A doctor explains Video Gaming Addiction

A doctor explains Video Gaming Addiction.

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Other urls found in this thread:


stop playing video games you addict

what a fucking retard. All you need is one (1) day. Does the person spend 18 hours of that day playing video games? If yes, there's your fucking answer. God, I hate doctors.


Have sex

Thanks doc

Trannies are out in full force, you're still mentally ill, sweeties :-)

>if i spend more time playing games than with my family/friends im going to be annoyed by the law now

just perfect

This 100% applies to everyone on this website.

>can't stop thinking about transsexuals literally every minute

You are mentally ill, seek help.

yeah okay i don't trust chinese doctors

Jesus that's a fucking throwback

Most people on this website have a Yea Forums addiction, not a video game addiction.

Careful, or they'll create a diagnosis for that too and send anyone who starts talking about jews to the mental wards.

I'd argue this is actually legitimate addiction though. Its not just about do you play games daily. Its about if someone has a history of completely ignoring their social life, obligations, work, missing appointments, etc for gaming then yes they are addicted.

Perhaps this whole "video game addiction" is just a symptom of something bigger?

dude I legit only play video games maybe 4 hours a week. I spend far longer just shitposting here.



so because im an introvert i deserve to be harassed?

what disorder do you have where you help perpetuate your wife's sick disease of seeking attention through video game characters from young men while living vicariously through said relationship

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So are you saying it's a meme, and in the next sencence that it is just like any other addiction, but video game centric?

yes and raped too!

(((psychology))) is a joke

that's because you are lard ass user, it has nothing to do with being an introvert

Parents will just fabricate this to their kid's doctor

You deserve to be harassed because you only take a shower once a month.

no it has everything to do with being an introvert sometimes even the hour or so i see people at work is draining to me

well i would take one every morning if people didnt inturrpt my schedule by being in the bathroom when i wake up am i just supposed to wait an hour before i start playing?

Nope sorry, gamers are crazy.

Time to cash in

>Got a job
>Salaried position
>mfw too successful to be made fun of

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>he thinks they will dole out disability over gaming addiction

>you're not an alcoholic if you have a glass of wine every night

Yeah but, what if they couldn't stop?

You first, also dilate

In the past i have played a game for an entire 12 hours on my day off, but then didn't play anything for a week.
What if the doctor chose a day that i didn't play video games on to diagnose me?

So how do I collect disability for my video game addiction?

If i smoke meth only 11 months im not an addict?


been playing games all my life since no one wanted to be my friend
but i can go weeks without playing any
i dont get withdrawl because that's not a thing for gaming(getting burnt out on gaming is a thing)

if this were to be real for ANYONE it would be for asians only since they literally die from not moving because they are soo addicted to a game

if i were to run into someone with VGA id laugh in their face for being a faker

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Okay, now this is based

"Significantly impair"
I was always anti social, so nothing changed.
Also if you're playing games so much you can't even earn enough of an income to survive or financially support the hobby you're dumping all your hours into you're insane.
People always said some shit like "You play video games too much, and you don't like going to school, what are you going to do when you need to get a job"
Public school sucks dick and you learn everything you need to know in like 8/9th grade, trigonometry or advanced calculus doesn't help you in the real world unless you want to be an actual scientist or some shit.
AP U.S. History did nothing for me
Physics did nothing for me
I'm making enough money to survive working 3 days a week and literally none of that shit involved schooling, I move boxes for a living

I want to be on your side, but come on man, you're not doing yourself any favours.
You just pause the game and go have a shower when the bathroom is free.

I have been burnout from games for years. I just open up one and alt f4 out after 2 or 3 minutes. How do i play games again??

>spergs and sociopaths freaking the FUCK out thinking that the government suddenly gives a shit about them and will throw them in prison if they say they hate niggers and jews

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>pause the game
if only i could but then people in itr get mad at me hell they are probably mad at me for not being logged in right now

Just shut up tranny even if this is an anonymous board we all know who you are

Then they would be.

>not about the number of hours played
so I could play 5 minutes a day but if it's some mobile shit that sucks my wallet dry, I'm addicted? That makes no sense. I think it's 100% directly correlated to the hours played, because you're not addicted to the game if you're not playing it, you're addicted to the fucking gambling aspect.

>I don't need school to be a marginal burnout loser so why does it exist?

>you learn everything you know in 8/9th grade
Wrong-o, you can always spot the underagers with posts like this.
If you've ever watched a kid grow up, or thought for a second that you were once MUCH more dumb than you are now, you'd see how much of a struggle actually learning things is.
Elementary school is exactly what it sounds like. School where they slowly teach kids the basics, because it takes a fucking long time for kid brains to develop and retain shit, and they have to go at a reasonable pace for ALL the kids to learn. Even the retards. Because frankly, not being one of those dumb shit remedial students and seeing the stigma around behaving retardedly is also a learning experience for kids.

when that happens its because games havent evolved to be interesting anymore, all games are just clones of each other, there is no devs taking risks at trying something new

only thing you can do is go and replay old games since they also dont have achievements mocking you if you cant get them.

It's more like you're addicted if you play 12 hours a day for a year straight

Literally nothing is going change for any of us, why are you niggers getting so assmad over this?

Then you may have slightly less of a video game problem and slightly more of a hostage situation problem.

>only 12 months

he just said it's not about hours played though.

People are unironically scared it means they'll be legally persecuted for being "gamers" because their perception of the world is absolutely beyond fucked

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finna slice off my genitals and suicide before 40
I'm completely normal, brosisters

>it's a "Yea Forums continues to only deal in absolutes and view everything with an autistic tinge" episode
Nice, hope you get a couple more yous than the last guy who posted this

Here is a doctor explaining how transgenderism is a lie.

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GASP. Oh no... A T T E N T I O N. Say it ain't so!

well its a good job i have no family/social functioning.

>trigonometry or advanced calculus doesn't help you in the real world unless you want to be an actual scientist or some shit.
Wow it's almost like I addressed this retard
Bruh I'm like 26, the real world doesn't require 13 years of schooling to navigate.
The amount of faggots I've seen get by because everyone either pities them or they were smart enough to learn a marketable skill instead of finishing high school/going to college is absurd

>inability to read words

That isn't healthy or normal
Fix your life user

He's not going to teleport to your room in one day and judge you entirely by that one day, he's going to be asking you questions about you and your general habits, maybe ask your family too, then make a final decision about what to do. This is the same shit they do when it comes to psychiatric evaluations

Have any of you retards actually visited a doctor before?


Paying for digital distribution is a mental illness.

You don't live in the "real world", you're a failure who lives on the edge of society

>GASP. Oh no... A T T E N T I O N. Say it ain't so!
Is this the Cosmopolitan twitter reply section of Yea Forums?

unironically gonna watch this

Doc, by that definition all speedrunners literally are insane.

These fuckers called it the VGA

What the fuck

unless you blew off obligations that you intended to keep and binged because you felt compelled to, no

Video game addiction is real the same way a gambling addiction is.
There are people in China going into debt to pay for all the money they spend in F2P games.

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>Able to pay rent and taxes and shit I want
Nah bruh, I'm fine


how? the only way is ti quit SL but then ill have nothing to do all day

>spends years building a VGA brand
>VGA literally stands for mental illness now

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And what do we do about the insane speedrunner epidemic, fellow gamer? How do we lock them up?

Why do trannies come here? Like, are they trying to change this place into their own haven? Why? They have resetera, tumblr, reddit, etc. It’s like a black person going to a KKK hangout thinking they’ll change their minds.

There's an entire board filled with those people. It's called /pol/

thanks doc

Attention seeking isn't a disease.

You read Cosmopolitan?

ITT Yea Forums is so fucking ignorant and narcissistic they think a small change in a diagnostic manual that isn't even fucking used in the US will somehow result in them getting harassed or their games taken away.

Also trannies for some reason, because Yea Forums is really just that easy to trigger

Each and every one of you disgusts me

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Trannies are the lowest of all cucks, tranny is a man so cucked he's cucked out his own gender. It's no wonder the lowest of the low come to the shittiest board on the site.

Half of them becoming trans wasn't clue enough for you?

Because liking games is a mental illness, but cutting your dick off and thinking you’re a different gender isn’t. It is fucking backwards and is only just one part of the clown world we live in.

Congratulations for achieving the bare minimum
Let's rework the education system and remove anything more advanced than picking things up and putting them down

I say we arrange streaming events where we can watch them in their natural habitat for entertainment.

