.jpg (250x250, 62K)

Shedposting is fun because SCH mains go ultra defensive before major changes and write walls of text to every shitpost.

I really wanted to get into this game, then i checked out /xivg/ then i didn't really want to get into the game, i actually decided to stop playing MMOs alltogether.

Be glad it's being removed.

Just play white mage for everyone's sake.

That's how AST/SCH, mainly AST should've been since the beginning so people would start seeing the bullshit the job can do atm.

RDM dps optimization is so weird. It has one of the highest celings but least rewarding results.

Having your movement skills get reset on your manafication but also when they were just used. Then there are things such as using your sword combo or not.

On M&F if you don't use sword combo before they leave you just lose 500+ dps out of nowhere because you're on such a weird rotational. If you just don't have enough sps you're just fucked. Even with all this added effort you're still worse SMN dps wise and when you mess it's that much worse.

Your mistake was checking any given MMO general on /vg/. They're containment centrals.

That's all the confirmation I needed. Thanks bud.

It could end sooner if leakers would continue to deliver.

Changed my life. Having to make such a huge block list for Angler was retarded.

Leakerchad is still delivering every day.

Attached: 1531411605980.png (501x160, 118K)

Less people play secure.

>got my BLM to 54 today
blasting with Fire IV in PotD is fun

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Just barely into HW, which one to I keep playing?

Attached: jobs.png (370x433, 75K)

What's that?

Attached: 8527538-3x2-940x627.jpg (940x627, 76K)

Yes, these people ARE that serious.
The day that DRK and his crew cleared one of the ultimate fights first before anyone else and blew the fuck out of the """meta""" community will be something I'll always bring up to retards that take the game so fucking seriously.

The one you like most

I'd rather play mahjong so queue for that

>Playing FFXIV at all
Man, I pity those who didn't get to play peak FFXI.
If so, you'd realize how fucking shallow this game is in comparison. Enjoy pressing your new skills to to a new movie script (aka as "dungeon boss" in this game), don't forget to watch a tutorial on youtube first though.

Attached: 1370719820879.jpg (570x500, 36K)

>female mi'qote
like fucking pottery

Using one of my free Fantasias and wanted to make a Highlander. Does this look ok? I'm not trying to attention whore I swear, I just always fuck up character creation and I don't want it to look like it's got downs like it did before the Fantasia.

Attached: Fant.png (1289x782, 1.54M)

I guess so and Seize is shorter than Secure.


Attached: 453345453354435.jpg (225x350, 17K)

>Playing FFXI when you could have been playing Everquest

Attached: Jinrui01.png (1683x937, 1.82M)

whichever dps you like the most so you can get the xp easily
or whichever class you like the most because it doesn't matter all that much

user it's completely fucking subjective, you can't fuck up as long as you like it.
We can't tell you what you like.

Sorry, but only big scale pvp I'm doing is hidden Gorge on Hidden Gorge days.

>"Looking nice, sis."

Attached: 1558900839006.jpg (480x360, 56K)

>default hud
Honestly the worst thing about this image.

You're fine.

She looks fine and has good tits[/spoiler, user.

what is that you're eating? I can see pasta, a meatball, but what is the fork and knife stuck into?

Who cares? Its going to be worthless outside of glamour in a month anyway. Just use an Omega weapon.

everything from Stormblood exclaimed lazy or rehash, the zones were literally deserts or lazy forests, the swimming was an afterthought, the classes were pruned and lazily designed, the story was rushed and shitty, especially the pre-patches MSQ, the new spells were very underwhelming, the job quests were meh with a few exceptions, the music was rehashed central

now, watch Shadowniggers, absolutely new (yes, the central hub is a rehash) and original zones, far more varied than SB, a very fresh and different OST, especially the boss music from the leaks, classes were revamped and designed, like MCH or DRK, the story is getting to the climax... etc

Attached: 1558575779499.jpg (982x614, 55K)

I feel fat for wearing XL shirts (L fits but unless it's a variant tailored for a tall person it's too short for me), what the fuck are these people doing?

there's fucking echo literally no excuse

I fucking care. I can barely get above Heavensward stats on it.

>Playing FFXI or Everquest when you could have played the game that defined the online ARPG genre.

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Attached: Chadbreaker.jpg (1767x2500, 816K)

It's a highlander, so it always looks bad.

