Yeah you might be able to join our raid to help asmongold get scarab lord but whats your gearscore? what...

>yeah you might be able to join our raid to help asmongold get scarab lord but whats your gearscore? what? you don't have the addon?
>where's mankriks wife? omegalol poggers?
>you went dwarf prot warrior instead of human for the extra 5 skill in swords? sorry you can't join
>ironfoe reserved

cant wait for classic wow zoomer edition

Attached: WoW_Classic_Main-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I think actual wow classic will not be very much like this... most of our experience of classic right now is through twitch but believe it or not twitch is a very small part of even the smallest gaming communities.

blizz has already said they are not gonna allow addons that ruin the classic experience

wow was always the zoomer mmorpg

Ignore list better not have a max limit anymore. There are gonna be so many obnoxious faggots to /ignore

just fuckin lol

like what? vanilla had loads of addons


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Thankfully all the streamers will probably one shit up 1-4 servers, leaving most of the servers free for a genuine experience

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>tfw group of upwards of 15 friends that I met online almost a decade ago
>we're ready to actually play the fucking game and tell everyone else who tries to shit up the experience to fuck off
>set with tanks and healers out the ass
>mostly warriors and priests with some pallies
>plethora of mages, warlocks, rogues and even one drood
feels good not being a lonely incel! My only issue is that my girlfriend keeps asking me what class she should play

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until they start fresh on another realm that you've established on and have their 9 year old army boost them

make her a stereotype and tell her to pick hunter

Go on an RP server... I have yet to see a single streamer wanting to go there.

I might get WoW classic for my first entry, ill leave jerkass clans like that to their own circlejerking.


>but I want my weapon skill
No. It's shit. Never minmax for PvE at the cost of PvP. PvE is easy. Period. You can clear it with anything, and the only thing that additional minmaxing in PvE does is decrease your clear times by an insignificant amount. You dealt 2% extra dps and the boss died 0.2 seconds faster. Literally irrelevant. The boss would've died regardless, and you would've gotten the same loot. All you gained was a couple of seconds and a slightly longer epeen.

Being optimal is only relevant in PvP. You're not trying to reach a set level in PvP after which you can complete your objective. Stronger is always better in PvP. There is never a point where you're strong enough because the challenge is infinite. That is why you minmax for PvP at the cost of PvE.

So you rolled a human and are done with your one hour of raiding a week. A mage attacks you, and like always, frostbite procs. While you're stuck in a freeze, slowly dying to the mage's spells, you wonder: "Why the fuck did I roll a human?". Because if you hadn't, the mage would be dead, and you wouldn't staring at a gray screen right now.

Yea Forums is gay as hell now.
Who really are the zoomers?
them or yall for not coordinating to join opposing faction of our most hated streamer to non-stop pvp them making their game unplayable

Yeah i played on northdale and every time people were doing lfg for raid they would say " reserved".
Holy fuck this was cancerous as fuck.

i am, shes cute
but im also happy for asmonbald

Yea Forums probably is pre-pubecent enough to be jelly of his fat blob of a bitch that shops for makeup and home depot paint section.

What is the best warrior for pvp?

lfm onyxia need healers and ranged dps bag weps gbid head res t2 roll ms>os

Alliance: gnome
Horde: orc

gnomes fucking suck tho, should I pick racials over aesthetics?

Vanilla was shit.
Classic will be shit.

We're gonna play it anyway.

The best thing about gnomes is that there's nothing more infuriating than being killed by a midget.

best mage and rogue?

im in the same boat, want to play alliance mage, but theres only human or gnome to choose from

This argument will never make sense. There are going to be about 30 servers. No one is forcing you to play on the one all the big streamers go to. And I guarantee they will all go on the same one, it gets them more views to party up with other steamers

You're lost, dude. Gnomes are wonderful. Female only, of course.

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Get friends OP. It'll solve all those problems.

>nu-WoW pixar model
>faggy low res painted on slutmogs

god i cannot wait to RP on vanilla. It's going to be so comfy and clean.

Alliance: gnome and gnome
Horde: UD and orc (you can make a case for UD but I'd rather orc)

Gnome is the best race for a class on alliance if available. As melee EA is very strong. 1 min CD means it's up for almost every fight, and it means you don't have to blow a vanish/imp sprint for nova/frostbite/roots/all the other shit. With mage/lock it's less important, but it still helps. You can escape shatters and sometimes run away better from melee. Your other option is human, and perception does fairly little. Plus you get 5% int as gnome.

I’m genuinely worried someone will make a gearscore addon for classic. They made one for TBC back on Warmane so I imagine it’s possible to do for vanilla aswell.

The autistic screeching when memes kill all brain processes.

This is why you roll female Orc Warrior
> Orc Racials
> On demand Burst for melee(good in PvE too)
> Axe racial is sick for PvE DPS
> What's a stun? lol
> Looks good in gear(they basically look like green human males with tits)
> Good posture
> Amazing combat animations
> Isn't forced to look like a giant retarded slack jawed buffoon.
Orc Female is the perfect choice.

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Yeah but that means you have to play on horde.

It was and still is the best MMO of all time, despite its flaws

This THOT gets beta acces and i dont. Been playing since fucking launch. I get why assmongoloid and such get Keys. I hate Them, but at least they love WoW. This bitch doesn't give a flying fuck about this game and GOT FUCKING BETA. FUCK YOU BLIZZARD

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[X] doubt.

Say what you will about nu-WoW, but DF was an objectively good thing.

>post ach
>must have all purples or better
>everything reserved
>1000g per to run
>must have skype or discord

Attached: DzwtBbsVAAAiXoL.jpg (725x1200, 131K)

It's more like LFM MC soft res run boes accuria bindings hard res inspect at if bridge

Literally all I want is WoD player models in Classic. Fucking PLEASE Blizzard.

cringe tranny lover

Ultimate zoomer. Even most retail pay pigs know that dungeon finder is one of the worst things to ever happen.

But why would you need all purples to do MC, that means there is nothing to gain from MC anymore. It's literally the easiest place to get epics.

Problem is they look weird with the vanilla armor textures.
But id be fine with a toggle for those who want it.

There are no achievements, there is no better than purples and pre raid BiS for a lot of classes are weird blues and items below your armor class(edgemaster handguards and leather pieces for Fury Warrior),pugs reserve things it's normal, Just don't join them. 1000g in classic? For a MC run? lol no. And the last part is just sensible. But why are you pugging MC anyway, stupid anime poster? Join a guild.

It was the beginning of the design philosophy that turned WoW changed the game from a MMORPG (that is, massively *multiplayer* *role playing* game) a boring, mediocre single player action game with RPG elements that you can sometimes play with others if you want to.

If you don't think it killed the game you are objectively wrong.

I played in vanilla and assembling a party and running to the dungeon was extremely tedious and annoying, even back then.

Addendum: Server-only DF.

it's not about her looks, it's the fact that she's a softcore porn stream whore. asmon could do way better even if he's just a smelly wowfag.

updated female gnome models are so god damn cute

> WoD player models

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DF did not kill WoW. RF did.

That's how you know this shit show is gonna bomb hard. Catering to streamers? Mega yikes.

>Yea Forums dweller has over 15 friends that will come back to play old game with him
I believe you.

Most are pretty bad but the gnome models are great. I like the vanilla ones too though.

I love how their cheeks puff out when they're underwater. I only wish they were happier.

They're adding all of the other graphical upgrades so it seems weird this isn't in. I'd prefer the option for new models than all of the screeched ui changes they're adding in like raid frames.

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No one here is going to believe you, fucking old fat neckbeard basement dwelller.

>this is classic that zoomer wants
I'm fucking barfing

that seems like an incredibly arbitrary line to draw.

I don't like the new Disney models either, but would it matter if you could just turn them off?

having a modern graphics toggle doesn't change the how the game is played, and the modern WoW client has an option for old models so there's no reason classic shouldn't have an option for new ones

it is literally a matter of taste, it isn't like the difference between old talent trees and MoP-style talent tiers

thanks bro

as someone who prefers the old models, it's completely client-side so there's no reason to restrict it. it's not like you'll suddenly see the new models everywhere if you have it turned off. player options are a good thing.

>told my girlfriend i can't wait to get myself into classic
>''are you sure user? your life has been just so much better since you dropped that game... don't put all your effort into the trash for something so little
is she right?

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If you played vanilla and now post on Yea Forums, you dont have any friends or girlfriend. But nice try boomer.

I don't think you have a girlfriend. This was your conscience speaking.

You probably won't nolife it like you did when you were a teenager. You don't have the attention span for it anymore.

>talking to his hand
Classicfags are retards!???

Sounds just like the Vanilla and BC experience I remember

Not vanilla experience. Fuck off zoomers.

>Play EU so won't get most of the main streamers or their American zoomer followers
>Ignore all the retards

Also unless you're on a hardcore guild going for server firsts, nobody is gonna be sperging out over racials and perfect min/maxing.