Oh wait, they already do.

>haha don't worry about it the government isn't trying to lock you up
I guarantee that you are on a list if you post here. Whether they lock you up or not is entirely up to them.

I know, I was thinking the same thing. Sucks to be him. First the Yea Forumsgas, now this.

I mean, they shouldn't be required if they're literally just going to waste 3 years of your life

Liking games is not a disorder
Gender Dysphoria is recognized as a sexual disorder by both the ISD and the DSM

The only clown here is you

find a hobby which does not compel you to spend 100% of your free time on it at the expense of basic hygiene?

nice video games
dilate btw

>having an understanding of social discourse syntax from all realms subcultures via readership and their demographics
>"you read the magazine of comospotioofmfoml?"

It should be.

Because they're retards. A doctor isn't an FBI agent who comes to your door when he hears an anonymous tip that you're playing video games. What this is probably for is for people who are so addicted to games that it literally interferes with their lives i.e. they never show up to work, they have children but don't take care of them, etc.

I implore you to adopt a baby, let it hang out at your house until its about 12, then ship them to highschool to teach it how to read, write formal essays, complicated arithmetic, how to make friends, interact with others their own age, write tests, deal with deadlines, work under pressure, etc etc. In one single year.
You simply have no idea how the brain develops or how children behave, probably because you learned nothing in elementary school

So when can I get those neetbux for playing vidya?

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Who are you talking about? Who are these trannies you speak off? In this thread specifically.

Also, Yea Forums literally has an /lgbt/ board. What do you think the T stands for?

That’s not how it works at all. Ask the apa about trannies.


>Yea Forums's reading ability
not that twitter posts are a great start to a thread but did even half the thread read through it before replying

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>statement: words words words words words words attention words words words words
>attention seeking what? huh?

I bet you thibk being sad is the same as having depression.

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>the US government wants to lock up all gamers!
>Just look at this meaningless change in wording in the EU's psych manual!
Take your antipsychotics, Jon

so single player games

Yes, I do because depressed people are pussies who need to get over it.

>Wear a wig
>Take hormone pills
>Cut off peepee
>Tonguekiss twelve year old in broad daylight
>Perfectly fine and progressive so inspiring :)

>Play videogames

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You said something along the lines of "omg they don't need a year of data just one day!" And i replied accordingly, proving you wrong.
You seem confused about what you're arguing and are embarrassing yourself.

So you don't read Cosmopolitan. And I assume you don't read the "Cosmopolitan twitter reply section."(whatever the fuck that means) Yet, you think you have an idea of the social discourse and syntax from a place that you have no experience of?

So you're either lying, and you actually have been browsing Cosmopolitan twitter. Or you're so delusional, that you think you know how people act and talk without ever interacting with them. Pick your poison.

>meaningless change in wording
I guess they're right, you are insane. We have a case of VGA here lads

the /veddit/gas were always awful trash run by narcissistic cunts who refused help from people significantly more qualified them because it'd take the spotlight away from their shitshow otherwise. Go figure.

This is literally what's happening. How could they do this to gamers?

You're fucking stupid. I'm not ruining my life playing video games for 12 or more hours on one specific day. It's my day off and I can do what I want, it's what I'm working for.
>haha lol wagecuck haha >work lol
Grow up.

>diagnosis can't be made without 12 (Twelve) continuous months of behaviour that is sufficiently severe enough to impair a person's personal/family/social/occupational functioning
Why is it so hard to understand that. This isn't even shitposting anymore. You have to be severely fucked to be diagnosed. I'm sure most who are complaining are probably underage. You have tame to play games and dick around, that doesn't mean you have a disorder. Why get so defensive?

Oh no...
Say it ain't so!

We need to come up with a good VGA insult. Just calling people insane isn't good enough.

Based and Lazerpilled

>What is binging

>that's not how it works
Yes it is. Game addiction in the DSM has a clear definition. So does Gender Dysphoria. They are both disorders.

You, being a moron, heard somewhere that the ISD no longer considers gender dysphoria to be a mental illness, which is only technically true because they altered the semantics so it's a "sexual disorder" (an utterly meaningless distinction in terms of diagnosis and treatment)

tl;dr you're fucking stupid and need to stop posting and start lurking

Attention seeking was the core of his statement. He began by qualifying who enabled attention seeking. And then ended by stating who benefitted from attention seeking. But the crux of the matter was attention seeking itself. I just addressed the key issue.


Now read that again and explain to me how that doesn't apply to every single competitive gamer / streamer. You think being a pro gamer doesn't impair a person's personal/family/social/occupational functioning? It kinda does

sounds like you do have an addiction then

>why get so defensive
Because the young and stupid have decided that pop culture is their whole identity

Funny how tv and reading was never diagnosed when people do they same thing with those forms of media

If they're a pro gamer or a streamer it is their occupation, does not qualify by definition

addicts get thrown into rehab, not have their addictions fed by the gobmint

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It was rhetoric, but now I know you have legit trouble understanding how a disease works.

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>ignores the direct implication that you are writing like a 12 year old girl which is cosmopolitan's main viewer base
>can't understand this
underage and a dumb whore

Yes, and? You think these are "Cosmopolitan twitter" phrases? How did you come to this idea, since you have no experience. You must have read it somewhere at some time.


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>Profile pic is her dressed as the skimpy Guran Lagan chick

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Game addiction has been in the ISD for years now

You misunderstood my statement, didn't say school as a whole is useless, meant to say if you pass the state graduation exam you should be afforded the option of opting out for the rest and grabbing your diploma.
Basic world shit is simple as fuck, anyone pretending you need all 13 years of schooling to comprehend how to survive is a fucking moron.

>does not qualify by definition
Definition of what? You just gave me the definition, it clearly fits it. If you pay an insane person while he's being insane, that doesn't make him any less insane.

12 year old girls write like that? How do you know? In fact, how do you know what Cosmopolitan's audience is? I assumed it was a magazine for young adults. I never heard about 12 year old girls reading it.

This sounds like bait

>muh ISD
Nobody cares about anything other than WHO, you fucking nerd. Who the fook ever heard of ISD

But they were. Non-substance behavioral addiction, DSMV. Fuck off, retard.

One wine a night isn't considered harmful so it's fine

Okay wine aunt

Why does any of this matter to begin with? You go to a doctor when YOU think you need help, or when someone who knows and cares about you thinks you need help. A doctor isn't law enforcement where they personally seek out video game addicts. This is why you can legally refuse medical advice. The only time a doctor can ever force you to do anything is if they determine that you are literally a threat to yourself and other people (i.e that you're suicidal or homicidal)

They appear to do well without whatever supposed help you think they need. I'd take a shoddy low quality production, over a pristine professional one. It carries the "by the people" spirit.

Dont take psychology seriously you retards.
The field had a less than 50% replication rate. It is literal pseudoscience witch doctor bullshit


The WHO define the ISD.
This is about the ISD, the psych manual most of the world uses
The US uses the DSM

Read a fucking book, nigger

does not correlate

The real problem is that I can't play games more than 30 minutes at a time. My gaming boner goes up and down all the time, I need some sort of gaming viagra, plaese halp doc

Slippery slope nigga. Don't deny it

That poor father

Oh, hey, it's a letter from my uncle!

>intersectional feminist
>social media theme is 80's aesthetic, racist anime car that only a mass murder from new zealand could love, red bull, neko ears and a cutout pic of herself as just another kim kardashian clone all mixed into one
How is that not accurate?

You sound like you hate consistency.

The point of an education is not to hammer details into your skull, it's to teach you how to learn and think critically and manage time.

Clearly your teachers failed you.

>Just ignore it goy

Until they implement the social credit system that is.

having an addiction is likely to disqualify you from getting neetbux, regardless of whatever disability is earning you the neetbux
enjoy your trip to the detox clinic

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"Slippery slope" is a formal logical fallacy

Calling something a slippery slope is not supporting the argument, it's calling it fundamentally flawed. Like your brain.

>Attention seeking isn't a disease.
It can be. See Munchausen Syndrome.

>Cutting off your dick and pretending to be a different gender is not a mental disorder
>playing video games is a mental disorder

Ahahahahhahaa you fucking Americans are killing yourselves with your shitskins and leftist policies and it's great

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Gaming IS the occupation. It IS their source of income. Pro gamers practice like hell, that shit isn't always fun. If one of them was dicking around and playing something else and they were ignoring practice, and this pattern of behaviour is continuous for twelve months, then you can officially be diagnosed with the disorder. Psychological manuals identify specific patterns of behaviour as well as Amy other factors that differentiate said pattern from other similar ones in order to name a disorder.

