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What could possibly be more important?

Only sometimes

Getting a cute gf.

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Delete it.

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>no Ryan Gosling bf

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What about a cute daughter instead?

Y u do this? ;_;

Yeah, some asian women are cute, but will you marry one knowing your kids won't look like you?

It has nothing to do with yellow fever.

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normie privilege, not everyone will get gfs even if they try their best, it solely depends on your quality of genes


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This one is not cute at all.

it's over bros

>Everyone tells me I have a handsome face
>I can't stop eating, so it doesn't matter
I'm mad.

What? She's extremely good looking.
Are you one of those retards who are only into mouthbreathing jawlets like themselves?

Stop eating? Do a prolonged fast and lose the weight, it's not that hard.
I'll never understand addictions

She's fucking hot.

She's really beautiful, but she's trying to look sexy and I prefer when they look cute like here It's just a preference, both look great.

When I'm eating alone I always end up eating too much even if I tell myself it's not a good idea.

So you have no impulse control. Oh well.

What did you mean by "do a prolonged fast" anyway?

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It just seems like you have yellow fever.

>people think that is cute
Weakest of chins confirmed.

I'm ugly so I won't get one. Also Asian-American girls are conditioned to hate anyone who likes anime or anything like that.

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>hit or miss starts playing

was it autism?

that's a lot of wild cheetas

A better version would be choking her out in public each time.

one part of me thinks "its nice they're having fun" and the other part of me thinks they're fucking spergs for doing this shit in public, recording it, and uploading it

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Memes aside, start smoking. If you are willing to put up with this addiction and ready to assume responsibility, you can use it to replace food. You will want to eat less anyway, and whenever you feel like eating just smoke a cigarette.

As a better alternative, whenever you feel like eating just do abs exercises, as many as you can. Not sure if its a good idea but you can eat 10-20 min after the exercises since you will have a diminished appetite. Also try focusing on the food, do not watch/read/play anything and do not fill your plate completely. Try eating in small portions and getting a refill whenever you feel that you want more. It will also help you regulate the amount of food you eat.

>wanting some needy bitch constantly dependent on you
Fuck no. That is how you know whoever made this has never been in a relationship before.

My brother is in a relationship like this right now and I don't see it lasting very long.

she looks like she would hate me

Got a cute sister that behaves like a gf, can I play games now?

I've been telling my parents to stop smoking my entire life, so this isn't exactly a good idea. I thought about doing the same with vaping, but I'm still not sure about that.

Thanks for the advice anyway.

Vaping and smoking are way to different, so I'm not sure it will have the same effect.

Best of luck to you.


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