What the FUCK just happened to my character?

Attached: bloodborne squid kid.jpg (1196x690, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You are now a Great One, congratulations!

Attached: tenor.gif (498x338, 1.71M)

Did I fuck up? Is being a great one a good thing?

U became a Japanese Lovecraft baby. The doll will now breast feed to your hearts content.

Attached: 204CC988-62B0-4DF8-B46B-BB8EC3B6482F.jpg (720x1024, 133K)

Well, on one side you will likely be competing with other chad Great Ones for cosmic influence, and you will now be able to impregnate women without sex, so you tell me

The start of the Bloodborne/Splatoon cinematic universe.

How can she breast feed if she’s a doll

So in another couple thousand years once things start to go to shit again, is another hunter gonna come by and kill you like you killed rom?

>that chromatic aberration

Attached: for what purpose.png (323x454, 327K)

Why would it? All of the blood worshipers are dead and (you) are going to elevate mankind to higher planes. It says so in the trophy description.

4 words
Full Automatic Milk Ejectors


when rom ascended, why did the events of bloodborne happen? things don't stay hunky dory forever.

she has in built pumps, just needs to mix up the feed stuff, and pour it inside the right compartment

because the church and byrgenwerth were still alive, dingus. that's not true anymore.

no since the Moon Presence is dead

what if a new church and a new college are created in your new world?

Rom is a Kin, not a great one

>baby Hunter ayy falls asleep in the doll's arms
>cut to the baby Hunter's dreams
>he's dreaming of NG+
>and clearing chalices
>And the dream version of the baby Hunter in NG+ also ascends and begins dreaming
>it's just an endless russian nesting doll of Hunter's Dreams, all the way down
rate my headcanon

that does actually sound suitably lovecraftian

>Defeat Great One: Rom the Vacuous Spider
Says it right there on the trophy

shit I actually didn't know that, always thought she was a true great one since the trophy said so

>impregnate women without sex
People usually want it the other way around.

>its another brainlet tries to understand bloodborne thread

Attached: brainlets try understanding bloodborne lore.jpg (512x512, 68K)

"Great One" means that you've got eyes on the inside of your brain.
"Kin" means that you used to be a human. You can still be a great one even if you're a kin, it just means that you were once human and then gained a higher existence.

Everywhere I see refers to rom as a Kin Great One, which makes no fucking sense

Either way its obvious the PC is on another level to Rom considering they turn into a Great One after murdering a true great one orchestrating the hunt.


There's no real perfect ending you either become a slug, the new Gehrman or forget everything that happened and live in blissful ignorance

You're a squid now

Attached: BB Squib.jpg (1022x628, 86K)

nothing wrong with having 1 insight

You nothing personel'd nearly all the other great ones with the most notable one being moon presence who had basically been the puppetmaster for the whole shitshow you went through.
So, despite the fact you're an infant, you're basically the only "god" left in both the waking world and the dream. Oedon is the only goon left but it is even more ascended than you are so I doubt it gives a shit what you do.

>that pic

Attached: 1530130527982.png (576x699, 193K)

>or forget everything that happened and live in blissful ignorance
sounds good to me, Yharnam sucks

She can cry. Im sure its not beyond her to lactate.

Doesn't the Doll literally bleed milk?

I don't know but your character is going to be in splatoon 3

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That too.

no that's hundreds of years of gehrman cum inside her

where the fuck does this piece of lore come from?

You became a babby of the stars.

Attached: IMG_1169.png (3264x1074, 1.62M)

She's full of milk

have you ever tried smacking the doll, user?

>become slug baby god
>doll mommies you 24/7
>freely able to fuck the shit up of all the dickheads who gave you shit as a human in the waking world
>if other great ones show up you can bait more hunters into the dream to kill them off
>no more umbilical chords so they won't be able to transcend themselves
>can spend you spare time trying to figure out what Oedon did and copy them
Sounds like a pretty perfect ending to me.

i-i would never

>attack Doll
>white liquid comes out of her body

Attached: 3E911A85-EC16-4CB3-BCEF-2391DC4E2BB9.jpg (777x1024, 102K)

I watched a video because I love her too much

Attached: Niggawut.jpg (310x346, 28K)

and there is nothing in the game that alludes to why?

Not that i know of.

Would Yea Forums describe Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos as "cute?"

>enemies get harder in NG+ because your eldritch self is making sure you're growing strong enough to compete with the other 'great' ones once your baby squid stage is over

honestly, i wouldnt be surprised if this is what the devs were getting at

She's not real the actual doll is lifeless in the real world workshop. You can kill her and Gehrman a dozen times and they keep coming back.

That's cum, not milk.

Oedon is the doll though, so is essentially mommy

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>Oedon is the doll though
says who?

>whole game revolves around seeking paleblood, the paleblood moon, etc
>"Huh I wonder why the doll bleeds this white stuff"

Might wanna add the cum of a few other hunters to the list as well.


and why should I care what Vaati thinks?

oedeon is formless you retard
thats why mergo is invisible and you can hear her crying everywhere, since shes his daughter

Who's cum?

Attached: Doll Mommy.jpg (850x1365, 190K)

That fag steals fan theories from Yea Forums and reddit

Some kin enemies also bleed white stuff but nothing they do can be of help to you since theyre all failed attempts.

All the kin enemies bleed a kind of brown-green liquid called serum, the only two things in the entire game with white blood are the doll and Willem

Mine, back off

>This was once a safe haven for hunters. A workshop where hunters used blood to enhance their weapons and flesh. We don't have as many tools as we once did, but... You're welcome to use whatever you find. (Whispers) ...Even the doll, should it please you...

Gehrman obviously. He pumped the Doll full of his cum.

This, he starts threads and then when people are talking about it he takes their posts and makes videos about it pretending he came up with it all.

>All the kin enemies bleed a kind of brown-green liquid called serum
umm source

>a dreamscape projection of an abandoned doll is a physical thing

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That's actually pretty clever

Go hit an alium and then go hit the doll, their blood is very obviously different colors

Literally what was his problem?