>how do you know what people of certain age write like?
>how do you know what people of a certain sex write like?
>"in fact"
>how do you know what ______'s audience is?
>i assumed
how do you not slip and break your neck against the fridge on a daily basis?

>Who are these trannies you speak off?
they aren't any there was one guy and Yea Forums blew a fuse and then trolls saw and started mimicking the behavior that made Yea Forums blow up in the first place and now they've convinced themselves that there's a phantom menace trans out to get them same thing happened on /gif/ with cuck, gay and blacked porn

It's almost like anything in excess is bad. Better have a scientific study on this

secondlife to be honest i kewep secretly hoping it dies but it never does

You went full retard

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>spending money
>on free games
That's not addiction, that's being a fucking retard.

nice exaggeration bud
protip if you're ever going to try and make a point don't try to reduce the argument in an attempt to belittle your opponent if you have strong feelings on something share it in it's true complexity

>If you play 4 hours a day but it causes you to abandon your family, gets you fired from work, etc, that's disorder.
No that's just being retarded, it's not a disorder. Fucking hell doctors are stupid

except for Yea Forums

>not being able to hold back means addiction
yeah thanks, doctor obvious.

if a porn artist makes money doing porn no one's gonna stage an intervention for sex or porn addiction if they take more jobs that month than usual involving your emotions in a logical discussion

But what's the actual point? Why differentiate it from any other non-physical addiction, like the internet, television, food, exercise, etc?

I know where my fridge is, because I and see and touch it. I know where the floor is, because I can see and touch it. I know how to half properly, because I've been walking my whole life.
I don't talk to kids online. So I don't know what they say. It's strange that you do.
I do know how women type though, because I happen to follow them on social media. and their way of typing doesn't necessarily reflect what you seem to believe. So I question how you come to know something that I don't. Or even if you know what you claim to know.
I don't read Cosmopolitan, so I don't know how they type. I question how you happen to know Cosmopolitan's writing style.

How, with your omnipotent level of awareness, are you still spending time on Yea Forums of all places. Your skills of magically knowing things would be a great asset to humanity as a whole.

go dilate

>it's ok i only use meth for recreation

>doctors are stupid
>user in a agnostic dutch textbook site knows better

being retarded is a disorder you donut

>work 7 hours from 3-10pm
>drive 30 minutes home
>play games till 6 am
>sleep 8 hours
>wake up at 2pm
>on days off go the gym for an hour
>play games the rest of the day and remain anti-social

Woah what an addiction

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to retarded women
its still drinking poison to get a high feeling

>depressed people are pussies who need to get over it.
depression is an actually hormonal disbalance it's something everyone goes through throughout their life especially people who are going through hormonal changes (pregnant people, teenagers, people leaving middle age and entering old age)

>I do know how women type though, because I happen to follow them on social media.

Attached: realistic woman having a giggle.webm (378x412, 803K)

>Added video game addiction
>Removed gender dysphoria

Makes me indeed ponder

>seething tranny
get off my board degenerate

Shit, you're right, if I had learned anything I'd have dropped out and got a GED in 9th grade

stand back everyone, I'm a doctor, let me handle this shit

Different causes and different consequences, sugar can be as addictive as cocaine but you would be wrong to put them in the same group

What's funny? I said I know what they *type.* Not what they think.

>I do know how women type though, because I happen to follow them on social media
GASP. YAAAASS QUEEEEN SLAY. Oh no~... S P A C E D O U T words. Sarcasm! makes sense then.

>Because liking games is a mental illness
Go back to one angry gamer

hey I was just trying to help you arguments are a place of logical discussion not emotional anger you can't just sling around insults to make a point I partially agree with you but if you present your argument in a way a child would you end up belittling your point


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Does it make you ponder why you feel the need to post this blatant lie every five minutes?

Are you just that big a fan of being called a retarded lying niggerfaggot?

As I warned in the last thread, if video game addiction gets proper recognition by the Social Security Administration, it may be liable to get your NEETbux TAKEN AWAY if anything.
>We do not consider a claimant disabled if drug addiction or alcoholism (DAA) is a contributing factor material to the determination that the claimant is disabled. For more information on the definition of DAA, see Section 105 of Public Law 104-121 and Sections 223(d)(2)(C) and 1614(a)(3)(J) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 423(d)(2)(C) and 1382c(a)(3)(J).
>The Americans with Disabilities Act explicitly excludes “compulsive gambling” from its definition of disability, thus denying gambling addicts protection from employer discrimination based on their disorder. Since the enactment of the ADA, however, scientific understandings of gambling disorder have evolved to view the condition as an addiction, rather than as a compulsion or impulse-control disorder. This move is mirrored in the DSM-5’s reclassification of gambling disorder under the category of “substance-related and other addictive disorders.”
If stuff like gambling and video game addiction get any more recognition on the level of drugs and alcohol, they're more likely to have you treated similar to someone who's suicidal or otherwise a danger to themselves and others: held against your will and treated until you recover enough to not be their problem anymore.

If you're getting NEETbux, keep quiet about the vidya. If you're seeking NEETbux, stick to claims of Assburgers and anxiety. Telling them you play video games for 90 hours a week will at best make you seem lazy and unmotivated rather than disabled, and at worst be something you wish you could unsay in a few years when they commit you.

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I'm afraid it's been...... 9 years.

>I am a moron who doesn't know what "addiction" means
Cool story, bro

Hot tip: no one gives a fuck about you or what you do

So fucking insecure wagecuck.

But that's a physical difference, mentally what's the difference between this or any other diversion addiction? Especially ones that are essentially the same medium with different interactivity?

Looks like I can’t get my givsmedat anymore. Damn.


>Telling them you play video games for 90 hours a week will at best make you seem lazy and unmotivated
well it does unless it's your job

Nice reply. You really care enough to respond

enrichment when

>sounds like
I am almost certain.

"GASP" has been used since the beginning of the internet. You're only exposing how much of a zoomer you are, by claiming it's a woman thing.
I don't know where I got the spaced out word thing from. I just thought of the best way to stretch out the word, in order to give it the desired effect, and that seemed like the best way to handle it. I knew that AlTeRnAtInG caps was a twitter thing, so I was conscious to avoid doing that.
I didn't say any of your other examples.

Also, How do you figure all of that stuff comes from 12 year old Cosmopolitan readers.

This thread smells of reddit and discord.

what the fuck is this conversation supposed to prove, just kiss already

Well my answer was because you talked about food and exercise as if they were not physical addictions, but I guess you should be able to put teoevision and videogames togheter.

Your functioning isn't being impaired so you can't be diagnosed. I don't know why your defensive. Unless your making shit up

depression is a gigantic meme nowadays and every faggot on the internet claims to have it just to get pity points or to upload some low effort unfunny "relatable" meme to ig but its actually a chemical imbalance some people really do have to deal with

>I happen to follow them on social media
i use to question how infested this board really could be by foreigners, but i don't have to anymore

Stop playing games for awhile and do something else with your time. Then you'll come back to games later when you actually want to play them instead of going to them for the sake of routine.

>in my 30s
>only play vidya and jerk off
>no friends
>massivley obese
>been only to the grocery store and nowhere else in the past 3 years

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the classic I don't have an argument response

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Dilate would be a hilarious comeback, if you were actually replying to trannies. But since you're probably just replying to a skinny fat 20 something male, then you just sound like a meme spouting kiddie.

>"i follow people on social media"

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why does this trigger people here?
this is like the most basic standard of an addiction definition

And trannies and faggots are mentally ill

mental ward you mean addicts dont get paid they get held against their wishes in a mental/rehab ward

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Person in the article looks like someone who just got their MD.

addicts don't get to have their addictions fed by the government.
enjoy being locked up in rehab with actual substance abusers. enjoy not being taken seriously by anyone there as well.

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>enjoy not being taken seriously by anyone there as well.
As if it isn't that way already.

Every day it becomes more obvious to me that I outgrew this website 5 years ago but there really is no decent alternative because online culture is fucked

Well I can't rely on Yea Forums for all my lewd material, can I?

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How so?

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Where do you think stuff like pic related comes from? Yea Forums?!

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pay up trans people, I'm disabled

Don't bully. She recently got implants, because she was sick of everyone calling her a loli, and saying she looked like a child.

