ITT: Yea Forums humor

ITT: Yea Forums humor

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Other urls found in this thread:

your life

Imagine playing Apex Legends in May 2019? It's so fucking dead

Why is that guy fucking a corpse?

I play still because its a well made game, a solid shooter with a focus on gameplay instead of who can meme the hardest.

You killed your own thread.

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whats the blonde hair guy?

Netori (reverse NTR, POV character steals someone's girl) or girl Netorare (girl gets her man stolen by another girl) are such underrated fetishes.

Why do we live in such a cucked world where their opposites are more popular? It's impossible to find stuff like what I mentioned in a sea of regular cuckshit. What's someone like me to do?

every other human on earth who ignores all three

>updates every 2 millenia
>nothing to do but just get that Epic Victory Royal lol!!!!!!!
kys, fortnite is unironically better

Have sex

>Making me feel bad for Fortnite

I would let Fortnite-chan join in

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Wait so your argument is that there's nothing to do but play and enjoy winning the game? That does sound awful.

Franxx is dogshit. They fucked it up so bad

I went back to PUBG and I think it's the best out of the three
Apex was pretty nice though

make 02 Siege and Ichicuck Overwatch

does female ntr have a specific name? this makes me feel bad

Yeah, but Zero Two’s a cutie patooty

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Cuckquean is the term for IRL and it's a patrician fetish.

filthy off-siters
back to instagram or reddit

that I can't disagree with

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I was on board until it was revealed it was a Warhammer prequel. Blatant cashgrab tbqh

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i dont think ive experienced watching something that fell apart so quickly and hard as franxx did in the last few episodes

She is used goods. Literally canonically dozens of men have ridden her.

they spent of alot of money shilling this turd.

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imagine your art getting reposted by a celeb with 108 million followers and they were too braindead and narcissistic to even consider name dropping you

>I play still because its a well made game, a solid shooter with a focus on gameplay instead of who can meme the hardest.

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shouldnt have been drawing flavor of the month shit. at some point all weeb shit looks the same. why credit literal drones.

Yeah, but the mangas drawn by Madman Yabuki.

>r-remember me...

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titanfall 3 died for this .

PUBG almost has a boomer vibe to it at this point

She has an objectively generic design that only weeb incels like.

Yes. Honestly if it weren't a battle royale I'd still play it. I really enjoyed the events where you could respawn. The slower combat at close and mid ranges was really fun, but it was only like 1% of playtime compared with wandering the map looking for scopes.

>boomer vibe
pubg was only a few months behind fortnite

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>slower combat
>wandering the map looking for scopes
I don't think we're talking about the same game...

Name 1(one) videogame time flop

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well i am depressed, ill give him that.

>there's nothing to do
zoomers everyone. back in my day we used to play games for fun, not to grind battle pass levels and shit

it makes me feel horny*


Fornite is the new WoW. Only a new genre of games will kill it, unless it kills itself of course.

In 15-20 year we will have "Fornite Classic" and the current zoomers will be here spamming "Greasy grove... home...."

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nice digits.

>Yea Forums humor
>posts a pic of 2 games no one on Yea Forums fucks with

Gr8 thread OP! Dead on Arrival!

>Fortnite gives away a free battlepass
>Apex fucking dies
Nuthin' perssonel kid


Fuck off reddit tranny.

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Pro Tip: Don't make friends with gays, else they'll turn you gay too.

Explain pls

Fortnite periodically cycles through new and old game modes for vaiety's sake, adds vehicles, items with new mechanics and such. Unlockable FREE skins are just icing on top

Apex did fuck all.

maybe more!

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>Apex did fuck all.

That’s not true, they paid streamers to play the game.

Fun y

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

Epic... simply epic


>you're embarrassing
Classic lack of self-awareness

imagine being so retarded that you actually put something like this on your social media and expect the company you work for to not fire you instantly the next day...
>naughty dog
oh, nevermind

faggotry is normal in Cali from what I read.

>le epic giant robots
have sex

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Damn reverse cucking is so hot.

seething incel manlet volcel cope

I thought her """"inspo"""" was getting fucked by BBC

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Seems pretty manly to me.

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>There's nothing to do but play the game!
Zoomers need to die. All of them.

Is this scene from the anime or what?

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Unironically like a Chinese bootleg game.

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>not fucking both girls
How gay.

>Gay shit

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Isn't the manga trying to salvage it or something?

hey man, at least it isn't tranny shit

My fellow sadbois. I'm also in the artist camp except that I'm terrible and that feeds into my depression

epic gamer moment

Girls getting cucked is hot as fucc.

