Alright. All jokes and shitposting aside,would Minecraft actually be a good idea for smash?

Alright. All jokes and shitposting aside,would Minecraft actually be a good idea for smash?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yes but Yea Forums ruined the idea by being as obnoxiously unfunny as possible.

Depends on what you mean by "good". It'd probably be good for Nintendo to get more eyes on Ultimate but almost nobody genuinely wants Steve in the game.

No, Halo is a better choice

Ninty has people, obviously. Sony has a few in. And microsoft should get one in, Master Chief would be best (with an alt costume for Arbiter) since he could be a mix of close range and long range (I forsee Chief being like Samus and Snake mixed into one).

Minecraft would bring literally nothing to the game.

Sure, Minecraft characters are a nice addition.

Overall, I couldn’t give a quarter of a shit about who is going to make it to the roster. The hype is overrated and always ends up a mediocre disappointment in the end.

It'd make for a pretty good stage, but the characters wouldn't work very well without giving them a fairly large visual overhaul.

>but almost nobody genuinely wants Steve in the game.

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I want Terra Branford

It's called formatting you dumb gay faggot fucker. It makes it easier to read. Sorry you have supreme autism and can't handle words being spaced apart. I guess next you'll want everything to be one giant block of text with no sort of punctuation either?

Kill yourself. In fact, let your mom do it for you so she'll atleast have done one good thing for you in your life.

It's true. Literally 99% of people pushing for Steve to be in Smash just post that weird render on Yea Forums to shitpost.

I personally like minecraft and could see a good moveset for a character.

Is it a good idea? Well of course it is. Minecraft is ridiculously popular and it shows no sign of stopping so more money for Nintendo.

This is true. Not a lot of people want steve in Smash. However, little kids who arent familiar with Smash Bros would jump on the idea in seconds if it did happen.

Minecraft seems likely in my eyes.

With Nintendo developing a growing alliance with Microsoft,and with the game being ten years old,it’s likely some representation of Minecraft will be in smash.

Minecraft is literally THE best selling game of all time by stats alone. It has defined nearly 200 Million people’s childhoods,and you can’t deny that. Characters like Master Chief and Doom Guy are possible,but rely a bit much on gore,and considering smash is intended to be family friendly,it sort of lowers their chances. But even then,I still have doubts.


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind at all. My only reservation is how Steve is going to look in-game. His movements are so stiff and limited, that it would look odd.

A stage and music would be pretty great. Steve is more of a controversial subject, but they at least would be recognizable as a representative of Minecraft’s style and gameplay. Their moveset potential is also quite high.

The only "gore" in Halo was in the first game, you could sometimes shoot/blow off enemy limbs. In basically every other game after the only "gore" is blood, which plenty of Sony and Nintendo games have. Unless you count bullets/headshots/explosions/etc (again, also all in Ninty/Sony games) as gore.

minecraft can be a decent mii costume (creeper) and maybe a free or paid stage.

being this assblasted because no one likes your faggot ass formatting
heres a hint it makes u look like a faggot and out's all of your post
found you faggot
keep crying maybe you should go choke on your rainbow dildo or something faggot
found you again faggot
stupid cock sucking gayfag
stop existing anytime

No, the meme went too far and reached normie territory. Now it isn’t fun anymore

I'm way more interested in what a Minecraft stage would be like than what Steve would be like. There's real potential for a stage to be creative.

As a fighter? I have great doubt. Characters like Banjo Kazooie, Master Chief, or Doomguy would make a lot more sense as the Microsoft rep.

Mabey as an assist trophy, Mii Costume or a stage. Thats just my opinion though.

But Nintendo could do something out of left field and make Master Chief, Doomguy, Banjo Kazooie, and Steve the DLC fighters. That'd be the best possible timeline.

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just passing through
you should kys

Minecraft stage's layout is randomized between a few presets like Mario Maker
It's made up almost entirely of blocks that break after a few hits
The bottom level is unbreakable bedrock though, so when all the blocks break it's basically Final Destination
The blocks respawn over time, and sometimes there will be a TNT block that explodes when hit like the bomb blocks on that one Kirby stage

I would enjoy Steve if moveset is good

there is no particularlly bad choice, but smash is a children's game meant for fun. minecraft is one of the most successful, and popular games of all time. steve getting in will not ruin, or dimish anything about smash unless youre a literal autist.

>(with an alt costume for Arbiter)
echo or riot
im not having another alph situation

People only want steve because they want to say WE DID IT BROS, WE GOT [insert character] INTO SMASH BROTHERS.
Memelords should never be given any amount of influence or voice. They'll never be satisfied. Even IF steve were to get in, there'd be a small amount of time shitposting and then on to find some other character to spam.

