I did on xbox
um no thanks sweetie
Yes, one of my top favs
Don't buy this game on anything but PC.
No thanks.
I will buy another PS4 game, if it's Mordhau
>playing FPS on console
I bought it but it was used for like 8 bucks. I do love it though
>2 copies sold
what went wrong? EA
>using 4 direction keys instead of a 3 dimensional stick
>$18.49 for a dead game
It isn't dead on PC
>ultimate edition
I like mounting mechs in the first one and I am genuine upset at how they changed it in 2
Ultimately dead
It was a bit OP in 1 I prefer the battery system
I bought it in a sale at 5$, played for a couple of weeks with some friends. We all kind of dropped it. I tried to play in some public matches but it was just chaos and too many pros. The only thing you can play when you're new is frontier. The game is really good, but matches aren't balanced and there aren't enough players in the other types of games. The game is kind of dead.
Why would I waste money on a dead multiplayer shooter? To play the mediocre two hour campaign?