>new and original zones
>literally Bizzaro Eorzea
>black mobs are recolored white, boom, lightsent

But user, Gunbreaker looks like a good class. Why make this edit?

I'll take over generic desert and ala mhiggers

Attached: 1543617532830.jpg (500x500, 38K)

>classes were revamped and designed, like MCH or DRK
I mean a few classes got some shiny new toys but what about all the ones that were shat all over by yoshi and the devs? Bard, Dragoon, Red Mage, Warrior, White Mage, just off the top of my head. I'm glad your main got treated well but there's a lot of bleh in this expansion so far.

Norvrandt being an alternate Eorzea in the lore has nothing to fucking do with the zone design you god damn idiot.
You don't know what the word generic means so just stop posting.

make me

Attached: belligerantdrunk.png (373x389, 315K)

>only on saturdays
>got to 99 wins yesterday and then the queue died

Holy shit is that a motherfucking JOJO reference?!

everything in this game is dull and boring as fuck. xiv is seriously the most mundane MMO i have ever played. not mundane in that it isn't fun, but the content cycle is so slow and the stuff we get is often meager or rehashed from previous ideas that running the same roulettes day in day out sucks all the fun out of pressing my shiny buttons that make my character do flashy things.

the only time XIV is fun for me is the first month of an expac or the week of a content patch. if I seriously settle into the game at any other time, I want to dome myself after a few hours.

>I'll take over generic desert

That's berserk, not jojo.

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Yeah well unfortunately you can't make musclegirl Midlanders, they all look like dainty shits even at max muscle.

Attached: Midshit.png (730x754, 1.05M)

>the content cycle is so slow
There are consistent content updates every three months on the dot you fucking moron.

Attached: seize.png (1528x920, 28K)

i know a jojo when i see one, user

>>black mobs are recolored white, boom, lightsent
Which recolored mob is this?

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jobs that didn't need an overhaul. I'll start:

>Dark Knight

based mael

where do you start from in feast the next season based on your current rank

Yeah that's because Japanese people don't like women that look like men. Gays aren't as common there, especially closeted ones

Literally me.

Machinist is perfectly fine as-is, but retards will cream themselves over le epik overwatch robot anyway.

Cu Chulainn

jobs that did need an overhaul. I'll start:

>Dark Knight


I mean who can't get excited for a new raid where you will get +4 str, +5 vit, +10 crit, and + 12 det on your armor. Thank god there is no complicated stats to confuse me!

Attached: e60d723a61caecbd4e419579efb66e29.png (392x181, 60K)

Looks like your mom

Is it true JP players don't give a shit about parsing, and just play the game--becoming so good because they don't waste their time caring about any of that other extraneous shit?


Attached: Capture.png (570x170, 35K)

If you have "1 day of playtime remaining" does that mean I need to resub by reset tonight or is there a "0 days remaining" day?

Impossible. Needs a bigger dick

>Machinist is perfectly fine as-is

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>Dark Arts Dark Dark Arts Knight Dark Arts
>not needing an overhaul
Shut the fuck up, user. And the overhaul was inevitable with the TP -> MP merge anyway.

They're no better or worse than western players, the difference is they're happier because they aren't bogged down in eternal autism about this particular subject

Mch sucks in pvp what the hell were you guys talking about? I can't kill anything with a damn even with wildfire.

Different user, but are you seriously defending heavensward and 3.1?

I miss HW DRK.

i like dark arts

summoner 100%. Don't know why they wasted resources on this when SMN was already one of the best jobs in the game.

12 midnight pst will be when it expires

Heavensward was fine, 3.1 was just a particularly bad patch in an otherwise good expansion.

thank you

bro play a korean or old school MMO and see how slow the updates are.

Objectively wrong.

Only gays fear muscle girls.

Attached: 1359794478089.jpg (924x676, 98K)

That's just you being shit. MCH is op as fuck.

Where do I go to download add-ons and/or mods?

cute boy

Gays fear all girls, CLOSET gays love musclegirls because they're attracted to men but can pretend it's not gay if they're worshipping male features on a "woman"

No it isn't. It doesn't take half their life.

>xiv is seriously the most mundane MMO i have ever played
Either hyperbole or you're a newfag/you haven't played many MMOs.

>Dark Arts Dark Arts Dark Arts


In speed runs usually half of the top 10 are from JP groups, so probably some do and some don't.
EU and NA is just worse players, people not caring about parses or unified macros won't make people better.