My experience from private servers in recent years is that normal guilds are pretty chill, and it's easy enough to carry a few retards anyway. I never had anybody challenge me because I had a sub-optimal race or trinket

>What's a stun? lol

If I'm an alliance rogue should I talent for bleeds? This sounds pretty scary desu

>Been working up to asking this girl out in work
>Realised I won't have time for raiding and nolifing Classic if I had a gf again
>Fuck it, she says yes i'm happy, she says no I get to enjoy classic
>Asked her Friday

Looking forward to MC lads, going to book release date week off work on Tuesday

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Unironically this
Classic will be dominated by tons of cancerous youtuber / twitch / e-celeb guilds.
Every single server.


Everybody shut the FUCK UP I have a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION
Can you use thunderclap in defensive stance in 1.12.1 or was that a TBC thing?

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I don't want my character to look like a retard to other people who are dumb enough to use the new models.


Google. But battle only. TC is terrible for threat: low damage, low threat, battle only, 4 target cap. Use demo for snap threat.

plus their melee combat sounds like they're dry heaving

Have you thanked based Omar for saving WoW yet?


>no exp/gear drop on death

Thank God, when they added it to defstance in TBC warrior tanking became a fucking faceroll.

Is it unironically worth it to play WoW Classic if you don't have the nostalgia?

>inb4 zoomer
I just couldn't afford it.

Objectively incorrect. I have a whole ONE (1) friend and I do both of those things, tiny mortal.

Yes, it has a sense of progression and life that the current game just doesn't have

Not really

>he's playing an alliance rogue

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>when the strawman comic author starts to run out of shit to pad the dialog with so they just start naming literally every grenade in the game one by one

whats the strawman

you do resist all those nades though

I remember being terribly geared while leveling because it was hard to find good gear while questing. What are some good class guides for leveling?

Imagine being such a loser that you saved that image.

world pvp:
garrote, finish with rupture, and vanish. let as much health tick off as you can. Do it again and vanish a second time if you have prep. He's going to rend as soon as possible the second time, but if you're dwarf like you should be you can just stoneform it. Laugh as you have perfect damage avoidance and he can't do shit.

don't fight warriors alone. If you have vanish go pick a new target after stacking the bleeds

>rupturing with 2 combo points
lol retard

didnt read the rest

>manual crowd pummeler persists on weapon swap to another 2h mace

druids. fucking. won, not even a question about DPS anymore, the question is now how many druchads will be in raid.

Attached: 1557022994617.gif (660x934, 1.12M)

> Fighting an Orc Warrior
> Work up to a 5CP Kidney Shot
> Resist

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such a bad feeling, honestly hardiness is op

>manual crowd pummeler persists on weapon swap to another 2h mace
Fucking Source mate? That would have HUGE implications for basically every hybrid+Arms DPS.

>twitch is a very small part of even the smallest gaming communities.

warrior farming gnomer sounds hellish desu

Link proof or bullshit.

ya, ive heard that rumor too but ive seen no proof.

>He didn't tell me to use my standard attack

instructions are hard

t. shit player that has no idea how to play the game

You don't get it.
All the Day 1 hype is blown.
Streamer twitch cancer culture is cemented into classic now.
All the firsts are fucked because streamers poz'd it first.
Try hard builds are going to be completely mapped out because of the beta, so there will be absolutely zero initial discovery phase arguably the funnest part of an MMO.
Blizzard already ruined classic.

Don't worry.most of them are gonna roll UD or whatever like the shitters they are. More Axes for us!

Was engineering big in private server pvp? Back in the day hardly anyone used it to much effect, at least at 60.

>there's already garbage addons ready to determine "gearscore"

Fucking nuke the entire planet already.

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If I told you to wipe your ass you'd complain I didn't tell you to shit first

>so there will be absolutely zero initial discovery phase arguably the funnest part of an MMO.
>Blizzard already ruined classic.
Nigger the game is 14 years old and has been theorycrafted to death on Pservers. What fucking discovery?

lmao get zug zugged nigger

this is the "social experience" you asked for.


> implying anyone would shit on you for not being the right race
fake news

An option to turn off or on models should be available. EverQuest has it.

Fucking really? How does it work? Some classes have pretty strange BiS items. Fury Warriors want a low lv epic hand piece for weaponskill. If this addon reads item level, then it's item level would probably be low as fuck.

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Depends on what you look for in a MMORPG. Vanilla resembled EverQuests slow progression, and made tradeskills more viable.

Watch a Streamer and decide if its for you or not.

what's so wrong about this? perfectly reasonable proposal
he's literally telling you "you can have literally every single blue that drops I just want this specific one"
if you're such a greedy chink that even this is not good enough for you go ahead and find a 3rd clothie or something instead of screencapping it like an epic memester

Honestly it does, but if a healsl..
I mean, healfriend helps out it's doable. This uas bigger implications for shit like Enh Shammy and Retlol pala. A self bloodlust is nothing to scoff at. Pallies might even use a full spelldamage build+set+SoR instead of SoC with this.

I would love to see some proof. This would be pretty huge. The only problem is that there's barely any good 2H maces that drop for DPS later on that you can switch to. I mean, Hand of Rag comes to mind but you know, that's an extreme. And AV isn't out til later so no TuF.

Retail is dogshit, but at least it's free of streamers now.

She streams to 15k people regularly. What's your audience look like these days?

You've missed the point Blizzard apologists, the point is that it's disgusting that anyone could have so little taste that they would want it in the first place.

>mfw playing classic on a good server

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the actual vanilla experience was aids. nostalgia larping is fuckin pathetic

>ESL defending fellow ESL

nah his ESL skills are inexcusable, but that's a different thing
nice counterargument btw

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>All my fears for classic have been realized
It should have stayed in 2004.

> Blizz apologists
Did you miss where I said that the models looked like Disney shit? I hate most of them. It just doesn't impact me if someone next to me uses the bewerkt models at all. I see him in my screen in his glorious oldschool model. And on his screen om some mongoloid Disney Shrek monster instead of a brutal Orc. But you knw, i don't have to fucking see it so whatever.

Seems very unlikely that there's a toggle for improved foilage, shadows, and water but they're won't be a toggle for updated character models. If they were forcing everyone to experience the classic aesthetic the former shouldn't exist.

> mfw playing with Dutchbros, Britbros, Scandinavianbros, and those rare Germanbros who prefer english servers/clients
> No giant streamer shitfests on the server
> No retarded American politics spam
> That Undead Mage in your guild who is always some swedish dude with the driest and sarcastic humor ever

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Already created three backstories for my humans, each designed to be abducted and enslaved by nelves in unique ways.

I know OP is trolling when he mentions Scarab Lord but there is no way he's gonna get priority for the title. That shit requires an entire guild's worth of effort to complete and no GM is gonna give priority to a dude who will but in less than the minimum amount of work.

Doesn't really matter who gets the item, but overconfident ESL Undead rogues who want to reserve any gear get the kick. DPS are easily replaceable.
The cloak dropped and some random guy got it.

He IS gonna be the GM. Of the largest goonsquad in the server.

I am decided on rolling shaman 100%, it fits my style and I can't wait to drop some fucking wf totems down and make everyone's damage go up.
But rogue seems fun to play too, how's rogue overall? I mean both PvE and PvP.

Nigger you can't just drop this meta changing bomb in here without proof and then fuck off...
Give me a source damnit.
Or are you just a Troll toying with Feral droods emotions? In which case, you succeeded.

Streamer genetation ruined gaming. They use imageboard too.

I'm not arguing, just mocking ESLs. I wouldn't take somebody that talked like that into any group.

thank god they can't browse while streaming

meh, I wouldn't want to deal with the new Germans anyway.

It wasn't so much of a proposal as it was a demand. Maybe if he wasn't a fucking retard in addition to being an ESL retard, but I'd kick that guy in a heartbeat. Rogues are a diamond dozen.

That dude can barely organize a team of reasonably competent dicksuckers and you think he'll be the GM of a guild capable of doing the Scarab Lord chain? I'll believe that when I see it.
More likely he'll be given a token officer role while someone way more autistic than him does all the heavy lifting.

Blizzard needs to make containment servers for ecelebs and Yea Forums memers.

>he doesn't know about non-rp servers

Rogues easily have it the best for world pvp, not so much battlegrounds but it's fine if you stay with your team

They are a premiere DPS class for PVE like you'd expect. But it might be hard to stand out, because expect there to be a lot of rogues on the server, and expect everyone to initially assume you are retarded. But that goes for any class that's not tank or healer.

Makes sense.
Since i'm gonna be new to the game, I guess I'd be better rolling a Shaman first (hybrid classes seem to have an easier time leveling up overall, not sure about it) than rolling a Rogue, but I could always go back and give it a try at some point later on.

