ITT: Shit in vidya you hate

>Scripted bossfights you're forced to lose

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Other urls found in this thread:

>scripted bossfight is actually piss easy
>you lose in the cutscene

>fight boss
>take down his health
>boss is almost beating you, escapes or defeats you

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>fight hard boss
>think it is a scripted unwinnable fight
>its not

Sequences where you're forced to walk and listen to dialogue. The new God of War was littered with these and it drove me nuts. Just make it into a fucking cutscene.

Shit that hides loading screens
>long opening doors
>climbing fences that are in the middle of a long alleyway
>helping an AI up a cliff
Give me a standard loading screen. At least then I will be able to continue on the second that it is ready for me

Fucking Mystery Dungeon
>absolutely clown on a boss, barely taking any damage
>90% chance he kicks your ass in the following cutscene

>Developers talk about how few cutscenes there are as a positve selling point.
>They just fill the game with these retarded unskippable pseudo-cutscenes anyway.

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but then sony wouldn't hit their MUH CINEMATIC quota

I actually like these. My favorite was the scripted boss fight against Ramirez on the island in SKies of Arcadia where I could actually hang around with him for a while.
now this is horrible

the first part of leon's re6 campaign was such a drag, NO RUNNING, slow walk, Watch out! spooky zombie fell!

Games where looting is a central core mechanic. It completely kills the flow and pacing of the game in favor of telling you that your weapon is now useless because of a fucking number.

>limited inventory (depends on the game)
>weapon durability

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I don't mind looting if loot is static
just a constant gear grind pisses me off

I like when you can try if you want, but it's technically impossible to win.

>random battles
>unnecessary cutscenes and story shit that breaks the flow of the game
>open world that you're not allowed to fully access because you haven't talked to some old coot about how to use the battle system you've already known how to use for twenty years

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>Entire builds are unviable in higher difficulties because the developers are lazy and didn't actually balance the game for it and just made difficulty a damage multiplier.

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>scripted shit that you think you're forced to lose
>you can actually win
Thank you DRV3

>gameplay is constantly interrupted and control yanked away from player so that the character would follow the screenplay
Looking at you Max Payne 3

I hate being forced to filter out and hide countless weeb vidya threads

Weight mechanics in RPGs are fucking tedious. The last thing I wanna think about at the bottom of the dungeon is how many apples I need to eat to put myself at exactly 0.1 lbs over the encumbrance limit so I'm not forced to move at 2 mph.
They work fine in restrictive survival games, but are absolute shit in everything else

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This is more of a general complain but making a game look like "retro".
So far only Sonic Mania was the only game where it actually had a "retro" feeling.

wait is it actually possible to get through the tunnel of death without the hammers?

>open-world in games where movement is not even fun and engaging

Imagine being THIS much of a faggot to play anything else other than Max Payne 1.

MP2 wasn't as good as 1 either.

I didn't probably play even 20% of it because of how sick I got from all the unskippable cutscenes and constant control yanks.

Speaking of Mystery Dungeon, any games where the story tries to allude to mature themes but it ends up being butchered by the E-rating? The whole thing with Azuril and Drowzee was really retarded upon revisiting the game.

>Drowzee is supposed to represent a pedophile that pretends to be nice in order to gain Azurill's trust.
>Brings Azurill up to the mountains under false pretenses.
>Reveals to Azurill that the real reason why he lured him up to the mountains was to help him get some treasure because it's inside a hole that Drowzee is too big to squeeze in.
>The treasure is unclaimed seeing though it's inside a dungeon so it's not like he's forcing a child to commit a crime.
>Azurill starts freaking out even though Drowzee tells him to get a grip and that he'll take him back home right after it's over.
>The game treats Drowzee like a scumbag.

Sure Drowzee acted more shifty about it then he should but ultimately his plan was non-diabolical in the sense that he was doing was the exploration teams do: try to find treasure.

I blame Half Life 2 and retards constantly jerking that game off for "immersive storytelling" for this cancer that has plagued western games since. Just play a fucking cutscene that I can skip, I dont care if I can make my character wobble around as he's yapped at.

>Fight boss character
>character joins party
>not even a fraction as strong as the character was as a boss

>Bossfight you are forced to lose
>You can beat the boss and win the game if you are good enough

forces stealth sections in games where the engine is not suited for it.

Last one I did was the one in FFXV where you are just by yourself. Like 5 minutes in I went "fuck it" and didn't consider stealth because the game doesn't punish you for being caught

Ooooh, this shit was unbearable in Battlefield 4's campaign where you had to walk through the ship at a snail's pace because of muh cinematic experience.

>scripted boss fight you're forced to lose
>no indicators so you waste rare healing items on it anyway
and of course
>that one scripted boss fight an old strategy guide said you could beat
>they accidentally swapped the info with a second encounter

>completely dab on and bury boss
>cutscene shows me getting my ass kicked and barely winning usually by a rock falling on him or something

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>invisible walls

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>have to follow a character to an objective
>they are slow
This drives me nuts. Was just playing Oblivion and several quests are like this. Why do developers always assume the player will have a hard time keeping up if they go faster?

>game tells you to go to specific place
>nothing happens when you go to place "the wrong way" because you're supposed to trigger some bullshit cutscene just before the place

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It's the worst when it's a game where every single NPC that isn't given specialized shit or animations just inherently moves slower than you do. So even if you were to walk alongside someone for escort or cutscene purposes, you have to keep stopping so you don't go too far ahead of them.

> XBC2
> beat the shit out of everyone
> cutscene immediately after where you're getting your shit slapped despite trashing everyone
> this continues to happen for the entire game

>Game has you take on wave after wave of enemies after every five minutes of gameplay
>Cutscene has you overwhelmed and captured by a small group of enemies that would have been no trouble to handle in gameplay

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>party member is super suspicious, always talks with a malicious tone and is generally a rat
>can't call him out on it until he betrays you

>game encourages multiple playthroughs through New Game+, etc.
>end credits are unskippable

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>forced to follow an npc
>they speed up until they get in front of you then switch to walk mode and block your path

>certain trophies are online only
>online services have been shut down for years
Thanks Gran Turismo 5.

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>enemies respawn seconds after dying
>you can't progress because every time you pop your head out, you instantly die

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>enemy is invincible, you have to shoot him for a specific amount of time until a cutscene kicks in
>he can kill you in one hit


> turns out he was actually working for a hidden order of good guys all along
> he saves you after you fall into the most obvious setup in the world and manages to take out a hostile faction as a result

>>party member is super suspicious, always talks with a malicious tone and is generally a rat
>>can't call him out on it until he betrays you

this fuck in a nutshell.
At least you can end his life after be betrays

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Fucking this. Nothing more insulting than curbstomping a boss, only to have your characters lose like he was so powerful

>Bossfight you are supposed to lose but can actually win
>doing so makes you lose the game

you can just say all of gen6 and 7.
I pray handholding wont exist in gen8 but I know in my heart those prayers will go unanswered

>boss fight you're supposed to lose but can actually win
>it crashes the game
>updated re-release just loops the fight over and over and the boss throws out max damage spam to ensure you lose or get stuck in an endless loop if you're cheating

XBC2 was fucking shit. Nothing was engaging because you could figure out whats going to happen in the cutscene before it happened. Oh shit a confrontation? I'm going to lose. Oh look I lost!

> ending your boyfriends life
Zelos did nothing wrong actually

FFXVs engine isn't suited to anything other than looking good.

>It's hard as fuck
>Losing the fight in-game is a game over

Well fuck you too then, you want to beat your head against a wall just to lose to the wall anyway? If they're smart the fight will be super easy, but the, "You lose anyway" cut scene starts with your characters being over confident and falling for a trap that leads to the lose.

random encounters

>FFXVs engine isn't suited to anything other than looking good.


Weapon jamming. It's something that completely stopped me from playing Shadow of Chernobyl.