>he didn't see the leaks
It plays more like HW DRK now.

I'd say outside of the hardcore community they are better on average. If you scroll through logs you'll find plenty of JP logs on fflogs, too.

>fem highlanders always look bad
I've got a small collection of pics that prove you wrong. Dare you goad me into posting more?

Attached: highlander1.png (859x1525, 2.03M)

What were the leaks?

>Is this the laziest class design in an expansion yet?


Spamming a single button isnt fun you mong

Because 3.2 onwards was damn near perfect

3.0 and 3.1 almost killed the game, 3.2 was great but it went downhill from that point till the end of the expansion. And we all remember (or at least I hope) 3.5 had nothing at all but a boring 24-man raid, an awful primal good only for memes, and the very same content we got in 3.1 and that no one liked passed off as new stuff because the playerbase is stupid, right?
Now don't get me wrong, Stormblood sucks as well, but that's just how the game turned out.

JP are some of the most notoriously padded fuckers around.

MCH is one of the few jobs that can legitimately still solo healers. It has CC for days and Wildfire goes through shields.

>No argument

Thought so, again, kys.

JP players at the high level aren't inherently good or bad, but there is a lot less autism over parses there than in the west. JP statics are less likely to disband over stupid shit like the DRK wiping a run because he didn't want to power slash twice like western statics.
The average player in JP is better, but that's nothing to do with parsing and everything to do with the cultural zeitgeist of modern Japan

Well yeah, we don't even have all the tooltips yet.
Wait till the 29th to shitpost.

Just fucking post them.

I thought we were talking about female characters, why did you post a man?

>when the DNC picks you as her partner

Attached: traumacenter.jpg (628x403, 60K)


It doesn't really help your case when you have to use mods to make them less ugly.

Just saying why I prefer it to SB and ARR, user. Also all I said was good about 3.1 was Thordan EX. I definitely remember how miserable the start of HW was.

>do trial roulette
>get zurvan
>chat immediately fills with "skip soar or disband xd"

>male features
Nothing says male like the female form.

Attached: 1550604558132.jpg (1080x1349, 324K)

How? When I stun them their cure animation goes off before I hit the stun move.

Flood/Edge of Darkness are basically the "replacement" for Dark Arts. Same MP cost, but they're damage-dealing oGCD attacks. Using them grants Darkside, which is now an upkeep buff like HW and not just free damage. Breaking TBN lets you use them for free instead of giving you blood now.

i want this woman to murder me

Being able to augment my abilities was fun. They took the gimmick and just gave it to GBN without giving DRK anything else it seems

Well considering you're not after the female form, you're after "females" with heavily masculine forms, yeah, it's very gay.

I'll do it. Don't push me.
I don't save modded characters.

Then you shouldn't have saved the image of that guy because his character is modded

Those arms are kind of masculine. I want her to crush my head with her thighs, though.

Thordan was and probably still is the best primal up to date, but what about the rest in that patch?
HW was begging for viable content and that patch provided nothing at all once you've farmed Thordan.
Dev team actually spent resources for fucking LoV instead of actual things to do, and Diadem is the worst piece of content they've ever created.

Where the fuck are you seeing the mod?

The textures dipshit

Do you understand what secondary sexual characteristics are?

>people that started in heavensward are now considered oldfags in-game

Attached: 5.png (225x359, 106K)

any guess why Titania is considerd a "King"?

Because it's Alphinaud

Lord of Trannies.

when all is said and done, which class will be THE cuckshed class of shadowbringers?

flood might be gcd according to one of the pastebin leaks, it mentioned a 4th step in the combo and they use flood in the job trailer after souleater

>man face

Fuck now I remember arrow rain. Mother fucking flipping while shooting a billion arrows into the sky. I miss that shit.

what did ninja get?

Probably Bard the way things are going.

The pastebin leaks were debunked. Flood/Edge are listed as abilities in the actions list

>whm egirls and erp trash ruining healing for everyone else
Give me back my spread balance, celestial opposition and fey covenant

Attached: 60262197_p0.png (500x733, 322K)

so I'll be doing BLM first as that's always been my go to, but probably going to actually get a tank up with those changes made. Not sure on PLD, WAR or GNB (although the fighting stance for GNB is a bit iffy, it's why I left DRK off)

What tanks looking good coming up?


