Games that will never be finished

Why won't he finish it bros im really upset.

Attached: Yandere Sim.png (1280x720, 481K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a lazy hack

Why'd you make him look like a thin Mr. Dink?
Then again at least he had the gall to not break his grill.


What's up with that thing on the left? Did he add a tranny to the game or something?

Patreon money
Actually finishing it isn't worth it, dragging out the development is the way to earn money that way.

no but a lot of his fanboys are trannies

i mean yeah hes getting some money but the big bucks are in kickstarter

>that long as fuck video revealing this fag as a huge, disturbing manchild
>that video he made immediately after asking his fan base to call everyone who brought it up "gremlins"

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Almost every update video I leave a comment insulting his practices, he still hasn't responded

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Is it time?

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when else if not now?

how do people even understand that
bunch of faggots

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Hard to read but not system taxing.jpg

>this runs for EVERY character every time the game does ANYTHING

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In before some retard asks what's wrong with this for the billionth time

I'm a codelet and even I think this is JUSTed. The game has to run this shit every frame for eye color and if someone witnessed a corpse, weapon, or blood?

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Oh, what about this though?

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>not using a mask for this
oh lord he needs to read C / Java / C# book and take a college course already

so what happened with tinybuild?

Every moment the game runs, it checks against everything that could possibly be happening, along with making sure characters are colored properly, acting according to their surroundings, and... well, it's just a clusterfuck of operations that could be simplified if YD could code.

Good luck with debugging this.

That would imply there's a bug, user.
This is peak performance.

That's the beauty of it. Every update basically forces him to re-read all the code and add new "else" parameters to every NPC. Any mistake or missing command can make MORE work in locating the problem.

He's sitting on a money-printing situation because people WANT this game, but he'll die long before it's done.

>magic numbers everywhere
>nothing is split into separate functions
I would work with him if he would split the pateron but he's a control freak

They dropped him once they found out he couldn't code for shit and refused to acknowledge it. There's a reason why he refused any help and used the excuse of "i don't want to teach someone else my code". It's so bad that no one can save it.

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Video game development, Douglas. Very expensive.

im sure they knew he couldn't code but his refusal to let someone else remake the code into something good is what killed the partnership

can any codebros help me out with my update() function? Currently I have a bool that checks if a GUI window is open and if it is then it draws it depending on its class (kind of like how in this function it checks if it's paused(?)). Is that fine or is there some better way to do it

Not only that, but for every single actor as well. Instead of having a lean code snippet in the teacher's witnessing routine that deals with seeing bad things, every single NPC on every single frame checks if it's a teacher that has seen nasty things.

it's fine, write unittests for it, learn about SOLID principles, read clean code, don't obsess over paralysis analysis, i'm sure you're not doing anything as bad as yandere dev

I love that there was a guy who showed that it isn't his code that is causing the frame rate drops, it's his bad implementation of features.Like how his game loads everything into the world and not only what you can see.

Also, my favorite part about this is how he keeps adding features, not because he hasn't got a usable demo, but because it isn't fun to play.

that IS code btw, Unity will do occlusion culling / chunking for you he just needs to use it

The fuck? I just started learning coding with Java and even I already know this is shitty coding.

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Isn't this the way Terraria is coded?

I remember seeing weird stuff like this in screenshots of the Terraria source code and somehow that game got off the ground in like 6 months.

sunk cost fallacy, the idiots who have stuck around and wasted money can't give up now or they will feel like it was all for nothing

The poor contractor wasn't cranking out new features by the truckload and dared to spend his time doing refactoring instead, so Eva took offense and called off the contract.

Its funny how a regular jew can turn into a troll in just under 10 years.

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is using a mask better than using enums

His code slows down development time by years though.

No, he's being a nudev adding extra complexity for the sake of muh performance.
Enums are fine.
If not enums then objects with an interface, which guarantees that every element is handled.

Enums are fine, but if you want to have combining cases like in this screenshot then masks are perfectly appropriate. I usually use a flags-like enum for that kind of situation, actually (each value being a multiple of 2 to enable proper masking).