It was irritating as fuck to be in the middle of a heated firefight, be two shots away from killing a bandit, but then my rifle just jams, my allied NPC that I have to escort is killed and I have to reload a save a-fucking-gain.

>scaled leveling

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>immersion breaking/obtrusive unlockables and DLC that you can't disable

New Vegas got pretty close to doing weapon durability right. The lower the durability, the lower the damage, and the higher chance of gun jamming. Added a nice random element to fights, and from midgame onwards it's totally avoidable if you play your cards right

On that same note, fuck the degradation of suppressors in MGS3. It made no goddamn sense.

>character takes some time to accelerate and slow down when moving
>taking one step takes five seconds because of animations bloat
Hate GTA5 because of this shit.
Hate OG Prince of Persia because of this shit.

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Locking high level chest in low level areas so you have to intentionally go back and revisit said newbie areas to recollect them.

> You are forced to lose
> But you can't just let yourself get spanked
> You have to lose on a specific point
Fuck you MGR on revengance mode. If Armstrong hits you its a one shot, but that doesn't count. You have to die on a specific part

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>game default binds the reload key next to the melee key

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Durability on guns is fucking retarded. If a gun just can degrade and turn into shit in a few hours it shouldn't be used as a weapon in the first place.
Although it would be fun to use this mechanic in a game that takes place in some absolutely shitty environment where literally everything degrades over time when it's not sealed in some special container.

>use and reload key are the same button
I fucking hate this console bullshit so much.

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This was always so cancer back when i played WoW
> Have to escort guy to location
> Walks slower than run speed
> Walks faster than RP walk speed
Fuck that shit. I hate escort quests

>game has legitimate moral choice with both choices having positives and negatives both in and out of gameplay
>its still binary and you can get a bad ending if you pick 1 "naughty" option
i love bioshock 2 and the morality is way better than 1 but its far from perfect

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>radial wheels on PC

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>destroys 30 mg rays
"its no use!"

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Flying enemies in a game with a heavy focus on melee.

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Honestly what the fucks the point anyways

>Game has an RPG or grenade launcher
>Shooting the ground in front of you immediately detonates the explosive

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>game is actually easier if you maintain a low level

i fucking hate this bullshit

Get out of here, stalker.

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>Speaking of Mystery Dungeon, any games where the story tries to allude to mature themes but it ends up being butchered by the E-rating?

This entire character is a meme because the game very clumsily handles his relationship with his handicapped brother.

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>dog enemy
>enemy that you cant damage except for a very small window


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>enter weapon shop
>you can see all sorts of interesting and unique looking weapon and armor hanging from the walls
>the shopkeeper only sells you the basic shit

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>game camera moves to show introduction to boss fight
>you were standing on a collapsing platform
>time did not stop moving

they are niggers.

>enter weapon shop
>it never sells anything worth buying

>Escort mission in game
>Enemy AI always goes after the person you are escorting and ignores you 100% of the time

>game drops weapons frequently/you can craft great weapons for your level
>shop sells absolute dogshit that was surpassed by your starting weapon
Just cut out useless features if it's going to be this way.

Made sense for Sarevok

>video game adaptation
>hero loses the fight canonically and the fight in-game is super hard
>still expected to win
>still lose in the cutscene

Fuck the Dragon Ball games are notorious for this. I remember one where it's Krillin vs Dodoria on Namek and it's a miserable fight because you're statistically so much weaker than Dodoria.

Either have me play as the canonical winner or have it be a "have to lose" fight with an alternate path for winning.

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>crafting mechanics are a thing
>all the best weapons are just dropped anyways
fucking why


generic whitoid maleoid protagonist

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>sequels wants to "appeal to a wider audience without losing what made it goof"
>it loses what made it good
>retards eat it up anyway

I don’t even have to open the link to know that you posted that chink with a deep voice.

>different ages
>different personalities
>different facial structures
>only real commonalities are hair color and range of hair and facial hair styles
>hurr durr all these characters are the same and boring and generic

I know this is bait but people unironically think that just because Isaac Clark and Nathan Drake have the same race and similar hair colors they're indistinguishable. It's fucking irritating.

>game has a shitty everyone bitches about
>say the game has a shitty mechanic
>fanbase starts screeching to git gud

Wow I see people of all different ethnic and religious origins. These people come from all over the world and all have unique experiences and personalities that really get you lost in the story, regardless of your race. Seems like diversity done right.

>no reason to buy any of the usual shit because whatever you found along the way is way stronger than what they have
>no reason to buy their good shit that’s better than yours because you just know that you are gonna find them along the way to the next town

>Yea Forums now defends Biff McLargeHuge protags

This is causing me secondhand embarrassment, please stop trying so hard.

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I don't know, seems pretty racist to say "All these people are exactly the same because of their skin color."

thread going a little too well for you? you had to shit it up?

Maybe if there wasn't a massive oversaturation of this type of protag they'd be more distinguishable and unique.
But once it gets to a nauseating level like this they start to bleed together.

They all act the exact same way too.
>i-its not like I want to be committing mass genocide or anything. I'm just a normal super alpha fit white male who is just minding their own business

That pissed me off in Shadow of Chernobyl
>10000 rubles for an exoskeleton that goes into the red after 3 trips outside Rostok

I don't care about racism, fag. Defending these generic Ham McBamSlams because muh white pride is fucking retarded though.

who cares

Damn, I fell for the b8

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>mass genocide

Poor bait.

>Bulk Squatthrust protags

I haven't played everything in that collage but I know most of the characters aren't anywhere like that except Chris, CoD guy, and Booker.

>projecting this hard
Nobody here is talking about white pride, incel. I was arguing against the notion that all video game characters are exactly the same because of their skin color. It's moronic to suggest Nathan Drake, Ezio, Captain Price, and Link are all the exact same character

Online-locked achievements are pretty retarded, but so is trying to get them. Unless they're one of those weird virus-like cheevos back during 360
>ywn play Red Dead and get the cheevo for killing a Rockstar Employee/someone who killed a Rockstar Employee
Never understood the point of that kind of achievement though.

Genocide just being keyword for not giving a shit about the fact you murder thousands of people throughout the game without giving a single damn, you dumb fucking faggot.

FarCry 3, Sam Fisher on the cover of Conviction, ?, ?, Alan Wake, Brooker from Bioshock Infinite.
Aiden Pierce from Watch Dogs, Nathan Drake from Uncharted, the father from Heavy Rain, the dude from Spec Ops: The Line, Denton's son from Dues Ex 2, ?
The guy from Black Ops I can't remember the name of, the cop from Heavy Rain who had drug abuse problems, Chris Redfield from RE5, whatshisname from Deadly Premonition, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson on the cover of Battlefield 4, Joel from the movie The Last of Us.
?, Issac Clarke from Dead Space (2), the dude from that terrible motor cycle game that's hilariously broken, Michael from GTAV, Frank West from... Dead Rising 2's DLC or 3, ?
Painkiller, no fucking clue who any of the guys in the middle are, Max Payne from 3.
Devlin or whatever from Infamous: Second Son, the guy from Murdered: Soul Suspect, Gabriel from Siphon Filter?, the guy from Evil Within, Naked Snake, Commander Shepherd.

7 guys I have no fucking clue and two I think I'm wrong on.

What's the point of this?

this made me SO FUCKING MAD while playing MGRising

>Impassable knee high fence
1ft tall but it can't be leapt over, stepped over or even tripped over. Bonus hate if there's a gate in the fence that is only way to pass this insurmountable obstacle.

>Game establishes that only a character can canonically compete with the final boss since they are superior to the cast.
>Game ends with a cliffhanger since if said character kills the final boss, will die as well since they are connected.
>Said franchise never got a sequel, spinoffs and etc.

