What was his tax policy?
What was his tax policy?
WoW is a tax on the stupid.
This. Every moron in pays 15$ a month to slave away at a second job. It's a good racket.
no tax for orcs
non-orc pay taxes, tauren pay double taxes
fpbp, WoW died after TBC
>inb4 a boomer chimes in:
>if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life!
>paying with real money instead of gold while other people pay EXTRA money for the token to 'sell' you
>paying real money when you can pay for your sub with in-game gold now
haven't paid a cent for the game since the token was introduced
I recall one of his Kor'kron walking up in the Goblin-run bank in Org and telling them to hand over some cash for the war effort.
The thing that pisses me off the most about Garrosh is that his arc ruined Sylvanas' downfall.
People complain about Sylvanas getting 'Garrosh'd,' but goddamn it, she's the one who deserved to get garrosh'd first. It was him randomly turning evil and getting made into a loot pinata that was retarded. She had plenty of reasons though.
how much in game gold does one cost, and how long does it take you to farm it?
>tfw i make decent money and can afford spending money on things i like
feelsgood. you only live once, who the fuck cares if it costs 15 a month. i sure as hell don't.
Same here. I'm still cap'd on a few characters following the garrison blunder and managed to stay in the black all through Legion without too much time investment into gold farming.
>second job
It's my only job, fuck.
What did he eat?
right now around 120k gold
I sell heroic raid carries with my guild and make about 60-80k a week from it, this takes maybe 2-3 hours to full clear the two current tier raids.
>wonder this myself
>log in to wow for the first time since cata
lol nope
To be fair 120k isn't too terribly difficult to farm in the game's current economy.
you're a faggot. chew on that
Some more images of him might help to jog my memory.
enjoy your time sink
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
If you have publicly owned slave labour you don't need a tax policy
it's easy to get people to give you stupid amounts of money in this game.
this. I broke 1mil for the first time in Legion due to class halls, having never played the AH game. they were giving so much gold for follower missions it was nuts, and I had a hall for each class at least, because they were so fuckeasy to get up and running.
pop a token when you want to play, and let the account sit idle when you don't.
he'd probably give tax breaks to orcs and no one else, so that demographic would support him initially
then slap a bunch of tariffs on goods from the other factions which orgrimmar imports to support its industry, which would bite the orcs in the ass but only the educated ones would be aware of the situation while the dumber orcs would mindlessly give credit to garrosh for every little victory the horde accomplishes
i dont even play this game
I've seen this before... Lord of the Rings? No, no... Hm...
I want you do to this for me Yea Forums:
Take 15 dollars. 15 dollars you earned through whatever means you normally would. Take that money and throw it in the toilet. Now flush the toilet. Did it come back up? If so CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT!
If it didn't, see pick related
A token on EU realms averages around 181,290 gold.
I make the majority of my gold flipping mats on the AH, and for the last week my earnings per day were:
>Monday: 27,586
>Tuesday: 18,912
>Wednesday: 65,697
>Thursday: 32,284
>Friday: 47,841
>Saturday, 44,033
>Sunday 39,618 (so far)
how much time do you play per day?
somewhere between 8-16hours probably depending on if friends want me for other games
so you're working overtime to pay for your time to play the game you work overtime to pay for
>selling runs when you could just be a domme and find paypiggies in goldshire
actually not a terrible idea but since my server isn't really known for that sort of thing i'd have to go set up on moonguard or something and then end up paying extra gold to move it between servers. All i have to do to make money from sales is show up on saturdays since the GM does most of the organizing and sales barking.
I guess. I enjoy most if the time playing though. The auction house doesn't take up a lot time since most of it is automated through TSM. The prerequisites of gathering data and setting up rules for prediction is the real timesink and feels like actual work at times. Having an advantage in WoW allows me to help our guildies and IRL friends lacking time and they reimburse me by buying stuff on Steam or ordering me pizza and whatnot. Since I'm on neetbucks I'm not allowed to save money on my account so I have my friends buy PC upgrades online for me and then I hand them bulk cash I've withdrawn over the months.