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>want to play classic
>"I guess retail will hold me over until then"
>start a human priest with the free trial
>can't stomach playing past level 5

jesus what happened to this game

It's a single player MMO. Any feature that made you commit to other players got removed.
Only thing left is mythig progression raid, but that means only 1% can enjoy the game while the rest is stuck with a single player game.

KANKERKANKERKANKER , most retarded people on the planet

germanbros are ok

>people from other servers everywhere
>lvl 1 characters with full heirlooms and a mount
>Rank 1 Smite costs 1 mana, has huge range, and you have an enormous mana pool
>blitz through Northshire in 25 minutes
>lul kill orcs dey bad
>Goldtooth sitting outside fargodeep mine so you don't have to go inside to kill him

geez dude why even play if there's no challenge?

I have a very different experience from you then. A lot of them tend to be cancer when they are in [nationality] guild. Full Dutch guilds are indeed KANKER spammers, but the Dutchbros in multinational guilds i've been in were always chill as fuck. Most of them didn't like the Dutch only guilds either. Told me they were filled with the Dutch equivalent of Chavs.

has layering been removed yet?

addons like decursive were literally the classic experience

Pretty much, current WoW leveling basically plays itself because there's never any risks. Even the stuff that recommends you group with other people more often than not can be solo'd, it just takes a little longer.

I've been fucking around on a private server in lieu of a beta invite and holy shit has it made me not want to be Horde. Leveling in the Barrens is abject suffering since apparently the Undead decided Silverpine was shit and level here too
>seventy fucking people waiting for Kreenig to spawn
Miss me with that gay shit I'll be in Westfall

what's the best hunter?

i wish i had your experience, but alas
slavs are equally retarded

Anything other than Tauren.

>He thought just because she was in his league that some dirty fucking beta hadnt already snatched her up
Lmfao retard I learned the hardway as well. rule number 1 never ask girls from your workplace out and never aim below expectations. Fuck ugly women the only thing uglier then there faces is there souls.

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why are people agains gearscores? better than inspecting then and browsing their equipment, fast and convinient

The original gearscore was actually useful because it would deduct from your score if you were wearing unoptimal shit, like if you didn't have gems/enchants or if you were below hit cap.
Now it's just about wearing the highest item level piece you can find without giving a fuck about if the gear is actually good or not, that on top of Titanforging means any retard can have a decent gearscore.

It's hardly like it matters, the BiS gearsets for straight DPS were mapped out years ago.
Fortunately basically nothing before tier 2 requires a gearcheck except for fire resist fights, and in a lot of situations DPSing as hard as possible will either make you OOM or make you outaggro the tank and get your face eaten.
I don't expect many raid leaders will really care. After all the hardest part about running a 40 man is the fact you have 40 people, and if some of those retards are constantly fucking up tactics and forgetting basic vanilla mechanics like threat and mana, then they're out on their arse no matter what some addon says.

Gearscore for all its flaws did make sense in the simplified raiding world of late WotLK and beyond, that and achievements were literally all you had to go on to gauge a stranger's skills. Sure if you were good but just hadn't done the raids yet you got filtered, but then it was so easy to slap a 10 man together and run it yourself.


who will complete Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral first?

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Whoever had their followers give them the most gold and free dungeon loot?

whats the point of Scarab Lord? its literally just a pointless title? why would you even help someone else get the title and not get anything in return, sounds like being a cuck

shut the fuck up you idiot

...Is that Ivanka Trump?


Its also an extremely unique mount that only 1 person in the whole server can get.

>why would you even help someone else get the title and not get anything in return
But he might say my name on stream!

never been happier to play EU in my LIFE

wasn't the title itself added in tbc?

>only 1 person in the whole server can get.
anyone can get it if they get the scepter and bang the gong while the event is happening

Yeah but the amount of manpower and resources that goes into getting just one person Scarab Lord is massive. Several parts of the chain require several 40 man raid groups to complete, like the demon essence and the dragon cleansing.

Yes, everyone in private servers is a zoomer who wants to be Vurtne.

>implying dorfs aren't the superior rogue race
I hate those little niggers and their bleed immunity.

To be fair to current Gearscore, there's no such thing as a hit cap anymore and gems/enchants have been relegated to being practically useless so it can't really deduct anything.
As for your other point, for most classes the secondary stats are so close together in value, and gear become so homogenised that you may as well consider item level to be a direct measure of quality.

Things gear doesn't do anymore:
- defense cap
- hit cap
- pure +healing
- spirit
- HP5/MP5
- trading between defensive stats and DPS stats (or even have defensive stats in general, there's no block/dodge/parry stat anymore)
- resistances
- weapon skill
- resilience
- cloaks/rings for specific roles

With all that in consideration, is it literally even possible to wear the "wrong" gear in retail? The absolute worst you can do is wear a non-optimal mix of crit/haste/mastery/main stat.
Reliance on item level isn't the problem here, incredibly simple gear is.

>breaking a bleed is better than resisting almost every stun in the game

lol cringe

so both the alliance races are best for hunter?

Have fun with Achmed

hate to break it to you user but, they said they aren't planning on adding RP or PVP servers...

dwarves get bonus to maces, and stoneform. theyre the best MT for alliance

can't wait until memes are illegal for yuropoors hahaha

Same with everything in WoW ever.
It's a badge that says 'look i did a thing that I could train a monkey to do, but I did it a long time ago and it was extremely tedious, look at how cool i am'.

No. It's Dwarf. It's always Dwarf.

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Asmondolt probably can't maintain a good erection. He also has no body mass and he probably can't exert himself before becoming extremely exhausted. So no good sex.
What happens in their bedroom is probably the most boring shit on this planet :)

That's actually WHY gearcore is so shit now, because it literally means nothing. That's why for M+ and raiding there's third party scoring like warcraftlogs based on performance and not just what you're wearing.

Humans gets bonus to maces you twat
And Stoneform isn't that good for a tank. Human has more TPS and Nelf has 1% extra Dodge which is nice.

I'd honestly be surprised if he smashed. She looks uncomfortable around him and is probably just leading him on to make him try and spend money on her.
She's a literal twitch thot who's self-aware, she knows what she's doing.

>alliance is gonna get flooded with bad players that want to play with their streamers (70% or meme streamers are Ally) plus kids who want to be the "good bois"
>Horde is going to get the good players
>Alliance the numbers but shit quality

Are we already aware of this? I hope you faggots tryharders are going to push the alliance forward.

I need help. I really love the alliance cities as well as the leveling experience. Theres a ton of actual story and great quest chains and zones.

The only problem is the alliance races are all a bunch of faggots. I can't stand seeing them all jump around like little cocksuckers doing flips and being manlets. Horde has the superior looking races but they have pretty boring leveling zones and have little to no good quest chains, it's always really insignificant kill quests. You can really tell the dev's focused heavily on alliance in vanilla

I'll be playing casually as a hunter on a pve realm to avoid being camped. I really suck at pvp and not really a fan

Alright cool, was thinking dwarf racials are better

you don't get to make demands in an already formed group if you're dps. if you want to reserve loot, make your own group.

It's really quite sad.
Everyone who played in vanilla or TBC probably remembers a whole fuckload of specific items that they had, greatly desired, or envied other people for having.
I can say with honesty I barely remember what gear my character was wearing the last time I logged into it months ago, or where I got it from, or really what it even looks like thanks to transmog.

Since battlegrounds won't be out from the start, there won't be the pvp CC breaking trinket until then right?

>horde leveling zones are boring

you're a retard, we have great leveling zones

>as a hunter on a pve realm
Don't do this. Hunters have range so they're one of the better pvp classes. Playing pve just feels like you're cutting yourself off from half the game.

>getting ganked by 5 others is "gameplay"

>>you went dwarf prot warrior instead of human for the extra 5 skill in swords? sorry you can't join
Anyone who thinks that Classic isn't going to be every bit this autistic hasn't been paying attention.

Better be ready to go for the second pre-raid bis too. Otherwise you'll be fighting every other rogue, hunter, and dps warrior for the rends.

This isn't 2005 anymore with mages wearing T1 and paladins being told T2 is BiS till Naxx

>I'll be playing casually as a hunter on a pve realm to avoid being camped. I really suck at pvp and not really a fan

make a horde rogue on a pvp server and gank them

Really fun to gank in goldshire or the tram. You can gank in the AH for lulz if you're cool with dying.

do you really think that if she didnt get access, someone else would have in her place? if she didnt get it, it wouldnt be +1 plebs in beta.

Phase 1 PvP will have pretty much no reward except fun.
Phase 2 has honour and ranks, including the rank rewards like the CC trinket.
Phase 3 has Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch.

I don't hate Asmongold, but he has a raid of 100 people following him everywhere and dumping hundreds of gold on him just cause. Even top guild masters leading server firsts were lucky to receive that kinda devotion from their raid team.

vanilla pvp is the most braindead unbalanced bullshit ever, why people are unironically hyped for this is forever beyond me. WoW pvp in general is fucking dogshit, the game was supposed to be a mmorpg centered around pve, not muh 360 dorrito noscope mlg pvp gameplay.