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it literally is

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>I can't read

Not an argument

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>implying that there is anything (you) could do that the doll would be disgusted by
she is programmed to love (you)

post yfw
>aaaaahhh... you were at my side, all along...


Can the doll feel headpats?

The doll feels nothing, but for your sake she'll pretend that she did

Attached: Approving Amy.jpg (661x620, 134K)

my eyes just exploded good job

That faggot leak of the fight a couple days before release spoiled it for me. I only watched it because I was a braincel and didn't expect a snarling beast boss to be kino

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no, its

>The doll feels nothing
t. Moon PresenceIDF

No he didn’t and if he did he’s retarded

>my eyes just exploded good job
If only you knew, user

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Judging from the trophy description probably? You help ascend humanity to its next childhood. Depends how you interpret it

>you'll never play bloodborne at 120 fps in 3440x1440 with chromatic aberration turned off and 2 seconds long loading times

It hurts, bros

He's an orphaned child of rape



Literal newborn whose mom was dead and he was being messed with by mean ol weirdos who basically wanted to defile his mom's corpse as well as him for their freaky blood experimentations

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Don't worry, they'll announce the PC port at e3

>Yharnam Sunrise
All you did was stop that particular Night of the Hunt from worsening. You didn't free Gehrman from the Dream and the Moon Presence still exists, i.e. the Red Moon will most likely come back again, the very thing that exacerbated the Scourge of the Beasts.
>Honoring Wishes
You freed Gehrman from the Dream, but in turn you will become the Moon's new child. You will inevitably bear the pain Gehrman endured during his captivity there for god knows how long. Again, the Moon Presence is still there, and will descend upon Yharnam once again as the Red Moon.
>Childhood's Beginning
Not only did you mercifully put Gehrman down, you displace the Moon Presence as the new host of the Dream. What you're ulterior motives may be is up in the air, but so far, given the text in the trophy you recieve, you will lift humanity into its next childhood.

If you didn't know, the choice between refusing Gehrman or accepting is a moral choice.
If you listen to Gehrman, he's clearly not fine in the Dream. He's forcibly held captive. At various points in the game, you can warp to the Dream and listen to Gehrman's thoughts as he sleeps in a secluded area (the place where you can give the Messengers ornaments to wear).
>"Oh, Laurence… what's taking you so long… I've grown too old for this, of little use now, I'm afraid…"
>"Oh, Laurence… Master Willem… Somebody help me… Unshackle me please, anybody… I've had enough of this dream… The night blocks all sight… Oh, somebody, please… "
It's a moral decision your character makes. Do you free yourself from the Dream, while Gehrman remains in perpetual torment, or do you finally put him to rest after all this time? Gehrman is pretty admirable, despite all the suffering, he wants US to leave the Dream for good, so that we may never bear the pain. He's merciful, and even his creations, like the Blades of Mercy and the Burial Blade, reflect this.

Everything stated here has been stated directly ingame.

so why would this happen ? would a doll that went to the waking world just explode into one of those because of all the knowledge it possessed or something ?


No he did not

Its your dream now. You literally could turn her into whatever you want

Doll is made for hugs, not fugs.

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Gehrman deserved everything he got tbqh

user, hear me out:
What if you fucked her AND hugged her AT THE SAME TIME

>with chromatic aberration turned off

Well, you reaches as close as godhood as you possibly could, going where no human have gone before


The Paleblood Hunt was a fun read.


>Have you heard how curiously the sea churns?
>Like a storm, but like... the rain, only gentle, like dripping water...
>Here it comes! Up through my insides!
>But gently, like little droplets...
What did she mean by this?

You're forgetting about Mergo

Weren't great ones sympathetic towards humanity though?

Can I get this printed on blotter paper?

Attached: Plain.Doll.full.2542368.png (1000x1480, 2.76M)

>sympathetic in spirit
I think that just means they can respond to humans whenever called upon.

So their goal is more or less unknown? (aside from the whole child thing)
Remind me, was the whole beast thing their design or was it just humanity fucking up with the blood

I wonder what kind of great one we'll be. A cute one?

Pthumerians have bastard kids with ayylmaos
Moon Presence does not like this (not one bit)
Nukes Pthumerians with beasthood
Their blood (the old blood that the Church found) is infected
they start injecting it into themselves
guess what they're now spreading around like fools?

Some elder god used the doll as an onahole and that was the result

What is the best music on the BB soundtrack?
Hard mode: not Gehrman or Ludwig

Why was the Moon Presence butthurt?

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>So their goal is more or less unknown? (aside from the whole child thing)
Yes, all we know is that they have a strong desire to have children, despite not being able to conceive themselves, so they scour for human surrogates. In an interview with Miya ("Drained of Blood", check it out,) he explained how the more complex the organism, the less offspring it produces (the basis of r-K Selection Theory). Greats are so high on the evolutionary ladder, that they simply can't reproduce themselves, hence the need for human surrogates.
>Remind me, was the whole beast thing their design or was it just humanity fucking up with the blood
It's the old blood. It is tainted. Though an interesting thing about all of this is the design of th MP. It's very beast like
>attacks on all fours
>growls and grunts like a beast
>tentacles give the impression of hair on its back
>exposed ribcage like the loran silverbeast

Attached: Nameless Moon Presence.jpg (1024x761, 137K)

It doesn't like Mergo. Your job is to remove it.

I mean, they dont call them 'the mediocre ones' do they?

>Game based on Lovecraft
>Everything is English
>Lovecraft was American

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like the whole point of the bloodborne plot is that dreams can invade physical reality

babby Orphan's
especially in the first phase of the fight
it's haunting yet really pretty

Attached: orphan-of-kos.jpg (1080x1350, 289K)

Is it simple dislike for racemixing? I remember reading here that MP hated the fact that it couldn't have babbies and so tried to stop the other Great Ones out of jealousy. Sounded interesting.

>It all started by one seething great one's equivalent of /pol/

I have Gehrman's tacit permission, not your call

It's shit like this...

This is why I come here.