The education system should be reworked if the dropout rates are anything to go by.

>she recently got implants

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your only disability is your retardation. disability and addiction are two different things.

Gamer's are officially more crazy than trans people. You are all a step below trans people. Congrats.

imgaine the smell

video games are bad but tv all day is good.

>second life
holy fuck I was specting youd say something like ff14 or another mmo were you actually had to play something, not that tranny muh virtual avatar shit, go kys already

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At any given time there isn't a single thread on this website that doesn't have a reply about how trannies are mentally ill, and maybe 3% of those threads mention transgenderism as a topic in the OP, and all of those posts are about trannies being mentally ill.

I'm sure there are like 5-10 guys responsible for the bulk of this, posting something about trannies in every thread they enter, but it's fucking insane that the mere existence of trans people has driven some of you to this type of derangement. It's fucking pathetic; get a life. Whether or not you think transgenderism should be morally or socially accepted should have an extremely minimal effect on your enjoyment and discussion of video games.

10 rubles have been deposited in your account, komerade

Hormonal disbalance can cause depression yes, but that doesn't mean depression is an "actually hormonal disbalance", retarded.
I have never had depression as you said, you are just trying to normalize it idk why

It's literally kremlin propaganda, user. Ruskies are getting paid to shitpost whatever they can to foster in-fighting among foreign nations

>implying trannies haven't shit up gaming communities 10 times worse than people hating on them have

I mean just statistically I know you're going to be a generic prison gay weeb virgin who got memed into being trans by his discord buds rather than some newfag who just came in here not knowing the dynamic and thinks transphobia is bad

Same with any athlete though?

I'm in my 30s and I have a degree in Medical Biology and dont feel any smarter than when I was a teenager. In fact I think I might be stupider and lazier now compared to when I was a teen.

You are literally shitting up a thread right now

I actually don't understand any of this, like, all addictions are considered bad since always, video game addiction already existed and was always considered a disease, the concept of video game addiction it's not new, what the fuck is happening here?

Funny how they are grouped together but gaming isnt

Many studies on red wine prove otherwise but ok

Nice buzzwords!
Literally none of your assumptions about me are true but go ahead and convince yourself that there isn't something wrong with you if the presence of a trans person in a community ruins it for you.

Is it second Life when your first one is null n void?

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Not really considering gaming is something with active participation - much like gambling

Why do you want this to be a HAPPENING so badly? Do you really have nothing else to do but LARP that the gubmint wants to lock you up?

Makes you seem worse bub. You have a mindset of a mentally confused person. Might want to reassess your life

WHO altered a definition
Kremlin realized they could push "THEY HATE YOU AND LOVE TRANNIES" to get a social media snowball rolling
Welcome to Yea Forums in 2019

But that user isn't wrong, I'm sure he doesn't mean in a way that hypotiroidism can cause you depression, but that it's a fact that there are substance release and disbalance when you are depressed. That's the reason people can even allucinate when having severe depression, and need strict medication if you classiffy in moderate or severe.

I spend all my spare time working on a game of my own, I let my job go to shit, ignore my home life, my friends, I don't eat, i cut short sleep, I'm a mess but addiction is just what normal faggots call it when you love something more than being functional and making money for other people.

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soulful post

>Just ignore it bro
People like you need to be shot

I just counted. 22 individual posts mention Trannies in some for or another. And that was only posts with specifically the term "tran" in it. I didn't count posts in reply to posts about trannies.

So basically, despite having zero relevance to the thread, trannies ended up being about 8% of the conversation. Probably more.

Excellent points

Name a gaming community that allowed trannies into it that hasn't gone to shit


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and they'd be right because if your game flops you're fucked

>It's almost like anything in excess is bad. Better have a scientific study on this

It took awhile for smoking and drinking to get a hold of especially if you're grappling with the companies that make them

If the concept of video game addiction legitimately angers you, you probably have it.


Please get saved, dude

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Competitive gamers and streamers are cancer. I see nothing wrong with this.

Its a free game with a small but very supportive following who send me a little cash now and then. Blessed.

Russians hacked the Twitter

Kill yourself, bootlicker.

government trick again

Go home Chars, Lala isn't your mother, and she is dead.

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Why don’t we forcefully feminize Yea Forumsidya addicts and make them gay with each other? It would cute video game addiction and incelism in a single blow. Prove me wrong. You can’t.

And that bothers you more than the usual /pol/ garbage that gets threads on a board supposedly about videogames?
I'm more likely to believe its the latest crop of summer trying to fit in by disparaging the discord crowd.

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meanwhile, people spend years working jobs that significantly affect their personal and family functioning

>being a shut in who plays a lot of video games is a disorder
>wanting to mutilate your genitals is not

Kys tranny

Kill yourself, tranny

Your passion is admirable. I would also like to go out in a blaze of glory like you but I've tried that before. You want to make something great and you can. But please take care of other aspects of your life. You and your work will only suffer and you'll have no one to turn to if things go bad

Then you would be employed and not require NEETbux anyways

fuck I miss old Yea Forums.

5 rubles have been deposited in your account, komerade

"Wowie zowie" is not approved meme, stick to script or next time we dock more than pay, da?

Do you think that this is really about addictions, retard? No, it’s the stage two of cultural marxist attack against vidya. Stage one was the part where they hijacked studios and tried to force SJW propaganda down our throats, but because we didn’t swallow it unlike movie or comics scene, they’re moving on to ban vidya in phase two. First they label everyone who’s playing video games as an mentally ill, deranged piece of shit, and then they will use that as an excuse to ban video games altogether.

Remember, for cultural marxists the goal is complete domination over media and culture - what can’t be controlled must be silenced.


you'd be surprised how often bait isn't bait these days.

>cultural marxist
lol wat

Do you mean bolshevism? God damn you're literally and unabashedly pulling out nazi propaganda

>immediately screeching about trannies on a thread about video games

seek help


>First they label everyone who’s playing video games as an mentally ill, deranged piece of shit
So what you do in response is come up with wild rambling conspiracy theories of cartoon villainy against gamers. That'll show them. Maybe overtly threaten violence next time, too.

this is one of the worst threads in a long time
absolute fucking schizo tier

Seems pretty average for Yea Forums anno 2019


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Want to know what’s the worst part? I actually though that this was fairly sensible thread when compared to the threads we had about this yesterday, they were literally 98% schitzoposting about le gamer persecution and trannies.

Video game addiction is literally just escapism, which comes in shit tons of forms, just happens to be that its most prominent with video games as its currently pretty high up there as consumed media for younger people.

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I'm a gamer and I need benefits for 2080 Ti, plz.

how fucking often are retards who don't know the difference between disability and addiction going to barge into this thread

Thanks brother, I appreciate that. I may have exaggerated the extent to which I'm forsaking other things, but you're right, there are more important things than my hobby, great and fulfilling as it is

Addiction IS a disability. :^)

no it isn't
enjoy having your neetbux taken away until you go into rehab

What the fuck is wrong with that cat?

Oh my god come on. Stop making people roll their eyes. This shit isn't real man.

>significantly impair a person's personal/family/social/occupational functioning
Then we need to add an addiction for literally every human activity.
Because anyone can choose to do some activity they like instead of doing social shit.

Literally cannot happen where I live.

I feel ya man, even on days I dont got work, like tomorrow, I doubt I'll be happy enough with life to enjoy playing video games.

What do video game addiction rehabilitation centres look like Yea Forums?

I view games as any other media. Might as well diagnose everyone with media addiction. But that’s not going to be a thing.
I probably play 4 hours a day when I get off work, and maybe like 7 when I have an off day. I spend my days switching from YouTube, to Yea Forums, to actual vidya. I hold a job, have 6+ irl friends I hang out with and have “lan” parties/movie nights while drinking and shooting the shit.
The only way I can see people getting addicted to video games is if they spend $1000’s every month on a fucking free to play/Ganga game. It’s about the same as gambling.
People can be irresponsible with media, but otherwise I don’t see a problem.

Imagine that we live in a world where you’re considered a brave, heroic human being if you take a knife and cut your dick off, but what if you want to play video games? You’re a sicko that should just be killed off.

Is anyone else disgusted by the state of the western society today?