Why does franxx go to shit?


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Zero two was cute but the real star was Hiro with his rampant monsterfaggotry

>She literally looks like an anime character
Do people actually unironically literally and not figuratively think like this? I can't imagine what must go on in someone's head when they dye their hair or look at anyone else's dyed hair and think "that looks like an anime character", even if the one dying their hair is attractive. People in the "ITT: Real Life Boss Fight" threads look more anime than celebrities that dye their hair.

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It's not nearly that bad anymore. The newer maps are far better than the first two and it's hard not to end up with a scope now. They've also redesigned recticles and scopes so they work much better and shooting is more intuitive.

Well he got me.


you now remember how one anime shat down the entire site once every week

sauce me


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What about where a different girl steals someone's man?

Jojo is still shitting down our necks, user.

el oh el


this happened to me when I was a kid, I didn't know the other boy was that way until it was too late


Well I mean wasn't there originally going to be a gay option with Yosuke but they cut it?

maybe but not even close to the amount of shit franx got every week


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imagine making your art resemble every other piece of art and thinking you deserve recognition

Now that's epic

Only true gamers will understand

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>you will never fuck a girl in a swimsuit

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>that only weeb incels like.
>she is used goods that only incels like
>incels like used goods

right now you are just trying so hard to fit in.
if that's your argument then, only incels won't like her because she is used goods.

god i wish that was me


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Well, I'm horny every now and then.

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god, why is gay shota so hot

He was destroyed!

What does something need to constitute a "unique" design to you then?

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It's hard not to be depressed when Titanfall keeps getting sabotaged by EA. TF3 died for Apex Legends, another dying game.

this is just blue gender for newfags

Gosh this really gets me going. If anyone tried to have sex near me I'd beat them both up!

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unironically funny to be honest

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>the thumbs up girl in the audience



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I can't believe this company started doing masterpieces and is now just making movies and hiring as many homos as they can

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This is cringy af. Theres a reason rage faces are a dead meme.

Having depressive symptoms but too prideful to say I'm depressed gang. Gamers rise up!

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holy fuck i haven't seen this since like 2013

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>horny on main
I'm trying on the animator part

dude got cucked by a lesbian

I hated everyone but hiro and 02
>haha fucking hiro what a loser he can't even ride a mech!
>he's leaving and we'll never see him again? good riddance!
terrible supporting caste

you heard me

you need to leave

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yikes and cringepilled

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The most astroturfed flash in a pan I've ever seen

Just ignore the text and keep self inserting as the cucker and not the cuckee.


Trigger left the story&animation to A-1 pictures after episode 16 where it went to shit.

it really is amazing how it is WALL OF TEXT then "okay loser" then WALL OF TEXT in these comics

I imagine Franxx is for 14-year old anime watchers now what something like Code Geass was for me back then. I should probably never rewatch that shit

This, depression isn't real.


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I don't know what that is

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it's a post-ironic metameme making fun of the whole ragecomic deal, dumbass

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Actual Yea Forums humor coming through

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Respawn just needs to do some good ol' crunch time to get more content in faster.

oh okay

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the girl from 8:04 is mine, get your own

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>being this much of an unironic faggot
neck yourself already kike

there wasn't anyone selling bread according to the story

No u.

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can someone recommend me a good rpg i got the itch but i feel like ive played everything
i like difficulty and large variety of builds

I want to have a TRANSA.

This is wrong.

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What is she playing?

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zoomer humor for the win!!

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so it was kanye who got her into anime, right?

kanye probably has better taste than watching fracks in the fag

What does "horny on main" mean? Does he mean you're horny for the main character you played?
I'm fucking horny 24/7 but the only TF2 character I'm horny for is OliviaMann

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you have to imagine the white guy doing that certain DIO pose,i think it is WRY

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Local MP is dead.

Why do spics love this anime?



His clothing line suggests otherwise

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can retards really not turn off auto-updates?

>using windows

winblows 10 doesn't let you

It's means you post some NSFW shit on your main twitter handle

>gaming on linux

high fashion is not about the look. its about the price.

>depressed artist/animator
Well, I guess he’s right

what did they mean by this

you can pause updates for up to 35 days, and you can also configure it to not install updates while you're using it, but retards don't do either of this and then complain about it anyway

This, my son. Also cuckqueaning is the thinking man's fetish.

