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gave up on fallout
it... it'll be fun right?
MOtRTY you gotta FUCK yourt sister, morty! You gotta FUCK me, mortly-- No mm-m-m-mmorty listen
Morty you gotta do this thing
Morty you gotta not believe in *burp* god
s-s-sure Morty *Burp*
I hope this bombs just so NV faggots shut the fuck up
So far it looks like it's worse gameplay than fo4 and the writing looks absolutely dreadful going off the pax east gameplay video where they laugh at their own jokes for half an hour
It honestly looks like a modded New Vegas. If the writing holds up, it could be good.
But I'm not getting my hopes up.
Because obsididumbs are bunch of talentless hacks and women.
Really? You think that's going to stop them? They'll just talk about FNV even more.
>late 19th century america was so quirky amiright?
Please do a different time period.
>all those Obsidrones that were shilling the game since day one
>all of them now gone, like tears in rain
Told you it was gonna suck, you cunts.
obsidian forgot how to make good games
or they hired people who can't make good games.
>If the writing holds up
It's literally redd*t-tier jokes with 3-4 options to chose from. F:NV is only good because of the solid setting which hard to fuck up if you've got at least double digits IQ.
I fucking knew they would do this. Remedy is completely incapable of finding a publisher who doesn't try to ruin their games.
With any luck, it will be Quantum Break's Windows 10 Store exclusivity all over again. (They eventually released the game on Windows 7 because nobody was buying the "please use our shitty store and even shittier operating system" edition.)
Man, you're really upset about this game, aren't you? It really gets under your skin.
>So far it looks like it's worse gameplay than fo4
Explain why in detail. This ought to be good.
lol, cope harder r*dditfag
Imagine the amount of cranial trauma required to be a betheslard in this post fallout 76 world. This kid must have gotten mauled by a basketball team.
>Furious bethesdrone pretending the game is shit because it will be featured on the ebig meme store
Hahaha, oh wow.
Having fun with Fallout 76?
Looks like the first RPG in years what's the problem, it can't be any worse than the shit Bethesda made this gen
Tell your supervisor to send the next tier of shills, you're clearly useless at this.
what worries me with 2019 Obsidian is that they've been putting some leftist/inclusive/political stuff, whatever you call it (homosexual characters, the usual stuff, etc...) in their games lately, but they're not even being subtle about it, unlike in New Vegas where homosexuality or inclusiveness wasn't that much of a deal, because it felt natural and not put in your face everytime you breathed, And I find myself dumbfounded at people who are expecting a game on par with New Vegas (released almost 9 years ago btw) from Obsidian who has gotten a little more politically engaged in their game making these past few years.
My point is, people want another New Vegas or a game from Obsidian that'll take on the role of the "New Vegas 2" the fans are so desperately asking for, somehow expecting the same quality of game making as less than a decade ago
>seething this hard that he lacks the pc or the cash to play
LMAOing at ur life
why would NV fans shut up? are you confusing NV fans with obsidian shills?
You misunderstand. I mean that the game looks, in terms of mechanics and the dialogue system, IDENTICAL to New Vegas.
I barely watched any of the footage, but the biggest difference I noticed was the dumb HUD showing companion health.
>what worries me with 2019 Obsidian is that they've been putting some leftist/inclusive/political stuff, whatever you call it (homosexual characters, the usual stuff, etc...) in their games lately
the fuck is this referring to
all their talent left the remaining writers are cucks and women
>If you don't like LGBTQbsidian you must be a bethdrone
Coping leddit fag. Enjoy your Rick and Morty Worlds
Some gay fish person in Path of Exile 2 i think
they fell for the "inclusive hiring" meme and hired talentless cunts, then the old employees who were actually talented either left, took less responsibility or became hacks, leading to PoE 2 and this shit game
You mean like Arcade Gannon, Veronica and Christine who were all gay in new vegas a decade ago
i take it you haven't played PoE 2?
>the fuck is this referring to
putting gay/lesbian characters for the sake of "representation" in the entertainment, but their personnality revolves solely around being homosexual, and they end up being shallow in the end. the same could be said about transgender characters, sometimes strong female characters too. the fact of the matter is, a lot of developpers have been doing this shit in their games and given Obsidian's record on the matter, I wouldn't be surprised if they did this again in TOW.
>Some gay fish person in Path of Exile 2 i think
I forgot about that but I was primarily thinking of new vegas. after replaying it recently, I just noticed there were actually quite a bunch of lesbian and gay characters (veronica, arcade gannon, benny, or that male prostitute, to name a few) but I realized it didn't matter much to me because they didn't feel arbitrarily put there just to represent a certain community for the sake of it. NV felt more realistic in a way because of that, and it wasn't until now that I thought Obsidian might have done the thing in their recent games. nowadays the trend seems to be appealing to a vocal minority so that nobody feels left out I feel like I'm not really expressing myself clearly on the matter though
1) never mentioned Epic in my post
2) never claimed I was supporting Bethesda
Obsidrones are truly predictable
dude what
I'm sure in Tyranny there was a gay couple made for the sole purpose of telling you that they are gay.
didn't they also remove a kickstarter backer's joke about a man pretending to be a woman from Pillars 1 even though it's one of the few kickstarter things that actually felt like it should be in the game?