They take away all your vidya and force you to go to parties full of normies and raise someone else's children.

must suck living in a country that gives druggies crack money instead of properly treating them

Oh hey that exists, it's called non-substance behavioral addiction

Go be mad for no reason somewhere else

15 rubles have been deposited in your account, komerade

Yup, but it is what is - why not abuse it to the max instead of working on some crappy low-wage job that barely gives you a couple hundred more each month. I value my free time a lot more than that.

And sure you can get an education and a real job, but then you get fucked by the progressive taxation. I got everything I need, don't really want for anything.

Post more old shit

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>you get fucked by progressive taxation
Said the person who clearly does not understand progressive taxation

Protip: if the rate for up to 30k is 3% and the rate up to 40k is 5% and you make 35k you pay 3% on the 30k and 5% on the other 5. You don't fucking lose money by getting into a higher bracket

I want to go back.

Not him, but can you provide a calm and rational explanation why games are being banned and censored more now than they were over the decade up until now?
Hard mode: Don't use 'Have sex' or 'incel' in your explanation.

>can you provide a calm and rational explanation why games are being banned and censored more now than they were over the decade up until now?
The answer is they aren't and there is certainly no calm and rational argument to the contrary.

As an aside: have sex, incel.

I know that, that's grammar school math. I've seen what it takes and what it gives, and decided it's not worth it to me. I will leech forever, take everything and give nothing back - feels great.

They aren't. In point of fact, games get away with far more these days than they used to and have avoided actual censorship entirely by appeasing watchdogs with the ESRB system

And even that system lacks the enforcement mechanism it used to have as rating a game AO no longer means it won't reach major retailers since digitap games distribution has matured.

You're just an angry child throwing a tantrum

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>that's grammar school math
It's not math at all, it's tax policy

Really makes me think.

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that's pretty much how poor fags addicted to cocaine live.

No rubles have been deposit
You must have words for search
Next failure is back to youtube views of toddler video

Addiction means not knowing when to stop, dumbass. It doesn't matter if you blow all your life savings over 5 minutes or 5 years, if you lose control you're an addict.

keked hard

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This is normal, nothing to see here.

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holy fuck I'm seeing the puzzle pieces.
It's all just escapism. Playing the games and becoming transgender.
Then this whole transgender movement pops up and it's the perfect way to shift your psychological problems and past traumas on something like gender and become "born again" in a sense.

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Uh, yeah, the legitimate concern is what resulted in the new classification and the autistic screeching is from Yea Forumsirgins crying about gamer genocide or w/e

>The answer is they aren't
Okay, then what do you call this?

Is that 'not real' or is it real, but not convenient for your argument?

Ooh! Maybe it IS real but 'censorship' can only be done by the government. Is that it? Cmon, let us know how you're going to move those goalposts.

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No one is saying that gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness. That doesn't mean video game addiction isn't one when you have become so reliant on the endorphin release and/or the escapism it gives you to the point where you can't function without it nor uphold social relations.

And on another note. You're all dumb as fuck if you seriously think the medical industry isn't milking trannies knowingly. There's no real cure for gender dysphoria beyond prescribing anti-depressants and referring them to a psychiatrist. But "treatments" like sex-reassignment surgery and hormones/puberty blockers ensure a steady source of income for local clinics while also giving them brownie points. It's a sheer win-win situation for them.

It's real but it's not really drastically worse than anything that came before.

Actually the legitimate concern is that the WHO is calling out an entire medium and not behaviors in that medium. The actual doctor linked in the OP pointed this out and how massively hypocritical it is.
Show us your joker collection

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The psychiatrist you refer them to will also tell them to get those treatments

>And that bothers you more than the usual /pol/ garbage that gets threads on a board supposedly about videogames?
Huh? Crying about trannies is /pol/ garbage. And I call out other /pol/ garbage as well. Why would you assume I only find tranny derailment bothersome?

>It's real but it doesn't count now because I, personally, don't find it 'worse'.

> claims people can get addicted to videogames

> same people never claim that these "addicts" are being neglected throughout most of their life

a girl has never held me

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You're the one getting all "GAMERS RISE UP" in here, not me. Get a fucking grip.

Oh shit son, a joker edit.

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You made a claim about video games in the broadest sense and now you come up with some internal Sony guidelines as your only argument, and you're whining about how you imagine we are going to move the goalposts?

>what do you call this
I call it Sony making an ill-informed move to clean up their image by putting guidelines on eroge. You call it censorship because you don't know what that word means and you imagine that restrictions on games are heavier than they were in the 90's because back then your daddy hadn't jacked off onto that homeless prostitute's snatch yet

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Hey didn't you write this incredibly stupid and massively misinformed post here?
>Uh, yeah, the legitimate concern is what resulted in the new classification and the autistic screeching is from Yea Forumsirgins crying about gamer genocide or w/e

Sorry you said something incredibly retarded because you're a tourist on Yea Forums trying to make it like the home you left. This is literally reclassifying a mental illness in a way no other mental illness is classified.

Oh no, the experts and reality say you're stupid. Get a grip and learn to understand why instead of going "SHUT UP YOU'RE SCREECHING ABOUT GAMER GENOCIDE" like an autistic virgin.

Hot opinion: your video games are not "ruined" by the inclusion of minorities unless you're an edgy Nazi kiddo who can't keep his own politics from interfering with his enjoyment of video games in which case you should fuck off to /pol/ entirely regardless of whether you've actually visited before.

Staying up for 36 hours does not mean you have a sleep disorder.

Eating 18 tacos in a sitting does not mean you have an eating disorder.

The term "disorder" is based on the idea that a norm has been established that impairs the user's function.

Masturbating 5 times in a day is a boring Saturday. Masturbating 5 times a day, every day, skipping work and meals is a disorder.

>Hey didn't you write this incredibly stupid and massively misinformed post here?
No, I wrote the completely accurate and rational post there.
>Oh no, the experts and reality say you're stupid.
Actually, the experts said you're insane :^)

I knew people in college that used to get shitfaced every friday night, week after week. They were addicted, no question there. You can get be addicted and have a successful life, the two are not exclusive.

>Hot opinion
Only tourists type this way.
> your video games are not "ruined" by the inclusion of minorities
Who the fuck mentioned minorities, you fucking racist?

Yea Forums BTFO

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>I just got called stupid for posting an ms paint comic instead of my own thoughts
>better post another!

Too many memories

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>ITS NOT CENSORSHIP THAT DOESN'T COUNT YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS even though the definition itself disagrees with me
Wow, I got the apologist bingo in one post!

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So if video game addiction is considered a mental illness, that means you can potentially gain benefits from this (at least in certain states in America), right? If the only method of diagnosing someone is 12+ months of non-stop vidya without caring about your family, friends, and loved ones, then wouldn't it be easy to lie about this? Unless I'm missing something here, this can be easily exploitable.

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Well shit, guess every New Year's eve my friends and I turn into fucking cripples.

>This is literally reclassifying a mental illness in a way no other mental illness is classified.
What the fuck are you even talking about? You know the ISD has had gaming addiction for years, right? This is a fucking reshuffling of the table of contents

Simpler days

>Only tourists type this way.
No, I do, too.
>Who the fuck mentioned minorities, you fucking racist?
Your picture did, or are you not aware of the meanings of the words in it?

No, you don't get benefits from an addiction.

>implying that shit wasn't cringe
I hate to be a debbie downer but that short was the beginning of Yea Forums going mainstream

>Continues acting this way
Okay explain
Oh what's that? It's OK if you and your dumb reddit buddies have an autistic temper fit about le GAMERS RISE UP for hours in this thread? sorry, I didn't realize your sperg card had frequent poster miles.

the doctor is in the wrong here, someone who plays videogames after a while later starts to take hormone pills and believes to be transgenders. is safe to assume videogames are the cause of this.
that means i can finally have my checks due to my now considered addiction meanwhile the trannies now can't get their operation paid by the government since they aren't mentally ill :^)

>No, I do, too.
Right, a tourist.
>Your picture did,
I'm going to be charitable for just a second and assume that you didn't actually click the picture instead of being a hypersensitive resetera fag and assuming all opposition to your arguments are done by racists.

Go to the picture, and find where 'minorities' were mentioned.