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I hate this so much.
I still remember getting certain weapons. I can not remember what the fuck my DH is wielding. Some swords or whatever. They're mogged to glaives anyway. It sucks that there aren't unique weapons anymore. No more weapons or items that really stand out, just blobs of random stats on that can randomly have more stats because reasons. There are many old weapons i can think of right now from older WoW. Asscandy, Ice Barbed Spear, Dal Rend set, Hand of Edward the Odd, Unstoppable Force. The list goes on. The last weapons i really remember from recent modern WoW are the artifacts from Legion. There are no more cool and unique items. It's all just worthless purples with random stats that rain from the sky. Fuck me, Blizzard raped this game.

Carebear cowards

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>hundreds of posts on reddit, Yea Forums, and even Blizzard's official forums stating that night elf priests are completely and totally a wrong choice by every objective measure and should be kept out of raids.
>People sleeping on oomkins and stating they're literally so bad you can ignore them in pvp
>people stating shadow priests should not be considered in a raid comp of 40 people at all and that SW should be delivered by a healer specced into it.
>People saying that prot pallies are so bad they can't even tank five mans
>people warning everyone that STV is a waste of questing time

Jesus christ

>is she right?
yeah she is - even if she's just your hand

It's awesome if you're scissors or rock

rainbow warriors with greygold helms / crown of fire represent!

I'm going to level to 60 and you can't stop me.

I can remember a lot of specific weapons for my mage that I worked for or really wanted.
Even better though is that I knew of a lot weapons that OTHER classes really wanted too. Like so many items I'd never want or wield, but I knew them anyway because if you saw someone with one you knew they were hot shit (and if on the opposite faction probably about to fuck my arse).
I think the last non-artifact weapon I strongly remember on my mage is Nibelung from ICC because of the pure cool factor of fighting with val'kyr. Everything after is just a stick with the best two secondary stats.

Blizzard got rid of too much rpg for items to have any meaning. Even the Legion artifacts change less about your character than an arcanite reaper did to a newb warrior trying to pvp.

vanilla pvp is the most bursty bullshit ever lol. I still remember one-shotting people with mortal strike crits

>should I pick racials over aesthetics?
Never, don't be a minmaxing faggot and play what you want.

this isn't really going to be true either though. MC is not so hard that you can't start doing it before having BIS. Tanks, sure, FRes, sure, but everything else?

I agree with you.
But what is worse is that the WoW coins will be used for xfers.
So some will just PvE to 60 then run to PvP servers.

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Oh man I can't wait to do some BGs!

Oh, you mean BGs are crossrealm and I have to fight XxHOMEBOYSSTREAMERxX and his 5 dedicated healers every match?

These are the kind of guys who would immediately leave right after killing the boss they need

There are ways around this. If someone wants to use a degenerate strategy like that, just out degenerate them.


lol wheres your premade retard

>all the best players pick my faction
>we’re going to the best at every because we picked red
>not like those faggot streamers and their fans who are shit at the game
>also they’re the tryhards, definitely not me heh

Nothing reasonable it, he didn't make the group, nor was he a tank or healer. He was dps, and a rogue at that. He was bringing nothing to the table and even top damage may not be worth it if he keeps ripping aggro / doing dumb shit.

I'm a tank who reserves ironfoe in runs. If he wants to make such a heavy demand then he needs to be the one who got the group together, helped them with what they needed and understood that reserving something means you have to give something in return.

On the priest one it's just more that Fear Ward is OP and Lets you cheese fights.
And from the rest of your list it's just oldschool mentality that is very hard, if not impossible to break.
It's fucking dumb. There's literally years of theorycrafting and autistic testing gone into these Hybrid DPS specs. Ferals, S.Priests, and Retadins have found weird ways to be relevant in the raid while also providing all their buffs and shit. Feral in particular can reach very respectable numbers if the Feral is dedicated enough to farm Manual Crowd Pummelers. And your Rogues and Furywarrs Will love that 3% crit. But no. "I played Vanilla and Feral/S.priest/etc is bad lol because the say so and every retard back then said so, so there!"
I could understand if it was just wishful thinking, but there's mountains of proof with spreadsheets and formulas out there, made by super dedicated autists.
I say good luck to you future Ferals and whatever. I'll be a Fury Warrior. At least people believe they are useful. I played Pally back in the day. Im not fighting that uphill battle AGAIN.

>pick horde
>realize their level zones are fucking awful
>realize most armor looks like shit on the hunchbacks
>realize that pre-made Allies still dominate pvp on your battlegroup
>realize that BoKs is overpowered bullshit and windfury is wipefury half the time because your tank can't keep up.

Play a private then, or VR.

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.... is erp / mods available for vr?

>Every nuance that took people the entirety of Vanilla to find out has been known for 15 years
>Everything is known, nothing is new
>Current WoW mentality will infect the game like a virus fro day 1
>You'll never be amazed by Ragnaros ever again
>You're paying a monthly fee to wait for content you already did over a decade ago to "release"


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Not in live wow I don't think

decursive in vanilla sucks, I had to decurse as a mage and I always hated using the add on so I stopped using it with equal number of decurses

My buddy banged her in highschool and said she had a great smelling asshole.

Yeah it's honestly really sad. Seeing my first Asscandy was in a BG vs a Horde premade. Saw that Warrior barreling down midfield with his healsluts behind him and his mismatched icon set of plate dps(you know the one) and i knew our team was about to get reamed lol.

The RPG items i miss the most. That skull that gives runspeed, that horned viking helm only horde could get for that extra charge, that one belt that removed immobilize effects. All so cool. At the very least Artifacts did felt like you were working on making your weapons OP. That pseudo talent tree was pretty fun, and hitting certain traits was pretty impactful. Farming AP for the weapons at least felt like you were upgrading. AP for the neck makes me want to neck myself.

It's all just PUG drama, every expansion has it.
The current meme as far as I'm aware is people demanding amazing stats and item level for literally faceroll level M+ dungeons.

As in every expansion the only way to avoid elitist PUG retards is to either start your own group or join a guild where everyone knows that everyone else is competent.

>tfw in chill boomer guild that min maxes only so that we can all get really fucked up during the actual raids and still clear fast
Anyone else know this feel?

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july 16th boys
just 45 days away

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I don't get the pug world anyway. Why even pug? Just find a guild. It's not that hard. Too many socially inept people want to play An MMO without dealing with other people. And Blizzard catered to them.

>Why even pug?

And people think Classic is going to be GOING HOME BOYS when people like this are playing.

Pugging is literally a wrathbaby meme. Kys larpers.

>just because you know the nuances doesn't mean it isn't fun or satisfying to work with them or through them or around them
>there were guides and maps literally since launch, and datamining sites after just a few patches, using them or not has always been a choice
>doesn't matter, that sort of person won't last long in the world of 40 man raids, 2-3 items per boss, and weeks of farming just to afford an epic mount
>this one's fair enough
>yeah, content I enjoyed greatly with friends whom I look forward to spending time with

Ashenvale is a fucking garbage zone though I can't disagree with you there, trees and hills and shit everywhere. I'm fine with having to go a bit of a long way around to do quests but my god Ashenvale can fuck off.

It's another win for the Alliance, baby.

The name is a reference to these fuckers.

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>allycucks trying to do satyr horn quest

Pugging in classic was like 90% terrible though.
>nobody ever does less popular/more difficult/more out of the way dungeons
>people getting fed up of how long it takes and just ditch
>"what do you mean I have to run, can't we just get a warlock?"
>huntards taking all the weapons
>endless arguments about which class deserves an item the most, to the point of retardation like rogues wanting spell damage daggers because muh dps value
>somehow managing to find all of your server's windowlickers like 'warrior who never sunders' or 'the mage who unironically casts arcane missiles'

The last 10% was amazing don't get me wrong, and modern WoW has killed that stone fucking dead, but really most people with sense did dungeons and raids with friends or guildies.

I see.
I don't think I ever quested far enough into Ashenvale to get around the Satyrnaar end of the zone. I usually got through the chains around Astranaar or a little further east then moved on to better zones.

>horde trying to so SM with a feral druid

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>unironically going to play on his server
Gonna be good boys.

Still cant decide between gnome warlock, Dorf hunter, or human paladin tho

>want to play wow classic
>I'm a fucking adult so I don't have time for minmaxing, raid schedules, or the autistic race to 60
>Don't want to revert to neetism just for nostalgia

I want so badly to roll another horse warrior, but the idea of committing to the bullshit in WoW is a major turn off. At least a few IRL friends will play, I may consider doing it if they do

I usually just bolted after you get that little quest at lv2 that tells you to go to your class trainer and then just fucked off to Stormwind.

Minmaxing is hardly even a thing unless you're doing AQ40 and Naxx, you can do Molten Core with less than 40 people in blues if they're not thick as fuck. It's going to be important to note we're not dealing with 2006 internet and hardware and information sources too, raids will be significantly easier than people remember.
Raid schedules I can understand, but given the likely age of the target audience I expect there'll be a lot of guilds with light and/or flexible raid hours.
Racing to 60 has always been dumb, why even bother?