This picture literally pisses me off

I dunno about it wanting to stop other great ones from reproducing, but we do know that it has authority over when the others can and can not have kids -- great ones only descend when it drops the moon, after all. And Phumerians were supposed to have had bastard children, it says so in the Loran chalice. So it's probably just a matter of the Pthumerians flouting its authority.

bsb was a great fit

>Louisiana swamp never ever
>Caribbean pirate never ever
>New England coast never ever
>sequel never ever!!!!

he was born yesterday

Attached: fwo.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>ywn play BB for the first time again
>ywn have a 2nd DLC

Attached: 1556452242330.jpg (615x601, 199K)

what would the sequel be about?

why are there so many bloodborne gameplay videos on pornhub

Hugs: Doll
Fugs: Maria

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More hunting just a different place. That’s like asking what a sequel to Dark Souls would be, one can be pulled from your ass and be better than most modern stories alongside having the BB charm.

I wonder why.

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hey man, he had it rough
cut him some slack

Attached: orphan_of_kos_by_caimryo_d9ow53g-fullview.jpg (1024x467, 67K)

>Final boss is also the easiest
why do so many games do this?

Is the Hunter canonically the strongest of all the Souls protags?
>12,000 damage rifle spear + quickstep

You're supposed to fight it right after Gehrman and the game assumes that you're tapped out at that point and adjusts the difficulty to compensate.

>everyone says that the Hunter has a "moon-scent" which is supposedly quite distinct
what does the moon smell like?

Full Automatic Milk Ejectors is my new steam Username

So how is it that The orphan is alive in the nightmare but not Kos herself?

They/Kos was killed in the real world alone were they not?

To be fair it'd be hard to match the Gehrman fight even if they did try


>They/Kos was killed in the real world alone were they not?
And why would this matter in the slightest?
t. Micolash

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I guess. I did come out of the Gehrman fight with about 5 hp and 0 blood vials.

Still, I beat Moon Presence second try and every other boss took me 5 at the very least. Orphan took me literally upwards of 100.

>but not Kos herself?
Kos' consciousness is still there, out there somewhere. She's the one that bestowed the blood drunk curse, remember?
>"Byrgenwerth, Byrgenwerth… Blasphemous murderers, blood crazed fiends. Atonement for the wretches… by the wrath of mother Kos. Mercy for the poor wizened child, mercy. Oh please, atonement for the wretches. Lay the curse of blood upon them, and their children, and their children's children for evermore. Each wretched birth will plunge each child into a lifetime of misery… Mercy… For the poor wizened child… Let the pungence of Kos, cling like a mother's devotion."

Attached: kosm.png (630x873, 598K)

Imagine the smell.

Canonically and ingame the strongest are the Hunter and Slayer of Demons, since they're the only ones that actually can become gods ish. DeS is also basically fucking broken, so you can never die as well.

Who's the weakest? Would it be sekiro?


why is she so perfect Yea Forumsros?

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>ywn find your worth in the waking world

Attached: TT.jpg (1280x1920, 219K)

Because she's a tall mommy gf

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This hunter dream you reside in is another plane of existence, another dimension. Its like a memory, an archive, it bends time and allows you to explore a memory of yharnham that strings a bunch of different events that transpired at different times all in one "night".

The hunter nightmare dlc was meant to show you the secret of the healing church. None of the people in that dream are alive in the real world and not all of them lived during the same time.

You also explore places that just never existed in the real world, the nightmare frontier and nightmare mensis for example. That were experiments by a cult that manages to create their own dream by copying what the great ones did.

But don't be mistaken, the dream and nightmare are very tangible. You're just existing in a different realm. It's still very real, it just doesn't affect the real you most of the time. When you consumed the umbilical cord you fused with a greater one, and by consuming the old blood you evolved into a higher being. You basically became a great one. You couldn't do this in the mundane reality. But in the dream you could, in a reality that can directly alter your soul.

Your character is the first human to comprehend eternity, and can now travel to different dimensions and willl grow to be another great one.

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Nobody out there can defeat a quad buffing lvl 810 havel monster with the binoculars glitch and dual avelyns

>"Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But… do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course… I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?"

Attached: 74493844_p6.png (800x566, 387K)

Because the whole game is like that
So it's only fair to the same to it's fanart too

No it isnt

>Can see Nightmare of Mensis from the Nightmare Frontier
>Can see the Nightmare Frontier from the Nightmare of Mensis
>Can see the Hunter's Nightmare from the Fishing Hamlet
what does it all mean, lads?

Dream within a dream and all that

The Nightmare planes are layered above ours.
The Sky and Cosmos are one.

Attached: 74493844_p10.png (636x900, 670K)

nightmares upon nightmares
and at the end of that? more nightmares aka real life

Lovecraftbros, was Bloodborne an actually good interpretation of the whole lovecraftian/cosmic horror genre of science fiction?

not really, simply because you can kill great ones
I mean thats not exactly unknowable, is it?

It's a dumb question. The goal isn't to recreate Lovecraft or be faithful to it, it's just to make a work in the same genre. If you like it then it's good.

What was the Mensis Ritual?

Its a good tribute, but, the main problem when it comes to Lovecraft is visual media itself.

His work is best handled descriptively not visually, he can give you this balls upside down description of an otherworldly being, and you can just imagine how unimaginable it is with the limited text you are given, where as with things like movies/comics/games the artist is forced to try and give this unspeakable form a shape the viewer can perceive.

Your character is actually just off-screen taking a breather.

A ritual conducted by the Mensis scholars, headed by Micolash, to beckon a Great One (Kos, as inferred by Micolash's ramblings), by luring it with a special child (Mergo). Why did they do it? To be granted eyes on the inside and ascend.

Attached: 50372346_p1.jpg (541x732, 90K)

Atmosphere-wise I honestly think Bloodborne outdoes him. The most similar it gets to his stories is mostly settings like the dreamscapes or Fishing Hamlet which is heavily based on The Shadow over Innsmouth and Dagon.