Mass quoting a bunch of people who called you stupid looks more like an autistic temper fit than several different people calling you stupid

>If I pretend I'm rational maybe someone will agree with me
At least you've been nice enough to stop actually trying to argue the retarded idea that games are somehow more restricted in content than they were and retreated to semantics and ad hominem.

gamers are composed of faggots, dogfucker furfags, pedophiles, autists and trannies. it makes a lot of sense

>Right, a tourist.
Been here longer than you, or 90% of the board for that matter.
>I'm going to be charitable for just a second and assume that you didn't actually click the picture instead of being a hypersensitive resetera fag and assuming all opposition to your arguments are done by racists.
What's you being non-charitable?
>Go to the picture, and find where 'minorities' were mentioned.
"Identity politics". Surely you know what that means, considering you're bitching about it?

The resources spent on catering to journalists and activists that do not play these games and are impinging on the developers expressly to gain attention for themselves and their chosen tribe are wasted resources.

GTA is the Ur-counter: games with minority protagonists because it serves the narrative and setting rather than an outside opinion.

The new Wolfenstein was so busy trying to be "topical" its writing became Uwe Boll tier. Far Cry 5 upset these same carpetbaggers because it didn't spent its entire run time reaching for low hanging fruit.

It's /pol/ to say that having a black character ruins a videogame, but it's fact that resources are wasted in the industry when token minorities are inserted to appease demographics that won't pay or lend support for these inclusions.

The medical profession is a fucking meme.

This picture irks me because some of these things are case by case.
Like when my anime tiddie VNs have light ray censors it pisses me off because I play for bodacious babes and a date sim.
However when people were crying about Lady's ass being censored by a light ray I did not give an ounce of a fuck because I don't play DMC to stare at Lady's ass, fan art will be better anyway, and it just seemed like an excuse to bitch about something that didn't affect the game other than making sure they didn't get too raunchy for S*ny

>he cant detect samefag
Fucking pathetic

You know nothing you say to that user will change their opinion now that they used the minority card right? They'll argue that the "political shoving" described in that picture is just the inclusion of minorities and not about the fact that games willingly misrespresent historical events and what not for the sake of brownie points and or to autistically morally grand stand about how woke they are

>No, I wrote the completely accurate and rational post there.
>That got fucking blown thefuck out by an actual doctor. Let me explain why my dunning kruger effect is better than an actual doctor with actual experience in mental health diagnosis.
Share with us your joker memes when you get done there, champ.
>What the fuck are you even talking about?
Using 'Gaming' as a mental disorder classification is disingenuous at best and is blatant propaganda at worst.
> You know the ISD has had gaming addiction for years, right?
no, they have 'addiction' as a disorder.
Read a fucking book you uneducated fag. I'm not the one trying to argue against a literal doctor because you got butthurt on Yea Forums.

Why does man have ps4 for brain????

This, psychology is also pure crap

How? Making a skin texture black or white is the same amount of work. Your bullshit about "serving the narrative" is incredibly subjective and a blatant excuse.

>Been here longer than you
Said like a true tourist.
>What's you being non-charitable?
I could have just assumed you're a hypersensitive resetera fag who immediately had a kneejerk reaction (like 90% of most reactions in this thread) to muh minorities muh women muh poltards.
But no, I'm just assuming you didn't click the image.

>"Identity politics".
But now I'm going to assume you are one. Why would you read this and think "THIS MEANS THAT HE MUST HATE ALL MINORITIES!!!!" other than "This means that masturbation about who you are IRL has no place inside of a video game." Which includes all identities, sexes, and creeds.

Project some more, please.


literally the same can be said over anyone who has an obsession of their hobbies
don't see anyone labeled "Golf Addiction" or "Book Addiction" or other such comparable things


This still pales in comparison to the time Mortal Kombat couldn't include cartoon blood. Where now, they have perfectly anatomical recreations of organs and bone getting smashed.
Or how religious symbols like the cross were removed.
Or how mentions of drinking and/or alcohol were removed.

Today, they just rate the game a little higher, and continue their business. Or enact self-censorship, if they want that lower rating. But either way, it's their own choice. Save for Sony, who is making a big mistake.

>games willingly misrepresent historical events
Please. You don't give a fuck about historical accuracy, you just got memed into sperging out about girl avatars in Battlefield

shooped and laz0rpilled


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>>That got fucking blown thefuck out by an actual doctor.
Sonny, who do you think the WHO consulted? You found literally one guy on twitter who had some concerns about the naming and you're acting like you know better than a whole UN agency that the whole thing is bullshit and an attack on you.

Yes. Gaming addiction, specifically, was added to the ISD in 2017

Motherfucking kill yourself

The examples you gave were also of preemptive self-censorship.

Nah, I didnt care about Battlefield 5 but its a fact they wanted brownie points and/or viral marketing by being """"woke"""". Same for shoehorned token characters that everybody goes crazy for. its stupid to complain endlessly about them and its stupid to praise it as groundbreaking because they aren't bad because of their skin colour, they are bad because they're ONLY their skin colour.

>Said like a true tourist.
That's implying you've been here longer than me. So what does that say about you?
>I could have just assumed you're a hypersensitive resetera fag who immediately had a kneejerk reaction (like 90% of most reactions in this thread) to muh minorities muh women muh poltards.
So either I didn't click the image and I just imagined those things, or I did click the image and found them anyway? Why would either of those be more charitable?
> Why would you read this and think "THIS MEANS THAT HE MUST HATE ALL MINORITIES!!!!"
No, that's you, son. All I talked about was the inclusion of minorities, which is factually all these identity politics amount to. You're taking it personally. Protesting rather too much, if you ask me.

Genuinely based

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>they aren't bad because of their skin colour, they are bad because they're ONLY their skin colour.
Literally every multiplayer character is only skin deep, faggot

A game or movie or tv show, doesn't need to only be one thing. They can be multifaceted. Often times, the media with many different aspects are more entertaining.
Action movies are seasoned with comedy.
Comedies are seasoned with horror.
Horror movies are seasoned with Titillation.
Titillating movies are seasoned with action.

Censoring out aspects that aren't wholly necessary makes the experience more bland. If you excuse the food analogy.

Yes, and?

The premise was that games are "more heavily censored and restricted" than ever, which is pretty fucking laughable.

I think the reality of home MK releases getting cartoon blood turned to grey "sweat" in the 90's compared to the vicious realistic dismemberment now available for digital download on Nintendo Switch is a pretty strong countetexample, no?

>muh censorship
Stop hiding behind the broadest definition of that word as if murdering dissidents and putting light rays on tits are the same thing

No, it was Nintendo's internal guidelines, dictating what developers can include in their games. Just like now, with Sony's internal guidelines. On Sega or Arcade, you could play MK with blood. The Japanese versions of games got mentions of alcohol and religious symbols. But Nintendo decided that these things were too sensitive for American eyes.

Pretty sure console MK color change was for the ESRB

We're far beyond the point at which a palette swap is acceptable: These characters must be designed and modeled to the standards of the rest of the game, expressly included in the narrative in a meaningful manner (Read, Primary or secondary protagonist/antagonist), inclusive of their culture and tuned perfectly, because they're not being judged by their audience (Who's entire reaction is going to be "Sgt. Johnson is a badass."), but by moral crusaders, who will in one breath complain about the lazy palette swap, but in the next say that the focus the narrative placed on this character has turned him into a magic negro.

Lazy representation is punished; detailed representation is punished, trivial representation is punished, focused representation is punished.

It's not hard to identify where a game's heart lies when it comes to its characters: Fucking Saints Row (Probably up until 3) managed a roster of larger than life characters representing all facets and flavors of gangs, both fictional and "real".

It's funny you mention crafting a new texture though; since you're only doubling the artists workload unless you simply tweak the levels and call it a day (Which is going to be aggressively punished by your creative influence mind you.)

I know what you mean, but I feel some in the anti censorship crowd use it as a shield for shitposting.
Censorship sucks dick, however if you're on a console and complaining about censorship measures that are circumvented via PC options you're a fucking retard anyway

So can I get benifits then?

Wouldn't that just be normal ass addiction? I mean, it's just a different vice. For some it's alcohol, others drugs, others still porn. Seems kinda standard.

Only for violence, sex has become more censored than ever and we're past the era of hiring hookers to fuck in GTA.

Your whole argument seems to be "W-well it's not BAD censorship so it's ok" or "It's not as bad". You may as well post "GAMERS RISE UP bottom text" with how meaningless this classification is, as it exists only in your head.

>Video games is a mental health issue
>Gender dysphoria isn't
Really makes you think

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And I'm pretty sure that the MK incident was the catalyst for the ESRB's creation. So it came before the ESRB.

Remember when a year or two ago some autist tried to force shoop da whoop back into the public eye?