Pretty much every Bethesda game after Morrowind. If leveling up is something I try to avoid doing in your RPG, you're doing something seriously wrong.

Genocide has a specific connotation, you should have said mass murder or serial killer

Hey hero of legend are you gonna help me with my boring, unimportant, bland sidequest?

> Yes
> No

> No

I'll pretend i didn't hear that. Thanks for helping!

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>Although it would be fun to use this mechanic in a game that takes place in some absolutely shitty environment where literally everything degrades over time when it's not sealed in some special container.

So you mean a post nuclear wasteland where weapons have be degrading for hundreds of years?

yeah nobody has ever cared ever.
If I say caim is a genocidal maniac it has no racial connotations. And anyone who isn't a newfag from /pol/ would know what I mean.

I'm too old to deal with long loading times in RPGs anymore.

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Most of them don't do that

>the whole point of Spec Ops and Max Payne
>Sam Fisher
>Alan Wake and Francis Morgan barely harm any humans
>Heavy Rain guys have pacifist detective routes
>Isaac and Frank kill monsters
>fucking Snake

Most of these characters don't fit the generic action man stereotype. If you add "quippy wannabe Hollywood character" you could crowbar a few like Drake into the archetype, but they're actually not very similar.

That's why the bait is so obvious in this thread but the actual opinion it reflects is retarded

Animal Crossing Wild World with some of the character episodes, but I think it was done well.

No, I'm pretty sure if you got off Yea Forums and went into the real world and called someone genocidal, people would assume that person had motivations based off identity or class.

>but 2 out of 50 of them are sort of slightly different.
Honestly, this is why Japanese Female characters are so much more interesting and diverse. Instead of being the same annoying rehashed white male power fantasy we get a nice variety including all types of diverse characters from 'shy clumsy girls' to 'alpha lesbian hair witches'.
Not only are they more interesting from a simple personality perspective with each character having her own unique and interesting back story and personality that feels deep and appealing on a personal and emotional level, but their actual design is also easily more dynamic and diverse than any of the generic white males in western games.

Simply put, all characters should be lesbian anime girls. And I think that is something we can all objectively agree on.

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There's been a skip function since the 2nd or 3rd update

The entirety of rdr2.

Are you using the webm as an example? Because that seems fast to me.

>sliding puzzles

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>Simply put, all characters should be lesbian anime girls. And I think that is something we can all objectively agree on.

But that wouldn't be interesting or diverse, would it?

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>seem fast

It IS fast.

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The diversity comes with the diversity of their designs and personalities as well as how their relationships unfold.

Also, you can have brown anime lesbians too.

The only thing we really need to cull out is males desu senpai. Male characters are intrinsically tied to male power fantasies and thus always come off boring and rehashed. Female characters are always better designed and more diverse just by their nature.

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>given the option to say yes or no
>the question loops until you say yes

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good lord. this shit is why i can't go back to ps1 era jrpgs.

>game asks if you want to save the world
>it lets you say no

I actually appreciated how Shadow of Mordor had you match the NPC's walking speed during "follow me over here while I talk" segments.

Sidetracking you from the main objective for absurd reasons.

>playing outlast
>the entire game you never drop your camera doing anything
>but that ONE jump makes you drop it so you could squeeze in more shitty gameplay in getting it back
>also after all the shitty sidetracks you die at the end

>protagonist can survive a rocket to the face
>gets knocked out instantly by a punch on a cutscene

>unload an entire mag of AK-47 ammo into someone, they don't die
>they run up to you and kill you instantly with a shotgun

>game lets you aim with reticle
>success of shot still determined by chance

>Boss fight you are supposed to lose, but can actually win.
>You get a special ending.

Chrono Trigger was the shit.

Killing spree or AMOK != genocide.

>"this surely must be a scripted boss fight you're supposed to lose"
>game over

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>Rubber banding
I've become disillusioned with racing games. Is it possible to have a good singleplayer racing game that's challenging, but doesn't rely on rubber banding?

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>Try to take one step down stairs
>End up bouncing down 20 feet

>Game has dialog options
>It's impossible for you to say no

Why even bother

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How is it forced? These are some of these are actually good characters. Name ONE good minority protagonist.

I'm still mad about it, said game released in 1999.

This. Reason I haven't played racing games for years because of the shitty rubber banding AI. Devs are too lazy to implement legit AI for racing games where they can be challenging but legit.

>that one scripted boss fight an old strategy guide said you could beat
>they accidentally swapped the info with a second encounter
what game?

>Game has dialogue options
>Gives you the choice between "Yes" and "Yeah"

ah fuck, I'm gonna throw up

every consecutive pokemon generation doubles down on this

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>Game has dialogue options
>Your created character can have his/her own text for "Yes" and "No" choices

Thank you based Smackdown 2!

>Game has dialog options
>Every answer is "Yes" but with varying levels of sarcasm and edge.

>pick a dialogue option
>the actual dialogue has nothing to do with the option you picked, completely taking you off guard

>Game has escort mission
>Game has forced stealth mission
>Game has follow guy without being spotted mission
>Game has follower that walks slightly slower than your running speed, but faster than your walking speed
>Game has forced walking dialogue so you cant reach the gameplay within steam's 2 hour refund timer
>Game has invisible walls with a return to playable area timers
>Dialogue options do nothing, and have no effect

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I see you there, Fallout 4

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Quicktime events

this is the fucking worst
>choose "no"
>character says "Fuck you"

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That's the best shit you massive faggot. Not only is it clever and simple but it makes loading much faster in action. Loading screens are 99% of the time ugly and useless.

>game glitched out and I fell through the ship
>checkpoint was after I already jumped
>have to do that shit all over again

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>Game gives you new power/weapon
>The entire upcoming area enemies resist it

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>game has an unskippable 1-3 hour prologue/tutorial
Destiny Island and Twilight Town are both extremely comfy but they take so fucking long.

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A classic is always gonna be
>NPC has to walk alongside you for the story
>Your walking speed is slower than his
>Your running speed is faster than his
>Have to spurt around like a retard

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I kinda like this one since that immediately tells you that this is the point where you should be switching on your git gud.

>Character says something in Japanese
>Only half of what they said gets translated
Every fucking time.
I can usually pick up on what they're saying, but there's sometimes a few spots here and there I miss out on because my hearing sucks.

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literally Xenoblade 2

>Boss intentionally fucks with your camera controls/settings
>Boss intentionally fucks with your targeting
I hate this so much.

>Subtitles are a direct subtitle to the english dub rather than a translation of the japanese audio

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This one’s been said to death but
>game have plethora of status effects
>bosses are out right immune to them or can shrug it off in a couple of turns
>regular mooks dies too fast to even bother with status effects

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Even worse is when it's
>Hey [hero]! Ready to fight?
>You bet!
>Of course!

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>fight your way through a difficult boss battle
>use those healing items you normally hoard because it's that difficult
>another fucking boss battle happens immediately afterwards

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>poorly programmed rubber banding
>poorly programmed adaptation
to explain the first, i hate playing a casual racer/anything that would require the AI to need rubber banding and it's so badly programmed that i lose for the wrong reason
for the second, nothing is more infuriating than doing good at a game and the game decides to fuck your asshole cuz it can and then when you can't beat that challenge it dumbs it down to being easier than it normally would be, as if to add insult to injury
like no, fuck you. i was so close to actually beating your stupid ass spike in difficulty and you decide to taunt me. fuck that

>listen to english audio
>its not even the same topic as the subs

I want to work for a game studio some day just so I can see HOW they manage to fuck up translations so badly

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>forced tutorials
>tutorials for retards (walk here, press x to aim)
>tutorials that last more than 5 minutes

to add to that
>regular mooks gang up on you so status effects are pointless because just bashing them repeatedly is faster and more effective than trying to set them all on fire

>Escort mission
>Character you're protecting is slow, starts fights with enemies that he can't win, and is just incompetent all around
>While you get maimed as you try to protect him, he has the fucking audacity to yell things at you like "MOVE IT SLOWPOKE!"