But then why does it summon the MP instead of Kos? You don't see a yellow moon spawn in the One Reborn, it's the MP's red moon. Did they lure in the wrong Great One by mistake?

post yfw

Attached: frenzy.gif (480x270, 87K)

>why does it summon the MP
Greats are attracted to certain, "special" children. Miya also stated this in an interview. MP is no different. The ritual incidentally beckoned the Red Moon (MP), which exacerbated rates of lycanthropy into what we now know as the Scourge of Beasts.

Attached: Bloodborne.gif (309x313, 2.91M)

Its because the mensis ritual was beckoning the normal moon/Mergo
The moon presence is just the blood moon

>Its because the mensis ritual was beckoning the normal moon/Mergo
go read Micolash's dialogues again


i know what he said

So then you know that the purpose was to beckon Kos.

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does getting your dick sucked by a Great One increase or decrease your insight?

So much insight, even Micolash would be jealous.

From a distance I thought the dick was coming from her mouth.

...is that not a thing? I feel like that should be a thing.

same, i thought she was pulling a dick out of her mouth and using it to point at something

Reminder that every time the Orphan summons lightning, it comes from Kos' corpse. The Orphan is desperate and is calling out to his mother for help.

it builds until the point of ejacualtion, upon which it is all consumed

>The location you are looking for is over there Hunter
>*SCHORLP point

>Hm hmhm-hm hm hm hmhmhm hm hmhm hmm, Hmhm


Who was the LEAST in the wrong:
>School of Mensis

Byrgenwerth was at least trying to avoid using the blood
makes them seem a bit smarter

yeah but they also murdered a Great One, her kid, and all of her worshipers

>god was the real beast all along

The Japs can't keep getting away with it

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MiB is cuter.

>he explained how the more complex the organism, the less offspring it produces

Attached: 2af.png (1558x958, 2.32M)

Choir. They were mostly running damage control for Laurence's, Willem's, and Gehrman's fuckups.

Attached: michael-ironside-as-lieutenant-jean-rasczak.jpg (640x331, 33K)

OoK, Maria and Hail the Nightmare

The cut dialogue for Gherman says his and Laurence's plan was always to fight to the death when hunters were no longer needed and then MP would consume the victor.

Since Flora created the Hunter's Dream after being beckoned by Laurence, it seems like this may have been a deal that was somehow made with her.

You're cuter tbqh

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School of Mensis, unironically. The Church were retards to believe that they could somehow rid whatever corruption was in the Old Blood, despite repeated efforts throughout the years. Mensis knew that they should be directing their efforts into Wilhelm's research (ascension via eyes instead of blood). And they were extremely close to that goal as a result, while the Choir were already trying to get the gist of what the Cosmos entails.

Ebrietas is massively underrated because you can barely hear it ingame.

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God I wish that were me on the right

Micolash-sama, how does making dog-birds, bird-dogs, corpse-wolves, and eye-pigs further the cause of ascension?

Sekiro Can have immortality too, and his mobility and speed makes it so he’d probably never lose a 1v1 to a souls protagonist. Also he literally has a weapon that can end immortality on his back.

[frenzy intensifies]

The Choir did all the fucked up human experimentation though.

I have no idea but they are cute, so that's all that matters.

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They all did that user

Would the Mortal Blade relieve Soulsworld Undead of their curse?


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Pretty sure the pigs arent the schools doing, but besides that idk

Who could be behind this post?

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>Gehrman, why does this doll look exactly like me?
How do you respond?

You're a squid now.


Attached: Gehrman and Maria.jpg (850x1672, 322K)

start sweating and sell my soul to a malevolent god so I can escape to a pocket dimension to suffer for eternity to avoid resbonding

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>Moon Presence

*shapeshifts into a cute girl*

Attached: 1558509233141.jpg (1601x2048, 215K)

Teleport back to hunters dream to avoid her

You're not fooling anyone you screeching wheelchair salesman

>oy vey it's like anuddah fishing hamlet

He pretty much tells you to fuck the doll if you want to .

Nothing to see here, insightlet.

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Look at how unhappy Gehrman is
He just wants to die and he cant
I think that makes mp malevolent


MP is selfish. She wanted an adoptive child, and took Gehrman as her own.

I don't know what kind of invincible freak this thing would be if he had years not seconds to develop after being born.

Uh maybe


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I mean, the fact that you take his place if Gehrman dies makes it pretty clear to me. The Hunter's Dream is a cage for the MP's surrogate kid. Gehrman sold himself to give the hunters superpowers, and now that he's dead the MP takes you as a replacement.


Does he really? I think it's more likely that he is disturbed by the Doll. She is a far cry of the Maria he knew.

Attached: Gehrman, the First Hunter.jpg (1496x808, 356K)

>he is disturbed by the Doll

I think. It's been a minute.

That's right.

Attached: Sailor Moon Presence.png (500x1000, 279K)

I thought the great ones want to have a child, not adopt a human
Pretty sure the mp only wants you so the dream can continue and you can kill the other great ones

He made the doll in Maria's image, but she could never come close to the real thing, so Gehrman hated her to hell, and wanted nothing to do with her

Any other games that allow you to actually become the eldrtich abomination?

he's the physical incarnation of the orphan's hatred of the hunters which killed its mom, specifically gehrman
notice how similar he looks to him and how the placenta is oddly shaped and bladed like a scythe and how he gives nothing until you slay the little black spirit where kos's womb is
the orphan also haunts gehrman in his sleep and the doll tells you he's been sleeping better atfer killing the orphan

Great Ones lose the children and seek surrogates, user.
Besides that, your job as a hunter is specifically to kill Mergo. You can kill every single other great one in the game and the MP doesn't give a fuck.

Cultist Simulator did it better. Lovecraft doesn't translate well to visual mediuns.

And now it has come back to life in some sort of Dreamscape projection of his workshop. He's trapped there with a thing that resembles Maria and her best virtues (Maria is shown to be caring and motherlike to the patients in the research hall), but nothing else.
I feel for the Doll.

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does the doll have feelings to reciprocate?

Yeah im pretty sure the game means surrogate in the literal sense, not te metaphorical sense. You know, like Iosefka. But I guess Miyazaki does like his double meanings, so youre probably right.
What makes you think mp only wants Mergo dead?

