Discuss why you believe Malkavian should be the chosen as the final base game playable Clan instead of Nosferatu.
Gangrel is confirmed DLC. Don't even try to deny it.
Discuss why you believe Malkavian should be the chosen as the final base game playable Clan instead of Nosferatu.
Gangrel is confirmed DLC. Don't even try to deny it.
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so uhhh
what's the final clan reveal
Hopefully not malkavians
>Gangrel is confirmed DLC
>muh wolf totally means Gangrel guise
smooth-brain take desu.
Gangrel actively hunt, and are capable of taking down Garou.
To be fair I wonder how they'll do DLC. Can you just plop another clan into a story-heavy RPG?
Nosferatu or Lasombra's my bet.
Gangrel is too iconic to leave out of the base game.
Before Brujah were revealed I would've said they're going for remaining Camarilla clans, but that's out of the equation which means anything goes. Remember that in v5 both Brujah and Gangrel are no longer with Camarilla.
what was the reason people are saying nosferatu might not be in?
I remember it being some sjw reason but can't exactly remember
I'll be shocked if its not Nossies.
I'm not arguing that, but there's no famed Lupine hunters anywhere near Seattle.
Theyre too difficult to implement in a meaningful way, even the original VTMB failed.
That was Malkavians. The basically said they want to portray mental illness more respectfully which could just mean they'd do more research. There are bigger red flags than the mental illness portrayal thing.
Haven't heard anything like that about the Nosferatu.
yeah right
get fucked furry nigger
Is seduction used in anything else than fucking Jeanette and drinking blood from women in the bars?
Not so fast.
Yeah in a few quests it let you circumnavigate shit. Such as seducing Chunk or the Hotel receptionist. Same thing as Persuasion. Doesnt work as much as Persuasion i think.
Well there's this. In the CbN V5 preview, The Prince of Chicago is sending a group of Camarilla Gangrel archons called the Wolf Pack to Seattle. Seattle was barely a footnote for the last twenty years in the WoD universe so this is probably some sort of game tie-in
Those are only if you're playing a female character right? I have never raised it above 4 so I wouln't know if theres anything more if you're playing a male character
Tfw ventrue with malkavian GF
Bros she drives me insane sometimes
Can’t wait for the Lasombra reveal
i never played the first one before i just installed the gog version. Do i need to add any patches to make it playeable or is it fine on its own? ingame it says that its "unoficial patch 9.6" version
also any texture mod reccomendations? 2004 graphics make my eyes sore
Nice try limpdick, Ventrue are fags who take it in their butt
lmao implying
They literally said in the Ventrue pre-recorded "stream" that Mitsoda couldn't care less about V5, he largely ignored it
For chunk and the receptionist yes.
I remember you can only seduce the Giovanni girl if you are a male (she calls you a dyke if you try as a woman). And the food critic is also gay and rejects women.
Because iam an irl chad and like my self insert
So like dark ventrue... What would the disciplines be? Oblivion...? The rest are signatures of other clans
>tfw Giovanni with Giovanni GF
Says the brujah fuck. Say that face to face and not over shrecknet and I'll make you clip my toenails then final death yourself.
Giovanni got fucked hardcore, though. Cappadocians are back.
We already got two clans with celerity.
Overlap doesn’t mean that much in this game considering the clans will have a pathetic amount of abilities. The game will be a first person shooter with a few RPG elements sprinkled on
Making love to a Giovanni is incredibly painful isn't it?
Right but I thought that was the plan. Each clan gets a signature discipline, each gets like a shared one. So maybe La Sombra could get...Fortitude or somthing, Protean, Auspex...
A Lasombra without Dominate isn't a Lasombra
I want to play Kuei Jin and dab on inferior europeon vamps
getting bitten by one. with other vampires it's like the highest form of ecstasy, with giovanni it's like someone's chomping down on your neck for realz.
Giovanni are BASED
>Rape of Persephone: By surgically creating up to seven additional genitalia on a fresh corpse out of its tissue, the performing Necromancers can freely trade Willpower points among each other and have greater success at following necromantic spells that do not specifically target a ghost, provided that they do have intercourse with the newly modified corpse.
>gay club
>pathetic amount of abilities
The only clan getting fucked by this so far is Tremere though since they don’t have Dominate anymore. Brujah and Toreador have 6 active powers instead of 3 buffs/debuffs from the first game, Ventrue lost 1 active power compared to the first.