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>with his handicapped brother.
Doned isn't even handicapped, just extremely sick and weak. The game strongly implies that he can get better and walk again.

RDR and RDR2 handled this well with the ability to auto match their speed

>Gun swords

Fuck anyone who likes them

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holy fuck this
seriously wish pokemon had a questionnaire at the start of the game that asks 2 simple questions
"is this your first pokemon game?"
"is this your first time playing this particular installment?"
answer no to both and bam, it gives you a heavily abridged intro skipping all the tutorial shit.
like fuck in a lot of the games that's the difference between 10 minutes and an hour

>Companion eats nothing but shit during all combat situations
>He's invincible too
>At the end of the game he tries to be sentimental with a "We finally made it, Together :)"

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>Some collectables in early levels require late game items to get

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a collect-a-thon taking a page from Metroidvania?
that's a fucking holy shit

>Find switch that requires end-game item
>Finally get item and backtrack through entire game to that switch
>Its some insignificant item like a 1-up

The only game I can remember doing that is BFBB. One of the spatulas you need to get in the first damn level requires an ability you get a third of the game later

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HOLY SHIT someone else noticed

If I wanna hear dubs I’ll listen to them, because it’s supposed to be translation+localization
If I’m listening to a sub I want it to be as close to the original as possible, translator’s notes and all

>script dev forgot to implement check whether assumed conditions actually exist
>script broken / executing wrong

>final boss fight
>uses completely different mechanics than the rest of the game and is utterly unenjoyable no matter which way of skill or gameplay is otherwise involved and then tops it off with a cliffhanger for a successor that never makes it

Ape escape was the fucking worse for it

I love how Chrono Cross subverts this. If you say you don't want Kid to join your party near the start of the game she asks again making it seem like it's one of those cases where you can't say no, but if you tell her no three times she actually fucks off for awhile and you get another opportunity in the story to recruit her later. In fact if you keep telling her "no" at every opportunity you can get through most of the game without her, and she's a fairly critical character to the story. Really surprising especially for a JRPG, which generally have limited dialogue choices to begin with.

Zelos was still pretty cool.

>Subtitles appear in full
>Even before the character has finished saying the line

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paper mario 64 and TTYD always do a "are you sure?" bit after you say no, say no again and they actually go "well alright then"
thank god for that shit

I’ll excuse it if like, they’re talking about something that’s untranslatable or if it’s just something that sort of adds to the character, like a different take on the scene

Any other instance is inexcusable

At which year this game was released?

Fucking Buzzo

>escape from enemies
>Ally: OK, looks like we're safe, so let's... URK!

>Dost thou love me?

I'll be completely and utterly honest with you
>Entire builds are not viable
This alone is the fucking bane of my fucking existence fuck. I love doing whacky, janky builds in games. Call me a special snowflake or some shit, most of the time the most popular and effective strat is boring.
>Make cool item/weapon/perk
>"Wow! This item/weapon/perk is really cool! I want to play around this!"
>"Oh, by the way user, that item/weapon/perk is bad don't use it"

This is why I sold all my consoles, now that Halo is coming to PC, I don't care about anything else.

>Aesthetic or Quality of life change made in a previous game that improved things massively is completely absent in the sequel

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right on with the pic user, Mega64

I feel your pain, brother

You can’t just put cool shit in the game and expect me to not want to use it

>Game starts intro cutscene and puts you in game before you can even turn on subs
Apex Legends asking you if you want subs before the intro cutscene even plays should be the norm for games

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>Subbed and Dubbed character are two entirely different characters

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Destiny, kek

Is ryuji really that different ?
I played the dub and I thought he was a good character, even if he wouldn't shut the fuck up about "da corrupted adultz"

honestly this is why i like RPGs that do that shit like Symphonia, Symphonia 2, and Vesperia
new game plus and clap that boss, get a fuck ton of exp and a slight variation to the cutscene
or like in KH where it doesn't matter if you win against Leon or not when you first make it to Traverse Town. hate it when it's unwinnable no matter what, or when you win it just says "nope, fuck you"

who the fuck was the sub 20iq retard who wrote up kai leng. fucking useless trash villian

He swears like a sailor and yells alot, Alot of his kind-hearted nature isnt shown at all through the dub and i just have a personal gripe with his voice


The Witcher 3 did this right by making npcs run if you sprint or walk if you walk

Prince of Persia
There are lots

agreed, glad you get to clap his ass repeatedly and get a badass renegade finish on him.

Fair enough.
I thought he was still shown to care enough though, especially at the start when he attacks the shadows and tells you to run away or the other fight where everyone thinks he died so the group could escape, even though he was just being a prankster.

>game has a ton of different status effects and buff/debuff abilities
>none of them work on bosses and all of the status inflicting moves have either no damage tied to them, never fucking land or have really weak effects.

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>graphic settings in launcher
why do they do this?

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i second this. i was so fucking pissed. then they put it back in via the dlc and act like it's brand spanking new
like...the point of a sequel is either take what the original did and spice it up, (PM64 to TTYD) or do something weird enough that it still does well (SMB2)

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do we really have to bring up race bullshit on this topic, the big issue here is generic / shit characters PERIOD

LMAO at people trying to turn the actual term of negroid into a subversion. At least say caucusoid which would be accurate, too bad it's just bait. I remember my alzheimer-ridden grandfather saying to my mom while a black man was pushing his wheelchair, "Cathy, get this negroid away from me before I lose it." Cope more

Easier to handle ported games, it handles graphic settings in the back end instead of having to redesign the option menus

>Zelos was still pretty cool.

He was a shit who only cared for himself

>Alter graphical settings
>"you must restart the game to implement any changes made in these settings" prompt pops up

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That's the problem, we shouldn't have to call them minority protagonists, they're just fucking protags when they're well-written like everyone else

Bosses who summon minions to heal them. All it does is drag things out and frustrate you. And it's always turn based JRPGs.

>glass him

this hurts me. so many games where i learned "oh by the way if you played it like this, then you're playing it badly"
my favorite though has to be "i really love what i just made" look up a guide for it "oh btw never make this, it's trash"
like okay
on that note
>game has procedurally generated loot
>it's either complete crap or busted as fuck
>let's say you get a good item then find another that outclasses it in everything but the passive
>game suddenly is harder because you want that juicy passive that's keeping your numbers low, but that passive is just too good to get rid of
seriously, this is me in diablo 3 right now. have a weak as fuck staff, but the passive is my arcane shot deals 450% damage and explodes twice. and i'm finding staves that outclass it in everything but that passive and it infuriates me

>Game has permadeath for party members
>Go out of my way to save my party members by any means necessary, sacrificing a lot of combat efficiency along the way.
>Forced to send one of the strongest characters plus another on a scripted suicide mission to progress late in the game.
>They actually legit both die.

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Diablo style loot is always gonna be absolutely retarded

>Diablo style loot is always gonna be absolutely retarded

yeah. Look at Nioh (and Nioh 2)

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i hate this

>save up really good ammunition/items for boss fights
>beat final boss with massive excesses of said items/ammunition

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even worse
>want to keep everyone alive
>have this "no man left behind" mentality with permadeath games like FE
>plus trying to find the optimal strat is always a blast
>anyway, unit i'm training gets surrounded and barely survives and i don't have enough units to save them from what will happen next turn
>or how about Valkyria throwing a goddamn tank at you in the middle of a very annoying fight. i was enjoying that game until that happened, at which point i gave up on the series as a whole if it's gonna "pull the rabbit out of its ass" bullshit

dang, was actually thinking of trying Nioh 1 and 2. is it really that bad with the loot?
is the gameplay at least a saving grace?