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>letting Bill fuck you in the ass daily

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These, but Ichigo was good too. I liked her more than Zero Two.

yeah but is what I do and I've never had to experience an update since I set it to while I'm sleeping

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I will never not be mad.

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Reverse NTR is patrician.

he looks so judgemental squinting his eye like that

>letting trannies fuck you in the ass daily

>no tits
>make no indication of your gender and purposefully look androgynous
>get butthurt when you're misgendered

The only quality memes in this thread.

Ive red it a few times but anyway

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> t. Massively butthurt so y swallowing cuck
Franxx was based. You'Re just asshurt that the ending was basically pure nationalism.

that is some dumb shit
no self respecting human owns a twitter account, or any other social account for that matter

It's Trigger, what did you expect?

"Depression" is a made up meme disease and most importantly gets me no controlled substances.

only true gamers will understand

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Yes, that is the goal in fact. They like feeling victimized and getting to complain so they go out of their way to get into situations where they can do it.

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Franxx sold like crazy, you cuck.

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Hit me up with the sauce boss. I remember the artist had a tumblr way back before order 66 and made a comic about Luke using the Force on Leia 's brohole.

if socialism was a beer
if socialism was a beer
bottom text

Delete this

bioshock 2


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based /fit/ homo making all the skinny incels mad.

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I am none of the things listed and I have 450+ hours on TF2.

she's not a spic, she's Armenian.


So its true what they say. Leftists can't meme at all...

high level gaming fuel

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kayne is the only person alive that understands evangelion

>well made game
v is dead and it’s never coming back

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the whole anime was shit from the start


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>don’t downvote or I’ll rape your principal

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Nah man he is right in that the ending episodes just had it fall apart even if Zero two and Hiros story in it was both sad and beautiful. It collapsed faster and harder than KLK which stretched the flat tire out for more episodes and did not fall as far.
Cuckfags can go hang themselves as well.
>oh no more than two people have feelings for another cuckadoodle doo it is the joos
Every single fucking time.

The plot of starcaft 2 was complete garbage.

battle royale as a genre is flawed.
>20 min of doing literally nothing (literally nothing)
>Dead in 5 seconds
How long could you want to play this tbqh.

I believe you mean haha

It was ok for a while, Kerrigan becoming zergigan again was very shit though. End of HotS and LotV spiraled into bad stuff though.

There is literally nothing wrong with fucking your mom.

You were shit from the start, which must be why you hold such a shit opinion.

I feel like you’d be allowed to kick someone out of a petshop if they said that

It sucked as a whole, mate. From beginning to the end, you autistic fucking numbskull.

Lol liberals cant even be original, stealing from Billy and Mandy

>download h-manga with good art but generic situations
>download the jap version so you cna make up your own story to go along with the pictures

try it, it's like being able to turn anything into any fetish, you just can't do fetishes that rely on specific visuals, but relationship-focused ones can be projected onto a bunch of stuff.


>playing a shooter on console

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Fuck that was some good shit.

Fuck this is some good shit.

Yes it does.

Cum get ya birthdaaa present.

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go to bed Owen it's late

literal normie anime shit, neck yourself

No it didn't. It just told a story you can't handle.
The ending was generic but it was more about a future for everybody. Not a glorious ending for one. Which is what makes you so insanely butthurt. The ending of Franxx is about your average man and woman getting children while it shows the major flaws of same sex relationships or transvestites during the show and completely abandons these ideas in the end.
You just can't handle that because the answer is that you're a massive leftist cuck that can't handle something normal for once. How do I know that you're a massive leftist cuck? Its easy, nobody on this entire earth would give a fuck about "more than two people have feelings for another." It didn't even cross my mind once. The only ones bothered by that are leftist cucks like you.
Also you just started with "muh joos" and "muh /pol/" like every single time every single thread.

>he cant aim with controller

she cute

Nice stuff.

Actually got a laugh out of me

It was all garbage. It was basically all Kerrigan, completely neglecting all the single races.

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I'm too lazy to make this GIF, but imagine the scene in GoT where the Mountain fights Oberyn. Fortnite is the Mountain and Oberyn is Apex.

yaass massa you gunna make me cum

"can" and "should" are 2 very different things

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Not like shitters do the same thing these days but with shitty wojaks and pepes

How do I achieve this level of comfiness, lads?

>culturally inept

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Richter for some reason is portrayed as a 12 year old on Twitter.

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Sleep tight, piggy

would eat.


>if you don't like the ending to DITF you're a leftist cuck
cringe argument

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have sex

will naughty dog be the next big failure?

