Just bought Dragons Dogma on Switch. I played it when it first came out but got overwhelmed or confused when I reached that first big city. Any tips for getting started on progressing the game?
Just bought Dragons Dogma on Switch...
It's an action game marred by lite RPG elements.
Wolves hunt in packs.
So is this game just Dark Souls-lite?
Combat's more involved than Dark Souls, and it's a wholly worse experience as a video game. Combat more than makes up for that, though.
>Just bought Dragons Dogma on Switch
It has very little in common with Dark Souls other than being a third person action game with a fantasy setting.
I appreciate the tip but I'm looking for advice on getting the game going structurally rather than details of gameplay
Even in numbers, a weakling is a weakling still.
Sidequests will auto-fail if you progress too far into the main plot. Different sidequests have different points that they will auto-fail at so look up a list of quests to do before you advance the story too much if you care about that, though most of the sidequests are meaningless shit that hardly matter.
Most classes can feel frustrating to play until you get a few discipline ranks in and unlock more than just the starting abilities.
Are you intentionally saying useless shit? Good to know. Any class I should avoid playing?
If you're feeling overwhelmed, why don't you spend some time doing a quest or two to take a break from the story?
Goblins ill like fire.
just make a fucking sequel already
this has more versions than skyrim now
They’re masterworks all, you can’t go wrong.
All the classes are good and fun in their own way. Even mage has some neat stuff going for it though it's really more support oriented so people usually just leave it up to pawns. Classes have different stat gains on level up but the differences are very minor in the end since you gain such a large amount of your stats from gear.
Each class does have different augments though, which can be equipped cross-class once you unlock them, so there is incentive for you to swap classes whenever you get bored and unlock some new shit.
Is there a way to check affinity beyond talking to said character? I swear I can't tell who has high affinity beyond the one I gave my Arisen bond to.
It seems all roads lead to Gran Soren.
yeah just like skyrim is dark souls lite and ultima underworld is dark souls lite
Some classes have hidden modifiers. Strider, for example, has a base faster climb speed, consume less stamina while climbing, and get a damage increase while climbing monsters that makes it easily the best at latching onto big enemies and fucking them up. Generally every class is really good at what their stated role is. Fighters get a lot of mobility backed into their sword skills and can stay in the thick of things really well with their shield, Warriors are great at staggering and knocking shit down and have a ton of health, Sorcerers have long cast-time spells that shit out big damage, etc.
Well done
The easy way to tell is to just talk to them and see if they are blushing or have a big pink aura around them. If you want to ensure a certain NPC is your beloved just remember that 1) you can gift NPCs Liquid Effluvium to make their affinity go down and 2) Your beloved is locked in when you complete the Deny Salvation quest, so just make sure they are the last NPC you talked to with high affinity before doing that quest.
It seems all roads lead to gran soren
>Go back to the encampment in post-game to buy the character-edit feature
>This dude has a new quest for me
>It's a 1v1 duel against him as a final training lesson
>Duel begins
>Instantly kill him with a single touch
I don't think they thought this quest through very well.
10-4 buddy I appreciate the help. At least someone has enough reading comprehension to know I wasn't asking whats effective against goblins or how wolf ecounters work.