That's the entire point. You just suck, fggt


Dying Light.
Broken scripting:
Virals in Old Town should only spawn as reaction to noise but constantly spawn even when walking around in camouflage and in singleplayer. Otherwise also during forced combat / running parts (NPCs falling through the world, running off elsewhere... this also happens sometimes on escort quests).

Final Boss fight:
Main game and addon both had custom final boss mechanics used nowhere in the game before. Both caused all your skill points and gear to become obsolete. Can't just get a good fight, have to force *special mechanic* and in Dying Light 2 Harran has just been abandoned as story instead of continued. So we never know whether there really only were bad endings possible (Dr. Camden's story string had just been abandoned for pseudo-drama.).

Dub Ryuji talks like an American high schooler transplanted into Japan.
>'Ey Joker, what's up? You takin' a leak? Let's go do Phantom Thief shit

>Perma-death exists in the same game as crits
drives me up the fucking wall

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Bad taste.

>game starts out with an in-engine cutscene that drags on for minutes
As someone who played on a toaster for a good part of their life, this was a pain

seems to me that you're just shallow

Oh god Maximillian’s tank from VC1. Jesus. For what it’s worth,VC4, the first actual sequel to VC1 built for PC and consoles, just released in the fall and it’s greatly improved while being much easier.

>Loading screen tip spoils the game

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>turn based combat
>enemies can nerf your speed so you dont get a turn for ages
>by that time you have to use up your turn just to heal

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sounds to me like you just have shit taste.

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>no u
easiest (You) of my life

>is the gameplay at least a saving grace?

gameplay is okay.

Note, Nioh 2 is not out but people were given codes to play the Alpha build

Game ends with a cliffhanger and sequel never comes out.

Attached: xiii_logo.jpg (1024x576, 82K)

>loading screen tip
>press x twice to double jump !

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>the turn after you heal your party is the enemy´s
>the attack they do completely tears off the health you just healed
>the battle is then reduced to this loop

Colosseum and Gale of Darkness
bosses are always 3-7 levels stronger
major bosses are 10-17 levels stronger
fuck that noise

>Eng Dub
Character has a deep rough voice.
>Jap Dub
Character has a light calm voice.

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>your weapons disappears from your hand when you interact with stuff (Bloodborne)
>unrealistic inventories inventories (hurr you can carry 8 swords but this little key is too much)
>related to the previous point, when you can't see your character carrying the stuff you are supposed to be carrying (pic related)
>health items (fuck you people who miss them)
>shit animations
>enemies disappear after you kill them, worse if it's immediate as in most games (love Bloodborne for almost fixing this)
>there are only a few models for the same enemy in a game where there aren't a lot of encounters (like Resident Evil, each zombie should be it's own model, if Shenmue could do it, then it shouldn't be so hard)

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This game has and

>use an expensive item/spell to revive a teammate
>enemy immediately kills teammate that same turn
>and again

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let's just talk a minute
about how much this shithead ruined my time with Star Ocean International
>wow, it's Earth. it's so crappy
>wow it's a parallel Earth that never solved the energy crisis
>wow due to their own hubris that parallel Earth is dead
>wow he's sad about it, they all are, makes sense. lots of folks died
>wow he's still throwing a fit
>still going
>and going
they can travel lightyears in minutes and yet somehow the concept of alternate timelines is foreign to them. to the point that Edge decides to throw a pity party about Earth being destroyed
news flash stupid, that wasn't your Earth, why the fuck do you care so goddamn much?

Attached: edge.jpg (240x240, 15K)

Spider-Man PS4 does this inertia thing well.

honestly, never finished international. got rid of it as soon as i realized i was going to have to endure him throwing this sad excuse for a pity party for longer than was necessary
thankfully other Star Ocean games don't have a brain dead protagonist

>not doing this so they'll leave your important characters alone

In Nioh 1 you can get through the first playthrough with only stuff you pick up, only later on ng++ and up does loot become really important and its really just getting gear that is part of a set with extra bonuses since you can custom craft the best affixes fairly easily onto gear outside of star affixes which are only really needed on weapons. There's a process to get them but savescumming is encouraged for it unless you want to spend way too much money and resources for it.

The gameplay is really fun until very endgame where oneshotting everything is the best build.

Turn based combat, but i think i'm going to enjoy Parasite Eve when i finally play it to the end, i gave it a try and it was OK, maybe for the Resident Evil esque feel.

I dropped DK64 because of this. I think, i honestly forgot why i dropped it, maybe just because it wasn't fun.

So? That just means they thought it was fine until they got backlash.

>Games that only a very little few knows.

I think making the bosses work differently than the main enemies could benefit some games, like Bamham.

>Character is actually better in the dub
>No one else is, it’s just that one character you like a lot

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its to stop you from 360 no scoping everything with the tranq gun

>game has new game +
>doesn't skip the tutorial

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yeah a new game + should automatically skip tutorials because obviously you know what you're doing

>Invincible companion shits on you for getting hit

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Destiny Islands with cutscene skip and grabbing as much of the stuff ahead of time is so much better than Twilight Town. i can clock 40 minutes at best if i really blaze through Destiny Islands
Twilight Town? skip all cutscenes. still there for 2, maybe 2.5 hours
it's the one thing that always stops me these days from playing KH2 again. just because i know what i'm in for and i hate having to go through it

>dude from bioshock
>nathan drake
>dude from spec ops
>chris redfield
>dude from gta5
>frank west
>naked snake
no idea who anyone else is

what game is that?

>Walk and talk segments

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Tales of Graces

Tales of Graces F.
Great battle system, hilariously bad story.

>have to sacrifice 2 of your heroes to be able to kill the last boss because the game needs to laugh at you one last time

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even worse than cutscenes. at least those can be skipped (most of the time).

Disconnection between gameplay and cutscenes/story. Like Main character doesn't have your current weapon on cutscene. Fuck you Resident Evil 4, making me do handgun only runs.

I like walk and talk segments the first time i play the game and if there's something interesting happening on the conversation or the background, but it gets annoying on replays.

>Beat a boss you're supposed to lose to
>The game ends

Holy shit, this.
> mfw fusion search in SMT is a total coin flip

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Only 1/4 of those guys looks aryan.

>5000+ hour long RPG
>There's New Game+ only content

Stop fucking doing this Tales games I HATE you

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It's practically required for Tales, given all the missable shit, you'll need to do a 2nd playthrough with a guide at hand.

Can't you edit binds messing around with the files in most PC games?

>You have to beat the game on an easier difficulty before being allowed to play on the hardest
>Hard mode is literally just enemies have more health and do more damage, no new mechanics, builds, cutscenes or anything

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>gameinteraction prompts force a 1 second delay that you have to hold down the button for before the action happens slowing down the gameplay instead of just taking effect immediately
>it happens on everything from looting corpses to getting out of cars
>game has an unavoidable segment where it takes all your money and equipment for a very brief of time in a game where the money is already scarce
>you find the guys who took your shit very quickly and kill them andyou get your equipment back but not your money.

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Super Paper Mario is a great game and no one can't tell me otherwise.

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>long animation plays out showing you stabbing the boss in the neck
>the boss is perfectly fine and nearly kills you

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>Game allows you to go on a date or flirt with various characters
>Forces the protagonist to fall for the "main" girl no matter what

>very rare enemy that is an exp/gold pinata
>There’s a very good chance it will run on any given turn

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I mean, how hard it is?: make speed depend on the vehicle, and make the better drivers not crash into things.

That can be great though, as long as the teammate isn't your designated DPS or Buffer. If only the one guy gets damaged, then that means you just get free turns with the rest. Revival items/spells are usually cheap enough to the point that it becomes a good trade at some point of the game.

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Yeah and it's absolutely awful to do. You get a skin for the pad and an alternate ending if you're able to do so.

I cant remember, what did they do

>game accidentally buffs low tier weapons too much and they're stronger than end game gear

I dropped Witcher 2 because of this.