You're just a retard and believe everyone that says they're female

Remember, if it isn't a fat faced cat, most people on Yea Forums will immediately call it a tranny.

>All uphill

3.5 was also terrible.

>What tanks looking good coming up?

All of them are going to be good. Tank chads will be the primary dancer partner target

>someone posts a fem highlander
>middies, cats, and lizards start seething

Attached: 1504113741747.png (291x246, 95K)

Nigga did you even read my first post? I don't disagree with anything you're saying. HW is my favorite because it had my favorite job design and fights, and those are what matter most to me in this game. It had shortcomings, but for the most part, they weren't in areas that particularly bothered me.
I care just as much about Eureka as I did Diadem.


Nice strawman, trannylander.

Playing as a female character = tranny
Ok got it.

DRK, as always.

This one looks good enough. Post more pics of cute hilanders so I can get some inspiration.

>They never knew the pain of sprint taking your TP.

It's pointless. People have nostalgic hard on for HW despite it being pretty mediocre.

I would rather dance with a healer than a tank.

it's the same erpers from /vg/ that can't stand somewhat tall races existing

Not like 3.3 and 3.4 were that good either, albeit not as awful as 3.1 or 3.5
3.3 was great story-wise but suffered the odd patch treatment, 3.4 had creator being so easy that even casual teams were done after two months, and that was the last tier we were gonna get till the new expansion. Sophia was also the first faceroll primal.

I remember user's a thread ago where telling me Gunbreaker has a an ability called "tearing shot" which scales the lower their HP is, anyone got a screen shot of that or proof?

Sprint took your TP in HW

meme aside the sprint changes are probably my favourite thing to come from SB

/vg/ is full of highlanders though. Nice boogeyman


I'm not an egirl and I play whm, imagine being so beta you have to play meta jobs instead of having fun

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god I can't wait for lion mommies in 6.0

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>Low Blow becomes a Role Action
>Loses its chance to come off cooldown on party
>Loses its damage

I miss getting tons of bonus stuns during AoE pulls and getting boss kills from the Lala Shin Kick of Doom.

Attached: 1556671938632.gif (240x240, 920K)

Veritably false. But nice try.

>when your tank pulls a "greedy opener" and drops their hp to 1 immediately
I can't wait

Yeah, and I'm asking how you can defend 3.1 when it offered nothing at all to do.
You may not give a fuck about Diadem, but that's the only thing we had back then.


Attached: lala.jpg (2480x3508, 726K)


lmao they're ALL trannies you moron

Don't worry though, we'll be getting Fire 5, which has double the potency(!) of Fire 4.

>He says while /vg/ is full of tranny midlanders, ogres, highlanders, and males

Seriously, how do I play mch in pvp?

One more run lads
is the lv 70 quest as ebin as everyone memes about or was it just the lv 50 quest that was neat
i don't know where the fuck this quest line is going but myste sure has been acting really fucking suspicious lately, lil fella keeps talking in second person

Attached: bars.png (559x304, 320K)

Keep seething, tranny.

Attached: 1553048747888.jpg (902x1080, 214K)

Literally go look, you fucking moron. 80% of the /vg/ threads are male characters. The rest are a mix of the other female races with midlanders being the most prominent

Watch the skill video, nigger.

>he says, as he worships the race of literal trannies

>stone mage
Enjoy clipping everything and shit gated dungeons while I raid and buff people.

>I imagine there's a way to macro it though, like setting up 3 identical hotbars and just using a macro to switch it whenever you move to a different egi.
Since I'm on PS4, this is what I did. I had a specific spot I had the pet actions set to and macrod it to change whenever I switched summons. I did the same thing for WAR when Inner Beast/Fell Cleave were separate actions

That's not to say that HW didn't bring some really good moments. I thought 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 were fantastic patches. Especially 3.3 for the amount of content it brought for an odd patch.

I just think HW started really bad, definitely had a bit of a high point in the middle, and then ended really badly. People rave about how good it was, but the horrible balancing issues didn't cease throughout it, and they delivered some really fucking horrible content updates. Shoving Diadem down our throats and failing twice is still a poignant memory in my mind.

Attached: HW2.jpg (700x400, 40K)

>open /vg/ right now
>worst avatarfag posting right now is some blue cat slut

At least look at the thread before making outlandish claims.

Buckle up

Attached: 1541141620454.jpg (250x250, 18K)

Damage being tied to CC abilities was always the dumbest shit and consistently led to the situations where you need them and they were on CD because muh 80 potency.