It does love you

Hollow Knight in the true ending.

She prays for you.

Attached: o flora, of the moon, of the dream.webm (854x480, 2.84M)

Here are the great ones in the game that you can fight:
>Rom, Vacuous Spider
>Celestial Emissary
>Orphan of Kos (Kos)
>Mergo's Wet Nurse Moon Presence
The only Great One the MP actually cares about you killing, as evidenced by the being the only Great One that it lets you go after killing, is Mergo's Wet Nurse. Your target is Mergo. If the MP wanted you to genocide all the other Great Ones, then you wouldn't end the game until Ebrietas, Amygdala, and OOK (all side bosses) are dead.

It's programmed to love you. Typing in the words "I love you" into Microsoft Sam and hitting play doesn't imply that your computer loves you.

I dont think you should read so much into the games mecanics but thats just me

Looking at the main sequence of events as they go from A -> B -> C is not "mechanics," it is literally the game's story at its most surface level.

Eh yeah you got a pretty good point

I'm using a glyth to do a depth 5 chalice on a fresh unlevelled character but I'm getting one-shot by the Maneater Boar and yes I'm doing viscerals but 200 damage a time is making it a slog. What do? My Chikage is in the next room.

summon, probably

>Great Ones
The trophy descriptions conflict with the ingame lore and what constitutes a Great.
>mergo (not the wet nurse)
>the hunter in the canon ending
They all (except for hunter) get the NIGHTMARE SLAIN prompt.
Here's the gray area for what could be classified as great ones
They don't get the NIGHTMARE SLAIN prompt, but they are still considered Great Ones. Ebri is referenced in game as a great (Isz Chalice), and so does Amy (Amy arm).
And here's kin
>celestial mobs, emissary, and celestial children
>living failures
Living failures were what some of the research hall patients turned out to be. Celestial emissary was the end result of years long research and development. Celestials are transformed people, and this evident by the fact that there is a semi-transformed human in Iosefka's clinic. If the name "emissary" implies anything, it is that they are some form of antenna to the cosmos, allowing humans on the Waking World to commune with these higher domains of existence. This isn't the only time we see an attempt at making some form of instrument for contacting the higher planes, as the Mensis cage is also described as an antenna for the cosmos.
As for Rom, she seems to have been a human blessed with eyes on the inside (implied by Micolash's dialogue). She also drops kin coldblood and is weak to bolt. She may be an inbetween of kin and Great..

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>trophy descriptions conflict with in-game lore
they do not, see

so what was the deal with rom
i feel like i understand most of the lore but why do you need to kill rom in order to progress and why is she in a bottomless sea and how does her corpse end up being near ebrietas and how does using the queenly flesh on her corpse resurrect annalise

never played any souls DLC but recently got rid of my base copy and plan on getting GOTY and doing a few fresh runs

what ar e the biggest DLC story additions?

This is a pasta, right? Who wrote it?

Rom was a byrgenwerth scholar who got turned into a Great One by Kos.
Rom's brain couldn't handle the ascension so Rom is now a potato.
Rom is using its cosmic power to obscure arcane rituals. How much it is aware that it is doing this unknown.
In order to expose the ritual, and thus gain entry to the Nightmare of Mensis, you must kill Rom.
Rom is at the bottom of an ocean because "great bodies of water act as a bulwark that guards sleep, and an augur of the eldritch truth." Sleep is ignorance of the arcane, and Rom obscures the arcane, so Rom is at the bottom of a lake thus representing the function of great bodies of water.

Played Bloodborne and Sekiro. Its almost time to begin my long, dark journey into souls. What am I in for?

an easier experience than Bloodborne and Sekiro.

good answers
what about the queenly flesh

What says Mergo is female?

Annalise is immortal so she can't be killed by mulching her. Put some of her flesh on the alter and do some arcane bullshit and she revives.

She really does have the capacity to feel emotions. Just give her the small hair ornament.
>"What… what is this? I-I can't remember, not a thing, only… I feel… A yearning… something I've never felt before… What's happening to me? Ahh… Tell me hunter, could this be joy?"

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thanks for trying

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>What am I in for?
You'll improve and have an easier time since you're already quite familiar to the gameplay.
Start with DeS and DaS1, then try out the sequels.

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The hunters didnt kill koz, she was already dead when her body washed on the shore. She was killed by parasites.

Due to inaccessibility and general jank id say to skip DeS and come back to it if you find DaS to your taste

ok then what's it really like then if you're so smart

>the parasites killed her
Maybe, seems likely, but I don't think thats stated

The only two real great ones you encounter are oedon, moon presence and koz.
The others are either kin “meaning” not true great ones but still ascended beings.

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>n-no that's not a REAL great one
If you've got eyes on the inside then you're a great one. You yourself become a great one at the end. Are you a "fake" despite once being human? No. Same goes with Rom, Ebrietas, Celestial Emissary, and OOK.

So the ending where you let Gehrman kill you and you wake up in the "real world" is the good ending, right?

user why do you think I was asking
I dont know
You just worded that post more poorly than the other, so i gave you a hard time

Rom was turned into an ascendant by Koz, turning rom into vaccous “stupid retarded” to hide what was really going on in yharnam to the people.

The whole shit show in yharnam happened because the hunters fucked up with Kozmos subjects and orphan.

God damn I love a little bush on a woman

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You're a fucking god, make sure it doesn't happen.

okay pal youre gonna have to post the rest

Only a little?

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Am i suppose to wear 3d glasses to look at this image?

Its literally stated in the koz parasite entry.

I mean its probably preferable for the hunter but otherwise according to the trophy you lift humanity into its next childhood
Which sounds good

Well yeah that doesn't imply that the cause of death was due to parasites. For all you know, Maria could have got on a boat and harpooned it.

No. See

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>eyes in the inside = great one
Incorrect user. That shit just makes you more aware.
I state what I said, the other “lower ones who failed to ascend are what MP wants you to kill” and mergo’s baby sitter so she can return to Oedon.