Max Payne 3 has amazing gameplay completely fucking ruined by unskippable cutscenes

Yeah I remember being really confused when that choice was marked as bad. The guy was suffering if I remember correctly.

>Team up with other/previous player character for what is meant to be bad ass moment of them kicking everyone's asses
>Devs neuter the crap out of them to stop them from winning for you.

You didn't even pay attention to why he tried to kill you.

He's putting on an act you moron. He only cares about his sister. His entire personality is a ephemeral skim over the fact he hates himself.

>first fight with Sam in MGR
>you can just parry his moves forever, but the game doesn't move on until you let yourself get hit

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You're so retarded it's appalling.

IIRC, if you're going for the good ending, you only have to spare one. You just need to give Eleanor the example that bad people don't always deserve death.

Everyone played XIII mate

At least in half life 2 I can grab a bucket and balance it on top of someone's head and try to play basketball with another prop instead of the game locking my movement to a crawl while I suffer through dialogue written by san francisco/seattle douchebags

>game has a forced gimmick
>you can't beat the game without it because all the stages at some point force the gimmick on you to finish the stage

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>new DLC comes out
>forces a patch for the entire game whether you have it or not
>old save with tens of hours is now incompatible with the current version and cant save

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>You didn't even pay attention to why he tried to kill you.

He wanted to join the , and I quote in hos own words, "winning side".

He joined them, IN HELL

>protagonists motivations are unclear for most of the game

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Oh, hello, Dark Souls 3.
>bonfire ascetics
>NG+ actually having value
>generally more variety of gear
>more covenants, and actual interesting ones at that, instead of having two covenants that are fill the exact same function

Dark Souls 2 was far from perfect, but I was so dissapointed all of that got cut. Oh, well, at least I saw the Cinders mod do something similar to Daughters of Ash in 1 and reimplement bonfire ascetics.

Crash Bandicoot 2


considering how DaS3 removed the ADP bullshit, it would be nice to see this

happens twice in the first like 3 hours of pq2

heishin you faggot

>sequel of game set after an undisclosed period of time from the first game
>going through familiar villages and cities from the first game with all the inhabitants suffering from the villain
>game is hyping up the final fight with the villain the entire time
>evil motherfucker deserves nothing but a painful death
>villain turns out to be the protagonist and the party from the first game
>they were the villains all along, even in the first game
>you never knew it because you only saw things from their perspective
>after beating the game you question whether the new protagonist was good or just another villain

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>first fight is against final boss
>player who thinks hes hot shit lose horribly, cutscene has the protag upset that hes not as good as he thinks
>final boss shows up a quarter of the way through the game in the middle of the protag getting stronger to beat him
>boss is still stupid strong, but you're doing slightly better
>protag is uneasy but cocky, just like the player
>still kicks your ass, and when he enters the 2nd phase it feels hopeless and way too hard
>use up all the items that you've been saving up and thought you would never need to use, just to stay alive
>cutscene is an exact replication of the fight and the protag realising hes in over his head

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>players find a way for a joke build to be surprisingly useful and fun
>developer remove the ability because its a "bug", and then nerf the joke build because its supposed to be bad

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>scripted bossfight you're expected to lose
>you can win

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>game has a morality system
>both endings are what the player actually wants depending on their morality choices
>good boy choices is a heart filled ending with all the friends you've made
>badboy is a gauntlet where you use all your powers and wreck everything, game ends with a "holy fuck son calm down"

name 1 (one) game

Why do you hate that? That's a pretty meaningless thing to hate. It doesn't really affect you and is done for the sake of story. Quit being a bitch. If being humbled by a character you aren't able to beat yet pisses you off, you need to quit or check your ego you stupid faggot.

My fellow Pochibro


forced walking segments are so non-video game that I think anyone who recommends them during development should be slapped and forced to play through every forced walking segment of the last generation before being allowed to voice an opinion again.

>game ends with you calling out evil boss
>boss says you're no different than those that stood before him
>end by defeating him
>prequel game
>play as the big bad from the first game
>everything you're doing seems justified
>final boss fight is with a character whose like the first protag
>boss kills him and remarks that he wasn't wrong, but his weakness can't support his ideals

What the fuck did people expect that to be? He's at a bar with a glass near him.

>*give him a glass of alcohol*
>no option to be nice to him after he's pouring his heart out besides that
>lol actually its start a fight

Follow missions in games.

Imagine if forced walking segment became forced jogging mission. AC is fucking lousy with this mission type and it makes 4 such a drag to replay

When Yea Forums uses the name for a cliché instead of just fucking typing out the normal name
>big baddie
>heel turn
kill yourselves if you do this.

>final boss fight
>uses completely different mechanics than the rest of the game and is utterly unenjoyable no matter which way of skill or gameplay is otherwise involved
I love Furi but fuck The Star so hard.

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>there is a true ending
>but only if you answered all the dialogues in the entire game in a very specific way

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I'm was referring that the game where this character comes shares with XIII that they have a Canon cliffhanger ending and no sequel, the difference is that the game is very underrated unlike XIII.


Killer Instict 2 Glacius best ending:
>You need to find the well in a stage.
>You need to specifically kill Sabrewolf.

>game allows you to sequence break when you kill the unbeatable boss fight

what games do this

So Pokémon? That sounds like Pokémon

>Heel turn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>FROM TV TROPES

Nigga they didn’t invent those words get your head out your ass

Literally spyro

>bloated health in higher levels forces you to use certain weapons
>bad game design make an entire class of weapons completely unusable outside of a handful of super rare ones

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>hero about to die to the final boss
>party member saves him and they beat the big bad together

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I get the idea of it and being able to carry everything around all the time doesn't seem like a good solution but I'm spending increasing amount of times in the menu in morrowind just to decide what to drop. Doesn't help that better equipment gets heavier and heavier
>daedric battle axe wieghs 90 lbs
>warhammer wieghs 96

>Enemy has either a small hitbox, or a hitbox that doesn't match the size and shape of the enemy.

Attached: 1445398053242.jpg (702x1118, 320K)

>Game has a variety of different status ailments and debuffs
>Bosses are immune to absolutely all of them and using them on regular enemies is infinitely less efficient than just nuking them

>brother never got the hate for it
>he plays morrowind and oblivion
>suddenly realizes

>tfw anarchy gaige in bl2

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such a shit remake good god

>hating something because reddit likes it

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fire emblem genealogy of the holy war

>big cutscene hyping the boss
>boss is actual y easy as shit
And even worse
>really cool looking boss
>fight is pretty much a minigame

>you can loot enemies by parrying them
>you can loot bosses for rare ítems
Guess the game

I'll repeat what I said about that at some other point and say that it's even scummier for Marche to send Doned back to his original state because he's not handicapped, but he's instead struggling through a childhood illness that could fucking KILL him, because that's how nondescript Japanese illnesses work. Marche saying "Just get used to being deathly ill and get over it, you faggot!" is even worse.

No one but them uses those terms in discussions like these, be honest with yourself

I thought it was that thing where you tink your glasses together and then take a drink.

>boss is so easy you defeat them before the music gets to the good part

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Just make your boss fight 2 hours long, problem solved.

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8/10 almost made me mad

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Yeah, and then you find out shortly afterwards why he was acting like that.

>game has dynamic music tracks
>accidentally skip the intro portion of the final boss's music by doing a cool thing

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Random encounters can be tolerated in a 2D game but it should be banned from earth on anything 3D.

Seethe more, DSP

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>Yeah, and then you find out shortly afterwards why he was acting like that.

that doesn't negate that he was selling you out for a longass time just to satisfy his selfish desires. Also, why care about some traitor you just killed off?

>At least say caucusoid which would be accurate

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What, P3 is one of my favorite games. But Nyx is a pretty long ass boss.

