Buy the new Xbox

>Buy the new Xbox
>Play for one hour
>A message pops up telling you that you've played your daily allocated one hour of video games and you have to wait until tomorrow to continue playing


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-26-20-10-27-1.png (720x884, 561K)

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pc doesnt have this issue

archive that link or fuck off with your advertising

PC literally had "you've been playing for X hours, please take a break" notifications WAY before anyone else, zoomer

Why is Microsoft such fucking followers, it's like every time Sony or some other big third party does something stupid, they follow, is this really the life of Seattle Washington, just follow everyone and not come up with their own ideas, what the fuck happened to every industry?

The only game I've played where I got this notification was Warframe.

this basically means

>our new singleplayer games are going to be short and shallow as fuck using the prevention of addiction as an excuse

someone didn't play anno for more that an hour in one sitting

>i can demand government for free gibsmedat and park on handicapped spots
>meanwhile trannies niw have to save money for their surgery since they can't use gender dysphoria to have the government pay for it

finally, gamers rise up

>video game addiction is acknowledged before porn addiction

Nobody on the planet is addicted to the Xbone.

did you know the "take a break" notice only appears for euros

What's the longest period of time you've continuously played a game bros? Mine was 25 hours
it was runescape in 2008

Well that's cool, I played another game that had it and it wasn't Warframe

You know in the future there will be a drug named after Xbone

Which was?

Looking at the xbone's lineup i'd certainly say MS is doing their part

"a" game, or a gaming session? My longest session was 60+ hours. But i smoke so i got up every hour or 2 to have a smoke and stretch.

I said it once and I'll say it again, I'm glad Matt Booty took Phil Spencer's job, he's a fucking joke and does nothing.

It's just going to be another parental control. Stop making a big commotion out of literally anything.

Has anyone actually read the game addiction release by the world health organization?

what about c word addiction

gaming session

Netherlands here, can confirm you're full of shit.


Microsoft has already done more than enough in that regard simply by virtue of not making any games

>>Buy the new Xbox
>>Play for one hour
>>A message pops up telling you that you've played your daily allocated one hour of video games and you have to wait until tomorrow to continue playing
Article does not imply any of those things. It basically says: overuse bad, loot-boxes bad, scrutiny and accountability good.

Halo CE lan party, 34 hours in 2002.
Morrowind binge, 31 hours in 2003.
World of Warcraft, 28 hours in 2008.

>I'm 34, work and can't stay up longer than 18 hours before I nod off.
I miss game binges.

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Nintendo's been doing this for years. You get interrupted all the time telling you to take a break in a bunch of their first-party games.

oh sorry i forgot to mention only certain countries in europe get it

Does that mean less games focused on lootboxes,gambling mechanics, RNG and skinner boxes?

That's why Microsoft is calling for other companies to prevent vidya addiction.

They don't announce it to the news just to virtue signal. I'm really starting to not like Phil Spencer.

Microsoft is not "announcing" anything. Go read the article.

based microsoft making such a shit console to prevent addiction.

Okay, thanks for posting this, I was about to say.


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Just read the article, OP is full of shit.

Fuck off i played rimworld for 16 hours last sunday and didn't get this notification

Mooom I possssteeeed eeeeet agaaaainnn

xBooooX haaasss nO GaeeemmMMsss

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If a tranny plays vidya more than two hours is he double mentally ill?

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>Nobody on the planet is addicted to the Xbone.

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They've been working on that for a few years by making games so fucking boring because devs don't want to offend anyone

Attached: FFXI Health Warning.png (641x410, 183K)

When billions are on the line, Risk/Not being a follower = potential losses. I don't like it, but it's a fact. It's why Hollywood sucks. They're not out of ideas; there're millions of writers with unique ones. But the studios are so big now, they're scared to risk untested ideas.

I'm surprised that isn't already on the xbone (last I checked)
all the American channels have shit on the bottom corner asking people if they've heard their hearts beat in the last 2 hours

>fucking ff 11
does Yea Forums have the worst taste of any video game forum? I wouldn't play those games for 5 minutes let alone over an hour

Say "McDonald's" to continue playing.

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Poor gamers. These companies are making games too addictive for people with addictive personalities! Children too, especially children! They need our protection!

Uh huh you fucks. How you cheered for lootboxes. How you applauded government intervention. Now you're a disease and you're about to be cured.

Unh.... where?

When do I get my NEETbux for playing 5 hours of vidya a day?

Only failures play an unhealthy amount of video games past the age of 25, because if you're over 25 and you're not a failure, you just don't have time to play video games enough to be perceived as an addict.

world of warcraft - the biggest game on PC has the warning on the loading screen.

That's not what the article says.

>not smoking while playing

Nintendo is an underrated pioneer in video games and single handedly brought the medium back from the dead but they get no respect from adults.

my sides
was this sony or microsoft?

Ah yes the WHO an organization where something irreversible like chopping your dick off is ok but playing too many games is an illness

How many hours per day or per week do I have to play videogames for them to classify me as a gaming addict?

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I have one very important question. Can I get neetbux for being addicted to video games?

Every fucking time. I haven’t seen this one for a year though. Thanks user.

The original post was about health warnings in PC games, not whether or not those games are good you fucking benighted dipshit.

Don't know why don't you go read the WHO document and then tell us.

How many cigarettes do you need to smoke before being considered an addict? It's when it causes problems in your day to day life and you don't do anything about it.


>buy the new Xbox
>no exclusives
>addiction cured

So it'll be this but
>do 20 pushups to continue

My grandma can do 20 pushups

EarthBound gave you a message to take a break if you played too long at once. Was there a PC game before 1995 that did this?

>spend decades doing everything in their power to make the real world as repulsive and unrewarding as possible
>wtf stop retreating into video games manchild it's hurting the GDP

Suck a fat shit NWO

WoW added rested XP in beta as a way to stop people just playing the game constantly. it was a way to incentive people to stop playing sometimes

Pretty much anything new in gaming, Nintendo introduced it. Motion controls, the d-pad, portable gaming.

I didn't mind it on Earthbound

The game gave you that message any time you saved. Its not like the game stopped to bring a pop-up saying it to the player.

He's not addicted to xbone though, he's addicted to fortnite, he just happens to use an xbone to play it

Playing Stronghold HD... The advisor tells you "youve been playing a long time sire"

No, you would also got a call telling you to take a break when you were away from a save point.

ISP's now market and offer routers/modems that track the kids accesstime and turn of devices after set play time or bedtime and notify parents etc.. Kids in the future have no chance. Complete internet control and lockdown. The consoles also have these features as well (Nintendo). Soon TV's will as well so you cant even use these things unless mommy and daddy say so.

What do you think?

>>A message pops up telling you that you've played your daily allocated one hour of video games and you have to wait until tomorrow to continue playing
Such is life in America.

warframe is dogshit

>They don't announce it to the news just to virtue signal.
yes they do.

how will i be able to keep raiders away from my rust base if i don't spend 22.3 hours a day logged on

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>Find RTC circuitry on mobo
>Solder new remotely programmable RTC onto pins replacing old RTC
>Reset clock back a hour every time you get close to the 'limit'
Not the cleanest way to get around it, and it'd probably require being permanently offline and to turn the system off every ~55min, but it's something.

USA here, seen it plenty.

>games now have daily hour limits
>microtranactions for more hours become real

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In games like this, I thought you supposed to work as a team so that you have enough people logging in at different times to protect you base around the clock.