>Zoomers unironically think Rick and Morty invented mad scientists
>Zoomzooms haven't even heard of Doc Brown
Hey man, I'm a new Vegas fag and I don't wanna touch this shit.
they backed out of expanding a character and adding romance cause she appealed to straight males. then they added a romance for some gay asian island boy that literally no one asked for.
Is it really 2019 Obsidian?
I don't remember anything in KotOR2, but Marburg in Alpha Protocol was gay, right? Then NV had Victoria, Whatshername McAlwayssolderforbounty and Arcade. Tyranny didn't really stand out with virtue signalling shit but perhaps that Chorus chick and it's hardly as if she is immune from being fucked over, like all the others.
I don't doubt for a second a Dev team in California is going to be slightly left of Lenin, but it is not a new thing from what I can see.
>not liking nuObsidian means you like Bugthesda
Retard, everyone good at Obsidian left after all the layoffs when they didn't get their bonus for NV and since then all of their games have been dog shit.
is that really why they cut ydwin from being a companion? she was the only decent female in the game (aside from pallegina who they ruined from the first game and you couldn't romance her anyway, also made her portrait ugly for some raeson)
who's ready to get SCHWIFTY????!?!
have sex man. nobody enjoys reading this hateful teenage angst from an ignorant hillbilly
he's right
>announce ydwin as sidekick
>add figstarter tier to make her a full companion
>josh doesn't want to fucking do it, publicly says he hopes they don't get enough funding
>place her companion expansion goal SEVEN FUCKING TIERS ABOVE EXISTING GOALS
>fuck up the difference with trash tier filler
>ydwin's popularity still won't die
>promise to expand her, says "they hear" people want her romance in first post launch stream
>their retarded fucking "aloth toots his horn" approval system makes expanding sidekicks impossible
>gives this as an excuse for no ydwin romance
yeah, no, fuck obsidian those dicksucking cucks
wew, what a mess
sorry, looks like I was wrong about benny, somehow I thought the confirmed bachelor perk worked on him, turns out you can only use the black widow perk on him to go straight to his room
This game looks like complete dogshit tbqh
do you even know how to talk to people without using Yea Forums approved zingers?
just finish the last season of big bang theroy did ya?
cmon, work your way down the list. what do you have left, telling me to dilate or go back to discord?
I'm a nv faggot and I want this to bomb
They fucked themselves hard with the Epic deal. Reddit was slobbering over it unit the Epic announcement and now their only audience doesn't want it.
how do you even know Reddit liked it to begin with?
>>josh doesn't want to fucking do it, publicly says he hopes they don't get enough funding
wtf i hate josh sawyer now
They messed with gamers. GAMERS.
Usually, yes. Nobody gets this bent up out of shape about the game other than bethesdrones, or trained 8gaggers who don't play games to begin with and just come here to start identity politics drama.
I'm going to get it because it seems fun and they're obviously trying to appeal to the New Vegas crowd, which isn't a bad thing.
STFU cuck
Unironically git gud, Seething cope tier unironically
>"stop funding our game i don't want more work"
this unironically happened lmao
Wait... Outer worlds is an epic exclusive?
>Why yes, I live in the wilderness and only get mail once every six months
>that pic
Holy kek
based rick poster
this is going to be prey and Dishonored all over again a game that does everything good but nothing great and will add up to be less than the sum of its parts and mediocre
it doesn't look like it does anything good though.
i kekked
can't wait for this game to crash and burn
Let me rephrase that it doesn't do anything good just not bad
probably this
we already know that the visual design and combat are painfully mediocre, if the story and companion interactions are just as bad this will be the truest 5/10 to ever exist
*Pillars of Eternity
Path of Exile is actually good.
Based as fuck
See it for yourself, enjoy 20 minutes of riveting footage
Ahahahah stupid bethesdrone, this is obviously not the final game as they have stated already, it'll be much more different at th release, after all they still have 7 months to make the whole game better ;)
After all, this is the game REAL NV fans have been waiting for all this time
Only thing I care about, fucking Epic store.
You're just roleplaying, right?
I'm posting twice as many NV posts from now on, serves you right you faggot
It honestly baffles me why they showed this gameplay. It reminded me of e3 2010 it was that fucking stupid
Laughing at your own jokes, presenters wont shut the fuck up, first thing they show is a joke quest line that poorly shows the RPG gameplay, followed up by killing everyone for no reason that poorly shows the FPS gameplay.
What were they actually fucking THINKING?