>No, that's you, son. All I talked about was the inclusion of minorities
> which is factually all these identity politics amount to.
P r o j e c t i o n, This is projection on your part.

This had nothing to do with the image and you projected because you think I'm a racist for disagreeing with you.
Sorry that you think that way and I hope you find common ground with your fellow man instead of screeching about racists like an autistic sperg. You probably hear dogwhistles when you're out on the street.

>These characters must be designed and modeled to the standards of the rest of the game
But so must any other character they would've designed and modelled instead.
>expressly included in the narrative in a meaningful manner
Isn't that what you explicitly asked for?
>inclusive of their culture and tuned perfectly
It's mostly Yea Forums that bitches if it doesn't meet their arbitrary standards, really
>because they're not being judged by their audience (Who's entire reaction is going to be "Sgt. Johnson is a badass."), but by moral crusaders
That's a false dichotomy. They are one and the same.
>who will in one breath complain about the lazy palette swap, but in the next say that the focus the narrative placed on this character has turned him into a magic negro.
Maybe you should try learning what they're actually talking about so you can understand the underlying reasoning.

Well they're passionate about the subject. Just deal with it. Your apathy doesn't trump their passion.

>All I talked about was the inclusion of minorities, which is factually all these identity politics amount to.
Okay find the official classification where 'Identity politics' means 'I hate all jews and minorities' like you seem to be interpreting it as.
You're protesting rather too much, if you ask me. Just admit that you're a resetredditor and have been conditioned to think that all arguments that run counter to yours are racist.

Not talking about multiplayer characters only, you waste of skin

>sex has become more censored than ever
Said the child who was not around when people lost their shit over pixelated titties in duke nukem, as he types next to a fully professionally localized copy of gal gun double peace

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>sex has become more censored than ever
Leave those goalposts. Anyway, I don't think that's true. One big company might not like explicit sexual themes in its mainstream titles, but on the whole there are so many more games with titties in them that you could play nowadays than in the past.

If they were passionate they wouldn't be sitting on a console complaining about video games they'd be working against actual corporate and government censorship.
No better than Social justice niggers that complain about video games objectifying women and ignore rap music and the middle east.

50 ruble have been deposit in account
2hu is best way to honor putin

>P r o j e c t i o n, This is projection on your part.
Sorry, what? I don't think you know the meaning of that word.
>This had nothing to do with the image and you projected because you think I'm a racist for disagreeing with you.
No, this has nothing to do with my post and you're throwing around buzzwords because you're imagining I'm a perfect strawman. In short, it is you who is an autistic sperg (how's that for projecting).

>Only for violence, sex has become more censored than ever
Hmm that's weird i can easily name 5 games released in the past 5 years with nudity or sex

>inclusion of minorities
A: The "minorities" are not minorities on a global scale, that term is bunk.
B: Why do we have to include "minorities" in anything? Freedom of association.

You were, though. Maybe next time when we're talking about Battlefield 5 and you'd rather talk about something else you should clearly indicate it.

>your argument comes down to light rays on titties being "not as bad" as the violent murder if political dissidents


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But nobody on Yea Forums even plays video games.

Nice, only need to invest a year for infinite guvnabucks.

Come now, son, you're being disingenuous. As I already said, "identity politics" in the context of video games means nothing more than the inclusion of minorities. You're trying to make this out to be some sort of abstract unspecified "disagreement" to which I can only feebly reply "racist" as a non-sequitur, but actually the entire disagreement is just about whether or not you can abide different races in a video game.
>You're protesting rather too much, if you ask me.
If you're going to try to be clever, next time, make sure that you properly understand the meaning of a phrase before copying it and using it at the person you just learnt it from.

>A: The "minorities" are not minorities on a global scale, that term is bunk.
Wow. You caught us. Social justice is cancelled.
>B: Why do we have to include "minorities" in anything? Freedom of association.
Because it's nice. Anyway, game devs are doing it freely. Don't know what your complaint is at this point.

You entirely missed the point.

Yea Forums (And frankly, at least half of /pol/) doesn't care that Sgt. Johnson is black.

He's a character, not a bullet point.

Discussion about changing the ethnicity of characters isn't often actually about the ethnicity in question; It's about the priorities of a company that spends their resources and dev time on catering to non-player groups.

Every second spent on a minority character model for the sake of having a minority character model is a wasted second, just like every other decision that is not made explicitly to improve the product.

Good I hate video games

>Yea Forums (And frankly, at least half of /pol/) doesn't care that Sgt. Johnson is black.
>He's a character, not a bullet point.
Rather, he's from 2001. All this bullshit about "priorities" comes completely out of nowhere. There are zero extra costs or effort associated with this "catering". They're not adding characters. They're filling roles that would've otherwise been taken by other characters. This is not a genuine concern.

Passion is not synonymous with productive.

>No better than Social justice niggers that complain about video games objectifying women and ignore rap music and the middle east.
Except for the fact that they have something to lose. Many complaining care about the game of topic. Many are afraid that the same thing will befall a game they care about. This is nothing like the detached SJWs with no horse in the race.

Wouldn't a gaming disorder fall into a sub category of escapism?

Yea Forums doesn't play videogames, we just shitpost about them

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The only thing disingenuous is dismissing your opposition because you can't comprehend the basis for their dissent.

I remember when /tg/ and /x/ were new boards...

>Passion is not synonymous with productive.
Ah, so they're just fairweather retards that will stand aside when someone gets deplatformed from the internet but god forbid some anime tiddies are censored on their shitbox they paid 100 dollars for.
Oh no, seem like scary dudes worth giving a shit about

>Come now, son, you're being disingenuous.
Said the guy who claimed that a picture that had nothing to do with minorities was instead a racist dogwhistle. Let's hear it.
> As I already said, "identity politics" in the context of video games means nothing more than the inclusion of minorities. You're trying to make this out to be some sort of abstract unspecified "disagreement" to which I can only feebly reply "racist" as a non-sequitur, but actually the entire disagreement is just about whether or not you can abide different races in a video game.
>If you're going to try to be clever, next time, make sure that you properly understand the meaning of a phrase before copying it and using it at the person you just learnt it from.
Says the guy claiming that 'identity politics' is a dogwhistle for minorities.
You're either so far up your ass that you don't realize where you went wrong or you're so out-of-water here on Yea Forums that you don't realize that screaming 'racist' isn't akin to winning an argument like it is on whatever place you came from.
Either ways, find the racism or find where I said that I hate minorities or fuck off. This semantics because you fucked up and just assumed I was a racist is tiring.

Your dissent is incomprehensible. Your arguments are irrational, contradictory, and ever-changing. You hate when minority characters are "just there" but you also hate when the plot revolves around them. You don't want any money to be "wasted" on minority characters even though that's not actually how game development works, but you don't whine this much about actually frivolous expenses. None of this make sense on its face. But it does make sense when interpreted through the lens of a bunch of idiots scared by ghost stories of cultural Marxism trying to come up with rationalisations for why a black video game character is now worth getting upset over.

user, that image doesn't meet nu-Yea Forums guidelines. You need to photoshop thick glasses and a Switch onto the image so it matches a wojak template.

>Sorry, what? I don't think you know the meaning of that word.
>Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.
Cmon 'son', this is the internet and I can look up these definitions before I use them.
> All I talked about was the inclusion of minorities, which is factually all these identity politics amount to.
This is literal projection on your part. Textbook projection from any definition you can find on the internet.
>No, this has nothing to do with my post and you're throwing around buzzwords because you're imagining I'm a perfect strawman.
>I can't argue that I'm not projecting so I'll claim you're strawmanning me (a phrase I don't know about)
How is that for throwing around buzzwords, you autistic sperg?

Don't start with this crap where you weigh some issues more than the others. If you followed that logic, then you should be fighting in a literal war against dictators and communist regimes. But not everyone can care about that, nor should they be expected to. Some people just care about the anime titties, and they're not wrong for it. Just fucking cope.

>Said the guy who claimed that a picture that had nothing to do with minorities was instead a racist dogwhistle.
Are you back to pretending it wasn't, now? I thought you'd at least admitted that much was true, already.
>Says the guy claiming that 'identity politics' is a dogwhistle for minorities.
Not a dogwhistle. The literal, actual meaning.
>You're either so far up your ass that you don't realize where you went wrong or you're so out-of-water here on Yea Forums that you don't realize that screaming 'racist' isn't akin to winning an argument like it is on whatever place you came from.
I didn't go wrong anywhere and regardless of whether or not you want to admit it, you are factually racist. I am saying that because it is true. It's not me winning the argument, it is my argument.