I did plenty of autism time in WoW and I don't think I'll be doing that again either, going chill up to 60 and joining a 1-2 day a week guild with my friends will be alright with me I think.

>raid schedule
until AQ40 comes out no guild is going to raid for more than two days a week at most
you can't set aside two three hour long sessions a week? the fuck do you do?

Just play a private vanilla server

this posting is dumb, if there was legitimately a class which could be so overpowered it replaced all other classes in a raid setting blizzard would just patch it out

Its fucking SM. You dont need optimal specs until 60

you do when trying to clear it at lvl 30

I never had much luck getting guildies to do things that weren't raiding relevant in any guild I was in. If you wanted to do Uldaman or something you might get the guy that loves playing tardspecs that talks too much but were still reliant on random knuckledraggers to tank and heal if you weren't doing them yourself.

do prot warriors get better? i'm only level 12 and it's so boring cause I constantly feel rage starved

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horses can only be mounts not warriors dumbass

>leveling as prot

Vanilla is har-

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Shield block and revenge make it a lot nicer since they're so efficient at spending and generating rage. Once you get into dungeons where you have mobs beating on you all the time you'll have rage to spare.
Levelling as prot is kind of masochistic no matter which way you slice it though, they're just not designed to be that good or efficient at outdoors content.

Imagine not having a guild

it's actually real that people are giving gold to these streamers. what the fuck

>ironfoe reserved
Lol what warrior would tank through BRD and let another player get ironfoe if it drops

Please don't level as prot. Prot warriors are meant for tanking, not leveling. Go arms instead.

>yeah vanilla was best because of the community it actually encouraged socializing to do stuff u know :)))
>annoying people? nah just play with the fellas u always play with and only talk to them in your private discord :)))))))))))

So this is the game people have been posting non-stop for months about huh?

well I'm actually talenting into fury atm for the 5% crit, i'm using one handed and it does as much as my two handed...

People are coming up with new shit all the time you just dont fucking care. Unless blizzard fixes every spec you will just bitch.

no this is a wow thread not smash

So they finished a 5-man while being basically level 30 twinks?
I'm not really sure I'm impressed, you can do those dungeons even a bit underlevelled with like a voidwalker or a shield Shaman tank if you beat your head on it enough times.
SM is like the low-ish end of medium in difficulty for dungeons I'd say, not that any of the 5 mans in WoW could actually be described as difficult except for Stratholme speedruns or dungeon set 2 bosses.

level in arms. Fury is a meme leveling spec
With arms you can pick up sweeping strikes and dab on 2 mobs with cleave for 4 hits in 1 swing.

Same thing. Both attract streamers and zoomers.

Damn right now suck this cock

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here's your attention now go have sex

here's your donation, now say my name.

Grow up, dilate, and have sex.

>make millions playing wow
>eats her ass out everynight

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You level as Fury until 40. Then you respec Arms. You don't know what you are talking about.

Best class/race combo for 1v1, 1vX and premade BG?

For real though how much +hit does the orc and human racial weapon skill add? Was it 1-3% either way even 1% extra is good.


2d is b-better... f...f...f-fuck stream...*sobs*ers....

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Orc warlock is king in 1v1 and 1vX, meaning you can solo defend points in AB and shit.

I just wanna be a troll or tauren or orc shaman and I wanna throw around lava and lightning and cause earthquakes and shit.

They also give them gear. Its beyond cuckoldry

orc warlock
undead spriest
resto/balance druid

She looks like she fucks withered nerds with bad teeth

>Not rolling based human
>Giving a fuck about PvP
Kill yourself

Pretty easy to not play on one of these servers, you know?

Why do people like bellybutton piercings? They look like shit

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No. Based Human all the way. Never Horde and never roll on PvP realms. Incels I want you there to gank you and steal the time you pay for to play. Roll on comfy pve or RP server.

>not giving a fuck about pvp
You've outed yourself casul fucking scum.

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Why do people go to PvP realms instead of PvE?

beause pvp is fun

No she isn't. Fuck that bitch. You are better off without her. She's just a demon sent to less you astray from the Vidya. Come back home brother.

>you went dwarf prot warrior instead of human for the extra 5 skill in swords? sorry you can't join
This. I hate how autistic it's become. I had to wait a couple hours to find a Deadmines group just because I picked a race/class that I didn't realize people didn't like

Idk man, unless you're going for r14 the pvp gear ain't that great. At least for warriors.

Added sense of challenge and it can be pretty fun since you can never really know when it will happen (There are a few spots you KNOW a mage is waiting like the first door way in Diremaul) but running around with your buddies or some randos and fucking up the opposing faction is fun.

>she had to google and ask chat where to go for every quest

Your optimism is sweet but naive

Literally nobody says this

No I'm just not someone who wants time they pay for stolen by incels who poopsocked to 60 just to gank and corpse camp low levels. Fuck that and fuck you for advocating theft.

Alliance 1-20 is better than Horde, but afterwards it becomes clear that, actually, Horde got the better deal in the end. Which is where it matters to have more quests.

I wonder if any of those people ever did Deadmines in vanilla. You can literally go in there with a fucking hunter pet tanking and clear it.
As always the best strategy for dealing with these people is to just make the group yourself, or join a guild that isn't full of self-important elitist trash.

If this was true then feral would be outputting some pretty gud deeps.
>First spell batch consumable shifting and now this
Glad I invested in Drucoin

Unless I get grand fathered into r14 I'd never play again. Lost sleep and nearly failed out of college one semester for that shit

wPvP is very fun to level in

Well im sure the 15 bucks you paid for your "girlfriend" for the night was a much better investment than a sub back into the game bruh

Just seems like you're stopping yourself being able to focus on raiding 100%

>tfw not having my time stolen by not getting ganked by playing on PvE servers

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>Want to roll a female gnome rogue to gank horde zoomers
Convince me this isn't maximum comfy

it was never your time to begin with serf

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I thought about going for it but then I remembered you won't get shit in wPvP and I fucking loathe battlegrounds.

Raiding takes up so little time user... fill the rest of your days with PvP and roleplaying.

You're a massive faggot that's all.
People that bitch about light piercing and tattoos are all closet faggots that jerk off to 2d or trap shit 100%.
None of you "Anti-Degenerate" types are close to being even the "Trad Husband" type you retards try to throw around.
You just want females to be your slaves while you smack your small cock to hentai and cry about video games/streamers on Yea Forums all day.

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its not because zoomers play alliance

friendly reminder twitch zoomers wont even play classic, they'll go back to bfa

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>focus on raiding 100%
Vanilla was never just about raiding and it sure isnt anymore.

>Vanilla was never just about raiding
The time period where the honor system disagrees with you

holy shit did I upset you or something?

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>being this assblasted some random user doesn't like your fetish
Have sex

No one blames you for being with a girl with a "I

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Me grug me like body paint and body shinies

BIG KEK, someone is regretting that prince Albert and DAMAGED tattoo

prove me wrong retards

>prove my differing opinion wrong retards
why are you so invested in this

That's all warriors when leveling, deal with it or quit now.

>You just want females to be your slaves while you smack your small cock to hentai and cry about video games/streamers on Yea Forums all day.
Couldn't possibly be projection, not at this level. Or could it?

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gnome's racial kinda sucks because vanish and improved sprint exist

Really? How come Mage isn't mentioned here?

Why do people play PvE?

>Just seems like you're stopping yourself being able to focus on raiding 100%

To me the point of PvE is to get gear I can kill people even faster with. Yunno, instead of going to another place to kill NPCs that don't have feelings.

Not about racials, its about butt-frustrating zoomers

Prove yourself right first, subhuman

>YFW you will finally be rid or chink/slav infested private servers

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Oh then what the other user said, play horde

There's nothing unusual or frustrating about a gnome rogue. Or any other race really.

Actually, being killed by a tauren rogue would be humiliating

Please respond.

>You're subhuman for knowing MGTOW writting anywhere
Unironcly you're an incel.
You have no idea what projection means.

shut up faggot, ill pick human if i want to because they look cool with gear

this is what i will be doing, my main will be on pve and if i feel like wpvp ill turn it on and wait for fuckers to attack me. probably gonna have characters on pvp server too because it can be fun at times but most of my time will be going into comfy pve

This. I love how these fags cry and whine about piercings and tattoos all the time and about people being degenerates. Tats and piercings have jack shit to do with how you are as a person, I seen plenty of girls without that shit that were rampant whores. Only tats you ever need to watch for are tramp stamps.

I prefer women in their default state without the bullshit tacked on

>business catering to whatever gets them more exposure for new product
You're not even trying to hide the fact you're underage

That's fine but dont act like women in their "default" state are better than women who gets tats and piercings

mage is a glass canon, it's hard to 1v2 unless you get a perfect setup with polymorh + start shooting the other guy from a distance.

