>play JRPG
>the church is evil
Can't they come up with something new already?
>play JRPG
>the church is evil
Can't they come up with something new already?
Yeah I'm thinking I want to fuck this angel
>>play JRPG
>>the church is evil
Name 100 games
You can't. Ever. Sex is prohibited in heaven.
Where is that ever stated
I like this trope though!
I don't care about the consequences. I need to fuck her brains out.
>Japan spends decades systematically reversing the dirty Jesuit tricks all the Europeans brought (except the Dutch)
>Japanese games honor the deeds done by individual priests, but justly criticizes the institution's which the priests are part of
>People are surprised that a highly atheistic, pragmatic, warlike and individualistic yet deeply homogeneous would see colonial religion as evil
Can I kiss her at least?
>Sex is prohibited in heaven.
but wasn't heaven supposed to be a paradise? why no sex? sounds more like hell
That's not an angel though.
>highly individualistic
>east asia
>main religion bad
>eldritch entities empowering the protagonists for their own agenda good
It is not explicitly stated but highly suggested the same way it is not explicitly stated that suicide and masturbaiting are sins.
In Matthew 22, the Sadducees, in an attempt to discredit Jesus, came to Him with a question regarding marriage and the resurrection. Jesus answered them with these words: “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven” This suggests there will be no procreation thus no sex.
Play Tales of Hearts R or numerous Dragon Quest games.
Church isn't just portrayed in those, it's genuinely positive and beneficial for the player.
it's just one of the basics rules, like gravity, women being weak, fire burning, water being wet, etc
Dude, what? Heaven and paradise are two different things. Heaven is where god and his angels reside and work. Paradise is for humans to be fruitful and enjoy life. There is sex in paradise but ONLY for procreation, not recreation. Probably won't be ass pleasurable as now.
>but wasn't heaven supposed to be a paradise? why no sex? sounds more like hell
Thats the second twist of the jrpg
>play american game
>straight white male are evil
>Baten Kaitos 2
>church is good and you get to level up and get upgrades through it
USA nuked the Christian cities of Japan.
Kinda like real life...
>play British game
>everyone's evil
>not being a christcuck makes you an atheist
Do you not know what an atheist is?
Aren't the angels a different kind of being entirely than humans that end up in heaven
>heaven can’t be good without sex
Why do you have so little imagination?
>listening to these people
>At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven
This just implies polyamory
fucking delete this
Who?, Americans?.
>play vn
>church is good
>meet snake
>church is actually evil
Christcucks are pathetic.
America is an Israeli colony
W-what are you doing? Where did you get this? MODS!?!?!?! DO YOUR FUCKING JOB JANNIES!!!
Perhaps the same thing could be said of all abrahamic faiths.
More a Irish/Spanish colony that was co-opted
>play rpg from either japan or america
>villains have no motive other than be evil
that's a lot, but the church is actually good in the atelier games
How could you possibly interpret that from that passage when polyamory is forbidden even in humans?
Not really. Some angels were born in heaven but came to earth and reproduced with mankind, creating giants that god slayed from the earth for being abonimations. But he does take some men and make them angels.
Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a shitposter such as you!
>play Real Life
>the Church is evil
>all the cool people go to hell
>hell is filled with metal music, drugs, sex, alcohol
>satan is actually a really cool guy
>heaven is actually hell
there needs to be a video game about this
Name 3 (three) games.
>play jrpg
>villain is actually the hero
every pokemon game
world of warcraft
borderlands 2
every digimon game
every sonic game
every bethesda game (except maybe morrowind havent played it)
>highly atheistic, pragmatic and individualistic
>Japan spends decades systematically reversing the dirty Jesuit tricks all the Europeans brought
that's an interesting way to say that they persecuted and killed most of the Japanese converts you gay weeb. it wasn't out of altruism to protect the people from colonialism, it was because Christianity was a threat to imperial authority (i.e. someone (God) being above the emperor) and had to be curtailed
>Every Sonic game
Name one evil for no reason villain
infinite the colors demons mecha sonic and notshadow from 06
oh and chaos, black doom, arguably shadow for half the routes in his game and the majority of sab2
Game of OP image?