That piece of shit ruined AEK.

it was more promising at the time of that post

Please tell that that thing is just penne or bucatini.

the fuck is that? Pasta ala undercooked barbarian meat?

i was horrified at first but then realized that macaronis in there

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Basically it's only fun if you're good enough to stomp most people, and if you're good enough to stomp most people you could be playing something actually challenging and having a better time. Battle Royale is just a streamer genre, no idea why anyone else plays it.

>t. hurt cuck
He said himself just now why he hates it. Because faggots couldn't be faggots. >boohoooo think of all the aids they could have spread.

>medium rare chicken
Jesus christ

Attached: 1536596390232.jpg (416x279, 39K)

Brings back memories like busting a thick nut

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>boohoooo think of all the aids they could have spread.
Forgot to press Enter.

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thats raw chicken
americans were a mistake. How do you fucks even eat such bland food.

Would also eat.

i really doubt you watch all 24 episode at 1x speed and not like any of it. Either that or you are some retarded masochist.

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I'm gonna make it my sworn duty to make sure every drawfag on this board draw every video game character wearing this specific shirt.

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>He said himself just now why he hates it
No he didn't? He just hated retards screaming cuck as soon as there were more than one person having feelings for another.
And who in their right mind does not.

I hope as an "artist" it means any king of art, because drawing porn isn't art yet. Fucking plebes taking names they never earned to use.

Fun Fact: The chinese like to seal pigs inside plastic like this while they're still alive.

Be a piggy

Attached: pork.jpg (782x1324, 1.15M)

>no hime cuts/long hair
>no pink hair
>no Eva rip off costumes
It's not that hard, weeb.

Everybody hates cucks so much I can tell you, also nobody gives a fuck about more than one person having feelings for another, literally.
I'm just calling those out that obviously are cucks and deserve it to be called out for gay shit like that.

As long as you enjoy yourself but I think that is a bit excessive.

She was making fun of people who undercook food retards.

>Trigger left the story&animation to A-1 pictures after episode 16 where it went to shit.
They've flat out stated at an anime convention that the story was their idea from start to finish.
You are correct about the animation going to shit because of A-1.

I'm still lost can you post an example?

>also nobody gives a fuck about more than one person having feelings for another, literally
Then why are you foaming at the mouth and screaming cuck at the show? Your troll-fu is weak.

How do you know? Are you her friend?

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This should have been obvious from the premise

Attached: sleep tight.jpg (700x452, 35K)

How am I the one foaming? I'm calling you and that other fag a cuck and I do that with pleasure.

Trigger sure as fuck did not leave the story to A-1, I'd more believe they picked the story up from that point since Trigger always has to have their space fights.

It doesn't matter what you believe

fun fact: that's japanese

Not OP but I saw some user post this image with different text earlier. I’ll check the archives but I reversed this and only found some retard on reddit and two tweets as well as some of those strange pinterest-style sites.

Attached: UMVC3_LOOK_INTO_MY_EYES.webm (608x1080, 2.24M)

Thx fren

Attached: Eddie_gordo_buffing_his_partner._.webm (272x488, 2.84M)

What do you think is more likely? That she's actually eating raw chicken or that she took a picture of some uncooked sliced chicken and used it to take a stab at people who undercook food? You'd think this place would be familiar with "i was only pretending to be retarded" jokes, but I guess a desperate need to feel smarter than a stranger will make you take anything seriously.

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Nishigori stated he only worked on the first half of the script before starting production. He had hoped the script "would evolve naturally" as they worked, which came to bite him in the ass when A1 decided to push the anime a season ahead of time (supposedly to avoid AoT S3). It was all on that stupid hack, he fucked his passion project beyond repair. I hope no one ever gives him any directorial role ever again.

God I miss having sex.

I wanna fuck the robots tho

Shit I found it

wack fight baka

supersuperaldy. Used to be on tumblr before the purge. Not sure if its anywhere anymore.

that's a big line

Not at all true lol they need to get the post-mortem shit out first. Imagine a sealed back with shit pushing out, the smallest bit would cover a giant area.

Based. Was hoping for it was an OVA

Attached: BD.webm (426x240, 2.76M)

>man moaning more than the woman during sex

Don't tell me you are one of those, Yea Forums?

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i dont get it please explain

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get depression, then have sex

thats my fetish actually. Makes me think that pussy is other worldly that hes basically under a mind controk

Attached: smoke.webm (480x480, 543K)

That actually seems pretty cool. Not necessarily appetizing, but that there's a next level to the frozen dinner compartmentalization for maximum food selection is amazing. Kind of kino too.

this one was fucking good


women cant make jokes like that because their brains arent developed enough


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Thanks so much user. Their artstyle changed so much.