As long they keep introducing actually unique powers for every discipline instead of half assed shit we got in vtmb1 I don’t see the downside
I agree that the first game had some problem with a lot of abilities being boring and bad. But instead of just cutting abilities they could have improved upon that area instead.
The devs have said that more abilities would be too hard to manage during combat, so in order words they are casualizing it which I don’t agree with.
Hopefully they’ll make up for it with interesting passive or different kind of upgrade paths for the few abilities we get
>first person shooter
>guns are throwaway, combat focus is on melee
epic bait
The last clan is going to Caitiff and you'll pick up two disciplines of your choice.
First person whack a mole then. Sounds like a watered down version of Dying Light
Why does it have to be a bait.
If it is, I will lose all remaining hope in the game. The laziness would be palpable.
ok anons which ones do you pick if this is true?
I’m gonna go with Thaumaturgy/Celerity/Nebulation with guns
Just the fact that we don’t already have Malk and Nos shows how lazy they are.
This good man was a real friend. Please show your appreciation.
Obtenebration, Vicissitude and Necromancy.
Yuki-chan waifu adventures when?
Never ever. Doki-doki in hell, weeblord.
>come on it's make your own clan xd
So then no La Sombra, it seems. Can't give away Dominate.
But there are more active abilities for most all clans. I played as a Tremere and I understand why they'd want want less actives. Most of the dominate stuff was useless anyway (In combat at least, loved the social part of it), and I never used Auspex then.
I really have no problem with 6 (2 thinblood, 4 clan) powers being the standard, instead of in 1 where it was so... so unbalenced.
If you make a male character, and you suck the blood from a male NPC, isn't that kinda gay?
>tfw no cappadocians
Fuck the Giovanni I shit on their corpses.
>Can't give away Dominate.
Uhm why not? Ventrue is a shitty faggot clan, let them keep fortitude for themselves
It's weird how his eyes drop all of a sudden.
Vampires are inherently kinda gay.
..."Their signature Discipline.." Each clan page has had one discipline specifically called 'Signature'. 100% positive that means it is theirs alone.
Honestly even if the game is shut these threads are enough
>The signature discipline of Ventrue is a common discipline shared with literally 5 other clans
V5 doesn't matter, they're not bound to it at all, they've said as much. The game page says 'Signature'. They use that word on 1 discipline of each clan so far. What else could that mean?
That the devs are a bunch of hacks and the game will be shit
If I had to force Lasombra into the base game without stepping on any of other clans' arbitrary signature disciplines I'd split Obtenebration into two disciplines, Oblivion and Obtenebration, and give the former an OC shadow possession power or something that can emulate Dominate on NPCs/enemies.
But that's the thing, Lasombra won't be in the game.
I would have one focus on hiding in the shadow and using shadows to control people like puppets.
The other one focused on shadow tentacles ripping everything apart.
I’m pretty sure we’ll get Malk or Nos though.
That's why I only feed from female NPCs if I can help it
auspex and fortitude is the patrician choice. t-1000 up in this bitch.
If odds - Malk reveal
If evens - Noss reveal
If 0 Lasombra
what's the nicest clan
Toreador or Nosferatu, ironically.
define nice
Salubri of course
Most likely to let you live after sabotaging or deceiving you
Cappidocians and Salubri
>Nicest clan
>Only 7 alive and they're basically eternal political prisoners
This is almost 40k levels grimdork.
delete this
I'm fine with this.
last will be kuei-jin just to kill neckbeards
Thank god you can customize and equip different clothes in the sequel. But fuck then for making it first person view only
who are these boys
My opinion on the matter doesn't really matter. The evidence says the 5th clan is Malk. Doesn't matter how much sense it does or doesn't make, the insane asylum means the last clan is Malkavian. Why the fuck are you people still debating this?
If the game have no malkavian im not even pirating this shit
If dancing and feeding are in 3rd person, i'm okay with it.
Mental illness
Lame. No reason not to have third person unless you're too cheap to animate the PC.
It does look like the hallway of a disgusting Asylum yeah.
Also didn’t the devs talk about Malks and being “respectful” towards mental illness?
Fucking yikes post.