Zoomers were still in diapers when WoW released

>millionaire gets hot chick
more news at 11

Ill be playing PvE because wPvP is a meme

What makes orc warlock so strong?

Stun resist, really you should be popping FAPs so it's not that big of a deal.

>"you can have literally every single blue that drops I just want this specific one"

It's not up to him to decide what I can and can't roll on, and he sure as shit doesn't control what the bosses drop in the first place.

>t. feral druid

if Projared can get hot girls to fuck him because of his fame, then Asmongold can too. it's not about being attractive or having a good personality, it's money.

Well they are
Piercings beyond ears are a sign of mental illness, tattoos are pretty trashy depending on what they get
Seethe faggot

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>I seen plenty of girls without that shit that were rampant whores.

Yes but how many girls with tats do you know that aren't rampant whores?

You can lie. I promise I won't check your facts

When women go overboard it starts getting gross

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>implying women who don't have tats or piercings don't have mental illnesses


>wPvP is a meme
explain yourself

No, but it's a safer bet

You're not proving shit you're just saying "EHH EHH YOU KNOW EHH EHH!" with - proof to back up anything.
You're not correct you're cringy.

>Yes but how many girls with tats do you know that aren't rampant whores?

I knew more girls without tats and just basic earrings that were whores than girls with those things. Also depends on tats, real tats are fine, tramp stamp chances are good it's a whore. Queen of spade shit, def a whore.

>he doesn't know

>tfw not a burger and not forced to play with insufferable streamer cunts

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Retailfags seething more and more by the day lol.

those are shit quality ghetto tats, no shit the girls that get them are gonna be trash, they have no sense of style or aesthetics.

>haha classic sucks you're just nostalgic about it
>it will be dead in a few months
>you're not a kid anymore, you don't have time to play it
>you're just trying to relive your childhood
>the raids are so fucking easy, bosses only have 1 mechanic lolol
>everyone will quit when they remember how bad the game is
>people only liked it because it was new
>there's no mystery to the game anymore, everything is figured out
>you really want to drop all of the improvements retail has made over the years?
>lol why are you paying for a game already released 15 years ago
>blizzard is going to fuck it up, just you watch
>it's not better, just slower
>layering.webm (video actually from the blizzcon demo, not the beta)
>people only played private servers because it's free, nobody will pay $15 for classic
>no content after naxx, you can't keep playing forever lol

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>Classic thread full of 30 year old boomers crying for nostalgia and calling all females whores.
I knew you retards were all Incels but these threads are just here for you to be contained from normal humans.

here you go user

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I haven't said anything. I asked a question. Meanwhile the user I'm asking is the one providing anecdotes that don't mean anything. Then you follow up with sperging and call the kettle black.

seethe harder retail cuck

>I knew more girls without tats and just basic earrings that were whores than girls with those things.

Most girls don't have tats. Any group that's larger should be better represented in everything, let alone whoring.

Have sex and stop jerking off to pixel art of a 15 year old game.

>tfw back in The Barrens

Maybe MMOs just aren't for you? After watching and interacting with the Classic wow community, I have decided that I do not want to associate myself with most of those fucking morons in any way. Cancelled my collector's edition preorder, uninstalled the beta.

just roll it, whats the deal

All you people provide is anecdotes yourselves based on stereotypes

>she has tats/piercings, she's a whore!

Sorry but I guarantee you some aryan bitch with no tats or piercings is prolly gonna be a whore

a majority of the girls that are whores dont have tats, so if anything not having tats should be a sign of whoredom, sorry im not an incel that falls for that girl next door crap

>twitch is a very small part of even the smallest gaming communities.
It may be small but the twitch mentality is concentrated cancer.
The twitch crowd always thinks that if they are offended, it's the speaker who caused the offense, and not (for example) their own over-sensitivity, incompetence, or bad ideas.
As a result, they feel justified in banning all the "disruptive" "trolls", and they never learn to handle their own faults and problems.
That attitude will sabotage themselves and their peer groups, and is a great example of why free speech shouldn't just be the government.

>a majority of the girls that are whores dont have tats

No shit. Do I have to repeat myself? A majority of girls don't have tats. Most whores drive, listen to music, aren't vegetarians. They all breathe. Because most girls and people in general do these things. But they aren't a predictor of whoredom.

Meanwhile if most women with tats were whores it would be a good predictor.

>I don't want my character to look like a retard to other people who are dumb enough to use the new models.
Then what are you doing about your IRL appearance, you massive faggot?

Wow, sounds like 2004 again

Its mostly just ganking people lower level than you, boring.

Here's your alternative

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This is wrong though.
Raid's have always had weapons with special effects, more or less.
BoD (big raid) has a sword that slows if you wear a ring with it.
Crucible of the Storms has effects on every piece of gear it drops. In particular, you have a Polearm trident with a chance to make a shield around you, and a staff with a use-effect that puts a healing-ward on someone else.

Neo WoW has problems, but you have to be accurate.
>Blizzard got rid of too much rpg for items to have any meaning.
You know the number one complaint about the new Cruicble of the Storms gear--in particular the trinkets--is? It upsets PvP balance. It's ironically PvPers critiquing the introduction of exciting, memorable gear that tips the scales wildly.

I think the difference is classic PvPers (and players in general) didn't mind the grand imbalances, they enjoyed it even. I remember one thread someone said, more-or-less, "balance druid is suppose to be shit and it's fine" and it's so surreal to me that people are ok with an entire spec being literally a mistake to invest in. It's obscene, but there's admittedly fun in getting a grand weapon for the first time, like the Whirlwind Axe, knowing that it's the BEST for a long time, or the best for the whole game is quite the rush.
Now, you get a trinket that's forged to max ilvl with a prismatic slot and, ultimately, it'll be outclassed next patch by stuff that drops at the end of M 10s.

I ONLY want whitemane new model in the game COME ON blizzard save her from the shity game shes trapped

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oh so you have no idea what you're talking about.
absolutely shocking

play rogue and gank people higher level than you

During different phases of rogues being OP in BC and WOTLK it wasn't unusual for me to gank a bad max level player when I'm 8 levels down from them.

No idea how vanilla is on that. But I know they can kill people naked with worn daggers.

How fucked am I if I want to play shadow priest?

Hang on, SM Arm at 30?
I'm assuming 5man limit is in.
You'd pretty much be forced to go 4 beast hunters and a resto druid, owing to how everything is going to get resisted.

im preety sure the devs said they would specifically break mods like that, anyone have a source on there actually being a gearscore mod?

>I'm a fucking adult so I don't have time for minmaxing
This is the shitter mentality. It's using IRL as an excuse.
You can minmax slowly. Nothing stops you from minmaxing slowly.
IRL limits your hours played. It does not limit you being competent during those hours.
>raid schedules
This too, unless your job has you on-call at all times. Schedule your job so you have consistent hours off, and raid during those hours.
If you were even vaguely good at IRL then you'd have enough control over your life to allocate hours to WoW.

Bet you're the type of person who has less than $100 in your bank account and who lives paycheck to paycheck because you literally refuse to plan for the future.

He's sorta right.
If you gank lower levels you're kinda scum, assuming you seek this out or do this if not attack by them first. A lot of wPvP was also "OP class got the drop on me while I was doing something productive and I escaped/died"
Is also correct. There were some specs that were so strong they could gank you even if you out scaled them in gear/levels

wPvP is actually shit because of 1. balance (both in levels and class strengths) and 2. you can just get ganged up on by a mob of enemy players.
BFA wPvP has no flying and its still shit. It's just camping and patrolling, as it was then.

He's not "sorta right" he's a complete dipshit who knows nothing about this game.
Being ganked by higher levels is not a common occurance and there are plenty of ways to deal with it. It's definitely not "most" of wpvp.
By not playing on a PvP server you're missing out on many awesome experiences and aspect of the game's design. From world boss contention, to fighting over resources, to guild vs guild battles in blackrock mountain, and more.
This is warcraft. If you choose to play on a safespace server because you're literally scared of the occasional corpse run, then you might as well just go back to retail.

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How accurate will classic be?

I figured they'd just have the files at first and could just replicate it perfectly with little problem.
But then there's a beta test and you have people report bugs and claim stuff is wrong. How does blizzard determine if these bug reports are accurate if they rely on them pointing out stuff that is wrong?

>"Trad Husband" type you retards try to throw around.
It's the very first time I hear that term.

Weebs are into piercings and tats though so not really sure what you're on about.

It's very accurate.
The bugs come from the fact that they imported the old resources into their newer game engine, and then stripped and retrofitted it to run like the old game. I'm working on my second 30 and most of the bugs are minor so far.