>literally a massive cult in real life run by pedophiles and slavers
>"hurr durr the church isnt evil you guys"
Dont you have church today, you filth christian?
Here's another one for you collection
google it
Underwater ray romano.
>Church is good but misguided by evil God
>literally a massive cult in real life run by pedophiles and slavers
Is there a major religion that isn't like this?
Yea Forums's goty of 2013
You have no reason confused with shitty reasons.
Infinite was autistic and got upset at being called weak so he wanted to prove he was the strongest.
No idea what Colors Demon is supposed to be.
Mecha Sonic is a fucking Eggman mech dude. Of course he's evil, he's an extension of Eggmans will.
I can't recall Mephiles reason, but I think it was so that he and Solaris could unite to one and take vengeance on being sealed in a lab or something. Can't recall.
Chaos was literally created from anger, hate and greed of the Knuckles clan and materialiazed to avenge the Chao that were killed by them. He came from the hearts of evil.
Black Doom was a universal tyrant and lent his blood to Gerald in exchange for the Chaos Emeralds. He had 2000 years of history with the earth and was just coming back to conquer it like they agreed on before Gerald pussied out on his end of the bargain.
The evil routes are not canon. He was evil in SA2 for avenging Maria but not remembering her wish. It was retarded but that was a reason.
Mephiles is the only one with questionable motives.
Sikh's are doing really well afaik
Buddhists aren't entirely clean bust certainty doing much better than abrahamic religions.
"Giving into despair" is clearly states to be an unforgivable sin; when do you give more into despair than killing yourself?
One of the leaders of a European mission was tortured so much by the Japanese that he abandon Christianity and hunted down other missionaries.
Play more jrpgs
I don't disagree. Like I said, highly suggested but not outright stated.
Dude, WHAT? Come on now they're shitty characters but they aren't "evil" for no reason. They got invaded by Eggmans army and mindfucked by his conch and were bloodthirsty for revenge. The old guy even warns him about the dangers of revenge. They found Sonic guilty by association for forming an alliance with Eggman.
>people complain about a story not being new
>not realizing that at this point every potential story has already been created multiple times over and that nothing is ever truly new
Shouldn't you be more concerned with how well the story is told rather than the fact that it isn't new?
>play JRPG
>church is great and helps you save games
>666 KB
>Church is actually a fairly decent organization for the most part, piously protecting the misfortunate
>God's just a massive dickass
>Pope immediately launches open armed repellion against god when God goes full crazy
Heaven probably has some kinda meta sex that far outclasses boring corporeal sex.
Pleasure that cannot be contained in a mortal body without destroying it.
Go to hell Muhammed
did you just assume my racial identity, religion and nationality?
>believing stuff written by humans
In heaven you won't have a sex drive so no sex is ok.
This would make sense.
Why would divine beings be incapable of the same pleasure as lesser beings?
That would seem like a step down.
She's actually a bird
About God
Sauce for this? Sounds pretty interesting desu.
sounds like an SMT game
>catholic church is evil
exactly. that's why you cant believe it
>Play JRPG
>The church plays a big role in the story, mostly seen as good guys.
>One villain is deemed irredeemable by the main characters. Not because he kidnapped children and sold them into prostitution so that he could fund his experiments on them, but because he denied the existence of god.
It's animalistic and impure.
it is tho. why should they lie to us?
The Church of San Ilia in Paradox is probably one of my favorite fantasy churches ever. Adam Jensen-ing the pope is metal as fuck.
