Will it fail?

Will it fail?

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>you can stab people through rice paper doors like in tenchu
Won't fail for me

since this was announced sekiro has already been announced and released and nioh 2 is on the horizon. it has some serious competition to say the least

>Stalker clone

Even fucking DAYS GONE didn't fail, no it won't. I don't think its remotely possible it could unless it launches alongside some other huge open world game

>stalker clone

Normies will buy it and love the shit out of it, specially those who couldn't get into Sekiro. So no.

of course not it's sucker punchs new IP

Sony have invested too much in it to fail

>lazy Batman combat system
It should

>Sony's big first party game

It won't fail but it won't be remarkable.

No. It'll be another Days Gone because releases are now slowing down for the new gen.

>cinematic game with tons of advertising on PS4
it will sell millions
it will be trash, but it will sell millions

As long as there's a retarded audience for these retarded movie games, they won't fail.

Nioh and Sekiro already burned me out on shitty Samurai/Ninja type games so it probably won't get my sale, even though I haven't looked into what the game is like yet.


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Nah it will be great as fuck.
About time we got a proper samurai/ninja game

First of all, it is a sucker punch game and they make no bad games. They can make bland games (Second Son) but not bad games.
Second: the game looks like a cross between Assassins Creed and Infamous. Two games that pretty much follow gaming standards and popular mechanics that the mainstream, casual market enjoys.
Even if the game is shallow and cliche, the masses will love it cause it is exactly like what they are used to play and are familiar with.

Why did they get a weeb to do that?

SONY GAME BAD, Plague Tale good

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Is this more retarded monsters in ancient Japan shit? I just want a more historic (no Giant Enemi Krebs) game, be it Samurai or Ninja I don't care just fuck off with the Onimusha demon shit.

Hell no. Days Gone didn't fail and that was way less interesting of a premise, no hype, and wasn't made by an established developer like Sucker Punch. That's the power of Sony's brand

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>Ghost Of Fukushima
Some shit about nuclear anomalies and shit, it's gonna blunder pretty fucking hard.


>start game
>quote from some gook about needing to fight unfairly and discard honor should the need arise
>start tutorial and learn basics of kendo, archery, and tea ceremony like any samurai would
>cutscene where character think “this is my life from now on, life is good :)”
>go out on hunting party
>come back to village
>Unbeatable mongol boss fight
>shitty set piece where your character has to crawl, half dead, away from the burning village to recover
>found by ancient ninja sensei
>he teaches you the art of shadows
>skill tree opens in the menu
>now the real game begins
>do guerilla strikes against the mongols
>take back parts of Tsushima, conveniently divided on your map
>eventually get to the big honcho
>he strikes first at your base
>kills your master
>”So...YOU are the Ghost of Tsushima...”
>your character removes his mask because he wants to fight mongol leader as a samurai, not a ninja
>kill him honorably with no underhanded tricks
>credits roll

>sony first party
>fueled with marketing and paid shills from the most popular websites
>fail financially

Wasn't Days Gone a gigantic financial success? Isn't that game the most generic and bland open world zombie game available right now?
No, it won't fail, even if it should

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are you new here OP? The game will release, it will be a solid action adventure game with a 90+ metacritic rating, sell millions and get some GOTYs and Yea Forums will be assblasted.
This happens with every big sony release.

He's apparently one of like four people that still plays that instrument. Still a huge weeb.

That's fucked up. Can't believe sucker punch got away with calling the bad guys "mongoloids"

He is literally a grand master at playing that thing, one of the best in the world apparently.

Where's gravity rush 2?
Funny how the most colorful and fun snoysclusive is never talked about as a snoysclusive

>Will it fail?
No, it'll sell millions
>Will it be good?
Of course it won't.

yeah because no one wants to play it

I want to eat the cute french girl's ass
I don't want to get anywhere near any of those characters ass on the right

No big rooster demons or animu talking cats.
Therefore it will be kino as fuck

all of SP's games are good


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What an uncultured honkie I am

>Second Son

>bamham combat system
it'll probably suck, which is unfortunate because it could have been good


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game like this is always succeeds unless it accidentally Anthem'd itself, which is not gonna happen because sony likes to protect their brands. Still, it's a hell of a lot more interesting than days gone even though the bamham feel turns me the fuck off and coming off sekiro every other combat system feels inferior by comparison

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delete this before nintengaf permabans you.

their worst game and it's still good

sounds about right

>a game so bland and forgetful it pretty much killed the franchise

And this is Second Son, a game released during PS4 early days when it had a few selection of games. Even with lack of options, the game still wasn't interesting enough to pull people into getting it.

