What are some unintentional funny games? Like games so bad or games that try to take themselves way too seriously but they fall flat cause of stuff like bad animations, bad voice acting or terrible AI?
What are some unintentional funny games...
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Mass Effect: Androgynous
Alpha Protocol. It's so bad it's good.
Xenoblade, I still don't understand if you're supposed to take it seriously or not. I just have a good time with it anyway because it makes me laugh.
DmC Devil May Cry
Heavy Rain
Beyond: Two Souls
Detroit: Become Human
Wolfenstein II
any 3D Sonic game
Valkyria Chronicles
>Any 3D Sonic game
Came here to post this
>games that try to take themselves way too seriously
>bad animations
>bad voice acting
>terrible AI
Deus Ex
Trailer was cool though
Definitely worth my twenty bucks
Hunt Down the Freeman, who can forget:
Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
It's one giant laughfest. Like from the very first second with the cheesy intro video it's hilarious.
Everything made on the source engine has that jank feel.
AI is pretty gud in that game
Ride to hell is really funny but you should probably just look up cutscenes because the gameplay is awful.Shadow the Hedgehog is the perfect edgelord game to laugh at and it plays ok too
>enemy is on the radio
>stand almost directly in front of them
>bonk them on the head with a magazine
>they don't notice you at all
yeah really great
Spark the electric jester 2
the first game was full of self awareness and the plot was just kind of there, but the sequel is edgy garbage
the characters look like shit and the writing is so laughable for the wrong reasons.
timestamps never fucking work on this forsaken site, so skip to 1:30 for a good example
Deus ex has that feel sometimes, especially with the voice acting.
he thought he was getting pranked again and was trying not to fall for it
mgs series in general
there's a ton of tongue in cheek humor as it is but they still manage to be full of hilarious crap.
Rogue Warrior
Kingdom Hearts
Sent ;)
stop shilling your videos faggot
Trails series
Metal Gear Solid
Persona 3
There's definitely a lack of self awareness in that vid but it's not coming from the game.
Styx master of shadows. The guards are probably the funniest part of the game they’re all so badly voice acted. The gameplay isn’t too bad itself but the voice acting overall really makes you stick with it
95% of japanese games
Oblivion. Don't get me wrong, it's my favourite fucking game of all time, but the potato faces, the 6 or so voice actors, the radiant AI it all just adds up to one of the funniest experiences.
Honorable mention for Just Cause 2 because of bad voice acting and pure sandbox freedom of gameplay
>The guards are probably the funniest part of the game they’re all so badly voice acted
I think that honestly might have been the point as an homage to Thief 1 and 2's guards voice acting which were either intentionally bad or just due to limitations of the developers.
>Someone sneaking into your outpost
>You've spotted them; CO requires you to report any disturbances
>Get on the radio
>Intruder throws trash at you
>Yep, better stop what I'm doing so I can react to garbage
You're a trash player for being spotted in the first place.
>Yep, better stop what I'm doing so I can react to garbage
well yeah, it's the intruder, and he's 3 feet away from you? maybe try shooting at him instead of telling command that there might be an intruder around here somewhere
>You're a trash player for being spotted in the first place.
it's impossible to be spotted by the AI in MGSV, is my point
Deadly Premonitions was a gem. Has anyone played the board game yet?
Anything Quantum Dreams
>board game
When did this happen?
Serious Sam 2. The whole game is a wild trip.
Deus Ex, although I'm not sure it's fully unintentional.
reminder that Garet's VA also voiced the drunk guard and Karras
I would play that game if it would let me, I even used two different patches but I can only get so far before it crashes.