The concept of a bitmask / mask exists in most languages. It lets you quickly check if multiple things are true or false. So instead of checking each permutation of "weapon", "blood", "insanity" the conditions could be simplified to "if witness mask includes weapon, or blood, or insanity then game over, then he could have a separate routine that converts the set of witness flags to a string for the game over screen

he could also forego a mask entirely and just use booleans in a WitnessInfo class or something

there are a million better ways to implement this than doing everything "stringly typed" like this, but that's what happens when you don't have formal education AND you're unwilling to read books or take advice from others

learn kotlin

The guy they sent cleaned up the code and that pissed eva off and sent the guy back and refucked his own code.

Probably because he's really not a coder or interested in doing it well but just someone who has an idea for a game he doesn't quite know how to make.

Between Patreon, Youtube and Twitch he doesn't have much incentive to finish the game anytime soon.
Also remember that he had plans to do a kickstarter when the game hit a certain point in development, who knows if that's happening anymore.

>Between Patreon, Youtube and Twitch he doesn't have much incentive to finish the game anytime soon.

isn't this progressively drying up though? even the dumbest paypigs will see he's a fraud eventually.

You did us proud, Rommel

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He's still making mid five figures a year, unless he's a retard with his money you can have a pretty comfy life off that depending on where you live.

lmao he literally looks like ao oni

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>he was 19 in 2008

A progressively drying well is better than blowing it up with dynamite. The current state of the game is absolutely inexcusable and even Eva should have enough brain cells to realize that, going for a release or a Kikestarter with what he has is going to instantly nuke his income. Riding it out while figuring out a plan for the future is a much safer choice.

>Only six months away from 2020.
>Nearly 12 years later and there are still people who fall for or continue to believe EvaXephon's shtick.
Just imagine how much money this sap could have been rolling in had he had only a modicum more programming prowess.

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Watashi No Mono will probably be become a full game before that guy even finishes modeling the school.

Oh wait, he doesn't model anything, he only steals from people stupid enough to "donate" assets.

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>over 2500 lines for a method that runs literally every frame
Dear god imagine the latency

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Lol wut? Nigga if he was competent this would've been a meme game in 2010 and quickly forgotten about. By no intention of his own, keeping the game in constant development gave him more money from monthly donations and Youtube views than just releasing his shitty game ever would've gave him.

Do people still play It? I thought it was just a stupid flavor of the month thing and everyone bails. Like hell, the game is so fucking boring even with all the shit added, everything still feels the same. Like no way in hell can these weebs still support this after all these years. Are they that deluded into thinking he's going to deliver anything with this shit game? They're about the same level as the star citizen community at this point

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Or better yet, not destroying your reputation so people will actually want to work with you in the future. He burned that bridge with Tinybuild and word gets around quick if you're a pain in the ass to work with.
Yup, and all it cost him was his reputation which is significantly harder to fix.

>Do people still play It?
It's not even fucking out yet

he played with a meme company and got meme results

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Guys a fucking joke, can't even beat cuphead

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pretty sure red re-coded a lot of the game, at one point like 2014 or 2015, and I could have sworn there was one point in an interview they were pretty much out of item slots or whatever and couldn't add any more items since then terraria has surpassed its limits twice can download the game numbnuts



Calling that mess of a tech demo a game is like kicking a deflated ball around your backyard and calling it football.

Wait, what does this even do? What does eye colour have to do with anything?

How much does the game "being forgotten" matter if you walk away several hundreds of thousands of dollars richer and get a massive "I made a really successful thing" sticker on your resume to guarantee a lucrative career afterwards? The kind of momentum and exposure he had would've resulted in preposterous success if he actually had the skillset to pull it off, instead he just wasted it on milking the Patreon.

It's converting a human readable color string to a `Color` object:

again it should be an enum instead of a string, and shouldn't run each frame like everyone else said

It sets the fucking eye color for every model to be rendered every fucking frame

That sounds bollocks, and I know literally nothing about coding. The guy should just hire a programmer.

He was given help and threw it away because he couldn't read or understand the person's improved code.

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>games that will never be finished

Attached: Hitler Did Something Wrong Ball.webm (1600x900, 1.08M)

>The guy should just hire a programmer.
But he did. The poor guy didn't last a month though, Eva threw a fit since he wanted to see instant features and results instead of a refactoring project that seemed like just changing words around for no apparent gain.