That's me sold. I've been itchin for a half decent Samurai game since Way of the Samurai on PS2.

we have no sales figures for infamous series aside from second son reaching 1 million in 9 days, you can't say that

>killed the franchise
there was a DLC released right after and SP got to work on GoT, of course there isn't going to be another infamous yet

It sold over a million copies in the first 9 days of release faggot, even got a standalone expansion. How in the fuck do you consider it a failure?

it'll be a trash bamham game that sells millions

>Samurai game
>Not animu
There any more game like this?

>there was dlc that came right after the main game
>came right after
>right after

Here is your hint, it came right after.
DLC was probably already finished and ready to ship by the time the main game got released.
I doubt Sony would give any budget for Sucker Punch to develop more content after how underwhelming Second Son was.

Sony exclusives dont fail. Even days gone broke some records and nobody even wanted that game

>I doubt Sony would give any budget for Sucker Punch
>ghost of tsushima

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Samefag of what? I don't get it
Is this supposed to be a new meme?

I can tell you aren’t very intelligent.
The game was in fact so successful that Sucker Punch could choose to make a whole new franchise instead of milking Infamous.


Ghost of Tsushima will be for Sucker Punch what Horizon was for Guerilla, it will sell 10 millions and make Sucker Punch into one of Sony's elite studios on par with Naughty Dog and Santa Monica.

Read my post.
I'm talking about Second Son. Sony wouldn't greenlight dlc for Second Son if that meant adding more budget for the game. Second Son dlc only exists because it was produced alongside the game, not after.

And yes, Again, take the hint. Ghost of Tsushima is the new next big title from Sucker Punch. Not Infamous 3, not a sequel. It is a new game from scratch. Clearly sony doesn't have enough confidence regarding Infamous dlc to invest for a new sequel.

horizon zero dawn was trash. I played for 4 hours and deleted it. I hope GoT has some identity of its own as thats the only sony exclusive i care about atm

You can watch review ya know

>GoT has some identity
>giant robots and sci fi cauldrons do not

>Clearly sony doesn't have enough confidence regarding Infamous dlc to invest for a new sequel.
Sucker Punch wants to make a new game you retarded nigger. Sony give their studios a shit ton of freedom to choose whatever the fuck they want to make.

Considering even Days Gone was a success, probably not.

obviously not

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yeah, i'm sure that's the case. The fact that nothing related to Infamous or any hint of a new game since Second Son got released doesn't mean Sony isn't really interested in that franchise anymore even tho they were so into it during the ps3 era with 2 games released and constant marketing related to it even after with shit like being a guest character in Playstation Battle Royale

Absolutely not. Whether it deserves it or not it'll sit in the high 80's on Metacritic and sell millions.

Why the fuck would they hint at a new Infamous game if they are working on this one now?
What kind of shitty logic to you operate on you stupid piece of shit?

wow, rude

>weeb game for the weebstation 4

>tfw weebs are now the minority on snoystation

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This meme won't catch on.

Game was rushed as fuck because Sony wanted another exclusive ASAP after the PS4 launch.
SP had to develop a new engine, work on shitty dev kits with 4 GB of RAM instead of 8 and release the game only a few months after the launch of the console. Still managed to put out a 7.5 game.
Blame Sony for bad management, not SP for making all they could with the ridiculous small time they were given.

There are cool weebs and cringe weebs though.
Cool weebs are the ones who like Japanese history and culture.
Cringe weebs are the ones watching anime and playing Japanese garbage games.


I'm buying it though.

All weebs are faggots.

>Promotional images, not screenshots

this is the most reddit shit I've heard in a while, fuck off

Sekiro no longer counts

anime and japanese games are culture, cope redditor

Cringe weeb detected

This. It's very unlikely that a Sony or Nintendo first party game fails. Hell, even shit like 1,2 Switch, Pokemon Lets Go, Octopath Traveller and Detroit succeeded

go back

>Promotional images, not screenshots
Yeah those pictures aren’t very good, I have a lot of screen shots that show off those god tier games even better.
Sony always wins baby.

anime and games are culture

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Cringe weebs believe this, it’s hilarious
Go have sex

you are trash faggot cock sucker.

It'll only fail if it sucks or if it releases alongside a much more popular or much better game

back to redd*t

>cool weebs
>cringe weebs
Holy shit. fuck off, you dumb homo

It won't fail because Sony's marketing machine is behind it, even though it looks like garbage

It will sell fine and video game journalist will praise it for being accesible unlike Sekiro and Nioh.