I think he's implying that you're crying on Yea Forums, which would be projecting in this case since you claimed others were.
Maybe he's also suggesting that you're projecting tiny penis and hentai fapping.
Do you have a small penis user? Do you fap to hentai?`

>VR classic WoW
would unironically drive massive headset sales and save the VR industry

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>The bugs come from the fact that they imported the old resources into their newer game engine, and then stripped and retrofitted it to run like the old game. I'm working on my second 30 and most of the bugs are minor so far.
Okay, so on site they have actual vanilla offline that isn't on their new game engine.
And they can check the bug reports against that and confirm if it is actually a bug or not?

Yeah on the horde go with troll
>+5 bow skill
Taurens war stomp is an okay get off me tool but thats all they have for hunter. I also heard that because taurens melee attack range is longer their dead zone is farther out which is awful. Orc is meh pet damage doesnt do much but 30%chance to resist stun is always good

On the alliance its tough. Dwarfs +5 gun skill is good(though all the best hunter weapons are bows) though to be all of those +5 weapon skils dont really matter anyway they just help you get slightly higher numbers than races that dont have them. So it comes down to their racial abilitys. To sum it up dwarf is bulkier and nelf is stealth. One is good while your fighting and the other is good for suprise attacks

That's what they claim, yes

level arms, even for end game raiding prot is a meme

plz dont blizzard, force the waifu fags to play retail, they deserve it, sounds like you already do anyway if you know what her new model looks like, faggot.

They made a blue post a couple weeks ago outlining common shit that gets bug reported that are in fact vanilla features, so they have some idea whats happening

the shadowmeld gives them a lot of interesting opportunities in worldpvp, it's a pretty cool tool.

How many warriors are just going to keep charging into a new group every 5 seconds, then yell at the healer when they die?

>and there are plenty of ways to deal with it
Aside from hiding/escaping, what is there? Calling for help in chat and waiting 30 minutes for some people to fly out? Running into a town to try to get guards to aggro on them (which is basically hiding)
>By not playing on a PvP server you're missing out on many awesome experiences and aspect of the game's design.
You also miss out on a lot of poor design. Stun locked by a rouge, perma slowed by a mage etc. are all not very pleasant experiences, and not every class has an answer to them.
>This is warcraft. If you choose to play on a safespace server because you're literally scared of the occasional corpse run, then you might as well just go back to retail.
You could also, you know, queue for PvP in the form of Battlegrounds and such, where things are a bit more balanced yeah? wPvP has major issues. Other forms of PvP have issues too of course, but much less.

All of them

good thing retards like that don't make it much past 40

>Being ganked by higher levels is not a common occurance and there are plenty of ways to deal with it.

I love PVP servers and would never play anything else, getting ganked was totally worth the good times. But that's bullshit. I played on a newish server with a modest population, and once you get to stranglethorn vale or whatever contested zone it's crawling with higher levels. It's not so bad that you can't spend most of your time progressing, but you learn to stay off the main roads and spend as little time as possible at landmarks/quest givers or else you're getting ganked every half hour or less. Also it is a fact that there is usually a disparity between levels in participants of world pvp until you get to the end game zones. Also it's pretty funny when you start to get into zones where you're higher level than the other faction questing there. It's a little fucked up.

I played rogue and vanish can work against some classes and it always works if they go after your friend first, but I know the other classes couldn't "deal with it".

>wtf i was at 89% mana when you pulled??????? fucking retard now i let u die
literally imagine running 5mans with fucking randoms that require down time between every pack

If I wanted to roll a priest will I be forced to heal in group content or can they actually put out respectable DPS?

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Again you're focusing on a few minor inconveniences and ignoring the game's experiences. You're a hopeless cuck and I feel a little sorry for you. You will miss out on what everyone else is coming back for.

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>Being ganked by higher levels is not a common occurance and there are plenty of ways to deal with it. It's definitely not "most" of wpvp.
t. brainlet
as soon as phase 2 hits and you arent 60 have fucking fun man

You do realize that there are xrealm BGs so the hardcore rankers won't need to camp ungoro and searing gorge? i know what im talking about faggo

What good are xrealm BGs when BGs dont come out until phase 3 and the honor system/ranking starts in phase 2? Why do people like you spout shit when you clearly don't know anything? Why do you operate the way you do? What is wrong with you. It happens every thread.

And why would they release the honor system and WSG seperately when they launched together on retail?

I'm going to ret pve.
How fucked am I?

holy shit based

Actual mongoloid. Honor system was 1.4, WSG came out in 1.5.


enjoy your shit layering blizcuck

You probably unironically have a better chance of winning the lottery than killing cthun, let alone KT in a guild that allows a ret paladin

this shit made me quit tanking
>look at his mana
>he's full by the time he finished typing that

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>caring about titles
>not having your group of friends preparing to play
>playing alone
Found your problems

Yeah well that's my bad. I have a specific memory of the old PTR and people standing outside of the WSG battlemaster and we had negative PvP ranks from dishonorable kills

/ignore anyone who
>types out a twitch emote or mentions a streamer
>asks for money or boost
>anyone playing a black character

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it's literally the worst thing about raiding
>kill a mob pack
>healers sit down immediately and start drinking instead of moving up and drinking where the pull would occur from
>healers cry that they arent ready
>literally at like 95% mana
>end the pull with 40% mana

>anyone playing a black character
I've played WoW for years and have literally never seen someone play one.

You cannot dodge or parry while in the casting animation of a spell in classic
Which melee class casts spells?

Literally same happened to me, I grabbed her by the neck and asked her “Do you know what white pride means you stupid vapid hole?” Then I fuckig beat that slant eye cocksleeve to near death.
Fucking holes man, they don’t grasp that vanilla=pure=white=pride world wide...

As long as that's your leveling spec, you're fine. Just hold onto plenty of int items so that you can heal if need be (making groups takes so long sometimes you're just going to have to bite the bullet and heal). If you plan to try and raid as one, expect to only find a dedicated raid spot if you're friends with a guild leader, and don't expect much gear to go your way right away. Realistically you're better off going holy and building up a ret set for PvP for memes if that's your end goal.

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Whoa. A game without addons?
How can privateniggers and classicucks play the game now?

i make all my characters black with blond hair
i enjoy making all of them mutts

sure if you're 2-3 in a world cave, you'll be dps'ing like the rest most likely
In an instance you should be healing. You can do sub optimal dps and go oom, but then you need another priest that heals in the group, or have a druid be a worse healer and you be a worse damage dealer.
You could do vampiric healing through dps in some instances with certain groups, but you're not up for that.

just roll something else if healing is too hard and too much responsibility

Shadowmeld is definitely the most fun ability to play withit goes good with pretty much every class.

I know everyone whos going to roll priest on Alli will be a dwarf because fear ward is just too good but shadowmeld+mind control is hilarious. Im sure someone could have hours of fun making people jump into the lava in black rock mountain

a warrior spamming slam

I just want to be a stormwind knight

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All wPvPers do this when logic fails them. I accept your concession.

What addons ruin the classic experience though? It's a nebulous thing to say. Are they gonna ban GPS addons because people can look up where quest NPCs are on wowhead?
Are they gonna ban DBM but allow weak auras, when weak auras can have DBM functionality in terms of tracking CDs and displaying on screen alerts?

You'll be healing in group content. Do not expect to go shadow unless you're a r13 god and are friends with the guild leader. Even now, the new meta that most people aren't familiar with doesn't even require a shadow priest.

again ignoring my points and looking for a way out. i call you a cuck because you are one, not to win the argument that you are avoiding.

I wish blizzard balanced the game more before TBC. Now we're stuck with the horrible balance because any changes would fly us down the slippery slope of nublizz doing whatever they feel like.

Why are they so bad at balancing the game? Why are entire spec trees useless or have no clear direction? Why can't they tone down the hard counters? This shit is pretty cut and dry. A lot of talents and abilities are pvp or pve specific. A lot of shit is clearly useless or clearly overpowered.

What points am I ignoring?
One of the "boons" of classic is that every spec has a role--Shadow's is in the trash. Enjoy sub-optimal DPS and not having the utility of Warlocks to make up for it.

>Try hard builds are going to be completely mapped out because of the beta, so there will be absolutely zero initial discovery phase arguably the funnest part of an MMO.
It's a 15 year old game you retard, all that shit was done over 10 years ago.

Join the Alliance now!

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>Im sure someone could have hours of fun making people jump into the lava in black rock mountain
Oh I did, as a troll priest though

What makes shadow so shit?

Haha you know what I like?
You know what I bring you?
You know what I don’t fucking have?

>Try to play on Northdale
>50 people in every part of every area
>Constant fighting over quest mobs
>Takes like an hour to finish one quest
>Can't even grind random shit for XP because people are camping those too

These servers were not made for these many people

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Doesn't Shadow Priest just heal in vanilla? I thought it was TBC when they gave them the extra benefit of becoming mana batteries.

damage is mediocre and the benefit it would bring a group of warlocks doesnt increase raid dps any more than bringing another geared warrior or rogue

Oh yeah I forgot that was in tbc and vanilla just healed by cucking you out of a debuff slot.
Just >Debuffslotslol

ALSO screws you out of a lot of debuffslots that can be used to increase physical damage dps and tank aggro.