I forget exactly what he gives you at that point, but it was very helpful and not something your party could get otherwise. His final act was helping you.

Resi 5 was actually good you guys

Every fucking Lego licenced game.

I will be mad until the day I die

Kratos gets you that same plot item if you killed Zelos.

And both require that character to betray Mithos entirely for your sake.

I hate him. He looks like a fucking Kojima with this retarded chink "eyes".

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>And both require that character to betray Mithos entirely for your sake.

Kratos has good reasons to betray Mithos.

Zelos is only doing it so try and make sure he is back in the party's good graces after betraying them. Aka saving his own fucking skin

Zelos has no reason to help you, especially if he thinks that Mithos is the "winning side." Even less reason to get back in your party's good graces if he's just worked so hard to convince your party to kill him for his sister's sake.

yurifags should be gassed

>can't disable voice chat
At last you can mute your squad at the start now, I had to use the party voice priority feature on PS4 just to cut all of that shit out of apex. Why even bother when you have the ping system anyway?

>it's a "fall in this bottomless pit to find secret" episode

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Then just have a fucking cutscene instead of making me waste time/resources/magic on a fake fight

You mean the moon level?

Note to self: Make incredibly hard boss fight that lets the game continue if you lose, but if you manage to beat them, the game's storyline changes. The Great Dark Knight actually drops dead after being reduced to 0 HP, and his minions freak the hell out over a bunch of overleveled teenagers killing their leader before running away in terror.
+Your love interest is never taken hostage and thus never turned into a Chimera you have to mercy-kill.
+Sweet dark-elemental sword as loot!
+EXP and money!
-You just fucking killed what amounted to a feared and respected general. The Evil Empire upgrades your status from nuisance to actual threat. Enjoy your assassin random encounters!

Fucking this. I feel handicapped playing GTAV and RDR2 because of this.

You absolutely
are an asshole.

That's why they should be done early in the game where you don't have much of anything, not that
>forced to endure the battle a while or it's game over, can't win either
shit when using top tier items it's a choice

>character is cut off by another character speaking
>there's a significant pause in between the lines

When a game begins with boring lengthy exposition cutscenes it just sets the mood for a shitty time. First impressions and all that.

>game has tons of side content
>doing all the side content makes you over-leveled as shit and ruins the difficulty
looking at you Xenoblade X

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Random chance of failure when crafting. WHY. WHY. WHY. I'M JUST GOING TO RELOAD A SAVE. WHY. WHY. WHY.

honestly killing alexander was the moral thing to do. he was nothing but a monster stuck in a fish tank at that point, and he had hindsight planning with all of the recordings since he knew he would turn into something from his experimenting. they shouldn't have marked a mercy killing as evil.

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I just thought about it after I posted this. Fuck forced level-ups. Let me keep my own power in check.

>There's MORE tutorials in the middle or end of the game

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>100%ing an area requires you to step on/activate blatant traps

>weapon with a unique attribute/attack doesn't have a better version later on
>best weapons are all very boring to use

I appreaciate what they go for in the 3DS artstyle but the original has so much more soul.

Bad writing.

More than anything that kills a game for me.

And bad voice acting.

>Game has a buttload of classes, weapons, skills, spells, etc.
>Lots of optional dungeons to find tailor-made sets for different playstyles
>The bonus bosses are made so that only one build and equipment setup is viable.
>The game has one class that is so overpowered all other options are pretty much worthless.

FFX, Tactics Ogre LUCT, I'm looking at you...

>translator’s notes and all
ok idiot

>any button can close the text boxes
>pressing up to jump in a platforming game
>can't use multiple files to save the game but still can make your game unbeatable
>road splits in 2, one has the save point or an item the other one has the boss fight, no signs of which one is the boss
>water makes you sink like a rock on land, you can swim in water levels though
>being chased in water level
There's too many really

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Just get jury-rigging or weapon repair kits you fucking scrub.

this I fucking hate

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It's just that the original already looks and plays perfectly, in fact all M&L games do. Probably the most pointless remakes Nintendo has ever released.

In Oblivion at least you can often use the wait function to just teleport them to destination, or manually push their slow asses. Games where you don't even have this are the worst.

>best weapons are ugly as shit

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>Game gives your character a ton of options in combat to make your character feel really awesome out of the gate
>Then the only way the game gets harder is by making more and more enemies immune to certain options

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> beat the game
> suddenly it losses all replayability
Ahh bloodborne how I missed when I didn't know shit and was terrified and curious of what would happen next.

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>stab, smash, and explode the shit out of the boss
>he throws a rock at you in a cutscene and you lose

Max Payne 3, imo, was when Rockstar stopped being good.

I think Dead Space 1 and 2 did this really well.

The issue is that now on replays or if the game is played on superior hardware or gets remastered we now have a game filled with the equivalent of unskippable cutscenes that serve zero purpose.

It actually does. Eventually the scene fades out and continues, you don't need to get hit.

I shiggy diggy

>completely humiliate the boss
>characters are out of breath in the cutscene

I want to FUCK Helena

My favourite is fights you're supposed to lose, but are still winnable and even change the story/reward you for winning despite the odds.

genocide is by definition based on race or tribal group
learn Greek you absolute brainlet

Chrono Trigger brings you to the credits if you kill the boss in a scripted loss cutscene

Witcher 2 and 3 were really great on calling out suspicious fuckers right away. And if you aren't outright able to accuse then of anything you can clearly make it an obvious intent with a dialogue option. Like bringing up that you're uncomfortable with the way they're talking or the way they keep looking over their shoulder nervously.

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Always loved that they put Agent York in this collage, quite possibly one of the most compelling video game protagonists ever. But no he’s bad cause muh race/gender

Max Payne 3 is hands down the best in the trilogy both story and gameplay wise. You can eat my asshole if you disagree

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u rite u rite

Did a low level run of FF8 last year. That was absurdly easy. Can't believe how much harder child-me made it for himself by grinding to level 99.

>Fight a boss
>Fairly difficult fight, whole party gets pretty roughed up
>Boss joins party
>Just as strong as the other 4 fuckers he almost just solo killed
I mean I know it has to be this way for gameplay but come on now

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60% of monster hunter world, fuck that

I agree and i dont think most of v has really thought this one through. A forced interaction is always going to take a set amount of time regardless of hardware specs whereas a loading screen might be nonexistent when you play the game in 5 years on newer hardware.

Upgrades by XP points, skill trees and all that shit. If you have to give me the gameplay mechanics in little doses is because you think your game isn't good enough, that if i see everything from the start i would get bored of it sooner.

i cri every tiem

Replaying Batman: Arkham Asylum is a chore because of it's pseudo cutscene intro. Another reason of why City is the best of the series.


The in game excuse was that they were using suppressors with rubber wipes rather than metal baffles. Don't know why the fuck that carried over to mgs4 and 5.

>member party leaving
>come back later in game
>no level scale

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Anything after GTA SA

I hate levels based on food and music. As you can tell I REALLY hate Mario.

>game has a frightened status effect
>English translation calls it "feared"
That means the opposite of what you think it does you stupid ESL chink fucks.

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It wouldn't even be that bad if you could still use the regular guns, but the lasers feel fucking horrible and the camera pans back too far so your exoskeleton is always getting grazed by the bullets.

>I hate levels based on food and music
literally a no fun fag
Sonic has those 2 ideas as stages and are amazing.

Tekken 7 is guilty of this.


>Level Up
>Every fucking mob scales to your level

>Increase difficulty
>You do shit damage
>Enemies do 5x damage
>This includes companions
>Companions end up killing mob thats being giving you trouble with a shitty tier shit weapon, when your using the best weapon in the game.

Fuck you Bethesshits

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Oblivion on highest difficulty requires you to play a mage 100%. Conjuring OP

Zelos's entire motivation is to get his sister out from under the Church of Martel's thumb.