Lmao at all those anime watching losers seething at this post

>The Witcher 3: Japan Edition
fuck no it wont fail


Cool weeb reporting in.
I’m looking forward to this game.

What is
>Gravity Rush
>Drawn to Death
>The Order 1886
>Fat Princess Adventure
>The Tomorrow Children ( bet you didn't know this one
Most game sony publishes fail.

>giant robots in a cookie cutter post apocalyptic world with cookie cutter gameplay mechanics with the the least interesting characters and narrative.
i mean it doesnt have to be groundbreaking to be good. nu ac odyssey was pretty fun despite being another open world ac game, but atleast it was fun. HZD was just trash

Did you miss where the post said first party games?

Odyssey is boiling diarrhea you shit gobbling nigger, Horizon is god tier compared to that pile of trash. Kys Ubishill

>odyssey good
opinion invalidated

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Whats the name of that instrument?

Nintendo Bane

odyssey was way better than the fuckin snoozefest that was horizon and i never said odyssey was great. it was decent and no one shills it like snoy cucks who shill HZD like its something impressive. remember when zelda BTFO'd HZD. keep seething though


It's Sucker Punch.
Of course it won't fail.

sekiro already came out this year, people won't buy another samurai game.

>samurai game

>Second Son
>their worst game
But they also made Sly 3

>killed the franchise
Sucker Punch is only one team (no A-team B-team bullshit) and they don't milk their IPs.
They do as much as they want with it and then they move onto something new.

Sly had three successful games. Dropped.
inFAMOUS had three successful games and two standalone PSN spinoffs. Dropped.

Now we have Ghost, and I'm willing to bet with how long they're spending on it and the kind of game it is, they'll only make one and immediately move onto the next new IP.

It won't fail but it will probably be reviewed really well by critics and somewhat poorly by consumers.

honestly though i really don't want to see another infamous after second son.

they've even stated an idea that htey could just go to history and make it ass creed with superpowers, because they established the whole conduit thing pretty well.

>DLC was probably already finished and ready to ship
Well First Light didn't really require a lot of new shit to be made in the first place.
Same world map.
Same characters.
Fetch's powers were already made for Delsin.

Whether they worked on it during Second Son or not, it wouldn't take very long to make.

Sucker Punch isn't a big enough studio to work on multiple projects at once.

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Has a PS4 exclusive failed this gen? Even Knack sold decently.

>be reviewed really well by critics and somewhat poorly by consumers.

Or the exact opposite.

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>Game set in Japan
>made by Westerners
Gonna be shit


I mean, look at Days gone and Jump force. Objectively shitty games but still sold millions because of shilling

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It's a cinematic focused game about a nonwhite population. Literally impossible for it to fail in the eyes of the critics.

Sucker Punch would have been absolutely perfect for an Iron-man game. I hope after GoT Sony makes them work on it.

Why? It might have a chance of being actual good then without wacky kawaii cancer

fuck off

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hate to admit it, but

>me love video games but super heroes baaad!
The ultimate cringy soýboy yikes

typical low IQ superhero nigger

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>an entire genre versus some of the worst trash of a single genre

SJWs don't like Japanese culture though.

A culture of not having any children and being depraved degenerates? I thought they loved that

It's not white so it is sacred.THey will wait a month before the "Ghost of Tsushima is about how Japan needs to accept immigrants and refugees" article.

No. Sonychad exclusives only get bigger.

>No supernatural or fantastical elements, instead having the same realistic approach RDR had to the wild west
It will find its audience. In fact I predict that it will sell way, way better than both Sekiro and Nioh 2 together, and will have far better critic scores.

We just keep winning

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Off topic but I've never seen an image of this girl (as far as I know she's from the idolm@ster franchise) where she doesn't have a smug as fuck face.
Can someone points me towards a doujin where she gets killed to death? Thanks.

>cinematic and 'deep' snoy game
Won't fail, which sucks.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Sony didn't make all their games like that.

And then user saw
And left the thread in shame oof

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Half of those games legit still follow the same formula, just with different screenshots, plus it excluded some. Also concerning that Sony is focusing on more cinematic like games in the future based on recent comments, so have fun with that.

>mfw part of the Sony master race

Man I'm so glad Sony gives me more reasons to be a proud PS4 owner

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I just hope Sucker Punch's storytelling got more impactful, because their plots always fall flat.

Feels good bro.
It does get a bit stale when we always win though, where is the competition?