All real NV fans want is more real Fallout, not this scifi shit.
Also, everyone important to the real Fallout has long left Obsidian.
>that awful propaganda commercial "quest"
>that dogshit combat at 12 min
>those awful looking companions and cringe "banter" in the elevator
...when is release? do they still have enough time to fix this?
Of course I am, and I know ironic shitposting is still shitposting, but in all honesty there's no way the game will drastically improve in barely 7 months or less, unless they perform a massive crunch or delay the release, at this point I'm not even hyping it anymore, I just want to see it crash
>Teleporting npcs
>Terrible artstyle
>Bad animations
>le epic jokes
>Pointless cinematic kills
>Tasteless acid-colored effects
>Bad combat
The only thing that can save this shit is quests but I don't thing there is any good writers left in Bumsidian
>All real NV fans want is more real Fallout, not this scifi shit.
speak for yourself, i enjoy many different fiction genres.
all real fallout fans want is more soi
>hold A to pick a lock
>rigid stiff camera that locks onto the persons face during dialog
>shittier version of VATS
>Really hyped for the game
>Saw the gameplay preview at Pax or something
>Now completely indifferent to it
Man they know how to kill hype
That's the spirit. Fuck video games. Should expect no less from a guy that uses "kek"
soi or no, Dying Light 2 looks a fucking lot more interesting than outer worlds, and doesn't seem to have any obnoxious reddit writing
>avellone's revenge
That video killed all interest I had in the game, it's beneath the quality of a Skyrim/Fallout mod.
what did schneider mean by this
My theory is they gave him a pretty strict framework to write around so they could fit in the features they were already developing so he hasn't got the chance to put his own brand on the game.
>no romances
Dropped harder than the Little Boy. If your game looks like ass in almost every conceivable way then sure as shit better implement romances, otherwise I'm not even going to bother with a pirate.
no u
>If your game looks like ass in almost every conceivable way then sure as shit better implement romances, otherwise I'm not even going to bother with a pirate.
why would you want to romance those ugly ass characters?
also did you enjoy mass effect andromeda, user?
You take grasping for straws to the next level, boy.
The dialogue will be constant quips, won't it? Also
>still separating interiors with loading screens
regardless, post your full name and address since you have nothing to hide :)
I'm going to be frank with you. Cora's ass was almost worth that initial pirate. But no, not really.
>With any luck, it will be Quantum Break's Windows 10 Store exclusivity all over again. (They eventually released the game on Windows 7 because nobody was buying the "please use our shitty store and even shittier operating system" edition.)
Barely anyone bought the game on Steam either. How is this company still alive? Their games sell like shit.
It's Obsidian your crewmates will all fuck each other except (You)
romances are bottom tier features
>(They eventually released the game on Windows 7 because nobody was buying the "please use our shitty store and even shittier operating system" edition.)
I wish they'd do that for Forza Horizon, only reason I kind of want W10
The same could be said about you and that user's post.
>like this game or you're a tranny and a bethesda shill!
Obsidian is pretty good at astroturfing I'll give them that
obsidian is unironically full of trannies tho
No one should be excited about this. This isn't Obsidian, it's the remnants of Obsidian that have hardly anyone important working there anymore. It's a bunch of stupid kids who have had nothing to do with what made them great in the past. People eat up this "YEAH FUCK FALLOUT" marketing bullshit too easily
Not for my dick though.
Holy shit, this explains so much about New Vegas.
>This isn't Obsidian, it's the remnants of Obsidian that have hardly anyone important working there anymore
>People eat up this "YEAH FUCK FALLOUT" marketing bullshit too easily
Fucking hell I wish I could convince my best friend that modern Obsidian will not provide us with a game of the same caliber as new vegas, he's still hyped for it no matter what and he fucking loves new vegas
>new vegas
>official cuck ending
what the fuck obsidian
Fuck off fag. Knowing nuobsidian anyway the only option would be some ugly chick or a slut like in deadfire.
That's what you get for being a NCRcuck.
courier is a obsidian protagonist he's a cuck by default
Thank BASED AVELLONE for that one lel
who do i thank for pillars 2 watcher getting cucked out of plot relevance
It's also going to be on the Microsoft Store
Please don't compare Obsidian stuff to well-made games with actual gameplay.
Also gonna be on CODEX
remember all the seething fanboy shitters that got mad at the implication of reddit writing in this game? lmfao.
literally re ddit: the game
Aaaand pirated
>haha game looks like shi-
When Epic bribes the devs to be exclusive for their shitty platform they give money for x amount of copies sold upfront, meaning that devs already got paid for their work by Epic.
Which means it's entirely moral to pirate anything Epic exclusive since devs already got their share and you're just going to support a shit company instead.
What else can you expect from the makers of the dullest RPG of all time? Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
pillars 2's plot was fucking pointless the protagonist didn't do shit lmao