What a joke of a sport.

haha yeah i totally have sex

>Implying I had sex

Must be how Game of Thrones fans feel right now

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I felt bad until I realized he was just going to drop his cigarette in there.


>What a joke of a continent.

No. Game of Thrones was bad, really bad, but Franxx was much worse.
t. Being a GOT fag since S2 and watched DitF when it was airing all the way through.

you guys suck penis

>having sex

Attached: 1558138855874.jpg (338x458, 42K)

I wish, it's been years since I had a penis... to suck.

This has to be a false flagger mocking those retards right? Right?

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I don't even grunt when I nut anymore from years of fapping while keeping an ear open in case anyone is walking around the place, now I train my body at the gym so when I never have sex I won't make any noise when doing that either

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Yes I remember you, thank you for making me realize these games are shit

vroom vroom

Fucking faggot.

>"geez, user, you are so quiet in bed"

What the hell do woman want?

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This shit is textbook Poe's Law. I honestly cannot begin to imagine someone making that unironically.

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>What the hell do woman want?
your money and attention

>Not just having a threesome

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>she think people act this way

Chad Thundercock. Everything he does is right. Everything all other men do is wrong.

Did he just finish eating black ice cream?

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You might be smart, but lemme tell ya somethin'
You don't know a thing about Alligator huntin'

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A middle ground? Like always when people are complaining about two extremes?
Why is this a hard concept to you, user?

Why are you yelling? You are not to yell at me.

I like Troll Face more than Pepe or Wojak. This is the kind of horror /pol/ has inflicted upon this website.

is this show literally just about a thot cucking this blue haired girl

Everything you're not giving her
They don't need it, but they want it just because is not what you offer

that black cone is pretty big

How is this a problem? Do people not know yiou can just make it do updates and maintenance whil you sleep?
My computer does it at 4 in morning

Mliko beers are actually quite nice. Not something you'd drink all the time, but the aesthetic is nice and it's a good conversation starter when people think you got a bad pour.

Attached: mliko 2.jpg (580x580, 42K)

That and a fatass getting cucked too. Also aliens show up in the last three episodes for some reason with no build up whatsoever.

It's hard to so, I grew masturbating in silence due to my family. I try to cover it by kissing her neck.

Bad to her, I guess.

Because the middleground always ends up being not middle enough? "A little more to the left- wait, nom to the right."





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>used to be a pyro pubstar
>fond memories of the axtinguisher + airblast
>masturbate at least 3 times minimum each day
>50% of it is probably furry content
why is this the truth?

kys shill

Nice, how well can she pick cotton?

they literally want primal grunting, cave man unga mode



lol trigger have to pull that ending shit everytime to try and do a gurren again but fail everytime.

YOOOOOOO this thread lit af lmaoooo

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>apex has less viewers than pubg

Success is not a place you arrive at, it is a continual process you keep working at.

if sociif soclism ialismwas awas a bebeerer

There is no possible way you can be a grown adult and enjoy franxx.

I didn't know this was an irl bosses therad


>indian men on instagram.webm


I thought it was all right
At least until it was aliens the whole time

I'm a grown man and I enjoyed it.

Grunting and heavy breathing with an occasional gutteral growl if they are into kinky shit.
no that doesnt mean growling like a tiger or dog


Unless they call out your name in which case you do it too.

I ended up blurting out "I love you" when I nutted and she loved it. I miss it.

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Vroom Vroom?

yeah you are a masochist and a liar.

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>guy has no eyes drawn
>gets the most pussy effort free
how do they do it?

I wouldn't know

by being dark and edgy

la creatura...


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>medium rare chicken
>anything rare meat

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that's literally me

there’s nothing close to that these days


It's borderline. Either way, fags, trannies, AND niggers all need to be gassed.

Guy got Yamcha'd

Enjoy your JOOCY /ck/ memes.

Attached: jack.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

>Also cuckqueaning is the thinking man's fetish.

Mi brudda

>This is the kind of horror newfags has inflicted upon this website.
the correct version.



I thought that was 'perfection' but I appreciate your input nonetheless.

I'm none of these, and I've played TF2 for over 2000 hours, suck it fag

God I wish I was that ojisan

>>anything rare meat
Mett is fucking great you dickbag. Not every country has such a shitty meat quality that you can't eat raw pork there.