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thats litteraly all the people behind any rosterfag character
if any of the rosterfag characters make it in this is going to happen even if they don't soon as one is deconfirmed they will just move on to the next
fuck smash

OH NO! You've encountered an opinion you don't like! Gosh you've seen so much horror

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>4 western characters
Kill yourself, westcuck.

fuck off you annoying tripfag
double kys
>post reaction pics
>has worst taste in characters
all checks out
tripple kys

Content wise yes

That doesn’t mean it has to be a character

The issue here is that people assume Minecraft getting in means it HAS to be a Playable character when it really doesn’t

Assist Trophy
Mii Costumes

There’s various ways of being represented.

>possible phone poster, horrible grammar and formatting
yep newfag esl kun, it checks out.

so this prooves people who want these characters litteraly no nothing about them and just are retarded meme bandwaggoners?
>all western trash
>2 of the same character
yah u should kys retarded tripfag


Good choice for a stage but not a fighter. Maybe an AT.

shut the fuck up esl kun

cope more craig your retarded schitzo
im waiting kys anytime stream it to

who? also hang yourself already esl kun.

but didn't use a tripcode
what did this retard mean by this
your the newfag if I have seen one

your noot fooling anyone you schitzo piece of shit
kys craig

no music

Jesus Christ. ESL-kun you actually have 2 brain cells, seriously, learn how to read/speak proper English.

Nobody cares about assist trophies

Akira has got zero fanart despite being an AT and coming from an important gaming series, nobody cares about them.

Yes, I think Steve would look kinda weird in smash but I think Sakurai could make it work. Minecraft is certainly iconic enough and theres plently of potential to work with.

Only reason I dont want him is because it means Banjo probably isnt in, and the fact that they had the choice to put Banjo in and chose not to would be legitimately soul crushing. Also the shitposting would be endless, 10x worse than corrin easily


Retards, Steve has has genuine support for years now

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Pretty good summary. Financially it would make sense to get a lot of children interested, but I really hate the idea and don't think Steve would be a good fit at all. If you're going to sell out like that then you might as well put Fortnite content in Smash as well.

jij bent de grote homo, ga je medicijnen gebruiken, jij achterlijke flikker

Imagine actually thinking this.

>unironic spongebob voter

Bad bait

Doomguy and Master Chief would not be very good representatives, in my opinion, as far as general moveset potential as derived from their own games. It would be likely that they could make good new moves without and borrowing from source, but that doesn't make them a good character on it's own.
Banjo would have a good pool of stuff to borrow from, and really, so would Minecraft.


yes, but banjo-kazooie or halo would be much cooler to see

cope none of those are even happening

This. I wouldn't care about minecraft steve getting in and I probably wont even buy the dlc so whatever. But I'd definitely get Banjo or Chief. Or Rash too.

I like the idea of having a minecraft stage or music but I don't want Steve as a playable character

No one is actually going to fall for this bait, right?

> but the characters wouldn't work very well without giving them a fairly large visual overhaul.
That’s bullshit and you know it


that's you and your fellow banjokes

says the one that wants autismcraft kek, fuckin third worlder


Who do you want in smash faggot

I wouldn't mind steve at all. I love minecraft even though I recently just got into it. But spending 5 more bucks on him? Eh.. nah
I'll just wait for phoenix wright or doomguy or something instead.

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I don't think I will. I prefer to stay alive until I'm 97.

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>they fell for babbys first bait

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The stunning level of 100% IQ accuracy here.

also no.


thats esl kun hes not baiting at all, he's just retarded

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>banjokes are still at it
Oh no no no no, bruh look at this dood. When will you sill papageno watching, bandjowagoning zoomers going to take a hint? Sakurai DOESN’T WANT BANJO.