Yea Forums should have an anti asmongold guild that worldpvps with asmongold and his private army of 12 year olds instead of raiding

Welp. I guess my memes are gonna be dreams. Do holy paladins at least get to hit the boss so I can at least feel like I'm dpsing?

It's not shit.
It simply isn't good for instanced content.
You go oom quickly, no staying power, the crowd control is too dangerous to use in instances and can be used by a healing priest just as well. A healing priest has all the utility also.
Shadow is good for leveling, wpvp and 1v1.

Why do you want to be a priest?

I was talking to some of my friends at a movie today who still play retail. I asked about Classic and they said it's going to bomb and it's a stupid idea.


Why are retail people so assmad about Classic?

That wouldn't work.

Suppose there is a anti-Asmongold Horde guild.

There would also now be an anti-anti-Asmongold Alliance guild that counterganks the anti-Asmongold Horde guild just to watch some fags get mad on Yea Forums.

>he thinks twitch isn't based

artifact directory is a treasure

Can't you create a chractaer 2 weeks before launch? At least we will all know what servers to avoid with streamers.

they feel threatened

>various ingame chats get filled with shit like omegalul, kappa, pog, ect
>no idea what the fuck any of it is meant to mean
when the hell did i get old and out of touch.

>He doesn't have his exploration route planned out already

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Have you ever seen any Twitch chat? It's legit the worse chat in the world. No one talks or says anything they just spam emojis.

The only way to talk is to donate.

>implying streamer's orbiters will make it to 60
>implying actual zoomers that dont play MMOs regularly won't get burnt out quickly or overwhelmed

Granted, the ones that do will be obnoxious, as they will just slave away for their imaginary friend. However, hopefully the streamer influence will diminish after the first few weeks. Those first few weeks are going to be chaos on the realms they roll on however.

Would you pay rent to live in a 15-year-old apartment with your parents and have 30-year-old men over to play games with all day?

Vanilla is fucking CRINGE. WE'RE GOING HOME BOYS

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So if I just roll on a different server I wont have to interact with any streamers ever right? So why is one of the most constant complaints that my game will be ruined because asmongold will play it? I assume there will be pvp and pve servers right? I cant imagine any streamer playing on pvp as they would have a permant mark on thier back 24/7 and would spend most of thier time corpse running.

Best indicator that it will be successful

I have no idea how people play retail. It hasn't been an MMO for a long time. Nothing you do in the game anymore requires it be mass multiplayer.

Do you know how great it's going to be knowing that some of the players you gank have an audience?

Steam sniping is going to be extremely common

Only if you want to. In groups, you can throw judgments of light on the target for extra healing on the tank and melee dps.

Had this happen earlier in Elywnn. Our Mage and Paladin duo were killing some murlocs and invited a warrior that showed up on the same quest. He just kept charging straight into the camps instead of pulling them back. Then when we scraped by he'd charge right into another 3 seconds later. Then tell the paladin to heal more when we died from OOM.

You know damn well it's going to be hard.

1. Blizzard will ban you for stream snipping if the streamer is popular enough.

2. The streamer will have 50 people following them at all time. It wont be easy.

>wtf this guy killed me again report him
>reported 50 times in 4 seconds
>get autobanned

>There are people who think literally nothing is better in live than Vanilla.
Imagine being a fucking sith.

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You can always use physical/mortal violence against the staff of blizzard entertainment, pussy.

Today, i will remind them

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>Blizzard will ban you for stream snipping if the streamer is popular enough.

Has this precedent been set in other blizzard games? The actual stream sniping part seems kind of irrelevant when you can corpse camp anyone as much as you want pretty easily. Just don't admit to stream sniping or incriminate yourself in chat logs.

>The streamer will have 50 people following them at all time. It wont be easy.

Yeah you're right. But roll rogue, maybe it will go as well as an AH gank.

Based eurochad

they already stated they wont do anything about stream sniping

lmao play a real game like OSRS (which success blizz is trying to copy but failing)

>kill myself because im a fucking retard

FUCK STREAMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Is it possible to get into and not be impossibly behind other people? Many an MMO ive tried playing are not great for new players getting in. Either old players are actually so far ahead you can never catch them. Or you have to shuffle through 50 levels of solo play with no other humans around to play with. Even WoW retail I played for the first time mid legion and holy shit leveling was boring no one else was around. Wether it be pandaria or northrend or anywere else if it wasnt the broken isle or the capital city I saw like 2 people an hour and they were speed leveling alts.

>gnome warrior
Ins Gas

I guess in that regard OSRS really is different from other games as there is always something to do and players always doing something. Be it fishing / woodcutting or whatnot. You always have players around to socialize with - which is exactly what makes a great MMO in my opinion. People aren't just lost in their guild chat), but you actually chat with the players around you doing the same activity as you. Besides that the game is designed the way that everything is connected - so a high level character would have to do activities usually done by low level players or buy stuff from them and so on.
I guess what I am trying to say is that RS is from a different era before WoW styled theme park MMOs, which makes it really different from anything you might have played and for me in a good way. (if you can get past the graphics)

it seems like tauren hunters are going to be so fucked and i dont want to play orc or troll

>10 million 'muh special snowflake specs will be viable this time I swear' posts every thread.
Just let it go jesus
>B...but but levelling
Levelling takes a little under two weeks if you've played a mmo before, if you've played wow before its more like a week.
Don't listen to 'its about the journey levelling took MONTHS' posters.
Cool cool shame the disturbed montage of the enhancement oneshot doesn't show switching back to resto 3 nights a week to get sulfuras.
If you know enough about farm locations to justify swapping spec you aren't asking neo/v/ what to play.

Don't fall for the PvP Jew propaganda.

It's not a meme it's theft pure and simple. Wpvp should be banned.

People this dumb are why the game has been ruined and vanilla servers too so long.

And picking v1.12 isn't?

>I was one of the people that asked about the wife's whereabouts
I don't think I can find her again once classic rolls out so I'll probably ask again.

Everquest is trash

Which classes would dominate PvE and PvP if the game was stuck in 1.1.0?

it's in a hut on just off the right if you follow the road south of crossroads, but the entrance is facing away from you as you approach so turn the camera around. She'll lying dead inside

Gnomes are small so it's harder to see their animations, their small stature actually helps greatly in squeezing between shit and getting around, a small underrated feature that most people don't factor in.

I mean weapon skills are literally useless, it's mindless grind to get them up.
I don't see the problem with wanting 3 different playable specs.
Now that's stupid

Anyone have experience with RPPVP servers? The name itself seems like it would imply WPVP kino, I just want to go on a larping crusade for the Alliance killing greenskin niggers since the soulless chinks on Northdale don't want to do it.

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Tattoos are always a turnoff for me. Not necessarily a deal breaker but I'm not a fan. Your body is a temple goyim

What is fair enough?

Play femtroll or femorc, femundead maybe

Only with him because hes making almost 40K a month

She's a millionaire too though

As many other people you are referring to the AQ / Naxx meta that represents a very small part of Vanilla. You probably won't even reach that part and 98% of player don't.

Most of specs works well and you can do almost all the Vanilla content no matter your class / specs. The PvP part is also well balanced on Vanilla, no other MMO manage to have a game this balanced.

>The PvP part is also well balanced on Vanilla

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Mass sapper charge bwahahaha

Vanilla may be the most balanced PVP meta there ever was for wow and if you don't believe so you probably didn't play it and spent too much time being brainwashed on reddit forums

>prot warrior
>level 12
nigga you ain't tanking raids at level 12

I will, Chang. Enjoy playing wow with other Chinese people lmfao

google it, retard

>want to roll undead warlock because I love undead as a race
>know orc is 10 times better for pvp
>hate orc posture and looks

I'm for the first time going to main a female character. Making a orc female warlock.

In vanilla I got a dwarf warrior and undead mage to 60 and both to rank 10 in pvp. But I want a new experience this time around.

I know I want to do SL warlock at 60 but isn't better to go into affliction when leveling at first?

Reputations are useless. It's just a mindless grind to get them up.

>Has this precedent been set in other blizzard games?
They've maintained the "pvp solution to a pvp problem" pretty religiously for the most part. There have been cases where someone was sanctioned for harassment, but that has to be more than just simple corpse camping - the typical GM action is to politely ask the camper to take a break but that's about it.
I'd be far more worried about right click abuse involving streamers than anyone being violated for stream sniping.

it's true that they'll have orbiters, but first: you shouldn't be on that server in the first place as even as fun as stream sniping is, you are creating content for the streamer and basically putting more views/money in his pocket. The only winning move is to not engage. But that said, even with his orbiters, if people are determined to kill that person they definitely can repeatedly. And the orbiters will thin out substantially past 40th or so, and no amount or orbiters can protect Asmon from getting his world buffs purged in felwood if some horde really felt like it.