It was specially bad with MCH and BRD having to move into melee range to use Blank and Repelling Shot.

I've known 2 lalas and 1 catgirl to be trannies.

One of the lalas is my best internet friend

aoe combo that extends huton
duality is now shadow clone jutsu on a 2min cd
ninki is only generated by weaponskills and not by autoattacks
kassatsu is now on the charge system and apparently modifies the following mudra

probably more shit

>80% of the /vg/ threads are male characters
That's 100% bullshit

Attached: 1532354568412.jpg (720x1024, 78K)

I still don't know why they thought lowering the potency on that was a good idea. Did we ever get the original back? I'm too lazy to go check all the patch notes to see what the original fire 4 potency was.

The level 70 quest instance is fucking kino.

Literally dilate

Negative. Acting girly, calling yourself a female, playing slutty looking female catgirls while also refusing to join voice and the other typical tranny red flags makes you one

fuck wildwoods
duskwight rise up

Imagine playing a shit job and actually trying to defend yourself with "waah meta isnt fun"

>he says as he plays the race populated by literal trannies. Likely is one xirself.

get back in your cave

>the general is mostly this
>I just checked. it's not
Go dilate.

You don't even know what race I play, other than that I obviously don't play one that looks like actual trannies.

>tfw they're removing one of AST's prettiest spells

Losing Celestial Opposition and Time Dilation in exchange for what is basically the same thing really hurts. Both of those are my favorite tools in AST's toolkit

Attached: killme.jpg (480x360, 13K)

I'm not? I'm just saying I liked Thordan. I even said, "yeah HW started out really rough." What do you want from me, user?


I play a female character and act like it when I feel like it but I also join voice for raids. I like roleplaying; go fuck yourself.

It didn't help that Angler is generally broken as fuck. Isn't synced to actual server tick time and is heavily misaligned, only sporadically has weather info, and as you mentioned giant fucked up block lists. Good riddance. If it's a cat running that place, we know why it became hungry.

>HW was intentionally balanced to reward being able to play the more difficult jobs. I prefer it to the direction we're heading in where every job is becoming the same.
SCH was and still is fucking broken. Sophia EX was a good example of SCH just shitting on balance. Rathalos EX is another good one.
>no healing? No problem, just let me deploy off my fucking fairy

blow people up with wildfire. interrupt casts with stun or knockback.

>Literally the sole reason your raid run is successful
>Not even exaggerating, you were the only one left alive at two separate points including the very end
>Lose out on ALL loot
>Get ZERO commendations
I fucking hate the retards that play this game

Attached: [confused shrieking].png (337x399, 190K)

AST has been getting nothing but buffs and favoritism since its inception. You have no room to complain.

I have fun raiding while doing big damage while and I can actually heal reliably

I played both ast and sch, ast is fucking boring and the only people I know that main the jobs got asked to by their static, sch is alright sometimes and I don't mind playing it if there's another whm but I don't enjoy it as much

Attached: 1520032318812.jpg (398x399, 125K)

>play female character
>join guild
>don't join voice chat cause shy
>eventually, I have to cause raiding
>get in voice
>they say hi
>voice cracks as I say hi back
>see, I told you user was a girl

Attached: 1546410448753.jpg (1024x1024, 47K)

i miss interesting stats in video games in general

even non-mmos have gotten super simplified

>Trading EVA Mats.

Don't worry, BLU will take the Opposition animation for you.

>You don't even know what race I play
C'mon now. We all know what race you play, bud.

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Attached: yelling.jpg (588x579, 22K)

But they still get their cure off when I use knockback while they're casting.

Commendations always go to the healer with the sluttliest glam, the most obnoxious Roe or Lala who spent the whole fight typing memes, or (most often) fucking nobody.

>blue cat tranny that love catboys that hasnt posted in a week and is now going all out
look the dead threads

I’ve read your list of “inb4s”, and I know what the top word is, but nothing else. And I don’t even know if I understand the context of the word I understand.


>ast is fucking boring
>stone mage

Attached: 1480451014639.gif (598x296, 924K)

And which one is that?