Steve is in. Just deal with it.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Still a faggot

Didn't your discord die cause 4 banjofags went in and said eekum bokum?

steve is in alright

Attached: steve.jpg (600x600, 54K)

>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out of his Collectathon comfort even when Rareware threw millions at him
> Only had one good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the '90s
>Main evented the second lowest drawing Xbos exclusive of the '00s
>Tanked the buyrate of Rare Replay so hard his remaster was cancelled
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of the N64 because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 10th best member of Diddy Kong Racing
>Only the 9th best member of Banjo Pilot
>His gibberish speak was cringeworthy
>His ugly yellow pants was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEAR AND DA BIRD""""""""
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Xbros crowd so badly he was reduced to a bonus costume in Minecraft which actually drew dimes
>Only significant achievement was being one of 12 N64 games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Is the video game equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 2005 game that Conker of all people had to take the spotlight off him
>spent the latter part of his career buried by superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was giving Playtonic enough leverage to swindle 2 Million dollars from sad millenial manchildren who can't grow up and let go of the past

Attached: 1554583561747.jpg (1200x703, 101K)

>resorts to being mean because can refute any of the points
why did u even bother making that post

Steve doesn't do anything current fighters do besides build (sword, fishing rod, bow, etc)
building could be a very unique and fun mechanic but it would be difficult to represent in smash
and Sakurai sucks shit at making fun and interesting characters anyway
>Joker gets 1 spell, a weak gun and Arsene is just limit break facilitated by a counter
and the Minecraft 'artstyle' is poop
go watch some of Minecraft Storymode and see how awful6 it translates outside the game

Damn, he posted it again. This discord fag has this saved.

Honestly, as I see it, there's lots of potential for a unique moveset and playstyle if Steve/Alex got in. It would be a breath of fresh air, as long as they do it right.

Attached: 805.png (680x383, 321K)

>he posted it again

Attached: 1537600254959.png (630x758, 11K)

As long as they use Classic Steve, and not that realistic face one.
But honestly, the moveset could be neat. Imagine if every stage were made of blocks, in a grid-like sorta way, and he could remove and place them anywhere. Basically, remake the entire stage. That would be something, all right. Of course, that would probably require a complete overhaul in code of how stages work, so I doubt it.

>western trash
no thanks

Literally the only new thing he'd do is place blocks. And that's break the game.

Sweet its the same copy pasta I've seen in like 3 other times on 3 other threads! And it has all the dumb biased bullshit, just as how I remember it! I keep forgetting to copy and paste these for my mega super duper Steve celebration thread! Thank you user!


god your such a cringe faggot kys craig

ding dong diddly based

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Now put that in next to the other characters. It'd look like shit.

Retards that believe everyone that doesn't want Steve wants Banjo.
Let me tell you a secret, both of them suck, one is an ugly as fuck empty shell of a character without any potential fun moveset, the other is a character that has been dead for so long that only tje worst kind of Smashfags want him.
Both suck, end of story.

Skull kid but he's sadly an assisst

Not even a Stevefag, I have one for all the shitty rosterfag characters. Here is Geno

> Never the guy
> Never drew a dime
> Never had a good game before 2004 and even then was overshadowed by vastly superior cameos like the Koopalings
> Never cut a memorable promo
> Never put anyone over
> Never had the popularity to appear in other games despite Nintendo making millions a year
> Main evented the lowest drawing Super Mario game of the 90s
> Tanked the buyrate of Super Mario RPG in 1996 so hard Squaresoft and Nintendo divorced and didnt talk to each other for 10 years
> Was barely ever in the Smash Bros picture because he was never a big enough deal
> Only the 5th best member of the SMRPG party
> Only the 14th best partner in the Mario RPGs history
> His role was utterly BTFO by Rosalina and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Rosterfags on us
> His puppet design was cringeworthy
> His characterization was cringeworthy
> Unironically calls himself """"""""!?""""""""
> Shit hat
> Failed at his first game so badly that he was reduced to a menu in Superstar Saga
> Only significant achievement was accidently being a long running meme character suggestion for Smash
> Is the video game equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
> Drew so poorly in his 1996 debut that Dixie Kong of all people had to take the spotlight on the SNES
>Spent the latter part of his existence buried by superior character choices
> The biggest impact he had on the business was sitting around in the trademarks folder at Square-Enix and rallying with all of his no-draw buddies for the Smash Ballot just to be BTFO by a fucking plant.

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No it wouldn’t? It’s called having a different style. Not ever character has to be a generic humanoid anime character.

is banjo the kevin nash of video games?

Steve is cool and all but what I really want from Microsoft are these two.
I would also take Rash and Conker.

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Woah! Now I'm being called a Cringe faggot by the poster himself! This truly is epic

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A better question is: who actually fucking cares?

There really isn't a good candidate from a major microsoft title though. I mean there's MC but he'd just kinda be an amalgamation of other people's kits.

no, that default minecraft guy is a symbol for autism.

Honestly yes. It would make for a nice stage, and a character could be cool if done well too. It's the best selling game of all time, it would certainly make a lot of people happy to see it, and it's on Nintendo consoles so it wouldn't be too unfitting. I don't get why so many people on here are against the idea. I would think it be because of that 3D model that keeps getting posted, but people seem to be against Erdrick too, and she's very cute and 2D, so there has to be some other reason.