Have you considered the reason you can't understand what anyone is saying is because you're trying to parse thousands of opinions as one?

>Don't know what your complaint is at this point.
Not him, but including people of different races in time periods and places of which they were incredibly rare and changing/modifying historical figures to be different people is incredibly jarring and probably the most racist mentality of the modern era.
But no one cares because it's not the 'right' kind of racism.
>Wow. You caught us. Social justice is cancelled.
Yeah, we know, we figured out that you're not from Yea Forums from the third or fourth post you made.

>Cmon 'son', this is the internet and I can look up these definitions before I use them.
Yeah. Should've done that, then, instead of doing it for this post where it has no use.
>This is literal projection on your part. Textbook projection from any definition you can find on the internet.
Even with the definition literally in front of you you still don't manage to use the word in a way corresponding to anything resembling its actual meaning.

Not him but you appear to speak for Yea Forums.
>Yea Forums (And frankly, at least half of /pol/) doesn't care that Sgt. Johnson is black.


tranny bad

dying inside internet cafe good

gib money

Because Yea Forums (and /pol) aren't people.

If you address them as such, it's no wonder you imagine them as an immense and immature colossus of impotent rage.

They're all the same opinion, though. The reasoning is entirely superfluous and changes based on whatever is convenient, but the conclusion is always the same. Any given minority character can be bad for whatever reason. No matter what, Yea Forums can always find a reason to complain. That's the common theme.

But what you are stating is simply not true.

Funny how Yea Forums is one person when it totally doesn't care but it's made up of individuals when it turns out it actually obviously does care.

As much as Yea Forumstards will try to push feminism as neo-islam, being ok with the lewd and smut is not mutually exlusive with everybody's opinion on feminism.
You've got the hyper protective christian sex is bad and objectifying crowd.
You've got the your body is beautiful regardles crowd.
You've got the make sex untaboo'd crowd.
You've got the unrealistic expectations crowd.

Why are gaymers so desingenious?

Playing videogames isnt a mental illness, playing them 10 hours a day is

Are you suggesting that Yea Forums is a homogenous array of identical minds?

Yea Forums is individuals when there is dissent. It shouldn't surprise you that when consensus or apathy is the response, that you cannot differentiate the parts from the whole.

>be me, addict to video games
>shit my internet bill just ran out
>game closes, connection lost
>scream inside
>pace around, starting to sweat
>consider robbing someone to pay my internet bill and buy a new game
>get cramps in my stomach and get too sick to steal
>flop down in my bed in a pool of cold sweat and lay in a fetal postion while withdrawals wrack my body
V-V-... VIDEO... GAMES...!!

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Remember when they didn't pump children full of puberty blockers because they were a kid one day and a t-rex the next? Me too.

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I knew this thread would get replies. But I regret making it. I wish deleting threads was still an option.

Bullshit. I work, have a gf, a social life, etc.
I play maybe 8 hours a week on average, but this past winter, I went on a tear and played KCD every waking moment for my entire 3 days off during my new years holiday (had nothing better to do that weekend).
I haven't played a game that much since, but I know it may happen again when I get really into another title (usually during the winter, since I prefer to be outside in the spring/summer/autumn months.

>Paint your viewpoint behind grandiose ideology
>Don't actually give a shit about the ideology
>"Why are you calling me retarded"
I care about anime tits too bud, you don't see me crying when a company decides they don't want my money because other companies are smart enough to avoid their mistakes, not everything under the sun is going to please you retard, you're going to have a rough fucking life if you don't understand that

If I convince some doctor that I have video game addiction can I get NEET bucks and sit at home playing vidya all day?

fuck that, can i say i got PTSD off Mortal Kombat and get some drugs?

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I honest to god haven't played a video game in over two years I just keep coming back here

I'm suggesting Yea Forums is a bunch of likeminded idiots who tend to hop on the rage train for whatever reason they're told, whether it's good or not. There isn't really any dissent. Any time there's a game with a minority character, Yea Forums hates it, like clockwork. The reasoning just differs from character to character, to whatever is required to hate that particular character. It is only when you start comparing the responses to different characters that you notice the contradictions.

so what makes this different from other kinds of addictions? like watching too much tv, playing too much sports, or whatever
it only really applies to those retards who live in internet cafes for like 3 days straight and then end up dead

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>it only really applies to those retards who live in internet cafes for like 3 days straight and then end up dead
Those are the only real gamers.
They slonked gangweed so hard they ascended to Valhalla

Kinda surprised at the lack of Yea Forumsincels bitching about his last name

>you don't see me crying
Again, your apathey doesn't trump their passion. Why do you think that your lack of care means fuck all to their issue? So because you don't care, that means no one else should?

You are presenting this false dichotomy, where a person must either be a diehard warrior of free speech, ready to fight tyrannical governments, or else say nothing at all. It's bullshit.

So in a nutshell:

Gamers bad, trans good.
Gamers bad, trans gamers good.
Gamers bad, indie devs from gaming good.
Gamers bad, political agenda and social justice in gaming good.

Chinese names don't allow them to do the ((())) meme.

based and boomerpilled

>he thinks living on constant dopamine high from achieving artificial goals is not a problem and doesn't fuck with your brain

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>You are presenting this false dichotomy, where a person must either be a diehard warrior of free speech, ready to fight tyrannical governments, or else say nothing at all. It's bullshit.
I'm presenting that painting your ideology behind something you're not actually willing to do anything about makes you a coward.
Why the fuck are you so fired up about something you'll waste your time bitching about it but doing nothing to actually staunch the flow?
That's female behavior. I tend to solve the problems I give a shit about and ignore what I can't control because I am a male adult and not some snivelling bitch with delusions of grandeur

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>it only really applies to those retards who live in internet cafes for like 3 days straight and then end up dead
That's essentially the point he's making. The level of degradation that videogames are a direct cause of, needs to be something of that severity.

When can I get treatment for my crippling shitposting addiction?

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Like being allowed to meme or not ever stopped these dumbasses.

To say an example: calling a jap a weeb.

>it only really applies to those retards who live in internet cafes for like 3 days straight and then end up dead

because that's what addiction does to you.

It's not playing video games for longer than twenty-hours a week like Yea Forums would have you believe

>he still gets dopamine from playing vidya games
heh, get a load of this casual

VGA is not about # of hours played. It's when gaming takes precedence over health, hygiene, relationships, finances, etc.



>I'm presenting that painting your ideology behind something you're not actually willing to do anything about makes you a coward.
Well, first of all, you don't know what people are doing. You act as if their entire existence is what they said in the one thread you just happened to be monitoring at that moment. People can bitch on Yea Forums, and do other shit while you're not looking.

Second, movements start because people get together and discuss injustices among themselves, before taking it out on those who enacted the injustice. It's a period of gestation. It's important to get the matter hashed out, so you know how to attack it.

Third, even those too cowardly to do anything can be ideologically correct. The truth isn't contingent on who did or didn't act.

Fourth, why does it bother you, if they're not doing anything? This is a forum about expressing one's opinions. That's literally it. You are not here for any other reason, other than to read what people think. So it's pretty silly to complain about people having opinions, regardless if they acted or not.

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Not since 2017 you dumbfuck.

t. tranny

Why would anyone bitch about that, ResetEra?

Why would anyone care about his name you, are you racist or something?

Except if they didn't play Smash (or video games at all for that matter), they would still smell. So even those types of people have nothing to do with video game addiction. That's just general autism/being unaware of social norms


What, aren't you?

>gaming addiction is a mental illness
>masturbation isn't

one of the oldest ideas of modern feminism is sexual liberation, retard.

>Masturbating 5 times in a day is a boring Saturday.
says you

>masturbaiting 5 times in a day is aboring saturday
You're right, if you don't go to double digits you're doing it wrong

Oh yeah? Then why aren't they constantly parading in skimpy outfits for MY gratification, hmm?

rookie numbers

Doctor knows what's up, trannies know they're mentally and need to cure themselves with a bullet to the brain or a rope to the neck or just jump off a building .

impair: to diminish in function, ability, or quality : to weaken or make worse

functioning: the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used or for which a thing exists

Please, doc. Tell me what purpose is this goy specially fitted for which is being diminished? Literally telling me what my life's purpose is and that I'm diminishing it. Can you believe the balls of this motherfucker?

>not quintuple digits