Here’s a freebie
read the OP again dumbass
lmao christcucks btfo by japanese devs
>Play JRPG
>There's no church
>church consists of moralfags who do evil things convinced they're doing the good thing
>the pope is a moralfag with a messiah complex who hates the world and is only doing "bad" things because he thinks God ordered him too
>it was all a misunderstanding
>god is just some self-loathing dude (and good guy) who refused to communicate properly with his subjects and let them misinterpret his silence as hating the world
>on the reverse, a bunch of other bad guys hate the church for doing evil things
>and by extension hate god because they believe the pope's delusions that he was being commanded by an evil god
>they set out to kill god
>protagonists have to save the world from the delusional pope
>protagonists also have to save god from the other bad guys
name 1 game.
xenoblade 2
disappointed but not surprised.
Took me a while to find, but the guy's name was Cristóvão Ferreira.
Portugese missionary became Buddhist after torture and then interrogated other Europeans.
sounds like an smt neutral route as well
>The entire plot is misunderstandings
How very Japanese.
thanks lad, I appreciate it
>God actually did it all just for shit and giggles
In heaven, you are experiencing the Beatific Vision. Which is like playing on the highest end gaming PC possible compared to the Atari 2600 that is earthly life. All earthly positives are fulfilled and vastly outranked in quality because you're now perfectly fulfilled right down to the very essence of your very being.
Blue-gnosis’d post
fuck off child diddler
grand mamy
I only believe the word of the lord, jesus christ.
jew here media outlets are shit wanna tell me something I don't know now?
>doesn’t let anyone reverse engineer artifacts
>doesn’t tell the populace there’s a literal invisible wall at the end of their ocean
>made up aidios centuries after their own creation as a way of justifying unexplainable shit like their thaumaturgy
>keeping the population dumb and complacent
Ouroboros is less sketchy at this point
If you like sex then you are evil, as per church. That’s how you know religion is bullshit lol only hypocrites and people that hate themselves are religious
There's a movie by Scorsese that tells the story, it's called Silence and I thought it was really good, if you are interested
That's the most based and redpilled questline ever though. The church is always evil.
People think they'll still be people, only in Heaven™ which is like earth but in the clouds or something
>Play JRPG
>Holy Order are a bunch of pussies that are terrified of God
So jrpgs were right then
>post on Yea Forums
>everything's a shitpost
Can't they come up with something new already?
wtf, isn't that the main character of DQ? You can make him into a girl(male)?
Then that means I'm gonna have to purify this evil angel with the power of my dick. Oh Japan, you know me so well.
Japan knows what's up
>beer good
>here have land for beer
Indians were dumb.
>eldritch entities empowering the protagonists for their own agenda good
>they were using you to gain more power and are worse than main religion
>45 IQ
>"Uh heaven has sex right?"
What makes you think you'll have a physical body with physical needs? Do you think you need to eat? Do you think you'll get bored?
I don't believe in it but it's stated pretty clear you aren't a body. You're just a soul at that point which is basically like a cup of water in an ocean. Your perceptual barriers are gone. There's nothing physical and there's no emotions.
I'm sure native americans all saw strange pale people with strange clothes speaking in tongues and thought, "I'm sure we'll be the best of friends, I would never try to kill those things for being demons, monsters, and/or invaders!" They were all 100% peaceful and would never lash out unprovoked. All Europeans are just EEEEEEBUL.
Guess you’ve never played dragon quest then. The church is consistently a force for good.
>play jrpg
>it's about Japanese teenagers getting special powers so they can be special and stand out among the rest
Well they say that they'll be like the angels in heaven who don't have sex.
Probably because there's way better video games up there.
I know it's just an outfit, but the thought of a woman breaking her chastity vows because she loves dick more than his god is extremely arousing.
>genocidal supremacist invaders
>not the definition of pure evil
if real history was taught people would be lynching every european they can get their hands on the moment they took 1 step on their shores
>tfw no guardian angel gf who makes you feel safe and holds you in her strong arms after making love to you
You wouldn't really do dirty things to an angel, would you?