>I can't think of a way to make something work therefore it's objectively impossible

absolutely not

What that distinct and unique image I've seen over 20 times if i recall correctly depicting Banjo Kazooie commuting suicide is fake news. Banjo would never commit suicide. I'm shaking and crying rn

>generic human anime character
I was saying his textures would need to be fucked with or else they'd clash horribly, because they have zero detail to them.

this thread is a fucking disaster

this both suck a fuck
if any microshit is in its going to be master queef
but he sucks to
all the western choices do when master queef is the prevalent choice and even then he wouldn't fit in unironaclly only frisk/kris would fit in well and be interesting
like if these are the choices for western
>frisk or kris
>master queef
no wayfag rather not have any of this filth

It’s cause people ruin stuff with memes.

>banjokes when banjoke is nowhere to be seen

Fuck off, cereal box mascots have no place in Smash

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Fuck off, autism blocks have no place in Smash.

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There's no need for a Microsoft character, I know they have a great relationship with Nintendo and they are very close, and I'm not saying "there is not gonna be a Microsoft rep", I'm just saying, the major microsoft characters suck, and there's no reason to have any of them on the roster.
Unless there's an actual minor microsoft character that sounds more interesting.

The pixel look is the whole point of him. He’d be fine. Game and watch is literally just the color black. I don’t see anyone complaining about him.

>people want or don't want any particular character
how it really works is that the "fan favorites" are the ones that AT MOST 10% are requesting and there are probably literally hundreds of characters who will make some people happy just for their inclusion.

when people get a character they've been requesting and it turns out not to play well or be a good character (see: Little Mac and Ridley) they lose interest.

Nintendo aren't retarded and we're actually getting characters that will bring something new to the game, be fun to play as, and as you say get more eyes on the game.

Can Steve fulfill these criteria? Almost certainly with all his possible abilities and the success of his game

Unfortunately there seems to be some sort of kindergarten banter everytime someone mentions Banjo or Erdrick. I hope it ends this e3 so we can go back to talking like humans without the constant
>nuh uh my character is better because of these rules

Whatever happened to just wanting a character?

Duck Hunt was only ever an 8bit sprite and they redid him.

No. Lack of intelligence makes you look dumb. Retard. If you can't format right or use proper grammar you look like a low IQ sperg lord. Faggot

I don't see steve being in just cause of how he moves. His clunky animations would be too jarring next to how smooth everyone else looks. They'd have to change him up and make him move like they do in those Minecraft music videos for it to look right

why did u tag me in this autism?????
post was litteraly about banjokes commiting sudoku when there autism bear is never added
fuck banjokes but ur just as retardy

Woah. My favorite video game character just got called a cereal mascot. What a Truly original and unique sick roast nobody else has said one million fucking times before!

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this is kinda proving the point, though.
If he would look like this he would look like a straight out asset drop instead of having a style more fitting for smash

Screw you

I'm neutral with steve being smash, but I would love the idea of a minecraft stage

> My favorite video game character
Shit taste


>Casual children's game that autistic manchildren play
>Casual children's game that autistic manchildren play

yep minecraft will fit in nicely

Steve was meant to look the way he does. Are you implying that he would be a regular looking human if he got into smash?

>sHit TaStE

Damn I am on an existential crisis. The wise zoomer here has eternally mentally injured me to a fucking pulp. It'll take years of therapy to fully recover from this sick roast.

> If you dislike Banjo, you are a zoomer!
Keep crying Banjoke

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What reason would there be to change his style? Game and watch never got a style change. Mega man never did. Simon belmont never did. All three of those look and move like they do in their games. Why would Steve suddenly be any different? If sakurai can make a piranha plant and a koopa clown car function perfectly fine as playable fighters, then steve would be braindead easy to make in comparison.

>Tanked the buyrate of Super Mario RPG
I'm curious about this

Woah I'm being called banjoke and you have shown me a totally relevant and not dead meme! Damn fuck 12 years of therapy, I'm in an mental asylum for life!