It just says she was teeming them
You know that by definition parasites dont kill their hosts, right? That would be a parasitoid



She needed to piss.

Mental gymnastics lad. Clearly they found her body dead there. You just dont kill an actual great one like koz.

Plus what miyazaki said in interview.
She was dead already, hunters and byrgenwerth fucked the fishing town and desacrated her body. Thats what upset her.

>Incorrect user. That shit just makes you more aware.
Provost Willem sought the Cord in order to elevate his being and thoughts to those of a Great One, by lining his brain with eyes. The only choice, he knew, if man were to ever match Their greatness. -- One Third of Umbilical Cord

The immense brain that Mensis retrieved from the nightmare was indeed lined with eyes on the inside, but they were of an evil sort, and the brain itself was terrible rotten. But even still, it was a legitimate Great One, and left a relic. -- Living String

Lining your brain with eyes is what makes you a Great One. "Kin" is a descriptor of you origin -- "were you once a man" -- and nothing more.

Honestly I think the nightmare is more literal than people give it credit for and those things (given that they're quite easily the most terrifying enemies in the game) are seen as what would shock the person seeing them the most. In this case it's the only two things that don't try to fuck with you...the doll and messengers.

Subtle difference: she wasn't programmed to say she loves you. She was programmed to love you. Fully and completely. That love may have come from a form of direct manipulation, but it is no less real to her as a fully sapient being.

Where do the Waking World and Hunters Dream fit in the stack?

>an easier experience
>You'll improve and have an easier time
Good because I struggled haha
>Start with DeS
Been debating about playing DeS first. I guessssssssssss I will.


seriously fuck orphan
took me nearly 50 tries

also, is it possible/ advised to approach DaS like bloodborne? Light armor, no sheild, aggressive, rather than heavy armor, sheild, defensive? Seems more fun that way.

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Took me easily twice that. Mother fucker. I feel like I could beat him easy at this point though.

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I don't think it's a good thing to give up your humanity to be an aylmao.

Yes and many would argue that it is the optimal way to play. Though you don't have as many tools as Bloodborne gives you. Dodging isn't as good, you don't have ranged parries, and your stamina depletes more quickly and replenishes more slowly. It's overall more risky to do. However the enemies are far less aggressive.

Lining your brain with eyes gives you more insight and may help you elevate yourself, but you dont need to have them in order to become a great one.

Yes, especially in DeS. Shields are really boring.


Mental gymnasics from your part. She was already dead when they found her.

Like, from a moral standpoint?

I never said that

If you're not an ayylmao by birth then your path to becoming a Great One means getting yourself some eyes on the inside. That is the one and only criteria that the game presents for what constitutes a "Great One." Is having eyes on the inside. That is the bar that you need to clear in order to join their number, and is considered to be the one thing that you can use to identify them as "legitimate."

Stop saying mental gymnastics and assuming things

only the dream parts of it have CA on

>not wanting to fuck your hot daughter

So the next From Software game should have Sekiro, Ashen One, and the Hunter as bosses.

you just became the cock sleeve of the Plain Doll, congratulations, I hope you enjoy futa milk

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>Moon Presence hears word that Mergo is having a kid to fuck with shit
>That mother fucker thinks he can do that? Fuck that bitch nigga and fuck his kid
>Puts out a Help Wanted ad for some shmuck to help kill some rival's kid
>You show up
>You do it
>Sweet you can gtfo whenever bye
>You kill Gherman
>Huh you killed my number 1. Well you seem pretty cool and I kinda need someone to guide people I need to do my dirty work. Change of plans, you're my new right hand now. It'll be totally awesome. Free house for ya, sweet chair, a doll girl assistant to serve you. Shit's tight
>You smack Moon Presence for being a slut coming on to you and trying to rape you like that

>No Gehrman or Ludwig

Shit. Wet Nurse I guess. Its simple yet beautifully haunting. Maria in terms of "epic" feeling

Attached: maria~.png (960x1320, 1.28M)

One Reborn

user, Mergo is the kid


This here is probably one of the best the game has to offer and I never fucking see it talked about.

same, I remember every damn attack, I even made them little names

the jump
regular hard - > second hard -> third hard
jump backwards and smash
the 360
the 360 and foward
the 3 combo retard trap into upercut
the charged great smash with angle chase
the projectile
the pink circle

the lightning invoking scream
the two part jump into smash
the waning moon dash
that all out frenzy combo with obtuse direction
the multiple projectile jump
the great pink circle

jesus I remember the pain

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the dream has conformed to OP's desires I see

I beat him third try

Hey idiots the whole game was a dream. None of this happens.

not even mad user, you adapted quickly
orphan made me his bitch, and it quickly took me deep in despair
still one of the best fights in the entire franchise

maria is a cute

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I'm pretty flexible when it comes to bush. I grew out of shaved, it just seems weird to me now. Hair has to not cross into the stomach or upper thighs thats gross my nigga

>tfw when spotted by a Winter Lantern when booking it through Nightmare Outskirts to fight Amy

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They are not dreams in a literal sense, they are physical planes of existence accessed via the consciousness. Djura and Eileen remark on the Hunter's Dream. It's a concept explored in Lovecraft's works. Read Polaris.

Are Hunters into bloodplay during sex?

Beast with the best visual design?
Beast with the best audio design?




Cleric Beast

if by audio you mean the beast, not the music.

I really liked paarl beast design, it's so nightmarish, was the boss that sold me the game

ludwig had the best voice and music, I don't know if counts as audio design but it was great

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>Best visual design
Pic related
>Best audio design
The screams the BSB made stick with me for some reason....that thing was creepy

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I love that picture, it looks like he's saying hi.

What the FUCK was Iosefka's problem?

Maria is certainly adventurous enough.
>Beast with the best visual design?
Paarl, by a country mile.
>Beast with the best audio design?
I think Paarl's soundtrack, the way it swells in conjunction to Paarl's AoE build ups and attacks is really well done.
But I think Cleric Beast's OST is the best one out of all the beast fights, and only rivaled by Laurence's.