>act like it when I feel like it
people like you are why i can't play a girl without being called gay or a tranny

ᵐᶦᵈˡᵃnᵈᵉʳ ᶠᵒʳᵉᵛᵉʳ

To be fair, even now no one really knows how that shit was coded or why it works in EQ1

>Gets a full house
>no one cares

It's okay user, I noticed.

i hope you have fun maining whm in shb
i will too

This is the cancerous shit that makes the ffxiv community so awful. Why do you care about the person behind the screen? Why does anyone fucking care about that shit at all? I'm here to play a video game not get to know the fat smelly fuck sitting on the chair behind the characters I interact with. Have sex.

use it faster or don't have shit ping.


why do people hate mr happy?

why do people hate denmo?

why do people hate larry?

If packs go down fast, I comm the other dps.
If the tank doens't spin bosses like a bayblade, I comm the tank.
If I notice the healer at all, I comm the healer.
If everyone did a good job, I comm the one with the best looking character.

Yeah I dunno, SCH has always been 100% necessary since its inception. Don't think it's fair to single HW out for that when that's always been the case.

I parse orange on both, I don't think ast is fun

thanks, I'm undecided on maining whm yet, it depends on how healer changes are, if I don't like them I'll more than likely play blm or a phys ranged

On the other hand SB has been even more boring content-wise.
Ultimate made the whole expansion for me, because the rest was truly lackluster.
3.3 was mediocre, simply because POTD was gruesome at the beginning.

Yeah, I much prefer getting an item that's useless because it doesn't have the FOTM meta stat I need on it.

One of the tranny races, cat or lizard.

>HA I don't play either of those
sure you don't

This one is not as good as the last one but it looks much better than every other I see around ingame.

Not happening, same with male viera yoshida was very very very specific that these were the last races.
Which means they aren't starting dev on male viera or female hrothgar.

it's too late, once it starts it becomes impossible to stop
love this good videogame website, where we talk about videogames

People hate everything here? Are you new?

Because they're obsessed with trannies

It's easy - jealousy

why is your friends list empty Yea Forums?

Attached: uw guild.png (2560x1080, 1.51M)

>why do people hate mr happy?
I won't get into every fucking reason but
>goes to the media tour
>knows how every job plays and what everything does
>still makes an hour long video rambling about the new skill previews where he pretends to be retarded because he can't break the NDA
Should tell you everything you need to know about that fucking nigger. Also him literally fucking bragging about Yoshida praising him for being a shill.

mr happy's guides are shit to the point it effects things like zurvan ex and tsukiyomi ex parties

i didn't think anyone hated denmo

larry is kind of memey for how much he acts like a retard, even though he's actually a solid player

No actually I play as a male roe. You don't have to be a tranny to not want to look at characters that look like them, retard.

>retard asshole
>since when?
>since when?

One of the few things I enjoy about this thread is how almost everyone (rightfully) shits on RDM and treat it like the dumb job that it is. Almost everyone except for RDM mains which are always triggered and are often witnessed trying their best to damage control.

Please never change this particular aspect.

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What's a good wizard looking chest piece for all caster? I can't find a single good robe I like

mrhappy is a cheap shill for square enix

denmo has already replaced his wife before shes dead

larry is is trying to be uwu content but not funny and gets bulled around by his girlfriend

Oh. I'm sorry. You're not a tranny after all.
You're a homosexual.

i do not care for larry but i would not say i hate him

Because I can get by with Party Finder for content I'm new on and don't want to associate with faggots seeking validation all day.

Attached: 1558273327036.png (544x572, 224K)

>Being jealous of fat white bald betas that have to suck up to tranny's like tate.


Because I don't have any friends obviously.

male and female aren't different races, dumb dumb.

Cleaner versions of the music heard in the trailers:

Already way better than the standard themes heard in Stormblood.

You're describing like 90% of Yea Forums

Right, which is much better than being a tranny like you.

The rest I have aren't as good as the first one either, but still pretty nice.

Attached: 1554093982500.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

They used to filter terms that got spammed to the point of being cancer. What happened?

Not him and while I'm almost positive you're just pretending, a promotional video is not the product. It is a promotional video. Glad I cleared that up!

i would say i hate the low effort smaller channels more like one dude who made an mgp video or that girl who made the my mom plays ffxiv video

They are still new gender options for the races. Adding them would be like adding a whole new race again which they've expressly said they most likely won't, and it's doubtful they're working on them this expansion. The earliest they'll come out is 7.0 if you're lucky they even decide to add them.

The first song is giving off some Kingdom Hearts vibe there.