It’s a 10 year old franchise at this point, so I’m honestly not too sure how much a Minecraft rep is really “selling out” considering how far off we are from the height of its popularity. Not that I would actually want Steve considering how obnoxious discussion surrounding him has been.

why do you type like this
seriously the trippfagging only makes it 100x worse like actually fuck off you cringe master

honestly can you go one sec without cringing up the place??
why are you like this whats your problem

I think it deserves to be in but I will be very disappointed if they do a bad job with it all. also would be cool if the Alex, Banjo, Master Chief and some of the other microsoft costumes in the switch edition of minecraft were steve's alts
this is true but they can make up for it by giving him more options. he could be a character who moves around slowly, doesn't jump high, but has a bunch of projectiles and the ability to place and remove blocks to zone people out.
I agree. it would be awesome if you could enter a seed and get a specific background using the minecraft world generation algorithms
the funny thing is I've noticed zoomers don't even want Steve as much as Banjo, just me though. half the people on here are underage anyway and banjo is clearly more popular here

>Stevoids only have two weeks left

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It will be funny if we get one fighter at e3 and it's not from microsoft, won't it? Ironically if we get Erdrick the Stevefags will think it means Vergeben was right and we're getting Steve, even though Vergeben said specifically that Steve would not be a playable character.

Damn this has mentally scarred so hard, my mind has been shattered into peices, I have ascended into hell. You calling me a cringe master roasted me so much, it caused the Yellowstone volcanoe to erupt!.

>until we’re confirmed
Can’t wait. We all know steve is in.

Welp it would seem I have posted cringe. There goes my subscribers.

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yeah the steve mii costume

>Banjies on full melt down after Sakurai destroying ballotfags
Based Sakurai

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No. I like Minecraft, but it's just not the type of game that fits in Smash

This, Isaac already got BTFO since he's from a dead franchise, yet Banjofags still think their shitty bear is in

Absolute delusional, no wonder they get bullied all the time.

Attached: 1550884372024.png (894x894, 533K)

>generic anime swordsman who consistently did far worse in polls
try harder

>m-muh polls

Attached: 1544560797695.jpg (2516x2471, 963K)

>the popularity of a character is irrelevant

Salurai has literally never seen a poll other than the ballot

This has aged very well

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that would probably explain why he always put whoever he felt like and King K Rool and Ridley took so long to get in. luckily he has the ballot now and he definitely sees how popular Banjo is compared to other possible picks

Do you have any source that Banjo placed high?

No? Then fuck off retard, it was never released to the public and never will

Fan polls retard

He’s also said he isn’t using the ballot anymore, and doesn’t plan to have another one. He used the ballot for the base game and that’s it. Seethe harder.

>He used the ballot for the base game and that’s it.
you're pulling this from your ass

No he fucking didn't

>polls don't represent anything, different polls are going to get completely different and unrelated results

That's quite the-

Personal problem you have-


Right, so no evidence that the fan polls are the same as what people voted for the ballot.
Fucking retard.
Bet you feel fucking stupid right now

>Steve was meant to look the way he does.
Now you're lying, user. He went through multiple redesigns.

*blip bloop* ahem

Attached: tom-carruthers-invaders-blankztools-cu01smaller.jpg (935x633, 158K)

He was meant to look blocky and pixelated. He looked like that no matter what design he was given. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

There’s still no reason why steve should randomly have his design changed completely for smash.

>r/ spacing
r/ users "r/ space" as they are accustomed to r/'s formating system, where users must press enter twice to separate paragraphs
r/ users are pathologically drawn to usernames, as they are unable to comprehend a website with fully anonymous users. Being unable to bring up a user's past conversations to cut down their arguments is anathema to the r/ user
>using r/ memes
I don't even have to explain this one

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also most of them are fake and have like couple thousand unique voters at most
rool was a mistake sense he got in banjokes keep making these littteraly who fans polls as a way to "show" he is "popular" thats why they constantly post them because they think threw their 100 mental gymnastics will meme him in or something
fuck the ballot
all it did was make rosterfags think they matter

>should randomly have his design changed completely for smash.
Nigger, I already said that's not what I was saying. Why do you keep pushing that?

>Halo is a better choice
I hate minecraft as much as the next guy but this being your rebuttal is sorta retarded

Yes. I think stage + music would be just fine, but I'm sure a character would be interesting.

Though I would prefer Chief or Banjo as the Microsoft character

>all jokes and shitposting aside
>people still continue to joke and shitpost
great thread guys

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>Smash Ultimate's DLC wasn't a thing at the time around Famitsu column vol. 546 January 11th 2018, and it was planned without the developers will. (p165)
>He is not fond of the idea of the season pass. Its a little scary to buy without knowing the contents. (p165)
>DLC development in general take time, so by the time of the release, the market will be much smaller than it used to be. DLC business is more risky than people might think. (p165)

So it really is looking like Nintendo straight up took the wheel in regards to this DLC. They even pushed the Joker reveal at the VGAs

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First post based post