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Nothing, her imposter on the other hand–

>people like Darkbeasts
haha yeah

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fuck Im so horny i cant wait for my dildo to arrive tomorrow

she was a fake who turned the real one into an ayy and tried to elevate herself to great one status

she got ayy'd

This. Paarl looks so badass

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Okay, not the Faggotbeast of Loran, the one in Yahar'gul.
God, fuck that nigger.

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holy fuck, now that looks like fun
never got into dungeons, I don't have a ps4 anymore

Normally you don't get that ballsack of an arena for the fight....it's all random, but yeah

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She just wanted the Good Hunter to fetch some fresh test subjects and continue the research left at Upper Cathedral Ward (Choir HQ).

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shes holding my dick lmao

Another comfy BB thread. Thanks Yea Forumsros.

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why does he wear the cage?

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Iosefka would be a dom in bed?

read the description

The School of Mensis controls the Unseen Village.

This hexagonal iron cage suggests their strange ways. The cage is a device that restrains the will of the self, allowing one to see the profane world for what it is.

It also serves as an antenna that facilitates contact with the Great Ones of the dream.

But to an observer, the iron cage appears to be precisely what delivered them to their harrowing nightmare.

Nobody cared until he put on the cage.


she interchanges

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I am a huge dark souls fag, but
you know I didn't want to believe but it's true
bloodborne threads are great, it DOES makes a difference having this game as an exclusive
absolutely no dark souls shitposting
and I am greatful
I had a ps4 for one week and played the shit out of bloodborne, I wish it was on pc to mod it
but it's better this way

>sell your soul to eldritch demons and guarantee that you'll basically be sent to hell after your inevitable fall to madness
>but on the plus side, the doll
worth it?

If I pull it off, will he wake up?

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I just love this guy
it's a real life shitposter

It would be extremely painful.

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Posting comfy Bloodborne.

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Does Bloodborne have the GOAT sense of escalating mystery of any game?
>Start off hunting werewolves in london
>But get early-game hints that something bullshit is happening behind the scenes with Madman's Knowledge, Insight mechanics, hints about the Nightmare, messengers, etc
>Then you start seeing weird enemies that look like Cthulu in Old Yharnam and Cathedral Ward
>More hints about eldritch bullshit if you spelunked a chalice after beating BSB
>then statues of Cthulu everywhere near Vicar Amelia's boss room
>then references to oceans and the cosmos in forbidden woods, literal ayylmaos
>references to evil scientists trying to ascend to be Great Ones in Byrgenwerth
>Fight Rom and then all hell breaks loose with full-on dreamscapes and shit
It's basically perfect

>full set of images even has a hunter taking part
now that's some dedication


Hell isn't real and you get to be squid god forever

Doll is comfy
Doll is cute

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Hell is very real if you go blood drunk and get sucked into the Hunter's Nightmare

the game is so well developed, better than every souls games, they really took the time to make a well rounded game with a REAL and intense art direction. like holy shit If I were miyazaki I would fucking retire because I just made exactly the game I wanted to make.

Which faction has the most /fa/ set and why is it Cainhurst?

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I want a plain doll gf :c

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the moment I saw the yargul invader I said
that's it, that's my fucking set right there

but yes I do like crainhurst, specially the chest piece

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Executioner all the way. But I really do like the Bone Ash set.

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How is doll voiced in your country?
Her French voice is cute

Maybe when androids become a thing, then you can have a comfy Doll of your own.

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So many good ones, but knights set and maria set on a female character are my favorites

I just choose the english VA. I love her and Maria's cute accent.

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Spoiler alert: it's Kosm

This, amazing set

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Church fashion is best fashion.

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Micolash is retard. No one says Kosm, ever.

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LA spanish voice was great honestly, it retains tone and intention.
dub was really good honestly, with some translation mistakes here and there but, finely dubed gherman was a great choice too


Micolash's and Gascoigne's VAs are godly.

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>no good VR porn vids of you fucking her while she’s completely uninterested but accepting of your needs

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>stuck in Old Yharnam
>can kill most enemies without trouble, but keep running out of blood vials (usually only have 1 or 2 on me at any time)
>spend all my blood echoes trying to make a decent all-rounder build
>only use the Kirkhammer with combos
>feel like I'm not making any progress at all
Am I just shit? I thought Gascoigne was the skill check to see if you can finish the game

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Maria enjoys it a lot.

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>Covered in engravings of jizz

Hell no.

>mfw realized at some point during first playthrough that Insight literally means Inside Sight (eyes on the inside)
Why don't games blow my mind like this anymore

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Don't give up skeleton.
And no, Gascoigne isn't the hardest boss in the game (that would be the mass murdering santa claus), but he certainly is there to remind you that you are playing Bloodborne, not dark souls.

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>I'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this great one

Why is Gascoigne so popular?

I didn't mean that he was the hardest boss, I meant that you can't get past him without being competent in the mechanics. Take Lady Butterfly in Sekiro for example. You can't beat her until you learn the lesson that you need to forget about dodging and focus on deflects

He wasn't breast fed.

It's literally the cuck set. You cut out other people's sperm to put in your queen, which won't even work for the goal she's trying to reach. She even turns down the one hope, marrying a hunter who used the umbilical cords. Cainhurst is a cuck faction that will never accomplish what it sets out to do.

Mechanically great boss, and since people came fresh off the rails from souls, he was a roadblock until they stopped relying on defensive tactics.
It was for me. He's also really cool, and has one of the best backstories and VA for a boss in BB.

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Soulsfag here and new to bloodborne.
Is the saw spear a crutch weapon?
I feel like i've been kicking ass with it very easily.
Killed the Beast on the bridge on my first try and Father Gascoigne took me only like 3 tries.

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saw spear has the highest AR and is a faster weapon than the cleaver, so it is among the crutch weapons alongside the Ludwig's holy blade

Who /kosm/ here?


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Cool character with a cool story.
I like to quote him when I see furries at convention.

TOH expansion proved you wrong, fag

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>ywn gently suckle the doll's milkies from your small slimy squid tentacles

Started from king's field 4 and ended sekiro recently, why does every from games are comfy as fuck? Like, there's something only from games have, I'm not sure how to explain it but even if it's not a soulborne I always know if it's from or 'not.