When has that ever stopped it you nignog?

It's LGBT not LGB, you bigot!

Retard and bad player pretending to be smart and good

Smart and good player pretending to be retarded

Does Yea Forums like NEST?

Larry is just cringe to anyone outside of his fanbase.

Denmo is one of those far lefty neckbeards.

Never particularly liked Mr. Happy, but honestly never understood the hate. The rushed guides vary in quality greatly, but I don't think it justifies the sheer mental gymnastics I've witnessed people use to find something to bitch about at him.

Because I'm playing a video game not being a lonely fuck who needs friends.

new music, finally

how do we know for sure that's the shadowbringers boss theme? the heavensward and stormblood benchmarks didn't have the boss themes in them.

>everything from Stormblood exclaimed lazy or rehash
BLM is Stormblood is a legit improvement over HW BLM, for one. So not "everything".

Is that the FF8 battle theme at the beginning?

Needs about 3 more violins and a cello desu

Attached: when the whm actually does dps.jpg (1000x1000, 477K)

>Just use an Omega weapon.
Real talk, I HAVE a finished relic and I'm about ready to take the stat hit and use my omega weapon anyway cause I'm so disgusted with it

Every time

That pic looks like its from HW. Did all your friends quit since then?

>well adding them would be like adding another race
Look, queer. Yoshi said they're the last races they're adding. Right now, they're both incomplete races. Adding in the opposite sex later wouldn't be adding new races, it would just be completing the ones they added in 5.0

Friends are for the weak. I’m fine with just my wife.

>:denmo far lefty neckbeards

legitimately his wife is gonna die and this motherfucker already replaced it with some bitch whos gonna cuck him. i know some of his friends and they all said shes poly and not interested in him

Isn't that a shitty RP FC?

unless you're parsing orange on whatever class you play, chances are I will out-DPS your ass while also contributing more to a successful run than you ever will.

Attached: 1556222562300.png (900x1298, 1.47M)

>Mr. Happy
He's a greedy sony lap dog and his latest video proves just how much of a greedy fucker he is
dunno him
don't care about em

>Job is mind numbingly bad from its creation to over a year later
>It gets buffed

No fucking shit it did, Sherlock.

i cannot imagine how much of a faggot you have to be to post something like this just because someone is memeing about your favourite assjob

That's when you drop grit, pop Blood Weapon and end up having more MP than you know what to do with after a single Quietus.

as in dark nest?

Good job proving his point dumb ass

>Never particularly liked Mr. Happy, but honestly never understood the hate
Then you've never once paid attention to people talking about why they hate him. He has an inflated ego that got him kicked out of Legacy and chased off Sarg in early ARR and it's only gotten worse since then. Aside from his shitty guides tearing the community apart, he's now literally fucking shilling for SE and bragging about Yoshida patting him on the ass for denouncing the leaks. He's a shitty person.

people keep spouting "we fall" but the best part to me starts at 0:41


yes it would you faggot, Yoshida literally said in his producer letter that even though both races are missing genders they are essentially a completely new race because of the amount of work they took.
That same work would be needed for adding the missing genders, it is essentially making a new race which we KNOW they take an entire expansion to do.
There's no way they're starting them for 5.0 as stated by the producer live so they will not be ready for 6.0 as it takes an entire expansion for them to finish from the start.
The earliest they can possibly start is 6.0 and if you're lucky they'll be add 7.0.

All you have to do is look at the picture of Mr Happy posing with Yoshida at the media tour to see how smug of a person he is.

>Machinist is fine as is

Attached: 1479049468533.jpg (600x600, 37K)

Larry is just trying to copy Dunkey.

if only cat players looked like this in-game instead of having derpy faces.

Attached: dumb looking cat.png (1044x1419, 1.92M)

Attached: 1528644689134.png (1049x435, 1.07M)

>his shitty guides tearing the community apart
Thankfully, a hero rose to challenge his guides with her own.

Attached: mizzteq.jpg (240x240, 7K)

and dunkey is a copy critical

I know you're trolling but still, fuck you.

>Almost everyone except for RDM mains which are always triggered and are often witnessed trying their best to damage control.
>here he is
Please never change. This shit makes my day. Here's a pic of mine from back when I got the seiryu doggo. Let me see proof of you doing more than that on him as RDM. This is a fucking random PF group mind you. I haven't really played this game much in SB so I haven't committed to a static or bothered to upload parses.