He's Chosen because he doesn't want them to activate her Crucix Crystal. He cooperates with Crucix for the same reason. In the end, he knows that if he's dead, she'll be safe either way: Either she's the new Chosen of Tethe'alla (bad, but better than dead in retailation for his betrayal) or, if you win, she's released entirely.

In either case, he's working towards your goal: His betrayal, real or fake, is the only reason you can get the Aionis: Either directly, or through taking heat off of Kratos

>Implying the Evil Empire doesn't just lay low and regroup for a week, before turning around and glassing your entire country.

>Plot is stuck in the disk 2 overmap until you can get the necessary gear to go back to the wasteland of your former home to avenge it.

Did this start the "lol i wuz holding back" meme which falcom can't stop doing, now?

images you can hear

>games tricks you into thinking you can win
>find a way to take no damage the entire fight
>cheese the boss
>his HP reaches 0
>no easter egg or acknowledgment, boss just gets up and keeps going until you give in

>constantly fight against big bad's generals through the game
>you get your ass thoroughly beat until you find a way to distract them and 'win'
>eventually you get into a fight with one who doesn't go easy on you and, by using all your powers, you barely survive a single hit
>fight then ends letting the knowledge you're starting to reach their level sink in
Monster Girl Quest is a good video game.

Monster Girl Quest in not a good video game, its a great video game
Alice best girl

present thine asshole

That was basically their cutscenes

>Isaac Clarke
get out and never come back

>game has music-themed level
>the background music is really unimpressive and simple because of some gay timing gimmick with obstacles

>status effect where you're actively on fire
fucking hell

Even worse
>use two-handed weapons like assault rifles and shotguns all the time
>every single cutscene has Max using a one-handed firearm
>when the cutscene ends the game defaults to that one-handed weapon EVERY SINGLE TIME
Fuck Max Payne 3.

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>game where you can intentionally wait out the 18 hour ransom timer, but still have to finish the game and hand the badguy the means to win
If you guess the game I'll name my child after you.

First Genichiro fight NG+, that fucking faggot ass ninja

>You can lose the entire battle before you can get a single turn in.

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metal gear solid.

You actually get a higher rank if you do wait it out.

>the FINAL BOSS has tutorials

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>pseudo-cutscene out of nowhere
>enemies can still attack and hurt you
Neir while fighting a mob in the forest, then suddenly "oh look that's something that was in one of those pictures". Now that was an oversight.

>Prince of Persia
>a Persian in Persia

Pic related is shit I hate.
>Boss has very high HP and takes long time to kill
>Does really high damage if it hits
>Has very repetitive and simple pattern
>Fight is just five minutes of dodging predictable pattern and whittling down HP

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>walking with NPC
>run speed is faster than NPC
>walk speed is slower than NPC
>even with analog stick, can't nudge it just enough to match his speed as it switches to a running animation

>dodge/sprint/interact all on the same key
FUCK ME2/3 for doing this.

>boss is super hard
>is on a timer
>you can win if you learn to play
>winning gets you the bad ending

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>crafting system
>wait X hours for it to finish

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Vindictus was such a missed chance man
The combat was fun as fuck but holy shit is Nexon predatory

I hoped sekiro would do that at the start

t. history/gun brainlet

still quite era suitable for mgsv. 4 is just mechanics i guess, although while they lasts wipes are still superior so its not completely inconceivable.

>crash once, immediately in last for the whole race
>go slightly faster than them, eventually overlap them and might as well be playing time attack
Rubber-banding is necessary for racing games except maybe on the highest difficulty setting where any mistake in your curve can cause you to lose. Overtaking is why racing games are fun so you need to keep the competitors close together. It just wouldn't be fun on any middle difficulty.

Maybe have the other cars drive worse if they're beating you, and drive perfect if they're behind you just without any speed buffs. Though that's harder to program and players wouldn't really notice so rubber-banding is the easiest solution.

>Whole campaign save is lost due to Dice being incompetent

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>Weapons and armor can only be crafted by a certain NPC
>Place an order for new gear and they tell you to come back later to collect it
>Go and explore whilst you wait
>Come back to get your new gear
>"Oh sorry I forgot"

particularly infuriating when there are already perfectly cromulent comeback mechanics like slipstreaming

>bosses and the player characters are equals

I like that in Titanfall 2 you can go to some crazy places. Unfortunately you are limited by a "fleed from battle" 7 or 8 second timer but at least it's not a straight up invisible wall. (except for Drydock in multiplayer; the area over the map is blocked by a wall and it's sometimes infuriating when ejecting from a titan and not being able to escape enemies bc of it)

>companions that you can't switch to, can't instruct, and that aren't programmed to play their own strengths

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>Devs try to make it an esport or competitive
>Game allows freedom to choose your faction/morals then makes it painful as fuck to do what they didn't intent.
KOTOR and New Vegas come to mind right off the bat for this one.
>Singleplayer games with some sort of paid currency/microtransations
>Game tries to be political
>Open world title that just copy pastes the already copy pasted Ubisoft open world formula: climb that tower for map unlock, wipe out small bases, rinse, and repeat.
>Game is up its own ass really hard for nostalgia fags.
Fallout 4 Pokemon X&Y both come to mind.
>Lengthy ass death cutscene
>Protagonist that comment every 3rd step about whatever dumbshit is around them.
>Unskippable cutscenes or tutorials in a game that tries to market replayability.
>Games with bullshit difficulty rather than challenging or hard difficulty.
BotW Master mode is a perfect example.
>Achievements like: Your first steps
>Game sequels that ruin the completed story they follow.

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Carlos, you got me again.

>tutorial/help dialogue defaults to "yes" instead of "no"
>mash through the long-winded yapping of the npc since you already know it all and accidentally press on yes when they ask if you want to hear it again
>do it twice in a row

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>Any Pokémon game
>"""open""" world

Pokémon game by Monolith Soft when?

Wow its almost like you didn't play FFXV :)

>Character learns status moves
>They're low accuracy
>There's no way to know which enemy might have what status immunity
>Most bosses are immune to everything anyway
>It's faster and more reliable to clear mobs with standard attacks and damage spells rather than risk gambling with sratuses
Might as well just not teach us any status moves, game.

>While being much easier
understatement of the year.
>sniper interception fire
>last stands
I was honestly a bit sad how much easier it was than 1
character interactions and kai's ass were great though
I dropped it after season 2, and from the few glances I've had of it's update history things have only gone downhill from there.

>forces stealth sections in games where the engine is not suited for it.
I'll see yours and raise:
>stealth game has cutscenes where the character gets detected outside the player's control to force story sequences that shouldn't happen

Attached: but its tactical espionage action not stealth.webm (854x480, 2.79M)

This, I don’t mind in itself. But when it’s not telegraphed at all that it’s fucking infuriating
>uses most of potions/summons/etc before dying
>cutscene starts

>difficulty slider
>it's a damage/health multiplier

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Only game I know that does this is Deus Ex. Can you name another one? I really liked that detail.

>Wow it's almost like you didn't pay for it a second time to unlock the completed game

>play first person game
>character gets "knocked out"
i fucking hate this stupid trope so fucking much

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I've literally never heard of this game until now

>Want to explore
>Game offers two paths
>Choose one
>It's a point of no return

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Fucking for real. Is there any JRPG that doesn't do this? I'd actually like to play a game where status moves feel like they have a real impact and are a big part of the strategy for fights.

IIRC the bullied kid’s dad is a straight up drunk in the Japanese version, while in the English he’s just hard on his luck and lost his job. I think there’s other examples of this in the dialogue between both version.

NuDoom. There were a bunch of cutoff points where you couldn't go back and get the rest of the collectibles. Fuck that.

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>Scripted fight you're supposed to win
>It lets you lose anyway for fun so the NPCs can berate you

Altair and the Prince were not minorities. Do you go to another country and call the natives "foreign people"?