Fire God Liu Kang and Fujin
I thought the guy with the gimp mask was just a black guy with a white shirt
t. Hardlight employee
Trade the IP with a dev team that gives a shit.
excuse me but you posted the wrong image
god I'll miss shitposting about the next reveal
I'll cancel my Blood Moon pre-order if Nosferatu aren't playable during the release and get the game via SchreckNET to play as Brujah.
When's the next clan reveal?
Yes. Nothing they said implies Malks won't be in. Even if they did somehow appear to imply it, it doesn't change the fact that it's an asylum. That 100% confirms that the clan is Malk. No amount of mechanic speculation will change the evidence that we already have.
That’s the whole reason, they can’t be bothered to make both.
I fucking hate that Cyberpunk 2077 will be first person only too
Wednesday, 6PM CEST (+2 time zone)
>devs chooses to omit a mechanic that I, as an uninvolved individual, imagine be good within their project, which I also have zero technical knowledge of other than what has been presented to me through their marketing channels
>clearly, they are just lazy
Liu Kang and Fujin (Mortal Kombat).
We have a drawanon that draws these images over in the mk general. She made quite a few over the years, several hundreds in fact. They're adorable.
>spent blood points just so she could blush during the facial
Good girl. Best girl.
Then why wont the game have a third person view?
What is the point of customizing your character?
Dale got art. Surprised none for Lou yet
>the insane asylum means the last clan is Malkavian
Ackshually, in the lore, a number of Lasombra switched to the camarilla in Seattle - and these antitribu were detained in an abandoned asylum til they could be sure they weren't sabbat spies.
There's a ton of Salubri in the Sabbat, they're just not really the nice types
Look at this sweet, perfect, innocent baby boy. What did he do to deserve this? Thin-blood genocide when?
Reflection in the water though.
So what disciplines do you guys think Malks/Nossies/Lasombros/Tzimisce will get?
The Shaft.
Aren't the only real members of Salubri the healer caste? Rest are essentially antitribu, I thought.
There are more things to take into account when deciding player perspective other than just animating the character model. Game environments need to be built specifically with the chosen perspective in mind. Specifically interiors, need to be built in ways that will accommodate an over the shoulder camera. What players look at, how they interact with the environment, and the subsequent level of detail changes when the camera perspective shifts. Brain dead games like the Witcher 3 basically railroad you into navigating spaces and solving environmental puzzles, because the level fo detail the average player can take in decreases significantly the the perspective shifts to third person. Your IQ practically drops when you go third person. People can't look at shit in the same way they do in first person, and thus, games have to be built differently. That's the whole fucking reason games like CP2077 choose to be first person, it has fucking nothing to do with animation budget or project scope. In the case of Bloodlines 2, you could literally just fucking repurpose existing NPC animation and fit it onto the player character. Do you seriously think we aren't going to be seeing any NPC's use disciplines like Earthshock or Levitate? Those character animations will very likely exist outside of just our first person usage. It's fucking moronic to suggest that this design decision is somehow a shortcut. It's not. You underestimate the types of changes that are required to accommodate both first and third person perspective. It completely changes how you build mechanics, and while it is obviously possible to build hybrid systems, there are limits to what you can do when you are swapping perspectives mid gameplay like that. It adds limitations to player mechanics and level design. They've clearly chosen not to do that. I promise you it would be fucking easy as shit to implement the same system that was in Bloodlines 1, but believe it or not, VTMB has garbage combat.
The way it works is, the only "known" (in quotes cause basically no one knows about them) salubri still extant are the 7 salubri warriors in the sabbat. They ARE technically the antitribu, though, cause there may be some amount (up to ST first) of healer salubri around who're just completely off the grid
That’s a whole lot of bullshit defending the devs being lazy.
See RDR2 one of the most detail rich games ever made, it has seamless switching between first and third person view.
Im gonna laugh when the next clan is gargoyle
>64hr till the next clan reveal
When the fuck will we see some gameplay of this cashgrab garbage?
We already have the fuck you mean
5 second long janky pre-alpha sneak peeks aren't gameplay.
Where faggot?
when they're ready to
I need more thicc vampire mommies
new clan is
Society of Leopold
Can’t wait for this trainwreck of a game. The butthurt will be sweet.
I hope the game will let you be one.
Can I be a cute female(male)?