Attached: jsPm5b4.jpg (1920x1080, 568K)

MTQ is still shit, but at least she hasn't plagued the game with shit like Happy's Zurvan and Tsukuyomi guides.

am i the only person that skips every single cutscene?

You literally just proved him right you seething RDM main. Does it hurt that your job has such a low skill ceiling and floor?


I want to run my hands through xeno's beard

>but yoshi said
Yoshi said hrothgar exist because muh lore keeps male viera out and wanted to provide a male option.

>Expecting anything less from a facial hair Lalafell.

Literally never seen any of Mr. Happy guides and I got a static for farming EX shit so what's the reason the Tsukiyomi and Zurvan guides where so shitty.

Attached: 1558845803518.gif (128x128, 22K)

Do you remember her strat for M&F dashes?

Don't attack them when they're shielded dumbass

I'm in a static with a RDM main and they even outright say RDM is a piss easy job.

Right is unironically the right course of action. Mael's tomeliths are further away from adders/flames home base than the East one and even if either Adder/Flames captures a Maelstrom, they'd face 1) still Mael resistance thanks to fast Mael respawn time thanks to the short distance to the tomeliths and 2) possible pinching by the team that took the East tomelith. And it's highly unlikely both Adder/Flames go after Maelstrom's tomeliths.

I miss Jesse, but Choco and Corey have a good dynamic.

i love xeno

No because I prog shit before guides come out nowadays.

if I'm doing the main story and the cutscene doesn't have voice acting I skip it. what they say in those 5-10 minutes could be summarized in the quest log or cutscene viewer book description.

The best part of the theme is 0:10 onwards. I hope the full theme has more lyrics.

>shotafags still seething over muh bunny bois

I started ff14 like a month after stormblood and for the raid tiers I was a RDM I'll admit RDM being so easy made me main it, it's appealing how safe and constant it's mediocre damage is. But i'm not going to pretend I can do more damage then a BLM or SMN or act like hot shit.

I have an autistic friend that has everything leveled to 70 but sucks with every job parse wise except for RDM.

No Yoshida said Male viera don't exist because the dev team wanted to implement a beast race and viera were popular demand, so they just made the beast race men and the viera females, so it was essentially one race. Male viera and female hrothgar won't be released due to the development time it takes to make them.
Maybe actually learn to read.

it would feel very bad, honestly

choco freaks me out since everyone else's voice sort of matches their character, and then it's deep voiced catgirl time and i don't like it

Did anyone actually do that? It looked like suicide if you wanted to do that with pf people.

Maybe actually remember what yoshi said. The reason we aren't getting male viera is muh lore.

Now he's trying to say male viera weren't added because of lore lol.

I'd see where you were coming from if not for Seabass. I got used to that shit a long time ago.

This just makes me even happier that you fags will never get male viera.

That's what makes Choco good though

Yoshi went on record to say they could've developed male Viera. It was either both Viera genders or two gender locked races, and he thought the community would prefer two races even if they were gender locked. It has nothing to do with the lore it's just what Yoshi P assumed.

>Does Yea Forums like NEST?
They were funny when they didn't know they were funny
Now they're just tryhard shitters fishing for adrev for their daddy

Go watch the jp fanfest again. That's literally what he says lol

Even seabass kind of suited his character. Choco is a bit much though.

If he did more than that as redmage he'd literally be on the top 3 world ranking on fflogs.

Attached: 65305603860055.png (1344x207, 25K)

I will give larry props for having ucob weapons on literally every job. However he is still painfully unfunny. He's like a Great Value Dunkey

Eh, don't really keep up with e-celeb drama.
Again, I can see why people don't like him, but the hate is overblown. People will shit on him even in the rare case he does a good job just out of social obligation. I still remember when he got like pounds of shit for wearing a "do you even pvp, bro?" shirt when he was playing an obvious ironic "bro" character.
I'm just not a fan of assuming negative intention in general, I guess, but that's the internet.

Meant 4

How mad are you right now?

about as mad as you

People will shit on him no matter what because he's a shitty human being and deserves nothing but hate until he stops being such a massive faggot.

No he didn't, it costs too much, they're not happening in 6.0 because of the reasons listed, they have never done a race back to back and it is unlikely that they will start now.
Not happening.

Attached: This kills the female hrothgar and male viera.png (1546x220, 47K)