>star citizen
Can someone give me a rundown on this? It looked really cool

whats your patreon? i want to be your pay pig so I can pay you not to finish your game

It's a long story
They almost ran out of money, had to sell off 10% of the company to outside investors, singleplayer won't be done until late 2020 at the very best and the MMO part doesn't even have 1 completed system yet with most game mechanics still missing.

A cashgrab game that has nothing going for. In fact I'm more than certain they're in some financial issues at this point which is why their selling overpriced ships on a unfinished game


He's literally getting paid to not finish it.

>The guy should just hire a programmer.

HIRE someone to do work for you? why do that when you can get volunteers to do everything for free?

>Pitch idea for massive scale Space MMO
>Most of the crowdfunding perks are ingame ships, with some ships costing thousands of dollars
>Initial demos look phenominal, causing a ton of people to back it for obscene amounts
>Despite the insane amount of money earned they keep running out of money and have to keep adding more and more expensive ships, which people with sunk cost fallacy keep buying
>Now almost 7 years later the game still doesn't appear to be near completion
It's a good example of why you should be hesitant with giving money to kickstarter projects, if it's too good to be true it probably is.

>hardly got interested by the game because not into yandere fetish
>decide to take a tiny look
>the main model is just a fucking purchased asset from some jap webstore
>know it because i played some indie jap 3D porn game with the exact same model about dungeon exploring while "avoiding" rape from monster

just to think the whole game is prolly made out of purchased assets really triggers me, but i'm more triggered i never bothered keeping the RJ code of the game i mentionned because it was prolly better coded than yandere sim, at least i recall having fun but i found that shit maybe over 5 years ago

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Because the moment the game is finished, people will stop paying him money to complete it. This is why it is always stuck in a perpetual state of "progress", forever in development but never finished.

OP is most likely Eva indirectly shilling his patreon again.

Let's face the truth, he already made the whole game. He has enough gameplay mechanics, models and framework to write quick story to be able to finish the game in the full scope in a month of two. But he can just show minor improvements as long as he keeps Osana unreleased.

i made this thread for my dank art masterpiece

>pay someone per month, encouraging him to not finish something, or work as slow as possible
how does this even work

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1.2 cut the game's size in half despite doubling the content. Pretty sure Red's got everything under control now.

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He's a faggot, but pandering to Yea Forums never works long term

>had to sell off 10% of the company to outside investors,

Wow really? When did this happened

>he insists on coding it himself
>finally draws attention from a publisher
>publisher sends a codemonkey to help release it
>YandereDev REEEEEEEEEEEEEEs because the codemonkey fixes his babby-code
This guy can go fuck himself, but I'm afraid that if he did he'd try coding it in as the next fucking easter egg.

>ran away from Yea Forums because we wouldnt give him money for 12 years to do nothing


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how did his nose get fat?

Mid/late last year
Officially the money is for marketing the singleplayer campaign, but looking at their financials ( and Roberto's history with investor money it's likely that they needed it to survive, since they only had 14m left at the end of 2017 with a yearly loss of more than 5m.

>everyone is bitter, cynical, pessimistic
>4 years later

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>Got any games on your phone
>quartering with cheese mixed with adam sandler

>I developed the game that you designed
>you bit the hand that fed you

Holy fuck, they never going to finish the game

>eyes rendered separately
>code won't allow for heterochromia anyways
It really does get worse the more you look at it.

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SO Did he rejected them or something?
Why would he do something like that.

Is Eva the Andrew Dobson of programming?

I'm a CS tard, and my primary motivation for improving my programming is so I can be as unlike Eva as possible. Every time I see a similarity between his code and my own, I'm filled with fear.

This is what drawfags think of Dobson, right?