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Mechanisms built by the Powder Kegs

his mistress decided he can't cum anymore

Which one is the most based faction in BB?

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The game doesn't really have crutch weapons like Souls has. Everything has its purpose and nothing is really overly broken or useless. Spear is one of the better weapons if we were to rate them all but the game exceeds at letting you play what you want to play and letting it work.


>getting your uvula cut off by scalding pressurized doll tiddy milk
if it ain't got no kick

>yfw bloodborne will soon be 5 years old

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>waking up to a BB lore thread 450posts in
Well at least I can read it later.

>mfw still waiting for PC port

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"Where else am I suppose to cum?"

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What the FUCK was Maria's problem??

Keep dreaming
Did you not play the dlc or something

Anguish from the Hamlet massacre and the horrific experimentation on people drove her into suicide.
In the Nightmare she is tormented for participating in the holocaust, and becomes a gatekeeper to the true secret: the Fishing Hamlet.

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>ywn cry in the doll's arms and be cradled to sleep by her

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the whole image is shopped chunks all stitched together you fucking retard
don't come here all shouty thinking you know shit

Thats a fun idea
Got anything to back it up

>Hunter's Nightmare was a sudden, unexpected event that whisked huge amounts of hunters away into the nightmare all at once
>Nightmare looks like a demonic version of Yharnam and the research labs (Maria's home that she hated)
>Maria herself gets multiple powerups during the fight
>Is in possession of the Celestial Dial
I'd be willing to bet that Maria did more than set herself up as the guardian of the Hunter's Nightmare, she helped make it in the first place. She has the key to get into the Hamlet and was employed by the Church who were trying to tunnel in. What I think happened is that they sent Maria in to finish what Byrgenwerth started. Maria found the OOK and made a pact with it like how Gehrman made a pact with the MP. The Nightmare of the Hamlet would expand to include the Hunter's Nightmare, constructed according to Maria's wish for punishment for the Hunters. This would be a jail for hunters as well as a guard for the Hamlet, with Maria being the last line of defense. Maria sealed the pact by killing herself irl. The inauguration of the Hunter's Nightmare sucked in a bunch of Hunters with her.

She's laying dead in her seat, bled to death, with no sign of struggle or any enemy in sight. She cut her own wrists or something.

Blood is trickling from her blood soaked cravat and off her left arm. You can even hear the blood drip.

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Redpill me on the chapel dweller

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A cool detail I noticed is the cravat for the Doll is red. Maybe in remembrance of Maria's death?

Attached: cravat.jpg (3264x1744, 3.14M)

Cinnamon roll

To hide shitty edges and half-assed shading
-t. Art fag who abuse it

>hear the drip
Thats a neat touch
Considering shes in the hunters nightmare though I think that may just be symbolic

Naw, she'd need to be closer to the end for that to ring for me. I think she's another victim here.

user theres also the giant puddle of her own blood that's beneath her feet.

He's the best bro you have in this shit city, other than Djura.

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What end? This happened extremely early. Way back when Laurence was still alive. The founding days of the Healing Church.

Symbolic user
Plus if she killed herself she couldnt host the nightmare

He might be Pthumerian, given his appearance. Regardless, he's the kindest person you'll meet in Yharnam.

its paleblood. it's why she's the only character who can act as a catalyst for leveling you up

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It's a shame Micolash was cut as a NPC

Since when did dying irl mean you can't be alive in the Nightmare?

Good point
I would think that is the case though
At the very least she mustve been alive for the creation of the nightmare because that happened in the waking world

Well yes, I said that her suicide was what created the Hunter's Nightmare. The signature on the contract, as it were. She got booted from the waking world to the Hunter's Nightmare upon her self-inflicted death, and took every other blood drunk hunter with her.

>Can stay active one year without drinking or eating
Wait, so Kars is dead?

you that guy who wrote the essay earlier?
yeah you might be onto something

orphan is good though I don't think it fits that well
BSB is great
but best is my man LAURENCE

And the lullaby

Logarius theme of course.

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good luck emulating it in 2030

Why is it so menacing? Wasnt Logarius the good guy?

memezaki comnfirmed that in an interview I think

he wanted to do what was right, but found that it would lead him down a dark path.

>Wasnt Logarius the good guy?
t. Alfred

>Logarius and Queen Yharnam share the same battle theme.
What did Miyazaki mean by this?

Which is comfier:
Hunter's Dream or
Moonlight Melody?

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Think about maybe why there are Cainhurst gargoyles in the Great Pthumeru Ihyll dungeon

>waking up in Yahar'gul for the first time

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He was a leader of a zealous cult that had a bloody history of conflict with Cainhurst that spans before the existence of the Healing Church. Calling him a good guy would be complicated. We don't even know for what reason there's rivalry.

they fugged

Logarius looks to be a Pthumerian.


perfect taste, good man

The executioners are just a glorified bunch of thugs
Theres nothing good about them


You're an insightful guy

Fuck off vileblood. Your filth will not tarnish the legacy of Martyr Logarious.

'ate heretics
'ate cainhurst
'ate vilebloods
luv logie
luv the church
luv the wheel
simple as

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is the BB art book worth getting?


>ywn wrap your primordial tentacles around the doll's milky white bosom as you nurse to regain your strength

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BB has probably some of my favorite voice acting ever. It's incredible for any video game, especially a a Japanese one.

youre just memeing but im 100% serious
Cainhurst did nothing wrong
Or at least nothing that the church didnt do too

Take a peek at the pdf and see for yourself. It's pretty gorgeous.
He's general appearance, I mean. Extremely tall stature, undead (a trait found with some pthumerians in the labyrinths), and his pickaxe is very reminiscent of the Pthumerian elder's weapon.

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Holy fuck is it a nice change of pace to have a souls thread that isn't a DaS2 vs DaS3 bait or a rank autism thread.
Thanks, Yea Forumsros.

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Post tributes.
(I haven't fought her yet.

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