>strolling the streets as a thicc vampire milf
>1st person
I will never understand the purpose of a character creator without being able to see the character. Frankly just need a hand customiser.
One one hand they might try to make representation a big thing.
On the other they might just go "fuck it, they'll be playing first person anyways".
I expect the combat to be better, vampire Deus Ex style. Music should be great, dialogue/writing should be good but more generic... Darker in tone, probably not much levity. 8.5..9 out of ten. Won't have that cult classic status, no way. Probably will get a sequel though.
Yeah it is. Its even labled gameplay you fucking retard.
Go on the website and look under clans
Getting my ass handed to me in Redemption.
I can’t even think of other single player first person games with character customization. It’s stupid as fuck.
I find it sad that it took like 2 weeks for people to start drawing porn of her
>Its even labled gameplay
How stupid and naive are you lmao?
There is nothing real about a slice of their bullshots
Does Obfuscate work vs bosses or do they all have true sight?
>Its even labled gameplay you fucking retard.
Donb't be so gullible user.
Are you one of the devs or just a shill?
doesn't work on bosses.
An artist named Kythos did a pic like the day of or after the trailer. Everyone else took forever though.
Im just stating facts niggers have sex
Indeed niggers having sex is a fact, how is that relevant?
Any Bethesda RPG.
Fuck man even Deus Ex let you choose between 5 presets.
The fact that girls at the official discord are drooling about daddies is quite worrisome.
KEK destroyed
Dude we want real gameplay, not just clips of powers. Is it that hard to understand?
>gameplay isnt real gameplay
They're fags. Unapologetic, cock-slobbing, parade-attending, bug-chasing, orgy-participating, prolapsing faggots.
As far as bethesda RPGs go, I've only played the Fallouts, as well as Oblivion and Skyrim, and sure during combat I like to stay in first person, I can easily roam the world in third person.
Is it really that good? I haven't done Nosferatu or Malkavian but I know that most enemies in the later game have auspex and you can accomplish most of it with investment into sneaking
Which characters?
I know some irl, they're girls indeed and that's why it's worrying. daddy issues
And anons are telling you that your kind of "facts" have been a staple of the gaming industry for years to fool gullible retards like yourself.
>dude just gobble up the turds the devs shit up because they say it is real
Fucking retarded tranny
At that moment, the guy is just prey. Now, posting anime, on the other hand
I mean.. We know you're trolling. You know you're trolling. Obviously we just want more in depth gameplay... that isn't just the disciplines.. Weapon combat, character customization, how quests work, a chase sequence... You know what we mean dude
Didn't they say that one of the clans would come as a surprise?
Any VTMB-related previews this coming E3?
Yup, that was the thinblood.
The devs heavily hinted that there are going to be playable clans which were not available in vtmb1 but the whole statement was extremely vague. For all we know it could be a single new clan released as the last DLC, or it could be revealed this Wednesday. No idea
I seem to recall that they said it after the announcement, where Thinbloods were already revealed. Besides, They aren't a clan
If they make it in as (((dlc))), it should be a Tzimisce vs. Old Clan Tzimisce package with a sidequest of them seething at each other. Though it'd be hard to sell an OCT on the West Coast of the US. Then again, 99% of people playing won't know what the fuck they even are so it won't matter.
I mean it was a surprise though, starting out as one, thinblood powers... I definitely like the way they're doing that.
>The evidence says the 5th clan is Malk
Do you know what a sewer looks like? They don't tend to have windows at the end of corridors you fucking mouth breather.
user..calm down
Kindred, you forgot to take your pills
Nobody fucking cares about this nigger tranny game, go back to RetardEra please
Damn, someone is low on humanity.
autism not only speaks but it screams too
>mfw we'll know you're wrong at wednesday
It’s not a sewer but it could very well be Seattle underground
nossies on suicide watch
It'll be Malks. Deal with it
>getting this mad
I don’t care who it is, just stating the facts
How come Malkavians, the coolest clan got the worst disciplines? Hopefully they will fix this in 2
Why is he wearing sunglasses when he only goes out at night
Obviously it's Double Ventrue
>being a mentally ill retard is the coolest clan
So if everybody hates and hunts thinblood, why are they growing in numbers?
The days are much to briiiiiiight
They're mentally ill, but they're not retarded. Unlike blumpf #RUDJAH2020