One side is dry and one is completely raw, how the fuck does one do that.

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I want sex while people sleep right next to me.

Gourmet cooking.

Attached: chickin.webm (1280x720, 1015K)

>>launch apex
>>takes tutorial
>>No games modes to practice
>>Jumps into a game
>>Not having any idea of whats going on
>>Getting insulted for "not moving"

Maybe i am retarded, but i need an explanation of the mechanics of the game before they take with two lvl 20+ to play.

Laughed harder at this than anything in the entire thread

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Why does this matter?

no it dosen't

Why does this make me feel sad?

>they didn't like it when it went off the rails

what is it with you cucks.

Do you mean reaching a middle ground in general, or making sounds during sex?

Cause the boomer aint dead yet

The game is braindead easy to understand though. Like damn man.

Drop in with team, grab weapons/armor/shit, kill others, stay inside circle.

The smaller details are literally pointless to learn early and are like any other game, more time = more experience.

Then how did I turn off automatic updates? It's called putting the software onto a metered connection, you fucking nigger. Windows 10 lets you do this.


No clue. You got issues, user.

Reminds me of how my grandma would make tunafish sandwiches by putting it on the bread right out of the can, and douse it with black pepper. No mayo, salad dressing, or anything. Just black pepper.

Absolutely awful and it made me throw up before school on an otherwise empty stomach, but funny how memories work.

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Looks delicious, post more

Attached: jacky boy.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

It's one of our most primal instincts, but you can always choose to ignore those.
It doesn't matter if you don't want it to matter. But right now it matters because we are talking about it.


What a disappointing thread.
I expected an imagedump of girls being cucked by other girls.


Source me please, saucenao gets me nothing

>No clue. You got issues, user.
Yeah, I suppose...

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Because he is a weak old man struggling to do something as simple as cooking a meal.

What're you crying for. Focus on your good parts and don't be like this pessimistic chucklehead.

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says you and all other 9999999999999999999999+ people on earth. fuck outta here with your normalfag taste

[Nanashinbou] Josou Shite Dearuitara Jinsei ga Kurutta Ohanashi [English] [mysterymeat3] my dudes

>inb4 spoonfeeding
suck my ass

google actually worked for once

I know. I do my best everyday. Some days are just harder than other. Gotta be the be best me I can be

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What a chad. Incels BTFO

>Yea Forums humor
>leddit tier "meme"

Attached: 1402776531435.png (640x650, 851K)

and Yea Forums thinks this isn't a meta meme but a genuine comic. No wonder this board went to shit, Yea Forumsermin can't tell satire from reality.

>gets into AMG
>(I work at KFC)


>those comments
fotmfags are the worst

This is a great thread

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>disgusting old japanese man
every time

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fuck you nigger just play titanfall

w-who is your main?
also will you be my gf?

That's Ja/ck/ for you, baby.

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Ojis need love too. I know if I were an old man I'd appreciate porn that shows me getting ass.

More like president EVIII

Based JA/CK/

>survive nuke blast inside fat gamer neet family's bunker
>pantry is filled to the brim with monster energy and that christmas dinner thing
>live in excellence while the family's remains block the door from the outside
Can you get any more comfier than that

start on page 191.

legitimately wholesome and cute

Attached: file4.gif (500x281, 2.26M)

>when you're so zoomer that you need constantly updates instead of objectively good gameplay to keep an interest in a game

Checked, but never post again

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i dropped this anime halfway so im curious, who does this guy fuck in the end? the dinosaur chick or the other girl?

zoomer frogposting incorrectly, no surprise there.

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>somebody poked my arm so they should be killed
why are women like this?

As I am somebody who likes to cook I was pretty disappointed to see /ck/ is mostly shitposting especially with vegans and fastfood. Was it always like that?

Did somebody say gaming humors?
DJ Frontbutt got you covered. Also he hase a wide sausage peenus.

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4th wheel who is into the cuckqueen

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I fucking hate NTR so bad. I made the awful mistake of reading one by an author who did a really cute /ss/ book I like.I kept waiting for the happy ending but there wasn't one. It just got worse. I was never aroused, just fucking bummed out. I really don't get it.

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>I stole this haircut from Pete Rose.

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Nobody ever played this worthless garbage.

Post more jack

Will "my computer was updating" become the new "dog ate my homework"?

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Dino dahling.

Pure strawberry ends up with Goro

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is the anime lewd like this?

fun fact: that's for chinese restaurants in japan