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god damn thats a lot of if else statements

Every fucking time

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ironic weebs shouldn't make games. He is beyond pathetic, I'm actually glad he fucked off to a reddit hugbox only for them to turn on him

I keep seeing people say "ironic weeb" but I'm not sure what that means, is it just the people who are embarrassed to enjoy weebshit?

basically sure-tell signs include
>wearing quirky clothes in public like ahegao reaction images
>if they stream they are guaranteed to have a Touhou related emote while being a secondary who doesn't even touch the games
>incorrrect usage of phrases like pronouncing "daughterfu"
>ha ha dude I love traps XD (associates with Astolfo or Ferris)
>Cory in the House is my favorite anime L O L

People who can't enjoy something without several levels of irony protecting them. They don't engage with the medium on a deep level because someone might think they're a weirdo for it, very fond of fads like that Wendys anime girl bullshit

>ha ha dude I love traps XD
This is one of the big signs I find, I never went to my colleges anime society because it was full of people who would keep squeaking about how TRAPS ARENT GAY LMAO

People who like anime "ironically" to seem cool and quirky on the internet
They have no actual knowledge of the medium and have rarely seen anything but the most entry level of shows. They constantly look for the current seasonal meme show to latch onto and post "epic animemes" of.
Most things coming out of their mouth will be some pseudo self-deprecating joke about how they're such degenerates because they like anime.

>>ha ha dude I love traps XD (associates with Astolfo or Ferris)
It's not my fault you can't put your argument into actual words.

Was that a misquote? Otherwise I have no idea what you're talking about

Yeah, sorry

This is what happens when you focus on adding more and more stupid features instead of working on a fun core gameplay and expanding from there, I hope the game crashes and burns if it's ever released.
The game could've been a simple, fun 2-3 hour long experience with modding support, but that would require a competent developer I guess.

You all got it wrong. It's just a turd that likes anime (wether a seasoned anime elite like yourselves, or a flavor of the month part timer), who tries to put on a facade of " haha, I like anime, but I'm not like THOSE weirdos, haha. I'm super self aware and poke jabs at anime and THOSE other fans. I'm actually fuckable unlike those autistic permavirgins, haha, who I am totally not like at all".

How the hell is the guy still working on this? Didn't he manage to get a publisher to fund his game and help him out a long time ago?

Because he's a thin skinned retard who can't handle criticism


If any one of you are actually looking forward to an EvaXephon production, you need to fuck off.


if its stupid but it works then its not stupid

These threads feel so stale without any new drama

Did we really want a game where you play as a highschool and murder people, made by a guy who couldn't program his way out of a paper bag?

Here's some drama, you're a faggot.

It's still stupid as hell, user, the depressing thing is that his own pride destroyed his chance to have a decent code, his pride was more important than the feelings and the money of his fanbase.

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I'm retarded
Can someone explain me this?
I'm not into videogame coding

It is kind of a fucking shame that this game which has an interesting premise will never be made because the dude behind it is a massive faggot.

I hope MikeZ's new game being released makes Eva's next retarded stunt come out faster

Violated Heroine will propably never see a truly finished state

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That's because you should never fucking pander to anyone.

Commercial art is pandering

There is an ending for Nanako, look in the files, there is an image saying something about her future adventures and shit.

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This. A yandere game that has you playing as a schoolgirl hiding in plain sight would be cool, but i don't trust that faggot to do it one bit. Can't wait until someone picks up the slack and humiliates him.

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Someone should've stolen the idea, get a proper team and then release the game for free just to spit on this asshole's face.
I know it wouldn't happen in a million years, but shit would be cash.

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I guess this is a good place to ask. I know absolutely NOTHING about coding, but due to a lack of life direction I'm interested in learning it.
What are some beginner resources, and do you codeboys have any beginner tips so I don't fall into the same destructive habits as this developer sperg fellow?

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>until someone picks up the slack
Now THIS i'd pay to see. Too bad the premise is too niche for someone competent to do.

That might be the case, however will we ever see it properly implemented is another story

>10 Year anniversary
>for a unfinished game

>destructive habits as this developer sperg fellow?
Thinking you wrote the best code in the universe, always look for better solutions on the internet, and try to understand why it works better than yours.

Isn`t there already a chinese copycatgame of this finished?

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I'd say the scope for a hitman-like game is just too large for indiedevs.

I can finally post this again.

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her sister's game will at least

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just google "how to make a game engine in c++" or some shit, make multiline comments in your code or a separate text file for notes. Just google whatever you don't understand, for example, if the guide you are following mentions something like a "multi-dimensional array" just stop and take 3 minutes to understand what that is.

T. CS major working on a game before the next semester because they chose the shittiest instructor for the class