Fuck Capcom's wannabe MMO bullshit

Hey guys, want some of those cool Kulve Taroth weapons? wanna farm a giant Jagras for decos? wanna take part in lots of other fun quests you've heard about before getting the game?


We're gonna make tons of quests time-gated and rotational, to try and pretend like we're an MMO or service game and use their same cheap, abusive tactics to try to force you to stay engaged by abusing the human fear of missing out.

Oh, and we'll also punish people who didn't have the game or couldn;t play in the window the events were released.

And just to really rub it in, let's make the gear you get from some of these rotational events(Kulve) the absolute top tier in several weapon classes, as well as one of the best armor sets in the game. That way you get to be punished by seeing all this cool shit, all while being literally unable to obtain it no matter what you do.


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Ahaha get dunked on. Exclusivity is good. It marks the haves apart from the have nots.

You can mod event gear in on PC, just have to stick to offline mode.

You're literally autistic user.

Who gives a shit if you miss out on some content, is your life really so void of meaning that you genuinely give a fuck about that sort of shit?

If you enjoy the game, play the game, if not don't.

It's really quite simple.

Also, have sex, your priorities are fucked and you're obsessing over pointless shit.

i'm buying it tomorrow, what should i expect?

>being irritated that content in a game you enjoy is gated off from you for no real reason makes you autistic

The only sex you have is when you bend over for Capcom's dick.

>is your life really so void of meaning that you genuinely give a fuck about that sort of shit?

Did I say it ruined my life or that I had a break down over it? I said I find it annoying. bothersome. unpleasant.

You're trying so hard to turn this into autistic screeching you're making yourself sound like an idiot.

The thing is it's not an mmo so you shouldn't care about top tier weapons. There's no DPS races or anything in particular that requires you to have to best weapons. You can do fine with AT jho, nerg, lunastra weapons and gear. Decos you can still farm on investigations

just mod it in, or are you a dirty console peasant?

Wait I just bought the game, am I missing out on events and content?

yea, but it's MONSTER HUNTER

Chasing gear is literally one of the core components of the game. it's the core of all thatr grinding the series is known for. You do it for the gear.

So having literally unobtainable gear in a MH game is fucking annoying.

>So having literally unobtainable gear in a MH game is fucking annoying.

Everything is literally obtainable you hyperbolic zoomer. I'd like to be sympathetic to you but you're making it almost impossible, so put in the effort to grind the events or just off yourself and save the world the trouble of having to care and tend to your fragile ass

Event Quests comes and goes every season (Summer, Winter, etc) but I assume when MHW server is dead one day or you just never online, you wouldn't be able to get them


Ah alright, do I really miss out on some important stuff if I don’t wait for the events to rotate back? What about the Witcher crossover, how does that work?

Kulve, Behemoth and Leshen have no place. Forced co-op monsters are shit.
Behemoth could've been exception since it was FFXIV collab but Kulve and Leshen by design are terrible.

you can solo all of those monsters, none of them are forced

>some important stuff
Only if you're chasing down the best endgame equipment
I'd say the Witcher quest will be added into the next season's rotation but I'm not sure. The 'hard version' still run until May 30th though

not the guy, but you made a thread full of caps

The base quest itself stays, but theres an event quest you will only be able to do when youre deep endgame. So probably next time everything is available, maybe on summer festival

>but Kulve and Leshen by design are terrible.
Sounds like a scrub quote to me
>I have hard time beating this monster therefore it's poorly designed!

So what weapons are kulve’s the best option?

world is trash, bring back REAL mh

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I already have, except AT Kulve and T Behemoth. They are still terrible monsters.

Drachen set and Behemoth are permanenent always avaible
If you miss out on a Kulve weapon cgance are the equivalent Luna or Jho is just as good, and in nany case better than anything Kulve drops
Bet you are the also the kind who follow "epic meta builds" 1:1 without adapting to your playstyle or multiplayer
I agree the Kulve lootbox is cancer no one likes just like the older relic system, but rest is just you bitching

>Exclusivity is good
what exclusivity?

Kjarr Ice CB is ridiculous and irreplaceable
Dual Blades and SnS are also pretty good

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Depend on the weapon type
For example ftom the Kjarr branket you can just instant sell every Hammer, GS, HH, HBG, all the IGs except paralys, all the LS except Decay
It all depends on how much of a "meta" faggot you want to be but Kjarr Hammers and GSs are legit unquedtionable garbage

This doesn't include Kjarr

Your mama doesn't include kjarr

why are you even bothering with this lmao?
Kulve weapons are going to be obsolete once Iceborne drops

I enjoy the Kulve hunt desu but after a while i just said fuck it and crafted every weapon with possibile use with a mod
Still doing Kulve when mama jagras comes for atleast a couple of days

>spend hours hunting kulve with randoms
>all that frustration and anger i felt will be worth nothing in a few months
feels melancholic man

Just dropping this here.


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And that’s why I plat’d the game and rolled the fuck out. Likely won’t be getting the expansion either. Especially since it comes out in the same month as BL3.

I quit Warframe over similar shit with the night wave fuckery. I like being able to bounce from game to game without devs trying to force me to play by dangling limited time content in front of me.

The only people who defend this are Worldbabs who don't know they're eating a shit sandwich. Event quests used to be permanent, there's no excuse. Anything else is just
>well, at least they're not fucking our ass THAT badly, hehe, it doesn't even matter, git gud you no lifer

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Tri had this system as well 4Ufetus

Yeah and it was the worst part of it, go figure.

Just mod missing stuff in if you are on PC.

where? the event quest compilation on nexus got taken down

>status hunting horn
>sleep at that
Ok as a hunting horn fag I have zero incentive to farm her. Good to know

When you have no content you gotta stoop to timed events to force people to keep playing

You're better off with Vero or Luna